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NL^0^856367292^(34)7032931^^43^27 Jul 18 to 26 Aug 18^5245.89^16 Sep 18^ESG^6100^B^E5^O^NATIONAL BUREAU OF^[email protected].


BIR CAS Permit No. 0415-126-00187 SOA Number: I000034811260

Statement of Account
Bill Number 43
Bill Period 27 Jul 18 to 26 Aug 18
National Bureau Of Investigation

* Account Number
National Bureau Of Investigation 856367292
Aguinaldo St . Landline Number (34)7032931
Bacolod City, Negros Negros Occidental
Previous Balance 2,818.79
6100 Philippines Due Immediately
Current Balance 2,427.10
Due Date Sep 16, 2018

Total Amount Due P5,245.89

Statement Summary
Previous Bill Charges Amount
Amount Due from Previous Bill 3,336.07
Less: Payments (Thank You) (517.28) Globe Business Internet Direct uses Leased Line
Technology and Broadband Access Network
Remaining Balance from Previous Bill P2,818.79 (BAX) to deliver high-speed Internet
connectivity for your business. Supporting a
Current Bill Charges wide range of network interfaces, Internet
Monthly Recurring Fee (MRF) 1,256.46 Direct uses the most advanced copper and fiber
Usage(Net of Consumables) 910.59 facilities to provide your network with stable
Internet connections direct to your router.
VAT 260.05
Connect your business to a dedicated Internet
service now with Globe Business Internet
Total Current Bill P2,427.10
Direct. For more information, email
[email protected].

G You may have overlooked payment of

your previous bill. Please pay your overdue
charges immediately.
Please examine your Statement of Account immediately. If no discrepancy is reported within
30 days from this bill’s cut-off date, the contents of this statement will be considered correct.
Thank you. "
Payments made after the previous bill period's due date
may not be reflected in this bill.

National Bureau Of Investigation

Aguinaldo St .
Bacolod City, Negros Negros Occidental
6100 Philippines

Due Immediately 2,818.79
Landline/ 856367292 43 27 Jul 18 to 26 Sep 16, 2018 2,427.10
Broadband Aug 18

856367292 *NATIONAL BUREAU OFI*000052458906

National Bureau Of Investigation Account No.: 856367292 Bill No.: 43 Page: 2

Trans Date Post Date Description Ref # Apply Mo Amount
07/13/18 08/02/18 BY CASH FVAT 070118-093018 07/2018 517.28CR

Total Payment 517.28CR


Service Id Rental Period Description Speed Amount
(34)7032931 08/27/18-09/26/18 SUPER BROADBAND 3MBPS - G2G 1,159.82
(34)7032931 08/27/18-09/26/18 DYNAMIC IP 0.00
(34)7032931 08/27/18-09/26/18 FEATURE PHONE LOCK 0.00
(34)7032931 08/27/18-09/26/18 NDD SERVICE 0.00
(34)7032931 08/27/18-09/26/18 EXTENSION LINE MONTHLY 96.64
Total Monthly Recurring Fee (MRF) 1,256.46

Service Id Usage Period Description Duration(Mins) Amount
(34)7032931 07/27/18-08/13/18 SUPER BROADBAND 3MBPS - G2G - NATIONAL DIRECT DIAL 204.00 910.59
Total Usage 910.59

