Section 942-BR Area Coating GII
Section 942-BR Area Coating GII
Section 942-BR Area Coating GII
Section 942
Paint and Protective Coating
If any of the above conditions exist, contact the ExxonMobil Site Coating Specialist. Jimmy
Schexnayder +1-225-540-0229 or [email protected]
3) Any conflict between this GII and other standards or specifications shall be referred to the Owner for
clarification before proceeding.
1. Required References
This Section lists Practices and Standards that are generically referenced and assumed to be a
part of this document. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest edition.
Practice applicable
SSPC – Practices
SSPC GUIDE 15 Field Methods for Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel and
Other Nonporous Substrates
SSPC VIS 1 Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry Abrasive
Blast Cleaning
ISO Standards
ISO 8501 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products. Visual assessment of surface cleanliness. Rust
grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of
steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings
ISO 8502 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products Visual assessment of surface cleanliness Part 3:
Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with surface
ISO 11124 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products. Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives.
Parts 3 and 4
ISO 11126 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products. Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning
abrasives. Use the applicable Part.
+-ASTM Standards
Standard Specifications for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and
Steel Products
ASTM D520, Standard Specification for Zinc Dust Pigment
Type II
ASTM D3359, Standard Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test
Method A
ASTM D4285 Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air
Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of
ASTM D4417
Blast Cleaned Steel
Standard Test Method for Measuring MEK Resistance of Ethyl Silicate
ASTM D4752
(Inorganic) Zinc-Rich Primers by Solvent Rub
Standard Practice for Assessing the Solvent Resistance of Organic
ASTM D5402
Coatings Using Solvent Rubs
ASTM D6677 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Adhesion by Knife
2. General Requirements
1) Paint system selection shall be based on normal operating temperatures. Consult with Coating
Specialist when operating conditions swing outside the normal operating temperature range (ex.
regen temperature excursions, steam out, and low temperature swings).
2) Manufacturer’s instructions and SSPC-PA-1 shall be followed for the application of paints and
protective coatings unless modified by this practice or the Purchaser.
3) Structural components shall be galvanized. Components such as platforms, floor plates and
grating, stair treads, ladders, safety cages, handrail assemblies, instrument supports, instrument
raceways and other small pieces of structures and their bolting shall be hot-dip galvanized per ASTM
A123. Galvanized components received with excessive dross or other artifacts which may pose a
safety hazard or coating performance defect as determined by Owner or Owner Representative shall
be removed at the expense of the galvanizer. Defects such as excessive thickness (20+ mils of zinc)
or other practices which yield poor zinc coating adhesion are rejectable. All structural steel members
will be galvanized to meet low lead standards. Low lead galvanizing is defined as galvanizing
provided via use of a kettle containing "high grade zinc" in accordance with ASTM B6-03. Per Table
1 from ASTM B6 (Zinc Grades), the lead content shall not be greater than 0.03% by weight. Lead
content testing will be done, as a minimum, on a monthly basis by way of a sample from the kettle.
The testing laboratory and procedure will be subject to Owner review and approval. Galvanizing shop
locations and kettle sizes may be found on the internet at,128,169.cfm
4) Flange faces (non-machined surfaces), including bolt holes shall be coated.
5) Gasket surfaces and other machined surfaces shall NOT be abrasive blasted or coated unless
approved by Owner’s engineer.
6) Vessel supports (i.e., legs, saddles, the inside and outside surfaces of vessel skirts) provided with
the equipment shall receive the coating system suitable for the maximum operating temperature of
the vessel. If the support is fireproofed, the coating system shall be System 5B.
7) Edges to be welded: Coatings shall terminate 4 inches minimum from edges to be welded.
8) Vessels to be hydrotested: Welds on vessels shall be left uncoated until after hydrotest.
9) [*] Piping to be hydrotested: All welds, shop and field, can be primed and/or coated prior to
hydrotest per ASME B31.3; 345.3.1, unless otherwise specified by Owner’s Engineer.
10) Extend coatings beyond insulation or fireproofing: If a coating is being specified for corrosion
protection under fireproofing (CUF) or insulation (CUI), all appurtenances that will extend beyond
the insulation or fireproofing shall be coated in the same manner as the equipment and/or piping.
