Human Evolution: Theory and Progress: January 2014

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Human Evolution: Theory and Progress

Chapter · January 2014

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-0465-2_642


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3 authors:

Djuke Veldhuis Peter C. Kjærgaard

Aarhus University University of Copenhagen


Mark Andrew Maslin

University College London


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H 3520 Human Evolution: Theory and Progress

in shaping 99.4 % nonsynonymous DNA identity their multidisciplinarity. Whereas archaeology

between humans and chimpanzees: enlarging genus and paleoanthropology have been central to
Homo. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, USA 100(12): 7181-8. defining early human history, pushing the
WU, X. 1998. Continuity or replacement: viewed from the chronological boundaries of the first of
source of certain features of modern humans in China, everything further back in time, they no longer
in K. Omoto & P.V. Tobias (ed.) Origins and past of stand in unique positions to the understanding of
modern humans: towards reconciliation: 139-44.
Singapore: World Scientific Press. the evolutionary history of humans.


Human Evolution: Theory and Every extinct and extant species on earth have
Progress resulted from the same evolutionary processes
determining the way they are through shaping
Djuke Veldhuis1, Peter C. Kjærgaard1 and their morphology, physiology, and behavior.
Mark Maslin2 The traits specific for the human species are the
Department of Culture and Society, result of the same evolutionary processes respon-
Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark sible for any other living creature. From a general
Department of Geography, University College evolutionary perspective, humans are conse-
London, London, UK quently no different than any other species on
the planet. Human evolution refers to the natural
process involved in the evolutionary history of all
Introduction members of the human clade (consisting of Homo
and other members of the human tribe, Hominini,
In one of the most remarkable understatements in after the split from chimpanzees and bonobos).
the history of science, Charles Darwin wrote Members of the human clade are referred to as
about his theory of evolution by natural selection hominins. Previously, the date, nature, and
that “light will be thrown on the origin of man and identity of the last common ancestor between
his history” (Darwin 1859: 488). That was prac- modern humans and their closest living relatives
tically all Darwin was prepared to share about the were determined on the basis of comparative
consequences for humankind of his theory in the anatomy of living species and fragmentary fossil
Origin of Species, the seminal work on modern remains. Today, molecular genetic data play an
evolutionary ideas. But everybody around him increasing role in establishing phylogenetic relat-
immediately understood the implications, and as edness between hominoids, the superfamily
archaeological evidence and human fossil including all living and extinct ape and human
remains accumulated during the nineteenth and species. Theories of human evolution refers to the
twentieth centuries in combination with genetic complex defining methods, practices, hypothe-
data, theories of human origins eventually ses, models, explanations, and interpretations of
became the science of human evolution. data, answering the question what makes us
Often overlooked, but central to Darwin’s human from an evolutionary perspective.
original method and the force of his argument,
is the power of converging evidence from a
number of different disciplines and bodies of Historical Background
knowledge. For the general theory of evolution,
these originally included geology, paleontology, Nineteenth-century discovery of early human
zoology, botany, physiology, anatomy, and, archaeological and fossil remains led to a
famously, selective breeding. Similarly, human systematic investigation of human origins using
evolutionary studies today are characterized by a scientific explanatory framework. The gradual
Human Evolution: Theory and Progress 3521 H
acceptance of deep time that eventually included location of the excavations. With a number of
