Biofunctionalization of Fluorescent Nanoparticles
Biofunctionalization of Fluorescent Nanoparticles
Biofunctionalization of Fluorescent Nanoparticles
Biofunctionalization of Fluorescent
The current revolution in life sciences is strongly linked to the availability of so-
phisticated new experimental tools that enable the manipulation of biomolecules
and the study of biological processes at the molecular level using state-of-the-art
imaging techniques, such as single molecule imaging. Optical microscopy is fun-
damental to furthering our understanding of the structural, organizational, and dy-
namic properties of biological systems because a wide variety of complementary,
non-invasive optical techniques exemplified by wide-field microscopy techniques,
such as brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast, and DIC exist. Among these optical
detection techniques, fluorescence microscopy is particularly important because it
facilitates highly sensitive and specific imaging experiments. In addition, more so-
phisticated imaging approaches such as confocal and near-field imaging provide
the opportunity for 3D and sub-diffraction limit imaging, respectively.
Optical microscopy is now sensitive enough to track individual molecules if they
are conjugated to appropriate imaging probes. Traditionally, such single molecule
probes were mm-size colloidal particles and single fluorophores [1]. Colloidal
probes such as gold or fluorescently labeled polystyrene beads are typically much
larger (0.1–1 mm) than the biomolecule to be studied. However, fluorescent dyes,
though smaller, show pronounced photo-instabilities, including blinking (due to
fluorescence intensity fluctuations) and photobleaching, thus complicating single
molecule tracking experiments and other fluorescence-based long-term studies.
From the above description, further progress in the field of optical single molecule
imaging obviously depends on the availability of appropriate labels that combine
small size and high photostability with the ability to be used in multicolor studies.
Fluorescent nanoparticles fulfill these important criteria. To be used in a biological
environment, these nanoprobes need to be biofunctionalized appropriately, which
remains a significant challenge.
The main focus of this chapter is to provide an overview of recent developments
addressing the bioconjugation of fluorescent nanoparticles and their surface modi-
fication using biocompatible coatings. Section 1.2 summarizes the different types
Fluorescent Nanoparticle Probes
Gold nanoparticles that are surface-functionalized with proteins have been used in
electron microscopy (EM) applications for quite some time [2]. A prominent exam-
ple is the specific labeling of tissue by use of antibody-conjugated Au-nanoprobes
(10–40 nm diameter) and their imaging by use of transmission electron micros-
copy (TEM). Such EM studies can achieve the detection of Au-probes with a resolu-
tion of less than 10 nm [3]. Though this demonstrates a great sensitivity, EM is
limited by its inability to image living biological systems. Optical microscopy may
overcome this limitation. For example, colloidal gold of 30–40 nm diameter has
been used as an optical imaging label on multiple single molecule tracking experi-
ments at the cellular level [1, and references therein]. Here, colloidal gold is used
as a Rayleigh scatterer, for which the scattering z d 6 (d ¼ diameter), thus making
tracking experiments with probe diameters of less than 30 nm extremely challeng-
ing or even impossible.
Fluorescent nanoparticles are highly attractive imaging probes because, in con-
trast to scattering probes, their detection is not limited by the Rayleigh scattering
condition. As a consequence, fluorescent nanoprobes > 1 nm can be detected
if appropriate imaging setups are used. Importantly, at this size range, such
nanoprobes do not exceed the size of individual proteins, thus addressing an
important condition for high-quality imaging at the molecular level. In addition,
single molecule detection is improved because the weak scattering of the probes
lowers the optical background and thus enhances the imaging sensitivity. Figure
1.1 illustrates the size range of these probes in comparison with that of other nano-
particles. The most common types of fluorescent nanoparticles, dye-doped nano-
spheres and luminescent quantum dots (QDs), are described below in more detail,
together with some recently introduced hybrid architectures of fluorescent nanop-
robe-containing mm-size particles. Also included is an overview of optically active
metal nanoparticles because these probes are highly relevant in single molecule
1.2 Fluorescent Nanoparticle Probes 3
Dye-doped Nanoparticles
cules [15]. The nanoparticle surface was first functionalized with aminohexanoic
acid and then linked to avidin using EDC coupling.
