11) Chapter Ii

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This chapter describes about review of related literature. It includes the nature

of speaking, teaching speaking, method of teaching speaking, the description of

debate, and hortatory exposition.

A. The Nature of Speaking

English skill includes listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking

seems to be most important skill. Nunan (1991) says that mastery the art of speaking

is the single most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language and

success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language.

Based on the statement above, as one of the materials in English teaching

learning process, developing learners’ ability to express themselves through speech is

still complicated to do. That is because in speaking there are many components that

must be known by the learner to support their perfect speaking.

Haris (1997) says, speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use

of a number of different abilities which often develop at different rates. Haris states

that developing speaking skill in English as foreign language situation is a hand job

covering all speaking components covering pronunciation, grammatical, accuracy,

word choice, fluency and communicative interaction (Muawanah: 2004).


B. Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking is a process of acquiring and learning one of the four

English skills among student and teacher. This process needs much time to

accomplish. It is usually practical learning and it can be understood easily by


To make the learning process run well, especially in teaching speaking, the

English teacher should know the principle of teaching speaking. And there are five

principles for teaching speaking (Nunan, 2003):

a. Understanding the differences between second language and foreign language

learning context

1) A foreign language context is one where the target language is not the

language of communication in the society

2) A second language context is one where the target language is the

language of communication in the society

b. Give student practice with both fluency and accuracy

1) Accuracy is the extent to which student’s speech matches what people

actually say when they use the target language

2) Fluency is the extent to which speakers use the language quickly and


c. Provide opportunities for student to talk by using group work or pair work, and

limiting teacher talk


Pair work and group work activities can be used to increase the amount of

time than learner get to speak in the target language during lesson.

d. Plan speaking task that involve negotiation for.

Meaning when learners make progress by communicating in the target

language because interaction necessary involves trying to understand and

make you understood. This process is called negotiation for meaning.

e. Design classroom activities that involves guidance and practice in both

transactional and interactional speaking

1) Interactional speech is communicating with someone for social purposes.

It includes both establishing and maintaining social relationship.

2) Transactional speech involves communicating to get something done,

including the exchange of goods and service.

C. The Aspects of Teaching Speaking

It is necessary to know some aspects in teaching speaking in terms of the


1. The Material of Teaching Speaking

Teaching materials represents the product of careful and creative planning on

the part of textbook writers. They are not the result of any interactive process of

classroom events. They are frequently looked upon as carried of grammatical

structures of vocabulary items that have to be introduced to the learners (Kumara

Divelu: 2003).

Resource materials include not only textbook and audiovisual aids purchased

by the institution, but also pamphlets, films, posters, etc, which may be supplied by

the community (Ashworth: 1985). The textbook and/or syllabus for teaching speaking

may be organized around grammar points, topical themes, or speech acts.

Regardless of the syllabus or textbook structure, it is important for a teacher to

encourage students to interact in English because interaction seems to promote

language acquisition. The teacher should present the material as interesting as he

could to get the students' attention. He can serve it in many forms in order to make

the students understand in what he explains.

2. The Methods of Teaching Speaking

There are some methods suggested for developing speaking skill namely:

a. Role Playing

One of the methods suggested for developing speaking skill is role games

Game is one of activities which can help to create dynamic, motivating classes. The

reason is that real learning takes place when the students, in a relaxed atmosphere,

participate in activities that require them to-use what they have been drilled on.

Games are not only suitable for children but also for adult (Fauzati: 2005).

b. Problem-solving

Material which focus on problem solving offer further opportunities for

students to work in pairs or small groups, to share information and opinions on topics,

which are meaningful to them. The basic principle lying behind such activities is that

the teacher sets up a situation where there is "an information gap" among the

participants, and this gap has to be bridged either orally or in written form.

White suggest that more advanced students be given problems which require

going out into the community or on campus to interview people who can supply

concrete information about the problem. Classroom activities include the preparation

of informal "script" to be used as guides during the interviews. After the students

have completed their research, they present their findings to the class by re-enacting

the interview and then answering questions from the group in the guise of persons

whom they interviewed.

c. Songs

Using songs in EFL classroom, especially speaking can be both enjoyable

and educational. Songs usually provides a peaceful and happy mood for the listeners.

