Metering Regulations 2006
Metering Regulations 2006
Metering Regulations 2006
No. 502/70/CEA/DP&D In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 55 and clause (e) of
section 73 read with sub-section (2) of section 177 of Electricity Act, 2003, the Central Electricity
Authority hereby makes the following regulations for regulating the installation and operation of meters,
namely :-
2. Definitions -
(1) In these regulations, unless the context other wise requires, -
(a) ‘Act’ means the Electricity Act, 2003;
(b) ‘Accredited Test Laboratory’ means a test laboratory accredited by National Accreditation Board
for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL);
(c) ‘Active Energy’ means the electricity supplied or consumed during a time interval, being the
integral of Active Power with respect to time, measured in the units of ‘Watt – hours’ or standard
multiples thereof. One ‘kilowatt – hour’ (kWh) is one unit;
(d) ‘Active Power’ means the electrical power, being the product of root mean square (rms) voltage,
root mean square (rms) current and cosine of the phase angle between the voltage and current
vectors and measured in units of ‘Watt’ (W) or in standard multiples thereof;
(e) ‘Appropriate Load Despatch Centre’ means ‘National Load Despatch Centre’ (NLDC) or
‘Regional Load Despatch Centre’ (RLDC) or the ‘State Load Despatch Centre’ (SLDC) as the
case may be;
(f) ‘Appropriate Transmission Utility’ means the ‘Central Transmission Utility’ (CTU) or the ‘State
Transmission Utility’ (STU), as the case may be;
(g) ‘Availability Based Tariff (ABT)’ means a tariff structure based on availability of generating units
and having components, viz, Capacity Charges (CC), Energy Charges (EC) or Variable Charges
(VC) and charges for Unscheduled Interchange (UI);
(h) ‘Buyer’ means any generating company or licensee or consumer whose system receives
electricity from the system of generating company or licensee;
(i) ‘Check Meter’ means a meter, which shall be connected to the same core of the Current
Transformer (CT) and Voltage Transformer (VT) to which main meter is connected and shall be
used for accounting and billing of electricity in case of failure of main meter;
(j) ‘Consumer Meter’ means a meter used for accounting and billing of electricity supplied to the
consumer but excluding those consumers covered under Interface Meters;
(k) ‘Correct Meter’ means a meter, which shall at least have, features, Accuracy Class and
specifications as per the Standards on Installation and Operation of Meters given in Schedule of
these Regulations;
(l) ‘Energy Accounting and Audit Meters’ means meters used for accounting of the electricity to
various segments of electrical system so as to carry out further analysis to determine the
consumption and loss of energy therein over a specified time period;
(m) ‘Instrument Transformer’ means the ‘Current Transformer’ (CT), ‘Voltage Transformer’ (VT) and
‘Capacitor Voltage Transformer’ (CVT);
(n) ‘Interface Meter’ means a meter used for accounting and billing of electricity, connected at the
point of interconnection between electrical systems of generating company, licensee and
consumers, directly connected to the Inter-State Transmission System or Intra-State
Transmission System who have to be covered under ABT and have been permitted open access
by the Appropriate Commission;
(o) ‘Main Meter’ means a meter, which would primarily be used for accounting and billing of
(p) ‘Meter’ means a device suitable for measuring, indicating and recording consumption of
electricity or any other quantity related with electrical system and shall include, wherever
applicable, other equipment such as Current Transformer (CT), Voltage Transformer (VT) or
Capacitor Voltage Transformer (CVT) necessary for such purpose;
(q) ‘Power Factor’ means the cosine of the electrical angle between the voltage and current vectors
in an AC electrical circuit;
Chapter 2 Metering Regulations 2006
(r) ‘Prepaid Meter’ means a meter which facilitates use of electricity only after advance payment;
(s) ‘Reactive Energy’ means, the integral of Reactive Power with respect to time and measured in
the units of ‘Volt-Ampere hours reactive (VARh) or in standard multiples thereof;
(t) ‘Reactive Power’ means the product of root mean square (rms) voltage, root mean square (rms)
current and the sine of the electrical phase angle between the voltage complexor and current
complexor, measured in ‘Volt – ampere reactive’ (VAr) and in standard multiples thereof;
(u) ‘Standards’ means ‘Standards on Installation and Operation of Meters’ given in the Schedule of
these Regulations unless otherwise any other standard specifically referred;
(v) ‘Standby Meter’ means a meter connected to CT and VT, other than those used for main meter
and check meter and shall be used for accounting and billing of electricity in case of failure of
both main meter and check meter;
(w) ‘Supplier’ means any generating company or licensee from whose system electricity flows into
the system of another generating company or licensee or consumer;
(x) ‘Time of the Day (TOD) Meter’ means a meter suitable for recording and indicating consumption
of electricity during specified time periods of the day.
