CV2013 - Week 5 (2014)
CV2013 - Week 5 (2014)
CV2013 - Week 5 (2014)
Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics
Week 5: Geological Maps.
g p
Asst Prof. WONG Ngai Yuen Louis
Updated on 6/9/14
Learning outcomes
• What does a geological map contain?
What does a geological map contain?
• Orientation of a geological structure
g g
• 3 point method
• Practical geological map interpretation
What are geological maps?
• A geological map shows the distribution of various type of
____________ and ____________ in an area.
• It usually consists of a ______________________ (a map giving
information about the form of the earth’ss surface), which is
information about the form of the earth surface) which is
shaded or coloured to show where different rock units occur at
or just below the ground surface.
• Lines on the map are drawn to show the boundaries between
each of the rock units.
h f th k it
• Usually
Usually accompanied by a _______________ based on
accompanied by a based on
geological interpretation (not always true observation).
Example of a geological map
• distribution
distribution of
bedrocks and soil
• topographic map
• shaded or coloured
• geological cross‐
How is a geological map made?
• The geologist records the nature of rock outcrop
(visible at the surface).
• Record rock composition, internal structure and
fossil content
fossil content.
• Different units can be distinguished and shown
separately on the base map.
• Deducing the rock unit underlying areas of
unexposed rock (soil covered areas) by – type of
soil, the land’s surface forms (geomorphology),
, (g p gy),
borehole information and geophysical methods. ‐field‐camp.jpg
Site Investigation
Site Investigation
Warning: there are always parts of the map where more
______________ exists about the nature of the
bedrock, and it is important for the reader of the map
(you!!!) to realize that a good deal of _______________
is used in the map‐making process.
What to learn in university?
• Engineers learn how to USE
learn how to USE a geological map.
a geological map.
It means to be familiar with the important
types of geological structures on a map
types of geological structures on a map or
First Geological Map
• William Smith
Geological Map of England
and Wales and Part of
dW l dP t f
Scotland, 1815‐1817
• He was the first to discover
that the strata of England were
in a definite order and the first
to show that their fossil
contents were in the same
contents were in the same
Make use of surface contours
Setting: This map shows that a
layer of limestone
f limestone is found on
i f d
top of the geological
succession. It is underlain by
succession. It is underlain by
different beds of sedimentary
Task: The map is only partly
completed. Try to show all
underground rock layers by
shading the blank area
the blank area
according to the keys. 12
Make use of surface contours (cont)
Key to shading widely
used on geological maps
and text figures
d fi
Make use of surface contours (cont)
Make use of surface contours (cont)
Make use of surface contours (cont)
All the layers are
horizontal and
easily follow
Learning outcomes
• What does a geological map contain? (√)
What does a geological map contain? (√)
• Orientation of a geological structure
g g
• 3 point method
• Practical geological map interpretation
Orientation of a geological structure
Geological layers are not always
The strike line of a planar feature is a line
representing the intersection of that
p g
feature with a horizontal plane.
Strike (or strike angle) can be given as
either a quadrant compass bearing of Strike and dip of the bed
the strike line (e g N25°E)
the strike line (e.g. N25 E) or
or 1 Strike
a single three digit number 2‐Dip
representing the azimuth, where the 3‐Apparent dip
4 Angle of dip
4‐Angle of dip
lower number is usually given (N25°E
= 025, not 225) 18
Orientation of a geological structure
Strike = N25°E = 025
Dip direction
azimuth which is 90° off the strike angle
measured in 360 degrees clockwise
measured in 360 degrees clockwise
from North.
Example = 115
Dip (α) Strike and dip of the bed
1 Strike
the steepest angle of a plane relative to 2‐Dip
horizontal 3‐Apparent dip
measured between 0
measured between 0° and 90
and 90° 4 Angle of dip
4‐Angle of dip
Review Question
A. 150o
B. 330o
C. 030o
D. 180o
Review Question
What is the dip of a horizontal plane?
Concept of slope (gradient)
True Dip and Apparent Dip
Tangent (apparent dip) = tangent (true dip) x cos (β)
Vertical thickness and True Thickness
• Since beds are commonly inclined, the vertical
thickness penetrated by a borehole is greater
than the true thickness measured perpendicular
than the true thickness measured perpendicular
to the geological boundaries (interfaces)
• The angle α between VT (vertical thickness) and
T (true thickness) is equal to the angle of dip.
