Play Script 2
Play Script 2
Play Script 2
Gigi: Stephanie
Hana: Julia
Daniel: Jason
Daniel: Jeremy
Samar: Mom
Andrew: This is Andrew Simmons with Channel 6 News. Today, April 19, 2092, I’m outside
Capitol Hill, where congress is currently debating Beauty Spex. As you know, Beauty Spex, a
form of technology that eliminates the ability to perceive human beauty, have been a part of
daily life for over 60 years. However Beauty Spex has just been declared a choice for American
residents after the age of 18, and even earlier with the approval of parents. Earlier today, I went
to a local high school to talk to some high schoolers about their perspectives. I also talked to the
school counselor there, and got a few other opinions on this controversy.
Andrew: I’m here with Charlotte Meyer, a sophomore at Mountain View High School. Charlotte,
it became a platform for the most attractive people to have such large fan bases. It just seems
ridiculous that people could make so much money from having what was the “ideal” look.
Andrew: Will you take your Beauty Spex off when your 18th birthday comes around?
Charlotte: I’m not sure. It would be interesting to see people in another dimension. Like what
they really look like, but it’s hard to say. I like the way things work now, from what I’ve heard,
beauty seems like it would just get in the way of more important things. It would also take longer
Andrew: Thank you for taking the time to talk to me about this issue Charlotte.
Andrew: This is Seth Gardner, Junior at Mountain View. How do you feel about Congress
Seth: Um, I really like the idea. I think it’ll add a uniqueness to people. People should just
Andrew: So you don’t think that attractiveness affects people’s life that much?
Seth: No I don’t. Just because you’re more attractive than another person doesn’t mean that they
automatically have a better life. People should stop making such a big deal about it.
Andrew: This is Emily Scott, senior at Mountain View. What do you think about Beauty Spex?
Emily: I think it’s a bad idea, my grandma has told me stories about how people treat good
looking people better. I think the world would be fairer if people were treated equally.
so much about their photos. It should be used the way it is now, to promote important issues and
spread awareness.
Andrew: We are now here with the school counselor of Mountain View High School, Mrs.
Holmes. Mrs. Holmes we are hearing from some students at Mountain View feel they are curious
about taking their Beauty Spex off, while some don’t want to ruin the way things are.
Holmes: The world of beauty introduces a whole new dimension of judgement and unfairness. If
things go back to how they used to, social media will allow for students to be judged by their
Holmes: While I do see the benefits of removing this product, I am worried that everyone will
take their Beauty Spex off as soon as possible. Things will just revert to how they used to be
which is disappointing.
Dad: Julia, that’s a big decision and I don’t think you’re old enough to make it for yourself.
Dad: We’ve had Beauty Spex our entire lives, removing it isn’t an option.
Julia: Imagine everything we’ve been missing, all the things we haven’t seen. I don’t have to
think twice about this, I’m getting mine removed as soon as possible.
Julia: And it’s not too late for you or Dad, how could you not get it removed? How could you
accept that you’re going to go your whole life without truly seeing the world?
Jeremy: Wait if Julia’s getting hers off I want mine off too.
Jeremy: That’s four years away! Julia’s right you’re not truly seeing the world with Beauty Spex.
Dad: We’re not having this discussion. Julia is 18 and can make her own decisions, in four years
Julia: looking in the mirror This is so weird, my hair is actually kinda pretty. And it matches my
eye color beautifully. It’s so cool to see myself completely unfiltered. I’m so happy I got my
Beauty Spex off, and I’m pretty too. This is crazy I want to go out and see what everyone else
Julia: Isn’t crazy how we’re just randomly assigned a certain way to look?
Stephanie: Yea, I guess. Remember I haven’t gotten mine removed yet Julia.
Julia: I know but trust me, I’m noticing how different everyone looks and it’s like, we’ve gone
Julia: I mean tell me that’s not crazy. What if you don’t like how you look? That would suck.
Jason: Hi Julia
Jason: I look different? You look different. Sorry, I just got my Beauty Spex off. It’s really
Stephanie: Ugh will you guys stop talking about Beauty Spex. walks to order lunch
Jason: Are you sure? I swear I’ve never seen her before.
Julia: addressing audience I’ve never seen Jason act like that. I guess I noticed Stephanie was
pretty but it’s like he was put into a trance or something. he’s obviously only talking to her
because she’s beautiful, it has nothing to do with her personality, that’s so stupid. He didn’t even
know she existed and suddenly it’s like I don’t exist, but I’ve been his friend for four years. I
mean, why didn’t he react like that when he saw me? What makes her so different? What’s
Stephanie: runs up to Julia J ason asked for my number! Can you believe that? You know I’ve
Julia: Mhm
Julia: Wow
Julia: Nothing
Stephanie: C’mon I know when you’re upset. Is it because you don’t want me with Jason
Stephanie: Ok good because I’ve wanted this for so long. Can you believe it? I wonder what
Julia: Are you serious? Please tell me you’re pretending to be this dense.
Julia: It’s obvious that he started talking to you because he got his Beauty Spex off, it’s the only
Stephanie: The only thing that makes sense? There’s no way he could’ve just liked my
Julia: That’s not what I meant. I’m just saying with it off you’re obviously very pretty. I mean
don’t you think it’s a little weird that he suddenly started liking you. He sees both of us everyday
and the day he gets his Beauty Spex off, suddenly he’s all over you.
Stephanie: Oh, so now it’s a competition? You’re just going to blame me because Jason didn’t
pay enough attention to you. Maybe it had nothing to do with how you look, maybe he just
Julia: Stephanie, you don’t see things like I do. You wouldn't understand.
Stephanie: No I think I understand just fine. starts to walk away. You know, I’m not sure I want
Julia: addressing audience Ugh. I hate this. This has never been a problem before. I wish no one
could see what I looked like. Jason used to be flirty with me. Before he saw what I really looked
Julia: It’s ok. Things are just going to be different from now on and I’ll just have to accept that.
Julia: addressing audience I don’t know if I’m going to get my Beauty Spex put back on or not. I
guess I want to see what everyone else fully looks like, and I want to experience the uniqueness
and different defining features of others, but I just wish that no one could see mine. Why did it
bother me that Stephanie is so much prettier than me? I mean it shouldn’t? She’s still the same
person inside. She doesn’t even know how beautiful she is, and how ugly I am, she wouldn’t
Stephanie: addressing audience I feel bad that Julia is so insecure now. I liked it better when we
both were just friends because of the things we had in common. Now she’s all weird and jealous.
I mean I’ll always love her for who she is, she knows that, right? Maybe I won’t take my Beauty
Spex off right away. It’s not that important and I don’t want anything to change.
End in tableau