11) Thermal Sprayed Aluminum (TSA) :
• shall be used for protection of existing CS piping/equipment under thermal insulation &
operating < 350°F, except for Category D Fluid Service as defined by ASME B31.3. Deviation
from this specification must be approved by Owner’s Engineer and also requires an approved
• is not an acceptable coating choice for under concrete fireproofing.
• should be considered the coating of first choice, especially for carbon steel equipment
and piping subject to atmospheric corrosion or corrosion under insulation(CUI). Use of a
different system may be used where the application of System “3” is deemed not practical.
Consult Site Coating Specialist for proper choice.
• is recommended on bare carbon steel or low chrome piping and equipment in sweating
service or located in a frequent water drift area (i.e., within 100 ft. of a cooling tower in the
prevailing wind direction).
• shall only be used in areas with a PH range of 4 to 9.
• Thermal spray aluminum wire shall meet the requirements of AWS C2.25 or ISO 209-1, Type
A1 99.5, W-Al-1100. The manufacturer or supplier shall provide a certificate of conformance
for each batch supplied.
• shall not be used on underground piping or as a coating under concrete.
• In lieu of TSA and conventional coatings for piping 2” NPS and less, use stainless steel or
other alloy as approved by Owners Fixed Equipment Engineer.
• TSA Safety – Owner’s approval is required prior to specifying TSA on Methyl Chloride
containing equipment or piping. Methyl Chloride exposure to TSA under anaerobic
conditions (e.g. leaks under metal jacketing) can lead to explosive alkyl corrosion
• For detailed TSA specification refer to GII 945.
3. Materials
1) Abrasive media shall be selected to yield the anchor profile required by the manufacturer of the
coating and shall contain no more than 1.0 wt. % crystalline silica as determined by SSPC-AB-1.
2) No lead/heavy metals: All coatings and abrasives shall contain not more than 0.01 wt.% lead,
chromium, or other heavy metals. Zinc is not considered a heavy metal per this practice. Zinc dust
used in Zinc-containing coatings must conform to ASTM D520, Type II.
3) Single manufacturer. Coating materials from only one manufacturer shall be utilized on any one
piece of equipment or piping system. Deviations from this requirement must be presented in writing
to the Site Coatings Specialist for approval.
4) Cold weather catalysts: Coating application Contractor shall be responsible for the selection of
coating products and the appropriate catalyzing agent that will allow adequate cure during cold
weather applications. Weather temperatures averaging below 60°F (including nighttime temperatures)
typically cause curing problems or delays.
5) Contrasting coats: Successive coats of a paint system shall be of contrasting color. Color of prime
coat shall not be red, rust, or red oxide.
6) Plant Color Schemes for BRCP, BRRF, BRPP, and BRFP: See Table 2
2) Shielding: Shielding must be provided to protect the following from grit, drifting dust, and paint:
(Contact Owner’s Representative if shielding will prevent accessibility by Process operating
a) Nameplates, informational markings and
signs (Unless the Owner’s
Representative requests removal
followed by replacement.).
b) Packing glands and packing seals.
c) Bearings.
d) Rotating equipment couplings and
e) Lubrication fittings.
f) Pressure and temperature gauges and
gauge glasses.
g) Motor starters.
h) Instruments and control valves.
i) Vents.
j) Exposed linkages.
k) Valve stems
l) Light bulbs and their enclosures and
m) Air intakes.
n) Rubber and plastic parts.
o) Turbine tripping mechanism.
12) Touchup materials: Coating materials for touchup shall be the same as the original coating system unless the
manufacturer of the inorganic zinc does not allow self-recoat. In this case, use Table 1 System 2 as the primer
up to 250°F. Repair of galvanizing shall be in accordance with Table 1 System 5A.
13) Touchup surface prep and application: Surface preparation for touchup areas shall achieve the original SSPC
surface preparation designation as specified for the original coating system. Surface shall be solvent cleaned
with rags or detergent washed and rinsed. Rags must be clean and changed frequently. If blasting of small areas
is not feasible, use mechanical cleaning tools (e.g. 3M Scotchbrite Clean-N-Strip and MBX Bristle Blaster) to
achieve SP-11 and a minimum 1.0 mil anchor profile. Wire wheel buffing does not provide the necessary anchor
profile for coating adhesion, and is not allowed. Feather the edges of the existing coating and solvent wipe.