(2) The words and expressions used and not defined in these Regulations but defined in the Act shall have
the meaning assigned to them in the Act.
3. Applicability of regulations. -
(1) These Regulations shall be applicable to meters installed and to be installed by all the generating
companies and licensees who are engaged in the business of generation, transmission, trading,
distribution, supply of electricity and to all categories of consumers.
(2) After coming into force of these regulations, the provisions of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956
relating to installation and operation of meters in this regard shall not be applicable.
(3) These regulations provide for type, standards, ownership, location, accuracy class, installation,
operation, testing and maintenance, access, sealing, safety, meter reading and recording, meter
failure or discrepancies, anti tampering features, quality assurance, calibration and periodical testing
of meters, additional meters and adoption of new technologies in respect of following meters for
correct accounting, billing and audit of electricity:
(i) Interface meter
(ii) Consumer meter
(iii) Energy accounting and audit Meter
4. Type of meters. -
(1) All interface meters, consumer meters and energy accounting and audit meters shall be of static
(2) The meters not complying with these regulations shall be replaced by the licensee on his own or on
request of the consumer. The meters may also be replaced as per the regulations or directions of the
Appropriate Commission or pursuant to the reforms programme of the Appropriate Government.
5. Standards. -
All interface meters, consumer meters and energy accounting and audit meters shall –
(a) comply with the relevant standards of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). If BIS Standards are not
available for a particular equipment or material, the relevant British Standards (BS), International
Electro-technical Commission (IEC) Standards, or any other equivalent Standard shall be
(b) conform to the standards on ‘Installation and Operation of Meters’ as specified in Schedule
annexed to these regulations and as amended from time to time.
6. Ownership of meters. -
(1) Interface meters
(a) All interface meters installed at the points of interconnection with Inter-State Transmission
System (ISTS) for the purpose of electricity accounting and billing shall be owned by CTU.
Chapter 2 Metering Regulations 2006
(b) All interface meters installed at the points of interconnection with Intra-State Transmission
System excluding the system covered under sub-clause (a) above for the purpose of electricity
accounting and billing shall be owned by STU.
(c) All interface meters installed at the points of inter connection between the two licensees
excluding those covered under sub-clauses (a) and (b) above for the purpose of electricity
accounting and billing shall be owned by respective licensee of each end.
(d) All interface meters installed at the points of inter connection for the purpose of electricity
accounting and billing not covered under sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c) above shall be owned by
supplier of electricity.
7. Locations of meters.-
(1) The location of interface meters, consumer meters and energy accounting and audit meters shall be
as per the Table given below :
Provided that the generating companies or licensees may install meters at additional locations in
their systems depending upon the requirement.
Sl. Check
Stages Main meter Standby meter
No meter
A. Generating Station On all outgoing On all (i) High Voltage (HV)
feeders. outgoing side of Generator
feeders. Transformers
(ii) High Voltage (HV)
side of all Station
Auxiliary Transformers
Explanation: The location of main, check and standby meters installed at the existing
generating stations shall not be changed unless permitted by the Authority.
