3) Difference B/W Fixed Datum & Relative Datum?: 1) Where Do We Specify The Unit? 2) What Are The Entities of UG?

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1) Where do we specify the unit?

2) What are the entities of UG?

3) Difference b/w fixed datum & relative datum?

Fixed datums are not referenced or not constrained in any way to geometric
objects excepting the user defined features.
Relative datums are relative or referenced to geometric objects like curves,
faces and other datum planes. You can also determine the type of constraint
by the object we select. These can also be applied to multiple bodies.

4) What are sketch and why it is used?

The Sketcher is an NX application that you use to create 2-dimensional geometry
within a part. Each sketch is a named collection of 2D curves and points residing on a
plane that you specify. You can use sketches to address a wide variety of design
needs. For example, you might create:
 Detailed part features by sweeping, extruding, or revolving a sketch
into a solid or a sheet body.
 Large-scale 2D concept layouts with hundreds, or even thousands, of
sketch curves.
 Construction geometry, such as a path of motion, or a clearance arc,
that is not meant to define a part feature
5) What are the basic curve operations?

6) How many types of constrains?

Geometric constrains & Dimensional constrains

7) Difference b/w trim & split?

8) Difference b/w pad & boss?

9) What is wave engg. & where it is used? Explain?

The essence of WAVE is the ability to relate geometry between parts by

creating associative interpart copies of geometry.

WAVE Functions
The basic functions that are provided in WAVE are:
The ability to associatively copy geometry from one part to another part,
usually within an assembly.
The ability to delay the update of linked geometry in some parts or all parts.
The ability to inquire about and understand relationships across parts.

Within each of the WAVE processes, the WAVE tools are most likely to be
Utilized in the following ways: Design in Context, Part in process.

We can use WAVE to link geometry also such as If we have an LH part and we
want to create RH part but some of the features have to be optimized, then
WAVE comes into picture.
10)What is meant by part cleanup?
Part clean up is the utility which removes unused expression, cam data,
unreferenced features, undo data unused fonts and removes redundant
changes. You can find it in File->utilities->part clean up

11)Is it possible to move a datum plane?

Yes, you can move datum planes using edit->feature->Move feature. You
can also use transform datums using transform.

12)What is meaning of promotion of body

When you have an assembly that is the work part, this option lets you
promote a body from a loaded assembly component to the level of the
assembly. The promoted body remains associative to the original body, which
is referred to as the base body.
Once you have promoted a body, you can perform operations on it, such as
adding features, performing Boolean operations between it and other bodies,
and so on. The effects of these operations are only visible at the level of the
assembly work part in which the promotion was created, and in any other
assembly that references that part.
After you promote a body, you cannot access the features that make up the
base body at the assembly level. For example, you cannot suppress a feature of
the base body, or change its parameters and have those changes occur only at
assembly level. Changes such as this must be made to the base body. They
will, of course, be visible in the promoted body, since it is associative to the
base body.
You do not need to have write access to the part containing the base body in
order to promote it. This can be very important when working in a concurrent
engineering environment.
The promoted body, and features and operations created from it, are only
available in the assembly part which was the work part at the time it was

13)What are the difference b/w hole, slot & pocket?

14)What is the meaning of parametric?

15)How many types of display modes available?

16)How do you change a colour of an entity?

17)How do calculate the weight?

18)How do you edit the density?

19)What is meant by interpart modeling?

Interpart modeling uses the help of interpart expression used when working
on top-down assemblies. The expressions created in one of the part can be
to the other part with same expression so that changes in one expression are
reflected in the other part/component. (((Please ask any experts on this)))

20)How many ways we can edit a part

We can edit a part by following ways:
1) Edit in modeling navigator-- using right click menu and selecting the
2) Editing using edit->feature-> parameters
3) Highlight the particular operation in model, right click and select edit
4) When parameters/expressions are known we can use Format->expressions
and change the particular one.

21)How do you create a breakout section?

You may need to create a drawing with a portion of a part broken away to
show an interior feature. This is referred to as a broken-out section in the industry.
Within the Drafting application you can use the Drawing—>Break-Out Section
option to create broken-out section views for both orthographic and pictorial
views. The general steps required to create a break-out section are as

Select a view. Create geometry to use for a closed loop of break-out curves.
You can either create the closed loop in a member view (View—>Expand) or
create an open curve in member view and close the curve during "Modify
boundary points" of the interactive steps of the Break-Out Section dialog.
Exit the member view.
Choose Drawing—>Break-Out Section.
Select the view where you have added break-out curves.
Select a base point.
Indicate the extrusion vector.
Select curves.
Modify boundary points.
Click the Apply button on the Break-Out Section dialog.

22)What are all the transformation operation? Is transform is parametric, if not

Transform operations let you move, copy, Rotate objects about the point&
line, axes, make patterns on objects, mirror objects. Most of the transform
operations are used for free form curves, splines and sketches which do
involve and expressions/parameters and hence it is not considered
parametric. To use the above operations using parametric we have necessary
instance and direct modeling operations.

23)Write all the operations available in fff

24)What is view depend edit, steps involved?

25)What are the shortcut keys for blanking & unblanking?

26)What are the types of Boolean Operations?

27)What are the additional curve operations?

28)In Assy what is the use of Assy structure?

You define the assembly structure at the top level from an assembly part by
creating components consisting of subassemblies and/or piece parts. This top-
level assembly part is initially the work part, also referred to as the assembly
work part.
(I think I do not know much about assembly structure…, please consult any
other friends about this.)

