Application Guidelines 2019-2020
Application Guidelines 2019-2020
Application Guidelines 2019-2020
Master in Music
Advanced Master in Contemporary Music
Postgraduate Musical Performance Practice
Postgraduate Soloist Classical Music
English & Dutch Programs
Classical Music / Jazz / Pop / Music Production / Music Theory / Contemporary Music / Instrument Building
The School of Arts is able to welcome a growing number of new external master students every
year. Apart from an increasing number of Belgian master students coming in from other schools
in the country, all in all 60 to 70 new foreign candidates enroll as students in our master or
postgraduate programs every year.
Our application procedure is not complex, but it can take some time to complete. In these
application guidelines we explain in a clear and simple way how to go about when you apply for
one of our programs. We will tell you what the deadlines are, what documents you need to provide
us with at what time and in which capacity, who you can contact for information, where you can
find detailed info on living in Ghent, etc.
The final goal of our guidelines is to make sure that, at the time you enroll as a student here at the
school, all of your application formalities have been taken care of and you do not need to worry
about that part of your study adventure anymore.
The guidelines contain a significant amount of important information meant to smoothly guide
you through the application process. We therefore advise you to read all the info in this document
before continuing your application. For reactions, feedback or additional questions, you may at
all times contact [email protected].
So there you have it, dear candidate: we look forward to hearing from you. The action is go!
Paul Lamont
Admissions Officer / Student Affairs Department
Royal Conservatory & KASK | School of Arts | University College Ghent
2. We advise foreign candidates [who will need to take care of time consuming
administrative formalities (visa, document authentication …)] to participate in the
first Session, rather than in the later Session(s).
3. Candidates who disregard the deadlines mentioned in the guidelines, can still be
processed, but only when time allows and without any guarantee of a successful and
complete application guidelines.
Before you read on, you’ll most likely want to know about the minimum requirements you need
to meet if you wish to be considered a valid candidate for the program of your choice.
The minimum requirement to start in one of our master programs is that you have obtained an
equivalent diploma to the Belgian academic bachelor degree in the art of playing a musical
instrument (for a master in performing music) or music production, composition, music theory
(for a master in creating music) at the time you enroll for the master.
In order to enter the advanced master programs, you will need to have a master degree in
instrument practice or performance. The postgraduate programs equally require a master
degree in the related field.
You can also apply if you will receive your required degree it at the end of your current academic
year 2018-2019. If you can provide us with a document from your school that says when you
expect to obtain your diploma, you are very welcome to submit your application. The final
approval, however, is only issued when you have submitted a correctly authenticated final (or
provisional) bachelor/master diploma copy.
All application files are checked individually at the School of Arts. We determine whether you
have the equivalent to an academic bachelor and whether your diploma can be considered as a
diploma in musical practice or performance (for the master in performing music) or meets the
relevant criteria for the master in creating music (production, composition, theory …) .
- Equivalence: In some cases, foreign bachelor diplomas are not equivalent to our
Belgian academic bachelors, but to our professional bachelors. If this is the case, you
can still start in the master if you follow a bridging program first. Your diploma
transcripts and supplements are important sources of information to us in determining
whether you have the equivalent to a professional or academic bachelor 1.
A bridging program is designed to “academise” your professional diploma and is
composed of a necessary number of subjects from the various years in our bachelor
programs. Depending on each individual application file and on the outcome of the
application interview or audition, this program can sometimes be combined with a part
of the master program already.
For students who have an academic background in music but in a different discipline,
genre or background, there is the preparation program, which also takes subjects from
the bachelor programs.
For more information on the Belgian education system you can visit the Belgian country module on
Some cases, however, may not be so obvious. Therefore, if you have a degree or
education closely linked to various academic processes that we find in our bachelor or
master degrees, you could still have an interesting artistic viewpoint on things and that
you could formulate a very interesting master proposal . Your portfolio, master
proposal, diploma transcripts and diploma supplements will be crucial pieces of
information to us to determine where you stand and whether you can be invited for an
interview or allowed an entry into our master/advanced master programs.
If you apply for composition, music theory, instrument building or music production,
we will of course not require that you have a degree in instrument practice of
THE MASTER PROPOSAL (for all candidates in music, except classical, jazz and pop)
One of the most important documentss of your application is the master proposal, because –
together with the portfolio – it will be one of the arguments in the decision to invite you to the
interview/audition rounds. Every application file, must therefore contain a master proposal.
