Part 5+6 Economy Vol 4

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The Reading test will assess reading comprehension through different types of questions across multiple passages. It is divided into three parts and will last 75 minutes.

Part 1 will have multiple-choice questions about passages. Part 2 will have sentence completion questions where test takers fill in missing words. Part 3 will have reading comprehension questions about passages.

The entire Reading test will be 75 minutes long. Test takers are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the allotted time.


In the Reading test , you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer. to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A) , (B), (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Two years ago, some of the athletes 104. ------- her vacation, Janet traveled to
------- school to pursue a professional Hong Kong, Taipei, and Shanghai.
career or the Olympics. (A) Behind
(A) leave (B) From
(B) left (C) Between
(C) will leave (D) During
(D) was left
105. Travel expenses should be ------- no later
102. A road collapse has------- traffic delays than 30 calendar days after returning
on the main route between Mildura and from a business trip.
Merbein. (A) submit
(A) caused (B) submits
(B) departed (C) submitted
(C) directed (D) submissions
(D) operated
106. Customers must contact the -------
103. Ms. Kim asks that the marketing team directly for all warranty and repair issues.
e-mail the final draft to ------- before 5 (A) manufacturer
p.m. (B) manufacturing
(A) her (C) manufactures
(B)she (D) manufactured
(C) hers
(D) herself

105. @~C!J
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

107. Before you can enterthe building, you 113. The bids must be reviewed by the
must show ------- your passport and your engineers to make sure all engineering
airline ticket, so have them ready. ------- for the project are met.
(A) both (A) specific
(B) either (B) to specify
(C) as (C) specifically
(D) if (D) specifications

108. Our employee ------- program can boost 114. Library users must remove all -------
employee morale and decrease belongings when they leave the library
employee turnover. for more than a half hour.
(A) motivation (A) unlimited
(B) reality (B) personal
(C) prevention (C) accurate
(D)consequence (D) believable

109. California employers should familiarize 115. The new management recognized the
------- with significant labor and importance of this business decision and
employment laws passed by the ------- reorganized operational
Legislature in 2000. procedures.
(A) they (A) prompt
(B) themselves (B) promptness
(C) theirs (C) promptly
(D) their (D) prompter

110. Companies ------- send out their free 116. Please complete all the questions
samples with discount coupons to contained on the claim form and provide
encourage consumers to buy their a ------- where requested.
products. (A) signature
(A) nearly (B) delivery
(B) often (C) termination
(C) highly (D) completion
(D) ever
117. The ------- has always been on ensuring
111. It is common practice for a firm to seek a a consistently high level of quality and
------- advantage in order to maintain its outstanding service.
position in the marketplace. (A) emphasized
(A) compete · (B) emphatic
(B) competition (C) emphasis
(C) competitive (D) emphasize
(D) competitively
118. ------- presenting a valid parking permit,
112. Since no more information has been employees cannot park their cars on
released, the game will probably not company property.
come out this year ------- even next year. (A) On
(A) whether (B) Among
(B) then (C) Without
(C) through (D) Over
(D) or
108. 1• 1 118.
Actual Test 01 II
119. Visible from ------- in the city, the tower 125. One of the duties of library assistants is
stands in the very center of the Turpis to shelve books returned -------
territory. borrowers or used by readers within the
(A) absolutely library.
(B) around (A) by
(C) entirely (B) about
(D) anywhere (C) at
(D) before
120. At the current speed of production,
Supreme Tech is not able to 126. Bananas imported from the Philippines
manufacture------- products to meet the are dominating supermarket shelves
demands of our purchase orders. ------- due to their attractive appearance.
(A) full (A) reported
(B) quick (B) reportedly
(C) enough (C) reporting
(D) overall (D) reports

121. People in NY are healthier because they 127. Mr. Brown gave a bleak view of the
walk a few blocks every day since the Christmas retail sales picture before
roads are ------- crowded with cars and ------- sales figures a week ago.
taxis. (A) proving
(A) cleanly (B) announcing
(B) finely (C) cooperating
(C) usually (D) designing
(D) exactly
128. Public and private investments are
122. Any questions ------- our products or moving ahead rapidly as the country has
services may be addressed to Ms. shown a great ------- to stability and low
Davis. inflation.
(A) related to (A) assurance
(B) through (B) commitment
(C) up on (C) collaboration
(D) according to (D) assignment

123. At this point, Northeast suggests that we 129. One ------- outcome of the current
-------the start of our road work until gas economic recession is that the growth of
prices settle down. merger activity will slow down.
(A) wait (A) possibly
(B) remain (B) possibility
(C) expire (C) possibilities
(D) delay (D) possible

124. Marc Ecko is rumored to be ------- to 130. Most of the companies surveyed -------
signing a deal with the licensing firm, their growth to marketing and sales
Icon ix. strategies.
(A) closeness (A) attributes
(B) closing (B) attributed
(C) closely (C) attributing
(D) close (D) attribution

l!l . " II
l!l ~

·. "
Econorny RC 1000 _ IV

131. We haven't heard from them yet ------- 137. The design of the proposed project is
we sent an email for a quote of their one of the criteria the committee will
product prices. evaluate ------- determining the recipient : 01
(A) until of the state grant. I
I ____ _
(B) only if (A) in l'

(C) nevertheless (B) and

(D) even though (C) yet
(D) which
132. They can print more quality prints than
most ------- printing stores, not to 138. The company will ------- all its products
mention faster and better. from retailers' shelves because of allergy
(A) other concerns.
(B) added (A) undo
(C) further (B) redeem
(D) extra (C) recall
(D) unveil
133. We are pleased to announce that the
------- anticipated tablet computer 139. By the time Mr. Greenfield returns from
brochure has now been launched on our his business trip, the company's new
website. pol icy -------.
(A) most eager (A) was decided
(B) eagerness (B) will be deciding
(C) eagerly (C) had decided
(D) eager (D) will have been decided

134. Visitors to the central area are invited to 140. There has been so much ------- in the
visit Central Ottage, one of the few demand for high-priced luxury cars that a
historic spots in the ------- modern town few companies are introducing a wide
of Joplin. range of price options.
(A) however (A) invitation
(B) instead (B) irrelevance
(C) separately (C) fluctuation
(D) otherwise (D) repayment

135. Pay Per Click advertising makes -------

easy to track how your advertising and
marketing efforts are going.
(A) they
(B) one
(C) what
(D) it

136. The contributions made by Dr. Victor

Hettigoda to the product development
research were ------- by her boss.
(A) ensured
(B) realized
(C) commended
(D) incorporated
138 1~1
Actual Test 01 II
Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following e-mail.


Any of our designs can be ------- to your specific needs and tastes and will always
141. (A) presented
(B) provided
(C) specialized
(D) customized

incorporate the timeless and skillful design capabilities of our team. Michael Sean offers a
------- of highly customizable options which are unmatched in the furniture industry today.
142. (A) various
(B) variety
(C) varied
(D) vary

Our mission is to provide you with choice: design, size, materials, finish and delivery
method. We can provide such ------- because each piece is individually handcrafted on
143. (A) creativity
(B) productivity
(C) flexibility
(D) punctuality

a made-to-order basis. Once the piece of furniture is approved, it usually takes

approximately three to five weeks to build it.

For information on a custom order or to get a quote with your specifications, please contact
our toll-free number for assistance or sketch your idea on the "Design Request Form"
below and fax it back to us. It's that simple!

141. (!).~
I. .
I!! ·.
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 144-146 refer to the following advertisement.

Free workshop at Monica Arts Center

Have you ever imagined creating art out of old or discarded dishes? Now you can! Artist
Jonas Mings ------- a colorful folk-art methods using broken dishes, cups, and bowls.
144. (A) to teach
(B) teaches
(C) taught
(D) will be taught

During this two:day workshop, you will learn different techniques for turning seemingly
useless household items into beautiful works of art! You will have a chance to create your
own masterpiece! This class is offered quarterly. This quarter, the workshop will take place
at the Monica Arts Center on two ------- Mondays, starting June 6 from 10:30 A.M. to
145. (A) consecutive
(B) collective
(C) repeated
(D) following
12:30 P.M.

For a detailed class syllabus or to sign up for the class, please visit This class is open to adults and children -------, so the
146. (A) along
(B) ahead
(C) alike
(D) around

whole family can participate together.

Hurry up and register now!

Actual Test 01 II
Questions 147-149 refer to the following letter.

Public Meetings on Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations

Dear Colleagues:

The Food and Drug Administration invites you to attend a public meeting concerning
modernization of the agency's current good manufacturing practice(CGMP) regulations for
food meant for human consumption.

In the almost twenty years since the food CGMPs were revised, the food industry has
undergone ------- changes, and the agency believes that it is now time to revisit these
147. (A) considerate
(8) considerable
(C) consideration
(D) considering

regulations to determine whether they are ensuring a safe and ------- food supply. The FDA
148. (A) sanitary
(8) preventive
(C) continuous
(D) prevailing

believes that a good first step is to obtain input from the industry and the general public by
holding a series of public meetings. To this end, the FDA has recently announced three
public meetings in the Federal Register. The meetings ------- at the FDA headquarters from
149. (A) were held
(8) have been held
(C) to hold
(D) will be held
10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 150-152 refer to the following advertisement.

r;- -'."°":--"
Security Inc. is the most trusted name in the sales and service of financial equipment and : 01
automated teller machines. Offering a degree of personal yet professional service that is I
unrivaled in the financial industry today, all employees at Security Inc. are------- to
150. (A) dedicated
(B) used
(C) subject
(D) liable

customer service and your complete satisfaction.

We offer flexibility not found anywhere else in the financial services industry. Security Inc.
can assemble a unique financial equipment package across multiple manufacturers'
product lines or tailor a financial equipment service program to ------- your specific
151. (A) expect
(B) intend
(C) create
(D) meet

business needs.

We offer the widest array of financial equipment products, services and supplies. This
diversity in product and service offerings, combined with our unrivaled knowledge in the
sale and service of automated teller machines, provides a ------- edge and real value for
152. (A) competent
(B) competitive
(C) compatible
(D) commensurate
our customers.

151. ~
. . ...':"~
. :a:
. ..
Actual Test 01 m
In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A), (8), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Note that the hotel's pool and pool deck 104. This apartment complex has an -------
will be closed until ------- on them is exterior design and stylish interior
completed later this month . furnishings.
(A) construction (A) attract
(B) constructed (B) attractive
(C) constructs (C) attracted
(0) constructive (0) attraction

102. Aster Broadcasting Group ------- yesterday 105. The public is invited to ------- the dinner
that it expects the semiconductor market event, with proceeds from ticket sales
to enter full recovery mode next year. benefiting a BMX scholarship fund.
(A) announced (A) perform
(B) have announced (B) admit
(C) announcing (C) attend
(D)announce (0) participate

103. Instructors wishing to place materials on 106. He ------- delivers keynote speeches and
reserve ------- the library should fill out a holds workshops on customer
Reserve Request Form . satisfaction strategy and the building of
(A) at profitable customer relationships.
(B) into (A) regularize
(C) among (B) regularity
(0) after (C) regularities
(0) regularly

105 .
.2.'lJ'O .2.~ Economy 0 HC IOOO>ll
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Economy RC 1000 _ IV

107. Attendees will be required to work------- 113. The company's management has a firm
alone and in groups when performing belief that its strategic direction is sound
study sample analyses. and will continue to exceed shareholder
(A) also
(B) both (A) expect
(C) the same as (B) expected r.;---- ·

(D) not only (C) expectations : 02

(D) expectedly I
[! ___ _
108. Unfortunately, with the rise of the
popularity of soft drinks, tea is not ------- 114. Currently, there is an increasing demand
popular as it used to be. for Internet access ------- the
(A) as telecommunications industry.
(B) of (A) across
(C) either (B) during
(D) like (C) onto
(D) next
109. As demand for ------- wheat-based
products falls, local producers earn less 115. Needs assessment can help you identify
and the total income of the country areas for improvement and ultimately
declines. help you realize your goals more-------.
(A) they (A) efficient
(B) their (B) efficiency
(C) themselves (C) efficiencies
(D) theirs (D) efficiently

110. Ottawa Police Chief Vern White has 116. Favera Pharmaceuticals sales
------- Mr. McDonald for securing $1 representatives must keep careful -------
million for the city's drug treatment of samples distributed and orders taken
initiative. from physicians and clinics.
(A) demonstrated (A) records
(B) entrusted (B) qualifications
(C) agreed (C) guidelines
(D) congratulated (D) behaviors

111. Ms. James stated that ------- must work 117. The application process is highly -------
together to make sure the committee is with only 5% of applicants ultimately
effective. selected for positions.
(A) no one (A) competition
(B) someone (B) competitive
(C) one anther (C) competitors
(D) everyone (D) competitively

112. When you are buying an adjustable bed, 118. The hotel installed a touchscreen
you should consider ------- features such computer to help guests ------- a
as bed height, size, material, and restaurant, get weather updates, or
warranty. obtain other useful information.
(A) occupied (A) assist
(B) accountable (B) remind