humans gave rise to the scholarly division of fossils turning up in Germany, France, Belgium,
human history into history and prehistory. Deep and Britain, including the first recognized
history was connected to a deep evolutionary Neanderthal (1856), Homo heidelbergensis
ancestry with the introduction of the scientific (1907) and the notorious Piltdown Man (1912),
theory of descent with modification. A number Europe entered the race to find the first human.
of key events and publications were instrumental The discovery of Australopithecus africanus in
in shaping early theories of human evolution, South Africa 1924 was initially met by skepti-
including among others the publication of cism and the location of the true origin of humans
Darwin’s Origin of Species (1859) and Descent remained undecided.
of Man (1871), Charles Lyell’s Geological Evi- With the increasing number of early human
dences to the Antiquity of Man, Thomas Henry fossils, in particular from Africa (Fig. 1), the
Huxley’s Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature resolution of the human family tree got better.
(1863), and John Lubbock’s Pre-Historic Times But still with so few fossils to build ancestral
(1865), the discovery of Neanderthals in Gibral- phylogenies, there continued to be great
tar, Belgium, Germany, and France, along with difference in opinion among leading paleoanthro- H
archeological artifacts such as stone tools and pologists. Some argued for few species, others for
kitchen midden remains from early settlements, a larger variety of early hominins. These groups
and cultural expressions such as cave paintings are commonly referred to as lumpers and
found in Spain and France. splitters. The scarcity of fossil data also made
From the second half of the nineteenth cen- room for radically diverging interpretations of
tury, theories of human evolution were largely the human family tree. For decades, there were
driven by discoveries. Archeological evidence, two coexisting theories. The “out of Africa
which includes any objects that have been made hypothesis” stressed descent of modern humans
by hominins, played an important part in gener- from a single common ancestor with a growing
ating evidence and establishing theories about the support for an African origin. The other so-called
behavior of early modern humans. Comparative multiregional theory argued for a multi-linear
anatomy, which reasons that organisms that are theory of descent postulating regional origins of
closely related to each other share many anatom- modern humans from different ancestral species.
ical similarities, was another source of knowl- With the tides turning in favor of the “out of
edge establishing evolutionary kinship. But Africa hypothesis” in the 1980s, the multi-linear
fossil evidence was generally seen as most impor- model gradually went out of fashion. Following
tant to prove evolutionary theory right, leading to the “fossil explosion,” which has seen 11 new
a race to find the Missing Link connecting species and four new genera named since 1987,
humans and apes (Reader 2011; Kjærgaard understanding of the range of variation in the
2011). hominin phenotype was much improved. Two
With a limited fossil record, many questions in further developments have since revolutionized
human evolution remained speculative. It was the empirical base supporting human evolution
thus more a theoretical preference and indeed and emphasized the importance of transdisciplin-
the order in which fossils were discovered at ary enquiry: dating technologies and genetics.
different locations that determined the favored
geographic local of human origins. Darwin had Dating Challenge
tentatively suggested Africa, but he was There are four primary dating technologies:
a minority. Asia was generally seen as the most radiogenic isotopes, paleomagnetism, thermolu-
likely place for the cradle of humankind, which minescence, and electron spin resonance. Henry
was supported by Eugène Dubois’ recognition of Becquerel, French physicist, discovered the nat-
the first Homo erectus (1891–1892) found, at ural radioactive decay of uranium at the turn of
the time known as the Java Man echoing the the twentieth century. Further work by Ernest
H 3522 Human Evolution: Theory and Progress