29)How to constrain in assembly completely

Assembly constraining is nothing but restricting the degree of freedom of
components to zero. We can use the mating conditions such as Mate, Align
and other constraints like giving parallel, perpendicular, concentric, tangent,
distance and angle options. This is how assy is constrained.

30)What is reference set, why it is used?

31)What are part families why it is used?

Part Families let you create a family of parts by creating a template part. You
can hen use the Unigraphics spreadsheet (via the Create button on the Part
Families dialog) to create a table describing the various part family members.
When you want to create multiple parts which are having the same
parameters defining them then part families are helpful. One simple example
is to create a family of L-brackets or a series of Standard Bolts wherein the
only main parameter is the dia of bolt, changing the diff dia’s we get diff parts
of bolt using part families.

32)What is meant by cloning?

Cloning provides a flexible, top-down interface for modifying the components
referenced in an assembly.

Cloning is useful when you want to create, in a single operation, a new

assembly or set of related assemblies (such as WAVE control and product
assemblies) that shares similar assembly structure and associativities with an
existing assembly or set of assemblies, but that has some different component
references. You could, for example, create several versions of an assembly with
a core set of common components, but with other components modified or

Or, if you prefer to edit the component references in the existing assembly
(instead of creating a new assembly), cloning allows you to do that in a single
operation, too.

After the cloning is performed, a Cloning Log File appears in the Information
window and is optionally saved to a file. The Cloning Log File summarizes the
activities performed during the cloning operation, including the mapping from
the input to the output assembly. If you want to specify a clone operation and
save the specification for later execution, you can do so using the Dry Run option
to generate the log file without actually executing the clone.

33)What are the different types of drafting attributes?

34)What are the different types of section views?

35)What is difference b/w orthographic & auxiliary view?

36)How many numbers of layers in UG?

37)How do you name a layer?

38)How do you move a layer?

39)What are the different types of coordinate systems in ug
Absolute CSYS, WCS (work co sys) and MCS (Machine coordinate system) are
different ones.

40)What are the different types of taper?

41)What is a group feature?

This option lets you group features into a special collection called a Feature
Set. Members of a Feature Set can be controlled together during suppress, delete
and move feature operations.

42)What is a pattern?
Use this option to duplicate standard parts, to add standard information (such
as borders, lines, and text and title blocks) to your file, and to reduce the size of
your current part file.
Pattern objects may represent points, lines, arcs, conics, splines, b-curves,
sheets, solids, dimensions, and drafting objects. Pattern objects may also be
shaded. You can create pattern points in the pattern master part file, to be used as
control points for pattern objects, for dimensioning, creating geometry, etc. in
other part files.

A pattern is a collection of objects from a "master" part file that can be placed
into your current part file as many times as necessary.
A pattern is a single object, both from your point of view (e.g.
transformations, etc.) and from the system's point of view. From the system's
point of view, a pattern is counted as only one object in the part file data
base. This means that your current part can contain many patterns created
from extremely large files without making your current part file large.
Keeping the data in your part file as small as possible enhances system
performance, and reduces the disk space and memory requirements of your

43) Why load option is used

There are various tools available in Unigraphics to reduce memory usage and
improve performance when working with an assembly model. If you only
need a general idea of the size and shape of the assembly components, the
Product Outline function lets you define a set of geometry without having to
load the components. This gives you a rapid feel for the location of objects
with minimal effort.
Other tools that can help conserve memory when working with assemblies
includes reference sets and component filters.

When working in large assemblies the parts are to be loaded which involves
huge amount of memory, the path where the files are residing and if the parts
are very big like Fuselage structure, then we can specify no components and
load it whenever required in Assembly navigator. All these
Can be set in load options command find in File->options-> load options.

44)Type of fillet used for this fig.?

45)What is difference b/w form & free form?

46)What is difference b/w form sweep & ffsweep

::::It is Swept and not form sweep:::::: Swept is Free form operation and
sweep along guide is Form operations. In Swept we can provide section
strings can be from 2 to 150 and max 3 guide strings. But in sweep along
guide we can provide only one section and on guide string. In swept we can
obtain bot solid and sheet bodies, but in sweep along guide we get only solid
47)Different types of splines?

48)How do you create a spline of 500 points?

We can use spline->through points->point from file option or spline->through
points->chain from all or chain from rectangle/polygon options to create the

49)What are the different types of grooves?

50)What is the use of annotate in modeling?

51)What is an instance and different type of instance?

52) What is master modeling concept?

Separation between the scenario model and the Unigraphics part file is
achieved by the Unigraphics master model concept. A scenario model is
essentially an assembly file. The detailed geometry (master model geometry)
is a component of the scenario assembly. Finite element modeling and analysis
data, and geometry manipulation data are stored in the scenario.
The master model architecture allows one person to work on an assembly
while another person works on a component of the assembly. This is called master
model concurrency, i.e., concurrent engineering enabled by the master model
Master model concurrency can even be employed within a single part. While
one person is detailing a drawing for a part, someone else might be
performing structural analysis on the same part, while another is concurrently
modifying the master model geometry. The trick is to create a dummy
assembly for each application, containing one component - the master model.
The application is performed in the assembly and serves as a discipline-
specific model. For example, the drawing for a part is created and
manipulated in such a single part assembly.

53) What is non-master part when we create a new part in UG?

As far as my knowledge goes non-master part is the one which we create in
local directories and save it i.e. we do not use and PDM for that. And the
Model approach is that when we use iMAN or any other PDM software.

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