(C) qualified (C) locate
(D) specific (D) conduct
110. ~1
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• Actual Test 0 2 m
119. This waste-to-energy power plant is the 124. If the employee or employer terminates
------- of a technologically-advanced the contract of employment ------- giving
process set to achieve outstanding advance notice, they will have to pay the
environmental and economical other party a sum equivalent which
performances. matches the employee's salary.
(A) product (A) without
(B) producer (B) almost
(C) produced (C) usually
(D) producing (D) already

120. Sales of Ferrer Industry's tractors ------- 125. All employees are entitled to have a fair
increase during the autumn harvest and equal opportunity to be considered
season. for ------- to management positions.
(A) openly (A) advancement
(B) rigidly (B) opportunities
(C) approximately (C) transmitting
(D) frequently (D) openings

121. It is advisable to keep your operating 126. Although ------- findings are encouraging,
system and software updated for ------- further research is needed to determine
computer performance and security. the effectiveness of the advertising
(A) optimal campaign.
(B) optimize (A) forward
(C) optimally (B) ahead
(D) optimization (C) initial
(D) limited
122. After attending an ------- on traditional
handicrafts at the Victoria Museum in 127. I've read a couple of different,articles on
London, a young unknown designer Franklin Roosevelt, who was a much
named Laura Ashley was inspired to ------- president than Barack Obama has
make her own quilts. been so far.
(A) exhibition (A) boldness
(B) guide (B) bolder
(C) portrait (C) boldest
(D) creativity (D) boldly

123. Mr. Henny ------- presented the argument 128. The front desk staff requests photo
that the pricing policy of the retailer identification ------- a visitor to the
would be the financial ruin of the Chicago Graphics Offices is not holding
company. a valid pass.
(A) convinces (A) if
(B) convince (B) which
(C) convincingly (C) until
(D) convincing (D) despite

121. (!].-
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123. II
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Economy RC 1000 _ IV

129. The Textcom software from Hahn-Keller 135. Although most of the consumers surveyed
Corporation will ------- users to automate said they understood the importance of
numerous repetitive tasks. the new healthcare reform policy, many
(A) avoid were------- with the details of that policy.
(B) provide (A) profitable
(C) show (B) filled
(D) allow (C) unfamiliar
(D) difficult
130. All employees are asked to turn off the
lights when -------a vacant room to 136. Corsica is an undeniable paradise for
conserve electricity. ------- of sea and water sports, as well as
(A) exit for hiking.
(B) exits (A) enthusiasts
(C) exited (B) enthusiastically
(D) exiting (C) enthusiastic
(D) enthused
131. An ------- of monthly sales figures is
essential to setting future revenue goals. 137. Mr. Powers has asked that the board of
(A) destination directors ------- the issues, strategies and
(B) variety solutions identified in response to the
(C) analysis NHHRC final report.
(D) style (A) considering
(B) considered
132. In this ------- researched study, Good (C) consider
Jobs shows that Thote Ltd. has received (D) are considering
more than $1 billion in economic
138. Additional funds are needed for one
development subsidies from state and
previously approved project -------
local governments across the country.
complete the construction contract.
(A) fortunately
(A) in order to
(B) immediately
(B) in regard to
(C) extensively
(C) in light to
(D) eventually
133. The Charity Classic Committee chose 139. With beautiful and panoramic views, the
------- him for all of the support he has hotel's terrace can accommodate up to
given the Saint Joseph Medical Center 100 people ------- the lounge can only
throughout the years. accommodate up to 70 people.
(A) will honor (A) then
(B) to honor (B) what
(C) would honor (C) just
(D) to be honored (D) whereas

134. ------- 1O years of experience in the field, 140. During a recent test drive around
Carolyn Snyder is an internationally Boston, it became clear there will be a
recognized merger and acquisition strong ------- for the car, which is
consultant. manufactured by Daimler AG, the maker
(A) Ahead of of Mercedes-Tote vehicles.
(B) Until now (A) emission
(C) With (B) market
(D) Past (C) revision
(D) purchase
130. [!J·
·· ;t;i:·":"~.
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Actua l Test 0 2 m
Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following announcement.

Now in its eighth season, the Southern Crescent Chorale has established a -------for
141. (A) destination
(B) reputation
(C) renewal
(D) transfer

excellence and achievement in the south metro Atlanta arts community. An auditioned
community chorus, the Chorale's mission is to enrich communities and provide talented
and deserving singers an opportunity to perform a variety of challenging choral literature
with high performance standards. Chorale members dedicate many hours to making music
and have performed before thousands of people at venues throughout the Atlanta area and

The Chorale is a ------- group that performs a variety of choral literature each season.
142. (A) vulnerable
(B) versatile
(C) susceptible
(D) considerable

Its repertoire includes master works, opera, spirituals, pop, and Broadway tunes. The
Chorale is also ------- to present a concert each season to benefit children's organizations
143. (A) pleasing
(B) pleasure
(C) pleased
(D) please

in our community.

The Chorale enjoyed its first tour abroad in 2007 and received rave reviews from Italian
audiences. Members of the Chorale have also performed in Austria, the Czech Republic,
and Germany.

For more information about the Chorale please visit our website at
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter.

Dear customers,

I am pleased to announce a new service that we hope ------- more convenient banking
144. (A) is facilitated
(B) has facilitated
(C) had facilitated
(D) will facilitate

for our busy customers. You may be wondering whether online banking is secure enough
to be used for transactions on a regular basis. For the most part, online banking is a safe
means to conduct banking -------. However, you should be aware of some common pitfalls
145. (A) advertisements
(B) information
(C) transactions
(D) entertainment

and online banking scams that exist so that you can take the appropriate measures to
safeguard yourself from being defrauded.

Your online banking login and password information should not be shared with anyone.
You should also avoid keeping your password stored in your computer or mobile phones
since these can be accessed by third parties or stolen altogether. If you feel that your
personal information has been-------, most banks now allow you to instantly change you r
146. (A) signified
(B) confidential
(D) compromised
login and password information through the same online banking interface. For maximum
protection against fraud, you should choose a strong alphanumeric password and make it
a habit to change the password at least once every month.

144 .
~ -~

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Actual Test 02 Ill
Questions 147-149 refer to the following e-mail.

From: Mr. Jason Pak

To: Ms. Geena Caren
Subject: Lexington Hotel Reservation
Date: December 17
Dear Ms. Caren,

This morning we received your e-mail with your updated travel plans. Upon receipt of your
message, we ------- the dates of your reservation with us. With regard to your inquiry about
147. (A) followed
(B) modified
(C) advised
(D) brought

ground transportation from Sanford Airport, two options exist. The Lexington Hotel is about
20 miles (about a 30-minute drive) from Sanford Airport. This is a fully staffed station with
an enclosed waiting area. There is a taxi stand at the station. Rent A Car has a rental car
service at this station. You will need to reserve your car in advance for this location. Call
Hitz on arrival and a shuttle will pick you up from the station. -------,you can take a taxi
148. (A) Since then
(B) For example
(C) Alternatively
(D) Accordingly

to the Rent A Car office and get reimbursed up to $22 for the taxi fare.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need to make any further changes to your
reservation. We hope you -------your stay with us, and we thank you for choosing
149. (A) are enjoying
(B) have enjoyed
(C) enjoyed
(D) enjoy
the Lexington Hotel.
Best regards,

Jason Pak
Director of Guest Relations
Lexington Hotel

Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 150-152 refer to the following pamphlet.

Ten minutes south of Joplin lies Nevis Botanical Gardens, a ten-acre park that is open to
the public.

Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday from November to April. Opening hours may -------
150. (A) be varied
(B) be varying
(C) vary
(D) be variety

from May to October, so it is best to give them a call to make sure.

The entrance fee is $8 for adults and $4 for children. The park was founded by Joseph
Murphy, a sculptor ------- who had originally wished to build himself a house and garden ,
151. (A) itself
(B) oneself
(C) yourself
(D) himself

but later resolved to render the park accessible ------- the public, a lucky decision for all
152. (A) for
(B) in
(C) to
(D) by

you nature lovers! Stroll around eight hectares of bamboo, rose and orchid groves, have a
snack or simply chill out in this haven of natural beauty.

150. ~.~

" .
~ .. ·.
Actual Test 0211
In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A) , (B) , (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. ------- personal checks nor credit cards 104. The introduction of debit cards gave
will be accepted as payment for the consumers even more ------- with their
products. money, allowing them to withdraw cash
(A) With from both ATMs and bank tellers.
(B) Both (A) experiments
(C) Either (B) response
(D) Neither (C) collection
(D) flexibility
102. Due to his impressive ------- and
experience, Rajan was offered 105. His goal has always been to provide the
interviews with three of Australia's top best possible service to ------- customers.
food companies. (A) he
(A) qualified (B) his
(B) qualifies (C) him
(C) qualifications (D) himself
(0) qualifying
106. Failure to deliver your merchandise
103. Anyone who wants to ------- in the ------- the estimated delivery date will
meeting is expected to send an e-mail to give customers the right to cancel their
the following address within the next two order without written consent.
weeks. (A) by
(A) participate (B) in
(B) complete (C) at
(C) attend (D) to
(D) release
103 .
.2.'!f>I .Q.~ Economy 0 RC 1000>1
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Economy RC 1000 _ IV

107. The supervisor of the marketing 112. Derek's Sporting Goods now has over
department, Ms. Smith, ------- all the 400 stores ------- located in more than 40
statistics that were needed for the report. states across the country.
(A) to provide (A) convenience
(B) provided (B) convenient
(C) provide (C) conveniently
(D) providing (D) conveniences

108. It appears that Chef Roberts has 113. The Thoth foldable chair requires some
succeeded in ------- a third restaurant ------- but detailed instructions are
which will match the quality of his other provided.
two locations. (A) assembly
(A) opening (B) development
(B) open (C) approval
(C) opens (D) progress
(D) opened
114. A market study by the ARC Advisory
109. ------- cold weather over the past two Group predicts that the geospatial
months has caused gas shortages as industry ------- by 50% over the next five
distribution networks have struggled to years.
meet demand. (A) growing
(A) Readily (B) be grown
(B) Exactly (C) will grow
(C) Unusually (D) has grown
(D) Urgently
115. Mr. Forbes has yet to make his official
110. Purchase order organizer software is a school-sponsored ------- to California,
flexible sales and purchase record though he is planning to make it the first
management utility that keeps track of all week of September.
business-related activities in an ------- (A) visiting
manner. (B) visit
(A) efficiency (C) visitor
(B) efficiently (D) visited
(C) efficiencies
(D) efficient 116. DriveAgain is an organization ------- to
helping people with injuries, disabilities
111. To avoid additional charges and the or driving challenges regain their driving
embarrassment of repacking at the independence.
airport, please make sure you weigh (A) distributed
your luggage ------- leaving home. (B) supportable
(A) before (C) serious
(B) beside (D) dedicated
(C) between
(D) behind 117. The seminar ------- with discussions on
research topics that need to be
addressed further.
(A) concluded
(B) to conclude
(C) concluding
(D) conclusion
· 111
Actual Test 03 m
- - -···· ······· ·········

118. -------the position has been filled, all the 124. There are quite a few great shops which
other applicants will be notified. are all ------- walking distance.
(A) Despite (A) in front of
(B) Once (B) across
(C) Whereas (C) within
(D) While (D) nearby

119. Most importantly, clients of Toka can use 125. Become a member of
this product at the same cost ------- and be entitled to discounts ------- in
traditional environmentally-unfriendly Asia!
materials. (A) alongside
(A) along (B) everywhere
(B) as (C) forward
(C) that (D) together
(D) with
126. Personal information gathered about
120. The district rules assessment team customers ------- in leasing a solar panel
coordinated an ------- evaluation of system is only accessible to appropriate
performance standards and emerging personnel.
technologies. (A) interested
(A) extent (B) interests
(B) extension (C) interesting
(C) extensive (D) interest
(D) extensively
127. The management ------- that revenue
121. The director of the planning department from online games and advertising will
commended Mr. Ken Seo tor how ------- increase in the second quarter compared
he drew up the blueprints tor the newly to the prior quarter.
proposed power plant. (A) waits
(A) hardly (B) reduces
(B) scarcely (C) expects
(C) skillfully (D) prevents
(D) likely
128. Provisions of the new national health
122. We take every appropriate measure to reform law could reduce patient------- on
ensure that your personal information is emergency departments tor non-urgent
kept -------. health problems.
(A) secure (A) reliant
(B) notable (B) relied
(C) imperative (C) relies
(D) confident (D) reliance

123. Sign up to receive our tree newsletter 129. There are ------- only a limited number of
and you will ------- receive update manufacturers able to supply TB
notifications and other news via e-mail. products with sufficient guarantees of
(A) automatically safety and efficacy.
(B) automaticity (A) quickly
(C) automated (B) shortly
(D) automatic (C) currently
(D) equally

119. 128.
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

130. When compared with the traditional 136. Opera's free and ------- web browser
method of cleaning by wet mopping, the allows you to experience the web on
new method was ------- more effective in your own terms.
removal of microbial contamination. (A) frequent
(A) signify (B) estimated
(B) significant (C) innovative
(C) significantly (D) reluctant
(D) significance
137. National fertilizers provided by True
131. The government will ------- new policies Organic Food can be ------- by their
today to obtain information about green labels.
entrepreneurs operating businesses (A) corrected
on line. (B) decided
(A) convince (C) distinguished
(B) achieve (D) proposed
(C) perform
(D) implement 138. Gardens will also be featured as a tour
option------- the conference on Friday.
132. As Rochester's product line continued to (A) although
grow, ------- did the company's space (B) when
needs. (C) during
(A) rather (D) afterward
(B) so
(C) same 139. Before Gallux Corporation was rated as
(D) either one of the best telecommunications
companies in the country, it-------
133. Our fitness staff are ------- of your expanding its operations worldwide.
interest and participation in their (A) had not considered
respective classes. (B) will not consider
(A) fulfilled (C) were not considered
(B) willing (D) does not consider
(C) decisive
(D) appreciative 140. This study follows yet another which
carried out numerous ------- into using a
134. The R&D department has ------- about precleaner to save money on freight
conducting the new research because of costs.
budget cuts within the company. (A) investigations
(A) reservations (B) configurations
(B) specializations (C) substitutions
(C) reductions (D) modifications
(D) indications

135. ------- reserve tickets for this event,

please fill in the form below and your
tickets will be emailed to you.
(A) Furthermore
(B) In order to
(C) As a result of
(D) As to
134. ~·
-,.¥.· ·..
[!);. . ·.
Actual Test 03 II
Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following press release.