Surface (a) SSPC VIS 1 or (a) 100% visual of all (a) In accordance (a) Re-blasting
Cleanliness ISO 8501 surfaces with specified
a) Visual requirements
b) For dust (b) ISO 8502-3 (b) Spot checks, but (b) Max quantity (b) Re-cleaning
not less than 1 per and size rating 2 and retesting until
100ft² (10 m2). acceptable
Specific location to
be determined by
Company inspector
Soluble Salts Extraction: Atmospheric Average Steam or clean
(Note 1) ISO 8502-6 (Bresle) Surfaces: conductivity water washing
Assessment: 4 samples/20000 ft2 corresponding to and retesting until
(2000 m2)of 30 mg/ m2 and entire 20000 ft2
ISO 8502-9
If specified or
fabrication max conductivity (2000 m2) test
requested by corresponding to area is
Or Specific location to
Inspector. 40 mg/ m2 acceptable
be determined by
Extraction: water soluble
Company Inspector
SSPC GUIDE 15, salt(s).
Section 4.6
(Elcometer 130 SC
Section 5.3
Anchor profile Per ASTM D 4417 a) Power tool As specified Re-blasting,
cleaning: using appropriate
Every 4 hours grit size or
Perform at beginning
enhanced nozzle
of shift, then at (* Not applicable to
prescribed frequency. TSA)
b) Grit blast with
recycled abrasive:
Every 4 hours
c) Grit blast with non-
recycled abrasive:
Minimum once per
shift or after any
change of equipment,
conditions, abrasive
material or abrasive
Note 1. KTA Swab Scat Kit 1-800-852-4243 or Chlor Test (Chloride Ion Field Test) 1-800-422-3217
Organic Coatings
A. ExxonMobil agreement with International Paint. The coating products herein shall be used
to take advantage of the global supply agreement between International Paint and
ExxonMobil. Contractors performing work for ExxonMobil may obtain pricing based on this
agreement. Contractors should estimate work based on the agreement pricing.
The ExxonMobil account number is PPG00046 and should be referenced along with the
ExxonMobil Contract PO# when ordering paint,
B. Alternate products. Coating materials/systems from other coating manufacturers may be acceptable, but
must be approved by ExxonMobil Site Coatings Specialist. Jimmy Schexnayder @ 225-540-0229
[email protected]
Requirements regarding applicator qualification and installation of TSA are covered in a separate document.
See ExxonMobil TSA Specification
(4) Non-Asbestos insulation covering TSA coated piping shall have Green Bands for identification.
(5) Hot dip galvanized surfaces need not be coated under fireproofing if not exposed to wetted conditions.
Galvanized Steel
Service Category
Touchup and Color Coding Top Coat
Stainless Steel above 130 ºF
Finish ViscoWrap ST Or HT
Finish DFT, mils
Colors available
(8) Contact Site Coating Specialist if System “7” is deemed not practical.
(9) ViscoWrap ST wrap is limited to 150°F max operating temperature.
(10) For field application, the clearance around the pipe/equipment shall be per GIP 4.2.7 when applicable.
(11) Interzone 485 shall be spray applied except for small touch up areas and stripe coating.
(12) High voltage spark test and repair required before application of wrap material.
November 2017
Baton Rouge Area
Baton Rouge, LA
External Paint and Protective Coatings Specification:
** All H2S bearing lines shall be identified at locations designated by Owner's Engr. A six foot
long painted Red-Orange band with a 6 inch wide band of "Scotchlite" red-orange self adhesive
reflective tape shall be applied at each end.
1. Colors also apply to Aluminum Insulation Jacketing.
2. Stenciling shall be 2" Black letters on Bright Yellow background useless otherwise specified.
3. Tank numbers shall be stenciled in two locations. Size of letters 3'W x 6'H.
4. "Or-equal" products should submit to Owner's Coating Specialist for approval.