B. Transmission and At one end of the line - There shall be no
Distribution System between the sub- separate standby
stations of the same meter. Meter installed
licensee, and at both at other end of the
ends of the line line in case of two
between sub-stations different licensees
of two different shall work as standby
licensees. Meters at meter.
both ends shall be
considered as main
meters for respective
C. Inter-connecting High Voltage (HV) - Low Voltage (LV) side
Transformer (ICT) side of ICT of ICT.
Chapter 2 Metering Regulations 2006
(i) Consumers who have interconnection with the Inter-State Transmission System or Intra-
state Transmission System and have been permitted open access by the Appropriate
Commission shall be provided with interface meters.
(ii) For consumers connected to distribution system and permitted open access, provision of
interface meters may be made as per the regulations or directions of the Appropriate
(iii) The scheme for location of interface meters shall be submitted to the CTU or the STU or
the CTU or the STU or the licence by owner of the meter in advance, before the installation
of the scheme.
(i) The consumer meter shall be installed by the licensee either at consumer premises or
outside the consumer premises:
(ii) Provided that where the licence installs the meter outside the premises of the consumer,
then the licensee shall provide real time display unit at the consumer premises for his
information to indicate the electricity consumed by the consumer.
(iii) Provided further that for the billing purpose, reading of consumer meter and not the display
unit shall be taken into account.
(iv) In the event the appropriate Commission allows supply of electricity directly from a
generating company to consumer on a dedicated transmission system, the location of the
meter will be as per their mutual agreement.
Energy accounting and audit meters shall be installed at such locations so as to facilitate to
account for the energy generated, transmitted, distributed and consumed in the various
segments of the power system and the energy loss. The location of these meters shall be as
under :
Every meter shall meet the requirement of accuracy class as specified in the standards given in the
2. Installation of Meters
(1) Generating company or licensee, as the case may be, shall examine, test and regulate all
meters before installation and only correct meters shall be installed.
(2) The meter shall be installed at locations, which are easily accessible for installation, testing,
commissioning, reading, recording and maintenance. The place of installation of meter shall be
such that minimum inconvenience and disruptions are caused to the site owners and the
concerned organizations.
(3) In case of single phase meters, the consumer shall ensure that there is no common neutral or
phase or looping of neutral or phase of two or more consumers on consumers’ side wiring. If
such common neutral or phase or looping of neutral or phase comes to the notice of the
licensee, it shall suitably inform the consumer through installation report or regular electricity
bills or meter test report as applicable.
(4) Consumer shall install the Earth Leakage Protective Device (ELPD) in accordance with the
provisions of the rules or regulations in this regard.
(5) If the earth leakage indication is displayed in the meter the licensees shall suitably inform the
consumer through installation report or regular electricity bills or meter test report as applicable.
(6) In case CTs and VTs form part of the meters, the meter shall be installed as near the instrument
transformers as possible to reduce the potential drop in the secondary leads.
(i) The billing for the failure period of the meter shall be done as per the procedure laid down
by the Appropriate Commission.
(ii) Readings recorded by Main, Check and Standby meters for every time slot shall be
analysed, crosschecked and validated by the Appropriate Load Despatch Centre (LDC).
The discrepancies, if any, noticed in the readings shall be informed by the LDC in writing
to the energy accounting agency for proper accounting of energy. LDC shall also intimate
the discrepancies to the Appropriate Transmission Utility or the licensee, who shall take
further necessary action regarding testing, calibration or replacement of the faulty meters
in accordance with the provisions laid down.
(e) The defective meter shall be immediately tested and calibrated.
The meters shall be provided with such anti-tampering features as per the Standards on Installation
and Operation of Meters given in the Schedule.