This year's Corrales Quilt & Wine Fair is scheduled for the weekend of August 7 and 8 on
the front fields of the Corrales Recreation Center.

In its first two years, the festival was held on Mothers' Day, but organizers decided
attendance would improve if the event were shifted to later in the summer. Attendance is
------- to be around 4,000.
141. (A) projected
(B) projects
(C) projecting
(D) project

Twelve wineries will offer samples and bottle sales from noon to 6 on Saturday and
Sunday, while at least 18 quilters will show their handiwork.
Live music will be provided by Chava and the Society on Saturday from noon to 2, followed
by Kumusha, who will play until 4, and -------the Squash Blossom Boys play until 6 p.m.
142. (A) in fact
(B) nevertheless
(C) whenever
(D) then

Corrales wine expert Jim Hammond will give 30-minute talks on both days starting at 1
p.m., 2:30 and 4. Admission tickets to the event are $15 each for adults; $25 for couples;
and $5 for the youth aged 13-20.
Minors will not be admitted to the event unless accompanied by a parent, an adult, spouse
or legal guardian. Pets are discouraged.

Wine sales will be by the glass, bottle or case. ------- picture identification is required to
143. (A) Validated
(B) Valid
(C) Validate
(D) Validity
purchase any alcoholic beverage.

1. 111
[!] . ·.
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 144-146 refer to the following e-mail.

Mayor Kennedy Johnson invites the public to the Mound Bayou's Mayor Awards Black Tie
Banquet, which will be held at 7 p.m. on Saturday at the Community Facility Building.

This is the second year we've held this banquet. The first one was held in 2003. The public
is invited to attend. Tickets are $15 each. We only have about 30 tickets left. What -------
144. (A) made
(B) has made
(C) makes
(D) is made

this year's banquet so special is this.

As a way to show our appreciation to businesses and those individuals that have helped
advance the city of Mound Bayou, this year we will showcase our city. As Mayor Johnson
put it, we have people coming in from all over the country. We will have investors,
developers and project managers coming in to see what Mound Bayou has to offer. These
individuals are interested in investing------- our city. I've reached out to mayors in local
145. (A) in
(B) on
(C) at
(D) for
communities and other towns -------this is a great opportunity for them, too. These
146. (A) until
(B) when
(C) although
(D) because

investors, developers and other individuals are looking to invest money in communities to
help with the area's growth.

145. El
r .
Actual Test 03 II
[!). ".
Questions 147-149 refer to the following memo.

Construction Alert (8/4/2010)

Please be -------there will be underground utility work which will require single lane traffic
147. (A) advise
(B) advising
(C) advised
(D) advisable

on Whitehead Road. The work is scheduled to occur between normal business hours on
August 5-8 and August 14-15. Single-lane traffic will be controlled via flagmen during work
hours. Two-way traffic will resume during non-business hours.
Please be aware that this work is weather dependent, and is ------- to change as a
148. (A) subjects
(B) subjected
(C) subjection
(D) subject
result of inclement weather conditions. Future construction alerts will ------- you updated
149. (A) find
(B) keep
(C) let
(D) call
with the progress of the work and/or required changes in schedule.

Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 150-152 refer to the following notice.

BPC email access has been restored and should be functioning normally now. However,
as a result of our recovery efforts, many outgoing email messages ------- on Sept. 8.
150. (A) have been deleted
(B) will be deleting
(C) were deleted
(D) to delete

To make sure that your emails reach their intended recipients, I would recommend that you
resend any messages you sent that day from your BPC email account.

Please note that the service disruption to BPC email was the result of a recent phishing
email scheme that many of you received a few days ago, where users were asked for their
BPC email username and password. Please know that BPC Technology Services never
------- your username and password in an email.
151. (A) asks for
(B) calls for
(C) stands for
(D) arranges for

------- you receive any of those types of messages, please disregard and delete them.
152. (A) Following
(B) If
(C) Moreover
(D) Except

Responding to any email with your username and password can compromise your BPC
email account to spammers and can cause systemwide email disruptions like we've
experienced today.

If you have any questions about a particular email you've received please contact the BPC
Helpdesk at 912-583-3119, or [email protected].

151. •
"'..,: ':
03 11
Actual Test

!!ii!.! "
In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A) , (B) , (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. The company is experiencing significant 104. Young travelers below 18 years of age
growth and is looking to add a new need to be accompanied by ------- a
member to ------- staff immediately. parent or a guardian.
(A) they (A) either
(B) them (B) and
(C) their (C) neither
(D) themselves (D) both

102. All of our cleaning professionals have 105. Careful planning and ------- pave the way
undergone extensive ------- and are fully for a successful meeting.
insured. (A) coordination
(A) training (B) coordinated
(B) importance (C) coordinate
(C) titles (D) coordinator
(D) helping
106. QIB will work------- to maintain
103. Every client is personally handled by one sustainable growth and expansion plans.
of our experts, ensuring a unique travel (A) persisted
plan at ------- extra cost. (B) persistent
(A) never (C) persistently
(B) none (D) persistence
(C) not
(D) no

103. (!)~
• . "':" (!)
~ ·:
.. .
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

107. The employee in this position must wear 113. A successful candidate must be -------
steel-toed boots at -------times while at trainable in a fast-paced work
work. environment, with exceptional
(A) each communication and computer skills.
(B) any (A) highly
(C) every (B) early
(D) all (C) after
(D) many
108. Automobile mechanics ------- have not
kept up with these changes have left or 114. The manual ------- covers multiple topics
been forced out of the industry. including safety and loss control, vehicle
(A) themselves policy, and work hours.
(B) who (A) ever
(C) whose (B) anymore
(D) they (C) briefly
(D) extremely
109. Most southbound and eastbound trains
will ------- on an earlier schedule in and 115. It takes one month to fix these minor
around Niagara Falls. problems, so unfortunately there will be
(A) operate a one-month ------- in the transfer of fuel.
(B) meet (A) out
(C) arrange (B) long
(D) produce (C) late
(D) delay
110. Mr. Bolton would like to offer his
employees a new contract as ------- as 116. The lease agreement says the tenant of
he returns from his trip overseas. this unit is required to ------- renter's
(A) close insurance.
(B) next (A) declare
(C) nearly (B) achieve
(D)soon (C) promote
(D) obtain
111. The acquisition was completed for $125
million, which indicates just how ------- 117. Wholesale buyers purchase
the company's value had dropped. merchandise------- from manufacturers
(A) sharper and resell it to retail firms, commercial
(B) sharpness establishments, and other institutions.
(C) sharpest (A) directing
(D) sharply (B) directs
(C) directly
112. This is a more ------- report of budget (D) directed
authority and outlays for preceding,
current, and upcoming fiscal years. 118. The Fresh Twister energy drink is made
(A) retained with fresh lemon juice and red wine and
(B) afforded tends to be a bestseller ------- the ladies.
(C) detailed (A) among
(D) attached (B) plus
(C) throughout
(D) upon

111.1111 117 1 11
l!lrr .
119. Guests will be able to meet Taylor Swift 125. Funded by Hurricane Katrina money, the
as she ------- to perform a free show for research ------- houses one million
her fans in Central Park. dollars worthy of lab equipment.
(A) prepare (A) discussion
(B) prepares (B) facility
(C) prepared (C) agreement
(D) preparing (D) publication

120. The information below is being provided 126. It is ------- to attract attention by pricing
in response to ------- requests for products low enough to capture the
teleconference referrals. interest of customers.
(A) frequent (A) necessary
(B) frequented (B) necessarily
(C) frequenting (C) necessitate
(D) frequently (D) necessities

121. Mr. Kwon attributed his ------- strong 127. Practice proper sanitation by -------
performance to the company's sound removing all infected plants as soon as
risk management and stable possible.
management team. (A) closely
(A) impulsively (B) vaguely
(B) approximately (C) carefully
(C) consistently (D) possibly
(D) readily
128. Your generous ------- to the Global
122. There is a growing ------- of residents Conscience Initiative helps us further our
who oppose construction of a shopping mission to build a peace culture beyond
center on Kingston and Flag avenues. borders.
(A) town (A) donor
(B) anger (B) donates
(C) list (C) donation
(D) rate (D) donated

123. To reach Puritan House, turn right and 129. ------- actively seeking a specific web
walk ------- the building with the white design, it is important that you are crystal
columns. clear on the goal of your website.
(A) during (A) Before
(B) past (B) Yet
(C) over (C) So that
(D) down (D) Just as

124. During his 10 years with the firm, Mr. 130. A high sense of ------- often means
Martin ------- many financial institutions in individuals go well above the normal
Europe and Asia on strategy and standard in various business situations.
mergers, acquisitions and alliances. (A) professionalism
(A) was advised (B) professional
(B) advises (C) profession
(C) advised (D) professionally
(D) has advised

'"· 111 124.

l ~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

131. Each passenger is usually given a 20Kg 136. In a------- interview, The Jamaica
allowance and any baggage exceeding Observer spoke with an anonymous
the designated weight will be charged an manufacturer who was forced to retire.
------- fee. (A) fascinate
(A) interested (B) fascinating
(B) unprepared (C) fascination
(C) exported (D) fascinated
(D) additional
137. The TV company is also preparing to
132. Whether you ------- many discussions or cancel foreign channels -------
are new to leading discussions, we trust advertisers agree to substantial
that this guide will be helpful. discounts.
(A) has been led (A) as if
(B) have been led (B) when
(C) has led (C) unless
(D) have led (D) because

133. We have beautifully furnished 138. Make sure no one ------- you can access
apartments that are fully ------- with the your computer while you are away from
latest appliances, and the electric bill is it!
included in the rent. (A) nevertheless
(A) precise (B) since
(B) equipped (C) regarding
(C) assorted (D) except
(D) estimated
139. The marketers make an ------- of
134. Alternative parking areas will be products that appeal to a wide variety of
provided while the parking lot -------. potential customers.
(A) is repairing (A) array
(B) repairs (B) alleviation
(C) is being repaired (C) origin
(D) has repaired (D) extension

135. In order to meet the needs of our ever- 140. Due to ------- need, applications will be
growing user population, we need a reviewed on a daily basis and
broad diversity of ------- in the creation of candidates may be interviewed and
our products. positions filled before the closing date.
(A) indications (A) irrelevant
(B) perspectives (B) surplus
(C) depths (C) optional
(D) images (D) urgent

132. l!J ~.~

133. II
!!lit.! ·.
Actual Test 04 II
(!],,.., "
Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following information.

Online Privacy Policy

Girls Inc. of Orange County is ------- to protecting your online privacy and providing a sate
141. (A) committing
(B) commitment
(C) commit
(D) committed

online experience tor all of its users. This Privacy Policy applies to information collected
online when visiting our website( and governs online data collection
and usage at the Girls Inc. of Orange County site.

Portions of our site are directed to our adult donors, friends, and supporters, ------- other
142. (A) while
(B) when
(C) during
(D) because

areas include content specifically designed tor parents and girls.

Please review the information below to ------- yourself with our policies on website privacy,
143. (A) familiarize
(B) replace
(C) provide
(D) equip

and contact Girls Inc. of Orange County if you have any questions.

Visitors can visit our site without registering or providing personal information, but we do
collect personal information to make certain features and options available. Please note
that we only collect personal information when it is voluntarily provided.

141 .
.2.'l)>ll -".'<j Economy G) RC 1000>11
;7.~ Cl-::i!t
O ti
EHA; 77LAJ 01
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Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 144-146 refer to the following notice.

How to make a consumer complaint

Know what your rights are!

Before you make a complaint, be ------- of your consumer rights under the law. If you have
144. (A) aware
(B) careful
(C) considerate
(D) confidential

a written contract or description of the goods or services, read what it states. Your complaint
will almost certainly be------- more effective if you are aware of your rights. Remember!
145. (A) much
(B) very
(C) so
(D) such

A repair, a replacement or a refund are all possible options when goods are faulty.

Deal with the issue as soon as possible!

