TNTET Model Question Paper 2 (Science)

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(i) Foe;ij Nkk;ghLk; fw;gpj;jy; 8.

gR vd;gJ
a) njhlh;G fUj;J
b) ,iz nghJik fUj;J
1. fy;tp cstpay; vd;gJ
a) nghJ cstpay; c) rpf;fyhd fUj;J
b) newpgpwo; cstpay; d) vspikahd fUj;J
9. gpahN[apd; nraYf;F Kw;gl;l epiyapy;
c) eilKiw cstpay;
d) r%f cstpay; a) vijAk; njhpe;J nfhs;Sk; Mh;tk;
2. thf;nfLg;G ve;j cstpay; Kiwapd;
b) ghh;jj ; y;
a) Ngl;b Kiw c) nkhop tsh;rr ; p
b) tpdh thpir Kiw d) tifg;gLj;Jjy;
10. rpe;jid vd;gJ
c) nray; Ma;T Kiw
a) fw;gid
d) ju msTNfhy; Kiw
b) fl;LgLj;jg;gl;l fw;gid
3. cstpay; Ma;T $lj;ij Kjd;Kjypy;
njhlq;fpath; c) fl;Lglhj fw;gid
a) N[.vk;.];Bgd; d) mwpT
b);.];fpd;dh; 11. czT mUe;jpf;nfhz;nfhz;Nl gbg;gJ vd;gJ
c) tpy;`k; Cz;l; a) ftdf; FiwT
d) rpf;kz;l; gpuha;L b) ftdkpd;ik
4. FNuhNkhNrhk;fs; ,iztJ c) ftd gphpT
a) ,izg;G Nfhl;ghL d) ftd tPrR ;
b) NtWghL Nfhl;ghL 12. kdntOr;rpfspy; Kf;fpakhdJ
c) Njit Nfhl;ghL a) mr;rk; b) Fog;gk;
c) $r;rk; d) rpdk;
d) tha;gG ; Nfhl;ghL
13. Nehgy; ghpR ngw;w cstpayhsh;
5. xU fU ,ul;ilah;fspd; kuG
a) rkk; a) jhh;zi
; lf; b) ght;y
; ht;
b) rkkhf ,Uf;fhJ c) ];fpd;dh; d) Nfhyh;
14. epuy; topf; fw;wy; ,jd; mbg;
c) ,uz;Lk; fye;jJ
a) Mf;f epiyapWj;jk;
d) rpW Ntw;Wik cs;sJ
b) nray;gL Mf;f epiyapWj;jk;
6. kugpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij gw;wp
Muha;ej; th;. c) KOikf; fhl;rp Nfhl;ghL
a) jh;]l; d; b) thl;rd; d) Kad;W jtwp fw;wy;
c) Ml;yh; d) fhy;ld; 15. Fwpf;Nfhs
fhs; Nfhl;ghl;il nrhd;dth;
7. ngw;
ngw;NwhhplkpUe;J ngwg;gLk; kugpd; a) fhf;Nd b) Ngf;yp
jd;ik c) ght;yht; d) jhh;zi; lf;
a) 1/2 b) 1/4 16. ‘ehk;
ehk; vtw;iw kwf;f tpUk;GfpNwhNkh
c) 3/4 d) 2/3 mtw;iwNa kwf;fpNwhk;’ vdf; $wpath;
a) Mfgy; b) mz;lh;Tl;