Quantum Dots (QDs)
Fig. 1.3. Quantum dots show size-tunable particle sizes produces a redshift in the
emission properties. The samples represent emission spectrum. Spectra and photograph
different sizes of quantum dots, which produce were obtained from CdSe quantum dots
different colors upon UV light. Within the synthesized sonochemically [29].
quantum confinement region, an increase in
1.2 Fluorescent Nanoparticle Probes 7
the colors of these samples upon UV illumination, which are representative of this
To be of use in biological imaging applications, quantum dots need to be water-
soluble. Indeed, synthetic approaches for CdTe [30–32] and CdS [30, 33–38] have
utilized aqueous solvent conditions. However, these nanocrystals usually lack the
quantum yield and narrow size distribution observed for TOPO-synthesized quan-
tum dots. TOPO-stabilized quantum dots, however, show hydrophobic surface
properties. To disperse TOPO-stabilized quantum dots in aqueous solution, several
surface modification strategies have been pursued (Fig. 1.4). A common approach
is to synthesize quantum dots in TOPO and replace the hydrophobic TOPO layer
with bifunctional molecules containing thiol and hydrophilic moieties separated by
a molecular spacer (Fig. 1.4: approach I) [39, 40]. The thiol groups bind to the
CdSe or ZnS surface, while the hydrophilic moieties radiate from the surface of
the corresponding semiconductor. Unfortunately, thiols bind less strongly to ZnS
than to Au, which leads to a dynamic equilibrium between bound and unbound
thiols. This behavior reduces the long-term water solubility of ZnS-capped quan-
tum dots. To shift the equilibrium towards bound moieties, monothiols have been
replaced with molecules containing more than one thiol group (Fig. 1.4: approach
II) [41–43]. Another stabilization concept is to enhance binding via surface cross-
linking of bound molecules. On the basis of this concept, ZnS-shelled quantum
dots have been made water-soluble by adding a silica shell to the nanoparticles
by using alkoxysilanes during the polycondensation (Fig. 1.4: approach III) [44–
48]. Two types of silanes have been used to stabilize quantum dots in aqueous
solution. The first includes silanes whose surface functional groups are positively
or negatively charged at neutral pH [48]. The second type includes silanes with
poly(ethylene glycol) chains [48, 49]. TOPO-coatings also can be made water-
soluble without their replacement by adding amphiphilic molecules such as lipo-
polymers or amphiphilic diblock copolymers, whose hydrophobic moiety stabilizes
the TOPO-coating via hydrophobic forces and whose hydrophilic moiety is exposed
to the solvent environment, guaranteeing water-solubility (Fig. 1.4: approach IV).
The last approach has the advantage of not exposing the sensitive surface of the
quantum dot during a surface exchange step.
Metal Nanoparticles
Fig. 1.4. Schematic representation of four common Approach III: TOPO replacement with a silane forming a
approaches to hydrophilic surface modification of TOPO- stable shell via crosslinking. Approach IV: Stabilization of
stabilized quantum dots. Approach I: TOPO replacement with TOPO layer using amphiphilic molecules such as PEG
a heterobifunctional linker consisting of a thiol end group, a lipopolymers or amphiphilic diblock copolymers that are held
spacer, and a hydrophilic end group such as carboxylic acid. II: on the surface by hydrophobic interaction with the octyl chains
TOPO replacement with a linker consisting of two thiol groups of TOPO.
on one end and a hydrophilic end group on the other end.
1.2 Fluorescent Nanoparticle Probes 9
Raman scattering (SERS) [56–61]. Due to the significant field enhancement, SERS
can be used as an extremely sensitive analytical tool, thereby exceeding the sen-
sitivity from luminescence-detecting techniques. For example, biomolecules can
be detected with 1000-fold better sensitivity if they are bound to Au nano-
particles [62]. Silver nanoparticles also are useful in this respect. The main experi-
mental challenge in SERS is to keep the surface roughness uniform and
There are multiple strategies for synthesizing metal nanoparticles [50]. For
example, they can be synthesized using a biphasic reduction approach [63–69]. In
this procedure, a noble metal salt such as HAuCl4 is dissolved in water and phase-
transfer extracted into an organic solvent followed by reduction with NaBH4 . Metal
nanoparticles also have been synthesized using reverse micelle procedures where
the size and size distribution of nanospheres can be controlled by the micelle com-
position [12, 70–73]. Gold nanoparticles are particularly attractive for studies in a
biological environment because they show no surface oxidation and high biocom-
patibility without any surface modification. In addition, thiol chemistry can be ap-
plied to conjugate molecules to the gold surface.