The proposal is a document in which the candidate describes the starting point and outlines of the
artistic research he/she wishes to carry out in his or her master projects. This needs to be motivated
from his/her personal history as an artist or art student. The document needs to be between 1500
and 2000 words and needs to contain the following elements:
Part 1:
A Working Title + a personal statement why you are a suitable candidate for the course. What
you hope to achieve during your studies at the School of Arts and how this relates to your career
aspirations. Give details of your subject interests, relevant experiences and abilities in arts.
Part 2:
Discuss the research question(s) you would like to elaborate on in your artistic master project,
which interests, ideas and media you wish to explore through the master program and how your
master project would help to attain your long-term goals. Mention artistic and/or theoretical
references. Illustrate how you would start up this master project, on a practical and technical level
as well as on the level of contents. Define a possible theme for your master thesis and explain how
this thesis could support you in your artistic process.
The master proposal describes in general terms what you hope to achieve by means of artistic
research and will often already form the (general) basis of the student’s master projects and thesis.
(This does not mean, however, that your master proposal pins you down to an unchangeable
viewpoint or basis for your master study, since any artistic process is and should be open to change
and evolution).
Part 3:
Add any relevant info that can support your motivation and research project.
The master proposal is a central part of your application and will also be a central part of the
interview or audition with the Orientation Committee. The document connects with the principle
that we, as a school of arts, wish to start from the viewpoint of the student. From the start, the
proposal will also lay the foundation for the ideal approach and guidance of the student and his/her
You will need to upload the Master Proposal as a PDF document in the online application form
you will receive after a correct preregistration on
Briefly explain (maximum 1 page) what your motivations are to come and study at specifically
our faculty and in the programme you would like to study in. Also explain what you hope to
achieve/learn from your master programme.
THE PORTFOLIO (only for master candidates in jazz, pop, music production, composition and
instrument building)
You apply for one of our programs, because you are or will soon be a bachelor in music creation
(composition or production). Your diploma and curriculum, however, serve only administrative
purposes and very little about you as an artist
An artist’s work speaks more clearly and gives us a much better idea of his/her artistic level, what
he/she is about or has to offer and if you are a valuable and interesting artist who is able to function
in our master program. That is why we require candidates to provide us with a portfolio.
Candidates will need to provide a portfolio in two stages of the application procedure:
We accept links to websites like Tumblr, Flickr, Youtube or Vimeo and we accept
PDF files through the application form.. We do not accept portolios on dvd’s, cd’s,
usb … or any other physical format. The goal is to be able to swiftly forward your
portfolio per e-mail to all necessary committee members, together with your master
ATTENTION: the specifications for the digital portfolio for students in jazz and
pop are listed on the next page.
This may be combined with the digital portfolio that you already submitted. Portable
digital portfolios are allowed here. During the interview the candidate can give a short
presentation of his/her portfolio. Please note that each interview lasts about 25
The artistic portfolio is a presentation of the artistic evolution during the previous studies or in
the past 5 years. It can contain documentation on artistic work as well as reproductions of artistic
work. The candidate should restrict him/herself to relevant work (artistic work that is relevant to
the candidates’ artistic process, his/her artistic goals and master proposal).
You will need to upload your portfolio through an online application form you receive after
correct preregistration on
The video should have decent audio quality and must clearly show you playing your
instrument live , preferably in a band or combo setting.
This information can all be filled out in the appropriate fields in the application form.
If you do not have a portfolio yet, these websites are very handy tools to create your own free
In Flanders, the majority of art schools provide academic training. The research skills aimed for are artistic,
as well as theoretical and reflective. Immediate admission to the master programs at the School of Arts is
only available to those who hold an academic bachelor degree in drama, visual or audiovisual arts, or an
equivalent diploma.
If you wish to apply for one of our master programs, we will verify whether your bachelor diploma can be
considered equivalent to an academic bachelor degree. Criteria used to establish the level of your diploma
are (amongst others): precedents, the duration of your study, the balance between theoretical/practical
subjects, the fact that your diploma grants access to a university study in your country, the contents of the
subjects in your bachelor program, ….
If we are unable to recognize your bachelor degree in art as the equivalent to an academic bachelor degree,
but can establish that your degree is equal to our professional bachelor degree you can still apply, but you
will be required to follow the bridging program that precedes the master program of your choice. The
bridging program is meant to ‘academise’ your level. Mostly this means catching up on a number of
academic courses and skills that support the reflective and academic nature of the art discipline you wish
to continue your studies in.
