Tenses / Test 7 (60 Adet Soru)
Tenses / Test 7 (60 Adet Soru)
Tenses / Test 7 (60 Adet Soru)
1- Winter, the most unpredictable of all 5- No one ....... in climbing the world's
highest mountain, Everest, before
seasons in Istanbul, sometimes ....... Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay
as early as October and ....... until ....... it in 1953.
A) was succeeding/have been doing
A) began/has lasted B) succeeded/were doing
B) will begin/is lasting C) has succeeded/have done
C) began/will have lasted D) had succeeded/did
D) begins/was lasting E) had been succeeding/had done
E) begins/lasts 6- As late as the 1960s, only a few
specialists ....... how to use
2- People ....... down all the world's rain computers, but now computer
forests before the authorities ....... programming ....... one of the most
any action. popular professions in the world.
A) were going to know/becomes
A) have cut/took B) had known/became
B) will have cut/take C) knew/has become
C) will be culling/will take D) will have known/will become
D) are cutting/have taken E) have known/is becoming
E) had cut/are taking 7- Searchers ....... to be confident that
they ....... the missing climbers before
3- In 1865 the northern states of the nightfall.
United States ....... the southern
states, which ....... to break away and A) are appearing/find
form a separate nation. B) appear/will have found
C) were appearing/are finding
A) were defeating/have attempted D) will appear/had found
B) defeated/had attempted E) had appeared/have found
C) defeat/were attempting 8- Some people think that robots, which
D) have defeated/attempted ....... an important role in automobile
E) had defeated/have been attempting manufacture already, ....... most of
our physical work for us soon.
4- Although a number of nuclear power A) had played/are doing
plants ....... safely for years, public B) played/have done
concern about the potential dangers C) are playing/will be doing
of nuclear power ....... it from D) were playing/will have done
becoming a major electricity E) had been playing/do
producer. 9- Even after colonialism ....... early in
the second half of the 2Oth century,
A) have been operating/has prevented many former colonies ....... to use the
B) are operating/prevented language of their former rulers.
C) had operated/will prevent
A) ended/continued
D) operated/had been preventing
B) has ended/were continuing
E) were operating/was preventing C) had ended/have been continuing
D) was ending/had continued
E) has ended/have continued
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42- The union leaders achieved a 46- She only remembered that she was
breakthrough in the tricky on a diet ....... .
negotiations with management ..... . A) so she is starting to worry about her
A) until it appeared that the entire plan appearance
would fail B) when she eats too much and feels
B) when they decide to drop their bad about it afterwards
unreasonable wage demands C) after she had eaten two helpings of
C) since the last pay rise the employers dessert
agreed to give to the workers D) she won't cat as much for dinner as
D) whenever they devise a plan that she did for lunch
their members will accept E) ever since she became one of the top
E) just when it seemed that there was models of the country
no hope
47- ....... when their first child was born.
43- My neighbour is having great A) They don't think they will have
difficulty with her financial affairs. moved into their new house
A) since her husband died last year B) They have been taking too long to
B) until her son promised to sort them decide where to move
out C) They have worked and saved for
C) so I've arranged to help her this this moment
evening D) They had just moved into their new
D) when her business was struggling house
last month E) They have decided that she should
E) as soon as she sold two of her flats look after the baby herself
in the city centre
48- Alice has not trusted men ....... .
44- Write your names on top of your A) because she will probably never get
paper ...... . married
A) when you had practised tenses and B) ever since her husband ran off with
conjunctions for weeks the money she inherited from her
B) before you start answering the father
questions C) by the time she is old enough to
C) by the time you are able to write consider marriage
good, clear sentences D) when she rejected Fred's proposal
D) while the teacher was checking the several times
attendancy sheet E) until the man of her dreams comes
E) until the bell rang and the teacher along and sweeps her off of her feet
asked the papers back
49- It's easy to see he's been crying for a
45- Mike graduated from university just long time, ...... .
two years ago, but since then, ....... . A) as he has just learned that he has
A) he has earned enough on the stock failed his driving test
market to be able to retire B) until his mother tried to soothe him
B) he is living in a luxurious flat in one by cuddling him tightly
of the most expensive parts of town C) as soon as he entered the living
C) he worked for one of the most room with his broken toy car
successful stockbrokers in the city D) because his eyes are very red and he
D) he will probably have quite a can't stop sniffing
successful career E) by the time his parents realise that
E) he had travelled all around the world
he is not in his room
and learned three languages
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50- By the time the farmers managed to 55- He was found guilty on all charges,
purchase the new insecticide, ...... . and it will be at least 20 years ....... he
A) it proved more effective than is a free man again.
anything they had used before A) since B) while
B) they will probably have lost over C) as soon as D) before
half of their potential harvest to E) after
56- Slavery has only been illegal in Saudi
C) insects had severely damaged most Arabia ....... 1963.
of their crops
D) it has been in short supply because A) in B) before
of the great demand for it C) or D) during
E) they have never seen such an E) since
increase in their yield 57- I'm not going to speak to Veronica
51- No one has seen Fred ....... he decided again ....... she apologises for the
dreadful things she said about my
rather foolishly to go sailing in the husband.
A) just as B) when
A) when B) before C) until D) by the time
C) since D) by the time E) while
E) just as
58- The telephone rang much to our
52- The athlete raised his hand in a annoyance ....... we were about to eat
victory salute ....... he crossed the our dinner.
finish line. A) just as B) since
A) until B) during C) alter D) as soon as
C) by the time D) since E) by the time
E) as 59- ....... the United Nations decided to
act, it was too late to stop a huge
53- You got a "0" on your homework civilian refugee problem in Kosova.
because you weren't listening ..... the
A) Since B) Until
teacher was explaining what to do.
C) During D) While
A) while B) as soon as E) By the time
C) until D) after 60- The defendant persistently
E) before maintained his innocence ....... the
54- The traffic was so bad this morning trial that continued for months.
that ....... I got to work, it was already A) while B) during
coffee break. C) as soon as D) by the time
E) just as
A) until B) during
C) while D) by the time
E) since
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