Echocardiographic: Differentiation of Disease Cardiomyopathy
Echocardiographic: Differentiation of Disease Cardiomyopathy
Echocardiographic: Differentiation of Disease Cardiomyopathy
suMMARY The clinical differentiation of hypertensive heart disease from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
usually presents no problem but it is less clear whether an echocardiographic distinction can always
be made and, if so, what those echocardiographic criteria of difference are. It can be inferred from
recent publications that when echocardiographic criteria for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are met in
hypertensive subjects, both diagnoses may be made. This may be unjustified, and in order to clarify
this problem the M-mode echocardiographic features of 37 patients with severe systemic hypertension
were compared with those of 70 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and normal blood pressure.
Systolic anterior movement of the mitral valve and/or mid-systolic closure of the aortic valve were
found in 82 per cent of patients with obstructive and 35 per cent of patients with non-obstructive
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. These features were not seen in patients with hypertension. The
conventional echocardiographic features of left ventricular hypertrophy and function did not permit
distinction between hypertensive heart disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
The echocardiographic diagnosis of hypertensive heart disease from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
is, therefore, difficult unless systolic anterior movement of the mitral valve and/or mid-systolic closure
of the aortic valve can be shown.
Echocardiography is a useful procedure in the assessed the M-mode echocardiogram for any
diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the features which may differentiate hypertensive heart
presence of asymmetric septal hypertrophy (septal disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
thickness to left ventricular posterior wall ratio
>1-3) has, in particular, been considered to be Subjects and methods
pathognomonic for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.'
Subsequently asymmetric septal hypertrophy has Thirty-seven patients with severe systemic hyper-
been found in many other conditions including tension were studied by M-mode echocardiography.
hypertension.2-11 Though earlier reports suggested The echocardiographic features of these patients
that the hypertensive heart could be differentiated were compared with those of 70 patients with
from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using echo- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and 37 normal
cardiography,' 12 difficulties have been observed controls.
when asymmetric septal hypertrophy (the ratio The patients with systemic hypertension all had
> 1 3) is the diagnostic criterion.8-"1 Moreover, the a resting diastolic blood pressure of 120 mmHg or
classical echocardiographic features of hypertrophic more before treatment. All had electrocardiographic
cardiomyopathy, including asymmetric septal hyper- evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy with gross
trophy, have been reanalysed recently and it has ST-T changes. None of these hypertensive patients
been shown that no single M-mode echocardio- was in left ventricular failure nor did they have any
graphic feature is consistently abnormal in hyper- clinical evidence of left ventricular outflow tract
trophic cardiomyopathy."3 We have therefore obstruction or coronary artery disease: cardiac
* This work was supported by a grant from the British Heart catheterisation had not been performed. All patients
Foundation. were on diuretics, beta-adrenergic blocking drugs,
tResearch fellow of the Medical Research Council of Canada.
Received for publication 11 February 1980 methyldopa, minoxidil, or a combination of these
396 Doi, Deanfield, McKenna, Dargie, Oakley, Goodwin
drugs. There were 17 men and 20 women, age range MSCAV: Present Absent
20 to 69, mean 46 years.
The patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
were all normotensive and had clinical and angio-
graphic evidence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy."4 AO,
They were considered to have obstruction if the
left ventricular outflow tract gradient at rest or after
provocation (with amyl nitrite inhalation or the
Valsalva manoeuvre) was equal to or greater than LA
20 mmHg; 48 patients had resting or provocable
obstruction, while 22 patients had no obstruction.
There were 42 male and 28 female patients, ranging
in age from 12 to 70, mean 44 years. SAM: Present Absent
Thirty-seven normal controls were studied, 14
men and 23 women, age range 20 to 60, mean 34
Left ventricular, mitral valve leaflet, aortic root, and
left atrial echocardiograms were obtained by
standard methods,'5 using an Ekoline 20 ultrasono-
scope with a 2-25 MHz transducer, having a
repetition frequency of 1000 pulses per second.
The output was displayed on a Cambridge strip
chart recorder with a simultaneous electrocardio- Fig. 2 The echocardiographic features assessed.
gram. Studies were made with subjects supine or MSCA V, mid-systolic closure of the aortic valve;
in a partial left lateral position, with the transducer SAM, systolic anterior movement of the mitral valve;
AO, aortic root; LA, left atrium; MV, mitral valve.
at the left sternal edge.
The following echocardiographic features were
assessed (Fig. 1 and 2): (1) ventricular septal thick-
ness at end-diastole, (2) ventricular septal amplitude
of motion, (3) ventricular septal thickness to left
ventricular posterior wall ratio, (4) left ventricular
end-systolic dimension, (5) septal-mitral valve
distance at the onset of systole, (6) presence or
absence of systolic anterior movement of the mitral
I valve, and (7) mid-systolic closure of the aortic valve.
Features (1) to (4) were assessed from the echo-
cardiograms obtained just below the plane of the
mitral valve, where the minor axis of the left
ventricle was recorded. Features (5) and (6) were
amp assessed from the echocardiograms obtained at the
plane of the mitral valve tips where both anterior
and posterior leaflets were recorded simultaneously.
Feature (7) was assessed from the echocardiograms
obtained at the plane of the aortic root and the left
atrium where both anterior and posterior aortic
cusps were visualised.
Fig. 1 The echocardiographic features assessed. Standard statistical analyses were performed. One
IVS, ventricular septal thickness; ratio, septal thickness way analysis of variance was performed initially to
to left ventricular posterior wall (LVPW) ratio; IVS
amp, septal amplitude of motion; LVESD, left test the difference between means of more than two
ventricular end-systolic dimension; IVS-C, septal-mitral groups; when significant, a two-sample Wilcoxon
valve distance at the onset of systole; ECG, test was used because the data were not normally
electrocardiogram. distributed.
The results for the
shown in the Table.
Echocardiographic differentiation of hypertensive heart disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Non-obstructive I
* p>OOO1
11 llllll l illIIIIf
ll I I H I
HT Non-obstructive ECG A , o ECG
Fig. 6 Ventricular septal (IVS) thickness.
HT, hypertension; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
40' 0
*e 0 Fig. 8 Representative echocardiograms of patients with
on _
00 hypertension and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
HT, hypertension; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
30- 8 ECG, electrocardiogram; IVS, ventricular septal
mm thickness; LVPW, left ventricular posterior wall.
- systolic anterior movement of the mitral valve or
20- mid-systolic closure of the aortic valve. The
e_ presence of one of these two features or the ratio
equal to or greater than 2-0 differentiates only 50
per cent of non-obstructive hypertrophic cardio-
myopathy from hypertension. The echocardio-
I . graphic differentiation of non-obstructive hyper-
trophic cardiomyopathy from hypertension cannot
HT Non-obstructive be made unless the patients with non-obstructive
HCM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy have systolic anterior
Fig. 7 Left ventricular end-systolic dimension (LVESD). movement of the mitral valve and/or mid-systolic
HT, hypertension; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. closure of the aortic valve.
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