James Fallon
James Fallon
James Fallon
To cite this article: H. H. A. Cooper (2014) James Fallon, The Psychopath Inside, A Neuroscientist's
Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain., Journal of Applied Security Research, 9:4, 517-526,
DOI: 10.1080/19361610.2014.942830
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Journal of Applied Security Research, 9:517–526, 2014
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1936-1610 print / 1936-1629 online
DOI: 10.1080/19361610.2014.942830
When I found out who the scan belonged to, I had to believe there was
a mistake. In a fit of pique, I asked the technician to check the scanner
and all the notes from the other imaging and database technicians. But
there had been no mistake. The scan was mine. (pp. 2–3)
This is not stated unkindly, but readers of this book well versed in
the literature on the controversial topic of psychopathy will, as they proceed
through the personal disclosures in this text, assuming them to be reasonably
truthful, something that should never be taken for granted in the case of any
person registering psychopathic tendencies, would find abundant material
to support a diagnosis of psychopathy. Not “psychopathy lite,” the author’s
own characterization, to soften the blow. It is this reviewer’s contention,
with more than 50 years of study of this disorder, that it is in the nature
of a constitutional condition that does not admit of degrees. You can no
more be a little bit of a psychopath than you can be a little bit pregnant:
you either are or you are not. It is only in the consequences that their
severity, from a forensic perspective, come into consideration, namely, what
a particular psychopath does or does not do, his or her potential for harm.
That potential for harm, “dangerousness,” is as controversial in terms of
definition as opposed to mere description as the word psychopathy itself.
That is a controversy well outside the scope of Dr. Fallon’s treatment in this
518 Book Reviews
book. What he tells of himself is very revealing and what he does not tell,
one might fairly speculate, is possibly more revealing. Psychopath, a term
as abused as terrorist, is not a label worn with pride—even one might aver
by those forensically so adjudged. It is thus understandable why Dr. Fallon
should have wished to diminish, as he does, the significance of his discovery.
He writes: “Many people wear masks so that they can just get on with life
and be liked, accepted, and loved. Few want to be shunned by society.”
Dr. Fallon need hardly be concerned by this, nor does he seem to be. He
made assiduous attempts following his biological discovery to find out what
friends and acquaintances really thought of him before and after he “came
out.” He became, as a scientist, especially interested in the way he connected
with people, (pp. 150–151) and was obviously disconcerted by the results.
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None of the psychological tests I took prior to 2006 addressed the issue
of psychopathy directly. And since there is no formal definition of a
psychopath, no formal test was going to be able to determine whether
I was one. In retrospect, however, the assessments did point out sev-
eral traits that are common to psychopaths—grandiosity, narcissism,
Book Reviews 519
efforts of a few great defense lawyers, in the fact that it finds no place in
the law of insanity as an excuse for criminal conduct. From McNaughton
onwards, psychopathy has been ruled out as such a disease of the mind that
the actor could be said not to know what he or she was doing or that it was
wrong. However horrendous the crime, commonsense (a supposed petit
jury quality) tells us that the psychopath knew very well what he or she was
doing; you cannot dump your pregnant wife of nearly 9 months in the cold
waters of San Francisco Bay and plead that you just thought she might enjoy
the swim. The problem is only complicated by knowing the controversial
socially mediated distinction between what is right and what is wrong. There
is the real issue for the clever advocate. The psychopath hews fiercely to
his or her own notion of what is right and what is wrong. This is what is
meant by antisocial behavior rather than by any measure of the degree of
the consequences. This is the point on which Dr. Fallon is experiencing his
considerable difficulties in ameliorating the effects of his disclosures. His real
contribution in this book is when he confines himself to the implications
of his own specialty, namely the structure and workings of the brain. To
this end, Chapter 3: The Brain of a Killer, should command the special
attention of the readers of this journal who are professionally concerned
with psychiatry and its place in the pantheon of excuses or rationales for
criminal behavior, especially in cases of homicide. This is really quite a
technical exposition and it needs to be read very carefully by those unfamiliar
with the neuroscience terms so familiar to scientists in this field. This is but
a small challenge for lawyers who must, if they are able to practice at all,
familiarize themselves in-depth with the jargon of other disciplines. Dr. Fallon
No review can do, in summary, justice to the substance of this chapter and
the interested reader will need, as recommended here, to read it most care-
fully for it is really the heart of the book and its most substantive value.