In composing the curriculum of the bridging programs, both a curriculum manager and the master
coordinator (mostly also the chairman/woman of the orientation committee) are consulted. The master
coordinator and the members of the orientation committee will decide on whether practical subjects should
be added to the curriculum and the curriculum manager decides on the theoretical subjects that need to be
part of your bridging program curriculum. The number of credits in a bridging program may range from 45
ECTS to 90 ECTS (60 ECTS is considered as a full time year of studying in Flanders). Through exemptions
based on previous studies, the number of subjects that one effectively needs to follow and take exams for,
can drop below the minimum required 45 ECTS. Theoretically, this means that the bridging program can
sometimes be combined with the first part of a master program already.
Students who have (the equivalent to) an academic bachelor in music, but in a different discipline, genre or
background may be required to follow a preparation program. This program is composed from subjects
from the bachelor programs we offer, but has less restrictions in terms of minimum/maximum credits (cfr.
bridging program). Here too, a combination with subjects in the master is possible, depending on the
composition of the preparation program curriculum.
If you would like to study for an extra year after completing your Masters in Music
qualifications, the Ghent Conservatory postgraduate programmes may be what you are looking
At the core of this program, you will use a concrete research project in order to focus on
the interpretation and performance practice of old or new music. You specialize in the
development and testing of new performance methods, based on historic, musicological
and personal artistic investigation.
In addition to conducting your own artistic research project, as part of the Arts in Practice
segment of the program, you are thoroughly active in the world of the performing arts.
Here, the Ghent School of Arts helps putting you in touch with its extensive network of
professional partners.
Finally, you will place your own research in a broader perspective by taking part in
specific and targeted investigation.
As a performing musician in our postgraduate program Soloist Classical Music, you can
immerse yourself deeper in a specific segment of the solo repertoire, with the objective
of achieving a greater level of excellence in both the technical and the interpretive aspects
of your performance. A pared-down study programme, revolving around the three
cornerstones of Skills, Network and Exposure, allow an elegant means of combining this
study with your professional activities.
The focus of the study is on the development of practice, tutored by a faculty member at
the Ghent Conservatory whom you yourself have chosen. In addition, by way of the Arts
The Orientation Audition consists of two parts: A proposal for an artistic Research Project on
the one hand and a concert-lecture on the other.
The proposal is a document in which the candidate will describe the starting point and more or
less concrete outlines of an artistic research project in the field of music performance. This artistic
research project will be the steering topic during the postgraduate program and the activities in
both the courses performance practice & arts in practice as well as in the research seminars.
The proposal needs to be between 1500 and 2000 words and needs to contain the following
Part 1:
A Working Title + a personal statement why you are a suitable candidate for the course.
What you hope to achieve during your postgraduate studies at the School of Arts and how
this relates to your career aspirations. Give details of your subject interests, relevant
experiences and abilities in arts.
Part 2:
Discuss the research question(s) you would like to elaborate on in your artistic project,
which interests, ideas and media you wish to explore through the postgraduate program
and how your project would help to attain your long-term goals. Mention artistic and/or
theoretical references. Illustrate how you would start up this project, on a practical and
technical level as well as on the level of contents.
Part 3:
Add any relevant info that can support your motivation and artistic research project.
The proposal is a central part of your application and will also be a central part of the interview
at the audition with the Orientation Committee. The document connects with the principle that
we, as a school of arts, wish to start from the viewpoint of the student. From the start, the proposal
will also lay the foundation for the ideal approach and guidance of the student and his/her idea(s).
You will need to upload the Proposal as a PDF document in the online application form you will
receive after a correct preregistration on
At the audition with the orientation committee the candidate gives a concert lecture of 30 minutes.
A concert lecture is musical work interspersed with brief textual interventions. These
interventions can be reflections on the music pieces that the candidate played, own motivations
and insights herein as well as an explanation of how this musical work is linked to the formulated
artistic project. The candidate prepares a minimum of 20 minutes music and 10 minutes lecture.
There are no restrictions in the composition of the repertoire.
After the concert lecture there will be an interview with the orientation committee. This interview
will have a focus on the motivation of the candidate for the postgraduate program, a discussion
on the proposal for the artistic research project as well as a conversation on the concert lecture
C. Remarks
Following a motivated request by the candidate during the application procedure, the orientation
committee may consider to do the concert-lecture and the interview via Skype.