DL 1,256.46 0.00 910.59 2,167.05

Total Summary 1,256.46 0.00 910.59 2,167.05


Destination/ Called/ Rate Disc Duration Charge

Date Time Origin Calling Num Code Code (Mins) Amount
07/27/18 10:41:35 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 2.00 8.93
07/27/18 10:43:08 METRO MANILA 25247747 S 1.00 4.46
07/27/18 14:41:31 PILTEL CMTS 9122634402 S 1.00 11.16
07/27/18 14:58:25 PILTEL CMTS 9122634402 S 1.00 11.16
07/30/18 08:41:10 METRO MANILA 27301288 S 2.00 0.00
07/30/18 08:47:27 METRO MANILA 27301000 S 2.00 0.00
07/30/18 08:48:56 METRO MANILA 29172888 S 3.00 0.00
07/30/18 08:51:40 METRO MANILA 27301010 S 2.00 0.00
07/30/18 08:53:16 METRO MANILA 27301010 S 1.00 0.00
07/30/18 09:08:27 MOBILE - SMART 9498619925 S 2.00 22.32
07/30/18 09:38:30 SUN CMTS 9232121989 S 1.00 11.16
07/30/18 09:42:37 MOBILE - SMART 9993827920 S 1.00 11.16
07/30/18 09:56:00 METRO MANILA 25251925 S 5.00 22.32
07/30/18 10:01:52 METRO MANILA 25266209 S 4.00 17.86
07/30/18 10:06:55 METRO MANILA 25251925 S 1.00 4.46
07/30/18 10:09:50 METRO MANILA 27301288 S 3.00 0.00
07/30/18 11:20:45 METRO MANILA 25362852 S 2.00 8.93
07/30/18 11:35:27 METRO MANILA 25362852 S 4.00 17.86
07/31/18 09:03:30 PILTEL CMTS 9128930235 S 2.00 22.32
07/31/18 09:23:29 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 2.00 8.93
07/31/18 09:25:34 METRO MANILA 25236706 S 2.00 8.93
07/31/18 09:29:26 METRO MANILA 25247747 S 1.00 4.46
07/31/18 09:46:30 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 2.00 8.93
07/31/18 09:49:13 METRO MANILA 25247747 S 1.00 4.46
07/31/18 10:38:09 METRO MANILA 25236706 S 3.00 13.39
07/31/18 10:41:05 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 1.00 0.00
07/31/18 10:42:50 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 1.00 0.00
07/31/18 11:13:46 METRO MANILA 25235104 S 2.00 8.93
07/31/18 14:04:55 METRO MANILA 25266211 S 2.00 8.93
National Bureau Of Investigation Account No.: 856367292 Bill No.: 43 Page: 3

