Converting G and KG
Converting G and KG
Converting G and KG
But what happens when you have less than 1000 g, lets say 800 g.
How do you convert this to kg?
Remember that 1000 g = 1 whole kg, so when you have any amounts
less than a whole kg you need to use a decimal point.
Partition the number like this> 1000g and 100g. You know that 1000 g
is the same as 1 whole kg = 1 kg, and from doing your work on the
other sheet you know you write 100 g as 0.1 kg. So, 1 plus 0.1 = 1.1 kg.
3800 g = ____________________________________________
4400 g = ____________________________________________
5900 g = ____________________________________________
9200 g = ____________________________________________
3.6 kg = _____________________________________________
5.6 kg = _____________________________________________
8.1 kg = _____________________________________________
8.3 kg = _____________________________________________
9.4 kg = _____________________________________________