LFATS' Competitive

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LFATS’ Competitive
Advantages for Undersea
Warfare in Shallow Waters
■ Prasun K. Sengupta Active Towed Sonar (LFATS), both made by limitations in space and carrying capacity,
US-based L-3 Communications Ocean traditionally a compromise would have to
t is the threat from diesel-electric Systems. The conclusion is that short- be made choosing as low as possible oper-

submarines (SSK) that drives the range, mid-frequency, hull-mounted and ating frequency while still maintaining the
specific requirements for active/ helicopter-dipped panoramic active/pas- sonar to be light and compact sonar to go
passive low-frequency anti-subma- sive sonar cannot reliably do the basic ASW on the platform. This compromise has gen-
rine warfare (ASW ) sonar. The mission. In the case of the relatively short- erally ended up with an operating frequen-
quiet, modern SSK operating in shallow range, mid-frequency ASW sonar the mod- cy around 4.5kHz. It is extremely important
waters is difficult to defend against when it ern SSK can remain undetected well within to note that AT ALL TIMES, if such a
possesses modern torpedoes and surface- its weapons range envelope and hence be a size/weight/frequency compromise were
to-surface cruise missiles that have effec- lethal threat to surface combatants. not necessary, the lower the frequency the
tive ranges that can exceed 70km. Because The range of an active ASW sonar system better the sonar’s range performance. This
of these SSK threat capabilities, wide areas is determined by environmental condi- is very evident considering the selected
have to be searched and long standoff dis- tions, by the operating characteristics of operating frequencies of almost all modern
tances have to be cleared for the safety of the sonar, such as power-level and beam- active variable depth ship-launched sonars
high-value surface combatants. The most widths, and by the operating frequency. (VDS) being designed today. For a ship the
effective sensor to detect the SSK operating The general rule of thumb is, the lower the size and weight of the sonar and its winch
in shallow waters is the active/passive low- operating frequency, the longer the sonar’s and handling system is less critical than for
frequency, variable depth sonar. A warship range. However, a lower operating frequen- the helicopter. Inevitably, the selected fre-
and the naval helicopter equipped with cy in the past has required a larger and quency is below 2kHz. There is a very good
active long-range (towed-array and dip- heavier sonar transducer. Since especially reason for such choice, for the lower the
ping) sonar provide the necessary standoff helicopters, but also surface warships, have frequency the better the performance
safety, required mobility and technology
for successful ASW operations.
Another important point to consider is
that shorter-range mid-frequency, hull-
mounted panoramic sonar, that is the
mainstay ASW sensor for many navies, and
also mid-frequency helicopter dipping
sonar, has a much lower probability of
detecting the SSK from simple geometric
considerations. For example, for the mid-
frequency dipping sonar, the SSK can out-
run the area coverage of the short-range
sonar between its pings. A SSK can hear the
pings of the hunting panoramic sonar even
before that sonar detects it, and the SSK
can also figure out its likely detection
range. A very good tactic for the SSK is to
sprint at high speed between pings. If the
panoramic sonar has a relatively short
detection range the SSK has a good chance
to escape. Such sprint tactics to avoid
detection are far less likely to work against
long-range, low-frequency active/passive
dipping sonar, such as the HELRAS, and The low frequency designed into the LFATS using proprietary transducer and beam-forming technology
towed-array sonar like the Low-Frequency allows multiple boundary interactions and reduced reverberation contamination of the received signals.

8 FORCE June 2005

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against the modern SSK! Lower frequency