Jimmy Schexnayder @ [email protected]
5. System '2' is for post field erection damage repair only.
6. Paint color is for the last 40” ± of pipe at utility stations.
Color Table : Standard Colors for the Exxon Baton Rouge Refinery
Onsite Piping Lt. Green (GR-6) 99011-87829
Onsite Structures (if painted) Lt. Green (GR-6) 99011-87829
Furnaces & Stacks Dk. Gray (G-5) 71051
Exchangers & Vessels (tangent to tangent)
< 20 ft. T-T Lt. Green (GR-6) 99011-87829
>=20 ft. T-T Benicia Green (GR-4) 99044-87831
Offsite Piping Lt. Gray (G-7) 99011-87770
Offsite Structures (if painted) Lt. Gray (G-7) 99011-87770
Offsite Tanks & associated piping Cloud White 99011-80632
1. Colors also apply to Aluminum Insulation Jacketing.
2. Stenciling shall be 2" Black letters on Bright Yellow background useless otherwise specified.
3. Tank numbers shall be stenciled in two locations. Size of letters 3'W x 6'H.
4. "Or-equal" products should be submitted to Owner's Coating Specialist for approval.
Jimmy Schexnayder @ [email protected]
5. System '2' is for post field erection damage repair only.
6. Paint color is for the last 40” ± of pipe at utility stations.
Color Table: Standard Colors for the Exxon Baton Rouge Chemical Plant
Onsite Piping Lt. Gray (G-7) 99011-87770
Onsite Structures (if painted) Lt. Gray (G-7) 99011-87770
Furnaces & Stacks Dk. Gray (G-5) 71051
Exchangers & Vessels (tangent to tangent)
< 20 ft. T-T Lt. Gray (G-7) 99011-87770
>=20 ft. T-T Lt. Gray (G-7) 99011-87770
Offsite Piping Lt. Gray (G-7) 99011-87770
Offsite Structures (if painted) Lt. Gray (G-7) 99011-87770
Offsite Tanks & associated piping Cloud White 99011-80632
1. Insulated Piping shall use Aluminum Insulation Jacketing. No coating on jacketing is required.
2. Stenciling shall be 2" Black letters on Bright Yellow background useless otherwise specified.
3. Tank numbers shall be stenciled in two locations.
4. "Or-equal" products should be submitted to Owner's Coating Specialist for approval.
Jimmy Schexnayder @ [email protected]
5. System '2' is for post field erection damage repair only.
6. Paint color is for the last 40” ± of pipe at utility stations.
Color Table 1B: Standard Colors for the Exxon Baton Rouge Plastic Plant
Onsite Piping Lt. Gray (G-7) 99011-87770
Onsite Structures (if painted) Lt. Gray (G-7) 99011-87770
Buildings-Control House, Shop
Warehouse, Exxon Sand Benjamin Moore
Extruder Buildings,Substation Exxon Sand Benjamin Moore
Building Trim (Doors,
Downspouts,etc) Gray Green GR-2 K322
Interior Structural Steel Gray Green GR-2 K322
Exterior Structural Steel Blue Green B-5 L422H
Floor Plate - Top Side Dark Gray G-9 V787H
Floor Grating Galvanized
Handrails Bright Yellow Y-2 71038
Bridge Cranes, Hoisting Equipment Bright Yellow Y-2 71038
Fire Protection Equipment Red R-6 71007
Safety Equipment-First Aid Dark Green 87784
Safety Shower Alert Orange Day Glo 215-15 Available At B&H
Transformers White Subox Permanox 700 Carboline Co.