c) Ky;yh; d) rpf;kz;l; gpuha;L a) nghUj;jghL b) kdepiwT
17. vg;gpq;`hypq; kwj;jy; Nrhjid nra;j c) kdKjph;rr ; p d) kdKwpT
Mz;L 28. topfhl;ly; ,jid tsur; nra;fpwJ.
a) 1862 b) 1875 a) kdg;ghd;ik b) Ez;zwpT
c) 1885 d) 1905 c) cl;fhl;rp d) MSik
18. Ez;zwpT <T R+j;jpuj;ij nrhd;dth; 29. ‘khzth;
khzth; mwpTiu gfh;jypy; gapw;rpfSk;>
a) My;gpul; gPNd gz;GfSk;’ vd;w Gj;jfj;ij vOjpath;
b) jpNahlh; irkd; a) ,.[p.tpy;ypak;rd;
c) ];nlh;d;
b) vg;.rp.jhh;d;
d) nlh;kd;
c) n[.vd;.yfhhp
19. Ez;zwpT tsh;rr ; p epd;W NghFk; taJ
d) vg;.uhgpd;rd;
a) 14 b) 15
30. jpwikf;Nfw;w rhjid milT ,y;yhj
c) 16 d) 18 Foe;ijapd; Ez;zwpT <T
20. fhytaJ 10 kdtaJ 12> Ez;zwpT a) 80 b) 70
c) 90 d) 100f;F Nky;
a) 120 b) 100
c) 1.2 d) 83.3
21. Mf;fj;jpwdpd; %d;whtJ gb
a) Maj;jk;
b) rhpghh;jj ; y;
c) cs;tsh;rr ; p
d) cs;nshsp Njhd;Wjy;
22. %is jhf;Fk; Kiwia nrhd;dth;
a) M];gh;d; b) Nfhtd;
c) thy]; d) Nuh[h;];
23. Cf;Ftpj;jy; vjDld; njhlh;GilaJ
a) ,yf;if miljy;
b) jilia ePfF ; jy;
c) njhpTfis Njh;en ; jLj;jy;
d) ,yf;if eph;zapj;jy;
24. ‘mthT
mthT epiy’
epiy vd;w fUj;jpid
a) nlk;Ngh b) ml;fpd;rd;
c) N`hg; d) gpuhq;
(ii) Language I - jkpo;
25. Foe;ijfSf;fhd glr; Nrhjid fPo; cs;s gj;jpiag; gbj;J 31Kjy;
a) TAT b) CAT; 33tiu cs;s tpdhf;fSf;F
c) DAT d) BAT
tpilaspf;f :-
26. ];lu; hq;fpd; gl;bay; vd;gJ Kjy; E}y; “mgpjhd Nfhrk;’
a) fy;tp gl;bay; vd;gjhFk;. ,J 1902 ,y;
b) njhopy; gl;bay; ntspaplg;gl;lJ. 1910 ,y; ‘mgpjhd
c) kdeyg; gl;bay; rpe;jhkzp’ vd;Dk; fiyf;fsQ;rpa
d) MSik gl;bay; E}y; ntsp te;jJ. ,e;E}y; Mq;fpyf;
27. kdeyk; vjDld; njlh;GilaJ my;y? fiyf; fsQ;rpak; Nghy; jkpopy;

