Your Academy Name: Objective Part
Your Academy Name: Objective Part
Your Academy Name: Objective Part
Objective Part
Q.1. Choose the correct option. (10)
Statements A B C D
Subjective Part
2. Write short answers to any SEVEN (7) questions. 2×7=(14)
1. How is it that a star never comes near to another star?
2. Why is the universe so frightening?
3. How has scientific method helped us in production and preservation of food?
4. What is meant by superstitions?
5. Why did not Churchill do well in examinations?
6. How did the knowledge of English help Churchill in his later life?
7. How did Mr. Chips measure his time when he lived at Mrs. Wickets’ house?
8. How did Brookfield look?
3. Use any SIX of the following Idioms in your own sentences. (6)
An axe to grind, at home in, a queer fish, back out, bad blood, add fuel to fire, at large, a jail bird
1-B 2-C 3-D 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-A 8-C 9-C 10-C