ASEAN Annual Report 2017 2018
ASEAN Annual Report 2017 2018
ASEAN Annual Report 2017 2018
Catalogue-in-Publication Data
ASEAN Annual Report 2017-2018
Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, July 2018
1. ASEAN – Association – Southeast Asia
2. Regional Organization – Annual Report
ISBN 978-602-5798-10-8
Photo Credits
Cover : Jonathan Garcia (Flickr)
Back Cover : Carissa Bongalosa (Pexels)
Pages 8,29,31 : AHA Centre
Pages 10,12-14,16-19
17, 20-24, 26, 28, 30,
34, 32,35, 36, 38,
39,41, 42, : ASEAN Secretariat
The text of this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted, provided proper acknowledgement is given
and a copy containing the reprinted material is sent to the Community Relations Division (CRD) of the
ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta.
Foreword ...................................................................................................... 06
ASEAN Connectivity................................................................................... 32
uring the period under review, the Association on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea,
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) which has commenced with positive momentum. At
witnessed unprecedented developments in the same time, ASEAN has delivered humanitarian
some parts of the world that marked a turning point assistance, in a timely manner, to communities in
in current global trajectory. Among other things, need – both within and outside of the Southeast
the weakening of multilateral institutions, trade Asian region.
tensions, and unresolved flashpoints continue
to cast uncertainty over short-to-medium-term The ASEAN Economic Community was further
outlook, and carry policy implications for the region. reinforced through deeper market integration
On the flip side, the pickup in global growth gave and increased competitiveness in the region,
good cause for greater confidence. resulting in notable gains in customs, standards,
and trade facilitation. Efforts to negotiate the new
Against this backdrop, the ASEAN remains ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement also gained
steadfast in promoting regional peace, security, and momentum. At the same time, ASEAN continued
prosperity, and in collectively addressing common to strengthen its external economic relations,
challenges. Last year, the Association marked a through the progressive negotiations for the
significant milestone as it commemorated its 50th Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership,
anniversary on 8 August 2017. as well as the signing of the ASEAN-Hong Kong,
China Free Trade and Investment Agreements.
ASEAN, together with its external partners, The First Protocol to Amend the ASEAN-
has worked to ensure that the year 2017-2018 Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership
continued to be replete with tangible results in Agreement is being finalised, which will facilitate
its community building efforts. Various ASEAN- the incorporation of services, investment, and
led mechanisms such as the ASEAN Plus Ones, movement of natural persons chapters, while
ASEAN Plus Three, East Asia Summit, ASEAN the general review of the ASEAN-Australia New
Regional Forum, and ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Zealand Free Trade Agreement is ongoing.
Meeting Plus, continue to play an important role
in shaping an open, transparent and rules-based To support market integration, sectoral cooperation
regional architecture. in various areas and sectors has intensified.
Priorities to promote the Micro, Small and Medium
ASEAN’s shared commitments to regional peace, Enterprises sector were further strengthened with
stability and security have been translated into a focus on women’s economic empowerment,
numerous initiatives on the ground to tackle inclusive business, and streamlining business
transnational crime, violent extremism, terrorism, registration processes. Ensuring food security as
and radicalism. A more coordinated cross-sectoral well as energy security also continued to support
approach toward security continues to be pursued. the region’s sustainable development. Meanwhile,
Work has also been undertaken in a wide range of regional connectivity – in terms of infrastructure
issues such as drug control, consular assistance, and people-to-people connection – was further
and defence cooperation. enhanced through significant progress made in the
transport, information-communication technology,
ASEAN has also continued its proactive role in and tourism sectors.
managing regional issues, such as the negotiations
Terrorism (ACPoA on CT) and the Manila and prevent spillover to other nations. ASEAN
Declaration to Counter the Rise of Radicalisation also continues to produce its annual ASEAN
and Violent Extremism. These documents, among Drug Monitoring Report covering regional trends
others, show ASEAN’s commitment to addressing and problems. These are undertaken by ASEAN
the root causes of terrorism and to reducing the to protect its people and communities from the
vulnerability of its people to radicalisation. harmful effects of drug-related crimes.
The ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on The defence sector is also ensuring the security
Transnational Crime’s cooperation expanded to and well-being of the people by addressing non-
cover people smuggling and the illicit trafficking traditional security challenges. Practical cooperation
of wildlife and timber. To enhance its capacity was enhanced in October 2017 with the launch of
against cyber-security threats, the ADMM-Plus Phase 1 of the ASEAN Direct Communications
(ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus) Experts’ Infrastructure (ADI), covering secure voice and
Working Group on Cyber Security (EWG on CS) fax communication, under the ASEAN Defence
was inaugurated in mid-2017 and the ASEAN Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) framework. Through
Regional Forum (ARF) established an Inter- the ADI, a framework is currently in place for two
Sessional Meeting on Security of and in the Use ASEAN Defence Ministers to communicate and
of Information and Communications Technologies arrive at mutual decisions when facing crises or
(ISM on ICTs Security) in August 2017 to discuss emergencies related to maritime security. The
cyber-security confidence-building measures. significance and success of this effort was affirmed
by ongoing discussions to begin work on Phase
Under the aegis of the ASEAN Senior Officials on 2 on secure e-mail communication. Further, the
Drug Matters (ASOD), the ASEAN Cooperation ADMM-Plus will be held on a yearly basis from
Plan to Tackle Illicit Drug Production and Trafficking 2018 to enhance dialogue and cooperation with
in the Golden Triangle 2017-2019 is expected to the Plus Countries via a platform that is led and
curb illicit drug problems in the Golden Triangle driven by ASEAN.
on consumer protection laws and regulations. frameworks and eco-systems to promote Inclusive
The Handbook on Competition Policy and Law Businesses. Meanwhile, ASEAN promoted
in ASEAN for Businesses 2017 was published Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) by
in its fourth edition, while consumer protection adopting an Action Agenda to mainstream
received a boost with the endorsement of the WEE in ASEAN, publishing a policy handbook
ASEAN High-Level Principles on Consumer on Strengthening Women’s Entrepreneurship
Protection (AHLPCP) at the 49th AEM Meeting in in ASEAN, and by convening a conference for
September 2017. Improvements to Intellectual women entrepreneurs.
Property (IP) services delivery remain important.
To identify issues connected to improving ASEAN’s integration with the global economy
turnaround times for IP registration, several continued with the signing of the ASEAN-Hong
diagnostics studies on trademarks and designs Kong China Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA) and
were completed while diagnostics on patents ASEAN–HKC Investment Agreement (AHKIA) by
are underway. Other important milestones in all Parties. The Protocol to Amend the ASEAN-
IP include creating publishing the trademark Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership
and design examination manuals, as well Agreement is being finalised to incorporate
as implementing online filing systems for IP Chapters on Trade in Services, Movement of
registration in seven ASEAN Member States. Natural Persons, and Investment. The Stage
One General Review of the ASEAN-Australia
Three new initiatives reinforced ASEAN’s New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA)
commitment to Micro, Small, and Medium was concluded in August 2017 and Stage Two
Enterprises (MSME) development in 2017. The of the General Review will focus on follow-up
ASEAN Mentorship for Entrepreneurs Network recommendations.
(AMEN) facilitated the scaling up of micro and
small entrepreneurs through the power of 3Ms The Regional Comprehensive Economic
(mentors, money, and markets). The Inclusive Partnership (RCEP) negotiations continue to be
Business Framework helped create enabling given utmost priority. The first RCEP Summit was
ASEAN endorses best practices for agricultural and marine products to boost competitiveness.
ASEAN Declaration on Innovation provides regional policy direction on strengthening impacts of science, technology and innovation.
