Banking & Financial Awareness Digest March 2019
Banking & Financial Awareness Digest March 2019
Banking & Financial Awareness Digest March 2019
F Y 1 9 U N IO N B U D GE T : K E Y TA K E A W A Y S
The more moderate fiscal glide-path is not expected to result in a build-up in inflationary pressures as total
expenditure-GDP ratio is expected to reduce to 13.0% in FY19 from 13.2% in FY18RE. Expenditure quality
remains broadly neutral.
Union Budget
Total allocation (including off budget items) increased by 21% to INR 5.97 tn
Roads, railways and urban infra (incl. metro projects) remain priority sectors for capital expenditure
• FY19 fiscal deficit at 3.3% of GDP marginally higher than expectations (3.2%)
• Quality of expenditure remains neutral in FY19 capital exp to GDP holding steady
• Total subsidy as % of GDP holds steady – oil subsidy could face upside risk Page 2
Union Budget
• FY19 fiscal consolidation (of 20 bps) to be single-handedly driven by lower revenue expenditure as
% of GDP
• Capital expenditure to hold steady at 1.6% of GDP
• On the revenue side, buoyancy in Net-tax revenues (+30 bps) to be completely offset by marginally
lower collections on Non-tax (-10 bps) and Non-debt capital receipts (-20 bps)
• Higher nominal GDP growth for FY19 BE at 11.5% vs. 10.0% for FY18 RE to also aid lower the deficit
to GDP ratio Page 4
Union Budget
• FY18 is the first instance of more than 100% achievement of disinvestment target. Given the vibrant equity
market condition & active Government dispensation, FY19 target appears realistic. Page 5
Union Budget
• Net g-sec supply of INR 3.90 tn is broadly in line with market expectation of ~INR 4 tn
• Prima facie, we don’t expect any slippage in government’s estimate of market borrowing as fiscal
arithmetic appears credible overall
• With CPI inflation likely to move higher towards 5.75-6.00% by Jun-18, sentiment in the bond market
could remain fragile until then
Provision of INR 281 bn of ‘switch’ in FY19 will add to duration pressure
While we expect RBI to maintain monetary policy status quo during CY18, the MPC is
likely to remain cautious amidst rising inflation trajectory in the near term. Risks of a
rate hike, however cannot be ruled out at this stage.
Price action post budgetary announcement suggests an upside risk to our 10Y g-sec
trading range of 7.1-7.6% for FY19
Both lack of fiscal consolidation in FY18 and the degree of proposed fiscal tightening in FY19 were along the
lines of market expectations Page 6
Union Budget
Policy focus on credible fiscal consolidation, supplemented by a growth push is likely to support
We continue to expect USDINR in 62.5-64.5 range through Mar-19
Oil prices and global monetary tightening could provide key risk
FY19 Announcements
2 new Infra Development Funds: INR 100 bn – 1) Fisheries & Aquaculture infra 2) Animal Husbandry
Kisan Credit Cards extended to fisheries and animal husbandry
Food Processing Allocation: Doubled to INR 14 bn Page 7
Union Budget
Augmenting Livelihood
FY19 Announcements Current Status
MNREGA: Allocation INR 550 bn -4.35 cr households have been provided employment
under MNREGA (Apr-Dec 17)
-Actual utilization of INR 550 bn vs BE of INR 480 bn
National Rural Livelihood Mission: INR 57.5 bn - Loans to SHGs grew by 37% in FY17 to INR 425 bn
- Finance loans to SHGs
• Total allocation (incl. off budget) for rural employment & infrastructure: INR 14.34 tn
• To create: 1) Employment of 321 cr person days 2) 3.17 lakh km of rural roads 3) 51 lakh new rural houses
4) 1.88 cr toilets and 5) 1.75 cr new household electricity connections
Union Budget
• FY18TD, Average rate of constructing highways stands at 20.26 km/day (vs. the target of 41.1
• km/day)
• Investment in excess of INR 50 tn needed to increase GDP growth and connect nation with network of
roads, railways, ports and airports
• Total allocation for Infrastructure development increased by 21% to INR 5.97 tn in FY19
Lower Corporate Income Tax (25%) expected to leave 99% companies with higher investable surplus, thereby
leading to capacity enhancement and job creation Page 9
Union Budget Page 10