An application may be done individually but also as an ensemble. In the second option as well
as the artistic research project as the concert-lecture may be done together with the ensemble.
However, if accepted, every member of the ensemble has to subscribe for the postgraduate
The Orientation Audition consists of two parts: A proposal for a Musical Project on the one
hand and an audition on the other.
The proposal is a document in which the candidate will describe the starting point and more or
less concrete outlines of the specific segment of the soloist repertoire the candidate wants to
research during the postgraduate.
The proposal needs to be between 1500 and 2000 words and needs to contain the following
Part 1:
A Working Title + a personal statement why you are a suitable candidate for the
postgraduate course. What you hope to achieve during your postgraduate studies at the
School of Arts and how this relates to your career aspirations. Give details of your subject
interests, relevant experiences and abilities in arts.
Part 2:
Discuss the soloist repertoire you would like to elaborate during your studies, which
interests, ideas and media you wish to explore through the postgraduate program and how
your project would help to attain your long-term goals. Mention artistic and/or theoretical
Part 3:
Add any relevant info that can support your motivation and artistic research project.
The document connects with the principle that we, as a school of arts, wish to start from the
viewpoint of the student. From the start, the proposal will also lay the foundation for the ideal
approach and guidance of the student and his/her idea(s).
You will need to upload the Proposal as a PDF document in the online application form you will
receive after a correct preregistration on
During your practical instrument/voice test you have to show your artistic and technical level in
as many possible ways. The repertoire consists of at least a half hour program. At least one
composition should be contemporary music, preferably written after 1950.
With the submission of your application documents, you will also submit your program scores
PDF (e-mail or memory stick). The pieces are in playing order, confirming your program
Compositions with obliged piano accompaniment or piano reduction (concerti), have to be
performed with piano accompaniment. If an accompanist is required, you need to indicate this in
your application documents. If you have not done this at the submission deadline, we cannot
guarantee that we can provide an accompanist for you. If the repertoire is of the nature that it
cannot be managed by our team of accompanists, the candidate will need to arrange the
accompaniment her/himself.
After the audition there will be an interview with the orientation committee. This interview will
have a focus on the motivation of the candidate for the postgraduate program, a discussion on
the proposal for the musical project as well as a conversation on the audition itself.
C. Remarks
Following a motivated request by the candidate during the application procedure, the orientation
committee may consider to do the concert-lecture and the interview via Skype.
All programs (English and Dutch) are coordinated by a specific person. They are the ones you
can contact if you require information on the program’s content. These people can either refer
back to a curriculum manager or to the Student Affairs Department.
Students who have difficulties with the payment of the fees, can contact our social services
department Dienst Studentenvoorzieningen and look into the possibilities of a payment plan with
them. ([email protected] - ++ 32 (0)9 243 37 38).
- For Belgian and EEA students: approximately 938,80 €/year for a full-time program in
the bachelor and master program.
- For Non-EEA students: 2816,40 € / year for a full-time program in the bachelor and
master programs. A number of students are exempted from this higher fee. To find out
which students, please see underneath in the section “Students exempted from higher
tuition fees” on the following page.
Additionally, there is a studio fee to be paid on a yearly basis as well. This fee may vary between
125 € and 450 € per year, depending on the discipline you apply for. The exact fees will be
announced on the University College website ( in the course of this academic
year. A full studio fee is due, from the moment that you take up practical subjects in your
The general cost of living in Belgium: Officially, one needs to take into account in a provision of
654 € / month. However, this figure is not very much in accordance with reality. A student who
lives cheap , should be able to get by on 1.000 € / month (all depending on your personal life style
and the cost of your house/apartment/studio ….). This figure is merely indicative, of course.
Please try to get as much info as you can before you arrive in Belgium.
1. Students with a nationality belonging to the European Economic Area (= the European
Member States + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Norway)
2. Students with a foreign nationality who are permitted to stay in Belgium with unlimited
duration as defined by the law of December 15, 1980 regarding the access to the territory,
the stay, the establishment and the removal of third country citizens, to be proven by
means of a residence permit of a member of the European Communities (annex 8 or annex
9) or the identity card for foreigners (annex 7) or the proof of registration in the foreigners
register (annex 6) in accordance with article 31 of the royal decree of October 8, 1981
with regards to access to the territory, the stay, the establishment and the removal of third
country citizens.
