PG Political Science 2018
PG Political Science 2018
PG Political Science 2018
Implemented from
Academic Session 2018-2020
Members of Board of Studies for CBCS Syllabus of Political Science under Ranchi
University, Ranchi.
S.No. Page No.
Members of Core Committee i
Contents ii
1 Distribution of 80 Credits 1
2 Course structure for M.A. in POLITICAL SCIENCE 1
3 Semester wise Examination Structure for Mid Semester & End Semester 2
4 I FC-101 Compulsory Foundation Course (FC) 3
5 II. CC-102 Core Course –C 1 4
6 III. CC-103 Core Course –C 2 5
7 IV CC-104 Core Course –C 3 6
8 I CC-201 Core Course- C 4 7
9 II. CC-202 Core Course- C 5 8
10 III. CC-203 Core Course –C 6 9
11 IV CC-204 Core Course –C 7 10
12 I EC-301 Ability Enhancement Course (AE) 11
13 II. CC-302 Core Course –C 8 12
14 III. CC-303 Core Course- C 9 13
15 IV CC-304 Core Course –C 10 14
16 I EC-401 Generic/Discipline Elective (GE/DC 1) 15
17 II. EC-402 Generic/Discipline Elective (GE/DC 2) 17
18 III. CC-403 Core Course –C 11 19
19 IV PR-404 Core Course (Project/ Dissertation) –C 12 20
20 Distribution of Credits for P.G. Programme (Semester-wise) 21
21 Sample calculation for SGPA for P.G. Vocational/M.Sc./M.A./M.Com 21
22 Sample calculation for CGPA for P.G. Vocational/M.Sc./M.A./M.Com 22
Table AI-1: Distribution of 80 Credits [*wherever there is a practical there will be no tutorial and vice –versa.]
Course Papers Credits (Sc) Credits (Arts/Comm)
Theory + Practical Theory + Tutorial
Total Credit = 80 = 80
Total = 80 Credits
Session 2018-20 Onwards
Table AI-2.1 Semester wise Examination Structure for Mid Sem & End Sem Examinations:
Enhancement ECPOL301 5 Research Methodology 30 70 ----
PRPOL404 5 Dissertation ---- ---- 70 + 30
Total 100 x 4 = 400 Marks
(Credits: Theory-05)
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
Theory: 60 Lectures; Tutorial:15 Hrs
1. Political Norms: Liberty, Equality and Justice.
2. Sovereignty: Meaning, characteristics. Monist and Pluralist Theory.
3. Government of India Act of 1935, Constituent Assembly, Preamble of Indian Constitution.
4. Nature of Indian Federalism.
5. Indian Political System: Meaning and characteristics.
6. Constitutionalism: Concept & characteristics.
7. Public Administration: Meaning, nature and scope.
8. Sources of Indian Political Thought
Essential Readings
Lkedkyhu jktuhfrd fl)kUr & vksih xkok
Hkkjrh; 'kklu vkSj jktuhfr & cklqdh ukFk pkS/kjh ,oa ;qojkt dqekj
yksd iz'kklu & ch-,y- QkfM;k
Hkkjrh; jktuhfr fopkjd & ih-ds- R;kxh
Modern Political Theory – S.P. Verma
Constitutional Development National Movement of India – R.C. Agarwal and Dr. Mahesh Bhatnagar
Public Administration – Awasthi & Maheshwari
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
Essential Readings
Lkedkyhu jktuhfrd fl)kUr & vksih xkok
Lkedkyhu jktuhfrd fl)kUr & ts-lh- tkSgjh
vk/kqfud jktuhfrd fopkj/kkjk,a & bdcky ukjk;.k
jktuSfrd fl)kUr & ch-,y-QkfM;k
vk/kqfud jktuhfrd fl)kUr & ch,y QkfM;k
Modern Political Theory – S.P. Verma
Introduction to political theory – Dr. Narendra Singh
Political theory : Ideas & Institutional – Amal Roy & Mohit Bhattarcharya
Political Theory – S.C. Singal
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
Essential Readings
e/;dkyhu ,oa vk/kqfud jktuhfrd fopkjd & pUnznso izlkn
ik'pkR; jktuhfr fopkjksa dk bfrgkl & izHkqnÙk 'kekZ
ik'pkR; jktuhfr fparu dk bfrgkl & ch-,y-QkfM;k
ik'pkR; jktuhfrd fopkjksa dk bfrgkl & T;ksfr izlkn lqnk
History of Political thought – Sukhbir Singh
History of Political thought – J.P.Suda
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
Essential Readings
Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd fopkjd & ih-ds-R;kxh
vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; jktuhfr fparu & oh-ih-oekZ
vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; jktuhfr fparu & ,-ih-voLFkh
vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; jktuhfr fparu & ch-,y-QkfM;k
