R13 Approvals Activity Guide
R13 Approvals Activity Guide
R13 Approvals Activity Guide
Activity Guide
Edition 1.0 | January 2018 | D102282
Amy Kust The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you
find any problems in the document, please report them in writing to: Oracle University,
Mutnuru Prasad 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, California 94065 USA. This document is not
warranted to be error-free.
Demonstration Overview
In this demonstration, your instructor reviews the promotion approval rule.
Demonstration Prerequisite
Throughout this class, use the Mozilla Firefox browser to access the application.
Demonstration Assumptions
Time < 15 Minutes
Demonstration Tasks
Signing In and Navigation
1. Sign in as YourImplementer.
2. From the Settings and Actions menu, select Setup and Maintenance… to open the
Setup and Maintenance work area.
3. From the Task pane, select Search.
4. Search for and select Manage Approval Transactions for Human Capital Management.
• Point to the Priority field. Explain that you can set a priority that determines the order
in which rules are run.
9. Point to the Configure Rule Conditions button. Click Configure Rule Conditions to open
the Condition Details dialog box. Point out that this rule has two conditions, which are
combined by the AND condition. Explain that the default view is the Chart Builder view.
10. Click the Requestor’s Role Details.Role Name rectangle and click Edit Selection to open
the Approval Rules: Edit Condition Expression dialog box. In this dialog box, you
configure the IF condition.
11. IF <<condition>> <<operator>> <<value>>
• Point out to the condition choice list, which has the value Requestor’s Role
Details.Role Name.
Click the choice list and explain that the list of attributes is different for different
transactions, such as Promote, Transfer, and so on.
• Point out to the operator field, which has the value ==. Explain that you can select one
of the relational operators to build the condition.
• Point out to the value field, which has the value Enter a value. Explain that this field
has the following options:
• Enter a value allows you to enter a value.
• Select from attribute allows you to compare the attribute with another attribute.
• When the Enter a value option is selected, in the adjacent text box, you should enter a
value enclosed within double quotes.
• Click Cancel to return to the Condition Details dialog box.
12. Click Cancel to return to the Manage Approval Rules: Promote page.
13. Click the THEN rectangle in the EmployeesMexico oval.
14. Point out to the Approvers section and explain that you can add any number of approvers in
the approval sequence. To include approvers, drag and drop the approver into the approval
15. Click the Management Hierarchy rectangle. Point out to the different values:
Field Value
Action Type Explain each of the following action types:
• Approval required: Notifications are
issued to the identified approvers and
their response is required.
Demonstration Overview
In this demonstration, your instructor will create a new approval group.
Demonstration Prerequisite
Throughout this class, use the Mozilla Firefox browser to access the application.
Demonstration Assumptions
Time < 10 Minutes
Demonstration Tasks
1. Search for and click Manage Approval Groups for Human Capital Management.
2. Click Manage Approval Groups to open the BPM Worklist > Approval Groups tab.
3. Click the Create Approval Group icon to open the Details page.
4. In the Name field, enter XX NewApproval Group.
5. In the Members section, click the Add Member icon to open the Add to Group dialog box.
6. In the Member field, enter Charles.johnson.
7. Click OK to return to the Details page.
8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add the following members to your approval group:
• Kerry.lane
• Daniel.miller
• Cheryl.simon
9. Click Save.
10. You can view the new approval group in the Groups pane.
11. Close the browser tab.
Demonstration Overview
As an implementation consultant, you must modify the approval rules for the Termination
transaction, using the BPM Worklist.
Demonstration Prerequisite
Throughout this class, use the Mozilla Firefox browser to access the application.
Demonstration Assumptions
• Time: 30 minutes
Demonstration Tasks
8. Click Go to Rule.
In this demonstration, the instructor will transfer a worker seeking a location change and seek
two levels of approval for the transfer.
• Time: < 10 minutes.
Transferring a Worker
1. Click Morgan Zu.
2. From the Action menu, select Personal and Employment > Transfer. The Morgan Zu:
Employment Details page appears.
3. Retain current date in the Transfer Date field.
4. Retain Transfer in the Transfer Action field.
5. In the Transfer Reason field, select Location Change.
6. In the Job Details section, in the Business Unit field, search and select US1 Business
Unit if not pre-populated already.
7. In the Department field, retain Human Resources US.
8. Select No in the Working as a Manager field to specify that Morgan Zu is not a manager
and has no direct reports.
9. Retain Human Resources Generalist in the Job field.
10. In the Grade field, retain Prof3.
11. In the Work Measure Details section, retain the value 1 and Unit Full-time equivalent. In
the second row, retain the value 1 and Head Count in the Unit field.
12. In the Location Details section, select and search Chicago as the location.
13. In the Manager Details section, retain Robert Jackman as the line manager.
14. Click Next to open the Transfer Morgan Zu: Compensation Details page. The Basic
Details and Compensation Details are prepopulated.
15. Click Propose New Salary.
16. In the New Salary section, change the default 0.00 Adjustment Percentage to 5.00.
17. Click OK on the Warning message.
18. Click Next to open the Roles page. No changes are needed on this page.
Second-Level Approval
1. Log out as Henry.Jones.
2. Log in as Michelle.Shannon. She is the second-level approver for transfers.
3. Click the Pending Notifications icon (the bell icon) on the top of the page. You will see the
message: “Action Required: Transfer for Morgan Zu, (date)”
Note: If you do not see the transfer request for approval in Notifications, click More Detail.
The Oracle BPM Worklist page appears and you will see all the requests on this page.
4. You will see the following details:
• The person requesting the transfer. In this case, it is Robert Jackman.
• Links to Approve or Reject
5. Click Approve. The status changes to Acted Upon and the notification is no longer visible
in the Pending Notifications window. Robert Jackman’s request to transfer Morgan Zu to
Chicago is approved at the first level by Henry Jones and at the second-level by Michelle
6. Log in again as Robert.Jackman. You will see the Approved Status for Morgan Zu’s
transfer when you click the Notifications icon on the top of the page.
Demonstration Overview
In this demonstration, the instructor will show how administrators can configure the task list. You
• Filter tasks
• Create and Configure Worklist Views
• Configure Task Status Chart
• Create a To Do Task
• Create a SubTask
Demonstration Prerequisite
Throughout this class, use the Mozilla Firefox browser to access the application.
Demonstration Assumptions
• Time: < 10 minutes
Demonstration Tasks
Filtering Tasks
1. Filters are used to display a subset of tasks based on the following criteria
a. My Tasks – Has the following options:
• Me
• My Group
• Me and My Group
• Me and My Group All
• Me (Previously)
• Reviewer
b. Initiated Tasks – Provides an option to assign Status to the tasks. You can select from
the following:
• Any
• Assigned
• Suspended (can be resumed later)
Demonstration Overview
You set a vacation period so that you are removed from automatic task assignment for the
dates that you specify.
Demonstration Prerequisite
Throughout this class, use the Mozilla Firefox browser to access the application.
Demonstration Assumptions
• Time: < 10 minutes
Demonstration Tasks