Hybrid Architectures Involving Fluorescent Nanoprobes Metal–Dye
Another interesting application of metal nanoparticles is their use in combina-
tion with conjugated dye molecules (Fig. 1.5). Such hybrid systems are attrac-
tive because they can be studied by use of electron microscopy in addition to
fluorescence-based techniques such as fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy.
Importantly, if conjugated to biomolecules, metal nanoparticle–dye hybrids can be
used as very sensitive biomolecular imaging probes [74, 75]. Interestingly, dye mol-
ecules attached to metal nanoparticles can show enhanced emission. For example,
Py-CH2 NH2 molecules bound to gold particles show pronounced emission that is
much stronger than that for unbound Py-CH2 NH2 in THF [50]. The main disad-
vantage of this approach is that the surface-exposure of the dyes promotes their
Fig. 1.5. Common hybrid architectures quantum dots or dyes incorporated into the
containing fluorescent nanoprobes include (A) core of microparticles; and (D) a multiplexing
dyes bound to a nanoparticle surface; (B) dyes approach by embedding probes of different
incorporated into the silica shell of a colors.
nanoparticle; (C) fluorescent probes such
which is related to the identity of the fluorophore, alters the emission intensity. As
a result, it is difficult to determine the possible number of spectral combinations in
a designed system, and a flow cytometer must be used to identify the number of
individual species in the mixture. This shelling approach has also been reported
for single dye systems for enhanced fluorescence [10].
Bioconjugation of Fluorescent Nanoparticles
General Considerations Overview
To apply fluorescent nanoparticles to biosensing and biomedical imaging applica-
tions, it is crucial to develop strategies towards their biofunctionalization. These in-
clude the proper linkage of biomolecules to nanoparticles (bioconjugation) and the
design of appropriate biocompatible coatings. This section outlines the different
aspects of bioconjugation, and Section 1.4 provides a corresponding discussion of
biocompatible coatings.
Bioconjugation can be described as any procedure that links a nanoparticle to a
biomolecule under mild conditions [83]. As described above, the synthesis of nano-
particles often does not render them capable of attachment to biomolecules, be-
cause their surface-chemical properties are not appropriate. Therefore, nanopar-
ticles frequently must undergo surface transformations to create the chemistry
needed for coupling to biomolecules under mild (physiological) conditions. There
are a few key requirements for successful bioconjugation reactions [4]. Crucially,
the conjugation process must avoid compromising the activity of biomolecules. In
addition, the bioconjugation ideally should not hinder the signal of the nanopar-
ticle. Another requirement is the ability to control the number of linkage sites on
the nanoparticle surface where biomolecules can bind. This requirement can be
quite challenging. In addition, the biomolecule–nanoparticle coupling should be
stable and, for crystalline particles, the surface should be covered to avoid free
valence states. Finally, the thickness of any nanoparticle shell should remain as
small as possible relative to the nanoparticle size.
Figure 1.6 illustrates several possible strategies to bioconjugate nanoparticles.
Simple adsorption of biomolecules to the nanoparticle surface via noncovalent
forces represents the least demanding approach (Fig. 1.6A). However, in this case,
the activity of bound biomolecules may be compromised and the amount of bound
biomolecules per nanoparticle is difficult to control. In addition, this bioconjuga-
tion approach does not target one protein preferentially. Another concept is based
on the physisorption (noncovalent coupling) of biomolecules to molecules (e.g.,
other biomolecules) acting as mediators between biomolecule and nanoparticle
surface (Fig. 1.6B). This design may be advantageous over the first one, because it
may help biomolecules to bind in a proper orientation. Figure 1.6(C) is based on
the chemical coupling between reactive groups of biomolecules (e.g., thiols and
primary amines) and crosslinker molecules. These crosslinkers may bind to the
nanoparticle surface via physisorption or chemisorption (covalent coupling). How-
ever, there are frequently multiple active sites on the target biomolecule to which
the probe can bind, thus preventing controlled binding. Furthermore, uncontrolled
12 1 Biofunctionalization of Fluorescent Nanoparticles
Fig. 1.6. Common strategies for the chemisorbed on the nanoparticle surface (C),
conjugation of biomolecules to nanoparticles direct chemical coupling of biomolecules to
include direct physisorption of biomolecules nanoparticles (D), and the targeted binding of
(A), assisted physisorption using pre-bound biotinylated biomolecules to streptavidin-
molecules (B), chemical linkage of biomole- coated nanoparticles via biotin–streptavidin
cules to crosslinkers either physisorbed or coupling (E).