Indian Political Thought – Ram Ratan & Ruchi Tyagi
Modern Indian Political Thought – V.P. Verma
Indian Political Thought – R.C. Gupta
Total 100 x 4 = 400 Marks
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
Essential Readings
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
Essential Readings
vUrjkZ"Vªh; jktuhfrd fl)kUr ,oa O;ogkj & ;w-vkj ?kbZ
vUrjkZ"Vªh; jktuhfrd fl)kUr ,oa O;ogkj & ch-,y-QkfM;k
vUrjkZ"Vªh; jktuhfr ds lS)kfUrd i{k & egsUnz dqekj
vUrjkZ"Vªh; lEcU/k & ,l-lh- flagy
vUrjkZ"Vªh; lEcU/k vkSj O;ogkj & iq"is'k iar
vUrjkZ"Vªh; lEcU/k & riu fcLoky
Theoretical aspects of International politics – Mahendra Kumar
International Politics – Prakash Chandra
International relations – P. Ghosh
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
1. Indian Foreign Policy: Principles and objectives in the changing world scenario.
2. Determinants of Indian foreign policy.
3. Sino-Indian Relations.
4. Indo – Pakistan Relations.
5. Indo – Russia Relations.
6. India – USA Relations.
7. India and UNO: Problem of restructuring UN and issue of permanent membership in Security
8. Look East Policy of India: Relations with ASEAN and Japan.
Essential Readings
Hkkjr dh fons'k uhfr & va'kq ikaMs;
Hkkjr dh fons'k uhr & ch-,y-QkfM+;k
cnyrh nqfu;k esa Hkkjr dh fons'k uhfr & oh-ih-nRr
Hkkjr dh fons'k uhfr & oh-,u- [kUuk ,oa fyik{kh vjksM+kA
Foreign policy of India – V.N. Khanna
Indian foreign policy – J.N. Dixit
Indian foreign policy in changing world – V.P. Dutt
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
Essential Readings
Hkkjrh; lafo/kku % ,d ifjp; & Mh-Mh-cklq
Hkkjrh; 'kklu ,oa jktuhfr & ,l-lh-fla?ky
Hkkjrh; 'kklu ,oa jktuhfr & ch-,y-QkfM;k
Hkkjrh; iz'kklu vkSj jktuhfr & egsUnz izlkn flag
Hkkjrh; 'kklu vkSj jktuhfr & cklqdh ukFk pkS/kjh ,oa ;qojkt dqekj
Indian constitution – J.C. Johari
Indian Govt. & Politics – A.P.Awasthi
Constitutional Development National Movement of India – R.C. Agarwal and Dr. Mahesh Bhatnagar
Total 100 x 4 = 400 Marks
(Credits: Theory-04, Tutorial-01)
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
Essential Readings
lkekftd 'kks/k ,oa lkaf[;dh & jfoUnz ukFk eq[kthZ
lkekftd vuqla/kku rFkk losZ{k.k & ,l-vkj-oktis;h
lkekftd 'kks/k ,oa lkaf[;dh & rksej
lkekftd vuqla/kku & jke- vkgqtk
Research Methodology - C.R.Kothari
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
Essential Readings
Introduction to Political Sociology - B.C.Das and H.E.Choudhary
jktuhfrd lekt’kkL= & ch-,y-QkfM;k
jktuhfrd lekt’kkL= & lfPpnkuUn ik.Ms;
jktuhfrd lekt’kkL= & ef.k’kadj izlkn
jktuhfrd lekt’kkL= & 'kf'k ds-tSu
jktuhfrd lekt’kkL= & ,y-,u-'kekZ ,oa d`".k eqjkjh
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
1. Administrative Culture
2. Administrative theories: Human Relations (Elton Mayo), Decision – making theory (Herbert
Simon) and Ecological theory (F.W Riggs)
3. Max Weber's views on bureaucracy
4. Committed bureaucracy, neutrality and downsizing of bureaucracy.
5. Administrative Management: Leadership, communication and motivation.
6. Public Policy: Concept and formulation.
7. E-governance: Meaning, advantages, challenges and e-governance in India.
8. Removal of citizen’s grievances: lokpal and lokayukt.
Essential Readings
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
Essential Readings
la;qDr jk"Vª la?k & pkSjfl;k
vUrjkZ"Vªh; dkuwu ,oa laxBu & ch-,y-QkfM;k
vUrjkZ"Vªh; laxBu & ,e-ih-jk;
vUrjkZ"Vªh; laxBu & ch-,u-flag
International Organization - B.M.Mehrish
Total 100 x 4 = 400 Marks
(Credits: Theory-04, Tutorial-01)
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks )
Essential Readings
Hkkjr esa jkT;ksa dh jktuhfr & usek ,oa tSu
Hkkjr esa jkT;ksa dh jktuhfr & ch0,y0QkfM;k
Hkkjr esa jkT; iz’kklu & gjh’k pUnz 'kekZ
Hkkjr esa jkT;ksa dh jktuhfr & xkSre ohj
State Politics in India - Iqabal Narayan.