If a product is defective, it is important that you return it as soon as possible after you -------
146. (A) look
(B) deal with
(C) report
(D) notice

the fault. If you keep a faulty item for a long time, you may be considered to have accepted
the item in that state. The situation is similar for services that you are unhappy with. In
some cases, there are time limits for taking certain procedures (for example, if you have a
complaint about a package holiday you need to complain to the tour operator within 28
days of returning from the holiday). Even where there are no time limits set down, it is
easier for you and the organization to deal with recent events.

lM. 111
[!] ' ·.
Actual Test 04 m
Questions 147-149 refer to the following article.

Become a donor!

Our many patrons, donors, sponsors and supporting members allow the Buenaventura Art
Association to fund scholarships for college art students, as well as provide a place for
------- and established artists to exhibit art. Many of our artists volunteer in their
147. (A) emerge
(B) emerged
(C) emerging
(D) emergence

communities, providing your city with the vibrancy, energy and education that makes
Ventura County a great place to live! There are many ways to support the Buenaventu ra
Art Association. Look through our different "Famous Artist Donor Levels" and choose the
one best suited to you.

Donate any amount up to $100 and you will be acknowledged on the BAA website. Your
name will also be listed in our newsletter, Sketches. -------,you will receive a subscription to
148. (A) In addition
(B) For example
(C) In short
(D) By comparison

the newsletter.

Your $100 -------entitles you to receive 10% off all purchases for one year.
149. (A) donation
(B) attendance
(C) condition
(D) enrollment

Remember, your donations are tax deductible.


Acknowledgment on the BAA website
Your name listed in our newsletter
Email subscription to our newsletter
A special gift

149 1• 1
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 150-152 refer to the following article.

SALT LAKE CITY - Deseret Management Corporation (DMC) announced the promotion of
Clark Gilbert to the newly created position of President and Chief Executive Officer of
Deseret News on Thursday. Gilbert will continue as President and CEO of Deseret Digital
Media (DDM), a DMC company. Formed in 2009, DDM -------the website operations of
150. (A) applies
(B) reaches
(C) oversees
(D) supplies,,,, and Deseret News is Utah's oldest continually published daily
newspaper. Editor Joe Cannon and Publisher Jim Wall will continue in their current
positions, reporting to Gilbert.

Mark Willes, President and CEO of DMC, stated, "Clark Gilbert brings a unique
background to his expanded responsibilities. He previously served on the Deseret News
board. He was a consultant for ------- ten years at leading newspaper organizations
151. (A) partly
(B) often
(C) nearly
(D) quite
including The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and Scripps Newspapers. He is-------
152. (A) ideally
(B) conveniently
(C) markedly
(D) normally
suited to help us reinvent the print version of the Deseret News, while at the same time
accelerating the growth of"

"'· 111 Act ual Test 04 II
In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A), (B) , (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet.

101 . Travelers are advised to send ------- 104. Tiffany Rings offers a complimentary
requests for which room they would like ------- service to keep your ring as
at the hotel as soon as possible. beautiful as it was the day you received
(A) themselves it.
(8) they (A) clean
(C) their (8) cleaning
(D) them (C) cleanest
(D) cleaned
102. For further ------- on completing a
project/partner search, visit our 105. Online Ticket Shop gives you the chance
webpage. to buy your tickets at a ------- rate.
(A) information (A) reduction
(8) inform (8) reduces
(C) informational (C) reduce
(D) informed (D) reduced
103. Please complete and return this form 106. Wine sales have increased ------- the
------- the enclosed envelope, along with chain began featuring a specific
any required documentation , by August California Chardonnay last fall.
1. (A) onto
(A) at (8) beside
(8)to (C) along
(C) on (D) since
(D) in

£'lj>i .2.'!j Economy 8 RC IOOO>t

~~t~~ t.Ad J~,,~~1 CU-E- .g.J.tJ~/
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

107. For more information about specific 113. Please fill out the part below so you can
requirements, see the installation guide claim your complimentary one-year -------
that ------- the product. to Maxim.
(A) accompanies (A) subscription
(B) accompaniment (B) duration
(C) accompany (C) partnership
(D) accompanying (D) agreement

108. Timekeepers will soon have their 114. If you participate in online forums or
incentive completion reports ------- attend events-------, you will get to know
employees can check whether they have other members a lot better.
completed their required hours. (A) regularly
(A) whereas (B) regular
(B) so (C) regulars
(C) nor (D) regularity
(D) except
115. Security directors must monitor the
109. What makes Mr. Yansen such an------- performance of security staff, conduct
speaker is that he is smart and self- performance appraisals and make
aware. recommendations for hiring ------- staff.
(A) effectiveness (A) additionally
(B) effected (B) additions
(C) effective (C) additional
(D) effectively (D) addition

110. By the time a machine is successfully 116. If coming from Salt Lake City, take the
reproduced and diffused throughout an Bonneville Speedway (Exit #4), ------- is
industry, it may ------- be outdated. the first exit west of the rest area.
(A) rarely (A) what
(B) already (B) which
(C) never (C) where
(D) less (D) who

111. ------- Friday staff meetings used to begin 117. All students interested in the seminar
at 8:00 a.m., they now begin one hour must sign up no later than July 23 in
later. order to get ------- to attend it.
(A) Instead (A) permissible
(B) However (B) permission
(C) Although (C) permitted
(D) Therefore (D) permissive

112. All you have to do is register and you are 118. Singapore Airlines will ------- an
ready to ------- posting and browsing for advertising campaign this year to
books. promote its new super jet, which will fly
(A) to begin non-stop to Australia as of early 2012.
(B) beginning (A) strike
(C) began (B) pass
(D) begin (C) launch

116. II
[!]" .
Actual Test 05 Ill
119. The price reform bill has been 124. A ------- discount offered by a supplier
proceeding ------- through Congress, may provide an opportunity for a retailer
resulting in a substantial increase in real to increase its profit by selling more units
energy prices. at a lower price.
(A) steadiness (A) temporary
(B) steadiest (B) bargained
(C) steadily (C) factual
(D) steadies (D) prepared

120. Please contact us today so that we may 125. Since distance learners cannot meet
begin ------- candidates to interview for with their supervisors ------- due to
your available positions. logistical problems, so it is necessary for
(A) participating the educational institution to facilitate
(B) selecting two-way communication channels.
(C) performing (A) frequents
(D) occurring (B) frequent
(C) frequently
121. Please submit your report at once ------- (D) frequency
we can go it over by the end of this
week. 126. Employees at L&K are asked to provide
(A) some of timely------- of requirements and other
(B) so that pertinent information to the Director of
(C) such as Human Resources.
(D) so as (A) estimates
(B) deposits
122. ------- your convenience, we have (C) averages
compiled a short list of examples below, (D) finances
all of which are related to the best
employment opportunities available for 127. You will be informed of the results of the
someone with a BA in psychology. investigation ------- ten business days
(A) Of after you contact Husky Card's offices.
(B) For (A) within
(C) By (B) until
(D) About (C) now that
(D) up to
123. Prepare comprehensive, timely and
------- researched responses to 128. AT&T Wireless announced a small but
consultations relating to advisory ------- increase in revenue in the third
services. quarter, largely due to its new wireless
(A) highly models.
(B) wholly (A) significant
(C) thoroughly (B) signify
(D) exactly (C) signifying
(D) significantly

123. ~~ 126. [!]

• • ·~
Im .5'.'l!lil £~ Economy 0 RC 1000>11
7.~ Cl-.i!.L t>tt >-~77LAJ o \ ~
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c AJJ;<I
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[!]~ '.
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

129. ------- diversify its healthcare product 135. The Department of Music features an
line, AmoPacific, Inc. has entered into a annual ------- of musical performances by
partnership with Suunto Pharma guest artists, faculty members and music
Technology. students.
(A) In order to (A) orchestra
(B) As far as (B) theater
(C) Furthermore (C) series
(D) Consequently (D) procession

130. The postmark on the parcel delivered 136. National Enzyme is pleased to announce
from headquarters was not ------- enough that Richard Mihalik will ------- the title of
to tell whether it was posted in the E or Director of Quality Assurance.
EC district. (A) undertake
(A) fastened (B) become
(B) distinct (C) assume
(C) approximate (D) devote
(D) certain
137. The goal of the Employee Assistance
131. Our technology solutions let customers Program is to provide free professional
track shipments more -------, allowing us and confidential counseling services to
to provide better customer service, and employees and ------- of their immediate
process shipments faster. family.
(A) extremely (A) association
(B) originally (B) relationships
(C) efficiently (C) members
(D) officially (D) unity

132. The presentation given by the head of 138. Scientists from York have discovered
judicial affairs was very long but very how to help crops ------- in cold climates.
(A) will flourish
(A) obligated (B) would flourish
(B) informative (C) flourish
(C) advisory (D) flourished
(D) helping
139. A commercial delegation of prospective
133. Powershot lnc.'s new digital camera investors from the U.S. is -------to visit
------- clear images at every time of day India very shortly.
whenever it is used. (A) likeness
(A) creates (B) like
(B) appears (C) likable
(C) interests (D) likely
(D) results
140. Managing project risks and developing
134. After spending his childhood on a farm ------- plans to keep projects on track are
without electricity, he had difficulty------- critical competencies for today's project
to city life. managers.
(A) adjusted (A) suspension
(B) adjust (B) prevalence
(C) adjustment (C) evacuation
(D) adjusting (D) contingency •

• · ~ Actual Test 05 ll!!'J
[!]' ... ...
- - - ··· ······· "" ""

Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Rodriguez,

We are pleased to inform you that your------- for a loan has been approved. This approval
141. (A) invoice
(B) invitation
(C) receipt
(D) application

is subject to the special conditions as set out in this letter being met. Please note that this
letter does not constitute a binding contract to lend. Full terms and conditions are set out in
your Loan Contract, which is------- being processed. Your Loan Contract and all relevant
_142. (A) currently
(B) highly
(C) properly
(D) usually

security and ancillary documentation will be forwarded to you shortly by our solicitor. If you
are refinancing your loan, we request that you advise your existing financial institution of
your intention to discharge your mortgage. This will assist First Mortgages in the -------
143. (A) time
(B) timely
(C) timing
(D) timelier

settlement of your new mortgage.

Respectfully yours,

Harold Bent
Vice President of Loan Operations
NTS Bank

ID .£.~ 7ll £ ~ Economy 9 RC IOOO>ll

A~ C\-.j!l tiH A~7Jl.Aj O l..!::. a 7..Jj;<I
o t:! I 1 I .M L. \!:" 'I t:1
141. 1 11
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 144-146 refer to the following e-mail.

Our January-May 2011 Segment 1 class schedules are NOW AVAILABLE! A limited
Segment 2 class schedule is also now -------.
144. (A) avail
(B) available
(C) availability
(D) avails

NOTE: A few classes listed below do not have class dates yet due to instructor and space
availability issues. Each class will be held during the month time frame that is indicated.
After enrolling in a class, we will send you updates as soon as the information is available.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, our range practice sessions for November and
December for the Kalamazoo area will now ------- at Comstock High School. We are
145. (A) be held
(B) hold
(C) holding
(D) held

sorry for any inconvenience this change may cause.

If a class is full, you may still call our office to be placed------- the wait list. When you call,
146. (A) on
(B) in
(C) by

we will give you all the class details and your chances of being placed on the active class

The EZ Way Building is located at 126 Peekstock St, Kalamazoo, Ml.

Dates and times are TENTATIVE upon final approval from the school.

· 111
[!] . ·.
Actual Test 05 m
--- ...... .. ... .. .. .. .. .

Questions 147-149 refer to the following instructions.

Set up conference calls quickly, simply and at minimum cost with 3+.

In a world where bringing people together for meetings is an essential part of the decision-
making process, conference calls offer a cost-effective------- to meeting with people directly.
147. (A) alternative
(B) alternation
(C) alternating
(D) alternate

When the logistics of getting everyone together in the same place and at the same time
proves expensive, stressful and often impractical, a 3+ conference call can provide a
simple solution.

With a range of services and unrivalled technical expertise, our professional and
experienced staff ------- to ensure that every stage of your conference call runs as
148. (A) aim
(B) fail
(C) allow
(D) persuade

smoothly as possible.

However, many people you want to talk to and wherever they are in the world, 3+ has a
conference call solution to------- your needs.
149. (A) meet
(B) target
(C) fulfill
(D) prepare

With a 3+ Open account - our on-demand reservationless service - you can make
conference calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click on the 3+ Open option below to find
out more.

P: .
[!I ·.
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 150-152 refer to the following announcement.

Fundraising is the act of ------- donations from donors - donations that will help you carry
150. (A) soliciting
(B) providing
(C) managing
(D) occurring

out your organization's projects and programs. At many small non-profit organizations,
------- staff member is somehow involved in the fundraising process.
151. (A) all
(B) most
(C) few
(D) every

Specific staff members and departments devoted to fundraising are referred to as

"development." No matter what official role you have as part of your non-profit job, it is a
good idea to understand how to raise funds for a non-profit organization.

There are three major types of non-profit fundraising: individual donations, foundations and
government grants, and corporate partnerships. Some organizations also have
memberships or other earned income funding that is slightly different. Virtually all types of
non-profit fundraising also involves special events ------- charity auctions, cocktail parties
152. (A) for
(B) such as
(C) with
(D) regarding

and athletic events like 5km or 1Okm races.

