AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups
Oracle Release 12.0 is designed to increase the ease with which we understand and process our worldwide business
and address compliance in every nation. It reflects the maturity of several initiatives designed to rationalize sub
ledger bookkeeping, generalize transaction tax compliance and improve access to sub ledger data, with the intention
of both facilitating sub ledger shared services and improving and standardizing throughput
Some of the new features introduced in Oracle Release 12 are:
b) Legal Entity
Business enterprises can now clearly and efficiently model its legal entities and their accounting representations
in Release 12. Therefore, when a legal entity is subject to multiple reporting requirements, separate ledgers can
be used to record the accounting information.Legal Entities can be mapped to entire Ledgers or if you account
for more than one legal entity within a ledger, you can map a legal entity to balancing segments within a ledger.
Attach the "Payables responsibility" with the HR Business group & HR security profile, in the same way as we have
done above.
HR Business group
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
HR security profile
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
3) Enable "Use Multiple currencies" option to enter and pay invoices in a currency different from the functional
Realized Gain /Loss If the exchange rate changes between invoice entry and payment, Payables
Account automatically calculates the realized gain or loss and records it in this account.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
4) Enable the Options in the different tabs as per the specific requirements.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
5) Check the check boxes to define at which point matching is to be done. Example check the check box ‘Allow
distribution level matching’ if we want matching is to be done at each distribution line separately.
6) Enable 'Automatically create employee as supplier' so that an employee will become a supplier while entering the
employee expense report.
7) Enable the 'Use withholding tax' option to hold some part of an invoice as an advance tax.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
Example of single discount payment term: 2% discount will be given by supplier, if invoice is paid within 30 days
1) Follow the navigation path
Navigation-Payables Responsibility ->>Setup ->>Invoice ->>Payment terms
1) Follow the navigation path to create the bank by using the web based oracle screen
Navigation-Payables Responsibility ->>Setup ->>Payments ->>Bank and Branches
Create a new bank by clicking on create
First click "Create" to enter the bank address, then click ‘Apply’ to save the address
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
Search the Country name and Bank name for which we want to create a Branch.
Enter the country and the bank name for which branch is to be created
Click 'Continue' then enter the required fields such as 'Branch name'.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
After entering the required fields click 'Save and Next 'to continue
In the given screen shot click 'Create' to enter the Branch address
Click 'Create contact' to add personalize details such as Phone number, email-id etc and finally click ‘finish’ to
complete the branch creation.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
Enter the Bank account owner (legal entity) and mention the account use. Here account usage signifies the purpose of
Bank account e.g. as shown below this Bank account will be used by accounts payables as well as receivables.
Click on ‘Next’ to enter the other account information such as account name, number, currency etc
After entering the account information, Click on 'save and Next' to enter the other account information such as
account control, account holder details, contact details etc.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
After entering the account contact information click on ‘Finish’ to complete the bank account creation.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
1) Follow the navigation path to create the bank by using the web based oracle screen
Navigation -Payables Responsibility ->>Suppliers ->>Entry
To create a new Supplier click 'Create Supplier' and a form gets open.
2) Enter the required fields such as name of the Organization and the country of Origin, the Click 'Apply'
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
There are different tabs on the left side of the form. One by one click on the different tabs to enter the mandatory
information and save the changes.
The information for each supplier record is organized into two main sections:
Quick Update page can be used to maintain existing supplier information. It has key set ups for the supplier like
Purchasing and Payment.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
2) Tax Details - Access the Suppliers Tax Details page to enter tax details and specify withholding tax applicability.
The option selected for a supplier default to the new supplier Sites entered, and then default to invoices enter for that
Enter the required information in the ‘Tax Details’ tab and save the changes
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
3) Address Book - The Address Book page displays each of the locations that is defined for the supplier. It also
includes a region displaying inactive addresses.It is used to create new addresses and update existing ones. Using the
Hide/Show, can review which operating units use the address by the list of sites that exist for the address. The
system only displays sites that are in MOAC profile.
'Address' tab is used to create the supplier site address. Click on 'Create' and enter country.
Then enter the other required information such as country, address line, town, postal code, address name etc. Also
mention the purpose of this site address. As here the site address is created for payment.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
Then select the operating unit to which the new site address is to be assigned and apply it.
4) Contact Directory - This tab is used to enter the details of contact person. Click on ‘create’ to enter the details
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
5) Business classification - Here classifications of each supplier is assigned as per their business. Alternatively,
through the iSupplier Portal the supplier can be allowed to access the list and claim the classifications themselves.
After a supplier submits its classification details, the buyer administrator is notified, and the classification status is set
to Pending.
6) Banking Details - Click Create and enter the Banking details in this tab. Suppliers banking information can be
entered and assigned by creating new bank.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
This screen is used to create the Supplier Bank. Here we can either enter the existing Bank & branch or can create a
new one. Enter the mandatory fields such as country name, bank name, bank account number etc. Check the ‘Allow
international payments’ check box to do payments in currency other then the functional currency.
Create a New Bank. After entering the mandatory fields click ‘Apply’ to save the information.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
2)Tax and Reporting - Tax and Reporting page is used to enter supplier tax information and to provide tax reporting
3)Purchasing - Purchasing Page is used to enter the purchasing defaults for the supplier.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
4) Receiving - Receiving Page is used to enter the receiving defaults for the supplier.
5)Payment Details - Payment Details page is used to enter the Payment defaults for the supplier and supplier sites.
AP - Oracle R12 Account Payables (AP) Setups Payables
6) Invoice Management - Invoice Management page is used to enter the Payment Terms and other invoice
management controls for the supplier and supplier sites. Invoice payment terms get defaulted from payment terms.
This document covers some of the Basic setups of Accounts payables. There are many other setups like distribution
sets, invoice tolerances, sequencing number etc which are not covered in this document.