3. Students who are the victim of human trafficking, attested by an institute recognized by
the federal government and specialized in the reception of victims of human trafficking.
4. Students with a foreign nationality permitted to a stay with limited duration in Belgium
on the basis of article 48/4 of the law of December 15, 1980 regarding the access to the
territory, the stay, the establishment and the removal of third country citizens.
5. Students who – on the 31st of December of the concerned academic year – have been
legally resident in Belgium for a continuous period of 12 consecutive months and who
were not granted the residence permit for purposes of studying in the Belgian higher
education system, or in attendance of a verdict in an asylum procedure to be recognized
as refugee or as person entitled to subsidiary protection, in accordance with the law of
December 15, 1980 regarding the access to the territory, the stay, the establishment and
the removal of third country citizens.
6. Students who received permission on the basis of articles 10, 10bis, [(40bis or 40ter)] of
the law of December 15, 1980 regarding the access to the territory, the stay, the
establishment and the removal of third country citizens to accompany or join a person
mentioned in §1 or §2, 1st until and including 7th, of this article or a person legally staying
12 consecutive months in Belgium to study in higher education or to work.
7. Students who are candidate refugees – or whose parents are candidate refugees - and who
have been staying in Belgium as a minor and who have not submitted their asylum request
themselves. The asylum request was accepted before June 1st, 2007 and the procedure is
still ongoing with the Commissionary General for Refugees and Stateless, with the
Permanent Commission of Appeal or with the Council for Foreigner Contestations.
Candidate students for an initial master program, preparation program or bridging program in the
fields of visual arts, audiovisual arts, music and drama can be eligible for a scholarship. The
amount of the scholarship equals the increased tuition fee for the study program. The core
requirement is that the candidate has a nationality not belonging to the European Economic Area
and fall into to the category of students that are subject to increased tuitions fees (students who
do not fall into this category are listed on page 20). An additional requirement is that the candidate
participates in the Spring Selection Round preceding the academic year he/she applies for.
The allocation of the scholarship is not based on artistic merit during the orientation committee
interview/audition, but is based on a motivation letter and – if available – additional attestations
illustrating the personal or socio-economic situation of the student.
A candidate needs to apply for a scholarship during his application for the master program (or
bridging or preparation program). Applications for a scholarship are processed with all due
confidentiality and members of the orientation committee will have no access or knowledge of
these scholarship applications
In the month of June, the scholarship committee will issue an order of arrangement for all
submitted scholarship applications. The candidate will learn whether he/she will be allocated a
scholarship at the latest in the beginning of July
For more information on applying for a blocked account, please send a mail to [email protected]
Alternatively, the site is an excellent database for students who are trying
to find a place to live (this site focuses on Ghent – For the rest of Belgium is a good starting point for the private market).
CONSLive! is our annual preparation day to the artistic entrance exams. This day is aimed at
bachelor candidates in performing music, but master applicants for the Spring Application round
are more than welcome as well. This year CONSLive! is organized on Sunday, April 22, 2018
from 10h00 until 16h00. On this day, you can obtain all the necessary information on the degree
program of your choice and you can check whether you meet the standards and have the required
artistic level to start in one of our programs. Teachers will guide you through this day. You will
have the opportunity to play for a teacher of your choice and you’ll receive feedback on your
performance. We’ll also show you examples of the theoretical parts of the entrance examinations.
If you wish to participate, you must register first. You can do this by sending an e-mail to
[email protected]
Just like last year, CONSLive! is organized on the same day as our Open House Day. This offers
a splendid chance for all interested souls to come and have a closer look at our school and its
Application Deadlines
Postgraduate Musical Performance Practice: 22/03/2019 at 16h00
Postgraduate Soloist Classical Music 22/03/2019 at 16h00
Master of Music 22/03/2019 at 16h00
Advanced Master in Contemporary Music 22/04/2019 at 16h00
Orientation Committee Auditions/Interviews
All programs except Advanced Master 29/04/2019
Advanced Master in Contemporary Music 30/04/2019
Due to the numerous candidates in our various orientation committee interviews and
auditions, applications submitted after deadline are no longer processed and will
automatically be transferred to the next session.
1. Pre-register online
Surf to (possibility to do this in English and Dutch - cfr. the
right hand side of the screen) and fill out all necessary information. Upon completion
of this pre-registration, you will be sent an automatic e-mail that contains the link to
an application form that needs to be filled out. This automatic e-mail will only reach
you when all required fields in the pre-registration have been correctly completed.