18 Resilientand
A Resilient andInnovative
Innovative ASEAN
ASEAN Community
The ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Tourism continues to be a strategic sector for
Forestry (AMAF) have endorsed several ASEAN. Tourism Ministers adopted the ASEAN
ASEAN Agricultural Best Practices, including Tourism Strategic Plan’s (ATSP) two-year
Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP) for Work Plan for 2018-2019, the ASEAN Tourism
Layers and Broilers in ASEAN Countries, Good Marketing Strategy (ATMS) 2017-2020, the Joint
Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Production of Declaration on Gastronomy Tourism as well as
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in ASEAN Countries the ASEAN Declaration on Cruise Tourism, the
and Guidelines on ASEAN Good Aquaculture last one is an economic priority deliverables for
Practices (GAqP) for Food Fish to support the Singapore’s 2018 ASEAN Chairmanship. Under
competitiveness of ASEAN agricultural products the Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Tourism
in regional and world markets. These standards Professionals (MRA-TP), 242 toolboxes for all
are the basis for determining the equivalence divisions have been fully developed, with training
of existing national standards or as blueprints completed for all Master Trainers and Master
for AMS currently without national standards Assessors. The Visit ASEAN@50 Campaign
systems in place. Work remains to implement was successfully implemented, as witnessed
these standards at the regional and national by 125 million international visitor arrivals, which
levels so as to increase buyer confidence and exceeded a target of 121 million and generated
demand, promote uptake at the farm level, USD 93 billion in revenue. The success was
and to foster appropriate levels of cross-border attributed to the Visit ASEAN@50 microsite,
protection. promotional events, the active participation of
individual AMS, and support by international
partners, among others.
Recognising the importance of Science, disaster risk reduction, and climate change
Technology and Innovation (STI) to foster adaptation.
sustainable economic growth, job creation, and
well-being, ASEAN Leaders adopted the ASEAN AEC 2025 Monitoring and Evaluation
Declaration on Innovation to provide regional
policy direction on strengthening STI’s impact. All 23 AEC sectoral work plans (SWPs) to
support implementation of the AEC Blueprint
While the ASEAN Specialised Meteorological 2025 have been adopted by sectoral ministerial
Centre (ASMC) leads the conduct of the biannual bodies and endorsed by the AEC Council. The
ASEAN Climate Outlook Forum, several other AEC 2025 Consolidated Strategic Action Plan
centres or networks were created in 2017 to (CSAP) – a single reference for key action
support science, technology and innovation. items drawn from the AEC sectoral work plans
The ASEAN Large Nuclear and Synchrotron – was made public in February 2017 and will
Network, for example, was established to be updated in 2018.
promote sharing of nuclear, synchrotron, and
other related facilities that typically require huge Implementation of the AEC Blueprint 2025
infrastructure investments for broad-based has been supported by the operationalisation
scientific, and technology research. of the AEC 2025 Monitoring and Evaluation
Meanwhile, the ASEAN Network for Nuclear (M&E) Framework including the development
Power Safety Research was established to of monitoring tools and databases. One key
enhance understanding of nuclear safety issues tool is the ASEAN Secretariat’s Country Visit
through advanced modelling and analysis to mechanism to verify AMS compliance with
guide policies for energy security, emergency AEC commitments as well track potential links
medical response planning, and nuclear disaster between national-level initiatives, the regional
management and mitigation. The ASEAN integration agenda and other challenges.
Hydroinformatics and Climate Data Centre was Two country visits were conducted in 2017 in
established to promote the implementation Philippines and Indonesia, and two have been
of hydroinformatics and related technologies planned for 2018.
for efficient water management, water-related
Initiative for ASEAN Integration projects help Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Viet Nam to implement regional commitments.
knowledge of ASEAN regional cooperation these farmers were able to sell their beans at
and established connections with the ASEAN double the market price.
Secretariat, other ASEAN officials, and partners.
The experience also increased the officials’
confidence, particularly in expressing their
positions at ASEAN meetings, and developed
Budding Laotian agripreneur
skills that were relevant to their work.
