LFATS' Competitive
LFATS' Competitive
LFATS' Competitive
LFATS’ Competitive
Advantages for Undersea
Warfare in Shallow Waters
■ Prasun K. Sengupta Active Towed Sonar (LFATS), both made by limitations in space and carrying capacity,
US-based L-3 Communications Ocean traditionally a compromise would have to
t is the threat from diesel-electric Systems. The conclusion is that short- be made choosing as low as possible oper-
submarines (SSK) that drives the range, mid-frequency, hull-mounted and ating frequency while still maintaining the
specific requirements for active/ helicopter-dipped panoramic active/pas- sonar to be light and compact sonar to go
passive low-frequency anti-subma- sive sonar cannot reliably do the basic ASW on the platform. This compromise has gen-
rine warfare (ASW ) sonar. The mission. In the case of the relatively short- erally ended up with an operating frequen-
quiet, modern SSK operating in shallow range, mid-frequency ASW sonar the mod- cy around 4.5kHz. It is extremely important
waters is difficult to defend against when it ern SSK can remain undetected well within to note that AT ALL TIMES, if such a
possesses modern torpedoes and surface- its weapons range envelope and hence be a size/weight/frequency compromise were
to-surface cruise missiles that have effec- lethal threat to surface combatants. not necessary, the lower the frequency the
tive ranges that can exceed 70km. Because The range of an active ASW sonar system better the sonar’s range performance. This
of these SSK threat capabilities, wide areas is determined by environmental condi- is very evident considering the selected
have to be searched and long standoff dis- tions, by the operating characteristics of operating frequencies of almost all modern
tances have to be cleared for the safety of the sonar, such as power-level and beam- active variable depth ship-launched sonars
high-value surface combatants. The most widths, and by the operating frequency. (VDS) being designed today. For a ship the
effective sensor to detect the SSK operating The general rule of thumb is, the lower the size and weight of the sonar and its winch
in shallow waters is the active/passive low- operating frequency, the longer the sonar’s and handling system is less critical than for
frequency, variable depth sonar. A warship range. However, a lower operating frequen- the helicopter. Inevitably, the selected fre-
and the naval helicopter equipped with cy in the past has required a larger and quency is below 2kHz. There is a very good
active long-range (towed-array and dip- heavier sonar transducer. Since especially reason for such choice, for the lower the
ping) sonar provide the necessary standoff helicopters, but also surface warships, have frequency the better the performance
safety, required mobility and technology
for successful ASW operations.
Another important point to consider is
that shorter-range mid-frequency, hull-
mounted panoramic sonar, that is the
mainstay ASW sensor for many navies, and
also mid-frequency helicopter dipping
sonar, has a much lower probability of
detecting the SSK from simple geometric
considerations. For example, for the mid-
frequency dipping sonar, the SSK can out-
run the area coverage of the short-range
sonar between its pings. A SSK can hear the
pings of the hunting panoramic sonar even
before that sonar detects it, and the SSK
can also figure out its likely detection
range. A very good tactic for the SSK is to
sprint at high speed between pings. If the
panoramic sonar has a relatively short
detection range the SSK has a good chance
to escape. Such sprint tactics to avoid
detection are far less likely to work against
long-range, low-frequency active/passive
dipping sonar, such as the HELRAS, and The low frequency designed into the LFATS using proprietary transducer and beam-forming technology
towed-array sonar like the Low-Frequency allows multiple boundary interactions and reduced reverberation contamination of the received signals.