Actual Test 05 Im
In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comp rehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A), (B), (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Ms. Miriam is getting ready to go on 104. Mannings Marketing is seeking -------
------- business trip to Japan. with its new customer relations
(A) her promotion initiatives.
(B) hers (A) assist
(C) herself (B) assisted
(0) she (C) assistant
(0) assistance
102. The leadership seminar will ------- ways
to promote active employee participation 105. Beijing's public bike rental program
in company affairs. provides a less ------- alternative to
(A) addressing driving a car.
(B) be addressed (A) assumed
(C) addressed (B) expensive
(0) address (C) more
(D) wide
103. The annual Most Valued Employee
award for this year will be presented 106. Customers often turn to magazine
------- business hours in the main articles or reviews for ------- product test
conference room. results when purchasing an item.
(A) during (A) relying
(B) for (B) relied
(C) while (C) reliable
(0) along (D) reliant

.2.'!J >B £0
~ Economy 8 RC 1000'11
'a~t?r tJH '~"l 7·1 en.~ -2-'.fl~·l
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

107. -------this Friday, a new menu will be 113. It seems like the Starlite Inn will not
introduced at the cafeteria to meet the ------- its full capacity during th is year's
dietary requirements of vegetarian peak season.
students. (A) reach
(A) Having (B) reached
(B) Eating (C) reaching
(C) Starting (D) reaches
(D) Making
114. Preparations are ------- complete for the
108. Drexel's Paints imports most of its upcoming Designers' Annual Luncheon.
watercolor-related products ------- from (A) quickly
England. (B) regularly
(A) directs (C) usually
(B) directed (D) nearly
(C) direction
(D) directly 115. Senior management people from my
company were ------- the 15 guests that
109. ------- explaining how to apply for travel were invited to speak at the 12th
expense reimbursement have been National Leadership Forum.
r;-- ---
uploaded to the company website. (A) selected : 06
(A) Attention (B) for I
I[.! ___ _
(B) Documents (C) among
(C) Position (D)chosen
(D) Repetitions
116. Since the suit Mr. Jennings bought was
110. Ms. Gibson is reviewing a thesis that too tight, he ------- it to the department
deals with the ------- of this year's store.
marketing strategy. (A) refunded
(A) effecting (B) exchanged
(B) effectiveness (C) tailored
(C) most effectively (D) returned
(D) least effectively
117. The sales force has expanded so rapidly
111. Drinks will be served ------- the main this year that it will ------- be split into
lobby after Mr. Shinna's speech. different teams next year.
(A) in (A) inevitable
(B) while (B) inevitability
(C) for (C) inevitably
(D) as (D) inevitable that

112. Don't hesitate to approach Mr. Yennings 118. ------- her superb leadership skills, Ms.
if you would like to ask ------- about the Saines is the strongest candidate for the
upcoming conference. new manager position that opened up in
(A) he marketing.
(B) his (A) Thus
(C) him (B) Because of
(D) himself (C) Despite
(D) Consequently

114. [!].~.
[!] . ·.
fg Actual Test 06 Im
119. After 15 years as a fashion designer, Mr. 125. Final ------- from the marketing director is
Jacobs will quit his job to pursue an needed before we start the new
------- career in public relations. marketing campaign.
(A) excite (A) confirmation
(B) excited (B) commercial
(C) have excited (C) conference
(D) exciting (D) confirmed

120. At the Stars-N-You, you will see unique 126. The CEO of Novis Pharmaceuticals
jewelry that you cannot find -------. announced yesterday that he was
(A) elsewhere honored to be ------- consideration for
(B) whereabouts this year's Entrepreneur of the Year
(C) whose Award.
(D) anywhere (A) before
(B) after
121 . The school must obtain written consent (C) aside
before disclosing a student's ------- (D) under
information to a third party.
(A) personal 127. ------- the workload is very high at the
(B) personalize moment, all the team members are
(C) personality optimistic that they will be able to finish
(D) personally the required work on time.
(A) Even though
122. Nevada Jobfind Inc. is planning to host a (B) According to
career fair for college graduates seeking (C) As if
------- in the healthcare sector. (D) In order for
(A) employ
(B) employment 128. Mr. Forrestor's manager commended
(C) employee him for inputting all the sales data -------
(D) employing into the new expenditure tracking
123. ------- to the year before, Happy Bakings' (A) accurate
sales more than tripled due to its award- (B) accurately
winning brownies. (C) accurateness
(A) Compared (D) accuracy
(B) Matched
(C) Balanced 129. ------- a knee injury, the captain of the
(D) Evaluated national baseball team was named the
MVP for his performance during the
124. The process of applying for a scholarship season's final game.
was ------- complicated that it led many (A) Even
students to complain to the school board. (B) Although
(A) very (C) Except
(B) well (D) Despite
(C) so
(D) too

122 . •
Im ·..
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

130. Ms. Ganga submitted a ------- for Mr. 136. This manual contains ------- instructions
Aaron to receive a bonus in recognition and notes on the operation and use of
of his strong sales performance this year. the newly purchased vending machine.
(A) participation (A) treated
(B) development (B) prompt
(C) recommendation (C) spacious
(D) inspection (D) detailed

131. After------- performance reviews of all 137. Our new manager, Jennifer Sasha, has
the interns, the HR director will make a a particularly ------- work style and brings
final decision about who will be offered a vibrant and exciting new perspective to
the full-time position. our workplace.
(A) receive (A) distinctive
(B) received (B) distinctively
(C) has received (C) distinctiveness
(D) receiving (D) distinction

132. The application form used for submitting 138. I have been informed that Dr. lkes
vacation requests will be ------- as the decided that she ------- the medical
one used in previous years. conference being held in Egypt next
(A) the same week.
(B) double (A) will not be attended
(C) fewest (B) will not have been attending
(D) repeat (C) would not be attending
(D) would not have been attended
133. It remains to be seen ------- Kingston
Smith will recover from his injury and 139. All bank ------- that involve foreign
make a successful comeback. currency must be reported to and
(A) so that controlled by the senior manager.
(B) whether (A) representatives
(C) as though (B) capacities
(D) whereas (C) invitations
(D) transactions
134. The Bamboo House brought together an
unusual blend of flavors, resulting in an 140. In an attempt to increase the sales of
------- popular cuisine. soft drinks, the store manager decided to
(A) astonish place an advertisement board ------- near
(B) astonished cash registers.
(C) astonishingly (A) financially
(D) astonishment (B) popularly
(C) unknowingly
135. Financial analysts predict that (D) strategically
government-driven price reductions of
vegetables will positively ------- consumer
(A) acquire
(B) influence
(C) declare
(D) exchange
111 111 133
· [!] . ·.
Actual Test 06 1111
--- ... .. ....... .... ... .

Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following notice.

Have fun with the Internet!

Discover endless possibilities at the Hasting Town Library's new online resource center.
The library now offers an extensive on line resource for students who want to learn about
the exciting world of the Internet, including how to surf the Internet to find information or
------- purchases online.
141. (A) made
(B) be made
(C) make
(D) will make

There is a wide variety of classes for students of all levels. Some are for starters, while
others focus on more experienced students. ------- of our classes are held in the evening
142. (A) Which
(B) Every
(C) Both
(D) All
or on weekends for your convenience.

We hope to------- you at the center soon!

143. (A) see
(B) hire
(C) visit
(D) call

1. 111
[!] ... ·.
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter.

Date: July 15
Dear Ms. Kannes,

This is to confirm that we have received your order for the rental service of our furniture.
Your order code is A 1992. Our data indicates that you ------- 15 tables and 150 chairs to be
144. (A) requested
(B) sold
(C) disputed
(D) cancelled

rented for an event on July 28.

Thank you for sending us the deposit, which represents 10% of the total cost of your rental.
The remaining amount is ------- upon receipt of the furniture.
145. (A) paying
(B) pays
(C) to be paid
(D) will be paid r;:----
: 06
Your requested items will be shipped to the site at 8:30 A.M. on July 28, as specified in I
I[.! ___ _

your order. A person from your company will need to be ------- so that he/she can sign the
146. (A) complete
(B) immediate
(C) present
(D) notable

receipt form to .confirm that you have received the goods.

Fred Parkings
Parking's Furniture Rental

• .•. . ~
145. l!l

[!] •, ·.
: Actual Test 06 Ill
Questions 147-149 refer to the following email.

From: Kenneth Mizano (

To: Tara Sales Associates (
Subject: Tara Sales Training Program
Date: June 20
Dear Sales Force,

As I mentioned earlier, this year's annual Tara Sales Training program will start soon. If
you haven't done so already, I strongly advise every one of you to register. The training
session will be held from July 1 to July 7 in the company's main conference hall. The
training sessions will deal with interesting topics such as effective selling strategies.
-------these sessions, our top performing sales employee from last year will lead a
147. (A) Tomorrow
(B) Following
(C) Occasionally
(D) Instead
panel discussion, sharing his expertise with everyone present. Your active ------- in these
148. (A) participate
(B) participates
(C) participant
(D) participation

programs will greatly help our company by raising the morale and productivity of the sales
force team. Also, our corporate finance controller, Leslie Monks, ------- on the successful
149. (A) reported
(B) was reporting
(C) will be reporting
(D) having been reporting

performance of our company this year during her presentation, which will take place on the
final day of the program.

I hope to see everyone at the training session.


K. Mizano

148. [!).~-~
[!) "
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Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 150-152 refer to the following article.

May 5 - In the first quarter of ------- year, Gia Motors recorded an astonishing sales growth
150. (A) this
(B) each
l I

(C) what I
(D) that I
of over 15 percent, company officials announced yesterday. Stan Lee, CEO of Gia Motors, I
said that this growth in sales may just be temporary and that profits wi ll not increase
indefinitely. -------, he even went on to comment that there is a possibility that profits will
151. (A) If not
(B) Even so
(C) In fact
(D) However

actually decrease in coming months.

Despite the company's success in the first quarter, Mr. Lee cautiously pointed out that the
company is facing with tougher competition from the growing number of domestic

There has been speculation among industry ------- that Gia Motors may try to sign an
152. (A) analyze
(B) analyzing
I (C) analysts
I (D) analysis

M&A with one of its domestic competitors by the end of this year.

Actual Test 06
In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A) , (B), (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet.

101 . Three weeks after Ms. Kanes was hired 104. Love Cruise has become the industry
for the job, ------- had to move to standard for ------- on cruise ships due to
Singapore. their famous theatric performances.
(A) she (A) entertained
(B) hers (B) to entertain
(C) herself (C) entertainment
(D) her own (D) entertainer

102. Classes at the community center are 105. Ms. Jims was asked to be the keynote
usually held either in the afternoon on speaker at the grand opening ------- for
weekdays------- on the weekend. the new children's hospital on Saturday.
(A) but (A) plan
(B) or (B) ceremony
(C) nor (C) agenda
(0) and (D)speech

103. The school construction project is 106. The discount for students ------- only to
proceeding ------- now that the school those who attend a local public school.
year is over. (A) apply
(A) still (B) applies
(B) quickly (C) application
(C) highly (D) applications
(D) rarely

105. [!]~·- :'<(!]

