Electron-Phonon Interactions: e Ion I, A I A
Electron-Phonon Interactions: e Ion I, A I A
Electron-Phonon Interactions: e Ion I, A I A
So far, we considered the motion of electrons in the static periodic potential that would arise if the ions were frozen
in their equilibrium positions. Then we looked just at the ions, and discussed the lattice vibrations – phonons – while
ignoring the existence of valence electrons (apart from the fact that they screen ion-ion interactions to make them
shorter-range). Now we have to go back and consider what is the influence of the existence of phonons on the behavior
of the valence electrons? And of course, we also have to consider the other side of the coin: what is the effect of the
valence electrons on the phonons?
Both these issues are addressed by studying the so-called electron-phonon coupling. Let us first see how this
comes about, and then we will discuss its effects. If you look back at our CM “theory of everything”, clearly the term
that depends both on electrons and ions is the one that describes their interactions:
V (~ˆri − R
Ĥe−ion = a)
Here, V (r) should be the same screened potential like we used for the e-e and ion-ion interactions.
Now let’s start to specialize this general term to our actual situation, namely that the ions are performing small
~ n,α = R (0)
~ n,α
oscillations about their equilibrium positions. Like in the last section, we’ll use R + ~un,α to describe the
location of the ion α = 1, ..., r belonging to unit cell n = 1, ..., N . This is written as the equilibrium position plus
its small displacement out of equilibrium. We again use a Taylor expansion to simplify things, and stop at the first
non-trivial contribution:
N X N X N X ~
ˆ~ ˆ~ (0) ˆ n,α ∂Vα (~ri − Rn,α )
Vα (~ˆri − R Vα (~ˆri − R
Ĥel−ion = n,α ) ≈ n,α ) − ~u
∂R~ n,α
i=1 n,α i=1 n,α i=1 n,α
The first term in this equation the interaction of the electrons with the static, frozen lattice. This part was already
included in the electronic Hamiltonian, so we do not need to consider it again. The second term is the extra part
describing the electron-phonon interaction. Let’s consider it carefully. First, we need to write this in the second
quantization, to be similar to the electronic and phonon parts.
We already know how ~u ˆ n,α depends on the phonon creation and annihilation operators, so that part is easy. For
the electrons, we need to choose in which basis we quantize, i.e. what creation and annihilation operators we use. Let
us assume that our material has weak-enough e-e interaction that the quasiparticle picture is good. In other words,
that we can approximate with good accuracy:
where b is the band index (I’m running out of letters; I can’t use n because that is now labeling the unit cells); ~k is
the momentum and is restricted to the BZ, and σ is the spin. Then c†b,k,σ creates an electron (quasiparticle, actually)
in this one-particle state, whose energy is Eb,σ (~k). We assume these quantities to be known – presumably we have
already solved the electronic part of the problem.
Note that we can use any other basis we like for what follows below. For instance, if we have a Hubbard-like model
with strong interactions and do not know how to deal with them, we could use the c†n,α,σ operators, which create an
electron on the (orbital of interest of) ion n, α. Well, we would use their Fourier transforms in order to take advantage
of the translation symmetry, but that doesn’t really change their nature. Of course, we would get different expressions
if we did that, and that makes sense: what we are asking is how are phonons influencing electrons if the electrons are
occupying the states we used for second-quantization. The expression we get will differ depending on the nature of
these states. However, if we were able to solve the problem exactly, the final answer would be the same no matter
what basis we chose. In reality, however, we must make approximations ... so one has to be as careful as possible.
