The 13 Week Warrior Workout PDF
The 13 Week Warrior Workout PDF
The 13 Week Warrior Workout PDF
PT Pyramid: Leg PT: PT Supersets: Leg PT: 30:00 Bike Full-Body Workout: Bike 30 minutes
Pull-ups - 30 minute walk or bike Repeat 10 times repeat 3 times:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7…till Every 5 minutes jumping jacks - 10 Bike 5:00 Repeat 5 times
failure – resting with 1 stop and do: PULLUPS - 5 Squats w/weight 30 Pull-ups 2-4
min in between 20 squats and Push-ups – 10 Lunges w/weight 10 ½ Squats – 20
Push-ups - 10 lunges per leg Calves w/weight 30
2,4,6,8,10...till failure – Shoulder workout Repeat 5 times
resting with 1 min in lateral raise – 10 Bike 15:00 Bike or Run 3:00
between thumbs up lat. raise-10 Push-ups – 20
Dips - thumbs down lat. raise Weighted Squats – 20
2,4,6,8,10...till failure – 10 (w/20 lb DBs)
resting with 1 min in front raise – 10 ½ Squats – 20
between cross overs – 10 *Pull-ups – 2-4
military press - 10 Dips – 5-10
Bike 15:00
Week 2 – Day 1 Week 2 – Day 2 Week 2 – Day 3 Week 2 – Day 4 Week 2 – Day 5 Week 2 – Day 6 Week 2 – Day 7
PT Pyramid: Leg PT: PT Supersets: Leg PT: Max Rep PT: Leg PT:
1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Walk or bike – Walk or bike – Bike for 30:00 Repeat 4 times
Pull-up/Dip x 2 30:00 Repeat 5-10 times 30:00 repeat 10 times Bike 3:00 w/*LW
During walk pull-ups 10 pull-ups – max shoulders on bike
Repeat 3 times: Stop every 5:00 Push-ups 25 Calisthenics: Squats – 20
Do: Repeat 5 times
push-ups - 20
Plank 10 Abs of choice - 25
dips - 5-10 ½ Squats - 20
Push-Ups 10 Squats – 25 Dips - 10-15 Squats – 20
abs of choice - 30 Lunges – 10/leg
Plank 10 ½ squats 20 (all should be sub max ½ squats – 20
Planks – 25
Chair Dips 10 effort)
Bike 18:00
Bike 30:00
Week 3 – Day 1 Week 3 – Day 2 Week 3 – Day 3 Week 3 – Day 4 Week 3 – Day 5 Week 3 – Day 6 Week 3 – Day 7
PT Pyramid: Leg PT: PT Supersets: Leg PT: 30:00 bike Full-Body Workout: Bike 30:00
Warm-up 10:00 Repeat 5- 10 times Bike 30 minutes Repeat 5 times
Pull-ups 1-10-1 (depending on your Squats 3 x 20 Jumping jacks – 10
Push-ups - 2-20-2 Repeat 4 times: fitness level) Lunges 3 x 10 Push-ups - 10
Bike 5:00 Pull-ups 5-10 reps Calves 3 x 25
Squats 20 Jumping Jacks 3 x Full-body
Push-ups 20 reps
Half Squats 20 20 Push / Pull Day
Lunges 10/leg plank 20 seconds Repeat 5x’s
Bike 3 minutes Push-ups - 40
Squats - 40
Bike for the remainder Dips - 10
of the 30:00 Lunges - 10 /leg
Pull-ups - 10-15
Calves - 40
Week 4 – Day 1 Week 4 – Day 2 Week 4 – Day 3 Week 4 – Day 4 Week 4 – Day 5 Week 4 – Day 6 Week 4 – Day 7
PT Pyramid: Leg PT: PT Supersets: Leg PT: Bike 30:00 Full-Body Workout: Bike for 30 minutes
Go until you fail at pull- Repeat 5 times 5:00 warm-up Warm-up 10:00 bike
ups - if you can get 1 Bike 5:00 at increasing Repeat 10 times Repeat 5 times
to 10 that = 55 pull-ups levels per minute on a 10 pull-ups Bike - 5:00 Repeat 4 times:
and 55 push-ups. stationary bike 20 push-ups squats - 30 reps Bike 5:00
If you can repeat in Squats – 30 lunges - 20 / leg Pull-ups Max
reverse order = Lunges – 20 / leg calves - 50 reps Push-ups Max
100/100 pull/push-ups Calves – 30 per leg
Squats – 25
Lunges – 10/leg
Bike cool-down 5:00
(with weights)
Shoulder Workout
Week 5 – Day 1 Week 5 – Day 2 Week 5 – Day 3 Week 5 – Day 4 Week 5 – Day 5 Week 5 – Day 6 Week 5 – Day 7
PT Pyramid: Leg PT: PT Supersets: Leg PT: Max Rep PT: Leg PT:
Warm-up with Pull- Repeat ten times Repeat 5 times Bike 30:00 repeat 10 times
ups: 2,4,6,8,10: in Jumping Jacks - 10 Repeat 10 times Run or bike 3 minutes Repeat 10 times 10 jumping jacks
between do 10 Push- Squats - 20 Squats – 20 reps Pull-ups – max 10 squats
Pull-ups - 5-10 (sub max Lunges – 15/leg reps
ups, short 1-minute Repeat 4 times effort - do not fail) Push-ups – 20 reps
Heel raises (calves) – 30
rest Squats - 30 w/DB Push-ups - 20 Abs of choice – 1:00 Repeat 4 times
Lunges - 15 / leg w/DB Reverse Push-ups - 20 bike or run - 5:00
Push-up/Pull-up Calves - 30 w/ DB Plank Pose 1:00 Bike 15:00 LW-shoulder workout squats - 50 reps
Pyramid to 10 or (or leaning rest 1:00) lunges - 20 / leg
higher if you can. If Bike 30:00 Multi-Joint exercise - Bike 30:00 calves - 50 reps
you can get 10 or bicep curl - 10 reps with
more, keep going until dumbbells Bike 10:00
you fail – you do not
have to repeat in Light weight Shoulders
reverse order.