binding may interfere with the biologically active sites of biomolecules. To over-
come this limitation, a ligand (typically an antibody) can be bound to the nanopar-
ticle via the crosslinker. This ligand then facilitates coupling to the biomolecule of
interest with high specificity. These crosslinker-based bioconjugation strategies are
best executed if appropriate heterobifunctional crosslinkers are used. A large
variety of such crosslinker molecules is now commercially available. Alternatively,
homobifunctional crosslinkers can be used where one reactive end group is pro-
tected. Here, nanoparticle and biomolecule are coupled by binding of the partially
protected linker to either nanoparticle or biomolecule and by deprotecting the
linker prior to bioconjugation. Unprotected homobifunctional crosslinkers are al-
ways problematic because they can induce the clustering of nanoparticles. Figure
1.6(D) shows a facile approach for the chemical coupling of biomolecules to nano-
particles. This approach is particularly useful for attaching oligonucleotides to
nanoparticles, e.g., via mercapto groups [84–86]. Still, control over the number of
bound biomolecules per nanoparticle remains a challenging endeavor. To achieve
such control, a separation step, such as nanoparticle separation using gel electro-
phoresis, must be added [87]. Another popular approach is to link biotinylated li-
gands or target biomolecules to streptavidin (or avidin)-functionalized nanopar-
ticles with high specificity (Fig. 1.6E). In this case, the biotin-binding proteins,
avidin or streptavidin, act as linker molecules [88, 89].
1.3 Bioconjugation of Fluorescent Nanoparticles 13
Bioconjugation of Polymeric Nanoparticles
in the liver and spleen. Using a similar design strategy, polystyrene nanoparticles
have been functionalized with humanized mAB HuEP5C7.g2 [98]. These delivery
systems target cells expressing E and P-selectin.
Bioconjugation of Quantum Dots
Though quantum dots are very small, their surface area is large enough for linking
to multiple biomolecules [106]. There are several ways to bind biomolecules to
quantum dots. These involve either direct binding to the quantum dot surface or
attachment via a stabilizing layer acting as a crosslinker between the ligand and re-
active surface of the nanoparticle. In the first case, ligand binding can be achieved
covalently or noncovalently. Direct covalent coupling is accomplished commonly
by use of thiol coupling chemistry, although a silane-based coupling is needed if
quantum dots carry a stabilizing silica shell. Noncovalent ligand-quantum dot cou-
pling, however, is typically pursed using electrostatic or hydrophobic forces. On the
basis of these general concepts, several bioconjugation strategies have been pur-
sued. These are discussed below.
Fig. 1.7. Commonly used chemical reactions groups, (C) two thiols to form a disulfide
in the bioconjugation of fluorescent bond, (D) hydrazide and aldehyde groups, and
nanoparticles. Shown are the coupling (E) two primary amines. (Adapted from Nobs
chemistries between (A) carboxylic acid and et al., 2004 [92].)
primary amine, (B) thiol and maleimide
16 1 Biofunctionalization of Fluorescent Nanoparticles
Bioconjugation of Metallic Nanoprobes
Most conjugation concepts described for the linkage of ligands to quantum dots
can also be applied to metal nanoparticles, such as Au or Ag nanoprobes. Again,
1.4 Design of Biocompatible Coatings 17
Design of Biocompatible Coatings
General Considerations Overview
Though multiple bioconjugation strategies have been worked out, the routine ap-
plication of fluorescent nanoparticles in biomedical imaging remains challenging.
This is largely because not only appropriate conjugation between biomolecules to
nanoparticles is required but other important criteria concerning biocompatibility
18 1 Biofunctionalization of Fluorescent Nanoparticles
Fig. 1.9. Fluorescence correlation spectros- curve) and 10 mm MES buffer (lighter curve).
copy autocorrelation curves of ZnS-capped The notably higher diffusion time obtained
CdSe quantum dots surface-functionalized for the buffer-based system indicates nano-
with carboxylic acid in Millipore water (dark particle clustering.