Enough talk, let’s do some work. According to our general prescriptions, and given that from the point of view of
the electrons this is a one-particle operator, in the second-quantization we have:
ˆ n,α ∂Vα (~r − Rn,α ) φb′ k′ σ′ (~r)
′ ′ ′
hb, k, σ|...|b , k , σ i = − d~rφ∗bkσ (~r) ~u
∂R ~ n,α
~ n,α ) = 1 ~ ~
eiQ(~r−Rn,α ) VQ
To calculate this, we express the potential V in terms of its Fourier transform, Vα (~r − R V Q ~;
the gradient is now trivial to take, and we are left with:
1 X −iQ
~ ˆ ~R~ n,α ~
′ ′ ′
hb, k, σ|...|b , k , σ i = i Q · ~unα e VQ
~ d~rφ∗bkσ (~r)eiQ~r φb′ k′ σ′ (~r)
~ ~ ~′ ~
ei(−k+Q+k )Rm = N δG,−
~ ~ ~ k~′
m G
where N = V /Ω is the total no. of unit cells, Ω is the unit cell volume, and the G ~ are the reciprocal lattice vectors.
Now, remember that: s
ˆ nα = h̄ ei~qRn
bj,~q + b†j,−~q
~u ~e(j)
α (~q) √
2Mα ωj (~q) N
This allows us to carry the sum over all unit cells indexed by n, using:
~ ~
ei(~q−Q)Rn = N δq~,Q
where ~q is the momentum carried by phonons, and Q ~ was the Fourier component of the potential (no Umklapp is
possible in this case). Also, let me denote by:
~ ~
k;b k
′ ~′ = ρeiG~ρ u∗b~k (~
d~ ρ)ub′ k~′ (~r) (1)
Ω unit−cell
the remaining integral over the unit cell. This can be calculated if the Bloch wavefunctions are known - so these α’s
are just some numbers. In general, one makes the assumption that these integrals are negligible unless b = b′ , i.e. that
electron-phonon interactions cannot excite an electron from one band to a different band. This is usually justified by
the fact that the typical phonon energies are much smaller than the gaps between bands – but in materials where this
is not true, one must keep inter-band transitions as well. Let us keep the whole expression, for completeness.
Putting all these pieces together, we find that the electron-phonon interaction Hamiltonian has the general form:
1 X
Hel−ph = √ ~ q ;j,b,b′ bj,−~
v~k,G,~ q cb,~
q + bj~ ~ cb′ ,~
k,σ (2)
N ~k,G,~ q +G,σ
~ q,
j,b,b′ ,σ
and same spin. In practice, one does not write the sum over G ~ explicitly: remember that that it is there just so that if
~k + ~q is outside the first Brillouin zone, we choose the proper G ~ so that ~k + ~q + G
~ is inside the BZ. With this convention,
and limiting ourselves only to the band b which hosts the Fermi level (assuming that we deal with a metal), we get
the more customary form:
1 X
Hel−ph = √ v~k,~q;j b†j,−~q + bj~q c~† ck,σ (3)
N~ q ,σ ~
q ,j,σ
where c~† are now understood to be the operators for states in this partially filled valence band.
Furthermore, if we assume that there is a single phonon mode (there are always more than one, but depending
on the material of interest, one mode may interact a lot more strongly with the electrons than the others, so we can
ignore the other ones to first order), we get the even simpler form:
1 X
Hel−ph = √ v~k,~q (b†−~q + bq~ )c~† ck,σ
N~ q ,σ ~
q ,σ
where now the phonon operators are for the phonon mode most strongly coupled to electrons in this band.
All these approximations might make you weary. The reason we’re making them is because (as you might expect)
we cannot solve such problems exactly, and the simpler the Hamiltonians, the easier it is to gain some idea on how to
make good approximations. As always, it is a matter of whether we are trying to understand the general consequences
of such a term (which is our goal here), in which case any generic model is good enough; or are we trying to be as
precise as we can in calculating properties for a specific material (in which case, we will include all the details relevant
for that specific case). Also, remember that even the general form we had on the previous page is, actually, the result
of keeping only terms linear in u in the expansion (this is known as a linear approximation). If the displacements
are not all that small, then higher order terms need to be included, and that will complicate things even more.
1 Famous examples
Here are some specific models of electron-phonon coupling that have been studied extensively.
where, if you repeat the calculation above but for plane-waves, the vertex turns out to be M (q) = 2M ωq~ qV (q).
Note that because of the ~q · ~u part, only the longitudinal acoustic phonon contributes; for the transverse ones this dot
product vanishes.