fiy> mwptpay; Kjyhdtw;wpw;F c) rpyg;gjpfhuk; d )kzpNkfiy
tphpthd fiyf; fsQ;rpak; xd;iwj; 39. Kjy; gj;Jk; ,Wjpg;gj;Jk;
jkpo; tsh;rr ; pf; fofk; fpilf;fg;ngwhj njhif E}y;
ntspapl;Ls;sJ a) gj;Jg;ghl;L b) gjpw;Wg;gj;J
31. jkpopy; fiyf; fsQ;rpak; c) fypj;njhif d) FWe;njhif
mbg;gilapy; mike;j Kjy; E}ypd;
40. nrb> nfhb vd;gJ
a) ctkj;njhif b) gz;Gj;njhif
a) mgpjhd rpe;jhkzp
c) ck;ikj;njhif d) tpidj;njhif
b) mgpjhd Ntjk;
41. jkpopaf;fk; vDk; E}iy ,aw;wpath;?
c) rPtfrpe;jhkzp
a) jkpoUtp kzpad; b) jkpo;jj ; hrd;
d) #lhkzp
c) ghujpjhrd; d) Rg;guj;jpdjhrd;
32. mgpjhd Nfhrk; E}y; ntspaplg; gl;l
42. Gul;rp Ntz;Lk; Gul;rp Ntz;Lk; vd;W
a) 1902 b)1905 c) 1910 d) 1960
a) ftpkzp b) ehkf;fy; ftpQh;
33. mgpjhd rpe;jhkzp ntspapl;lg; gl;l
Mz;L c) czh;rr ; pf; ftpQh; d) Gul;rpf;ftpQh;
43. ve;ij vd;gJ
a) 1902 b) 1850 c)1915 d)1910
34. fw;G+ur;nrhw;Nfh vd;W ahh; ahiug; a) k&c b) Nghyp
ghbdhh;? c)msngil d) jw;fpoik
a) Rujh – Rg;Guj;jpdjhrid 44. gukhh;jj ; f;FUfij vDk; E}ypd;
b) Rg;Guj;jpdk; - Rujhit
a)tPukhKdpth; b) th.Nt.R
c) ghujpjhrd; - ghujpia
c) rh.Nt.R d) c.Nt.rh
d) ghujp- ghujpjhrid
45. ,sikapy; fw;f Ntz;Lk; vd;gJ
35. gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; rhpahd thpiriaj;
vt;tifj; njhlh;?
Njh;T nra;f:-:-
a) nra;jpj;njhlh; b) fl;lisj; njhlh;
a) ,sptuy;> kUl;if> mOif> eif
c) czh;rr ; pj; njhlh;
b) kUl;if> ,sptuy;> eif> mOif
d) cld;ghl;Lj; njhlh;
c) mOif> ,sptuy;> kUl;if> eif
46. Kjy; J}J E}y; E}y
d) eif> mOif> ,sptuy;> kUl;if
a) neQ;R tpLJ}J b) jkpo;tpLJ}J
36. jpUthrfj;ij Mq;fpyj;jpy; nkhop
ngah;jjth;? c) fps;istpLJ}J d) nrUg;GtpLJ}J
47. rPlL
; f;ftp vd;gJ ahiuf;
a) [p.A+.Nghg; b) khzpf;fthrfh;
c) tPukhKdpth; d) rPfd;ghy;FIah;
a) ghujpjhrd; b) thzpjhrd;
37. MZf;Fk; ngz;Zf;Fk; chpa
nghJthd rpw;wpyf;fpak;? c) ghujpahh; d) ney;ypjhrd;
48. ,uz;L rPuhy; tUk; mb
a) fyk;gfk; b) gs;S
a) mstb b) rpe;jb
C.FwtQ;rp d) gps;isj;jkpo;
38. rKjhaf; fhg;gpak; vd;W c) nebyb d) Fwsb
miof;fg;gLk; E}y; 49. fstop ehw;gJ ghbath;
a)tisahgjp b) Fz;lyNfrp a)ngha;ifahh; b) fgpyh;
c)G+jQ;Nre;jdhh; d) fhhpahrd;

50. Fz;lyNfrp vDk; E}ypd; Mrphpah; a) ghpghly; b) fypj;njhif
a)ehjf;Fj;jdhh; c) kJiuf;fhQ;rp d) Ky;iyg;ghl;L
b)Njhyhnkhopj; Njth;
c) ngah; ,y;iy
d) jpUj;jf;fj; Njth;
51. jkpoh; Ntjk; vJ?
a) jpUtha;nkhop b) hpf;Ntjk;
c)jpUke;jpuk; d) mjh;tz Ntjk;
52. tw;wy; jpd;whd;
a) nghUshFngah; b) rpidahFngah;
c) njhopyhFngah; d) gz;ghFngah;
53. njhif E}y;fspy; Kjd; Kjyhfj;
njhFf;fg;gl;l E}y;
a) ew;wpiz b)Iq;FE}W
c) ghpghly; d) FWe;njhif
54. Nfhapy; vd;gJ
a) Kjw;Nghyp b) Kw;Wg;Nghyp
c) filg;Nghyp d) ,ilg;Nghyp
55. ahUf;Fk; ntl;fkpy;iy vDk; E}ypd; (iii) Language – II : ENGLISH
a) Nfhky; Rthkp ehjd; b)Nrh choose the correct phrase to fill in the blank
in the sentence.
c) n[af;fhe;jd; d) GJikg;gpj;jd;
61. A snake entered my room while I _____
56. jkpo;ehlfj; jiyikahrphpah;
a) am sleeping b) have been sleeping
a) gk;ky; rk;ge;j Kjypahh;
c) had slept d) was sleeping
b)rq;fujh]; Rthkpfs;
Fill in the blank with correct Homophone
c)kNdhfh; d) [hdfpuhkd; 62. She wrote poems in ______ of freedom
57. ckWg;Gytiu Mjhhpj;j ts;sy; a) price b) prize
a) rPjf;fhjp b)ghz;bj;Jiuj;Njth; c) praise d) breeze
c) re;jpud; Rth;ff; p d) gbf;fhR 63. Change the given verb into noun form:
58. fdTfs; + fw;gidfs; = Practise
fhfpjq;fs; vd;gJ a) praktise b) practiced
a)GJf;ftpij b) kuGf;ftpij c) practice d) None
c) i`f;$f; ftpij d)kuGk; GjpJk; In each of the following sentences, an
fye;jJ. idiomatic expression or a proverb is
59. rpe;J ghbath;? highlighted select the alternative which best
a) ghujp b) Rujh describes its use in the sentence.
c) mg;Jy; uFkhd; d) kPuh
64. I am just a small fry in the office.
60. Xq;F –vDk;
vDk; milnkhopahy;
a) poem b) a small creature
Fwpf;fg;gLk; E}y;
c) humorous d) person of little importance