30˚N A.afarensis
A. afarensis A. ramidus kadabba
A. ramidus ramidus
A. bahrelghazali
A F R I C A A. garhi
Unpublished skull
P. boisei
P. boisei A. afarensis

A. anamensis
A. afarensis
P. aethiopicus 10˚N A. anamensis
P. boisei
P. aethiopicus
P. boisei O. tugenensis

K. platyops Equator

Hominid indeterminate P. boisei

A. afarensis

P. boisei 10˚S
P. boisei

P. robustus 20˚S A. africanus

A. africanus
A. afarensis? P. robustus

P. robustus
A. africanus 30˚S

0˚ 10˚E 20˚E 30˚E 40˚E 50˚E

Human Evolution: Theory and Progress, Fig. 1 Map of Africa showing the locations where key hominin species
have been found

Rutherford and Bertram Borden Boltwood indi- used to date many of the fossil sites in East
cated that the predictable decay of radioactive Africa and was also used to date hominin
elements could be used to keep track of time. remains at Dmanisi in Georgia to 1.8 Myr old
Not only did it confirm the earth to be billions (Garcia et al. 2010).
years old, it provided the earliest empirical time Paleomagnetism uses the direction of mag-
scale for the fossil record. Common chemical netic particles in layers of sediment and com-
elements used in dating include Argon, Car- pares these to the known shifts in the Earth’s
bon-14 (radiocarbon), and Uranium (Fig. 2). magnetic field over time. These shifts can be
Which elements researchers use depends on full reversals when the north magnetic pole
how quickly they decay. For example, Carbon- suddenly becomes the south magnetic pole, or
14 dating is extensively used to date organic smaller changes in direction due to the mag-
finds 60 Ka and younger as it has a relatively netic pole wandering and variations in mag-
short half-life (the time it takes for one half of netic field strength. Most fossils are found in
the atoms in Carbon-14 to disintegrate) of about sedimentary rock which can be difficult to
5,730 years. It has allowed us to accurately doc- do date using radiogenic isotopes, and this
ument the origins of agriculture, around 12 Ka is where paleomagnetism is a powerful
ago, by dating the remains of animals and plants alternative. Paleomagnetism was used to date
(Zeder 2011). Argon in contrast has a longer Sivapithecus, a genus of extinct primates and
half-life and is extremely useful in dating finds probable ancestor to orangutans, to 12.5 Ma
older than 10 Ka. Argon-Argon dating has been (Kappelman 1993). In this case, the
Human Evolution: Theory and Progress 3523 H
Paleomagnetic (polar wandering)
Amino Acid Racemization ?
Thermoluminescence ?
Electron Spin Resonance ?
Fission Track
Patassium-argon ?
Paleomagnetic (polar reversal)
0 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 5


Human Evolution: Theory and Progress, Fig. 2 Effective ranges of major dating methods relevant to human
evolution studies H

paleomagnetic resolution exceeded the typical Genetic Revolution

5 % error rate associated with radiocarbon Since the 1960s, the field of evolutionary genet-
(potassium-argon) dating. ics has arguably made the greatest impact upon
Thermoluminescence and electron spin reso- human evolutionary studies. Advances in tech-
nance (ESR) measure the amount of electrons nology such as the development of the polymer-
that get trapped inside a rock or fossil over time. ase chain reaction (PCR) have been instrumental
First developed in the 1950s, thermolumines- allowing, for example, the analysis of ancient
cence works on the basis that crystals, such as DNA taken from Neanderthal fossils (Green
quartz, trap electrical charges (electrons) at et al. 2010). Allan Wilson, Emile Zuckerkandl,
a known rate over time. If this crystal, for exam- and Linus Pauling pioneered the use of molecu-
ple, a flint blade, is heated, these electrons are lar approaches, which examined evolution at the
liberated, emitting a measurable amount of light. scale of DNA and proteins showing that
This allows researchers to determine when an relationships among living and extinct primates
object was last heated. What is actually deter- can be inferred from genetics as well as fossils.
mined is the amount of elapsed time since the Genetics too can be used as a “clock,” which
sample had previously been exposed to high tem- compares the amount of genetic differences
peratures. It is used to date volcanic materials and (mutations) between living organisms. Since
meteorite impact craters, but can also directly mutations have predictable rates of change
date past human activity such as when ceramics over time, they can be used to estimate how
or flint materials were heated to improve strength long ago a living species shared a common
and durability (Richter 2007). ESR also measures ancestor. The molecular clock cannot assign
electrons trapped in the lattice, but unlike concrete dates and must be calibrated against
thermoluminescence, it does not destroy the independent evidence, such as the fossil record.
sample being tested; this allows samples to be Nevertheless, taking together the transdisciplin-
dated multiple times. ESR mostly tests calcium ary evidence, we now have a robust understand-
carbonate in limestone, coral, fossil teeth, ing of the relationships between humans and
molluscs, egg shells, quartz, and flint. Both apes. For example, we know that humans and
methods are typically used to date samples from chimpanzees split from their common ancestor
the last 300,000 years though theoretically they approximately 4–8 Ma (Sarich & Wilson
could be used on much older samples. 1967; Gagneux & Varki 2001) and that the
H 3524 Human Evolution: Theory and Progress