If we use the unscreened Coulomb potential V (q) ∼ q12 and the dispersion for acoustic phonons h̄ωq~ = cs q for
small enough q (or in a Debye model), we find that M (q) ∼ 1/q 2 . Clearly, the small-q divergence is because of the
unscreened V (q), so any unphysical consequences coming from here can be dismissed because we know that there is
screening in real systems.
n with spin σ. The model also assumes that the coupling is to a single branch of optical phonons, which are described
by an Einstein model: h̄ωq~ = Ω. It reads:
Ĥ = − tn,m c†n,σ cm,σ + h̄Ω b†n bn + g c†n,σ cn,σ (b†n + bn ) (5)
n,m,σ n n,σ
The first term describes the hopping of the electrons on the lattice (usually restricted to nearest-neighbor hopping
only); the second is the phonons and the third is the Holstein coupling. If you Fourier transform, you’ll find that it
has the standard form written above with v~k,~q → g, i.e. it is a constant (so indeed, the simplest possible form).
But if you actually think about this Hamiltonian (which many people don’t bother to do), it is really strange.
First of all, why would there be an optical phonon in a crystal with a one-atom basis? But more importantly, how
can the coupling possibly have this form?! Remember
P † that for Einstein phonons, b†n + bn ∼ un is the displacement of
site n from its equilibrium value. Of course, σ cn,σ cn,σ = n̂n is the number of electrons at that site. Assume g > 0.
Then this interaction says that if there is an electron at one of the sites, then the energy of system goes up if that site
moves to the right and hui > 0, and down if it moves to the left. But that site has identical ions on both sides so that
makes no physical sense; and moreover, what is “right” and what is “left”, especially in a 3D system?
The answer to these puzzles is that the model was written for a so-called “molecular crystal”, where each “site”
is actually a polar molecule. If an electron is added to this molecule, it distorts to a new equilibrium configuration
(say, it gets longer). So the phonon is actually a vibron, it describes this internal oscillation of each molecule about its
equilibrium configuration, NOT the displacement out of equilibrium of the molecule as a whole. This explains what
the Einstein “phonon” is. Then, indeed, the coupling will favor the energy to increase/decrease when the molecule
becomes shorter/longer, so this form of the coupling now makes perfect physical sense.
Even this model, which is as simple as one can write, cannot be solved exactly except when either t = 0 (no
hopping) or g = 0 (no coupling). It can be generalized to describe longer range coupling (between an electron at site
n and phonons at site m); if that coupling decreases like 1/r, and if the electron density is fairly small (remember that
states at the bottom of the band have quadratic dispersion), then this mimics quite well the Fröhlich Hamiltonian.
(the ± sign is chosen such that the hopping increases if the sites move closer together, and decreases is they move
further apart.) If we make a linear approximation, then we ignore higher order terms. The fist term here is the usual
hopping that appears in electronic Hamiltonians. The second part shows how the phonons affect it, i.e. it describes a
form of electron-phonon coupling. This is know as Peierls (but this is more general), or Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) –
although the SSH model is specifically written for polyacetylene, so this name is a bit too specific. In any event, if we
keep only nearest-neighbor hopping and set t(R~ n(0) − R
) = t if n, m are nearest neighbors, then in this case:
c†nσ cn+1,σ + h.c. b†n + bn − b†n+1 − bn+1
Hel−ph = −g
where the factor in front collects all the constants, g = tα 2Mh̄ Ω , and for simplicity I wrote this for a 1D chain. If
you Fourier transform this one, it will have the standard form with explicit dependence on both the electron’s and the
phonon’s momenta, k and q, respectively.
Given that I spent the last decade studying electron-phonon couplings and their consequences on the polaron
spectrum, let me say that the discussion that follows, although it’s standard textbook stuff and would be perceived by
most condensed matter physicists as giving a fair idea of about all the important/interesting aspects of this problem,
it is in fact rather specialized to models of the first type, where the coupling came through the potential energy (not
the kinetic energy, like in SSH). The second class of models is just now beginning to be investigated more thoroughly
and oftentimes leads to qualitatively different behavior. But this is not a course specialized on polarons and there
really isn’t time to go into such detailed discussions.