,..,. - "
[!] ~ - -·
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

107. Before going out, everyone should 113. In every initial session, ------- seminar
always ------· around the house and participant is expected to give a short
ensure that all the lights have been self-introductory presentation.
turned off. (A) none
(A) view (B) each
(B) watch (C) more
(C) see (D) several
(D) look
114. Please contact Julian Beliz if you need to
108. At the end of the fiscal year, all get a copy of the meeting minutes from
employees must schedule a one-on-one last week's ------- call.
meeting with their ------- for their year- (A) conference
end review. (B) conferencing
(A) supervise (C) has conference
(B) supervisor (D) had conference
(C) supervising
(D) supervision 115. The Ming Hotel now ------- customers an
electronic self-checkout system that is
109. The ingredients label must be attached extremely convenient and easy to use.
either to the cardboard box or ------- to (A) offer
the bottle containing the sauce. (B) offers
(A) busily (C) offering
(B) nearly (D) offered
(C) questionably
(D) directly 116. Under the new corporate mailing policy,
all interoffice ------- must first be
110. ------- is particularly great about Fouries delivered to a central mailbox before
Shopping Center is its spacious and being sent to each employee's desk.
delicious food court. (A) corresponds
(A) Why (B) corresponding
(B) What (C) correspondence
(C) Which (D) correspondent
(D) That
117. Management at Novista Pharmaceuticals
111. Mr. Skane is worried------- the believes the automated verification
increasing price of vegetables since he system will increase everyone's work
just recently opened a sandwich shop.
(A) of (A) productivity
(B) in (B) product
(C) through (C) productive
(D) about (D) productively

112. ------- one-third of his secretary's job 118. Please ------- the noise in the conference
involves administrative tasks, such as room while the whole building is
photocopying documents and scheduling undergoing renovations.
conferences. (A) ask
(A) Approximate (B) satisfy
(B) Approximating (C) obey
(C) Approximation (D) pardon
(D) Approximately

110. II
[!] ·.
118. Elmfufi·'dli#•MM.
Actual Test 0 7 Im
- - - · ··· ·· ·· · ·· ·· ··· · · · · · ·· · ··· •·

119. Of all the people who submitted a 124. The new software program will allow our
resume, Mr. Bacon has the most------- employees to create monthly timesheet
cover letter. reports by -------.
(A) impress (A) their
(B) impression (B) theirs
(C) impressed (C) them
(D) impressive (D) themselves

120. According to a recent survey conducted 125. Without ------- from the CFO, the pending
by a travel agency, a great------- of bank loan deal cannot go through.
respondents prefer to travel to familiar (A) permission
destinations than to unknown places. (B) association
(A) major (C) identification
(B) majored (D) reluctance
(C) majoring
(D) majority 126. The sudden, dramatic fall of the stock
price for Meat Media yesterday was
121 . Teleconferencing allows marketing ------- unexpected.
directors to hold meetings with their (A) complete
colleagues------- the world. (B) completed
(A) throughout (C) completely
(B) into (D) completing
(C) except
(D) opposite 127. ------- their first few days of training, the
summer student interns at Lomeal
122. Though Ms. Thames is ------- to answer Technology are subject to close
inquiries about Lakeward Food's latest supervision from the HR manager.
products, she may decide to skip the (A) As
press conference and attend the board (B) While
meeting instead. (C) Upon
(A) expects (D) During
(B) expected
(C) expecting 128. Tokyo International Airport offers a free
(D) expect shuttle bus service for passengers that
------- the international and domestic
123. As the attendees of the conference were flight terminals.
taking their respective seats, the (A) connect
coordinator realized that the hall was (B) connects
becoming ------- crowded. (C) connecting
(A) often (D) connection
(B) much
(C) quite 129. Visiting professors at Kant University can
(D) well ask for a guided tour of the -------.
(A) facility
(B) seminar
(C) accessory
(D) exercise

mt .5'.-1!>11 .£~ Economy 0 RC 1000:>11
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Economy RC 1000 _ IV

130. In order to protect your skin from harmful 136. Fortunately, the last shipment of
UV rays, it is always a good idea to computers, which was delayed due to
apply sunblock, ------- if the weather is the storm, reached its destination a day
cloudy. earlier than we-------.
(A) regardless (A) anticipate
(B) nonetheless (B) had anticipated
(C) the same as (C) are anticipating
(D) even (D) were anticipated

131. Organizers of the Kent City Singing 137. All written proposals must comply -------
Competition are aggressively promoting Wall nut Food's internal document
their event in an effort to ------- as many guidelines.
contestants as possible. (A) by
(A) attract (B)for
(B) participate (C) to
(C) increase (D) with
(D) refer
138. Professionals with an engineering
132. The ultimate goal at our call center is to degree and at least five years of -------
------- all customer complaints in a work experience in the automobile
punctual and customer-oriented manner. industry are strongly encouraged to
(A) resolve apply for this position.
(B) is resolve (A) relevant
(C) is to resolve (B) potential
(D) had resolved (C) discovered
(D) restricted
133. The concert hall at the Saints Art Center
is ------- for its extensive use of natural 139. When the Starlite Hotel opens up in New
black marble. York next month, it plans to hire -------
(A) changeable 1,000 additional employees.
(B) notable (A) such that
(C) actual (B) up to
(D) particular (C) out of
(D) in which
134. Art work by the famous Mexican folk
artist Frida Kahlo will be exhibited at the 140. -------the recent economic recession,
Marjorie Barrik Museum ------- being high-tech venture firms keep growing in
posted on the Internet. size, hiring numerous college graduates
(A) before with degrees in engineering.
(B) previous (A) Because
(C) ahead (B) Despite
(D) initial (C) Although
(D) Since
135. ------- the occasional rainfall in winter, the
weather in Madrid is generally sunny.
(A) Unless
(B) Except for
(C) Opposing
(D) Even though
Actual Test 07 Ill
Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B) , (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter.

Dear Warren Saints,

Thank you for your active participation in the "Save the Children Volunteering Event" that
took place yesterday. More than 50 employees from various local businesses attended the
event yesterday to help raise funds for the new children's hospital , making this year's
fundraiser one of the most ------- event ever.
141. (A) numerical
(B) contributed
(C) successful
(D) relative

I'd like to also point out that your presentation on the "Volunteering Needs in Local
Elementary Schools" was very well received by the board of education and school facu lty
members. According to a student at Smith Elementary School, you have been meeting with
them -------for several months now to research the issue.
142. (A) regular
(B) regularly
(C) regulated
(D) regularity

Everyone at Smith Elementary School was deeply moved by your earnest dedication to
this wonderful cause.

Please accept the enclosed ------- in recognition for your steady and invaluable
143. (A) sum
(B) certificate
(C) plaque
(D) chapter

commitment to volunteerism in our local community.


Charlotte Paqua
Community Activity Officer

Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 144-146 refer to the following e-mail.

From: Jennifer Roberts

To: Paul Kent
Subject: Artwork Program Volunteering
Date: March 5

Thank you for showing an interest in ------- us with our annual employee artwork program.
144. (A) assist
(B) assisted
(C) assistance
(D) assisting

As you may already be aware, many employees have requested the artwork program take
place in the summer this year instead of the winter. ------- meet this rather tight deadline,
145. (A) Whether
(B) If only
(C) In order to
(D) In spite of

we need as many people on the preparation team as possible. So far about 20 employees
have expressed an interest in taking part in the planning committee. Before we proceed 01
with the actual preparations, we'd like to have everyone meet and become acquainted with
one another. Therefore, the date of the -----~- planning committee meeting has been set for
146. (A) prior
(B) recent
(C) first
(D) other
this Thursday, March 12, at 9:30 A.M. in the company's main conference room. Karen
Jesse, who has been voted as the leader of the planning committee, will lead the
necessary discussion. Karen and I look forward to meeting you soon to hear your ideas
and thoughts on the workshop. See you soon!

Jennifer Roberts
Human Resources Specialist

· 1(- -~
145. 1!1·
[!] ·.
Actual Test 0 7 Im
Questions 147-149 refer to the following memo.

From: Jack Flemmings, CEO

To: All Marble automobile employees
Subject: New marketing manager
Date: June 26
I am pleased to announce that Anna Morris ------- as Marble Automobile's new marketing
147. (A) appointed
(B) will appoint
(C) to be appointed
(0) has been appointed

Ms. Morris holds a master's degree in engineering and has worked for many years in the
automobile industry. Such-------, however valuable, is not the only reason why she was
148. (A) efficiency
(B) experience
(C) advice
(D) use
appointed to this role.

As shown through many of her impressive past achievements, she is an innovative leader
who knows how to use her expertise to make our products------- in this highly competitive
149. (A) skillful
(B) successful
(C) attempted
automobile industry.

I have no doubt that she will become an invaluable part of the Marble Automobile
Company family. Please try to make Ms. Morris feel welcomed at Mable. Thank you for
your cooperation.

Jack Flemmings

147. l!I·~·
"": ~.
l!J · ·.
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 150-152 refer to the following description.

Item #15345: Oak Computer Desk with Hutch

This oak computer desk with matching hutch is one of our bestselling items this summer.
The computer desk and hutch set ------- just enough space to ensure efficient storage
150. (A) occupies
(B) measures
(C) seeks
(D) features

and the practical organization of your belongings. The upper drawers have removable
doors to easily accommodate large objects, while the main drawer slides open to expose a
convenient keyboard tray and CPU cupboard. In addition, the lower shelves are-------,
151. (A) adjustable
(B) alternative
(C) distorted
(D) diversified

allowing them to be used for both two monitors or a monitor and a printer. Available in
laminated engineered wood in aged tobacco finish, this desk and hutch set is ------- and
152. (A) assemble
(B) assembles
(C) assembled
(D) assembly

packaged for efficient shipping. All products come with a money-back guarantee.

1511111 Actual Test 07 Im
In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A), (B), (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Please carefully read the ------- 104. Students must present written ------- from
instructions regarding the store policy on a parent in case he/she needs to take a
returning items. day off from school.
(A) attach (A) authorize
(B) to attach (B) authorizes
(C) attaches (C) authorized
(D) attached (D) authorization

102. Telemarketers are asked to submit 105. The Research & Development Team is
monthly customer call reports ------- by invited to attend a ceremony ------- the
e-mail or in person. new research head.
(A) nor (A) expecting
(B) both (B) welcoming
(C) either (C) demonstrating
(D) neither (D) learning

103. The online version of the user's 106. The poster for our newly launched
handbook was ------- revised after the computer product was created by
engineering team found several errors. Innovative Ads , Inc., an------- advertising
(A) equally company.
(B) promptly (A) impress
(C) comparatively (B) impresses
(D) randomly (C) impressive
(D) impressively

101 . 104.
I I .2.':J>il .2.~ Economy 9 RC 1000>11
~Vif j!~ tflJ~ n~ .1.1 '11~ ;~'I ~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

107. The bill for the power and electricity in 113. The parking lot across from Sunset
our building can now be paid ------- Studios will be closed for construction on
through the Internet. Monday, ------- employees should make
(A) electronics alternate parking plans accordingly.
(B) electricity (A) if
(C) electronic (B) so
(D) electronically (C) because
(D) except
108. Employees ------- are experiencing
technology-related problems may ask for 114. Yolanda was highly praised for having
help by placing a call to the IT team renovated the company website largely
between 9 a.m . and 6 p.m. on -------.
(A) who (A) she
(B) whose (B) her
(C) which (C) herself
(D) what (D) her own

109. After Mr. Ro was appointed as the CEO 115. The Dawson Car Company's first
of Lottee Autos, Inc., the company convertible model has received negative
recorded ------- growth. ------- from many car critics.
(A) significant (A) repairs
(B) approximate (B) reviews
(C) correct (C) collections
(D) complete (D) matters

110. If you have any inquiries about the new 116. Tourists must stay -------the Bangkok
budget, please direct------- to Miranda city limits at night in order to ensure their
Mathers. safety.
(A) their (A) against
(B) theirs (B) into
(C) them (C) as
(D) they (D) within

111. Ms. Ronda's------- album will be 117. Ms. Pains has given the sales manager
launched across the country in May. her------- that the new clothing line will
(A) late be ready for launch by February 1.
(B) later (A) assure
(C) latest (B) assured
(D) lateness (C) assurance
(D) assuredly
112. On the last Tuesday of each month, we
-------tours of our laboratory for potential 118. Daily Business is asking its readers to
investors. renew their subscriptions ------- for an
(A) conduct extra discount.
(B) inspect (A) early
(C) arrive (B) hardly
(D) visit (C) enough
(D) usefully

111. 113.
Actual Test 0 8 Bill
119. Sales representatives at Janice 125. The financial analyst recommended that
Pharmaceuticals must submit call the JC Group proceed------- with its M &
reports ------- three weeks in order to A plans due to the high risk of the
report their sales activities. project's nature.
(A) most (A) cautious
(B) some (B) cautiously
(C) every (C) cautioned
(D) several (D) cautioning

120. Once you have opened the package, 126. ------- the sales interns have completed
please carefully look through the box to their training program, their personnel
make sure that it contains ------- fifteen profiles will be updated accordingly.
metal panels. (A) Once
(B) Despite
(A) exact
(C) Ahead
(B) exacted
(D) Owing to
(C) exactly
(D) exacting
127. Customers who purchased more than
two motorcycles are eligible for service
121 . Because Mr. Bacons was opposed to the that ------- the life of the warranty for
recent policy change at American Bank, three years.
he has ------- his accounts to Garys Bank. (A) extend
(A) closed (B) extended
(B) overdrawn (C) extending
(C) spent (D) extends
(D) transferred
128. Even if Dr. Goldman does lead the
122. ------- the difficult economic crisis, LK study, the level of his involvement in the
Electronics tried to build a new customer project is ------- to be determined.
base in emerging markets. (A) yet
(A) When (B) rarely
(B) Even (C) permanently
(C) During (D) besides
(D) Of
129. This coming Monday, the bus service
123. On the day of the concert, tickets can running from Manchester Park to City
only------- at the box office. Hall ------- from 9:00 p.m. to midnight due
(A) purchasing to roadworks.
(B) were purchased (A) to suspend
(C) to purchase (B) is suspending
(D) be purchased (C) was suspended
(D) will be suspended
124. The LA-based fashion company Canari
Noir hopes to expand its current------- 130. Apply for an online membership at Sales
Mart today and receive coupons that
beyond California and to the east coast
allow you to save ------- 20 percent off
by opening a new branch in New York.
many of our items.
(A) presence
(A) off of
(B) estimate
(B) except for
(C) incentive
(C) as far as
(D) vicinity
(D) up to
120. 128.
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

131. On the company's website you can 136. Travel Guide Magazine has rated
download a free ------- to help you write Koreana Airlines first in terms of
your cover letter. customer-oriented service -------five
(A) template consecutive years.
(B) movement (A) by
(C) milestone (B) with
(D) hierarchy (C) for
(D) to
132. In order for us to complete the budget
plan in a timely manner, clear 137. The president of Cardasian Construction
communication between managers and Inc. said that he has no choice but to
the sales workforce is-------. consider importing raw materials from
(A) requ ire abroad------- domestic_manufacturers
~- ~

(B) requires improve their quality standards.