65. For the first week, the apprentice felt like 66. a) tour b) sent c) saw d) travelled
a fish out of water. 67. a) made b) felt c) heard d) seen
a) frustrated b) homeless 68. a) assure b) find c) judge d) mark
c) starved d) uncomfortable 69. a) drew b) flung c) placed d) cooked
70. a) top b) head c) bottom d) between
In the following passage, there are blanks 71. a) morning b) dinner
each of which has been numbered. Against c) room d) fields
each number, four words are suggested find 72. a) vengeance b) price
out the appropriate word in each case. c) cause d) result
Once upon a time there was a prince 73. a) slept b) felt
who wanted to marry a princess; but she would c) located d) carried
have to be a real princess. He 66 all over the 74. a) worried b) rough
world to find one, but now here could he get c) irritable d) sensitive
what he wanted. One evening during a terrible 75. a) trust b) knew
storm; there was thunder and lightning, and the c) wanted d) assured
rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a Rearrange the following sentences in
knocking was 67 at the palace door, and the old proper sequence to form a meaningful
king went to open it. It was a princess standing paragraph, and answer the given
out there. But, good gracious! What a sight the questions.
rain and the wind had made her look. The water A) He felt that his honest ways were
ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of responsible for the poverty and starvation of
her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet his family.
she insisted that she was a real princess, well, B) Sixteen miles away from Mysore, there is a
we’ll soon 68 out, thought the old queen. Nut dense forest.
she said nothing, went into the bed room, took C) He told them how his honesty was
all the bedding off the bedstead, and 69 a pea on useless and asked if he should try an
the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and alternative.
laid them on the pea, and then twenty quilts on D) They told him that they would prefer
70 of the mattresses. On this the princess had to starving to dishonesty
lie all night. In the 71 she was asked how she E) Once there lived a poor but honest
had slept. “Oh, very badly!” said she. “I scarcely woodcutter in the forest
closed my eyes all night. Heaven only known F) So he wanted to discuss his feeling with his
what was in the bed, but I was lying on life and children
something hard, as a 72 I am black and blue all Choose the correct order of the sentences
over my body. It’s horrible!” Now they knew from the list given below:
that she was a real princess because she had 73
the pea right through the twenty mattresses and 76. A) EBADCE B) BEAFCD
the twenty quilts. Nobody but a real princess C) CDBEAF D) EAFCBD
could be as 74 as that. So the prince took her for In each of the sentence below one word has been
his wife, for now he 75 that he had a real underlined of the four words suggested under
princess. each sentence, one can replace the underlined

