Whistle Blower Policy

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Blue Dart Express Limited

Whistleblower Policy


1 Purpose of the policy 3

2 Definitions 4

3 Applicability 5

4 Coverage of Policy 5
4.1 Alleged misconduct may include, but is not limited to the
following: 5
4.2 Concerns not covered under this policy: 7

5 Reporting Responsibility 7
5.1 Protection for Whistleblowers 8
5.2 Exceptions to Clause on Whistleblower Protection 8

6 Reporting mechanism 9

7 Responsibilities of the Ethics Committee 11

7.1 Acting on Complaints Received 12

8 Process of Enquiry/ Investigation 12

9 Investigations 13

10 Non-Retaliation 14

11 Document retention 15

12 Notification 15

13 Annual Affirmation 16

14 Modification 16

15 Acknowledgement 16

15A Acknowledgement template 17

1. Purpose of the policy

Blue Dart, as a company is committed to conducting its business with

integrity and in compliance with the laws of the land, established Audit
Principles and the Company‟s Code of Conduct (“Code”).

If Company‟s policies and applicable laws are not recognized and

adhered to promptly, both, the Company and those working for or with
the Company could face investigation from the authorities, resulting
possibly in prosecution proceedings, fines and penalties.

This Whistleblower Policy (the “Policy”) is formulated to provide a

framework to promote responsible and secure whistle blowing within the
organisation. It provides guidance and a procedural framework to
employees, customers, vendors and/or third party intermediaries wishing
to raise a concern about irregularities and/or frauds and any other
wrongful conduct within the Company without fear of reprisal,
discrimination or adverse employment consequences.

This policy is also intended to enable the Company to address such

disclosures or complaints by taking appropriate action, including, but not
limited to disciplinary action that could include terminating the
employment and/or services of those responsible. The Company will not
tolerate any retaliation against any employee, customer, vendor and/or
third party intermediary for reporting in good faith, any enquiry or

The policy neither releases employees, customers, vendors and/or third-

party intermediaries from their duty of confidentiality in the course of
their work, nor is it a route for taking up personal grievances.

2. Definitions

“Protected disclosure” is defined as any communication made in good

faith that discloses or demonstrates evidence of any fraud or unethical
activity within the company.

“Whistleblower” is defined as any Personnel (defined in the following

section) who has an access to data, events or information about an
actual, suspected or anticipated Reportable Matter or Alleged
Misconduct, makes or attempts to make a deliberate, voluntary and
protected disclosure or complaint thereof.

“Reportable matters” or “Alleged Misconduct” means violation of

law, breach of Company‟s Code of Conduct, Company Policies and
Guidelines, or act or omission which are illustrated as Alleged misconduct
on previous slides or any actual or suspected fraud, substantial and
specific danger/hazards to public health and safety or abuse of authority,
bribery, environmental issues and any other unethical conduct.

“Audit Committee” means the Audit Committee constituted by the

Board of Directors of the Company in accordance with the Section 177 of
the Companies Act 2013, read with Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.

“Ethics Committee” refers to the body tasked with receiving of

whistleblower complaints, initiating action on such complaints and
recommending appropriate actions, disciplinary or otherwise, based on
outcome of investigations performed. The members of the Ethics
Committee are drawn from senior management of the company.

"Subject" means a person against whom a disclosure of a Reportable

Matter has been made

3. Applicability

The policy will be applicable to all personnel of the Company and its
Subsidiary Company.

Whistleblower includes any employee, director, officer, customer,

contractor, vendor and/or third party intermediary such as agents and
consultants whether appointed on permanent, temporary, full time, part
- time, contractual, probation or on retainer basis and engaged to
conduct business on behalf of the Company and its Subsidiary Company.

This Policy is an extension of the Blue Dart Code of Conduct. The Whistle
Blower‟s role is that of an impartial reporting party with the reliable
information. Whistle Blowers are neither required nor expected to act
and should desist from acting as investigators or finders of facts and
they would not determine the appropriate corrective or remedial action
which may be warranted in a given case.

4. Coverage of Policy
Potential whistleblower can complain about the following issues under
this policy. The list of issues classified under “Alleged Misconduct” is
indicative and is not all inclusive.

4.1 Alleged misconduct may include, but is not limited to the


 Forgery, falsification or alteration of documents.

 Unauthorized alteration or manipulation of computer files /data.

 Fraudulent reporting, willful material misrepresentation.

 Pursuit of benefit or advantage in violation of the Company„s


 Misappropriation/misuse of Company's resources viz; funds,

supplies, vehicles or other assets.