(C) requi ring (A) unless
(D) required (B) regarding
(C) in spite of
133. Mannings Electronics' newly renovated (D) whereas
system allows customers to leave
comments and questions on its Internet 138. Though this week's sales were relatively
website, resulting in ------- calls to the -------,the stock price of Lina's Toys
company's customer care center. continued to fall.
(A) smaller (A) high
(B) fewer (B) highly
(C) least (C) height
(D) any (D) heighten

134. All employees at Hospice Hospital 139. Because of advances in personal

should enroll in the upcoming training computers and word processing
session to ensure------- with the new programs, typewriters have become
government guidelines regarding almost ------- in most workplaces.
continuing education. (A) extracted
(A) comply (B) obsolete
(B) complied (C) insolent
(C) compliant (D) contemporary
(D) compliance
140. The fast-paced advances in technology
135. We------- see Mr. Kim in the store before led to strong------- for purchasing new
9:00 p.m. anymore, now that he has equipment instead of fixing the older
more than three stores to manage. equipment.
(A) sparsely (A) extravagance
(B) elsewhere (B) elimination
(C) seldom (C) occurrence
(D) practically (D) justification

1 ~11·'011
I ..
[!) . ·.
[!) . ..
Actual Test 08 II
Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A) , (B), (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter.

Nate Demar
Manager of Human Resources
Heritz Bank
118 Oltega Avenue, San Francisco, CA 90526

Dear Mr. Demar:

I have had the pleasure of having Pamela Andis work here at Souls Securities as a senior
analyst for the last two years. -------the very beginning, she proved to be an excellent,
141. (A) Without
(B) From
(C) Along
(D) Given
resourceful and collaborative worker. In fact, she performed so well in her duties that she
was promoted to the position of team leader after only seven months on the job. Needless
to say, her team's performance has been very impressive.

Without a doubt, I feel ------- seeing Pamela leave Souls Securities, but I would like to
142. (A) regret
(B) disapprove
(C) apologize
(D) excuse

encourage her to take on this new opportunity and take advantage of the professional
advancement that you are offering.
She ------- a truly helpful addition to our business.
143. (A) is being
(B) will be
(C) has been
(D) would have been


Nate Monsing, CFO

Souls Securities

m .2.'\1'11 £~ Economy 0 RC 1000>11

A~ C\-::C.L EHA~ 7JLAJ 01 .!::_ CJ.Ji"'
o t:1 I -, I M '- \!:" ·1 t:1
142. ~•":~

!!If. "
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 144-146 refer to the following notice.

May 15

Dear Eric:

Thank you for allowing me to visit your office last week. I realized that just looking at a
larger branch's operations can prove to be quite-------.
144. (A) repetitive
(B) worthwhile
(C) amusing
(D) relaxing
I have already communicated some of the methods that your office workers are using to
my colleagues in the hopes that we can also employ them to enhance our productivity.

Please send my greetings and words of gratitude to your staff for------- my visit. I'd like to
145. (A) organizes
(B) organized
(C) organizing
(D) to organize

extend special thanks to your assistant for assisting me with all my complicated travel

I hope I can return the favor------- when you visit us in Berlin. I would be more than
146. (A) soon
(B) more
(C) never
(D) lately
happy to guide you through the city!

Roger Habi
Marketing Manager
Rothem Industries-Berlin

145. [!].[!I
ii; .
Actual Test 08 E
i:, -~
L!J '
--- ........ .. ..... .... ..

Questions 147-149 refer to the following letter.

A Note to All Business Owners!

Charlotte Novis, a renowned business consultant and motivational speaker, will lead a
panel discussion on maximizing employee ------- on June 15 at the Celuis Hotel at
147. (A) product
(B) productivity
(C) productive
(D) productively

10:00 A.M .

This discussion ------- is based on Ms. Novis' latest DVD, Motivate with Passion, which
148. (A) content
(B) invitation
(C) contract

has been positively acclaimed by critics and readers alike.

The DVD copies of her work will be available for sale after the discussion in the front lobby
of the hotel. This free two-hour event------- by the Small Businesses Confederation.
149. (A) sponsors
(B) was sponsored
(C) will sponsor
(D) is being sponsored

To secure the best seats possible, please create an account online at or call 152-5686.

147. 1~1
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 150-152 refer to the following article.

Seeking Travel Consultants

Leisure Travel is a market leader in the traveling sector. After a very successful
performance in the leisure-travel market, we are now planning to expand our presence into
the corporate-travel sector. Therefore, we are seeking experienced consultants who will
communicate with our clients in Tokyo. These corporate-travel consultants------- our
150. (A) to assist
(B) will be assisting
(C) are assisted
(D) would have assisted

corporate clients with dining arrangements, hotel reservations, and the whole travel
planning process in general. This is a great chance for university graduates who are
interested in working in the travel agency industry. -------, we also welcome applications
151. (A) Therefore
(B) However
(C) As a result
(D) For instance

from industry professionals with a few years of experience as well.

The ideal candidate must be professional, positive, punctual and hardworking. He or she
must also be ------- in using MS Office programs and have excellent verbal/written
152. (A) proficient
(B) technical
(C) favorable
(D) operational

communication skills.

If you'd like to apply for this position, please send a resume and cover letter to
jobs@leisu retravel. ie.

Gt1#.iji1IWjl# UiM.
152. · ~· . ~
[!]· ID
( .. Actuol Test 08
In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101 . The advertising company ------- next 104. Although they look ------- identical to the
Tuesday to discuss possible models for untrained eye, these two models of
the new campaign . printers actually feature completely
(A) came different options.
(B) had come (A) near
(C) is coming (B) nearly
(D) coming (C) nearness
(D) nearing
102. The chef at the new restaurant across
the street has been praised for ------- 105. After conducting an ------- review of Dr.
unusual yet delicious recipes. Kaira's proposal, the board of directors
(A) he decided to provide full funding for the
(B) his research project.
(C) him (A) extent
(D) himself (B) extensive
(C) extensiveness
103. The training manager gave a training (D) extensively
session on the new packaging process
at 4 p.m. -------Tuesday afternoon. 106. Please visit the showroom in our store,
(A) to as our catalogue only lists a fraction of
(B) at the ------- that are available to our
(C) of customers.
(D) on (A) residents
(B) products
(C) deposits
(D) consumers
.5'. ~) >1 51.~ Economy 0 RC 1000>1 ~~
-'J~P't t>H~ 11t;r.f ~~ ~-~~l
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

107. Due to the high -------of the newly 113. The ------- booklet contains information
acquired leasing division, the total regarding services that are available
revenue of the company recorded a through Harpers Cleaning Service.
sharp increase. (A) enclose
(A) perform (8) enclosed
(8) performs (C) enclosure
(C) performer (D) enclosing
(D) performance
114. Stock analysts ------- a fall in sales of
108. Visitors are not allowed to enter the vehicles next year due to rising gas
conference room ------- the panels are prices.
presenting their ideas. (A) inspect
(A) between (8) predict
(8) while (C) earn
(C) inside (D) hold
(D) concerning
115. Dr. Ortega regretfu lly informed the
109. We should take a close look at all committee that he could not make it to
expenditures ------- have risen over 15 the chairman's farewell party due to a
percent since last quarter. scheduling -------.
(A) what (A) conflict
(8) which (8) conflicts
(C) when (C) conflicted
(D) who (D) conflicting

110. The corporate travel policy ------- states 116. Travelers getting on a connecting flight
that each employee should be held are ------- to have their passports out and
responsible for his/her own travel ready for inspection.
expenses. (A) registered
(A) very (8) commended
(8) variably (C) advised
(C) clearly (D) advanced
(D) slowly
117. Shane Trading Co. has hired a team of
111. Over 1,000 managers and executives financial consultants to ensure that a fair
from the advertising industry gathered at ------- of funding takes place across all
Galaxy Hall ------- the annual advertising teams.
and PR convention. (A) distribute
(A) attend (8) distributed
(8) attended (C) distribution
(C) to attend (D) distributional
(D) are attending
118. According to weather reports, some
112. A formal ------- will be held on Saturday flights may be delayed due to -------
evening to honor this year's winners of storms and tornadoes in the area.
the Sarah Walters Achievement Award . (A) severe
(A) completion (8) frequent
(8) reception (C) dedicated
(C) establishment (D) appropriate

f!.#.J4i.IU/fl~lj@M ~
(D) accomplishment
112. 115.
Actual Test 09 rm
- - - ·· · · ··· · 1· .. •· ·· ········· ·· .. · ·

119. Of the 100 potential candidates applying 124. The interviewers were shocked by the
for the position, ------- had more relevant candidate's obvious ------- technical
past work experience than Mr. Johnson. experience, and wondered how he made
(A) few it to the final round of interviews.
(B) only (A) lack of
(C) every (B) least
(D) both (C) hardly any
(D) so few
120. Airport security personnel handle-------
items with the highest care to ensure 125. ------- the film Loving You received rave
that nothing is damaged while shipping. reviews from critics and viewers alike,
(A) deliberate MGM Studios has been in talks about
(B) diligent producing a sequel to the movie.
(C) cautious (A) Whenever
(D) fragile (B) Since
(C) Before
121. Once you land at the airport, please call (D) While
your coordinator to ------- ground
transportation so that you can get to the 126. Reholm Industries reported its quarterly
hotel without delay. performance yesterday, posting a huge
(A) arrange jump in quarterly earnings although it did
(B) communicate not quite ------- management's
(C) arrive expectations.
(D) proceed (A) meet
(B) supply
122. After------- reviewing blueprints for the (C) seem
new R & D laboratory, the construction (D) surface
consultant made a few adjustments in
order to comply with government safety 127. Verizen's new mobile phone has proven
regulations. to be the most ------- model on the
(A) greatly market due to its numerous useful
(B) carefully application programs.
(C) exactly (A) competitive
(D) extremely (B) competitively
(C) competition
123. The professors retained their (D) competitor
conservative stance, arguing that until
further studies have been completed, the 128. According to customer research
existing data must be interpreted very conducted last month and ------- this
month, more and more customers are
(A) caution making purchases online.
(B) cautious (A) seldom
(C) cautiously (B) again
(D) cautionary (C) soon
(D) yet

"' 111
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

129. Now that the final terms of the contract 135. New safety standards that were
have been confirmed, Mr. Jackson ------- approved last month ------- that all
the construction project before the end of workers only stay within the restricted
this month. construction areas when they are
(A) will begin wearing protective eyewear.
(B) beginning (A) investigate
(C) could have begun (B) mandate
(D) had been beginning (C) organize
(D) assemble
130. Over the past decade, Dunkin Cycles
has built itself a ------- for delivering the 136. As the entire HR team will be going to
highest customer satisfaction in the the conference in May, they asked that
motorcycle industry. the company outing ------- until June.
(A) transfer (A) postponed
(B) reputation (B) to postpone
(C) destination (C) be postponed
(D) renewal (D) postponing

131. Loris Cleaning Services informed its 137. Busy Bee Inc. introduced new carrier
customers that all forms of plastic bags with ------- concealed pockets that
materials ------- wax-coated plastic cases can store important documents.
will be accepted for recycling. (A) quietly
(A) despite (B) steadily
(B) although (C) cleverly
(C) however (D) directly
(D) except
138. Research Think Inc. specializes in
132. Chloe argued that it will be ------- for gathering ------- data from various
Kissa Finance to consider entering into sources and analyzing it to forecast
the Asian market before other upcoming economic trends.
competitors do. (A) diligent
(A) advantage (B) utmost
(B) advantages (C) comprehensive
(C) advantageous (D) eventual
(D) advantaging
139. The current online shopping mall is so
133. Due to unforeseen -------, the Tahitian disorganized that visitors can hardly find
Dancing Troupe was forced to postpone the products they want, ------- purchase
its performance at the local community them.
theater. (A) no less than
(A) circumstances (B) let alone
(B) classifications (C) more or less
(C) instances (D) so much
(D) qualifications
140. Since Mr. Kim has a very tight schedule
134. Mr. Harris always dealt with his clients' this morning, he will go to this morning's
urgent requests swiftly and with great conference ------- no other marketing
manager is able to.
(A) professions (A) so as to
(B) professionalize (B) only if
(C) professionally (C) rather than
(D) professionalism (D)_ in order that (st.#.J4i•IUI@#@. .
139 1• 1 140. ~N: .~
., Actual Test 09 Ell
Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following advertisement.

Fishnet Harbor Apartments Now Open

Come and see our special offer!

Fishnet Harbor Apartment Complex ------- the best scenic views in the city. Wake up
141. (A) have provided
(8) provides
(C) provided
(D) was providing

every day to stunning views of the ocean from your private balcony and enjoy a luxurious
lifestyle in this brand-new apartment complex.

Two-bedroom units are still available, but you should hurry because spaces are filling up
quickly. Sign a 6-month -------by April 31 to receive a special discount on your monthly
142. (A) lease
(8) subscription
(C) license
(D) budget

rent. The special rate is only available until the end of this week.

Call James Henry at 528-765-9996 to arrange a tour------- all the apartments are taken!
143. (A) ahead
(8) prior
(C) before
(D) earlier

Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 144-146 refer to the following article.

