TRRL Excel Sheet

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Parameter Symbol Unit Chakamba Irundu Source of information

General information
Road name - Chakamba Irundu Site observations, consultations
Name of stream - Unknown Site observations, consultations
Type of stream - Ephemeral Site observations, consultations
Grid reference - GPS, Google Earth or 1:50,000 maps
Northing (Latitude) E - 2° 6.238'S GPS, Google Earth or 1:50,000 maps
Easting (Longitude) S - 33° 6.194'E GPS, Google Earth or 1:50,000 maps

Input data
Area A km2 1.500 1:50,000 maps
Channel length L km 1.7 1:50,000 maps
Channel slope Sc % 2.9% 1:50,000 maps
Land slope Sl % 1.4% 1:50,000 maps
Storm rainfall for 2-year return period
R2/24 mm 70 Annex 2 of the worked example (handout) or Appendix 1 Figure 1 of TRRL report 623
Ratio n-Yr to 2-Yr Annex 3, Annex 4 and Table 1 of the worked example (handout) or Appendix 1 Figure
2.6 2 and 3 of TRRL report 623
Ratio (Rn/24 to R2/24 rainfall) x R2/24 storm rainfall. In this case R10/24 = ratio
n-Yr, 24-Hr Rainfall Rn/24 mm 182 (R10/24 to R2/24) x R2/24
Table 2 and Annex 5 of the worked example (handout) or Fig. 15 and Table 4 of TRRL
Standard Contr. Area Coefficient Cs - 0.40 report 706
Catchment wetness factor Cw - 1 Table 3 of the worked example (handout) or Table 5 of TRRL report 706
Land use factor Cl - 1.50 Site observations, consultations and using Satelite Images
Largely bare soil 1.5 - 0.0
Intense cultivation 1.5 - 0.3
Grass cover 1 - 0.4
Dense vegetation 0.5 - 0.1 Table 4 of the worked example (handout) or Table 8 of TRRL report 706
Epheremal stream, sand filled valley 0.5 - 0.0
Swamp filled valley 0.33 - 0.0
Forest 0.33 - 0.2
Contributing area factor Ca 0.600 Ca = Cs x Cw x Cl
Rainfall time Tp hour 0.75 Annex 6 of the worked example (handout) of Fig. 16 of TRRL report 706
Initial rentention Y mm 0 Assume initial retention = 0 mm in Tanzania as per TRRL recommendations
Index n - 0.96 Table 5 of the worked example (handout) or Table 8 of TRRL report 706
Constant b - 0.33 Obtained from TRRL Report 706
Reservoir lag time k - 20 Table 6 of the worked example (handout) or Table 7 of TRRL report 706

Calculation 1st approximation

Rainfall base time Tb hour 46.75 Tb = Tp + (2.3 x K) + Ta initially with Ta = 0
Area reduction factor ARF - 0.99 ARF = 1 -(0.04*Tb^-0.33*A^0.5)
Rainfall base time RTb mm 188.1 RTb=Tb/24*(24.33/(Tb+b))^n x R24/100
Ravg mm 185.5 Ravg=RTb*ARF
Volume of run of RO m3 167000 RO=Ca*(Ravg-Y)*A*10^3
Average discharge Qavg m3/s 0.9 Qavg=(0.93*RO)/(3600*Tb)
Flood wave attenuation time Ta hour 0.29 Ta=(0.028*L)/(Qavg^0.25*Sc^0.5)

Calculation 2nd approximation

Rainfall base time Tb hour 47.0 Tb = Tp + 2.3 x K + Ta with Ta value obtained from the first iteration
Area reduction factor ARF - 0.99 ARF = 1 -0.04*T^-0.33*A^0.5
Rainfall base time RTb mm 188.2 RTb=Tb/24*(24.33/(Tb+b))^n*Rn/24
Average rainfall Ravg mm 185.6 Ravg=RTB*ARF
Volume of run of RO m3 168000 RO=Ca*(Ravg-Y)*A*10^3
Average discharge Qavg m3/s 0.9 Qavg=(0.93*RO)/(3600*Tb)
Flood wave attenuation time Ta hour 0.29 Ta=(0.028*L)/(Qavg^0.25*Sc^0.5)
Diference in Ta value with bprevious iteration % 0% If diference is < 5% of the previous Ta then you can stop

Estimated flood discharge

Peak flood factor F - 2.3 F=2.3 for K > 1.0 and F = 2.8 for K< 0.5
Design Peak Flow for choosen return period Q100 m3/s 2.12220 Q10=F*Qavg

Existing structures in place

Provided Structure


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