genetic difference between humans and chim- The increasing theoretical and practical com-
panzees is miniscule at about 1.2 %. plexity and the abundance of new data have
Genetics has also confirmed that living humans overturned a number of simple scenarios of
have a limited genetic diversity indicating a series human evolution, leaving a far more multifaceted
of population bottlenecks (temporary, drastic understanding of the past 6–7 million years of the
reductions in population size and therefore genetic human story. This aspect has had a great impact on
variability, caused by earthquakes or disease, for the key questions in human evolution.
example) and a limited ancestral gene pool (Foley Traditionally, in classic studies from the late
1994; Manica et al. 2007). Studies of genetic nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the main
variation reveal that the greatest diversity can be events could be summarized to terrestriality,
found in African populations. This combined with bipedalism, encephalization, and civilization.
evidence from female (mitochondrial DNA) and Opinion was divided as to the order and importance
male (Y chromosome) specific histories confirms of these key events, but the general consensus was
an African origin for our species and suggests our that understanding what really happened in human
ancestors migrated out of Africa about 70–40 ka evolution depended upon solving these four
(Cann et al. 1987). questions.
In addition to helping researchers identify phy- Following the increased theoretical
logeny, demographic history, and dispersal pat- complexity, the number of key questions has
terns, we can also identify areas of the human multiplied and now involves a thorough interdis-
genome influenced by natural selection. Func- ciplinary understanding of the evolution and
tional genes, such as those involved in infectious functions of adaptation, behavior, bipedalism,
disease resistance; life history patterns; diet; skin, brain size, chronology, climate, common descent,
hair, and eye coloration; human cognition; and evolutionary constraints, culture, dispersal and
even language, have revealed areas of the genome migration, diet, diversity, ecosystems, extinction,
that have been influenced by natural selection in genetics, geography, language, lineage, morphol-
humans (Enard et al. 2002; Tishkoff & Williams ogy, ontogeny, phylogeny, species concept,
2002; Lao et al. 2007; Preuss 2012). technology, and variation. The answer to these
questions includes a number of theoretical
assumptions about time, selection pressures and
Key Issues/Current Debates mechanisms, inheritance, speciation, conver-
gence, continuity, and discontinuity.
The contemporary science of human evolution Take, for example, our changing perception of
is an interdisciplinary endeavor encompassing Homo habilis (dating between 2.1 and 1.5 Ma).
anatomy, anthropology, archaeology, botany, First identified at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania by
climate sciences, ecology, genetics including Mary and Louis Leakey in the mid-1960s in the
ancient DNA studies and geogenomics, geol- same general area as Oldowan stone tools, this
ogy, history, linguistics, paleoanthropology, was classified as the earliest member of the Homo
paleontology with related subdisciplines, lineage. Specifically, its name means, “man the
phylogeny, physiology, primatology, and handyman.” In the 1960s, the existing evidence
a number of different disciplines specializing base and predominant view that tool making was
in dating. All these disciplines contribute with unique to the Homo genus was a key factor in
data and interpretations. They are also, however, how these fossils were classified. In addition to
contributing to making human evolutionary tool use, habilis had more “modern” (derived)
studies a theoretically heterodox field. One of characteristics, including a relatively larger cra-
the main challenges, therefore, is to correlate nial capacity (680 cm3), weaker brow ridges,
data and results from different fields, while man- smaller teeth, a higher forehead, and postcranial
aging the differences in perspectives and theo- fossils, suggesting beyond doubt that it was fully
retical traditions. bipedal. The reduction in so-called ancestral
Human Evolution: Theory and Progress 3525 H
characteristics tipped the balance and led paleo- Role of Theory
