Axle Counter
Axle Counter
Axle Counter
In Indian Railways, Absolute Block System is in existence for double line section. This
system requires conventional double line block instruments. The complete arrival of train is
physically verified by receiving end Station Master (SM)/ Cabinman/ switchman/ ASM,
who checks the “Last Vehicle Board” or the Tail Lamp. When it is not possible to do so, a
certificate indicating that :
Train has arrived completely, and
Train is standing clear of fouling mark,
is taken from the Guard. This results in detention to the trains .
In busy section if receiving end SM fails to follow the procedure strictly, there is a
possibility of block being closed even if parting has occurred in mid-section and complete
train has not arrived. Some accidents had taken place on this account. To avoid detentions
to trains and ensure safe working of trains, Axle counters are used for complete arrival of
trains and closing of block sections automatically.
The axle counter block system is operated on a continuously energized principle.
The train occupies & clear the block section automatically.
B) Combiner/Converter - 2 Nos.
Transmitter & Receiver
Indoor Composite relay rack 2 Nos.
Outdoor Track devices alongwith 2 Sets
junction boxes 4 Wire/2 Wire
4 Wire type 2 Sets
Outdoor PET Quad in RE cable 1½
Similarly the other half quad is used for transmitting the axle counter track device at
LSS location information from station B which is required by the up evaluator at
station A and also for transmitting the multiplexer information from station B to
station A. Since there are two track devices associated with each detection point,
normally 2 pairs of wires are required to carry 5 KHz signals up to the evaluator. To
economise over pair of wires between stations, Channel B at track device at LSS
location is converted from 5 KHz to 3.5 KHz and combined with 5 KHz at ‘A’
Channel at same location for transmission at a single pair.
The multiplexer has a total capacity for handling 10 relay inputs.
The multiplexer works in TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) mode and converts
relays status in to digital bits 0 and 1.
It transmits them through the cable after doing frequency shift key modulation
using two frequencies of 1100 Hz/1300 Hz for one direction and 1500 Hz /1700 Hz
for other direction.
From each station seven relays are repeated from station A to station B and vice
versa for Up & Dn. direction, the multiplexer has five spare inputs at each station. In
the 16 bits of data of the multiplexer two parity check bits are used for error
detection purpose.
The multiplexer has a duplicated circuitry by way of hardware redundancy.
The maximum cable attenuation between transmitter and receiver of the
multiplexer could be 20 dB.
It works on 24 V +20 %
-10 % The current consumption is 3 Amp. including 24 nos. of
Plug in Relays in Rack .
When it is intended to dispatch a train to the next station, the SM of the sending station pushes the
TGT (Train Going To) button on his panel. If all the conditions for the reception of the train are
satisfied at the receiving station, an indication of “Train Going To” (Green light) appears on the
SM’s panel at the sending station. Simultaneously an indication of TCF (Train Coming From)
appears on the panel at receiving end station.
TGT indication on the panel enables the SM at the sending end to clear the Advanced starter at his
When the train enters in the block section, the green TGT indication disappears and a red indication
of TOL (Train On Line) appears automatically on the SM`s panels at sending end and receiving
end, Green TCF indication disappears at receiving end. In addition buzzers ring at both stations to
draw the attention of the station masters at both stations.
Information of departure of train into block section is given by sending end SM to receiving end
SM on phone.
The SM at the receiving station clears the Home signal and receives the train. Line closed (Yellow)
indication appears automatically on the SM’s panel at both Station, on complete arrival of Train.
3.2 Cancellation
Where a line clear has been obtained and it is afterwards found that the train to which it referred,
has to be detained owing to any reason, the following procedure must be adopted:-
If LSS ( last stop signal) is not taken off SM should not clear the LSS.
If LSS is already taken off, it must be put back to “ON ” and SM should inform the
driver of the train for which the LSS was taken off, regarding cancellation of the line clear obtained
for the said train as per SR 3.36 (5) (ii).
For cancelling the “ line clear ” the following procedure must be adopted.
Sending end station gives “ call attention ” to receiving end SM and informs that the train for
which “Line Clear” has been obtained is being detained and the “Line Clear” is to be canceled.
In support of this he gives a private number.
Receiving end SM acknowledges and give consent by giving a private number. Also takes out
the LCB Key and simultaneously presses Bell push button with SM`s key “IN”.