Phoutthasone Phaengvilay –
Noy for short – didn’t realise
Among other projects implemented in 2017 was how many other people were
the “Support to the IAI within the Framework concerned about the aging
of the ASEAN Single Market”, a three-year population of farmers. Noy
project that has been providing assistance to says she had an eye-opening
Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Viet Nam. experience at the ASEAN-EU Youth Forum
The project aided the digital recording of existing for Youth Engagement in Food Production
hard-copy registrations in Lao PDR as well as and Value Chains, which was organized
introduced online registration and licensing by the ASEAN Foundation and the ASEAN
systems in Cambodia and Myanmar. These data Farmers’ Organisation Support Programme.
and assessments are important for the countries As an entrepreneur, Noy makes almost six
to develop appropriate policies and national times as much as a civil servant does – and
strategic plans to provide better health services has the flexibility to manage her working
to their people. hours. Noy strongly advocates for the young
people of ASEAN to use agriculture to drive
IAI activities also assisted targeted groups their livelihoods forward. “If you have a
to implement regional initiatives, such as the good business plan to guide you, then your
ASEAN Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) which business can be successful,” Noy said.
aims at preventing or minimising the risk of
hazards for targeted groups in areas such as
food safety, environmental impact, workers’
health, safety and welfare, and produce quality.
Through the Standards in the Southeast Asian
Food Trade (SAFT) project, 240 coffee farmers
in Myanmar were trained and certified in Good
Agriculture Practice. With the GAP certification,
26 Resilientand
A Resilient andInnovative
Innovative ASEAN
ASEAN Community
To deal with transboundary haze, ASEAN to ensure that ASEAN remains a vibrant and
has intensified cooperation under the ASEAN dynamic community where people can live,
Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution work, and play. The priorities and ongoing work
(AATHP) aiming to achieve a haze-free ASEAN of the ASCC Pillar for 2018 include promoting
by 2020. ASEAN is also finalising a draft green jobs, mainstreaming the rights of persons
Agreement on the Establishment of ASEAN with disabilities, and promoting cyber wellness.
Coordinating Centre for Transboundary Haze These priorities will be translated into outcome
Pollution Control. Tackling climate change is documents to be elevated at the 33rd ASEAN
also a priority, and an ASEAN Climate Change Summit in November 2018.
Partnership Conference and Special ASEAN
Ministerial Meeting on Climate Action (SAMCA) In line with enhancing resilience, ASEAN has
are slated to be held in 2018 to chart out the collectively continued to strengthen regional
region’s climate change priorities and how the cooperation in disaster management and
ASEAN region can strengthen its cooperation on disaster risk reduction. A Senior Officials’ Multi-
climate change. Sectoral Workshop was convened in March
2018, addressing the challenge posed by more
The incumbent ASEAN Chair’s themes of frequent and intense disasters due to climate
resilience and innovation have highlighted change, human-induced disasters, and the
challenges amid an increasingly complex global lessons learned in the coordination and handover
geopolitical landscape – as well as the need of relief items by the AHA Centre. The Workshop
to equip people with the skills and capabilities discussed effective coordination mechanisms
ASEAN continues enhancing its capacity for a swift and scalable disaster response.
and responses following the Declaration on One Education cooperation also contributed to
ASEAN One Response: ASEAN Responding to dynamism in the region, especially among young
Disasters as One in the Region and Outside the people, via ASEAN scholarships and a credit
Region. transfer system scheme. In 2018, 400 ASEAN
students received scholarships to study at an
ASEAN also continued its commitment to ASEAN university outside their home countries
enhancing its capacity for swift, scalable disaster for a semester or six months. The recognition
response through the Disaster Emergency and transfer of acquired academic credits at their
Logistic System of ASEAN (DELSA) and its home universities was guaranteed. The ASCC
satellite warehouses. ASEAN has similarly Pillar also supported 20 youth programmes
explored options for disaster risk transfer and covering leadership, volunteerism, employment,
insurance as alternatives to traditional disaster resilience, intercultural understanding, and life
response financing. In pursuit of a dynamic skills development. For the first time, ASEAN
ASEAN, the region continues to embark on developed an ASEAN Youth Development Index
initiatives to promote a strong identity and active (YDI) to assess and document the outcomes and
inter-cultural activities. To commemorate the effectiveness of youth programmes in ASEAN.