anthropologists to classify it as Homo. Theory has played a central role in the develop-
Since the 1960s however, more fossil and ment of our understanding of hominin evolution.
archaeological evidences have raised doubts By creating theories based on the then current
about handyman’s place in the hominin family evidence, new sources of evidence can be found
tree. New evidence shows that Australopithecus with which to test the existing theories. Environ-
afarensis was already using stone tools at mental pressures have long been assumed to play
3.4 Ma more than a million years before habilis a key role in hominin speciation and adaptation
existed. It is also clear that tool making is ubiq- (Maslin & Christensen 2007). The savannah
uitous across the primate order and not confined hypothesis implicates the long-term trend toward
to Homo (Bentley-Condit & Smith 2010; increased aridity and the expansion of the savan-
McGrew 2010). Taken alone handyman’s char- nah as a major driver of hominin evolution. As
acteristics such as the larger brain and smaller opposed to long-term directional trends, the vari-
teeth were deemed to be more derived traits. ability selection hypothesis advocates the role of
However, as more australopithecine species environmental unpredictability in selecting for
(especially Au. garhi) were discovered, the behavioral or ecological flexibility (Potts 1998). H
overall body size and shape, locomotion, the However, these hypotheses, which emphasize
masticatory system, and dental wear analyses long-term trends toward either a drier or more
suggested that habilis had an adaptive strategy variable climate, do not explain the pulsed nature
more similar to australopithecines than later of hominin speciation and migration events. Two
Homo (Kuykendall 2003). For these reasons, alternative hypotheses, however, try to account for
some paleoanthropologists argue that Homo the discrete and episodic nature of hominin evolu-
habilis should indeed be Australopithecus tionary events. The turnover pulse hypothesis,
habilis. Whether or not this is valid depends developed to explain discrete patterns in ungulate
not only on the fossil evidence, but how speciation, suggests that acute climate shifts drive
a genus is defined and whether phylogeny (evo- adaptation and speciation (Vrba 1988). However,
lutionary relationships) should be given prece- the evidence for this hypothesis is equivocal as the
dence over adaptive strategies when defining stacked benthic foraminifera d18O record, which is
a genus (Wood 2009; Arsuaga 2010). thought to represent global climate, does not con-
As the transdisciplinary evidence base tain the temporal signatures associated with key
expands, it is not uncommon for (phylogenetic) events in hominin evolution. A region specific
models to change and whether we assign habilis hypothesis, the pulsed climate variability hypoth-
to the genus Homo or Australopithecus has far- esis, highlights the role of extreme wet-dry climate
reaching effects in our interpretation of the fossil cycles specific to East Africa in driving hominin
record as a whole. Indeed a similar debate sur- evolution (Maslin & Trauth 2009).
rounds the classification of chimpanzees, with This last hypothesis is based on the distinct
some primatologists and geneticists arguing that geologic and climate conditions of East Africa.
Pan and Homo should be considered subgenera The East African Rift System (EARS), one of the
of Homo (e.g., Homo homo sapiens and Homo most extensive geological features on the Earth’s
pan troglodytes) on the basis of how we interpret surface, runs north–south for around 4,500 km
the fossil, archaeological, genetic, and behavioral from Syria through East Africa to Mozambique.
evidence (Goodman et al. 1998; Aiello & The formation of the EARS had a profound effect
Andrews 2000) on the long-term climate of East Africa. Evidence
The specific nature of data, evidence produced from carbon isotope records from both soil car-
within specific disciplinary frameworks, and the bonates (Fig. 3) and biomarkers (n-alkanes)
consequences of using different methods and extracted from deep-sea sediments provide clear
evolutionary models thus shape our interpretation evidence of a progressive vegetation shift from
of the evolutionary evidence. C3 (trees and shrubs) to C4 (tropical grasses)
H 3526 Human Evolution: Theory and Progress