without changing the meaning of the sentence. 84. He remained (A) me that he has often told
Find out the appropriate word in each case. (B) me the not to play with fire (C) No
77. He donated one lakh rupees for the 85. Neither Janaki(A) nor Meena were to take
people those who affected by an earth – her (B) heels when they saw a cobra laying
quake as a gesture of good will at the gate (C) No error(D)
a) Onlooker b) made 86. None of these two(A) teachers has been
c) Action d) Sympathy looking (B) after his student well (C) No
78. She smiled at me in a reassuring way error(D)
a) encouraging b) quick 87. What bird is found, by taking the seventh
c) hold firmly letter of the fourth word, fifth letter of the
d) find new things first word, ninth letter of the second word
Choose the word which is most opposite and the fourth letter of the third letter?
in meaning of the word given MUSHROOM
79. Remarkable CONVERSION
a) extraordinary b) ordinary CROWN
c) impressive d) amazing PRACTICE
80. Isolated a) Cock b) Myna
a) lonely b) obscure c) Crow d) Lark
c) single d) multiple 88. If in the word DOCUMENT all the vowel
81. How many meaningful English words can letters are first arranged alphabetically
be formed with the letters AET using followed by all the consonants arranged
each letter once? alphabetically then which letter will be
a) none b) three fifth from the right?
c) two d) one a) U b) D
82. The following sets of ideas / objects have c) M d) None of these
some common feature / function. Spot the 89. The expansion of ALM is
odd one out a) Active Listening Method
a) bullock b) Horse b) Active Listening Model
c) cat d) Donkey c) Accurate Listening Method
Choose the appropriate word and fill in d) Active Learning Method
the blank 90. Identify the complex sentence:
83. This is the girl ______ I was proposing to a) Having tired, they sat under a tree.
a) who b) which b) Veena said that she had gone to Delhi
c) where d) whom c) He finished his work then he went out
Read each sentence to find out whether in d) She is too weak to lift the box
any grammatical error in it. The error, if
any, will be in one part of the sentence.
The number of that part is the answer. If (iv) fzpjk;
fzpjk; kw;Wk; mwptpay;
there is no error your answer is (D) i.e. 91.
- 15 +
(10 × 3) + 5
No error 2 3
a) 22 b) 18 c) 25 d) 16

92. ghlf; Fwpg;gpid tbtikg;gth; 101. Gs;sptptuq;fis ifahSjypy; 7
a) fy;tpahsh;fs; vd;gij Fwpf;Fk; Neh;Nfhl;L FwpaPL
b) jiyikahrphpah; a) VII b) 1111+111
c) ghlj;jpl;lf; FOtpdh; c) 1111 11 d) 11111 1
d) tFg;ghrphpah;fs; a b a+b
102. =3 = 5 vdpy; d; kjpg;G
93. a=5, b=3 vdpy; a2-b2 d; kjpg;G b c b+c
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 16 3 5 10 6
94. xU rJuj;jpd; xt;nthU gf;fKk; 15% 15 a) b) c) d)
5 3 3 5
mjpfhpf;fg;gLfpwJ vdpy;> mjd; gug;G
103. “rpj;
rpj;jhe;jh rpNuhkzp”
rpNuhkzp vd;w E}iy
a) 15% mjpfhpf;Fk; vOjpath;
b) 30% mjpfhpf;Fk; a) gpjhfu]; b) Mh;gl;lh
c) 30.25% mjpfhpf;Fk; c) gh];fuh II d) gpuk;k Fg;jh
d) 32.25% mjpfhpf;Fk; 104. vz;fspd; gz;Gfisg; gw;wp Muha;eJ ;
95. fw;wypy; ,ayhik my;yJ FiwghL xt;Nthh; vz;Zf;Fk; Xh; jdpj;jd;ik
cila khzth;fSf;F Vw;gLk; %isg; cz;L vd;W $wpath;
gpur;rid a) gpjhfu]; b) A+f;spl;
a) b];nyf;~pah c) mhp];lhl;by; d) Mh;agl;lh
b) b];fhy;Fypah 105. 5y+8+3z cld; 4y-5 I $l;bdhy;
c) i`g;gh; Mf;btpl;b a) 9y+13+3z b) 9y-13-3z
d) Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk; c) 9y+3+3z d) -9y-13-3z
96. fbfhuk; 4 kzpiaf; fhl;Lk;nghOJ 106. 250d; 25 rjtPjk;
Kl;fSf;fpilNaAs;s Nfhzk;.
a) 50 b) 52.5 c) 60 d) 62.5
a) FWq;Nfhzk; b) tphpNfhzk;
107. a ,d; %d;wpy; xU gq;Fld; m ,d;
c) nrq;Nfhzk; d) Neh;fN; fhzk; $Ljypd; ,Uklq;F vd;gjd; ,aw;fzpj
97. khj tUkhdk; &.25>000/-
&.25>000 ngWk; egh;. Nfhit
xt;nthU khjKk; &.5000/-
&.5000 Nrkpf;fpwhh; 2a 2m
vdpy; mtUila khjr; Nrkpg;G rjtPjk; a) +m b) +a
vt;tsT? 3 3
a) 10% b) 12% c) 15% d) 20% 1  1 
c) 2  a + m  d) 2  m + a 
98. xU nrt;tf tbt G+q;fhtpd; ePsk; 15kP 3  3 
mfyk; 10kP mjidr; Rw;wp cs;Gwkhf 108. mLj;jLj;J tUk; VNjDk; %d;W
1kP mfyKs;s rPuhd ghij KOf;fspd; $Ljy; 78> vdpy; me;j
mikf;fg;gLfpwJ vdpy; me;j ghijapd; KOf;fs;
gug;G vd;d? a) 22>23>24 b) 23>24>25
a) 104kP2 b) 84kP2 c) 46kP2 d) 64kP2
c) 25>26>27 d) 26>27>28
99. 10nr.kP gf;f msTs;s xU fd
109. xU vz;iz 4 My; tFj;J mjDld; 6
rJuj;jpd; fdmsT
If; $l;lf; fpilg;gJ 10 vdpy;
a) 100nr.kP2 b) 1000nr.kP2 mt;ntz;
c) 100nr.kP3 d) 1000nr.kP3 a) 12 b) 14 c) 16 d) 18
100. xU tl;lj;jpd; Rw;wsT 132nr.kP mjd; 110. A:B = 4:6 B:C = 18:5 vdpy; A:B:C ,d;
tpfpjk; vd;d?
a) 7nr.kP b) 35nr.kP
a) 18:12:5 b) 12:5:18
c) 21nr.kP d) 14nr.kP
c) 6:18:5 d) 12:18:5