50th anniversary of ASEAN, various cultural
programmes – such as literary festivals, photo The ASCC Pillar also works to prepare people
exhibitions, and seminars – were held to celebrate to be more competitive in the labour market. By
cultural diversity and vibrancy across ASEAN. improving the competitiveness and productivity
Cultural cooperation with ASEAN Dialogue of ASEAN’s workforce, including through skills
Partners has continued through initiatives with development and vocational education and
China, India, Japan, ROK, and UNESCO.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), between January and April 2018. Web pages
which comprise the backbone of ASEAN’s and bite-sized stories are also being developed.
economy, have been offered new opportunities The 9th ASEAN Connectivity Symposium,
by technology and the internet. The ACCC themed “Towards Effective Implementation of
and the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on MPAC 2025” is planned for 6 September 2018
MSME (ACCMSME) have launched a study in Singapore.
on MSMEs and the digital economy, aiming to
review participation across Member States and Dialogue Partners and other external partners
engage MSMEs, digital platform companies were also engaged by the ACCC and informed
and relevant agencies to identify the challenges about developments in implementing MPAC
encountered by MSMEs in the digital economy. 2025, to obtain feedback on various initiatives,
The study would recommend how ASEAN might and to forge concrete cooperation. Effective
better support MSMEs in adapting these new coordination, cooperation and partnerships
opportunities. among relevant ASEAN bodies – as well as
between National Coordinators and National
The ACCC has continued to socialise and Focal Points, regional and local governments,
reach out to stakeholders to promote ASEAN the public and private sectors, and with Dialogue
Connectivity, developing and releasing a video Partners and other sub-regional and international
overview of the MPAC 2025 and five additional organisations – are critical to transforming the
videos focusing on the Master Plan’s Strategic vision of a well-connected ASEAN into reality.
Areas. The first video was launched on 12
November 2017 on the sidelines of the 31st
ASEAN Summit and Related Summits in Manila,
Philippines. The remaining five videos were
released on ASEAN social media platforms
with regional thought leaders on issues critical steps for ASEC to close gaps in awareness,
to ASEAN. The event was co-organised with the communication, and information with a view to
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies reinforcing the ASEAN brand.
(RSIS), the Government of Germany (through
GIZ) and Air Asia. Further, as the ASEAN Communication Master
Plan (ACMP) expired at the end of 2017, a new
The ASEAN Media Forum is envisioned as a key ACMP has been developed with the guidance from
channel to update media leaders on ASEAN’s the information sector. The new ACMP will provide
opportunities and challenges. The AMF will enable a framework for AMS to communicate messages
the media to objectively communicate ASEAN’s on the overall vision of ASEAN and the ASEAN
initiatives, achievements, and overall stories to the Community to key audiences. To ensure effective
people of ASEAN. implementation of the new ACMP, stronger
coordination between all sectors and stakeholders
ASEC has started working on an ASEAN will be forged to promote ASEAN and the ASEAN
Awareness Survey to measure awareness among brand.
the people of ASEAN Member States as compared
to the last survey conducted in 2012. The survey’s Visit Programme: Since young people are
results will help shape the development of practical some of the most important stakeholders
The construction of the new ASEAN Secretariat building will be completed by early 2019.
hese charts provide information and updates ASEAN 2025 Forging Ahead Together. The charts
on the utilisation of resources for ASEAN show the utilisation proportion (number and
Cooperation Projects and Programmes. value) by three different ASEAN Communities,
Resources were provided by ASEAN Member i.e., AEC, APSC and ASCC, as well as for cross-
States and ASEAN External Partners to support sectoral and institutional capacity building under
ASEAN Community Building under the Roadmap the Other category.
for an ASEAN Community (2009-2015) and
Total Value USD 1,227 Million Total of 975 Projects and Programmes