At receiving end “Train Coming From” green indication disappears & “Line Closed” white
indication appears on the Block panel. LCB Key is inserted and turned.
At sending end, “Train Going TO” green indication disappears & “Line Closed” white
indication appears on the Block panel.
NOTE : Next train can now be sent following the regular procedure & as per station working
3.3 Reset
It may be required to reset the Axle counter in very rare cases of extra ordinary conditions. It is
necessary to take all precautions to verify the block section is free of vehicles before the reset
operation is carried out in the system. The procedure is given below in clauses 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 for
reset operation taking in to account of the working rules of Railway.
3.3.1 Reset push button :
(Reset co-operation from sending end)
The receiving end SM requests the reset co-operation for resetting of axle counter after his
verification of the last train passed in the section. The sending end SM presses the reset cooperation
push button on the panel. This will actuate one of the Multiplexer Relays on the receiving end and
is indicated by yellow LED glow near reset counter. This permits the receiving end SM to reset
the Axle counter inserting Axle Counter reset key & pressing it for a moment.
3.3.2 Resetting of the Axle Counter :
(Receiving end)
I . During Installation and Commissioning
The reset is applied in Axle counter by pressing the key actuator push button after the reset
cooperation is obtained as given in para 3.3.1. The section verification is not required and the reset
is applied in a normal course.
II. There can be following failures of block system :
Case I :
When the train has been received at the receiving station, but the “Line occupied” red indication
remains on the panel. In such cases the receiving end SM verifies the clearance of block section
by checking the last vehicle of the train at his station and initiates the following action-
If last vehicle has arrived :- The receiving end SM requests the Reset cooperation from station
in rear A station as per clause 3.3.1 after obtaining the reset cooperation by means of yellow
LED indication available on panel. As soon as the reset relay in Axle counter is actuated the
Axle Counter becomes Resetted when the key actuator is released in the SM`s panel, the
counter increments by one count only on successful reset of Axle Counter. The sending end
reset cooperation is also to be withdrawn later. After the above procedure the Axle Counter
gets resetted and line free indication of block section is available on the panel. The line clear
for next train movement may be taken in a normal manner without the observation of caution
When Last Vehicle could not be checked by receiving end SM it may be verified from station
ahead, the receiving end SM initiates and follows the procedure for reset of Axle Counter given
above. But the next train is allowed on caution order as per the Railway Working Rules.
Case 2 : Axle Counter fails without any train movement in the block section
The following may be the reasons :
♦ Tx/Rx coil broken/damaged on track side.
♦ Failure of cards in junction box & Axle Counter Evaluator.
♦ Failure of Advance/Home track circuits.
In such cases of failures the ESM is required to attend the failure. After rectification of
fault, the SM of receiving end follows the resetting procedure and the Axle Counter is
resetted. The line clear for the next train is taken and train is sent on caution order.
The advantages of Axle counter that-.
a.It does not require wooden sleepers (where concrete sleepers are not available) except for short
track circuits to suppress the counts due to movement of insulated trolleys.
b. An axle counter system can cover a very long section up to 15 Kms.
c. It does not get affected either by flooding of track or poor maintenance of tracks unlike the
track circuit, which is highly susceptible to these conditions.
d. It does not require insulating rail joints, thus, rails can be continuously welded. This reduces
track maintenance cost, low wear and tear of tracks and vehicles and to increase traveling
e. Efficiency and safe working of axle counters does not depend up various track parameters and
climate condition such as length, ballast condition, drainage, stray voltage and currents, track
feed voltage and lead cables, etc. like track circuits.
a. The quality of the electrical signal transmitted by the rail is dependent on the insulation
resistance of the ties and the ballast. Causes leakage currents (if insufficient).
b. This resistance is a limiting factor for the maximum length of the track circuit.
Axle counters have been finding more and more uses on modern safety signaling systems in
railways. These are being used presently for the following.
a. Monitoring of berthing tracks in station areas and yards.
b. Monitoring of point zones in station areas and yard.
c. Automatic Signaling systems.
d. Block working through axle counters using multiplexers (USBI) with cable, OFC or radio
communication (Last Vehicle Checking Device /Axle Counter Block Working/Block Proving by
Axle Counter).
e. Level-crossing warning system using axle counter. (f) Intermediate Block Signaling in Double
line sections.