High Latitude Low Latitude

a. Eccentricity b. Global Climate c. Regional d. East African e. Mediterranean f. East African g. Hominin Evolution
Transitions Changes Lake Occurrence Dust Flux Soil Carbonates Transitions
δ C/‰







Ma At 160 to 154 kyr

H. floresiensis
BP Oldest Members of
Homo sapiens

Homo sapiens
H. neanderthalensis

0.95-0.7 Ma

Paranthropus. boisei
P. robustus
H. heidelbergensis
The Mid- At ~1.0 Ma
Second major
Pleistocene migration of Homo
Revolution erectus out of

H. antecessor
1.0 Africa, extinction
of the genus

1.9-1.7 Ma At ~1.8 Ma
Earliest Homo

Australopithecus garhi
Development erectus, Out
of Walker of Africa,
Circulation Acheulean

H. erectus
H. ergaster
2.0 Technology

Australopithecus afarensis

A. africanus
At ~2.6 Ma

Homo habilis
2.5 Olduvai Technology,
2.5-2.5 Ma

P. aethiopicus
H. rudolfensis
Earliest Homo,
Onset of Oldest “robust”
Northern Australopithecines

below base of record


wet dry
less DUST more




wet dry


Human Evolution: Theory and Progress, (c) with East African lake occurrence (d), Mediterranean
Fig. 3 Environmental context of human evolution in dust flux (e), Soil carbonate carbon isotopes (f), with
Africa. Comparison of eccentricity variations (a) with Hominin Evolution Transitions (g) (Adapted from Trauth
global climate change (b), high latitude climate variations et al. (2007))

plants during the Plio-Pleistocene. This shift has the rift in Kenya and Tanzania are found in the
been ascribed to increased aridity due to the oro- Early Pliocene. Despite the southward progres-
graphic barrier produced by the progressive sion of tectonic processes in East Africa, ephem-
rifting of East Africa during this period and sup- eral deep-water lakes seem to occur in separate
ports the savannah hypothesis, which attempts to basins at approximately the same time,
explain the appearance of bipedalism. suggesting a climatic control (Maslin & Trauth
The progressive formation of the EARS also 2009). There is growing evidence that during
led to the production of isolated basins within each of these major lake phases, the large
which lakes could form (Fig. 3). Southward prop- fresh-water lakes appeared and disappeared on a
agation of rifting and magmatic activity resulted precessional timescale, and is associated with
in the formation of lake basins first in the northern repeated periods of extremely wet and arid con-
parts of the EARS. For example, fluviolacustrine ditions within the EARS (Fig. 4). Up to and
history of the Afar, Omo-Turkana, and Baringo- including 2.6 Ma, these lakes track 400 ka eccen-
Bogoria Basins in the north began in the Middle tricity cycles. Subsequently, these lake phases
and Late Miocene, whereas the oldest lacustrine still occur at the peak eccentricity forcing but
sequences in the central and southern segments of only at 1.8 Ma and 1.0 Ma, with the most
Human Evolution: Theory and Progress 3527 H
% Terrigenous Dust
ODP 721/722 40

30 Dust


March 21st

470 Insolation

Lake Depth

Medium Model


Lake Depth

Medium Model


Lake Depth

Medium 3
Low variability

2580 2700

Human Evolution: Theory and Progress, Fig. 4 Three arid conditions, selective evolution toward larger, more
theoretical models of possible lake changes in East Africa juvenilized descendants in the bovid lineages and hominins
during the Plio-Pleistocene and their implications for the would have occurred. Model 2 envisages a “threshold” sce-
causes of human evolution. 4e Model 1 suggests that there is nario whereby ephemeral lakes expand and contract
a relatively smooth and gradual transition between periods extremely rapidly, producing the very rapid onset of
with deep lakes and periods without lakes. If this “smooth” extremely dry conditions required by deMenocal’s
model is correct, there may have been prolonged periods of (1995) “aridity hypothesis.” Model 3 is an elaboration of
wet or arid conditions, which may invoke the Red Queen the threshold model in which there is “extreme climate
Hypothesis or the Turnover Pulse Hypothesis (TPH) as variability” during the rapid transition between deep-lake
possible causes of evolution. Red Queen Hypothesis sug- and no-lake states. Such a model would invoke extreme
gests that continued adaptation is needed in order for short-term variability that could drive speciation and extinc-
a species to maintain its relative fitness among co-evolving tion events, especially if this climate change occurred over
systems and that biotic interactions rather than climate are a large geographic region. This would produce the wide-
the driving evolutionary forces. While the extreme dry spread environmental variability as required by the “Vari-
periods would support the TPH which suggests that during ability Selection Hypothesis” of human evolution
H 3528 Human Evolution: Theory and Progress