There is no need to upload documents in the preregistration.
Issuing the approval letter may take some time. The sooner you can provide us with
your authenticated documents, the better and faster the procedure can be concluded
in time for the start of the academic year.
From experience we have noticed that this point in the procedure is sometimes
slightly misunderstood. We would therefore like to make it absolutely clear that:
If you do send us your original documents, please be aware that the School of Arts
cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused to them before or after the
reception of your originals.
Application Deadlines
Advanced Master Contemporary Music - Session 2: 28/06/2019 at 16h00
Advanced Master Contemporary Music – Session 3: 23/08/2019 at 16h00
Master of Music – Session 2: 28/06//2019 at 16h00
Postgraduate Programme in Music – Session 2: 14//06/2019 at 16h00
Postgraduate Programme in Music – Session 3: 28/06/2019 at 16h00
1. Pre-register online
Surf to (possibility to do this in English and Dutch - cfr.
the right hand side of the screen) and fill out all necessary information. Upon
completion of this pre-registration, you will be sent an automatic e-mail that
contains the link to an application form that needs to be filled out. This automatic
e-mail will only reach you when all required fields in the pre-registration have
been correctly completed.
There is no need to upload documents in the preregistration.
Please make sure the digital and physical documents reach us before the deadline
expires. (=physical and digital documents)
From experience we have noticed that this point in the procedure is sometimes
misunderstood. We would therefore like to make it absolutely clear that:
If you do send us your original documents, please be aware that the School of Arts cannot
be held responsible for any loss or damage caused to them before or after the reception
of your originals
Attention: issuing the approval letter can take up some time. The sooner you can
provide us with your authenticated documents, the sooner the procedure can be
A. ID CARD (pdf)
Please send all of these documents through the application link, making sure that your application
reaches us before the deadline expires on Friday, March 22, 2019 at 16h00 (Brussels’ Time Zone).
(*) If you already have a certified, legalized or apostille version of this document, please send the scan
of that version.
(**) If you do not have your diploma yet: a document that states when you expect to obtain your diploma
(preferably issued by your school, or – if not available – by yourself).
(***) If you are a Chinese student holding a Chinese diploma, please refer to this page
A. ID CARD (pdf)
The abovementioned documents must be sent through the application link before
expiration of the deadline and additionally, the authenticated documents (E,F,G,H)
should have reached us per postal or registered mail only before the deadline expires
If the scores reach us after the deadline, we cannot provide with you with an
accompanist, should one have been required.
(*) Translations necessary if your diploma is not in English / German / Dutch or French
(***) If you are a Chinese student holding a Chinese diploma, please refer to this page.
Documents issued by a local authority in Belgium have legal and official value in Belgium. This
is not automatically the case for documents issued by authorities or organizations abroad.
Documents issued abroad need a form of authentication (= mostly a stamp of some kind) to make
them legally valid and acceptable for official use in Belgium.
Depending on the country your diploma was issued in, a different kind of authentication stamp
will need to go on the copies of your diploma, transcripts, supplements and translations to give
them any legal value and proof of authenticity in Belgium. This is the part of your documents that
is verified by the School of Arts External Admission Council and the reason why we require the
copies containing the original authentication stamps from you and not any scans or photocopies.
Without the approval from the School of Arts External Admission Council, we cannot admit a
student to the school.
Receiving the approval from the School of Arts External Admission Council can take up a couple
of weeks. It is therefore in your own importance to start up your procedure as soon as possible.
Apart from the official stamps, your diploma will need following elements:
1. The mention that you are in fact a bachelor in the arts (or in case you apply for an
advanced master or postgraduate program: that you are a master in the arts) or the
equivalent title of the bachelor in your country.
2. The date you obtained your diploma
3. The level you attained (if available)
4. Your name
5. The name of the school or institute where you graduated.
Please remember: the School of Arts – University College Ghent does not accept original
diplomas. If you nevertheless decide to send us your original diploma, this is entirely at your own
risk. The school cannot be held liable for loss or damage to your original papers. What we require
are copies that have been certified/legalized/stamped with an apostille.
In order to find out what action is required for your country, please consult the List of countries
per authentication method on pages 28 and following.
