Computer Music - Syllabus 2019

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Electronic Music II: Computer Music Programming MUSI 268/368)

Spring 2019 Monday and Wednesday, 1:30-2:50, Goodspeed 210

Instructor: Sam Pluta ([email protected]) Office Hours: 3 to 4 on Wednesdays, Goodspeed Hall 207
Course Assistant: Ted Moore ([email protected]) Office Hours: by appointment

Course Topics:
Electronic Music II is an introduction to computer-based sound art and live electronic music performance. Our primary tool for
this course will be SuperCollider, a computer music programming language designed for composition and real-time music
applications. Through this language we will explore the foundations of computer music, including digital instrument design,
sequencing, live processing, sound diffusion, and various approaches to algorithmic music generation. We will also come to a
greater understanding of the physics of sound and its acoustic and psychoacoustic properties.
For each class there will a reading and video assignment on Canvas. There will often be a short, focused programming
assignment that you will turn in online.
There will be a number of more substantial assignments where you will be expected to take creative liberties and express
yourself through code and sound. In a class that is about art, there is no way that I can grade you on how correct things are.
Music has no right or wrong answers. I simply ask that you dedicate yourself to this work, and push yourself both technically
and aesthetically.
SuperCollider – SC is a free and open-source object-oriented programming language. It runs on Linux, Mac, and PC, so there
are really no excuses for not finishing your work. SuperCollider is available at
Video tutorials – As we go, I will be making video tutorials that I will expect you to watch before each class. This will allow for
more discussion in class and less lecturing.
Both of the books required for class are available in digital copies through the library. I will always point you to the digital
version, so there is no need to purchase these, unless you really want them. They are both outstanding references.
The Computer Music Tutorial
The SuperCollider Book
All equipment necessary for the class will either be in the CHIME Studio or at the Logan Media Center. We have a bunch of
controllers, interfaces, etc, and we will be using them!
Goals of the Course:
To teach the fundamentals of computer music programming, acoustics, and psychoacoustics through the computer programing
language SuperCollider.
Statement on Disabilities
It is the responsibility of students with disabilities or personal circumstances that might negatively affect their academic
performance to inform the instructor as early in the term as possible. Without timely prior notification, it may be difficult or
impossible to adjust the due dates of assignments, to reschedule examinations or to make other reasonable accommodations.
For further information on University policies regarding disabilities, contact the office of the Dean of Students or consult the
Disabilities Services web page: http://
20% Attendance, Participation, and Short Assignments
60% Larger Assignments
20% Final Project
Class Schedule
Discussions will not be limited solely to the subjects at hand. You will accumulate techniques as the quarter progresses, and each
technique will build upon the last. Please arrive to each class having watched, listened to, and read the relevant materials
as they have been assigned on Canvas.
4/1 (M): Possibilities of SuperCollider
4/3 (W): Oscillators, Lines, Envelopes, Additive Synthesis, and MIDI
Project: Making Percussive Sounds (we will use these later)
4/8 (M): Complex Synthesis Techniques: Frequency, Amplitude, and Ring Modulation
4/10 (W): Filters and Noise Generators
4/15 (M): Open Sound Control and interfacing with iOS or Android through TouchOSC
Project: Create and interactive instrument using synthesis techniques and Lemur
4/17 (W): Share Projects – Duo and trio performances in class
4/22 (M): Patterns, Routines, Control Stuctures, and Loops
4/24 (W): Arrays…and other things I glossed over
Project: Sequencing Drums and Synths
4/29 (M): Share our Sequencing Projects
Recording and Playing back from Buffers
5/1 (W): No Class – go to CHIMEFest
5/6 (M): Intro to Buffers
5/8 (W): Recording and Playing back from Buffers Part II and Granular Synthesis
Project: Make A Sampler or other Instrument that uses Buffers
5/13 (M): Busses and Bussing
5/15 (W): Buffer Instruments
5/20 (M): Introduction to Delays and Delay Effects
5/22 (W): Reverberization and Spatialization
5/27 (M): Memorial Day
5/29 (W): Operators, Distortion, and FFTs
6/3 (M): GUIs
6/5 (W): Things we didn’t cover
Finals Week: Final is Due IN CLASS

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