Circadian Rhythum

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The discoveries of molecular mechanisms for the circadian rhythm: The 2017
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Article · March 2018

DOI: 10.1016/


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1 author:

Rong-Chi Huang
Chang Gung University


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The discoveries of molecular mechanisms for the

circadian rhythm: The 2017 Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine

Rong-Chi Huang a,b,c,*

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Healthy Aging Research Center, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Neuroscience Research Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan

article info abstract

Article history: Circadian clocks evolved to allow plants and animals to adapt their behaviors to the 24-hr
Received 16 January 2018 change in the external environment due to the Earth's rotation. While the first scientific
Accepted 7 February 2018 observation of circadian rhythm in the plant leaf movement may be dated back to the early
Available online 29 March 2018 18th century, it took 200 years to realize that the leaf movement is controlled by an
endogenous circadian clock. The cloning and characterization of the first Drosophila clock
Keywords: gene period in the early 1980s, independently by Jeffery C. Hall and Michael Rosbash at
Circadian clocks Brandeis University and Michael Young at Rockefeller University, paved the way for their
Circadian rhythms further discoveries of additional genes and proteins, culminating in establishing the so-
Clock genes called transcriptional translational feedback loop (TTFL) model for the generation of
TTFL model autonomous oscillator with a period of ~24 h. The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or
2017 Nobel Prize Medicine was awarded to honor their discoveries of molecular mechanisms controlling the
circadian rhythm.

Circadian rhythms are generated by endogenous oscillators to tight dark room and observed that the plant continued to
allow organisms to change their behaviors with a period of unfold its leaves in the morning and close them in the eve-
~24 h in anticipation for the changing environment of ning [1,2]. Two hundred years later in the 1930s the German
dayenight cycle brought about by the Earth's rotation. The biologist Erwin Bünning determined that the bean plant leaf
term “circadian” (circa, ~; dies, a day) is used because in con- movement has a period of 24.4, but not 24, hr in the constant
stant conditions (free from external time cues) the free- light condition and that the trait can be inherited, thereby
running period may be longer or shorter than, but not establishing that the plant photoperiodism is controlled by
exactly, 24 h. an endogenous clock that can be synchronized by external
The first scientific observation of circadian rhythm was stimuli [1,2].
made in 1729 by the French astronomer Jean Jacques In the 1960s, single genes controlling physical appearance
d'Ortous de Mairan, who placed the mimosa plant in a light- of traits have been firmly established in the fruit fly Drosophila,

* Corresponding author. Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, 259 Wenhua 1st Rd.,
Gueishan, Taoyuan, 33305, Taiwan.
E-mail address: [email protected].
Peer review under responsibility of Chang Gung University.
2319-4170/© 2018 Chang Gung University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
6 b i o m e d i c a l j o u r n a l 4 1 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 5 e8