is particularly important for good range
performance in shallow tropical waters.
The main reason is that the lower frequen-
cy suffers much less losses as the acoustic
signal interacts with the shallow-water sur-
face and especially bottom boundaries.
L-3 Communications Ocean Systems
solved the size-performance compromise
problem with the invention of new trans-
ducers which are much smaller and
lighter, yet still transmit very high power at
low frequencies. This new technology has
been applied to the design of the HELRAS
helicopter-dipped sonar and the LFATS
towed-array sonar. The LFATS was specifi-
cally designed by L-3 Communications
Ocean Systems for small warships operat-
ing in shallow waters against modern SSK
threats. Typically, LFATS is at least one
quarter the size and weight of competitive
sonar systems. L-3 Communications
Ocean Systems’ ability to achieve this level
of sonar performance in such a small form
factor is unique.
The system comprises a towed body that
integrates separate transmit and receive
arrays operating at 1.38kHz, a compact The LFATS was specifically designed for small warships
winch along with its handling system, and operating in shallow waters against modern SSK threats.
shipboard electronics. The LFATS can
reach an operational depth of 300 metres uniquely configured for shallow-water shallow waters, without worrying about the
(985 feet). It easily fits into warships like the operations, which creates major competi- towed-body and arrays grounding in turns
Indian Navy’s existing Project 15-class tive advantages over the traditional VDS. and at slow speeds. The active projectors
guided-missile destroyers (DDG) and the Traditional VDS configurations have on the LFATS’ tow-body are a variable
three projected Project 15A DDGs, three placed the tow-body a significant distance geometry. The projectors automatically
Project 17 guided-missile frigates and six back from the warship to prevent acoustic retract at speeds greater than 23 Knots,
Project 28 ASW corvettes, and gives the interference from the warship’s own noise allowing the warship to transit at sprint
sonar, in shallow waters, a range that is at on the sonar. The LFATS’ very advanced speeds up to 30 Knots without the need to
least two times the range of any competing adaptive noise cancellation, however, recover the tow-body. When the warship
mid-frequency sonar. In deeper waters the removes such own-ship interference and slows down again to operating speed the
average range advantage increases to allows the short-scope tow of the system system automatically resumes active oper-
between four to eight times. Overall, this required for shallow water operations. The ations without delay.
gives low-frequency sonar an advantage of effectiveness of this noise cancellation was The LFATS’ low frequency also mini-
between four to at least 16 times the area recently tested in warm shallow waters mizes the effects of boundary (surface and
coverage for all operating conditions that a from a very noisy tow ship. The results were bottom) losses to maximize detection
navy might encounter. The beneficial outstanding. The LFATS typically operates range in warm shallow waters of the type
impact of this performance advantage is in waters as shallow as 10 metres. prevailing throughout South and Southeast
staggering! It is something that should be Traditional single-receive arrays on com- Asia. Low-frequency operations have sig-
of one of the primary considerations for petitive systems are many hundreds of nificantly lower volume absorption losses
any navy that is evaluating new towed- yards long. The LFATS’ tow-body has two than high-/mid-frequency systems, thus
array sonars for eventual procurement. short towed-arrays for active receive, enabling long-range detections. The
The LFATS’ small size and weight means which are less than 100 feet long. These LFATS’ broadband FM transmissions and
that its integral winch and handling sys- dual short arrays facilitate shallow-water processing also provide significant rever-
tems are also much smaller and lighter operations without restricting the war- beration reduction, thereby allowing the
than competitive systems. This gives LFATS ship’s manoeuvres and also allow it to reli- detection of slow-moving targets in shal-
a great advantage on small surface com- ably and quickly resolve port and starboard low waters.
batants operating in littoral waters, where a bearing ambiguity, without the traditional High levels of reverberation often limits
navy can embark the payload with minimal need to wait while the array straightens out the performance of high power active ASW
impact to the warship and its existing on- again after a course change. This also sonar in shallow waters. The LFATS is
board equipment. The LFATS’ tow-body is allows the warship to manoeuvre at will in designed to minimize the limiting effects of

June 2005 FORCE 9

product news

the water as the competing systems, in

spite of its small size.
• It broadcasts in both omni and quadrant
modes, allowing the tactical use in shallow
waters by only putting power where the
operator believes the target to be (away
from the shore for example).
• Its high-gain, towed-array receiver
allows target bearing ambiguity to be
resolved instantly because of its twin
receive arrays, without the need for time-
consuming ship manoeuvres.
• By using variable projector array geome-
try for narrow vertical transmit beams and
physically separated twin receive arrays,
the limiting effects of shallow water rever-
berations is largely eliminated.
• It is safer to operate in shallow waters
because of its short receive arrays, rather
than a long towed-array, and/or long lay-
back of the tow-body, which is vulnerable
in turns and at slow speeds.
• Its short arrays stabilize quickly after
manoeuvres—a significant advantage for
operations in shallow or congested
waters. It also uses short-tow scope which
is a significant benefit in shallow water
• It is equipped with a depth sensor allow-
ing for the automatic adjustment of its
cable scope and consequently depth con-
trol of the tow-body.
• The highest level of sonar performance,
often approaching that for a free sonar in
the open sea, is achieved using an effec-
tive, proven adaptive noise cancellation
processing to remove own ship’s noise
• It is designed for ASW work, allowing the
warship to go to full speed without the
need and time to recover the tow-body.
The LFATS has also demonstrated its • Its low frequency maximizes the detec-
capability to engage in low-frequency tion range in warm, shallow waters of the
active bistatic operations along with type prevailing in South and Southeast
the HELRAS low-frequency Asia.
dipping sonar • It is fully bistatically/multistatically com-
patible with L-3 Communications Ocean
shallow water reverberation. It uses a vari- • It is extremely small and lightweight, Systems’ HELRAS low-frequency dipping
able geometry projector array that is small allowing it to fit on the small vessels with sonar.
and compact for stowing and handling, ease. Thus far LFATS has been used suc- • It is frequency bistatically/multistatically
and expands to a large vertical aperture cessfully on vessels as small as 70 tons. compatible with most modern sonobuoys
during operations. This allows the forma- • The same features allow minimal ship and some towed-arrays.
tion of narrow transmit beams that signifi- impact, in terms of installation, ship • It is designed with sophisticated multi-
cantly reduce reverberation. Also the manoeuvres and operations. In addition, purpose waveforms (CW and FM) and pro-
LFATS uses multiple towed receive arrays. the LFATS has virtually no impact on ship cessing for the maximum figure of merit
This allows advanced and effective rever- speed, trim, fuel consumption, etc. against fast and slow, or stationary, targets.
beration processing that is physically not • Its small size and weight make it easy • It augments existing hull-mounted
possible with single array systems. In sum- and safe to launch and recover the tow- panoramic sonar with its ability to operate
mary, the LFATS has the following compet- body with a small crew. below the layer in both shallow and deep
itive operational advantages: • It puts 15 times the sound intensity into waters. 

10 FORCE June 2005

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