(b) All interface meters shall be tested at least once in five years. These meters shall also
be tested whenever the energy and other quantities recorded by the meter are abnormal or
inconsistent with electrically adjacent meters. Whenever there is unreasonable difference
between the quantity recorded by interface meter and the corresponding value monitored at
the billing center via communication network, the communication system and terminal
equipment shall be tested and rectified. The meters may be tested using NABL accredited
mobile laboratory or at any accredited laboratory and recalibrated if required at manufacturer’s
(c) Testing and calibration of interface meters may be carried out in the presence of the
representatives of the supplier and buyer. The owner of the meter shall send advance notice to
the other party regarding the date of testing.
In addition to any meter which may be placed for recording the electricity consumed by the consumer,
the licensee may connect additional meters, maximum demand indicator or other apparatus as he may
think fit for the purposes of ascertaining or regulating either the quantity of electricity supplied to the
consumer, or the number of hours during which the supply is given, or the rate per unit of time at which
energy is supplied to the consumer, or any other quantity or time connected with the supply to
Provided that the meter, indicator or apparatus shall not, in the absence of an agreement to the
contrary, be placed otherwise than between the distributing mains of the licensee and any meter:
Provided further that, where the charges for the supply of energy depend wholly or partly upon the
reading or indication of any such meter, indicator or apparatus as aforesaid, the licensee shall, in the
absence of an agreement to the contrary, keep the meter, indicator or apparatus correct.
The distribution licensee shall make out a plan for introduction and adoption of new technologies such
as pre-paid meters, time of the day meters (TOD), automatic remote meter reading system through
appropriate communication system with the approval of the Appropriate Commission or as per the
regulations or directions of the Appropriate Commission or pursuant to the reforms programme of the
Appropriate Government.
Chapter 2 Metering Regulations 2006
(see regulations 2,5,8,12 and 16)
Standards on Installation and Operation of Meters
Part I Standards Common To All Type of Meters
(1) These standards provide for specification of meters, immunity to external
factors, sealing points and functional requirements that are required from
regulatory perspective. Detailed technical specification shall be prepared by the
purchaser of the meter.
(3) Meter shall have downloading facilities of metered data through Meter Reading Instrument (MRI).
The meter shall be immune to external influences like magnetic induction, vibration, electrostatic
discharge, switching transients, surge voltages, oblique suspension and harmonics and necessary tests
shall be carried out in accordance with relevant standard.
(6) The accuracy class of Current transformers (CTs) and Voltage transformers (VTs) shall not be inferior to
that of associated meters. The existing CTs and VTs not complying with these regulations shall be
replaced by new CTs and VTs, if found defective, non-functional or as per the directions of the
Appropriate Commission. In case the CTs and VTs of the same Accuracy Class as that of meters can not
be accommodated in the metering cubicle or panel due to space constraints, the CTs and VTs of the next
lower Accuracy Class can be installed.
(7) The Voltage Transformers shall be electromagnetic VT or Capacitive Voltage Transformer (CVT).
(a) The Interface meters suitable for ABT shall be static type, composite meters , as self –contained
devices for measurement of active and reactive energy, and certain other parameters as described
in the following paragraphs. The meters shall be suitable for being connected directly to voltage
transformers (VTs) having a rated secondary line-to-line voltage of 110 V, and to current transformers
(CTs) having a rated secondary current of IA (Model-A :3 element 4 wire or Model C: 2 element , 3
wire) or 5A (model-B: 3 element , 4 wire or Model D: 2 element 3 wire). The reference frequency
shall be 50Hz.
(b) The meters shall have a non-volatile memory in which the following shall be automatically stored:
(i) Average frequency for each successive 15-minute block, as a two digit
code (00 to 99 for frequency from 49.0 to 51.0Hz).
(ii) Net Wh transmittal during each successive 15-minute block, upto second decimal, with
plus/minus sign.
(iii) Cumulative Wh transmittal at each midnight, in six digits including one decimal.
(iv) Cumulative VArh transmittal for voltage high condition, at each midnight, in six digits including
one decimal.
(v) Cumulative VArh transmittal for voltage low condition, at each midnight, in six digits including one
(vi) Date and time blocks of failure of VT supply on any phase, as a star(*)
(c) The meters shall store all the above listed data in their memories for a period of at least ten days.