Week 6 – Day 1 Week 6 – Day 2 Week 6 – Day 3 Week 6 – Day 4 Week 6 – Day 5 Week 6 – Day 6 Week 6 – Day 7
PT Pyramid: Leg PT: PT Supersets: Leg PT: Full-Body Workout: Repeat 3 times
Bike 10:00
Pull-up/Dip Pyramid: Warmup -bike 10:00 Repeat 5 times repeat 3 times Bike 30:00 Repeat 4 times
Reverse push-ups – 25
push ups 20 bike – 5:00 Pull-ups – max reps
Squats – 30 reps
How high can you get? Repeat 10 ‘s plank 10 squats – 20 Birds – 25 reps
Pull ups max ½ squats – 20 push-ups – 30 reps
If you get over 10 sets 10- Jumping Jacks Lunges – 15 / leg Plank pose – 1 minute
then keep going until 20 - squats Bike 4 minutes lunges – 10/leg Abs of choice – 50 reps
you fail. If you do not
get 10 or more sets Bike – 20:00 Easy bike 10 min Bike 15:00
before you fail repeat
in reverse order until
you get to 1 pull-up on
the pyramid again.
Week 7 – Day 1 Week 7 – Day 2 Week 7 – Day 3 Week 7 – Day 4 Week 7 – Day 5 Week 7 – Day 6 Week 7 – Day 7
PT Pyramid: PT Supersets: Leg PT: Max Rep PT: Leg PT:
Full-body Workout Bike 30:00 Warmup bike 6 min Repeat ten times Bike 30:00 repeat 3 times
Pull-ups 2,4,6,8,10 Jumping Jacks - 10 Pull-ups / Dip Combo bike or run– 5:00
in between sets do Repeat 8 times Squats - 20 squats – 20
10 push-ups / 10 push ups 20 Repeat 4 times Totals - get 100 pull-ups ½ squats – 20
squats planks 10 Squats - 30 w/weight and 100 dips in as few lunges – 10/leg
Pull ups max Lunges - 15 / leg sets as possible
Repeat 3 times Bike 3 minutes w/weight Bike 15:00
Pull-ups max Calves - 30 w/weight PM Workout:
Push-ups 1 min max
Alternating every
1:00 (need straps
for feet to pull)
Week 12 – Day 1 Week 12 – Day 2 Week 12 - Day 3 Week 12 – Day 4 Week 12 – Day 5 Week 12 – Day 6 Week 12 – Day 7
PT Pyramid: Leg PT: PT Supersets: Leg PT: Bike 30 minutes Full-Body Workout: Bike 30 minutes
Pull-up/Push-up Repeat the leg Sub max effort reps so Repeat 10 times 100 pull-ups in as
Pyramid superset five to ten DO NOT fail at any Jog or bike 3:00 few sets as possible
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 times depending on sets. Do several sets Squats - 20 reps -Bike 2:00
your fitness level. (10–15) of 5–10 pull- Lunges - 10 reps each 100 push-ups in as
1) Squats - 20 ups / dips and 10–20 leg few sets as possible
1.Regular grip 2) Abs - 20 push-ups per set. Rest -Bike 2:00
2. Reverse grip 3) Lunges - 10/leg a minute with a water 100 squats nonstop
4) Abs 20 break / light stretch or -Bike 2:00
Try to double the 5) Heel Raises - 20 active rest. total time completed
push-ups on the
Bike 30:00
pyramid Note: Bike 30:00 total
for the day
Total: 100 Pull-ups &
200 Push-ups
Week 13 – Day 1 Week 13 – Day 2 Week 13 - Day 3 Week 13 – Day 4 Week 13 – Day 5 Week 13 – Day 6 Week 13 – Day 7
PT Pyramid: Leg PT: PT Supersets: Leg PT: Bike 30 minutes Max Rep PT: Leg PT
Pull-ups x 1 Jumping Jacks - 10 / Repeat 5x’s Jumping Jacks - 10 / Repeat 20 times: Repeat 10x
Jumping jacks 10 Squats - 10 (repeat 10 jumping jack 10
Pushups x 2 Squats - 10 (repeat 10 Jumping Jacks 10
times) Push-up 5 times) squats 10
Planks x 3 And bike 3:00
Push-ups 10
And jog or walk or bike
5:00 Repeat 5 times
Repeat 10 times
- Work your way up Repeat the following 100 Pull-ups in as few Squats 20
Pull-ups 10
the pyramid each set Repeat the following four times: sets as possible (goal Lunges 10/leg
Push-ups 20
increasing the reps 5 times:
Bike 2:00
Jog or bike 3:00 4-8) Bike for 4 minutes
Squats- 20 reps Squats - 20 reps Rest 2:00 in between
by 1,2,3 respectively
Lunges 10/leg reps Lunges - 15 reps each Bike 10:00
for pull, push, Bike 10:00 leg
each set
(regular, 1/2)
planks. bike or jog - 5:00 Calves - 30 reps each
- Every 5th set – rest
5:00 - either go to 10 Bike 15:00
and repeat in reverse
order OR continue up
to 20 sets and stop
Lightweight Shoulder
Note: Bicep Curls – You can top off each pull-up set with a final few reps of bicep curls of moderate weight 5–10 repetitions.