111. xU nghUspd; msT mjpfhpf;Fk; c) miltpd; mstpid mwpa
nghOJ mjNdhL njhlh;Gila kw;nwhU d) Ghpe;J nfhs;Sk;Mw;wy;
nghUspd; msT FiwAk;> ,J xU 121. tspkz;lyj;jpy; cs;s Mf;[prdpd;
a) Neh;khwy; b) vjph;khwy; msT
c) $l;Lkhwy; d) ,it vJTkpy;iy a) 78% b) 0.03% c) 21% d) 20%
112. xU FWf;F ntl;b ,U NfhLfis 122. njhw;W Nth;fs; jhtuj;jpw;F
ntl;Lk;NghJ Vw;gLk; Nfhzq;fspd; vLj;Jf;fhl;L
if a) thz;lh b) f];Fl;lh
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 c) rljhhp d) Mykuk;
113. Kjy; 10 gfh vz;fspd; ,ilepiy 123. ,iyapy; ePuhtpg; Nghf;if
kw;Wk; ruhrhp fl;Lg;gLj;JtJ
a) 12> 12.9 b) 13> 13.9 a) ,iyj;Jis b) fpA+l;bfps;
c) 12> 13.9 d) 13> 12.9 c) ,iyapil jpR d) nyz;b nry
114. 50kP gf;f msTs;s xU rJu tbt 124. Ie;Jyf Nfhl;ghl;il
miwia epug;g 25r.kP gug;gsT nfhz;l mwpKfg;gLj;jpath;
vj;jid js epug;gpfs; Njit
a) R.H tpl;Nlfh; b) fhuy; ypd;Nda];
a) 60 b) 70 c) 90 d) 100
c) [hd;Nu d) Mh;jh; fpuhq;tp];l;
115. rkgf;f Kf;Nfhzj;jpd; Row;rpf;Nfhzk;
125. kpd;rhuj; jPia mizf;fg; gad;gLk;
a) 600 b) 900 c) 1200 d) 1800 Ntjpg;nghUs;
116. &. 7500 f;F 8 jdptl;btPjj;jpy; 1
a) Nghkill;
tUlk; 6 khjq;fSf;fhd jdptl;b
b) fhh;gd; nll;uh FNshiuL
a) 900 b) 950 c) 1000 d) 1050
117. 10d; mLf;Ffis gFjpfshf nfhz;l c) fhh;gd; nll;uh g;@iuL
gpd;dq;fs; --------- vd d) fhh;ghdpf; mkpyk;
miof;fg;gLfpd;wd 126. epA+l;uhidf; fz;lwpe;
; th;
a) rkhd gpd;dq;fs; a) jhk;]d; b) Nfhy;]B ; d;
b) jrk gpd;dq;fs; c) [hd; lhy;ld; d) N[k;]; rhl;tpf;
c) fyg;G gpd;dq;fs; 127. ituk; kpd;Dtjw;F fhuzk;
d) jfh gpd;dq;fs; a) KOmf gpujpgypg;G
118. xU Kf;Nfhzj;jpd; %d;W gf;fq;fspd; b) KOmf vjpnuhspg;G
ikaf;Fj;J NfhLfSk; re;jpf;Fk; Gs;sp c) KOmf epwg;gphpif
a) cs;tl;l ikak; d) Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk;
b) eLf;Nfhl;Likak; 128. nry;ypd; cl;fUitf; fz;lwpe;jth;
c) Rw;Wtl;l ikak; a) uhgh;l; `Pf; b) uhgh;l; g;nusd;
d) nrq;Nfhl;L ikak; c) uhgh;l; fhNy d) uhgh;l; Y}td; `Pf;
119. n`h;ghl;bd; mZFKiw vd;gJ 129. jhtu nry;fspy; Mw;wy; cw;gj;jp
a) fw;gpj;jypd; xU EZf;fk; epiyaq;fshf nray;gLk; nry; tif
b) xU ghlj;ij fw;gpj;jYf;fhd a) hpNghNrhk; b) nrd;lN ; uhNrhk;
gbg;gbahd mZFKiw c) iyNrhNrhk; d) ikl;Nlhfhz;lh; pah
c) myFjpl;lKiw 130. ,sk; cWg;GfSf;F jhq;Fk; rf;jpia
nfhLf;Fk; nry;tif
d) Mz;L jpl;lKiw
120. Fiwawp Nrhjidapd; Nehf;fk; a) ghud;ifkh b) Vud;ifkh
a) fw;gpj;jypd; Mw;wiy Nkk;gLj;j c) FNshnud;ifkh d) Nfhyd;ifkh
b) fw;wypd; fbdj;ij mwpa

