4 6 Weather Questions
4 6 Weather Questions
4 6 Weather Questions
c. use of weather measurements and 5. Which factor is usually recorded when gathering
weather phenomena to make weather data?
(2001 test – question 38)
weather predictions.
a. Number of gases in the air
b. Temperature of the air
c. Type of gases in the air
AIR MASSES AND d. Amount of air in an area
1. Which type of storm causes the most flooding in
areas located near an ocean coastline?
(2009 test – question 24) CLOUD TYPES
a. Tornado 6. Different types of clouds are associated with
b. Hurricane different types of weather. Which of the following
c. Blizzard types of clouds would most likely be seen in the
d. Freezing rain sky during a thunderstorm?
(2006 test – question 8)
2. Which of these best describes a tornado?
(2008 test – question 16)
a. A winter storm that produces frozen
b. A rotating funnel-shaped cloud with strong
winds and thunderstorms
c. A severe weather condition with low
temperatures and blowing snow
d. A storm that forms over warm ocean water and
has extremely strong winds 7. Tornadoes are most likely to be produced from
which type of cloud?
(2001 test – question 20)
a. Cirrus
3. Which weather term best describes the words b. Stratus
above? c. Cumulus
(2004 test – question 5)
d. Cumulonimbus
a. Humidity
b. Atmosphere
c. Precipitation
d. Barometric pressure
11. The simple instrument shown is used to measure
(2005 test – question 39)
a. air pressure
b. wind speed
c. temperature
d. precipitation