Ash in The Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke From Coal: Standard Test Method For
Ash in The Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke From Coal: Standard Test Method For
Ash in The Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke From Coal: Standard Test Method For
Copyright (c) ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbour Drive P.O. box C700 West Conshohocken, PA. USA
(Suggested method for inducing regulated air flow through ashing furnace.)
FIG. 1 Air Aspirator
Calibration Flowmeter with Tubing—Ambient Air—For calibration use only, adjust forced air valve to deliver two to four furnace volume changes per minute (at standard
temperature-pressure conditions.)
NOTE 1—Flowmeters are usually calibrated for one atmosphere at 70°F (760-mm Hg at 21.1°C).
(Suggested layout for calibration.)
FIG. 2 Air Aspirator
expelled before the calcite is decomposed. An ample supply of air in the 9. Report
muffle, “two to four changes per minute,” must be assured at all times to
ensure complete oxidation of the pyritic sulfur and to remove the SO2 9.1 For reporting analyses to other than as-determined basis,
formed. The 4-h time limit may be reduced if the sample reaches a refer to Practice D3180.
constant weight at 700 to 750°C in less than 4 h.
NOTE 2—Some samples may be encountered that contain a high 10. Precision and Bias
amount of carbonates (calcite) or pyrites or both. In such cases, sulfur
retained as sulfates may be both unduly high and nonuniform between 10.1 Precision
duplicate samples. In such cases, sulfate sulfur in the ash can be 10.1.1 250 µm (No. 60) Samples—The precision of this test
determined in accordance with Test Methods D1757 and the value
properly corrected. If such is done, the ash value should be reported and
method for the determination of ash in the analysis sample of
designated both as determined and corrected. coal and coke is shown in Table 1. The precision characterized
by repeatability (Sr, r) and reproducibility (SR, R) is described
8. Calculation in Table A1.1 and Table A1.2 in Annex A1.
8.1 Calculate the ash percent in the analysis sample as Repeatability Limit (r)—The value below which
follows: the absolute difference between two test results calculated to a
Ash in analysis sample, % 5 [~A 2 B!/C# 3 100 (1) dry basis (Practice D3180) of separate and consecutive test
determinations, carried out on the same sample of 250 µm (No.
where: 60) coal and coke in the same laboratory, by the same operator,
A = weight of capsule, cover, and ash residue, g, using the same apparatus on samples taken at random from a
B = weight of empty capsule and cover, g, and single quantity of homogeneous material, may be expected to
C = weight of analysis sample used, g.
occur with a probability of approximately 95 %. Reproducibility Limit (R)—The value below which determinations, carried out on the same sample, using the same
the absolute difference between two test results calculated to a riffle, determined on a single test specimen of two separate 2.36
dry basis (Practice D3180), carried out in different laboratories, mm (No. 8) test units of coal reduced entirely to 250 µm (No.
using samples of 250 µm (No. 60) coal and coke taken at 60) and prepared from the same bulk sample coal in the same
random from a single quantity of material that is as homoge- laboratory, by the same operator, using the same apparatus on
neous as possible, may be expected to occur with a probability samples taken at random from a single quantity of homoge-
of approximately 95 %. neous material, may be expected to occur with a probability of
10.1.2 2.36 mm (No. 8) Samples4—The precision of this test approximately 95 %.
method for the determination of ash in the analysis sample of Reproducibility Limit (R)—The value below which
coal and coke is shown in Table 2. the absolute difference between two test results calculated to a Repeatability Limit (r)—The value below which dry basis (Practice D3180), carried out in different laboratories,
the absolute difference between two test results calculated to a using samples of 2.36 mm (No. 8) coal reduced entirely to 250
dry basis (Practice D3180) of separate and consecutive test µm (No. 60), taken at random from a single quantity of material
that is as homogeneous as possible, may be expected to occur
An interlaboratory study, designed consistent with Practice E691, was con- with a probability of approximately 95 %.
ducted in 1989. Eight laboratories participated in this study. Supporting data are 10.2 Bias—Since this is an empirical test method, the
available from ASTM Headquarters. Request Report RR:D05-1015. In addition, degree of absolute bias cannot be determined.
information for coke was calculated per Practice E691 using 48 sets of data for 24
coke samples for a commercially available interlaboratory proficiency test program. 11. Keywords
The cokes used in this study included furnace coke, foundry coke and coke breeze.
Details and supporting information are given in RR:D05-1039 11.1 ash; coal; coke
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 The precision of this test method, characterized by TABLE A1.1 Repeatability (Sr,r) and Reproducibility (SR,R)
repeatability (Sr,r) and reproducibility (SR,R) has been deter- Parameters Used for Calculation of Precision Statement for Coal
mined for the following materials as listed in Table A1.1 and
Material Average Sr SR r R
Table A1.2.
91–2 lvb 6.86364 0.049024 0.072788 0.13717 0.20366
A1.2 Repeatability Standard Deviation (Sr)—The standard 91–1 hvAb 2.68068 0.047123 0.055633 0.13185 0.15566
deviation of test results obtained under repeatability condi- 91–5 hvAb 10.0873 0.065132 0.080675 0.18224 0.22573
89–4 hvCb 10.475 0.075743 0.121383 0.21193 0.33963
tions. 91–4 hvCb 12.515 0.071347 0.082831 0.19963 0.23176
90–1 subB 16.7593 0.07752 0.1306 0.2169 0.36542
89–7 subA 8.81705 0.06302 0.10659 0.17633 0.29824
A1.3 Reproducibility Standard Deviation (SR)—The stan- 91–6 subA 11.0723 0.061279 0.083981 0.17146 0.23498
dard deviation of test results obtained under reproducibility 89–6 subC 13.5182 0.127066 0.194514 0.35553 0.54425
conditions. Lignite 17.865 0.103367 0.163095 0.28922 0.45634
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