The Boilers (Amendment) Act 2007 is expected to be notified in early July according to an official from the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion. The Act allows for third party inspection of boilers to certify safety. However, the department has received over 1,000 objections from industry regarding provisions in the draft notifications. Specifically, industries argue that allowing individuals without proper experience to inspect boilers could put lives and property at risk. They suggest regulations be amended to require competent individuals with experience, and that an appeals process be added for orders made by inspectors.
The Boilers (Amendment) Act 2007 is expected to be notified in early July according to an official from the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion. The Act allows for third party inspection of boilers to certify safety. However, the department has received over 1,000 objections from industry regarding provisions in the draft notifications. Specifically, industries argue that allowing individuals without proper experience to inspect boilers could put lives and property at risk. They suggest regulations be amended to require competent individuals with experience, and that an appeals process be added for orders made by inspectors.
The Boilers (Amendment) Act 2007 is expected to be notified in early July according to an official from the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion. The Act allows for third party inspection of boilers to certify safety. However, the department has received over 1,000 objections from industry regarding provisions in the draft notifications. Specifically, industries argue that allowing individuals without proper experience to inspect boilers could put lives and property at risk. They suggest regulations be amended to require competent individuals with experience, and that an appeals process be added for orders made by inspectors.
The Boilers (Amendment) Act 2007 is expected to be notified in early July according to an official from the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion. The Act allows for third party inspection of boilers to certify safety. However, the department has received over 1,000 objections from industry regarding provisions in the draft notifications. Specifically, industries argue that allowing individuals without proper experience to inspect boilers could put lives and property at risk. They suggest regulations be amended to require competent individuals with experience, and that an appeals process be added for orders made by inspectors.
SEEMASINDHU credited agencies to inspect and of boilers. Industry says it al- New Delhi, 24 June certify boilers for safety. How- lows a person without prior ex- ever, the department has re- perience in inspection and cer- ter a long wait, Boil- ceived over 1,000 objections on tification of boilers to inspect PJ ers (Amendment) Act, 007, is set to be notified in early July, according to a sen- the draft notifications from the industry across different states. Some of the key objections per- boilers,whichmayleadtowrong assessmentand put personnel's lives and property at risk. ior official of the Department tain to competency of inspec- The industry suggests all of Industrial Policy and Pro- tors and provision for appeal clauses in 4J (2) should be re- motion (DIPP). against inspection order. For in- placed by competent people . The Act has been pre-pub- stance, they quote, in regulation and not anyone as mentioned lished by the department and 4J(2), it is proposed that a per- in the clauses. public discussion period of 45 son with a minimum of fiveyears Another apprehension, they days expires on July3. After this, in any field related to boiler note, is that there is a provision the official says, DIPP will no- (clauses - design,manufac- for appeal against the order to tify the Act. The Act applies to ture, commissioning,operation the Chief Inspector of Boilers makers and users of boilers, in- and maintenance, inspection (CIB)under Section 19 of the cluding power plants, railways, and certificationduring manu- Boilers Act, 1923, at present. paper, textiles and chemicals. facture or operation and main- But, there is no such appeal The Indian Boilers (Amend- tenance, highpressl.lre:welding provision available if a person ment) Act, 2007, seeks to allow inspection) can be authorised is aggrieved by the orders of independent intemationally-ac- as competent for inspection the competent person.