EditedBEAUTYCARE G9 - Session3 518
EditedBEAUTYCARE G9 - Session3 518
EditedBEAUTYCARE G9 - Session3 518
The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts, principle and techniques in
A. Content Standards manicure and pedicure services.
B. Performance Standards The learner independently performs manicure and pedicure services.
LO1. Clean finger nails and toe nails
At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:
C. Learning Competencies/ 1. Explain the process in cleaning nails.
Objectives (Write the 2. Trim and file fingernails based on client’s desired shape.
code for each LC) 3. Discuss the relevance of cleanliness of nails to our health
Procedures of Basic Manicure and Pedicure Services (Safety Procedures in
A. Subject Matter Cleaning Nails)
Integration: Science, Health
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Home Economics Beauty/Nail Care (NCII) Curriculum Guide pg 13
2. Learner’s Material Beauty Care (Nail Care) Grade 9 pg 104 -119
3. Textbook Pages NONE
4. Additional Materials NONE
from LR Portal
Training Regulations Beauty Care (Nail Care) NC II pg 30-31
CBC Beauty Care NC II pg 66-68https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3fwYICNJaQ
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected Response/s
A. Reviewing previous Preliminary Activities
lesson or presenting the (Prayer, Classroom Order,
new lesson Motivation)
B. Establishing a purpose Why do you need to clean/ trim/ cut Fingernails should be kept short, and the
for the lesson your nails? undersides should be cleaned frequently
with soap and water. Because of their length,
longer fingernails can harbor more dirt and
bacteria than short nails, thus potentially
contributing to the spread of infection.
How was the nail being cleaned? The nail is being cleaned by scissors, so
Was it safe? Why? many things wrong with the video. use nail
clippers, don't cut so short it bleeds, follow
the natural shape of your nail, and file down
the jagged edge.
How should the nail be cleaned? Nails should be cleaned with proper tools,
materials and equipment.
Discuss the safe procedures in
cleaning nails (manicure and
pedicure). Refer to LM pg 114-117.
Students will clean their own nails in Students will clean their own nails in
accordance with the established or accordance with the established or
acceptable procedures and trim and acceptable procedures and trim and file nails
file nails based on their desired based on their desired shape.
B. Developing mastery Classroom-Based Activity in
Cleaning Fingernails
1. Prepare the necessary equipment,
implements, cosmetics and materials
to be used in manicure
2. Choose a partner and perform
cleaning of fingernails and toenails by
following the given steps. Once
finished, let your partner perform the
same steps.
3. Evaluate your partner by checking
the appropriate boxes corresponding
to the degree of competency in
procedure in cleaning nails. Use the
rubric below.
C. Finding practical What if you don’t have manicure tools We can maintain cleanliness in our nails by
applications of concepts at home, how do you maintain washing, scrubbing using brush and soap
and skills in daily living cleanliness of your nails? Is nipper and also by using nail cutter.
necessary in cleaning nails? Cuticle Nippers are an ideal nail tool used
by professionals to treat tough cuticles and
hangnails. Cuticle Nippers are great for
trimming thin fingernails and toenails in
tight places. The small, stainless steel head
on the Cuticle Nippers is designed for
precision when trimming ingrown nails.
D. Making generalization Why do we need to clean our nails? Trimming the nails, washing and cleaning
and abstractions about the hands, and following some of the
the lesson other nail care tips is an important thing to do
because those nails collect a lot of germs
and dirt which might then be transferred to
the body and lead to the appearance of other
diseases and infections that might
sometimes be hard to handle and deal with.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
Evaluation: Directions: Below are the steps in cleaning fingernails and toenails. Arrange in sequence the
steps by writing numbers (1-8).
A. Cleaning (Manicure)
____1. Dry hands and nails thoroughly.
____2. Clean under free edge by using a cotton-tipped orangewood stick .
____3. Soften cuticle with a cuticle remover.
____4. Trim cuticle with cuticle nipper in a single segment
____5. Remove old polish using cotton moistened with nail polish remover.
____6. Shape nails by filing the nails starting with the little finger working towards the thumb from corner to
center to avoid nail splitting
____7. Loosen cuticle by using the spoon end of the cuticle pusher while keeping it moist with cuticle remover.
____8. Cleanse nails by brushing the fingernails using a downward movement.
Use the rubric below for assessing the performance in developing the mastery.
10 5
Criteria Very Score
Good Fair
Rating Scale:
15 - The student consistently perform tasks to standards with no supervision.
The student can perform the tasks with limited supervision/ or does not perform the task to
10 -
5- The student can perform the tasks with direct supervision.
Prepared by:
Christine D. Bara
Diego H. Patigayon National High School