 Authorizing/receiving compensation for goods not received/ services

not performed.

 Authorizing or receiving compensation for hours not worked.

 Improper use of authority.

 Unauthorized Release of Proprietary Information.

 Financial irregularities, including fraud, or suspected fraud.

 Breach of contract.

 Theft of Cash.

 Theft of Goods/Services.

 Unauthorized Discounts.

 Solicitation of, or accepting, Kickbacks, bribes, expensive gifts,

directly or indirectly from business connections including
vendors/Suppliers and Contractors. For this purpose, gifts /
complimentaries etc, which are customarily made but not with an
intention to influence decision making not exceeding Rs 8,000/-
(equivalent to € 100 as per Parent Group‟s norms) on any one
festive occasion per annum shall not be construed as a violation of
this condition.

 Falsification, Destruction of Company Records.

 Fraudulent Insurance Claims.

 Breach of employee‟s Code of Conduct or Rules.

 Deliberate violation of law/regulation.

 Any other unethical, biased, favoured, imprudent action.

4.2 Concerns not covered under this policy:

 Personal grievance.

 Dissatisfaction with appraisals and rewards.

 Complaints relating to service conditions.

 Sexual harassment (for which separate policy is in place).

 Suggestions for improving operational efficiencies.

 Financial decisions by the Company.

5. Reporting Responsibility

Our personnel or partners are often the first to witness or discover

instances of impropriety and facts related to any wrongdoing. All
personnel have an obligation to report any alleged misconduct that is
covered under this policy without fear of reprisal, discrimination or
adverse employment.

This policy intends to encourage and enable personnel to raise serious

concerns of „Reportable Matters‟ within the Company. It is a prerogative
and discretion of the Company to take appropriate action based on
Company„s investigation and facts reported.

This Policy is not, however, intended to question financial or business

decisions taken by the Company which are not „Reportable Matters‟ nor
should it be used as a means to reconsider any matter which has already
been addressed pursuant to disciplinary or other internal procedures of
the Company, unless new or additional facts are discovered related to
the matter. Further, this Policy is not intended to cover career-related or
other personal grievances.

5.1 Protection for Whistleblowers

The Company is committed to protecting the whistleblower from any

form of retaliation, or adverse action due to any disclosure by them.
Among the steps taken to provide the whistleblower protection is to
enable potential complainants to report anonymously.

 Potential complainants are cautioned that their identity may get

identified during the course of the investigation. In this case, the
company will make all attempts to keep the identity of the
complainant confidential.

 The identity of the complainant may be disclosed if required by

law, or in criminal or legal proceedings resulting from the
complaint made by the whistleblower.

5.2 Exceptions to Whistleblower Protection

While the company is committed to protecting legitimate whistleblowers,

under certain circumstances such providing protection may be waived or,

disregarded or may not be in the company‟s control.

 Whistleblowers are cautioned that their role is limited to reporting

the issue and that they should not attempt to independently

investigate any alleged misconduct on their own, or interfere with

an investigation. The company would not be responsible for any

adversity faced by the complainant as a result of such unilateral


 If a whistleblower is the subject of a complaint made prior to the

protected disclosure made by him/ her or is the subject of an

unrelated complaint, the company may waive the protection

provided to the whistleblower under this policy.

 While this Policy is intended to protect genuine Whistleblowers

from any unfair treatment as a result of their disclosure, misuse of

this protection by making frivolous and bogus complaints with mala

fide intentions is strictly prohibited. Any Personnel who makes

complaints with mala fide intentions, which are subsequently found

to be false, will be subject to strict disciplinary action.

6. Reporting mechanism

Personnel may raise Reportable Matters within 60 days after becoming

aware of the same. All suspected violations and Reportable Matters must
be reported to the Ethics Committee via the Blue Dart Ethics Hotline.
The hotline is operated via a third party and all reports would be shared
with all members of the Ethics Committee within two business days of a
complaint being made. The contact details for Blue Dart Ethics Hotline
are as follows:

S. Reporting
Contact Information Availability
No. Channel
7 AM to 11
Phone (Toll
1 1800 200 1072 PM on
24 hours a
2 Email [email protected]
Dial Toll Free number - 1800
24 hours a
3 Fax 200 1072 and select option 2 on
PO Box No. 71, DLF Phase 1,
24 hours a
4 Post Qutub Enclave, Gurgaon –
24 hours a
5 Web www.in.kpmg.com/ethicshelpline

Personnel are encouraged to provide as much information as possible to
enable the Ethics Committee to evaluate the merits of the complaint and
initiate appropriate investigation/ action on the complaint. While
personnel are permitted to make anonymous complaints, it is
recommended that they provide their information to the third party
providing whistleblower channels. The third party will not share
complainants‟ details with the company, should the complainants choose
to remain anonymous.

