Visualizing Social Groups Linton C. Freeman, University of California, Irvine 2143 SSPA, School of Social Sciences, Irvine, CA 92697-5100
Visualizing Social Groups Linton C. Freeman, University of California, Irvine 2143 SSPA, School of Social Sciences, Irvine, CA 92697-5100
Visualizing Social Groups Linton C. Freeman, University of California, Irvine 2143 SSPA, School of Social Sciences, Irvine, CA 92697-5100
Key Words: Social Networks, Visualization almost 70 years. And they continue to do so. In this
paper I will review some of the earlier work and present
Jacob Moreno [18, 19] introduced the idea of an up to date description of contemporary approaches to
using visual images to reveal important features of visualization.
social patterning. As he ([20], pp. 95-96) put it: Much of the earlier work was based on the
intuitive view that social connections are binary, or
A process of charting has been devised by the on/off. From this perspective, a pair of individuals is
sociometrists, the sociogram, which is more either linked or not linked. Some of the older and much
that merely a method of presentation. It is first of the newer work, however, has been based on a
of all a method of exploration. It makes quantitative conception of social links. Pairs of
possible the exploration of sociometric facts . . individuals are seen as relatively more or relatively less
. It is at present the only available scheme strongly linked. These two approaches tend to yield
which makes structural analysis of a
different kinds of group images. They will be treated
community possible.
separately in the next two sections.
Although they might not agree with the precise terms of IMAGES OF BINARY STRUCTURES
Moreno’s statement, most contemporary structural
analysts would still subscribe to the view that visual Moreno viewed social linkages as binary. To
images continue to play a key role in both exploring reflect that binary view, he constructed his images out
and presenting the patterns displayed by structural data. of points and lines. Individuals were pictured as points,
Among the many kinds of structural patterns and social ties linking pairs of individuals were shown
that have been explored and presented visually, one as lines connecting pairs of points. One of his early
stands out. Structural analysts have devoted an images—one designed to show group structure—is
enormous amount of attention to the problem of shown in Figure 1.
uncovering social groups. This attention to the group Asking children to choose two others that should
concept makes sense, since groups have been a concern be assigned seats next to them produced the data.
of sociologists from the beginning (see Durkheim [4], Directed lines indicate choices. Moreno drew all the
Tönnies [27], Simmel, [25] and Cooley [3]). boys (triangles) on the left and the girls (circles) on the
All of these early sociologists saw groups in right. This arrangement emphasizes the fact that there
structural terms—as a patterning of interaction. are many links within each gender, but only one link
Freeman and Webster [10] described this view: bridges the gender gap. Boys and girls, in effect,
formed almost completely distinct groups.
. . . whenever human association is examined,
Other investigators adopted Moreno’s general
we see what can be described as thick spots—
relatively unchanging clusters or collections of approach, but many were uncomfortable with his ad
individuals who are linked by frequent hoc method for locating points. Since it did not involve
interaction and often by sentimental ties. any well-defined procedures, Moreno’s method meant
These are surrounded by thin areas—where that no subsequent investigators could reproduce the
interaction does occur, but tends to be less results of earlier investigations. For that reason, Bock
frequent and to involve little if any sentiment. and Husain [1], Proctor [22], Laumann and Guttman
[15] and Levine [16] all introduced computational
In addition, group members are believed to vary in procedures that were designed to locate points in such a
terms of the degree to which they are involved in group way that members of the same group would
activities. Some are core members; some are automatically be placed in close proximity to each
peripheral. other. These procedures were all based on one of two
Visualization and the group concept, then, form a approaches: 1) multidimensional scaling (Kruskal and
natural pair. Visualization is a tool for structural Wish [14]) or 2) singular value decomposition (Weller
analysis, and group—in the sociologists’ sense—is a and Romney [30]).
structural concept. Investigators have been using visual
tools to uncover and to communicate about groups for
Instead of drawing a point and line image with
points placed in arbitrary locations, we can use one of
our standard computational procedures to construct an
image of the game-playing matrix. Let us begin with
multidimensional scaling (MDS).
There are various versions of MDS, but they are
all essentially search programs. They accept as input a
matrix of proximities or a matrix of distances. Then
they seek to arrange the points in such a way that the
distances between pairs of points in the image
correspond to the distances between individuals in the
data matrix. With binary data, the aim is to place points
close to each other if they are associated with
individuals who are directly connected and to place
points at a greater distance from each other if they are
associated with individuals that are not directly
connected. The resulting picture should display the
Figure 1. An Attraction Network in a Fourth structure contained in the data.
Grade Class (from Moreno [19], p. 38). The investigator begins by specifying how many
spatial dimensions the final image should have. For
We can learn something about how these two actual viewing, one, two or three dimensions are
procedures work by applying them both to a single data desirable. The program then produces a picture with
set. In the 1930s Roethlisberger and Dixon [23] the desired number of dimensions and reports an index
directed an extensive study of the organization of a part of stress that tells how much distortion the picture
of the Western Electric Company. As a part of that produces.
study, they placed an observer for several months in a A two-dimensional MDS image of the game-
“wiring room” where telephone switches were playing data is shown in Figure 2. The reported stress
constructed. The observer collected ethnographic data level is 0.0, so the image turns out to reproduce the
and described interaction patterns among nine wiremen, patterning of who played games with whom quite well.
two solderers and an inspector in detail. The same And it is fairly obvious from looking at the figure that
observer also collected systematic data on various kinds these individuals are divided into two groups. There
of links among the workers. One data set recorded who are a good many ties linking the individuals within each
played games with whom during off-hours. The data group, and only one cross-group link.
are shown in Table 1.
This work was supported by MSH-Paris and the [14] KRUSKAL, J.B., AND WISH, M. (1978),
Maison Suger. Their generous support is gratefully Multidimensional Scaling, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
[15] LAUMANN, E.O., AND GUTTMAN, L. (1966), "The
relative associational contiguity of occupations in an
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