the creation of bioinert surfaces are known from biomaterials research in the bio-
medical engineering community. As a result, our understanding about the host re-
sponse of living tissue with respect to biomaterials has improved significantly and
numerous sophisticated biomaterials have been developed [135]. A key aspect for
the creation of colloidal solids with sufficient stealth properties in a cellular envi-
ronment is the understanding of protein adsorption. Like surfactants, proteins
have a high tendency to adsorb at interfaces. Interactions between proteins and
surfaces are primarily noncovalent and include electrostatic, hydrophobic, and
hydrogen-bonding interactions [136]. The different interactions result from the
‘‘surface inhomogeneity’’ of proteins, which typically are characterized by surface
patches that may be charged, neutral, hydrophilic, or hydrophobic in character
[137]. Consequently, surface properties of biomaterials affect the mechanism, rate,
and extent of protein adsorption. Protein adsorption can be suppressed most effi-
ciently on biomaterials whose surfaces are neutral, hydrophilic, and highly dy-
namic [138]. A paradigm of a protein-resistant surface is a solid substrate surface-
functionalized with grafted PEG chains [139]. This is so because PEG is electrically
neutral, thus minimizing electrostatic interactions, and highly hydrophilic, thus
minimizing hydrophobic interactions. As the PEG chains are highly dynamic in
an aqueous environment, the formation of strong hydrogen-bonding between pro-
tein and polymer is effectively suppressed. Besides those enthalpic effects, the high
dynamics of the PEG chains results in a high entropy, which is also unfavorable for
protein adsorption. It has been generally assumed that the surface resistance of
PEG functionalized substrates is a result of the steric repulsion grafted PEG chains
show for adsorbing proteins [138, 140, 141]. However, this assumption is valid only
if the grafted PEG chains are of very high molecular weight and show large
enough grafting densities to form polymer brushes [142]. Interestingly, Prime
and Whitesides found that protein adsorption is prevented effectively even if the
PEG chains have only two ethylene oxide segments, thus indicating that surface
coverage is the most important parameter to prevent protein adsorption [143,
144]. In the same context, Single-chain Mean Field Theory (SCMF) calculations
and experimental studies showed that protein adsorption on hydrophobic surfaces
is prevented because PEG chains bind to the hydrophobic substrate, thereby block-
ing possible protein binding sites [145]. A later SCMF study by Szleifer and co-
workers found that polymers with a low substrate affinity are more effective for
kinetic control, whereas those with a higher affinity lead to a lower equilibrium
concentration of adsorbed proteins [146]. Obviously, protein adsorption on sub-
strates surface grafted with synthetic polymers is dependent on both the steric
hindrance effect of the grafted polymer layer and the affinity of the underlying sub-
strate for proteins and other molecules. Cytotoxicity
Several potential processes lead to cytotoxicity. One source of nanoparticle-induced
cytotoxicity, rather independent of particle composition, occurs if nanoparticles
adsorb to cell surfaces [147, 148] or if they get ingested by cells [149, 150]. The cy-
totoxicity of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots is suggested to be due mostly to their inter-
1.4 Design of Biocompatible Coatings 21
Nanoparticle-stabilizing Coatings
probes that can be designed for targeted labeling of biomolecules [20, and refer-
ences therein].
Low Cytotoxicity Coatings
ties and photostability. While dye-doped systems have been used initially in such
imaging applications, quantum dots have recently increasingly become the nano-
particle systems of choice. It is fair to say that further progress in bioanalytical
and imaging applications is strongly linked to the availability of novel biofunction-
alized nanoparticles of improved designs. Though developing rapidly, this highly
interdisciplinary field is still in its infancy. The rapidly growing number of publica-
tions over the last decade reflect its relevance.
Though this chapter focuses primarily on the relevant concepts of biofunctional-
ization, this section describes recent applications using biofunctionalized fluores-
cent nanoparticles. We do not claim to review all published applications where
such particles have been used because this is clearly beyond the scope of the
chapter. Instead, the intent is to provide a representative overview of recent
nanoparticle-related applications in the fields of diagnostics and live cell and in
vivo imaging.