From a pedagogical standpoint, songs can be incorporated into the classroom for a

variety of reasons. Songs can be used as materials for discussion, i.e., paraphrasing.

In addition Richard suggests that songs can be used, as useful aid in the learning

vocabulary, pronunciation, structures, and sentence patterns. Whereas Pomeroy

suggests that songs can also be used to teach aspects of culture, especially the culture

of the Target Language Speakers.

d. Discussion

Group discussion may be composed of three to five students. If such

group work is used regularly and introduced with a careful explanation of its

proposal, the class will soon accept it as a natural activity. The main aim of group

discussion is to improve fluency, and grammar is probably best allowed to function as

a naturally communicative context (Fauziati, 2005).

D. The Description of Debate

A debate is a speaking situation in which opposite points of view are

presented and argued (Dale and James: 2000. P:176). Debate can discuss about the

real or simulated issue. The learners’ roles make sure that they have enough a proper

knowledge about the issue to defend their opinion. At the end of activity, they may

have to reach a concrete decision or put the issue to a vote. Additionaly, debate is the

activity which is used for understanding of the topic. It is done by two groups. Every

group consists of three or five students. It is “pro” group and “contra” group. Debate

causes a feeling of confident, gives motivation to convey learner’s opinion and

respond the argument by using English language. Inoue (2004) also supports opinion

of Thompson (1971), Thompson stated that debate is contrasted with discussion. The

distinction in their use in referring to decision-making process may be outlined as


1. In debate, participants argue for and against the prefixed proposition. In

discussion, participants look for a solution to a problem.

2. Consequently, debate considers two alternatives, while discussion considers

multiple alternatives.

3. Debate is usually regulated by strict rules about the time and order of

speeches. Discussion is constructed more freely with less formal rules. In debate on

the other hand, the decision is made by a third party based on the arguments

presented by the affirmative and the negative sides.

Debate is one of effective speaking activity which slowly forces students to

improve their communication skill. Debates are most appropriate for intermediate

and advanced learners who have been guided in how to prepare for them (O’ Malley

and Pierce: 1996 p.85).

Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that debate is an activity

in which students take up positions on issue and defend their position

a. The Benefits of Debate

Debate as a communicative and an interactive technique is an interested

activity to be practiced in the classroom. Debate has many benefits for students:

1) Improve students’ critical thinking. Debate makes students look in detail and

critical in analyzing the problem.

2) Develop students’ communication skill. Debaters spend many hours

assembling and practicing hundreds of public speeches on topics of national


3) They are capable of making and defending informed choices about complex

issues outside of their own area of interest because they do so on a daily basis.

4) Debate is thus not only a way to connect students with academic subjects in

meaningful ways. It is also a way to re-connect students to public life if they

have been overcome by feelings of alienation.

5) Policy debate specifically teaches students to adopt multiple perspectives

which describe as one of the most important problem-solving skills (Joe

Bellon: 2000 p, 4).

Because of some benefits above, debate really need to be practiced in

speaking classroom. It is appropriate for students to improve their speaking skill.

b. The Parts of Debate

In the debate technical system, we will get some items which relate to the

debate process. The following are some items related to debate:

1) Motion

The topic debated is called a motion. Usually, motion stars with word like

“this house” (TH) or “this house believes that (TH) or “this house believes (THBT)”.

Both affirmative and negative teams are debating upon a motion which should be

debatable and impartial. Debatable means that the motion is still falsifiable can be

denied in some ways. Impartial implies a meaning that the motion should stand in the

middle of neutral; it doesn’t incline to any sides. For example, this house believes that

(THBT) e-book contributes for developmental education. So, both teams need to

prove or justify whether e-book really can contribute for developmental education.

2) Definition

Debaters should “down to earth” or see the current issue happened in society.

Definition can be done in two ways; word by word definition or the global definition.

In fact, the word E-book is rarely heard’ thus we need to define it first. Or anyway,

when we heard motion, “that sex education must be socialized in the school” what we

need to do is giving the global meaning on it.

3) Theme line

To agree or disagree towards a motion, the reason must lie on a strong ground

that could cover the whole argumentation. Theme line is the underlying reason which

answers the big question “why” one side of the house supports or opposes a motion.

Theme line is what a team needs to proof, it is also the main reason why a team

attacks the opponent’s case.

