Quantum Efficiency
Quantum Efficiency
Quantum Efficiency
Solar Energy 100 (2014) 23–30
Received 17 September 2013; received in revised form 13 November 2013; accepted 29 November 2013
We report the performance of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin film solar cell that showed efficiency in the range of 6.2% without an anti-
reflection coating. Initially, the CZTS precursor film was co-sputtered using three different targets; copper (Cu), tin sulfide (SnS) and
zinc sulfide (ZnS). The Cu target was subjected to DC power, and RF power was used for the SnS and ZnS targets. The as-grown CZTS
film was sulfurized in a H2S/N2 environment at 525 °C, which re-crystalized the film with grain sizes in the range of 1 lm. Cadmium
sulfide (CdS) was used as the n-type layer. Current–voltage (I–V), quantum efficiency (QE) and capacitance–voltage (C–V) measurements
were used to characterize the cell device. The modeling and analysis of QE and CV data showed that a significant portion of the CZTS
layer did not contribute to the photo-generation. Optimizing CZTS phase purity, improving QE in the broader wavelength region, and
increasing minority carrier lifetime are necessary steps to further improve CZTS device performance.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction (ITO) (Yang et al., 2008) are used as TCO layers. Silver/
chromium (Ag/Cr) is used as finger electrodes.
CZTS is an excellent p-type absorber because of its high In recent years, interest in CZTS has increased exponen-
absorption coefficient and its ideal band gap of 1.5 eV (Seol tially since this compound is very similar to the well-studied
et al., 2003; Rajeshmon et al., 2011). A typical CZTS het- high efficiency copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS).
ero-junction solar cell starts with molybdenum (Mo) as a CZTS differs from CIGS in that it replaces the indium
back contact, CZTS as p-type absorber and CdS as n-type and gallium by less expensive and earth abundant zinc
window layer. Highly resistive, intrinsic zinc oxide (i-ZnO) and tin, respectively. However, the highest efficiency
is placed between the transparent conducting oxide (TCO) observed so far is only 8.4% for the CZTS/CdS hetero-
layer and the window layer to prevent any shunting paths junction (Shin et al., 2013) compared to 20% efficiency
through the n-type layer. Aluminum doped zinc oxide for CIGS/CdS hetero-structure (Jackson et al., 2011).
(AZO) (Dhakal et al., 2012a) and tin-doped indium oxide According to the widely accepted Shockley–Queisser limit,
an efficiency of 28% is possible with the CZTS solar cell
(Shockley and Queisser, 1961). In order to achieve efficien-
⇑ Corresponding author. cies closer to this limit, there are major challenges that need
E-mail address: [email protected] (T.P. Dhakal). to be addressed.
0038-092X/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
24 T.P. Dhakal et al. / Solar Energy 100 (2014) 23–30
Although it was suggested from the measurement of 4 h in a tube furnace with quartz tube. This resulted in
temperature dependence of open circuit voltage (Voc) that grain enhancement and near single phase CZTS crystals.
the interface recombination may be a dominant factor for The phase purity of the CZTS layer was assessed by X-
the observed low Voc in CZTSSe devices (Gunawan ray diffraction (XRD) measurement. X-ray Photoelectron
et al., 2010; Mitzi et al., 2011), a recent study suggests that Spectroscopy (XPS) measurements were performed using
the important factor limiting CZTSSe solar cell efficiencies a Versaprobe PHI 5000 scanning ESCA system which
is the existence of tail states due to electrostatic potential employs monochromatic Al Ka X-rays.
fluctuations induced by strong compensation (Gokmen Cadmium sulfide (CdS) was used as an n-type layer,
et al., 2013). In addition, unlike CIGS, CZTS has a rather which was synthesized using chemical bath deposition.
small window of thermodynamically stable phase (Chen Prior to the deposition of CdS layer, the CZTS surface
et al., 2010; Nagoya et al., 2010). A slight variation in was etched for two minutes in an 1 M sodium cyanide
the growth parameters favors the formation of secondary (NaCN) solution prepared in DI water. Then a thin intrin-
phases including Cu2SnS3, ZnS, SnS2 and CuS. First prin- sic zinc oxide (i-ZnO) layer was coated followed by a trans-
ciple calculations have shown that Cu at Zn site are the parent conducting oxide (TCO) layer. The thicknesses of
dominant defects in all possible ranges of CZTS phase sta- CdS, i-ZnO, and TCO were around 60 nm, 50 nm and
bility (Nagoya et al., 2011). Because Cu is a monovalent 300 nm respectively. The fabricated cell structure was
and zinc is a divalent cation, the Cu antisite (Cu substituted Glass/Mo/CZTS/CdS/ZnO/TCO (AZO or ITO)/Cr–Ag.