• Now cos α = T / VT
Therefore T = VT x cos α
• Where the dip is low (less than 5o), the cosine is
high (over 0.99) and true and vertical thickness
g ( )
are approximately the same.
Width of Outcrop
If the ground surface is
l l th idth f t
level, the width of outcrop
of a bed of constant
thickness is a function of:
‐ Dip
‐ Bed thickness
‐ Slope of the ground
Learning outcomes
• What does a geological map contain? (√)
What does a geological map contain? (√)
• Orientation of a geological structure (√)
g g ( )
• 3 point method
• Practical geological map interpretation
The 3‐point problem
A fault plane encountered at three localities A, B and C has depths
f l l d h l l d h d h
of 150, 100 and 175 meters respectively.
a) Draw structure contours (strike lines) for the fault
a) Draw structure contours (strike lines) for the fault.
b) If a hole is drilled at locality D, how deep will the fault be
c) What is the dip direction and dip of the contact plane?
The 3‐point problem (cont)
Step 1 – Form the triangle and connect the three points.
Step 2 – Draw the first strike line
Step 2 Draw the first strike line
1. A strike line, like a contour, connects the same elevation points
on the sandstone‐shale contact. To draw the first strike line, we
need to locate two points which have the same elevation
need to locate two points which have the same elevation.
2. Since points B and C are at 100 m (min) and 175 m (max)
elevation, we can predict that 1/3 of the line closer to C is at 150
l d h / f h l l
3. By connecting this 1/3 point and point A, we can draw the first
strike line.
The 3‐point problem (cont)
Step 2 –
1. A strike line, like a contour, connects the same elevation points on the sandstone‐shale
contact. To draw the first strike line, we need to locate two points which have the same
2. Since points B and C are at 100 m and 175 m elevation, we can predict that 1/3 of the line
closer to C is at 150 m. 30
3. By connecting this 1/3 point and point A, we can draw the first strike line.
The 3‐point problem (cont)
D 150
The 3‐point problem (cont)
Why 25m?
D 150
D 150
The 3‐point problem (cont)
The 3‐point problem (cont)
SStep 4 –
4 Dip direction and Dip
Di di i d Di
a) dip direction can be measured from the strike lines with the
b) dip is determined from
tan α = vertical distance/horizontal distance
Outcrop patterns of geological
surfaces exposed on the ground
surfaces exposed on the ground
• We have just seen how a geological surface can be
represented by contour maps.
• The next step is to determine if such a geological
surface can be observed on the ground.
• A
A rule to remember: A geological surface crops out at
rule to remember: A geological surface crops out at
points where it has the same height as the ground
su ace. (see o ed e a p e be o )
surface. (see worked example below)
Worked Example
Task: Given topographic contours and structure contours
for a planar coal seam (A), predict the map outcrop
pattern of the coal seam.
tt f th l
Topographic contours in
elevation (surface)
Structure contour of
coal seam in elevation
Worked Example
Step 1: Points are sought on the map where structure contours
Step 1: Points are sought on the map where structure contours
intersect a topographic contour of the same elevation. A
series of points is obtained in this way through which the
line of outcrop of the coal seam must pass.
Worked Example
Step 2: Join the points to form a surface outcrop would seem in
places to be somewhat arbitrary with the lines labelled p and
q in (B) appearing equally possible.
in (B) appearing equally possible.
Worked Example
Step 3: Final checking and color shading. However, p
Step 3: Final checking and color shading However p is incorrect, since
is incorrect since
the line of outcrop cannot cross the 150 metre structure contour
unless there is a point along it at which the ground surface has a
h i h f 150
height of 150 metres.
Learning outcomes
• What does a geological map contain? (√)
What does a geological map contain? (√)
• Orientation of a geological structure (√)
g g ( )
• 3 point method (√)
• Practical geological map interpretation
More exercises on Bennison and Moseley (2003)
y( )
• Refer to another set of handout for Map 6.
Refer to another set of handout for Map 6
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 1
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 2
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 3
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 4
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 5
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 6
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 7
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 8
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 9
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 10
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 11
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 12
Bennison and
Moseley (2003)
Moseley (2003)
Map 6 – Step 13