but Seymour Benzer went steps further to contemplate that To sustain an autonomous oscillation, however, requires
single genes may also control specific behaviors [1]. By using a positive input to fuel the transcription of tim and per. The
mutagens to treat the fly and screening for abnormalities in discovery of the Clock gene in mouse by Joseph Takahashi
the circadian rhythm of pupal eclosion and locomotor activity, [20e22] and subsequently its partner BMAL1 [23] establishes
Konopka and Benzer identified three mutants, one that CLOCK-BMAL1 heterodimers binding to the enhancer E-
arrhythmic, another a shorter period of 19 h, and the third a box serves as the positive input component to drive per
longer period of 28 h [3]. This landmark discovery marked the transcriptional oscillations. Importantly, PER and TIM inhibit
beginning of a long quest for the discoveries of molecular Drosophila CLOCK activity, thereby closing the circadian
mechanisms for the circadian rhythm. feedback loop [24]. Hall and Rosbash went on to discover the
Drosophila Clk and Cyc, orthlogs of mammalian Clock and
Bmal1, respectively, as positive transcription factors for per
Molecular mechanisms for controlling the and tim [25,26]. Putting together into the core TTFL model of
circadian rhythm circadian rhythms, the core transcriptional activator (Clk
and Cyc in Drosophila and Clock and Bmal1 in mammals)
It would wait until the early 1980s when the rapid progress of drives the expression of their own negative regulators (Per
recombinant DNA made it feasible to clone a gene and then and tim in Drosophila and Per 1e3 and Cry 1e2 in mammals)
identify it by genetic rescue [4]. In 1984, the first clock gene (Fig. 1).
period (per) was identified when Jeffery C. Hall and Michael However, the biochemical processes involved in tran-
Rosbash at Brandeis University and Michael Young at Rock- scription and translation are generally rapid and a delayed
efeller University independently cloned and rescued formation of PER/TIM is required to ensure a period of ~24 h
Drosophila period [5e8]. The cloning of period did not, however, [15]. Young's discovery of another essential clock component
automatically reveal its molecular mechanism for the circa- the doubletime (dbt) gene provides the needed delay [27,28]. The
dian clock and the following years before 1988 marked a state dbt gene encodes a kinase (casein kinase 1) that binds to and
of confusion about the function of its protein product PER [2,4]. phosphorylates PER for degradation, and as such DBT reduces
The first hint of a possible role of PER as a transcription the stability and accumulation of PER, thereby promoting a
factor came in 1988 with the identification of the Drosophila delay between per/tim transcription and PER/TIM nuclear
single-minded gene, which encodes a nuclear protein with function (see Fig. 1). In hamster, the short-period tau mutant
sequence similarity to the period gene product PER [4,9]. Hall CKIε (casein kinase 1 epsilon), the mammalian orthlogs of
and Rosbash then made a series of breakthroughs beginning Drosophila DBT, has markedly reduced maximal velocity and
in 1988 with the discovery of a free-running circadian rhythm autophosphorylation state [29].
in the abundance of PER protein in the fly visual system [10].
Two years later they further found in the fly head a free-
running circadian rhythm in the levels of per mRNA, which Perspectives
peak in the early night, several hours earlier than the peak PER
protein abundance [11]. Importantly, the per nonsense muta- The core TTFL model, PER/TIM binds to and inhibits their own
tion abolishes the oscillation in mRNA levels, which is rescued gene transcription by CLOCK/CYCLE, established in Drosophila
by the addition of wild-type PER protein. Furthermore, the per is considered to be the canonical model for circadian clocks.
missense mutations identically affect both the phase of mRNA Although the core proteins may not be conserved across
oscillation and behavioral rhythm. The results prompted Hall species, meaning that circadian clocks may have evolved
the Rosbash to propose a feedback model of PER protein multiple times, the core TTFL structure is very similar in
directly affecting its own gene expression. Their subsequent mammals [30], plants [31], the filamentous fungus Neurospora
findings of PER being a nuclear protein shuttling between the crassa [32], and even in the cyanobacterium Synecchococcus
nucleus and the cytoplasm [12] and its overexpression aureus [33] (see ref. [34] for review). Interestingly, a
lowering per mRNA levels [13] are consistent with the tran- temperature-compensated circadian oscillation of KaiC
scriptional translational feedback loop (TTFL) model. phosphorylation in the cyanobacterium can be reconstituted
It remains to be determined how the PER protein enters the in the test tube even in the absence of transcription and
nucleus to act as a transcription factor. The discovery of the translation by simply adding recombinant proteins and ATP
second clock gene timeless (tim) by Young in 1990s provided an [35]. Recent studies also indicate the presence of
answer to the question [14,15]. Young's group found that the transcription-independent circadian oscillations in the
tim mRNA levels oscillate in phase with per mRNA [15] and oxidation state of peroxiredoxin proteins in human red blood
that the tim mutant suppresses the rhythm of per mRNA levels cells, algae, and in all domains of life [36e38].
and abolishes both rhythmic pupal eclosion and locomotor In conclusion, the nearly ubiquitous presence of circadian
activity [16]. Importantly, the TIM protein encoded by the tim clocks in all life forms suggests evolutionary advantage to
gene interacts with PER to allow nuclear entry of PER [17]; the being able to anticipate and adapt to the daily changing en-
tim mutant suppresses the PER levels and blocks nuclear vironments. Indeed, the clock genes have since greatly
localization of PER protein as well as the circadian oscillations expanded along with parallel feedback loops added to allow
in both PER abundance and phosphorylation [18,19]. Together mutual interaction between circadian clocks and various as-
the results indicate that the cyclic expression of tim dictates pects of physiology, attesting to a role beyond simple time-
the cyclic accumulation and nuclear localization of PER pro- keeping. The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was
tein, further supporting the TTFL model. awarded to honor the three Nobel Laureates for their
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Fig. 1 Oversimplified schematic drawing showing the core transcriptional translational feedback loop (TTFL) clockwork
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