Switch Gear Light Blue B-3 L419H
Offsite Tanks & associated piping Cloud White 99011-80632
Piping Insulated Aluminum Jacketing
Piping & Vessels - Hot Service
Without Insulation Aluminum Hot Surface Coating
Crank Cases Epoxy Phenolic Interline 850 White Or Gray
Color Table 1B: Standard Colors for the Exxon Baton Rouge Plastic Plant
Onsite Piping White 99010
Onsite Structures (if painted) White 99010
Safety Shower, Eye Wash Stations Blaze Orange
Extinguisher Background, Hydrants,
Monitors and Monitor Piping Safety Red 71007
Mobile Fire Fighting Equipment Safety Red 71007
Safety Relief Valves and Safety Car-
Seal Valves Safety Yellow 71038
Operational Car Sealed Valves Safety Yellow 71038
Bonnets of Bellow Safety Relief
Valve Safety Yellow 71038
Railway Crossing Gate N/A
Foam Equipment and Piping Safety Yellow 71038
Rotating Machinery Guard Safety Yellow 71038
Ladders Below Cage, Bottom Hoop
of Cage, and Top Angle of Handrail Safety Yellow 71038
Plant Utility Air Forest Green 87784
Plant Instrument Air Forest Green 87784
Electrical Transformer N/A
Breathing Air Packs and Background N/A
Utility Water Safety Blue 71032
First Aid and Safety Equipment N/A
November 2017
Baton Rouge Area
Baton Rouge, LA
External Paint and Protective Coatings Specification:
Tripping Hazards Safety Yellow 71038
Sewer Vent N/A
Nitrogen Bearing Piping Safety Yellow 71038
Utility Steam Safety Red 71007
Drinking Water 2067 Carolina Blue
The following document serves as a guideline for the application of TSA versus conventional coatings and recoat
versus replace equipment for equipment subject to CUI. Deviation from these guidelines to use conventional
coating instead of TSA for CUI piping requires an approved MOC.
Coating Recommendation for Carbon Steel Equipment Subject to CUI
The operating temperature range for CUI is 10°F to 350°F.
Shop applied TSA includes the use of laydown yards/areas.
Sweating pipe is defined as pipe that operates between 30°F to 80°F at least 10% of the time.
November 2017
Baton Rouge Area
Baton Rouge, LA
External Paint and Protective Coatings Specification:
Replace/Re-coat Recommendation
The following table serves as a guideline to assist project and mechanical planners in determining when to replace
versus recoat4 existing piping and vessels. It is based on the recognition that shop applied coatings on new
equipment can, in certain situations, offset the cost of coating existing equipment in place. Many variables such as
new equipment cost, equipment location/elevation, accessibility, congestion with other work activities and the
available time to complete the work should be considered in the final replace/re-coat recommendation.
The field application of TSA can be achieved by either the flame spray or arc spray methods. In general, the arc spray method
is more cost effective for large diameter or flat surfaces with significant square footage to coat. Flame spray is better suited for
smaller diameter equipment or where smaller square footage needs to be coated.
Need to confirm pipe size break point from actual cost estimates.
November 2017
Baton Rouge Area
Baton Rouge, LA
External Paint and Protective Coatings Specification:
Vessels with a remaining internal corrosion Recoat per coating recommendation
rate life > 20 years. table
Vessels with a remaining internal corrosion Recoat per coating recommendation
rate life < 20 years but > next turnaround table
Vessels with a remaining internal corrosion Replace with coating per Table 1
rate life < next turnaround interval.
Attachment B
Daily Coating Inspection Report
Page Project: Report No.
Date/Day: Inspector Job No.
Shift Subcontractor:
Equipment ID/ Area:
Substrate: STEEL CONCRETE OTHER Coating Spec Title:
Time Int Ext Location DB WB ST DP RH Weather
Preparation Initial Rust Grade A B C D
No. Location of Work
Spec. Actual Attribute Sat Unsat N/A
SP1 SP1 Metal porosity, Protrusion free
SP2 SP2 Grease and oil removed
SP3 SP3 Recycled abrasive vial test
SP15 SP15 Blotter test (time) :
SP11 SP11 Cracks, bugholes, slivers removed
SP7 SP7 Visible moisture on surface
SP14 SP14 Dust removal
SP 6 SP6 Clean and dry abrasive
SP10 SP10 Magnetic base reading (mils):
Coat: Primer Primer T. U. 1st Stripe 2nd 2nd T.U. 2nd STRIPE 3rd 3rd T.U. Other
Instruments Visitors to the site
Type Serial No. Name Company
Sling Psychrometer
Surface Temperature gauge
Spring Micrometer
Surface Comparator S, GS SH
Thickness gauge, type:
Calibration Plate
Holiday Detector M1,, AP, AP/W
Moisture meter
Salt Contamination Kit
Adhesion Tester, Manuf: