Use of Easement Agreement
Use of Easement Agreement
Use of Easement Agreement
i'.. 1
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\ gBAlfIr_08_ EASSMENT
! L MAR I. 21990
REC0RoËRM0N[t€ c0., f¡l
-2- m$* 3?1 Hot 34
2. Upon and after the sonslruction of a resÍdence buiLdíng
on the real es tate. described in Exhibít A heretor Grantee or
Granteers assignee covenants to contribute to the budget for The
Shores Homeowner¡s Asgociation a pro rata share o f the cost for
roadway maj"ntenance to include snow removalr rout ine repaír and
mainten ance and accumulation of capítal !eserves.. Pro rata sha(e
shaLl be determined by the aggre gI ate number of rê sidenceg exÌst-
n er()
Íme to time on Grante s rea estaLe together wÍth the
within The Shores-
,fh Payment of such contributions to The Sh ores'llomeownerrs
Associatío n shall be Ín accordance with the rtrlês'r'regul"ations
and bílIing practices of the Association to íts members.
. 3. Grantee shall be pernÍtted Lo hook on. six (6) síngJ"e
family residences to any pubi"ic or privately owned sewer line or
water l-ine'or other utíIities existíng wíthi n the right-of-waY of
the roadway easement and uttlity easement as depiðted on the plat
of fhe Shores. Granteers right to hook on t o"such water line or .
sehter Line or other utilities shalL be ín ac cordance with ùhe
terms, son'ditions and rules of the mernbershi p for lhe public or
prfvate entity owníng the sewer or water l"Ín es and util-íties.
Eas-çnçnt, N-o-...2
1. Grantor conveys and warrants to Grantee a ftfty (50¡
feet wlde private drivev¡ay eaÉement over Lot 9 and the'Comnon
Nature PreServe of The Shõres as more particularJ"y described in
ExhibÌt B attached hereto and incorporated herein. by reference.
2. Grantee shall" timit its use of the driveway easenent.for
the construction and deveJ-opment of and use by not more than,,four
of t,he sÍx single famil"y residences allocated to Granteers real
estate descríbéd in nxhibit e; and upon and afÈer construction of
one of saÍd residences, the road surface on Easement No,2¡
described on Exhibit B hereto' shall be of a quality and type as
comparable to the surface of Easement No. lr the roadway shown on
the Plat'of .The Shores. .' .
- 1. fhe
grant ór ¿riveway easement and surface eaËements as
hereínabove íncLr¡dei such access by Grantee¡ íts
invitees or Licensees as is necessary from time to time to
repair' restorer maintain
or other utilities locatedor replace*water rines or Àewer Lines
within the descríbed eas.rnent and to
repaír¿ maintain or improve the driveways.
2- Grantee covenants to rimlt use of the easernents above
described'' for the construction¡ development and use by Grantee
and its grantee and
-assigns of six (6)'sÍngle iamiry ie"iaential"
structuresr each of which-nay include guãst and careÉaker
quarters and other buildings attendant-theretor
Granteers reailestate desciibed in ExhÍbit A andto as
be located on
particul"arly descrÍbed above
, 3. the Sho res Horneowners Associationr Inc. and'its
shaLl have the r ight to enforce the wÍthin covenants and
restrict.ions by court ínjunction obtained by due process of, Law.
Víolation of the covenants and restrictÍons
resuLt in revers íon of titl-e or forfeÍture ofthereln
shal"I not
easement rights
granted hereín.
.,.!. .,ri)I,, ii.,. xl¡
:, l,¡, .
d"** L. Robínsonr Granto.r
Owner l,ot I through L,ot 9 and
Nature Fre.serve, The Sbore'S
.Peqsonally appeared before ne this -l '^ day .ot 11na"L
L990,. the.aforesaid Kenton L. Robínsonr and acknowl-ed ged the
executíon'of the above and foregoing to be a free and voLuntary
act; and for .the purþoses thereín set fo h.
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"..'w{lri-çsü F! hand and Notarial Se
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Íi¡ontv: .of i'fá.s iaence,
.:.:_.,.';' : ti -|7àuoog '-'" Publíc
(Printed Náme4,of Notary,PubIic)
My 'sqmmÍssípir" expi
. :,'iiiilsji,t. t ¿J tø 11 o
êê ¡
couNrY oF
PersonaLJ.y appeared before me th
r the. aforesaid
George and
J4.t day ,11aænL-, ,
i* of
Presidentand----_+--1 'Joseph
¡ reBpectivell¡' of Terre Haute
ReaJ.ty Corporation, . and, achnowl-edg ed the execution of the above
and foregoing to be a free and voL untary act and fo'r the purposes
therein set forth.
Wltness mv hand an d NotaríaI Seal.
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Myrgounty of .'.r.esÌdence : Notary Public
i )'.:.":.,* 1.-,i ..,. ,1.1r|l stEø€
I"ly commisslonj çxpi res : (Printed Nane of Notary Public)
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Th¡ s wolá,ur*uf ¡reopnarJ tr Grongt A. BnafÌnì^t , A/L*r"r-^l-lo,-
'Tsneg llauTrt f^/
BÛ()É ß?å rosr S?
Exhibit A
of the West half of Section ?r
-.,-- -A,,part. TownshipT Northr
Range t Eastr and a part of section ii, rå"nrh¡p i'l{orlñl Range 1
west in Monroe county, rndJ-ana¡ rrìof,€ particuJ.ariy aescriúeo as
foLlows 3
STI nm 88
, Exhibit A
P+ge 2
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