The company will make no attempts to discover the identity of the

complainants and will communicate with the complainants through the
third party. This would permit the company to seek any additional
information that may be required to effectively investigate an issue.

The complaint or disclosure must include the following;

 Name of the employee, and/or outside party or parties involved

 Details of Function/Department/Region /Division of the Company

where it has happened

 Brief summary of facts including where and when it occurred?

 Type of misconduct (What happened?)

 Submit proof if available or to identify where proof /evidence can

be found, if possible

In the absence of adequate information, the company may not proceed

with investigating the disclosure further.

In exceptional circumstances, complainants can directly contact the

Chairman of the Audit Committee via email. It is necessary for the
complainant to disclose their identity to the Chairman of the Audit
Committee in addition to providing the required information as stated
above. The Chairman of the Audit Committee will be responsible for
maintaining the anonymity of the complainant.

The Chairman of the Audit Committee can engage the Ethics Committee
or other senior personnel of the company to investigate the complaint.

7. Responsibilities of the Ethics Committee

 The company has constituted an Ethics Committee, comprising of

senior personnel from Internal Audit, Legal & Compliance and

Human Resources.

 The Ethics Committee would be responsible to act on the incident

reports received from the Ethics Helpline in an unbiased manner.

 The Ethics Committee shall take necessary actions to maintain

confidentiality within the organization on issues reported.

 The Ethics Committee will identify the team for conducting the

investigation, including seeking assistance from external

specialists, where needed.

 The Ethics Committee would be responsible for recommending

disciplinary or corrective action to the relevant board committee

against the subject if investigation validates the allegations raised

by the whistleblower.

 Informing the Chairman of the Audit committee about issues

reported on the Whistleblower line and keeping them informed on

the progress of the investigation.

7.1 Acting on complaints received

The Ethics Committee will discuss every reportable matter received via
the Ethics Hotline within 1 day of receipt of the said complaint. The
Committee will decide on the course of action to be taken for each
complaint; this includes:

 Constituting an investigation team to enquire into the facts

disclosed in the complaint.

 Deciding that the matter reported does not warrant an

investigation and documenting the reasons for the same.

The Committee will also immediately inform the Chairman of the Audit
Committee of complaints of a serious nature, which will be ascertained
based on the nature of issue complained about, the personnel and
amounts involved. The Committee will seek the Chairman of the Audit
Committee‟s guidance on the investigative process to be followed.

8. Process of Enquiry/ Investigation

All matters reported to the Ethics Committee will be assessed for merit.

The Ethics Committee will carry out necessary enquiry/ investigation as

deemed appropriate. Where necessary, support may be taken from an
external specialized agency or other resources as may be necessary to
aid the investigation process.

The decision to conduct an investigation will not be construed as an

accusation and may only be considered as a fact-finding process.

The identity of the Subject will be kept confidential given the legitimate
needs of law and investigation.

 The Ethics Committee may also engage independent Investigators.

The authority and access rights of the Investigators for acting

within the scope and course of the investigation will be determined
by the Audit Committee.

 The Ethics Committee may obtain inputs from other relevant

persons and review evidence wherever necessary. While doing so,
the Audit Committee will ensure that sufficient care and precaution
is taken to avoid any retaliation against the witnesses.

 The Subject is expected to co-operate with the investigation


 The Subject and the Whistle Blower shall neither interfere with the
investigation nor should they influence, coach, threaten or
intimidate witnesses.

 The Subject should ensure that evidence is not withheld, destroyed

or tampered with.

 The investigation process should be completed within 40 days from

the receipt of the Reportable Matter or Alleged Misconduct and an
enquiry report along with the findings should be issued.

 The Subject as well as the Whistle Blower will be informed about

outcome of the investigation.

9. Investigations

All reports/complaints under this Policy will be promptly and

appropriately investigated and all information disclosed during the course
of investigation will have to be kept strictly confidential except as
necessary to conduct the investigation and take any remedial action in
accordance with applicable law. Everyone working for or with the
Company has a duty to co-operate in the investigation of reports on
violations. Failure to co-operate during investigation or deliberately
providing false information during an investigation could be the basis for
disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

If, at the conclusion of the investigation, the Company determines that a
violation has occurred, the Company will take effective remedial action
commensurate with the nature of the offence. This action may include
disciplinary action against the accused party, up to and including
termination. Reasonable and necessary steps will also be taken to
prevent any further violations of the Company‟s Policy. Principles of
natural justice/opportunity of being heard would be provided to the
Accused/Subject and any remedial action would be taken only after due
process of law after fair and independent enquiry proceedings. In some
matters, the Company may be under a legal obligation to refer matters
to the appropriate external regulatory authorities. The decision of the
Company shall be final and binding.