significant lake phase at 1.9–1.7 Ma, such as the Turkana Basin in east Africa
corresponding with the intensification of the (Australopithecus, Paranthropus, Homo),
Walker circulation (Trauth et al. 2005). At this Atapuerca in Spain (H. antecessor), and the
time, the E-W sea surface temperature gradients recent finds on the Indonesian island of Flores
in both the Pacific and Indian Oceans increased (H. floresiensis), researchers have collected
intensifying the E-W moisture transport in the abundant amounts of fossils and constructed a
tropics, which greatly increased rainfall variabil- very in-depth local record. To see human
ity both on a precession and an ENSO (El Niño evolution across deep timescales of millions
Southern Oscillation) timescale. The best exam- of years however, it is essential to combine
ple of the pulsed climate variability hypothesis is multi- and transdisciplinary evidence from all
the most profound period of hominin evolution over the world. An excellent example of evidence
at about 1.9 Ma; when there is the highest coming together from all parts of the world is
recorded diversity of hominin species, Homo illustrated by evidence for an adaptive shift with
(sensu stricto) appears with brain expansion of Homo at around 2 Ma.
up to 80 % and migration out of East Africa into This major adaptive shift coincides with
Eurasia occurs for the first time. During this Homo erectus (1.8 Ma–300 Ka) and we now
key period, ephemeral deep-fresh-water lakes know that in addition to significant increases in
appeared along the whole length of the EARS, brain size, changes in body shape (relatively
fundamentally changing the local environment. elongated legs and shorter arms) which indicated
However, it must be stressed that this theory a loss of tree climbing adaptations, innovations in
is just one of many in a long history and the tool technology (earliest handaxes), an ability to
more paleoclimate and paleoanthropological walk and possibly run long distances, H. erectus
data is collected, the theories will continue had a growth rate similar to that of a great ape
to evolve. with delayed juvenile development, indicating
Environmental theories however can only go so extended periods of learning as well as evidence
far to explaining why some species thrived and for care of elderly and weak. They were also the
managed to migrate across the globe. The applica- first globetrotters, dispersing beyond Africa,
tion of environmental determinism should be done across the Middle East and into Asia (Fig. 5).
with great care especially with hominins for whom However, when H. erectus was first unearthed
at some stage ‘social’ attributes and behaviours in the form of a skull cap by Eugene Dubois in
may have influenced morphological evolution. 1891 in Indonesia, it was the most primitive and
Insights into hominin behavior, mate choice, smallest brained of all known early human spe-
parental investment, foraging behaviors, and social cies. This long skull, with a flat forehead, distinct
cooperations which come from the behavioral browridges, and saggital keel, was initially
sciences are thus essential to understand the placed in a separate genus. Not until the 1950s,
full range of human evolution. Anthropology, by which time many more fossils were uncov-
behavioral ecology, economics, primatology, and ered, was it placed into the Homo genus. Further
neuroscience tell us that human life history has discoveries of similar skull caps were made in
evolved gradually, humans are highly cooperative, Zhoukoudian in China and they were initially
and reproduction is communal (Tooby & DeVore clearly confined to Asia. It explains the impor-
1987; Boyd & Richerson 2005). tance of taking the historical context of fossil
finds into consideration. At the time, these
early fossils were the most primitive known
International Perspectives with only Neanderthal specimens in Europe for
comparison until the 1920s and 1930s when
Evidence for human evolution is scattered far and H. heidelbergensis, Australopithecus africanus,
wide. The record is certainly not complete and Paranthropus discoveries started to hint
overall, but nor is it completely poor. In locations that the human family tree was more complex.
Human Evolution: Theory and Progress 3529 H

Homo Erectus
1.8 Ma 850-1100cc

1 Ma - out of Africa

? Georgia (1.6?)
Zhoukoudian, China
(Peking man) (0.5-0.2) Peking man

(0.7) Ternifine, Algeria

Lantian, China (0.75)

Java man
Awash (0.3)
Koobi Fora, Kenya Naviokotome (1.6)
(1891 finds)
Lake Turkana boy, 10 Koobi Fora (1.6)
(0.13) Laetoli Olduvai Gorge (1.25) H
Sangiran (1.0)
Trinil (1.0)

(1.0?) Swartkrans, South Africa Modjokerto(1.2?)