at Zn site) defect acts as an accepter giving rise to p-type Carrier concentration of the CZTS film was obtained by
conductivity in CZTS. A Cu-poor and Zn-rich CZTS phase Hall Effect measurement. Capacitance–voltage measure-
is desired to suppress the CuZn antisite defects and Zn-poor ments were performed to estimate the acceptor density
phases like Cu2SnS3. But with Zn-rich composition, forma- and the built-in-potential using Keithley’s semiconductor
tion of the competitive phase such as ZnS occurs. Thus characterization system (KTEI V 8.2). I–V characteristics
careful control of the Cu and Zn-compositions is necessary. of the cell under l sun light were performed in a class
Another issue that has reduced the efficiency of the AAA solar simulator from Photo Emission Tech. Inc.
CZTS solar cell is high series resistance. The series resis- The quantum efficiency measurement was carried out in a
tance of a solar cell device depends on the quality of the commercial system from PV Measurements, Inc. The
TCO layer, top electrode, and the electronic nature of the absorption data was obtained from a UV–vis spectropho-
bottom Mo/CZTS contact (Wang et al., 2010). The pres- tometer from Angstrom Sun Technologies Inc. Room tem-
ence of the MoS2 layer at the interface between CZTS perature PL data of the CZTS film was obtained using
and Mo back contact could also be responsible for high 532 nm incident laser light at 10 lJ in reflection geometry
series resistance in CZTS devices (Mitzi et al., 2011; Scragg with an exposure time of 30 s.
et al., 2013). In this article, a detailed performance analysis
of CZTS/CdS cell device with an efficiency of 6.2% is 3. Results and discussion
reported. A very simple QE modeling is used to show the
generation in the CZTS film layer by layer. The cell device 3.1. Structural properties
is also analyzed by capacitance–voltage (C–V) measure-
ment, an outcome of which has verified QE modeling The film crystallinity and the orientation were assessed
results. A detailed account of XRD peaks corresponding by h2h X-ray diffraction (XRD) in grazing angle inci-
to CZTS kesterite phase is also presented. The current– dence geometry. The angle of incidence used was 0.6°,
voltage (I–V) characteristics of the device were fitted in a which was an optimized value to avoid reflection and the
single diode model and the extracted parameters were then substrate peaks. X-ray diffraction patterns shown in
used to see how lowering series resistance would help to Fig. 1 of our CZTS film match almost perfectly with those
enhance the efficiency. The characterizations are presented of the kesterite phase (PDF # 01-075-4122; International
in a way to understand the shortcomings of the CZTS solar Center for Diffraction Data). Although XRD patterns of
cell. CZTS are usually compared with data from PDF # 00-
026-0575 (Todorov et al., 2010), the reflections from all
2. Experimental possible peaks are missing in this pdf data, which may lead
to a wrong conclusion on the additional peaks seen in the
The precursor layer for the CZTS absorber was observed data. The intensity of the XRD patterns is plotted
placed on molybdenum (Mo) coated glass substrate by in a smaller scale to see the presence of any impurity peaks.
co-sputtering of Cu, SnS and ZnS. The targets The peaks indicated with the asterisk mark are predomi-
(2:000 Dia. 0:12500 Thick) with 99.99% were purchased nantly due to Mo beneath the CZTS film although CZTS
from Kurt J. Lesker Company. In a typical run, the power peaks also exist in these locations. The broadness on both
used for Cu, SnS and ZnS targets were 35 W DC, 65 W RF sides of the (2 0 0)/(0 0 4) peak of the CZTS film is due to the
and 220 W RF, respectively. This was followed by an peaks from the MoS2 layer formed between the Mo and
annealing of the CZTS layer in H2S/N2 (5/95%) environ- CZTS interface. A tiny peak on the left side of the (2 2 4)
ment at atmospheric pressure at 500–525 °C from 3 to peak is due to the MoS2 as well. There are a few low
T.P. Dhakal et al. / Solar Energy 100 (2014) 23–30 25
Table 1
Elemental composition of the annealed CZTS thin films before and after etching.
Elements Overall (un-etched) (At.%) Overall (etched) (At.%) Dark region (un-etched) (At.%) Dark region (etched) (At.%)
S 47.91 49.83 49.25 51.03
Sn 11.31 11.34 12.05 11.81
Cu 22.96 22.23 24.07 22.60
Zn 17.82 16.61 14.62 14.57
Cu/(Zn + Sn) 0.79 0.80 0.90 0.86
Zn/Sn 1.58 1.47 1.21 1.23
Cu/Sn 2.03 1.96 1.99 1.91
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 3. (a) Absorption coefficient of the CZTS film, (b) Tauc plot for band gap measurement, (c) inflection point of IQE graph showing the effective band
gap, and (d) PL spectrum.
