1) Survivors can hold up to 5 equipment cards but only equip 2 at a time to use. Additional equipment is kept behind the equipped weapons.
2) Survivors can drive cars to move up to 2 zones per action without restrictions from movement disadvantages or zombies in the zone. Cars can run over zombies in zones entered, exited, or passed through.
3) Making noise from doors, melee weapons, or ranged attacks places noise tokens that attract zombies during their turn. Survivors and equipment also create noise.
1) Survivors can hold up to 5 equipment cards but only equip 2 at a time to use. Additional equipment is kept behind the equipped weapons.
2) Survivors can drive cars to move up to 2 zones per action without restrictions from movement disadvantages or zombies in the zone. Cars can run over zombies in zones entered, exited, or passed through.
3) Making noise from doors, melee weapons, or ranged attacks places noise tokens that attract zombies during their turn. Survivors and equipment also create noise.
1) Survivors can hold up to 5 equipment cards but only equip 2 at a time to use. Additional equipment is kept behind the equipped weapons.
2) Survivors can drive cars to move up to 2 zones per action without restrictions from movement disadvantages or zombies in the zone. Cars can run over zombies in zones entered, exited, or passed through.
3) Making noise from doors, melee weapons, or ranged attacks places noise tokens that attract zombies during their turn. Survivors and equipment also create noise.
1) Survivors can hold up to 5 equipment cards but only equip 2 at a time to use. Additional equipment is kept behind the equipped weapons.
2) Survivors can drive cars to move up to 2 zones per action without restrictions from movement disadvantages or zombies in the zone. Cars can run over zombies in zones entered, exited, or passed through.
3) Making noise from doors, melee weapons, or ranged attacks places noise tokens that attract zombies during their turn. Survivors and equipment also create noise.
• Actors see in straight lines which are parallel to the edges of the gameboard. • Survivors can hold up to 5 Equipment cards. Driving a Car • Driveable cars are available in some Missions. • When the driving Survivor is activated, they • Only 2 pieces of Equipment can be equipped OBJECTIVE • Actors cannot see diagonally. and ready to use (1 for each hand) at any time. can spend 1 Action to move the car up to • Each player controls 1-4 Survivors and • Their field of view covers as many Zones as a • Place the unused Equipment behind the 2 2 Zones. attempts to cooperatively complete Mission straight line can go through before reaching a equipped weapons. • This Action is not a "Move" and is not subject objectives. wall or the edge of the gameboard. to movement modifiers (e.g. a free Move ZOMBIE ECOLOGY Action or increased movement), and is not SETUP MOVEMENT affected by disadvantages related to Move 1. Choose a Mission. Walker • Actors (Survivors and Zombies) can move from Actions (i.e. ignore the Zombies in the Zone of 2. Place the tiles. • Actions: 1 the car). 1 Zone to another, as long as the Zones • Min Damage to Kill: 1 • A car that enters, exits, or goes through a 3. Place the doors, cards, and objectives. share an edge. • XP: 1 Zone runs over every Actor in it: 4. Put aside the following cards: • Diagonal movements are not allowed. • Outside Movement: Movement from 1 Zone • Roll 1 die for each miniature in the Zones Evil Twins to another has no restrictions; however it is the car leaves, moves through, or reaches. Ma's Shotguns necessary to go through a door to move from a • Each 4, 5, or 6 inflicts 1 damage (and only 1, Molotovs building to the streets and vice versa. Fatty so you cannot run over a Fatty/Abomination). Pans • Inside Movement: In a building, movement • Actions: 1 • Hits are assigned following priority order, Wounded cards may take place from 1 Zone to another as long • Min Damage to Kill: 2 just like a Ranged attack (so you can't hit a 1 Fire Axe as these Zones are linked by an opening; in • XP: 1 Runner until all Walkers are dead, or not at 1 Crowbar this case, ignore walls between the 2 Zones. • Note: Weapons dealing only 1 all if there's a Fatty in the Zone): 1 Pistol damage cannot hurt a Fatty. Survivors > Walkers > Fatties > Runners 5. Shuffle and form a deck with the Zombie cards and another with the remaining MAKING NOISE • Each Fatty comes into play with * Abominations count as Fatties for targeting purposes. • Each Action that opens a door with a noisy 2 Walkers (not when splitting). Equipment cards, placing both face down. • It is possible to make Melee and Ranged Melee weapon or shoots with a Ranged attacks and from the inside a car and 6. Each player chooses their Survivors: weapon produces a Noise token which must Zombies can attack the Survivors in the car. 1 Player: 4 Survivors be placed on the Zone where the Survivor Abomination • Cars cannot be driven into buildings. 2 Players: 3 Survivors per player resolved the Action. • Actions: 1 3 Players: 2 Survivors per player • Each Survivor also counts as a Noise token. Searching Cars • Min Damage to Kill: 3 4-6 Players: 1 Survivor per player • Noise tokens are removed at the end of the • You can search inside a car in a street Zone • XP: 5 7. For each Survivor, place an experience game turn, after the Zombies take their turn. • Note: Only killed with weapons with no Zombies (you do not have to be in it). tracker on the 1st square in the blue area of dealing 3+ damage (or Molotov). • Pimp Mobile: You can search inside only their Danger Bar, and a Skill counter on the Noisy Weapons • There can be only 1 in play; if a once for Ma’s Shotgun or the Evil Twins. 