When your documents are not originally issued in Dutch, English, French or German, you are
required to provide us with a translation in either Dutch, English, French or German. This
translation needs to be authenticated as well.
Since the academic year 2007-2008 all students from the People’s Republic China have to obtain
a certificate of academic screening issued by the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS) of the
German Embassy in Beijing before being allowed to enroll at any higher education institution,
language course or other preparatory course in Flanders. The APS certificate is also required for
obtaining a student visa to Belgium. Students planning to study in Flanders in 2015-2016 are
advised to contact the Academic Evaluation Centre in Beijing, e-mail: [email protected] as soon
as possible in order to make the necessary appointments and this before applying for a visa.
PLEASE NOTE: this procedure is not applicable for students coming from Taiwan!
Date Event
27.02.2019 Information Afternoon from 14h-17h
22.03.2019 Submission Deadline Session 1 (All Programs)
Submission Deadline Master Mind Scholarship
Submission Deadline School of Arts Scholarship
08.04.2019 Student Affairs Department Closed for Easter Recess
23/04/2019 Student Affairs Department Re-Opens
28/04/2019 Open House Day
29/04/2019 Auditions Session 1 Master, Postgraduates
30/04/2019 Auditions Session 1: Advanced Master in Contemporary Music
14.06.2019 Submission Deadline Session 2 – Postgraduates in Music
28.06.2019 Submission Deadline Session 2 – Advanced Master in Contemporary Music
Submission Deadline Session 3 – Postgraduates in Music
04.07.2019 Auditions Session 2 – Advanced Master in Contemporary Music
05.07.2019 Auditions Session 2 – Postgraduates in Music
08/07/2019 Student Affairs Department Closed for Summer Recess
19/08/2019 Student Affairs Department Re-Opens
23.08.2019 Submission Deadline Session 3 – Advanced Master in Contemporary Music
29.08.2019 Auditions Session 3 – Advanced Master in Music
30.08.2019 Auditions Session 2 – Master in Music
Auditions Session 3 – Postgraduates in Music
20/09/2019 Welcoming / Information Day Foreign Master Students
23/09/2019 Start Academic Year 2019-2020
During your practical instrument/voice test you have to show your artistic and
technical level in as many possible ways. The repertoire consists of at least a
half hour program. At least one composition should be contemporary music,
preferably written after 1950.
With the submission of your application documents, you will also upload your
program scores in PDF
PART 2: Intake
After your exam, there will be an intake with the Orientation Committee. The
Orientation Committee consists of several teachers and experts in the field you
are applying for. The Orientation Committee takes a decision on enrolment in
the master course. You will be asked about your motivation, discipline,
communication awareness, your master proposal and knowledge of the specific
domains of performing music.
BEWARE: for this option, you will have to provide your own accompaniment
(rhythm section) .
2) Prima Vista
You will have to play a standard/song at sight (prima vista). The level of this
song will not be too difficult and will be a jazz/pop song.
During your practical instrument/voice test you have to show your artistic and
technical level in as many as possible ways.
PART 2 : Intake
After your exam, there will be an intake with the Orientation Committee. The
Orientation Committee consists of several teachers and experts in the field you
are applying. The Orientation Committee takes a decision on enrolment in
the master course. You will be asked about your motivation, discipline,
communication awareness, your master proposal and knowledge of the specific
domains of performing music.
PART 2: Intake
After your exam, there will be an intake with the Orientation Committee. The
Orientation Committee consists of several teachers and experts in the field you
are applying. The Orientation Committee takes a decision on enrolment in the
master course. You will be asked about your motivation, discipline,
communication awareness, your master proposal and knowledge of the specific
domains of composing music.
Students will be invited on the basis of diploma, master proposal and portfolio.
For the portfolio, please use the online application form to upload your songs.
PART 2: Intake
During your practical instrument/voice test you have to show your artistic and
technical level in as many possible ways. The repertoire consists of at least a 45
minute program from which the jury will select 30 minutes. The repertoire
consists of a mix of 20th or 21st century music compositions.
With the submission of your application documents, you will also upload your
program scores in PDF
PART 2: Intake
Immediately after your audition, there will be an intake interview with the
Orientation Committee. The Orientation Committee consists of several teachers
and experts in the field you are applying for. You will be asked about your
motivation, communication capabilities, your master proposal and knowledge in
the fields of contemporary music performance and creation.
Have you received the automatic reply mail containing the link to the
application form?
Have you entered all necessary info and documents in the application