The Ethics Committee would table before the Chairman of the Audit
Committee, the Report on a quarterly basis, stating Disclosures received,
the findings and recommended decision.

10. Non-Retaliation

No Personnel who, in good faith, makes a disclosure or lodges a

complaint in accordance with this Policy shall be made to suffer reprisal,
discrimination or adverse employment consequences.

Accordingly, the Company strictly prohibits discrimination, retaliation or

harassment of any kind against the Whistleblower, who based on his/her
reasonable belief that one or more Reportable Matters has occurred / are
occurring, reports that information. Any Personnel who retaliates against
the Whistleblower who has raised a Reportable Matter in good faith, will
be subject to strict disciplinary action up to and including termination of

If any Personnel who makes a disclosure or complaint in good faith,

believes that he/she is being subjected to discrimination, retaliation or

harassment for having made a report under this Policy, he/she must
immediately report those facts to his/her supervisor, manager or the
Ethics Committee. If, for any reason, he/she does not feel comfortable
discussing the matter with these Officials, he/she should bring the
matter to the attention of the Audit Committee. It is imperative that such
Personnel bring the matter to the Company‟s attention promptly so that
any concerns of reprisal, discrimination or adverse employment
consequences can be investigated and addressed promptly and

11. Document retention

The Company shall maintain documentation of all complaints or reports,

subject to this Policy. The documentation shall inter-alia include; any
written submissions provided by the complainant, any other Company
documents identified in the complaint or by the Company as relevant to
the complaint, a summary of the date and manner in which the
complaint was received by the Company and any response by the
Company to the complainant, etc. Oral discussions will be documented
by the Ethics Committee promptly along with the date and time of the

All documentation shall be retained by the Company as per applicable

law. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent reasonably
practicable depending on the requirements and nature of the
investigation, as indicated above.

12. Notification
Human Resources Department is required to notify and communicate
existence and contents of this policy to the employees of the Company.

The new employees shall be notified about this Policy by the HR

13. Annual Affirmation

The Company shall annually affirm that it has not denied any personnel
access to the Audit Committee and that it has provided protection to the
Whistle Blower from any adverse Personnel action.

Above affirmation shall form part of the Corporate Governance report

attached to the Annual report of the Company.

14. Modification

The Company may modify this Policy unilaterally at any time without
prior notice. Modification may be necessary, among other reasons, to
maintain compliance with the SEBI / Stock Exchange Regulations / Local,
State, and Central regulations and/or to accommodate organizational
changes within the Company.

15. Acknowledgement

Directors and Employees are requested to sign the acknowledgment form

(next slide) and return it to the Company‟s Human Resource
Department. This acknowledgement will be treated as confirmation that
employees have received Whistleblower Policy and are aware of the
Company‟s commitment to a work environment free of retaliation for
reporting violations on any Company Policies or any applicable laws /
Rules and Regulations.

15 A Acknowledgement template

This is to acknowledge that I have been made aware of and consequently

read and familiarized myself with the Company‟s Whistleblower Policy. I
understand that compliance with the applicable laws and the Company‟s
Code of Conduct and audit is important and, the integrity of the financial
information of the Company is paramount. I further understand that the
Company is committed to a work environment free of retaliation for
employees who have raised concerns regarding violations of this Policy,
the Company‟s Code of Conduct and audit or any applicable laws and
that the Company specifically prohibits retaliation whenever an employee
makes a report in good faith regarding any concerns. Accordingly, I
specifically agree that, to the extent that I reasonably suspect there has
been a violation of applicable laws or the Company's Code of Conduct
and audit, or occurrence of any Reportable Matters including any
retaliation related to the reporting of such concerns, I will immediately
report such conduct in accordance with the Company‟s Whistleblower
Policy. I further agree that I will not retaliate against any employee for
reporting a reasonably suspected violation in good faith.

I understand and agree that, to the extent I do not use the procedures
outlined in the Whistleblower Policy, the Company and its officers and
directors shall have the right to presume and rely on the fact that I have
no knowledge or concern of any such information or conduct.

Employee‟s Name and Signature:

Employee‟s Code No:



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