Us Dixit
Us Dixit
Us Dixit
A steam power plant, also known as thermal power plant, is using steam as working fluid. Steam is
produced in a boiler using coal as fuel and is used to drive the prime mover, namely, the steam turbine. In
the steam turbine, heat energy is converted into mechanical energy which is used for generating electric
power. Generator is an electro-magnetic device which makes the power available in the form of electrical
The layout of the steam power plant is shown in figure below. It consists of four main circuits. These are:
Coal and ash circuit.
Air and flue gas circuit
Water and steam circuit and
Cooling water circuit
Air pollution:
The pollution of the surrounding atmosphere is caused by the emission of objectable gases and dust
through the chimney. The air pollution and smoke cause nuisance to people surrounding the planet.
Size of drums
The high pressure boilers are characterized by the use of very small steam separating drums or by the
complete absence of any drum.
The boiler components can be arranged horizontally, giving greater accessibility and operational
convenience as high head required for natural circulation is eliminated by using forced circulation. The
space required is hence less and arrangement is compact.
Foundation cost
Due to the light weight tubes and small size drums required and the arrangement being compact, the cost
of foundation is reduced.
The efficiency of the power plant is increased upto 40%, by using high pressure superheated steam. Also
steam can be raised quickly after the boiler is fired.
Cost of electricity
Since efficiency of the plant is increased by using high pressure boilers, the cost of electricity production is
All the parts are uniformly heated; therefore the danger of overheating is reduced. Also thermal stress
probelm is avoided.
Scale formation
The tendency of scale formation is eliminated due to the high velocity of water through the boiler tubes.
La-Mont Boiler
Loeffler Boiler
Benson Boiler
La-Mont Boiler
Circulating pump
The water from the drum is then drawn to the circulating (centrifugal) pump through the down-comer. The
pump circulates water (“forced circulation”) equal to 8 to 10 times the weight of steam evaporated. This
prevents the tubes from being overheated.
Distributing header
The circulating pump delivers the feed water to the distributing header with orifices at a pressure above
the drum pressure.
The header distributes water through orifices into the evaporator tubes acting in parallel. Orifice in the
header controls the flow of water to the evaporator tubes. Here part of the water is evaporated and a
mixture of steam and water from these tubes enters the drum.
Convection superheater
The steam produced in the boiler is nearly saturated. This steam as such should not be used in the steam
turbine. The presence of moisture in it will cause corrosion of turbine blades, etc. to raise the temperature
of steam and thereby to increase the turbine efficiency, superheater is used. The principle of convection
superheater is similar to steam generating tubes of the boiler. The hot flue gases at high temperature
sweep over convection superheated tubes and raise the temperature of steam. Convection superheater
thus receives heat from the flue gases flowing from the combustion chamber, entirely by convective heat
transfer. Such a superheater may be more conveniently located since it is not necessary for it to “see” the
furnace. Saturated steam from the top of the drum enters the convection superheater placed in the path of
the flue gases and is superheated.
Steam outlet
Superheated steam from the superheater passes out to the steam turbine through the steam outlet.
The quantity of superheated steam thus delivered to turbine is continuously made up in the form of feed
water. Feed water supplied by the feed pump is heated in the economizer on its way to the steam
separator drum. The economizer is a device used to preheat the feed water using the hot gases leaving the
boiler. Before the gases are let off to the atmosphere, they are made to flow in a definite passage in the
economizer so that some of the heat in the hot gases, which otherwise gets wasted, can be used to
preheat the feed water. The preheated water requires only a small amount of heat to be supplied in the
boiler, resulting in some saving of the fuel burnt. This results in an increase in the boiler efficiency.
Air preheater
Since the heat of the exit gases cannot be fully extracted through the economizer, the air preheater is
employed to recover some of the heat escaping in these gases. These exit gases preheat the air from the
blower in the air preheater. The preheated air is supplied to the furnace for combustion.
The capacity of la-mont boiler is about 50 Tonnes/hr of superheated steam at a pressure of 170 kgf/
and at a temperature of 500 0C.
Benson Boiler
The presence of steam bubbles in contact with the surface of tubes seriously impairs heat
transmission from the flue gases to water. By rising the boiler pressure to the critical pressure of steam
(225 kgf/, this difficulty is overcome, as suggested by Mark Benson in 1922. At the critical pressure
water and steam have the same density and no bubbles are formed.
The first modern high pressure drumless boiler developed by benson was put into operation in 1927 in
west Germany power station.
Convection superheater
The saturated steam is now passed through the convection superheater where the saturated steam os
superheated to 650’C. The radiant evaporator, the convection evaporater and the convection superheater
are all arranged in the path of the flue gases.
Steam outlet
The superheated steam is supplied to the steam turbine through the steam outlet.
Capacity of benson boiler is about 150 tonnnes/hr at a pressure of 210 kgf/ and at a temperature of
650’C. (Efficiency may be improved by running the boiler at a pressure slightly lower than the critical
As there are no drums, the total weight of benson bolier is 20% less than other boilers. This also
reduces the cost of the boilers.
As no drums are required, the transfer of the benson parts is easy. Majority of the parts may be
carried to the site without pre-assembly.
Since no drum is used, this is an once-through boiler and the feed water entering at one end is
discharged as superheated steam at the other end.
Circulating pump and downcomers are dispensed with.
Loeffler Boiler
This is also a modern high pressure water tube boiler using the forced circulation principle and named after
The major difficulty experienced in La-Mont boiler is deposition of salt and sediment on the inner surfaces
of water tubes. The deposition reduces the heat transfer, ultimately, the generating capacity. This difficulty
was solved in Loeffler boiler by preventing the flow of water into the boiler tubes. Feed water is vaporated
in the drum using part of the superheated steam coming out from the water-heater. Thus only the dry
saturated steam passes through the tubes. Poor feed water can, therefore, be used without any difficulty
in the boiler, which is great advantage of this boiler.
Evaporated Drum
It is housed away from the furnace. It contains a mixture of steam and water. The feed water from the
economiser tubes enters the evaporator drum into which is also passed two-thirds of the superheated
steam generated by the boiler. The superheated steam gives its superheat to the water in the drum and
evaporates it to saturated steam.
Mixing Nozzles
The nozzles distribute and mix the superheated steam throughout the water in the evaporator drum.
A steam circulating pump forces this saturated steam from the evaporator drum to the radiant superheater
through the tube of the furnace wall.
Radiant superheater
The radiant superheater is placed in the furnace. The hot gases in the furnace are used for superheating
the saturated steam from the drum. The radiant superheater receives heat from the burning fuel through
radiation process.
Convection superheater
Steam from the radiant superheater enters the convection superheater where it is finally heated to the
desired temperature of 500’C. The convection superheater receives heat from the flue gases entirely by
convective heat transfer. Both radiant and convection superheater are arranged in series in the path of the
flue gases.
Steam outlet
About one-third of the superheated steam from the convection superheater passes to the steam turbine
while the remaining two-thirds is passed on to evaporator drum to evaporated the feed water to saturated
Capacity of the Loeffler boiler is about 100 Tonnes/Hr of superheated steam generated at a pressure of 140
kgf/ and at a temperature of 500’C.