131. ,uj;jj;jpd; PH msT b) mZf;fU ,izT
a) 7.3 b) 7.4 c) 7.6 d) 7.8 c) ,uz;Lk; eilngWk;
132. caph;tsp thA vd;gJ d) i`l;u[d; Fz;L ntbf;fhJ.
a) gpwtpepiy Mf;[prd; 142. J}ug;ghh;itia rhpnra;ag; gad;gLk;
b) Mf;[prd; nyd;]; tif
c) XNrhd; a) Fopnyd;R
d) fhh;gd; il Mf;i]L b) Ftpnyd;R
133. jdpkj;jpd; INrhNlhg;Gfis fz;lwpag; c) cUis nyd;R
gad;gLtJ d) Fopnyd;R> Ftpnyd;R ,uz;Lk;
a) GNuhl;lhd; b) epA+l;uhd; 143. njspTWf; fhl;rpapd; kPkl
P r
; pWj; njhiyT
c) vyf;lu; hd; d) ghrpl;uhd; a) 2.5 kP b) 25 nr.kP
134. kdpjdpy; ,uj;j Row;rpiaf; c) 2.5 nr.kP d) 0.25 nr.kP
th 144. fly; ePiu ed;duP hf khw;Wk; Kiw
a) tpy;ypak; `hh;tp a) rt;T+L guty;
b) Y}f; khz;nla;dh; b) vjph; rt;T+L guty;
c) uhgh;l; fhNy c) tbfl;b gphpj;jy;
d) Nkw;$wpa ahUkpy;iy d) Mtpahf;fp Fsph;tpj;jy;
135. Rthr Nth;fs; vd;git 145. tifg;ghl;baypd; mbg;gil myF vJ?
a) nekl;Nlhrp];Lfs; a) rpw;wpdk; b) Nghpdk;
b) nekl;Nlh];Nghh;fs; c) FLk;gk; d) njhFjp
c) nekl;Nlhigd;fs; 146. Xh; mZtpd; Muk; vd;gJ
d) tptpNgu]; a) 10-9 kP b) 10-10 kP
136. nkd;ikahd epyf;fhp vd;gJ -11
c) 10 kP d) 10-15 kP
a) gPl; b) gpl;Lkd]; 147. mZf;fU ciyapy; epA+l;uhid
c) Me;ju; irl; d) ituk; cwpQ;Rk; nghUshf gad;gLtJ
137. ‘tifg;
tifg;ghl;baypd; je;ij’ j vd a) fpuhigl; b) ituk;
miof;fg;gLgth; c) fdePh; (D2O) d) Gy;yhPd;
a) mhp];lhl;by; b) fhuy; ypd;Nda]; 148. ePh; gdpf;fl;bahf khWk; NghJ
c) [hd;Nu d) nge;jk; `Pff ; h; ntg;gepiy
138. ‘ehskpy;
ehskpy;yhr; Rug;gpfspd; jiytd;’ vd a) khwhJ
miof;fg;gLk; Rug;gp b) mjpfhpf;Fk;
a) ijuha;L b) gpl;A+l;lhp c) FiwAk;
c) ml;hdP y; d) fizak; d) Kjypy; Fiwe;J gpd;G mjpfhpf;Fk;
139. ePhf
; f
; iurypy; i`l;uhf;]py; 149. nyd;R jpwdpd; myF
madpfisf; nfhLf;ff; $ba a) ilahg;lh; b) kpy;yp kPll; h;
nghUs;fSf;F ----------- vd;W ngah;
ngah c) n`h;l] ; ; d) nrd;b kPll ; h;
a) mkpyk; b) fhuk; 150. khRg;nghUs; Nrh;ej; pUf;Fk; NghJ ePhpd;
c) OH- madp d) Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk; nfhjpepiy
140. fz;zpy; xspCLUTk; gFjp a) FiwAk; b) mjpfhpf;Fk;
a) fhh;dpah b) nul;bdh c) 1000 C d) khwhjpUf;Fk;
c) Ihp]; d) top ntz;glyk;
141. i`l;u[d; Fz;L ntbj;jy; vd;gJ
a) mZf;fU gpsT