Here all k, q should be assumed to be vectors corresponding to the dimension we are working in, but I won’t bother to
put the vectors on them. If we have a lattice model, then the sums over quasimomenta are restricted to the Brillouin
zone. If we have free electrons then their momentum can be anything, but for phonons we still have a restriction to
|q| ≤ qD , where qD is the Debye radius. Clearly, we assume that the e-e interactions are weak-enough that it is a good
approximation to express the electronic part in terms of free electrons (quasiparticles), but possibly with a dispersion
2 2
E(k) quite different from that of free electrons, ǫ(k) = h̄2m k
. For simplicity, we also assume a single phonon mode –
generalization to many modes is straightforward.
The coupling g(q) is assumed to be “small”, so that we can use perturbation theory with some confidence. How
“small” is defined quantitatively depends of the quantity of interest and details of the model. One way to check that
it is small enough is to calculate the next order correction, in perturbation theory, and make sure that it is at least
an order of magnitude smaller than the one we stopped at. We won’t do this because the calculations become rather
boring, but if you want some practice, you should try it.
In any event, if the eigenstate of Ĥ0 of interest is |Ψ0 i (assumed to be non-degenerate) and its energy is E0 , then
perturbation theory tells us that the eigenstate and energy become:
1 − P0
|Ψ1 i = |Ψ0 i + Ĥel−ph |Ψ0 i + ....
E0 − Ĥ0
1 − P0
E2 = E0 + hΨ0 |Ĥel−ph Ψ0 i + hΨ0 |Ĥel−ph Ĥel−ph |Ψ0 i + ....
E0 − Ĥ0
where 1 − P0 = 1 − |Ψ0 ihΨ0 | makes sure we are projecting out the state |Ψ0 i (else the denominators blow up). Note:
the formula above can be straightforwardly generalized to deal with low-energy degenerate manifolds, like discussed
in one of the homework problems.
It is clear that we have to go to second order: the first order contribution vanishes because the coupling changes the
number of phonons:
1 X
Ĥel−ph c†kσ |0i = √ g(q)b†−q c†k+q,σ |0i
N q
so we can’t have a finite matrix element between zero-phonon states. However, there is a second-order correction. The
energy of this intermediate state is E(k + q) + h̄ωq , so the denominator is straightforward and we find:
1 X |g(q)|2
Ẽ(k) = E(k) − + ...
N q E(k + q) + h̄ωq − E(k)
To make some more progress, let’s assume we are at the bottom of a tight-binding band (or in a free electron model)
2 2
where we can approximate E(k) = h̄2m k
, where in the former case, m already contains corrections due to interactions
with the static lattice and possibly e-e interactions, at a mean-field level. For simplicity, let me also assume that the
phonon is optical and we model it as an Einstein mode with ωq = Ω. Then:
h̄2 ~ h̄2 ~
2 2 k~q k~q
1 X |g(q)| 1 X |g(q)| m m
Ẽ(k) = E(k) − + ... = E(k) − 1 − + + .. + ..
N q h̄Ω + E(q) + h̄2 ~k~q N q h̄Ω + E(q) h̄Ω + E(q) h̄Ω + E(q)
if ~k is small enough so that we can treat it term perturbatively, as well. If we again do the trick with distorting the
BZ in a sphere of radius qD , we see that the integral proportional to ~q will vanish by symmetry, while in the one
proportional to ki qi kj qj only terms with i = j are non-zero (and equal to one another). In other words, we find:
h̄2 k 2
Ẽ(k) = E(k) − EP − λ + ...