It would be impertinent of this reviewer to comment on its accuracy; only
another neuroscientist could be expected to do that. But it is nevertheless
comprehensible as written to the nonspecialist and is replete with useful
illustrations. What Dr. Fallon saw from his intensive studies of the brains
of criminals he studied over a decade were patterns associated with certain
parts of the brain that were abnormal in the cases referred to him by con-
cerned members of the legal profession. He writes of the excitement in his
discoveries, : “When a neuroanatomist sees a pattern, he goes crazy. I could
have been studying butterflies and I still would have gotten excited. Patterns
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are where we get our baggage. And that’s when I really became interested
in psychopathy” (p. 58). It is here that the true genesis of the enquiry in this
book begins to take hold. At p. 64, we find:
Here, a serious defect of reasoning reveals itself, one which like a pow-
erful undercurrent runs throughout this otherwise well-reasoned work and
which distorts its value as a truly useful treatise on the subject of the work-
ings of the psychopathic mind. There are those who are unquestionably
diagnosed as psychopaths, who have never killed another human being nor
for a valid variety of reasons have ever seriously entertained a thought of do-
ing so. There are, too, those who have killed and are not, on other grounds,
susceptible of being diagnosed as psychopathic. Killing is simply not a nec-
essary element in the definition of psychopathy. It is largely, if not solely,
on the absence of this element in Dr. Fallon’s life trajectory, so far, that he
relies for mitigation of the inevitable conclusion that certain aspects of his
brain would cause him to fit the pattern he was so excited to discover.
As the next chapter begins, he writes:
Of particular relevance to our story here is that both the central or-
bital/amygdala circuits in the dualistic circuit on the bottom, and the
midline circuit above, are underactive in psychopaths. This is clear in
psychopath brains in general and in my own brain. (p. 125)
I got a buzz out of that show, predicting Ed’s behavior. In some cases
you can really nail down what someone’s thinking and what’s driving him
in different circumstances. But this could be dangerous in a courtroom.
Going from a useful clinical tool and a nice parlor game to determining
someone’s life or death, that’s a big jump. I’ve consulted on cases during
the penalty phases, but using this stuff when deciding guilt would be
jumping the gun. I have nothing against it ethically, but scientifically we’re
not ready. For instance, Ed’s got a wild brain, but he’s not a criminal. He’s
just a talented and different sort of guy. Sounds like someone I know.
Or, maybe if I get it wrong I’ll be irrevocably blamed and my reputation
will go down the drain. This is rather like providing evidence without
the fear and inconvenience of having to be cross examined on it. (pp.
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scrape at the walls to get at the salts and other minerals they need to
thrive. This is a place I had always wanted to visit, but the story put a
bit of caution into me. The man had contracted Marburg hemorrhagic
fever, caused by the Marburg virus, a close cousin of the Ebola virus
with similar deadly results. There are daredevils and risk-takers of all
kinds. That is why we have extreme sports. One can only marvel, or
stand aghast at one who crosses Niagara Falls on a tightrope, but should
he invite a companion to ride along on his shoulder, at least there is no
deceit, no concealment of the risk involved. When my brother visited me
that December, we went on a safari to the west and northern sectors of
Kenya. I decided to finally visit the Kitum Caves. I wanted the sense of
danger, but told Tom only about the elephants.
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Two years later, back in the safer arms and approved odors of Orange
County, I received a rather animated call from Tom. Apparently someone
had given him a copy of Richard Preston’s New Yorker article “Crises in
the Hot Zone” and the 1996 book The Hot Zone (later adapted into
the film Outbreak starring Dustin Hoffman) and he was furious. He had
correctly guessed that I purposely had taken him on the exact trail from
the campsite to the caves where the man had contracted Marburg and
died. Suffice it to say, he was livid at me for putting him in harm’s way. “It
was a great experience”; he told me, “but I can’t forgive you for bringing
me to that place.”
Lest our author only advocate that this was a unique, irresistible adventure,
a once-in-a-lifetime chance to realize a long harbored desire, let us close this
with his own words.
This was not the first or the last time I would put the lives of people
close to me in danger. Had Lizzie Borden actually done that which was
imputed to her (and of which she was acquitted by the good people
of Fall River, MA) she could at least have been said, even on the worst
524 Book Reviews
“I do good work, I give a lot to charity.” Moreover, “There are others who
have cared more about larger causes than the people next to them.” “So,
am I a psychopath? The categorical answer is no. But a better answer is
that I’m a pro social psychopath.” (p. 225)
This really does little more than confuse further an already confusing issue.