The data older than ten days shall get erased automatically. Each meter shall have an optical port on
its front for tapping all data stored in its memory using a hand held data collection device. The meter
shall be suitable for transmitting the data to remote location using appropriate communication
(d) The active energy (Wh) measurement shall be carried out on 3-phase, 4-wire principle, with an
accuracy as per class 0.2 S of IEC-687/IEC-62053-22. In model-A and C, the energy shall be
computed directly in CT and VT secondary quantities, and indicated in watt-hours. In model-B and
Model D , the energy display and recording shall be one fifth of the Wh computed in CT and VT
secondary quantities.
(e) The Var and reactive energy measurement shall also be on 3-phase, 4-wire principle, with an
accuracy as per class 2 of IEC-62053-23 or better. In model-A or Model C, the Var and VArh
computation shall be directly in CT and VT secondary quantities. In model-B or Model D, the above
quantities shall be displayed and recorded as one-fifth of those computed in CT and VT secondary
quantities. There shall be two reactive energy registers, one for the period when average RMS
voltage is above 103% and the other for the period the voltage is below 97%.
(f) The 15-minute Wh shall have a +ve sign when there is a net Wh export from substation busbars, and
a –ve sign when there is a net Wh import. The integrating (cumulative) registers for Wh and Varh
shall move forward when there is Wh/Varh export from substation busbars, and backward when
there is an import.
(g) The meters shall also display (on demand), by turn, the following parameters :
(i) Unique identification number of the meter
(ii) Date
(iii) Time
Chapter 2 Metering Regulations 2006
(a) The consumer meter shall be suitable for measurement of cumulative active energy utilized by the
(b) The consumer meter may have the facilities to measure, record and display one or more of the
following parameters depending upon the tariff requirement for various categories of consumers.
All parameters excluding instantaneous electrical parameters shall also be stored in memory.
(2) All the three phase meters shall have data storage capacity for at least 35 days in a non-volatile
(a) The meter shall not get damaged or rendered non-functional even if any phase and neutral
are interchanged.
(b) The meter shall register energy even when the return path of the load current is not
terminated back at the meter and in such a case the circuit shall be completed through the
earth. In case of metallic bodies, the earth terminal shall be brought out and provided on the
outside of the case.
(c) The meter shall work correctly irrespective of the phase sequence of supply (only for poly
(d) In the case of 3 phase, 3 wire meter even if reference Y phase is removed, the meter shall
continue to work. In the case of 3 phase, 4 wire system, the meter shall keep working even
in the presence of any two wires i.e., even in the absence of neutral and any one phase or
any two phases.
(e) In case of whole current meters and LV CT operated meter, the meter shall be capable of
recording energy correctly even if input and output terminals are interchanged.
(f) The registration must occur whether input phase or neutral wires are connected properly or
they are interchanged at the input terminals.
Chapter 2 Metering Regulations 2006
(g) The meter shall be factory calibrated and shall be sealed suitably before dispatch.
(h) The meter shall be capable of recording occurrences of a missing potential (only for VT
operated meters) and its restoration with date and time of first such occurrence and last
restoration along with total number and duration of such occurrences during the above
period for all phases.
(i) Additional anti-tampering features including logging of tampers such as current circuit
reversal, current circuit short or open and presence of abnormal magnetic field may be
provided as per the regulations or directions of the Appropriate Commission or pursuant to
the reforms programme of the Appropriate Government.
(2) The energy accounting and audit meters may also have the facility to measure, record and display one
or more of the following parameters depending upon the energy accounting and audit requirement. All
parameters excluding instantaneous electrical parameters shall also be stored in memory.
(3) The energy accounting and audit meter shall have data storage capacity for at least 35 days in a non-
volatile memory.
(4) Energy accounting and audit meters shall have facility to download the parameters through meter
reading instruments as well as remote transmission of data over communication network.
(R. Dahiya)
Secretary, Central Electricity Authority