P |g(q)|2 2h̄2
P |g(q)|2 q2
where EP = N1 q h̄Ω+E(q) > 0 and λ = 3mN q [h̄Ω+E(q)]3 ≪ 1 (if the coupling is small) are some positive energy
and dimensionless number, respectively, which can be calculated if we know g(q). Using 1 − λ ≈ 1+λ , we find:
h̄2 k 2 h̄2 k 2
Ẽ(k) = −EP + = −EP +
2m(1 + λ) 2m∗
In other words, the coupling to the phonons has (a) lowered the energy by some overall constant EP , and (b) enhanced
the effective mass m → m∗ = m(1 + λ). This shows that we can still speak about a quasiparticle, but one that is
somewhat heavier and has lower energy than the bare particle, i.e. if the coupling wasn’t there.
This quasiparticle is called a polaron, and you should think of it as being the original quasiparticle surrounded by
a cloud of phonons that propagates coherently with it (the particle keeps emitting and absorbing phonons and thus
generates this cloud of phonons that accompanies it). The quasiparticle itself was the original electron together with
a cloud of electron-hole pairs (if the original model included e-e interactions; if not, it was just the bare electron), so
now we’re adding phonons to this “dressing” cloud. So the quasiparticle becomes a more complex composite object,
but overall we can still think of it as one single whole object, which has a certain energy that depends in a certain
way on its momentum.
How do we know that there are phonons moving with the polaron? Very easily, from its wavefunction:
1 X g(q)
|Ψ(k)i = c†kσ |0i + √ b† c † |0i + ...
N q E(k + q) + h̄ωq − E(k) −q k+q,σ
which shows that with some probability, there is a phonon together with the electron (of course, in higher orders we’ll
find terms with more phonons).
So the simple picture here is this: if you place the electron somewhere in the system, because of the interaction with
the ions, the nearby ions are pulled out from their equilibrium positions, in other words the electron locally distorts
the lattice (this distortion can be decomposed as a sum of phonons). This lowers the energy overall, and that explains
the EP term, also known as the polaron formation energy. Now, if the electron moves slowly through the crystal, this
lattice distortion moves with it (hence the polaron) but slows it down somewhat because it takes some time for a new
distortion to form at the new location of the electron, and the old distortion to relax back to equilibrium after the
electron moved away.
Based on this, it seems reasonable to assume that as we increase the electron-phonon coupling even beyond the
range where we can use perturbation theory, the distortion grows and therefore the effective mass grows as well.
Indeed, in models with g(q) coupling, this turns out to be true. For instance, one can show that at large couplings,
the Holstein model polaron becomes exponentially heavy (probably homework).
However, you can see that it was very important in all this that g(q) did not also depend on k. If it did, then
what we just said may or may not be valid depending on the specific form of that dependence. As I said, recent work
shows that models with g(k, q) coupling can have polarons that are lighter (even at strong coupling) than the particle
would be without coupling. That should not be that surprising because remember that g(k, q) coupling is due to
changing the hopping integrals, in other words the presence of phonons here can enhance the hopping and thus make
the polaron more mobile (lighter).
1 X (1 − hnk+q i)|g(q)|2
Ẽ(k) = E(k) −
N q h̄Ω + E(k + q) − E(k)
where the (1 − hnk+q i) factor is because we can move an electron from state k into state k + q only if that second
state was empty to begin with! So we have an additional phase-space restriction, because of the Pauli principle and
the presence of the Fermi sea.
You can now see that something must happen to Ẽ(k) for k such that E(k) ≈ EF + h̄Ω, because in this case
there are empty k + q states for which the denominator vanishes. Indeed, following some rather brutal approximations
(mirroring the ones in the textbook), one can see that the speed ~vk = h̄1 ∇~k Ẽ(~k) diverges here (the expression from the
textbook also diverges although that expression is a bit different, see discussion below). Of course, at this point we
should worry that we can’t use perturbation theory anymore, a singularity is not a “small correction” by any means.
Again, I’ll return to this in a bit.
Given that the energies of quasiparticles added above the Fermi sea are changed, we should wonder what happens
to those in the Fermi sea (because of course those electrons aren’t inert). We could investigate that, for instance, just
picking one electron out of all in the Fermi sea, and allowing Ĥel−ph to act only on it to scatter it above the Fermi sea,
and then back. The expression will be just like the one above. This shows that the el-ph coupling doesn’t have much
effect on the energy of quasiparticles lying well below the Fermi energy, because these scattering processes become less
and less likely (the denominator increases so the correction is smaller).