followed by binding of the antigen. The antigen was then detected with the addi-
tion of antibody labeled quantum dots, which bound selectively to the captured an-
tigen [190]. In another application, Tran et al. prepared quantum dot conjugates
with the immunoglobin G (IgG) binding domain of streptococcal protein G (PG)
appended with a basic leucine zipper attachment domain (PG-zb). They also dem-
onstrated that the quantum dot/PG conjugates retain their ability to bind IgG anti-
bodies, and that a specific antibody coupled to quantum dots via the PG functional
domain efficiently binds its antigen. Preliminary results indicated that electrostati-
cally self-assembled quantum dot/PG-zb/IgG bioconjugates can be used in fluoro-
immunoassays [191]. Quantum dot–antibody conjugates were again successfully
used in fluoro-immunoassays to detect both a protein toxin (staphylococcal enter-
otoxin B) and a small molecule (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene) [108]. Goldman et al. de-
scribed a conjugation strategy employing an engineered molecular adaptor protein,
attached to the quantum dots via electrostatic/hydrophobic self-assembly, to link
quantum dots with antibodies. Quantum dots can also be used as sensors for sug-
ars; a quantum dot FRET application using adsorbed MBP has been mentioned
Powerful sensor concepts can also be designed using the multiplexing capa-
bility of quantum dots. This results from the broad excitation and narrow, size-
dependent emission bands of quantum dots. This concept has been used, for ex-
ample, to embed quantum dots of six different colors and ten intensities per color
in nanoparticles composed of styrene, divinylbenzene, and acrylic acid. This com-
bination can, theoretically, code one million nucleic acids or protein sequences
[80]. In another application, a high-throughput assay has been developed for the
parallel detection of antibodies using quantum dot microbeads. In this case, a cus-
tom designed microfluidic chip with multiple micro-wells was utilized for captur-
ing of microbeads, antibody injection into each micro-well, QD injection, and fluo-
rescence detection [192]. These beads could be identified with a standard flow
cytometer at a rate of 1000 beads s1 [193].
Fluorescent Nanoparticles as Labels in Biological Imaging
tum dots with biocompatible coatings were injected into Xenopus embryos and
their movement into different cells during tadpole development was monitored
over several days.
Quantum dot multi-color imaging in cells is another fascinating imaging
approach. For example, quantum dots biofunctionalized with streptavidin and IgG
have been used to label the breast cancer marker Her2 on fixed and live cancer
cells, to tag actin and microtubules, and to stain nuclear antigens inside the nu-
cleus [116]. Quantum dots have also been shown to be useful in studying ATP
driven biological processes. The in vitro sliding of quantum dot labeled actin fila-
ments was observed over periods of 10–12 s [198]. The chaperonin proteins GroEL
(from Escherichia coli) and (‘ cpn’, from Thermus thermophilus HB8) typi-
cally encapsulate denatured proteins within a cavity and release them in the pres-
ence of ATP. This encapsulation and release technique was used to give quantum
dots high thermal and chemical stability in various aqueous mediums, while also
allowing the controlled release of quantum dots [199].
Quantum dot labels are particularly advantageous over traditional organic dyes
in single-molecule tracking applications because dye-based tracking experiments
are limited by very short observation times [200, 201]. Quantum dot-based single
molecule tracking in biological systems represents a fascinating emerging research
area. The first results indicate great promise. Dahan et al. have successfully tracked
individual quantum dot-tagged glycine receptors in the neuronal membrane of live
cells and analyzed the diffusion properties [202]. Furthermore, this technique al-
lowed them to observe the entry of individual glycine receptors into the synapse,
which was confirmed by electron microscopy experiments. The ability to detect
quantum dots not only optically but also by electron microscopy is clearly a very
powerful feature. Another recent single-molecule application was related to the
monitoring of quantum dot-labeled epidermal growth factor. In this case, a new
transport process was discovered [203].
Fluorescent nanoparticles have also been applied in animal imaging experi-
ments; again, quantum dots seem to show great promise. Proper biocompatible
surface coating is essential for long-term stability of the probes in a biological envi-
ronment [204]. In another application, quantum dots have been targeted in vivo via
peptides immobilized on the quantum dot surface [205]. Here, several types of
peptides were used to label different regions of the mice tissue. Thus, quantum
dots with lung-targeting peptides were shown to accumulate in the lungs of mice
whereas other peptides targeted quantum dots to blood or lymphatic vessels in tu-
mors. Targeted quantum dot transport in live animals was recently reported in
mice [164]. In this case, PEG-coated nanoprobes were used that carried conjugated
antibodies directed against prostate-specific membrane antigens. A clear boost in
animal imaging should be expected from the recent development of quantum
dots with emission bands in the near-infrared (NIR) because this wavelength range
offers an optical window for tissue imaging. Indeed, NIR quantum dots have been
applied successfully to conduct imaging experiments on rat and porcine tissue
[206, 207]. In one case, rat coronary vasculature was studied. In the other case, por-
cine sentinel lymph nodes were imaged. Interestingly, when injected interdermally
References 29
on the thigh of a 35 kg pig, doctors could visualize the nearby sentinel lymph
nodes within 3–4 min and use the infrared signal as a guide during surgery. De-
spite the relatively low power NIR excitation used (5 mW cm2 ) the sentinel lymph
nodes were observed as deep as 1 cm below the skin surface.
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