Nonetheless, the band gap and the absorption coefficient (Nagoya et al., 2011). The Rsh of the cell can be increased
are optimal for photo-energy conversion. by improving the material properties of the absorber layer.
On the other hand, Rs of the cell is relatively higher. Using
3.4. Electrical properties single diode modeling (Carrero et al., 2011; Kim and Choi,
2010), we found that an increase of efficiency close to 1% is
Fig. 4 shows the I–V graph of the optimal cell device. possible if the series resistance is reduced to 10% of its cur-
The efficiency of the cell is 6.2%. The open circuit voltage rent value. This is experimentally achievable by improving
(Voc) is 603 mV and the short circuit current is 19 mA/ the TCO layer as well as the back contact. In addition to
cm2. The series (Rs) and shunt (Rsh) resistances are the suboptimal conductivity of the TCO, the presence of
5.61 Xcm2 and 400 Xcm2 respectively. The fill factor (FF) MoS2 layer at the interface could be responsible for high
is 55%. The low Rsh can be attributed to the defective series resistance in the CZTS device. As shown in Fig. 5,
CZTS layer as shown in the cross-sectional SEM image a 60 nm thick MoS2 layer is formed.
of Fig. 5. The bright spots of ZnS appear to be precipitated The competitive efficiencies of CZTS/CdS solar cell with
more on the bottom than on the surface (cf. Fig. 2 and 5). CZTS precursor layer grown by sputtering stand at 6.7%
It is difficult to avoid ZnS precipitation, since it is one of by Katagiri et al. (Hironori et al., 2008) and 6.3% by Solar
the competing phases in Zn-rich CZTS phase formation Frontier (Homare et al., 2013), although an efficiency of
T.P. Dhakal et al. / Solar Energy 100 (2014) 23–30 27
Fig. 6. (a) External quantum efficiency (EQE), internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and reflectance of the CZTS solar cell. (b) External quantum efficiency
data fitted with a model.
Table 2
Fractional generation from various CZTS layers of the 6.2% cell device.
CZTS layer 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Remainder
Layer thickness (nm) 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 740
Total thickness (nm) 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 560 1300
Collection efficiency 1 1 1 1 1 0.7 0.6 0 0
Fractional generation 35% 23% 16% 11% 8% 4% 3% 0% 0%
CZTS layer used in the cell was 1.3 lm thick. With the best intercept and slope of line in 1/C2 vs. V plot as shown in
fit, we could estimate that only the first 450 nm contributed Fig. 7 below. The Vbi was 0.67 V, slightly higher than the
to the photo-generation (please see Table 2 for the frac- Voc for this device. The doping density (Na) calculated
tional generation of various layers). In spite of the simplic- using Eq. (4) was 5.75 1016/cm3, which was very close
ity of the model, it helped us to realize that a significant to the carrier (hole) density (5.65 1016/cm3) measured
amount within the CZTS layer was not being used for for the CZTS film using Hall Effect measurement. With
photo-conversion. Thus an optimization of the annealing Vbi and Na, the depletion width (Wd) estimated using the
process to achieve a single phase CZTS that contributes relation, Wd = (2eoesVbi/qNa)1/2 (Shin et al., 2013) was
to the photo-generation is a must to improve beyond the 95 nm.
current efficiency of the CZTS cell. The carrier diffusion length was also estimated using the
following relation:
3.6. Capacitance–voltage (C–V) measurements sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi kT
C–V measurements carried out revealed more funda- Ln Dn s ¼ ln s ð5Þ
mental properties of the device to pave the way toward
achieving a much higher efficiency. Doping density and
built-in-voltage at the cell junction were derived from 1/
C2 vs. V plot of C–V data according to the following rela-
tions (Tripathi and Sharma, 2012; Yakuphanoglu, 2011):
1 2
¼ ðV bi V Þ ð3Þ
C qN a eo es A2
Na ¼ ð4Þ
qeo es A2 ½dVd ð1=C 2 Þ
where Na = doping density (1/cm3), q = the electron charge
(1.60219 1019 C), eo = permittivity of free space
(8.85 1014 F/cm), es = dielectric constant (es of
CZTS = 7 (Zhao and Persson, 2011)), A = area of the
cell (cm2), C = measured capacitance and V = applied
DC voltage.
From Eqs. (3) and (4), we see that the built-in-potential
(Vbi) and the doping density can be obtained from the Fig. 7. 1/C2 vs. V plot obtained from C–V measurement.
T.P. Dhakal et al. / Solar Energy 100 (2014) 23–30 29
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