In Chapter 9, A Party in My Brain, Dr. Fallon thought he had found
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a scientific route out of that awkward confusion. There was no hiding his
tell-tale brain scan. It was already, by his own doing, out in plain sight.
It was available for any competent professional to interpret. That was the
biological fact of such inconvenience. But, he also exhibited many of the
cardinal characteristics of the psychopath on the PCL-R of Dr. Robert Hare.
Characteristically, he went into denial. Then he was invited to Oslo, Norway
to present a paper on depression before a very distinguished gathering of
mental health professionals. And, there, mirabile dictu—a solution of the
most unexpected kind presented itself. The brain scan still could not be ex-
plained away, but now there was no urgent need for it to be so. Thanks to
the prestigious attendees at the conference, he discovered that he was suffer-
ing from a different mental illness altogether, one which offered a plausible
explanation for all those inconvenient and embarrassing psychopathic traits
that accompanied his unpleasant discovery about his own brain. In his own
words, “The revelation that I may have had bipolar disorder most of my life
without realizing it floored me.” The rest of this chapter is largely devoted
to an exposition of bipolar disorders and what this revelation meant for him
personally and professionally. Again, it is accompanied by useful, cogently
explained illustrations. For those interested, Dr. Fallon gives the National
Institutes of Health definition of bipolar disorders at p. 177. The impact of
this discovery on Dr. Fallon is set down on the preceding page: “In the six
years of personal discovery I had experienced since my brain scan, this was
the first time I was really stunned. I realized I had never had a clue about the
deeper ground waters that had shaped me” (p. 176). Dr. Fallon waxes exul-
tant about this discovery, “. . . who in their right mind would ever want to
cure hypomania? It feels great, even if one does appear to be, as an eloquent
neurologist friend put it, ‘a fart on a skillet’—volatile and unpredictable!”
(p. 179). A mental health professional might find something rather strange
about this, but as a way out of a most inconvenient professional dilemma it
offered greater relief and coping possibilities than simple denial.
What Dr. Fallon does most usefully introduce as a necessary part of
his explanation is something of considerable importance from a forensic
Book Reviews 525
This certainly does open up interesting new avenues of defense for those
diagnosed as psychopaths.
Chapter 9, Can You Change a Psychopath, deals mainly with Dr. Fallon’s
own designs to change his inappropriate, some would say self-destructive,
behavior patterns. These are hardly of general application, but there are
more than a few pointers for those still hopefully engaged in the treatment
of psychopathy. It is a long held tenet in the mental health field that there
is no cure for this disorder and now some doubt as to whether a person
afflicted with it might grow out of it and, if so, at what age. Dr. Fallon
recognizes the fragility and the latent hypocrisy of his own efforts at reform.
Most telling, in general, with respect to psychopathy, is what he sets forth
emphatically on p. 197 after giving serious thought to all the bad things
his behavior occasioned: “I admitted to myself, ‘I don’t care.’ That’s right, ‘I
DON’T CARE.”’ All efforts at reform, changes in behavior, considerateness
towards others, and so forth, are superficial at best and effect little by way
of permanent change. If this disappointing result is the work of a dedicated
professional, well advised, with ample resources attempting to change these
negative factors in his own life, can anything better be expected of the
worthy efforts of those trying to treat and change psychopathic others? The
psychopath is quick to discern the fundamental flaws in these efforts that
are dealt with by his manipulative skills to turn them to his best advantage
as circumstances suggest.
Chapter 10, effectively the conclusion of this book, bears the somewhat
unusual title, Why Do Psychopaths Exist? Most of it is simply speculative
and really does very little to support Dr. Fallon’s principal contentions. It
would be not unfair to opine that this final chapter is the least scientific of
526 Book Reviews
this work. Indeed, to some extent what is advanced in this chapter tends
to contradict some of the more sound propositions proclaimed elsewhere in
the book. He now asserts at p. 213:
Earlier the author had correctly shown that there is little professional agree-
ment on the definition of psychopathy and, accordingly, there can be even
less on its quantification in any society. Taken as a whole, this appears to
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This reviewer wondered whether Dr. Robert Hare, who has spent a life-
time studying psychopathy and teaching so many others about his findings
and how to employ them professionally, would agree.
H. H. A. Cooper
Former President of Nuevevidas International Inc.
New Orleans, Louisiana