TET – jhs; - II (mwptpay;)

(i) Foe;ij Nkk;ghLk; fw;gpj;jy; KiwfSk;

1. c 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. a
6. d 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. b
11. c 12. d 13. b 14. b 15. b
16. d 17. c 18. c 19. c 20. a
21. d 22. a 23. a 24. a 25. a
26. b 27. d 28. c 29. c 30. d

(ii) Language I - jkpo;

31. b 32. a 33. d 34. c 35. d
36. a 37. d 38. c 39. b 40. c
41. c 42. b 43. a 44. a 45. a
46. a 47. c 48. d 49. a 50. a
51. c 52. c 53. d 54. d 55. b
56. b 57. a 58. a 59. a 60. a

(iii) Language – II : ENGLISH

61. c 62. d 63. d 64. d 65. d
66. b 67. d 68. c 69. d 70. c
71. c 72. c 73. c 74. a 75. c
76. d 77. c 78. c 79. c 80. d
81. b 82. d 83. a 84. d 85. c
86. a 87. b 88. c 89. b 90. b


(iv) fzpjk; kw;Wk; mwptpay;
91. c 92. d 93. d 94. d 95. d
96. b 97. d 98. c 99. d 100. c
101. c 102. c 103. c 104. a 105. c
106. d 107. c 108. c 109. c 110. d
111. b 112. d 113. a 114. d 115. c
116. a 117. b 118. c 119. b 120. b
121. c 122. a 123. b 124. a 125. b
126. d 127. b 128. b 129. d 130. d
131. b 132. b 133. b 134. a 135. b
136. b 137. b 138. b 139. b 140. a
141. b 142. b 143. b 144. b 145. a
146. b 147. a 148. c 149. a 150. b


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