BMI - Business Model Canvas

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BMI Business model canvas

• Key partners
Who are your most important partners?
Which key resources do you acquire from partners?
• Key activities
What are the activities you perform every day
to create & deliver your value proposition?
• Value propositions
What is the value you delivery to your customer?
Which of your customer’s problems are you helping to solve?
• Customer relationships
What relationship does each customer segment
expect you to establish and maintain?
• Customer segments
For whom are you creating value?
What are the customer segments that
Which key activities do your partners perform? What is the customer need that your value proposition addresses? either pay, receive or decide on your
What is your promise to your customers? value proposition?
What are the products and services you create for your customers?

- Building Case Studies (UI/UX - Start Up/Business Owner

designing, Website design, - Designing the Front-End of a Website/Mobile Project
- - Professional (revenue at least IDR 300jt)
- Doxa Campaign & Brand Identity, - Designing a strong Brand Identity that reflects the
Content Creating (illustration), client business and establishing connection through - Business oriented - Business Owner mid-high
- iTeaCode user experience with their target customer with the
- Ragi submitted to dribble) - Established
- Arcasia Studio (AR, VR) + market research - Helping to support system by setting resources - Expert
- content creating for Instagram
- Growing network
(meeting new people) - Design Problem
- Experting (animator, - System Automation (e-commerce)
- Consult UI/UX Web & Mobile)
- User Experience Problem
- Identity and positioning of their business
- Channel - Content creating
- Project - Business resources

• Key resources
What are the resources you need to create &
deliver your value proposition? - Brand Resource (logo, business card, letterhead, folder,
• Channels
How does your value proposition reach
your customer? Where can your customer
buy or use your products or services?
stationary, gimmick, business email, mascot)
Skill : - Campaign (video, photo, poster, banner, event)
- Graphic Design - Website
- Animator - Social Media Content - Community based
- Software House - Videographer - UI/UX for Mobile Apps - Social Media (Instagram,
- UI/UX Web & Mobile Designer - Brand Consultation
- Web Design facebook, Dribbble)
- Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality - UI/UX Web & Mobile - Website
- Social Media Content - Brand Director
- Business Consultant - Collaboration
- Social Media Content
- Baking Course - Website Building - Returning Clients
- Setting business resources

Tools & Accomodation :

- Laptop/Komputer
- Transport
- Internet

• Cost structure
What are the important costs you make
to create & delivery your value proposition?
• Revenue streams
How do customers reward you for the value you provide to them?
What are the different revenue models?
- Salary
- Transport
- Lunch/Dinner Ideal 1 project :
- Marketing Indo at least IDR 10M++ - Monthly maintenance fee
- Online Course Foreign at least IDR 20M++ - 1 Project
- Working Space - Equity
- Studio - at least IDR 5M/mo.

Brought to you by Business Models Inc

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