However, we could look at this in another way, by starting with a hole in the Fermi sea: c~k,σ |F Si and seeing how
its energy (which is −E(k), missing object) changes at is scatters on phonons. In this case, another electron from the
Fermi sea must be involved (it scatters into this hole state leaving a phonon behind, and then the process is reversed)
- so we can’t even talk about an inert Fermi sea. In any event, we now find:
1 X hnk−q i|g(q)|2
Ẽ(k) = E(k) −
N q E(k − q) − E(k) − h̄Ω
Unlike the expression above, this suggests that something non-trivial happens at |k| < kF such that E(k) = EF − h̄Ω
because here the denominator can again vanish for the appropriate q. BUT: how can we get two different expressions
for Ẽ(k) when k < kF , and what does that mean? Well, the different expressions are because we are comparing
different situations. In one case we had Ne electrons, in the other Ne − 1, so this tells us we better be very careful
how we define things. The reason why the number of quasiparticles matter (as obvious from the various occupation
numbers) is that phonons actually induce effective electron-electron interactions, as we’ll see in a bit. As soon as we
have interactions, we cannot think of the total energy as being a sum of quasiparticle energies, like we’re trying to do
here, so the whole procedure we are following here becomes suspect.
The correction in textbooks is basically the sum of these two expressions discussed here. The proper calculation
done with diagrammatics will take into consideration the fact that the Fermi sea is not inert, instead all those electrons
are turned into polarons themselves; this further complicates what happens when we remove or add an extra particle,
but diagrammatics allows us to calculate changes systematically upon addition or removal of one particle.
The result (in agreement with experiment), looks something like in the next figure: there is a so-called “kink” in
the slope of the energy at h̄Ω below the Fermi energy (I’m assuming EF ≫ h̄Ω, which is usually the case). This can be
measured through photoemission spectroscopy, when an electron with momentum ~k is kicked out of the Fermi sea to
create a hole, like in the case discussed above. Energies above EF are measured by inverse photoemission spectroscopy,
when an electron is injected above the Fermi sea (the first case we discussed). One should not put both curves in one
figure, like many textbooks do, because they represent very different states (electron removal vs. electron addition, i.e.
they are in different Hilbert sectors). So things are quite complicated, but the bottom line is that we expect a change
in the slope of quasiparticles within h̄Ω of EF – these quasiparticles can scatter easily by emitting and absorbing
phonons, so they become “heavier” than the quasiparticles that are far from the Fermi energy.
electron removal
kF k
EF Ω k
Ω k
electron addition
Figure 1: Change in slope of the energy E(k) for states below and above the Fermi energy.
which describes the same overall process. We would like to know how is Vk,k′ (q) related to the electron-phonon
coupling. To second order in perturbation theory, our Hamiltonian is:
1 − P0
Ĥ ≈ Ĥ0 + Ĥel−ph Ĥel−ph
E0 − Ĥ0
and we’re trying to put this in the effective form:
1 X
Ẽ(k)c†k,σ ck,σ + Vk,k′ (q)c†k+q,σ c†k′ −q,σ′ ck′ ,σ′ ck,σ
Ĥ =
N k,k′ ,q
σ,σ ′
As discussed previously, we can find Ẽ(k) by collecting terms where the perturbation involves a single electron (or
hole). To find the value of Vk,k′ (q), we should ask that matrix elements between all states where 2 particles have
scattered also be equal. For instance, assume first that we only have two electrons in the system. Then, asking that
all h0|ck′ −q,σ′ ck+q,σ ...c†k,σ c†k′ ,σ′ |0i be equal for both expressions, we can identify:
1 1
Vk,k′ (q) = 2|g(q))|2 +
E(k) − E(k + q) − h̄Ω E(k ) − E(k ′ − q) − h̄Ω
There are two terms because either electron can be the one that emits the phonon, i.e. scatters first. If these two
electrons are above a filled Fermi sea, then this changes to:
2 1 − hnk+q i 1 − hnk′ −q i
Vk,k′ (q) = 2|g(q))| +
E(k) − E(k + q) − h̄Ω E(k ′ ) − E(k ′ − q) − h̄Ω
where the occupation numbers show that those final states must also be above the Fermi sea, else the scattering is
not allowed. This leads to the extraordinary prediction that if these electrons are within a small energy Ω above
the Fermi sea, specifically if EF < E(k), E(k ′ ) < EF + h̄Ω, then the phonon-mediated interaction between them is
attractive because both those terms are definitely negative! (Ek+q > EF if k + q is empty). Similarly, you can check
that two holes that are within h̄Ω below EF also experience effective attraction due to phonon-exchange. As we’ll see
soon, this attraction, no matter how small it is, has extraordinary effects on the state of the system: it makes it turn
superconducting at low enough temperatures!