07/31/18 14:07:18 METRO MANILA 25266211 S 1.00 4.46

07/31/18 14:08:34 METRO MANILA 25266211 S 1.00 4.46
07/31/18 14:12:15 METRO MANILA 25241141 S 2.00 8.93
07/31/18 14:14:54 METRO MANILA 25241141 S 1.00 4.46
07/31/18 14:32:30 PILTEL CMTS 9103928955 S 1.00 11.16
08/01/18 11:47:49 METRO MANILA 25362851 S 2.00 8.93
08/01/18 11:50:13 METRO MANILA 25362851 S 1.00 4.46
08/01/18 13:24:22 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 1.00 4.46
08/01/18 13:26:44 METRO MANILA 25247747 S 1.00 4.46
08/01/18 13:27:38 METRO MANILA 25266211 S 10.00 44.64
08/01/18 14:55:15 METRO MANILA 25266211 S 3.00 13.39
08/01/18 14:59:06 METRO MANILA 25266211 S 1.00 4.46
08/01/18 15:00:25 METRO MANILA 25241141 S 3.00 13.39
08/01/18 15:08:29 METRO MANILA 25241141 S 2.00 8.93
08/01/18 15:10:14 METRO MANILA 25241141 S 2.00 8.93
08/01/18 15:12:48 METRO MANILA 25241141 S 1.00 4.46
08/02/18 00:50:47 PILTEL CMTS 9123646997 S 3.00 33.48
08/02/18 12:59:15 METRO MANILA 25238231 S 1.00 4.46
08/02/18 13:00:18 METRO MANILA 25238231 S 2.00 8.93
08/02/18 13:02:25 METRO MANILA 25238231 S 2.00 8.93
08/02/18 13:04:19 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 1.00 4.46
08/02/18 13:04:52 METRO MANILA 25266211 S 1.00 4.46
08/02/18 13:06:24 METRO MANILA 25266211 S 1.00 4.46
08/02/18 13:07:28 PILTEL CMTS 9094495205 S 1.00 11.16
08/02/18 20:41:45 MOBILE - SMART 9480175367 S 2.00 22.32
08/03/18 07:57:04 MOBILE-GLOBE 9774487351 S 1.00 0.00
08/03/18 08:15:54 GLOBE CMTS 9274547756 S 2.00 0.00
08/03/18 08:19:18 PILTEL CMTS 9094627249 S 1.00 11.16
08/05/18 22:27:53 MOBILE - SMART 9480175367 S 2.00 22.32
08/05/18 22:29:39 MOBILE - SMART 9480175367 S 3.00 33.48
08/06/18 09:48:42 METRO MANILA 25235104 S 2.00 8.93
08/06/18 14:45:53 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 6.00 0.00
08/06/18 14:53:59 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 1.00 0.00
08/06/18 14:57:16 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 5.00 0.00
08/06/18 15:03:22 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 2.00 0.00
08/06/18 16:37:16 SMART CMTS 9292633260 S 2.00 22.32
08/07/18 17:14:30 PILTEL CMTS 9129225105 S 1.00 11.16
08/08/18 09:28:49 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 1.00 4.46
08/08/18 09:34:02 METRO MANILA 25263787 S 6.00 26.79
08/08/18 09:40:21 METRO MANILA 25247747 S 1.00 4.46
08/08/18 14:16:15 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 1.00 0.00
08/08/18 14:17:35 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 1.00 0.00
08/08/18 15:11:20 MOBILE-GLOBE 9060182058 S 1.00 0.00
08/09/18 08:08:13 MOBILE-GLOBE 9774487351 S 1.00 0.00
08/09/18 09:20:07 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 1.00 0.00
08/09/18 10:13:41 METRO MANILA 25263787 S 2.00 8.93
08/09/18 11:08:23 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 1.00 4.46
08/09/18 11:10:00 METRO MANILA 25266211 S 1.00 4.46
08/09/18 11:18:33 SMART CMTS 9295978769 S 4.00 44.64
08/09/18 11:38:06 MOBILE-GLOBE 9755467577 S 1.00 0.00
08/09/18 12:57:49 CAGAYAN DE ORO 888564188 S 1.00 4.46
08/09/18 12:58:46 CAGAYAN DE ORO 888564188 S 2.00 8.93
08/09/18 13:01:16 CAGAYAN DE ORO 888564188 S 1.00 4.46
08/09/18 13:05:59 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 3.00 13.39
08/09/18 13:09:22 METRO MANILA 25247747 S 1.00 4.46
08/09/18 13:18:45 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 2.00 0.00
08/09/18 13:21:01 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 1.00 0.00
08/09/18 13:34:28 METRO MANILA 25241141 S 3.00 13.39
08/09/18 13:37:21 METRO MANILA 25241141 S 1.00 4.46
08/09/18 13:38:56 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 2.00 8.93
08/09/18 13:41:18 METRO MANILA 25247747 S 1.00 4.46
08/09/18 16:04:06 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 2.00 8.93
08/09/18 16:05:55 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 2.00 8.93
08/09/18 16:08:39 METRO MANILA 25247747 S 1.00 4.46
08/10/18 13:10:02 METRO MANILA 25261216 S 2.00 8.93
08/10/18 13:11:41 METRO MANILA 25247747 S 1.00 4.46
08/10/18 15:08:34 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 3.00 0.00
08/10/18 15:11:57 ILOILO CITY 335036693 S 1.00 0.00
08/10/18 16:32:40 METRO MANILA 25263787 S 6.00 26.79
08/13/18 08:45:27 SMART CMTS 9207828489 S 1.00 11.16
08/13/18 10:30:29 MOBILE - SMART 9393570286 S 1.00 11.16
08/13/18 10:43:37 METRO MANILA 25263787 S 3.00 13.39
08/13/18 11:12:36 METRO MANILA 25241141 S 3.00 13.39
08/13/18 11:15:52 METRO MANILA 25241141 S 2.00 8.93
08/13/18 11:17:44 METRO MANILA 25241141 S 1.00 4.46
08/13/18 11:19:01 METRO MANILA 25266211 S 2.00 8.93
08/13/18 11:21:02 METRO MANILA 25266211 S 1.00 4.46

Total Usage 204.00 910.59

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