(Credits: Theory-04, Tutorial-01)
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks )
Essential Readings
fcjlk eq.Mk vkSj mudk vkUnksyu & dqekj lqjs’k flag
>kj[kaM fnlqe eqfDr xkFkk vkSj l`tu ds lius & gfjoa’k
>kj[kaM ,d ifjp; & lquhy flag
NksVkukxiqj dk bfrgkl & oh-ih-ds’kjh
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
Essential Readings
Public Administration - Fadia and Fadia
Public Administration - Awasthi & Maheshwari
yksd iz’kklu fl}kar ,oa O;ogkj & vfuy dqekj 'kekZ
yksd iz’kklu & ch-,y-QkfM;k
yksd iz’kklu & 'kekZ vkSj lnkuk
(Credits: Theory-04, Tutorial-01)
Marks: 30 (MSE: 20Th. 1Hr + 5Attd. + 5Assign.) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (MSE:17 + ESE:28)=45
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
1. Environmental issues: policies of government of India and role of India in international forum
in the post- Copenhagen period.
2. Developmental issues: sustainable development – Agenda 21.
3. Gender issue.
4. Challenges of internal security: terrorism and fundamentalism.
5. Naxalism: origin, development and countering naxalism.
6. The debate of uniform civil code.
7. RTI act: provisions and challenges in implementation.
8. RTE Act: provisions and challenges in implementation.
Essential Readings
ledkyhu jktuhfrd eqn~ns & fla?ky
vk/kqfudrk mÙkj vk/kqfudrk ,oa uo lekt’kkL=h; fl)kar & ,l-,y-nks"kh
(Attendance Upto75%, 1mark; 75<Attd.<80, 2 marks; 80<Attd.<85, 3 marks; 85<Attd.<90, 4 marks; 90<Attd, 5 marks ).
1. International Law: Definition, origin, nature, development, codification and difference between
International and Municipal law.
2. International legal principles: recognition and succession of states.
3. Treaty
4. Laws of warfare: land, Ariel and sea warfare.
5. Blockade & Contraband
6. Intervention & Extradition.
7. Privileges and immunities of diplomats and envoys.
8. Crime against humanity: prisoners of war, Nuremberg and Tokyo trial.
Essential Readings
International Law - Hingorani
International Law - A.C.Kappor
vUrjkZ"Vªh; dkuwu ,oa laxBu & oh-,y-QkfM;k
vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k & vatyh xqIrk
ekuo vf/kdkj ,oa vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k & ,l-ds-diwj
Project model (if any) and the Project record notebook = 70 marks
Project presentation and viva-voce = 30 marks
Student alone or in a group of not more than five, shall undertake one Project approved by the
Subject Teacher/H.O.D. of the Department/College concerned. The progress of the Project
shall be monitored by the faculty members at regular intervals.
Table B-1: Semester wise distribution of 80 Credits for Subjects with Practical Papers.
Semester I 15 05 20
Semester II 20 20
Semester III 15 05 20
Semester IV 5 15 20
55 05 15 05 80
Table B-1: Semester wise distribution of 80 Credits for Subjects without Practical Papers.
Semester I 15 05 20
Semester II 20 20
Semester III 15 05 20
Semester IV 10 10 20
60 05 10 05 80
CC=Core Course; FC=Foundation Compulsory/Elective Course; GE=Generic Elective; SE=Skill Enhancement Course; DC=Discipline
Centric Elective
Table B-3: Sample calculation for CGPA for P.G. Vocational M.Sc./M.A./M.Com Programme
T30* 17 1 Hr 5 x1 =5 3 (out of 5) x5 =15 05 5
(20 +5 +5)
*There shall be 20 marks theory examination for mid sem, 05 marks for attendance/
regular interactions & 05 marks for seminar/ assignment/ term paper given by faculty
concerned in classrooms.
Total No. of
Group-A# Group-B Questions to Set
(Very short answer type (Descriptive
Topic Code Full Marks Time Compulsory Questions) Questions)
No. of Questions x Marks No. of Questions x
= F.M. Marks = F.M. Group Group
A# B
# Question No.1 in Group-A carries very short answer type questions of 1 Mark
General Instructions:
lekU; funsZ”k %
General Instructions:
i. Group A carries very short answer type compulsory questions.
ii. Answer 4 out of 6 subjective/ descriptive questions given in Group B.
([kaM *B* ds N% esa ls fdUgha pkj fo‘k;fu‘B@ o.kZukRed iz”uksa ds mÙkj nsaA)
iii. Answer in your own words as far as practicable.
(;FkklaHko vius “kCnksa essa mÙkj nsaA)
iv. Answer all sub parts of a question at one place.
(,d iz”u ds lHkh Hkkxksa ds mÙkj ,d lkFk fy[ksaA)
v. Numbers in right indicate full marks of the question.
(iw.kkZad nk;ha vksj fy[ks x;s gSaA)
Group A
1. [5x1=5]
i. ...............
ii. ...............
iii. ...............
iv. ...............
v. ...............
2. ............... [5]
Group B
3. ............... [15]
4. ............... [15]
5. ............... [15]
6. ............... [15]
7. ............... [15]
8. ............... [15]
Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examination.