Human Evolution: Theory and Progress, Fig. 5 Dates and location of early Homo erectus finds

The fact that we now associate erectus with 1,300 cm3 in modern humans) and tall stature
a major shift in the adaptive complex from earlier illustrated a dependence on bipedalism, a
Australopithecines shown in cranial and dental growing rate (and probable adolescent growth
morphology, behavior, and technology would spurt) similar to modern humans. The Turkana
perhaps startle earlier paleontologists (Wood & Boy made it clear that H.erectus originated and
Collard 1999; Foley 2002). It demonstrates that persisted in East Africa but left many questions
human evolution is neither the result of a single on how, why, and when this species was able to
revolutionary event nor a smooth accumulation disperse widely not only across Africa, but also in
of increasingly modern human features. China and Java by 1.8 Ma, though it should be
Instead it is a cumulative process, with novel noted that this date is continually revised and it
adaptations arising and disappearing in response may have occurred slightly later. Evidence is now
to environmental pressures. available from a plethora of fields and provides
A lot more information about erectus body a solid empirical base to describe and explain the
size, shape, and growth patterns came to light in life course of this versatile, global traveler.
1984 with the discovery of the Turkana Boy from H. erectus thrived in a period of major climate
Kenya. Dated to 1.6 Ma, this near-complete skel- change. Combining data from carbon isotope
eton (sometimes assigned to Homo ergaster, it is records from soil carbonates and biomarkers
typically described as the “African erectus”) of extracted from deep-sea sediments, paleo-geolo-
an 8-year-old male standing relatively tall at gists, -chemists, and physicists have put together
1.60 m suggested that H. erectus was not nearly a paleo-environmental model which illustrates
as primitive as previously thought (Fig. 6). a progressive vegetation shift form C3 (trees
A large cranial capacity (880 cm3 compared to and shrubs) to C4 (tropical grasses) plants during
H 3530 Human Evolution: Theory and Progress

Human Evolution: Homo erectus Koobi Fora

Theory and Progress, 1.6 Ma
Fig. 6 Comparison of a b
Homo erectus skulls of
Turkana boy (Kenya) and
Peking man (China)


5 cm Peking Man
0.6 Ma

the Plio-Pleistocene. Previously semiarid areas requirements of gestation and lactation would
became moister with denser vegetation and have been significantly higher for erectus females
more lakes (King & Bailey 2006), making it (Aiello & Key 2012). Human biologists suggest
easier for H. erectus to migrate from East Africa that shortening the inter-birth interval would
into Asia via the “Levant Corridor” through reduce these costs and increase reproductive out-
northeast Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and put. These changes in life history will have neces-
Turkey. sitated changes in behavior, for example,
In addition to teams from across the world increased cooperation and the division of labor.
comparing fossil evidence and compiling an An ability to do so may have been facilitated by
environmental narrative in which H. erectus language, and evidence from the cervical verte-
evolved, anatomists, primatologists, and ecolo- brae of H. erectus fossils from Dmanisi in Geor-
gists were bringing in their own theoretical para- gia shows that they are well within the normal
digms to build up a picture of how H. erectus human range, illustrating that erectus was proba-
would have survived. Since body size influences bly able to regulate its breathing and produce
a range of physiological traits including energy complex sounds.
requirements, choice of food, reproductive strat- Another way to meet energetic requirements
egies, predation risk, range, and locomotor style, would be to eat energy-dense foods such as meat
paleoanthropologists can learn a lot by compar- and technology advances such as the hand ax
ing H. erectus specimens to those of living spe- would have aided H. erectus in procuring such
cies. Estimates suggest that H. erectus specimens foods. The earliest evidence for fire is also asso-
would have been 50 % heavier than australopith- ciated with erectus fossils, this is significant
ecine females. The consequent energetic costs because cooking food increases the energy avail-
of reproduction, which can be extrapolated ability in foods (Carmody & Wrangham 2009).
based on what we know of human and Alternatively, you could offset the cost of meta-
chimpanzee females, suggest that daily energetic bolically expensive tissues, such as the brain,
Human Evolution: Theory and Progress 3531 H
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