Before going on to superconductivity, let us also see what is the effect of the electron-phonon coupling on the
phonons. And before doing that, let me mention that for a Hamiltonian like the one at the top of the page, one has
to be careful when assigning a quasiparticle energy. The expression for Ẽ(k) was the one obtained from perturbation
theory, however we know that this gets further renormalized in the presence of interactions (think about Hartree-
Fock for jellium model). The expression for the quasiparticle energy given in textbooks includes this mean-field like
correction, hence the difference from the expressions I listed (but this has no qualitative effects, both show that “kink”
in the energy at h̄Ω of EF ). Again, the bottom line is to realize that untangling what is happening here is not trivial,
and that a more powerful formalism is needed to sort out the proper way of doing things.
If we change in the second sum k → k + q the denominators become equal and we can simplify the expression to:
where we recognize the Lindhart function on the right hand side. This shows that even if we started with a dispersionless
Einstein mode, the interaction with the valence electrons makes it acquire a momentum dependence (if the phonons
were acoustic, we should have used h̄ωq everywhere on the rhs). As we know, the Lindhart function can be calculated
analytically. The result I gave you was valid when we could set h̄Ω ≈ 0 in the denominator, which is reasonable if
the phonon frequency is much smaller than the Fermi energy. Then, the Lindhart function becomes a function with
a singularity in the slope at q = 2kF . Physically, this is because phonons with this momentum can always excite an
electron from below the Fermi sea (say, just below −kF ) to above the Fermi sea (just above kF ).
Indeed, phonon spectra show a “kink” in their dispersion near q = 2kF , as sketched below. This is known as the
Kohn anomaly, and its strength gives an idea about how small or large is the electron-phonon coupling.
2k F q
Is this all there is (at weak coupling)? The answer is no. If we had more than one phonon, they could scatter on
one another through particle-hole pairs creation and annihilation. That would add anharmonic terms to the effective
Hamiltonian (which, again, is why we should find a better way to identify these terms in a systematic way). But even
if we stop here in terms of possible processes, note that we specialized the analysis to a g(q) coupling for most of the
discussion. If instead the coupling depended on both k and q, the results could be very very different.
To conclude, I hope this gives you a flavor of the complications that arise when electron-phonon interactions are
added in the Hamiltonian: even though we started with non-interacting electrons and phonons (i.e., we assumed those
to be good approximations) we see that electron-phonon coupling induces such effective interactions, which we then
have to deal with. Not only that, but these phonon-induced e-e interactions can be attractive! As I said, we can use
diagrammatics to deal with this problem in a more systematic way (when the coupling is week). However, I think it
is fair to say that this problem is still very far from being understood in the general case. We understand well the
so-called Migdal limit, when EF ≫ h̄Ω and the el-ph coupling is weak (this is where the Kohn anomaly and everything
else we discussed above holds). We also have a pretty good understanding of the single polaron limit (i.e. EF = 0),
at both weak and strong coupling. The behavior in all other regimes is essentially unknown.