4) Argument

A debate is like a battle of argument, in which each team stands on their

position, attacks the opposite and defends their own case. The praiseworthy jobs can

be done well by using critical and logical thinking. Argument is the fragment of

thought to support the theme line.


5) Rebuttal

To win a debate, debaters not only need to build a strong case but they also

have to attack their opponent’s arguments and provide strong defense from any

attacks. That is why; rebuttal is one of the key to get the crown of victory. Basically,

there are two kinds of rebuttal.

Global rebuttal: it is an attack against the main core of the opponent’s case,

the theme line. Consequently, their case is crumbling down. Detailed rebuttal: it is an

attack towards each argument for example.

6) Sum-up/closing

Closing is simply concluding what has been through. A nice summary is

preferable (Mellshaliha: 2010).

E. The Procedure of Teaching Speaking Through Debate

Several things have to be prepared to do debate for making appropriate

debate. Knowledge which has to be taught for students from Syahputra, Harmani and

anjung (2014) are:

a. Pre-Teaching Activities

1. The teacher presents the list of vocabulary of expressing disagreement and debate


2. The teacher asks the student to make example of sentence by using expressing


3. The teacher presents the list of vocabulary that will be used in debate and presents

the topic for debate.

a. Law: Face of Political in Indonesia Today : Reformation, there are some of the


b. Education: Education Curriculum in Indonesia, there are some of the


c. Culture: Youth as Agent of Change and Era Globalization, there are some of

the vocabulary.

b. Whilst-Teaching Activities

The debate format was adopted from the existing format of the debate:

Australian parliament system; and these instructions below (Debating SA

Incorporated 1991-2014):

a. The teacher groups the students. The groups or teams consist of two parties

with opposing views (pros and cons) about a topic. For the big class the teacher can

arrange some groups for the next section.

b. The teacher arranges the position of debaters and gives the topic before

debate is started.

c. The teacher invites the students to start the debate.

d. Debate keepers (time keepers) take the time when the speakers speech.

e. The students start the debate with First speaker.

f. The first speaker of proposition: Example: “poor education system in

Indonesia makes the deteriorating quality of students that resulted in decreased levels

of achievement in international.”

c. Post-teaching Activities

The teacher asks the students from each group (pro-con) to explain the

summary of debate the teacher adds the summary and discusses them.

Before starting debate, debaters should know these parts of debate in order to

be a good debater. It also hoped that debate will run success.

F. Previous Study

There are many related theses belong to this research.

1. A researcher Zainul Muttaqin (3104374) Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Walisongo

Semarang has conducted a study “Teaching Conversation Gambits to Enhance

Students’ communicative competence in English debate (An action research with

WEC Walisongo English club of IAIN Walisongo Semarang year 2008 /2009)”. This

research found that students of WEC got a good level to the five components of

students’ communicative competence in English debate such as the ability in using

gambits, vocabularies, grammatical structure, fluency and speech contest. In the last

result students got average score 8.0 that mean the students have a good level in

English debate after being taught the gambits (Muttaqin, 2008).

2. Carna Wiwitanto (2201464578) Languages and Arts Faculty Semarang

State University in his study “The use of Australian parliamentary debate system as

an English interactive program based on disciplined eclecticism approach to

implement KTSP in teaching speaking (an action research of the year eleven of

science program of senior high school 11 Semarang in academic year 2009/2010)”.

He concluded that debate which is applied to teach students class XI students of

senior high school was an effective technique. It could encourage the students to

explore their knowledge as well as to speak and it was proven by the statististical

result analysis of pre and post test that by using debate to teach speaking could

improve the Students’ speaking skill. The T – test result (13.64) was higher than table

(1.55) at 0.05 alpha level of significant (Wiwinanto, 2009).

Both theses are difference from this thesis. The first previous thesis stated

that the research is conducted to the member of WEC at IAIN Walisongo Semarang.

The thesis is focused on the teaching conversation gambits in enhancing students’

communicative ability in English debate. The second previous research talked about

teaching speaking use Australasian parliamentary debate system to implement KTSP.

This research conducted in the eleven grader of senior high school. This research of

course difference from both previous theses. This thesis is focused on students’

speaking skill. The researcher implements debate technique in order to improve

students’ speaking skill. Result from both previous study shows student’s speaking

ability has improved by using debate in teaching speaking.

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