Firewood Sushi Hires New Chef

Firewood Sushi announced its decision to hire Jordan Yimachi, a renowned sushi chef and
a former chef at the Walkerhill Hotel, as its new chef in charge of seafood.

In his role at Firewood, Mr. Yimachi ------- the overall operations of the kitchen, as well as
144. (A) was overseeing
(B) will oversee
(C) would have overseen
(D) oversaw
take part in creating new and innovative fusion dishes. When he assumes his new position
on May 1, Mr. Yimachi will lead Firewood's entire seafood team, which includes two chefs
and three assistant chefs. They will all report directly to Mr. Yimachi. "There was a lot of
------- for this position, so we were able to interview some very impressive candidates," said
145. (A) originality
(B) talent
(C) interest
(D) knowledge

Ari Goldman, owner of the restaurant. "However, we are convinced that Mr. Yimachi's past
experience at large hotels will be ------- as our restaurant seeks to become a top-notch
146. (A) receptive
(B) invaluable
(C) negotiable
(D) unconditional

restaurant in the city."

146. [!)-~
Actual Test 09 mJ
1:1...-= ...
Questions 147-149 refer to the following instructions.

How to Use a Digital Thermometer for Cooking

When cooking food, it is always advised to use digital rather than glass thermometers. This
is because the glass thermometer could break it exposed to extreme heat. Digital
thermometers are safer and, therefore, can be used for both solid------- liquid foods to
147. (A) so
(B) with
(C) and
(D) by

check the temperature.

One piece of advice is that the stainless-steel measuring probe should always be
completely------- in the liquid, when measuring liquid foods.
148. (A) immerse
(B) immersed
(C) to immerse
(D) immersion

With solid food it's even easier! Simply stick the thermometer into the item. Please keep in
mind that the thermometer should always be properly ------- before and after being used.
149. (A) stored
(B) cleaned
(C) held
(D) observed

For the measuring probe, it's particularly important to boil it tor one minute every once in a
while to keep it sanitary.

rm .!i'.~>li £~Economy 0 RC IOOO>ll

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147 IBI
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 150-152 refer to the following letter.

Amanda Gordon
1515 East Town
New Brunswick, New Jersey 55268

Dear Ms. Gordon,

Thank you for subscribing to become a member of the New York City Museum of Art.
Please ------- enclosed your membership certificate and a complimentary note pad.
150. (A) review
(B) find
(C) provide
(D) look

The certificate enables you to enter the museum for free for one whole year, including free
admission to all special exhibits. ------- a member, you will also receive quarterly issues
151. (A) But
(B) Still
(C) For
(D) As

of the online museum newsletter, New York Art and the City. On top of that, you will also
receive a 20 percent discount on any item purchased at the museum souvenir shop, as
well as an invitation to exclusive museum events.

Your certificate------- for any inaccurate personal information. You may contact us at
152. (A) was checked
(B) will have checked
(C) should be checked
(D) has been checked

526-8644 if you need to change or update any of your details. Thank you again for your
patronage. We look forward to seeing you at the museum soon!
Best regards,

Tom Borges
Museum Director

F1.n141.1@&MAM ~
151 1~1
Actual Test 09 a
In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A), (B), (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. You can find whatever office ------- you 104. For the successful completion of this
need in the storage area on the project, active interaction with resources
basement floor. ------- inside and outside the firm will be
(A) supply needed.
(B) supplies (A) both
(C) supplied (B) either
(D) supplier (C) nor
(D) in case
102. For your own -------, you are strongly
advised to put on earplugs while inside 105. Nelson Data Research announced that it
this vehicle. ------- 60 researchers to meet the new
(A) protection sales target.
(B) completion (A) recruit
(C) difficulty (B) is recruiting
(D) quality (C) to recruit
(D) was recruited
103. Because most of his colleagues were
away on a company picnic, Mr. Ro had 106. All computers produced by Cell
to complete the client research report by Electronics have failed to meet the
------- over the weekend . government's minimum standards -------
(A) he energy efficiency.
(B) his own (A) as
(C) himself (B) at
(D) him (C) to
(D) for
102. ~~~ 106 .
~~: ~ ~~
[!] ~··- • I C!lt~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

107. The bricks have to be------- by Friday in 113. A newly renovated bridge will ------- the
order to finish the project on time. current bridge that connects Sanrio and
(A) order Lorisville over the Madison River.
(B) orders (A) change
(C) ordered (B) replace
(D) ordering (C) build
(D) transform
108. For those of you who have -------
submitted the application form for the 114. According to the corporate employee
employee training session, please handbook, appropriate attire is required
disregard the attached notice. at all ------- when inside the office.
(A) already (A) time
(B) soon (B) times
(C) then (C) timing
(D) during (D) timely

109. Due to the restaurant's seating policy, 115. Many recruiters will be attending this
diners waiting at Salsa's Seafood year's -------job fair, which is being held
Restaurant can only be seated ------- the at the Marshall Center.
entire party has arrived. (A) week
(A) also (B) weeks
(B) first (C) weekly
(C) just (D) weeklong
(D) once
116. Please carefully go over the Lanvin Inc.
110. All employees are required to take a employment contract and sign it -------
safety training session ------- operating coming in to work next week.
this equipment. (A) over
(A) only (B) except
(8) before (C) before
(C) since (D) through
(D) because
117. Readers who contribute ------- to the
111. Ms. Lanes, one of our company's most Daily Voice opinion section will be listed
skilled negotiators, was ------- in closing as guest columnists.
the deal with Shane Entertainment Inc. (A) regular
(A) instrument (B) regulars
(B) instrumental (C) regularly
(C) instrumentation (D) regularity
(D) instrumentally
118. Cisco Systems has been ------- a
112. After ------- five long months of contract by Rothem Industries for a
construction, the Oldtown train station project to improve productivity of their
will finally open to the public next week. corporate electronic reimbursement
(A) seldom system.
(B) again (A) awarded
(C) almost (B) approved
(D) rarely (C) accepted
(D) acknowledged

Actual Test 10 mJ
119. All potential candidates applying for this 125. A new schedule has been proposed as
position must have at least six years of an ------- to the existing one in order to
------- experience in the automobile meet the deadline.
industry. (A) alternative
(A) apply (B) alternatives
(B) applies (C) alternatively
(C) applicable (D) alternativeness
(D) applicability
126. To return a product, customers must
120. Please pull up to the front gate once you ------- mark the authorization code on the
arrive, where our guest relations product return document before shipping
manager will ------- escort you to your it to the store.
room. (A) clearing
(A) glad (B) clears
(B) gladly (C) cleared
(C) be glad (D) clearly
(D) be gladdened
127. The newly appointed technical manager
121. To know more about our seasonal job will be held responsible for ------- the
-------, visit our corporate website now! company's entire software program.
(A) machines (A) inspecting
(B) signals (B) assisting
(C) statements (C) depending
(D) opportunities (D) enduring

122. All journalists have a responsibility to 128. Emily Watson will be ------- proposals
double-check any facts presented in submitted by the finance team before
their articles to the ------- extent possible. approving the final budget.
(A) fuller (A) adjoining
(B) more fully (B) reviewing
(C) most fully (C) proving
(D) fullest (D) experiencing

123. Please keep in mind that all purchases 129. In order to boost sales, T-store has now
must stay within the team budget ------- started to sell its books, posters and
ordering new equipment. other------- on its website.
(A) of (A) merchandise
(B)to (B) selection
(C) when (C) promoter
(D) not (D) extension

124. Thanks to the successful launch of its 130. Because the problem with the corporate
latest model, Alberto Camera's year-end electronic payroll system has not been
------- is projected to be the highest it has fixed, access to the program will not be
been in ten years. available until further------- .
(A) profit (A) opinion
(B) profited (B) attention
(C) profitable (C) notice
(D) profitably

119. •

I .
[!] . ·.
., .
127. BJ
(D) status
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

131 . Consultants from JNB argued that online 136. Sheridan Fashions, now -------
------- will be the most cost-effective way throughout Japan, first began as a small
for The Bath Shop to attract younger tailor shop in Yukita twenty years ago.
customers. (A) operates
(A) market (B) have been operating
(B) marketed (C) could have operated
(C) marketing (D) operating
(D) marketable
137. ------- snowfall will continue across the
132. ------- her contract with Saw country this whole week, possibly
Entertainment is over, actress Nicole leading to canceled flights and traffic
Milano is free to appear in any films she jams.
chooses. (A) Steep
(A) Only if (B) Deep
(B) In case (C) Loaded
(C) According to (D) Heavy
(D) Now that
138. ------- the additional costs of maintaining
133. All respondents who answered the the GrandMix oven, Forrester's was able
corporate service survey rated the new to keep its expenditures lower than last
cafeteria to be "good" or "very good" year.
without any -------. (A) Furthermore
(A) exception (B) While
(B) transgression (C) Such
(C) separation (D) Despite
(D) medication
139. To------- the increasing number of
134. ------- the deadline to be met, engineers tourists who visit the museum, the
will have to put in at least fifteen National Arts Museum has decided to
additional hours over the next week. build a bigger parking lot by next month.
(A) Because (A) accommodate
(B) In order for (B) encounter
(C) In terms on (C) justify
(D) Rather (D) exchange

135. The trainer presented many exciting and 140. Kenneth Johnson and Nelly Hung are
innovative marketing strategies for the both gifted singers, so this musical is
new product, which left the management bound to be a huge success ------- who
team feeling -------. gets the leading role.
(A) intricate (A) even though
(B) invigorated (B) as same as
(C) unchanged (C) regardless of
(D) uneventful (D) far from

139. ~m:
Actual Test 10 ml
L.:J ' • ~~
Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
I sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following memo.

From: John Smith, President, Active Uniforms

To: All Active Uniforms employees
Subject: Free basketball game tickets
Date: Thursday, June 20

Attention all employees! A limited number of free tickets to watch an NBA league game w ill
be handed out to Active Uniforms employees. As you may know, Numero Uno Athletics,
the company that sponsors the NBA, is one of our most important -------.
141. (A) patterns
(B) performances
(C) clients
(D) guests

We recently pulled through a rushed order of uniforms for them upon their urgent request.
In order to show their appreciation for our service, they have generously offered to provide
us with thirty sets of tickets to an NBA league game this Sunday at 1 :00 P.M. These tickets
------- on a first-come, first-served basis to our employees.
142. (A) distribute
(B) are distributing
(C) will be distributed
(D) have been distributed to

------- you would like more information, please contact Asha Gupta in human resources.
143. (A) Whether
(B) Although
(C) Unless
(D) If

Because there are only a limited number of tickets, only one pair of tickets is allowed per
person. We expect the tickets to run out fast so hurry!

143 1 11
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 144-146 refer to the following advertisement.

Economist(@theeconomist, @facebook) - is the premier online source for

the analysis of world business and current affairs. For the last 30 years,
------- authoritative insight and opinion on international news, world politics, business,
144. (A) has been provided
(B) had provided
(C) will provide
(D) has been providing

finance, science and technology, as well as overviews of cultural trends and regular
industry, business and country special reports.
With its reputation for the analysis of world business and current affairs, The Economist is
------- reading for business leaders as well as future market leaders.
145. (A) requirements
(B) required
(C) require
(D) requirement is part of The Economist Group(www.economistgroup. com) and is

responsible for content of The Economist on the Internet. A one-year subscription comes
with online access to world stock market reports updated daily at To obtain
three free trial -------, call 800-523-5622.
146. (A) tickets
(B) rights
(C) issues
(D) entries

· 111
[!] ..
Actual Test 10 a
--- ....... ... ...... .

Questions 147-149 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Harrison,

Thank you for providing me a chance to volunteer as a docent at Paris Studio. I really
enjoyed my experience at the studio. In fact, my only complaint would be that the time I
spent here was not longer! Needless to say, I -------greatly from the last four weeks
147. (A) benefit
(B) have benefitted
(C) was benefitted
(D) would benefit

working in Ms. Ellenor's studio. ------- Ms. Ellenor has more than 20 years' experience
148. (A) Given that
(B) As long as
(C) Even though
(D) Furthermore

working as a professional painter, I have learned a great deal while assisting her. It has
been a true honor for ------- to have been selected to work and participate in the Florida
149. (A) you
(B) her
(C) me
(D) him

Arts Youth Volunteer Program.

Thank you again for this valuable opportunity.

Yours truly,

Samantha Johnson

147 lf ll
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 150-152 refer to the following letter.

I am pleased to congratulate you on joining the Health Nutrition Research Faculty. As you
are probably aware, our group has recently expanded its activities------- Asia to truly
150. (A) beside
(B) among
(C) except
(D) beyond

become a multinational organization. As the faculty director, I would like to strongly

encourage you to attend our upcoming conference being held at the Best Suites Hotel in
San Francisco, California in November. This conference------- participants to take part
151. (A) allowed
(B) will allow
(C) to allow
(D) would have allowed

in many interesting and stimulating discussions with their research peers. I hope that this
opportunity------- to be helpful for you r professional interests. Hope to see you at the
152. (A) proves
(B) helps
(C) turns
(D) cannot

"' l~I ~
Actual Test IO II

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