SalvationSignsSymbols 3

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Corresponds to Program 3


A s we’ve looked at the book of Revelation, we have noticed

that it is divided into various sections. If we were to
reduce that further, it could be summed up in two sections:
services in the courtyard represented His work on earth,
while the inner sanctuary represents His work done in
Heaven. The altar is the Old Testament version of the cross
Revelation 1 - 11 covers the seven churches, seven seals, and of Christ (Hebrews 13:10-12; John 1:29).
the seven trumpets. From Revelation 12 on to the end of the
The Laver
book are the seven vials or bowls. So now lets add to that
The other article of furniture that was in the courtyard was
a picture of the sanctuary. In the first half of the book, we
the laver of water, which symbolizes that God purifies us from
find the candlesticks, the altar of incense, and the table of
the stain of sin. The New Testament opens with baptism, the
showbread, articles found in the Holy Place. The last half
symbol of cleansing represented by
touches on the ark of the covenant
the laver in the courtyard. From John
and the law, items found in the
the Baptist in the gospels of Matthew,
Most Holy Place. So how does the
Mark, Luke, and John, and the book of
sanctuary in the Old Testament
Acts you find the baptism of the early
help us to understand what these
church. Here is outlined the process by
two halves of the book are about in
which God cleanses us. The priests had
relation to the sanctuary imagery?
to wash themselves before going into
Let’s go to the Bible to inform our
the Holy Place. Water is a symbol of the
understanding of the sanctuary.
cleansing work of the Holy Spirit.
The Altar of Burnt Offering “And Jesus said to them, ‘I am the Table of Showbread
We begin in the courtyard where bread of life. He who comes to Me The table of shewbread, or showbread,
we find the altar of sacrifice and the
laver of water. shall never hunger, and he who was placed on the north side of the first
The burnt offerings of animals and believes in Me shall never thirst’ ” section of the sanctuary known as the
Holy Place. On the Sabbath, the Levites
portions of various offerings were JOHN 6:35 NKJV
made twelve loaves of unleavened
burned on this altar. The sacrifice
was made for sin. Sin separates us bread. During the entire week the bread
from God, leading to death. So the sacrifices pointed to the lay on the table in two stacks of six. At the end of the week it
death of Christ as a consequence of our sin so that the sinner was removed and eaten by the priests. This bread represented
Christ—the Bread of Life—and His living Word, made up
can have atonement or “at-one-ment” with God. Therefore,
of 66 books, that brings life. We are to eat this Bread of Life
the work done upon this altar was a symbol of the work of
by reading the Bible and obeying its life-giving words. “And
Christ who became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). We must
Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to
remember that Christ was the Lamb who was slain, and He
Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never
could not begin the rest of the sanctuary work without first
thirst.’ ” John 6:35 NKJV.
going through the sacrifice on the altar in the courtyard. The

John 6:35 TABLE OF SHOWBREAD Romans 8:26, Hebrews 8:5 ALTAR OF INCENSE
Revelation 1:12-20 SEVEN CANDLESTICKS Revelation 11:19 MOST HOLY PLACE

©2018 Salvation in Symbols and Signs is a production of 3ABN Dare to Dream Network.
Lamp Stand Veil
Across the room from the table of showbread was the The veil hung between the Holy Place and the Most Holy
seven-branched candlestick. Christ is standing in the midst Place. It served as a reminder that sin separates us from God.
of the seven candlesticks. The only person who ever was allowed entry to the Most Holy
Place was the High Priest, who went in to minister on the
The golden candlestick with its seven golden lamps was Day of Atonement, once a year. Yet, the prayers, symbolized
on the south side of the first apartment or Holy Place of by the incense from the altar of incense, were able to travel
the sanctuary. It was made of gold beaten into shape by up and over the veil, and be present before the Mercy Seat.
the workman’s hammer. Christ, in explaining to John the Although we cannot see God face to face in this world, we
meaning of what he had seen, said, “The seven candlesticks have the assurance that He will hear our prayers.
which thou sawest are the seven churches” (Revelation 1:12).
The churches, represented by candlesticks, are to hold the MOST HOLY PLACE
Light of the world, Christ, high for everyone to see. In Revelation 11:19 we’re introduced to the Most Holy
Altar of Incense Place. “And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and
there was seen in His temple the ark of His testament: and
The golden altar, or altar of incense, was before the veil in there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and
the first apartment of the sanctuary, which was straight ahead an earthquake, and great hail.” This verse moves us from
from the entrance to the building. The High Priest alone was Holy Place imagery to the Most Holy Place in the context
to perform the sacred duty of placing incense before the Lord of sanctuary symbolism. This indicates that everything from
on this altar. The altar and the fragrant incense in the earthly Revelation 12 onward deals primarily with how God is going
sanctuary were representations of the work that our great to finally eradicate sin, as the Most Holy Place focused on the
High Priest, Jesus, is performing for us (Hebrews 8:5). The day of judgment and final eradication of sin from the camp
incense represents our prayers, as they ascend to God. The through the final atonement.
Holy Spirit mingles our prayers with the righteousness of
Christ, to present them before the Father. Mercy Seat (Ark of the Covenant)
The broken law contained in the Ark was the only reason
Romans 8:26 tells us that we “know not what we should
for all the sacrificial services, both typical and antitypical.
pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession
The cover of the Ark was called the Mercy Seat, and was of
for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” This means
pure gold. There is great consolation in the fact that the Lord
that sometimes we don’t know how to pray, but God can read
Himself covered the broken law with a mercy seat; and then
our hearts, and through His Spirit, He is listening deeply to
He, the merciful God, took His position upon that seat, so
what we are saying.
that every sinner who comes confessing his sins, may receive
mercy and pardon.

NORTH The white linen fence





(The Most Holy Place) (The Holy Place)

Sanctuary Symbolism
Question & Answers

1. How many parts were there in the Sanctuary? ______________________________________________

2. Which area did the sinner bring his offering to? ______________________________________________

3. Which piece of furniture was used to offer up the prayers before God? ________________________________________

4. Which piece of furniture represented the cleansing work of the Holy Spirit? ____________________________________

5. Which piece of furniture represents Christ, “the light of the world?” ________________________________________

6. Which item shows us that sin separates us from God? ______________________________________________

7. Which piece of furniture shows us Christ, “the bread of life” with His people? __________________________________

8. Who alone could enter the Most Holy Place on the Day of Atonement? _______________________________________

Personal Application
Do you want Jesus to be your High Priest, interceding for you with His shed blood before the Father? _______________



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