1st corresponding Skill. • Many Melee equipment types (e.g. fire axe, 2nd is drawn, replace it with a • Police Cars: You can search more than crowbar, chainsaw) allow you to open doors as 8. Randomly deal the starting equipment: A Fatty + 2 Walkers. once, drawing cards until you find a weapon well as kill Zombies: fire axe, a crowbar, and a pistol; everyone else • The Abomination spawns alone. and discarding any others. gets a pan. • Allows you to open doors. • Note: Any starting weapon listed on a Runner DANGER BAR AND EXPERIENCE Survivor's Identity Card does not affect this • Actions: 2 • For each Walker, Runner, or Fatty killed, a starting equipment. • Min Damage to Kill: 1 Survivor gains 1 experience point and moves • Allows you to kill Zombies. • XP: 1 up a notch on the Danger Bar. DEFINITIONS • Note: Moves twice as fast as • Some Mission objectives provide more XP, ZONES Walkers. and killing the Abomination gives you 5 XP. • Inside a Building: A Zone is a room. • There are 4 Danger Levels, and the number of • On the Street: A Zone is the part between 2 Zombies spawned goes up with each level: pedestrian crossings and the walls of • These symbols determine whether the CARS • Blue: All Survivors start at this level. buildings; may extend over 2-4 tiles. Equipment produces a Noise token when used Getting into a Car • Yellow: When you get 7 XP, you obtain a to open a door or eliminate a Zombie: • It costs 1 Action to get into a car. 4th Action, which can be used immediately LINE OF SIGHT • You can only get in a car if there are no and then during every turn. Inside a Building • Produces a Noise Token. Zombies in its Zone. • Orange: When you get 19 XP, you can • An Actor sees in all Zones that share an • When you get in a car, choose a seat: The choose 1 of 2 Skills on your Identity Card. opening with the Zone the Actor is in. driver’s seat or 1 of the 3 passengers’. • Red: When you get 44 XP, you choose 1 of • His field of view is limited to the distance of • Changing seats in a car costs 1 Action. the 3 Skill available at this Level. 1 Zone. • Does not produce a Noise Token. • A car is full when there is a driver and 3 • When you draw a Zombie card, read the line • If there is an opening, the walls do not block passengers, no other Survivors may enter it. that corresponds to the Survivor that has line of sight between 2 Zones. reached the highest Danger Level. SKILLS 1 RE-ROLL PER TURN: Once per turn, you can MATCHING SET!: When you draw a weapon • Each Survivor has specific Skills, and can re-roll all the dice that are related to the card with the Dual symbol, you can immediately unlock 1 more at both the Orange and Red resolution of an Action; the new result takes the search for a 2nd card of the same type in the Danger Levels. place of the previous one; stacks with the deck of Equipment cards; shuffle the deck • In case of conflict with the general rules, the effects of equipment that allow re-rolls. afterwards. Skill rules have priority. • The effects of the following Skills and/or 2 ZONES PER MOVE ACTION: When you MEDIC: Once per turn, you can remove 1 bonuses are immediate and may be used the spend 1 Action to Move, you can move 1 or 2 Wounded card from a Survivor in the same turn in which they are acquired (e.g. if an Zones instead of just 1. Zone as you, or from yourself. Action causes a Survivor to level up and gain a Skill, that Skill may be used immediately, as AMBIDEXTROUS: Treat all Melee and Ranged NINJA: You make no Noise at all: Your long as they have Actions left to take). weapons as if they had the Dual symbol. presence does not count as a Noise token, and the use of Equipment or weapons produces no +1 ACTION: You get an extra Action to use as BORN LEADER: During your turn, you may give Noise tokens either. you please. 1 free Action to another Survivor; this Action must be used during the recipient's next turn or SLIPPERY: You do not spend extra Action(s) +1 TO DICE ROLL: COMBAT: Adds 1 to the it is lost. when you Move through a Zone where there result of each die rolled on a Combat Action are Zombies. (Melee or Ranged); max result is always 6. DESTINY: Once per turn, when you draw and reveal an Equipment card, you can discard it SNIPER: You freely choose the targets of all +1 TO DICE ROLL: MELEE: Adds 1 to the and draw another. your Ranged Combat Actions. result of each die rolled in Melee Combat; max result is always 6. GUNSLINGER: You treat all Ranged weapons STARTS WITH A [EQUIPMENT]: You begin the as if they had the Dual symbol. game with the shown Equipment; the +1 TO DICE ROLL: RANGED: Adds 1 to the Equipment card is mandatorily assigned to you result of each die rolled in Ranged Combat; HOARD: You can carry 1 extra Equipment card. before the start of the game. max result is always 6. HOLD YOUR NOSE: Once per turn, you get a SWORDMASTER: You treat all Melee weapons +1 DIE: COMBAT: Roll an extra die in Combat free Search Action in the Zone where you as if they had the Dual symbol. (Melee or Ranged). eliminated a Zombie (even outside a building). . TOUGH: You ignore the 1st attack received on +1 DIE: MELEE: Roll an extra die in Melee IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT?: When you are every Zombies' turn. Combat. wounded you may discard an Equipment card instead of receiving a Wounded card; if you TRICK SHOT: When you are equipped with +1 DIE: RANGED: Roll an extra die in Ranged have no Equipment or if you don’t want to Dual Ranged weapons, you can aim at targets Combat. discard an Equipment card, then you still in different Zones with each weapon in the receive a Wound. same Action. +1 FREE COMBAT ACTION: You have 1 free extra Combat Action. LOCK IT DOWN: For 1 Action you can close an open door. +1 FREE MOVE ACTION: You have 1 free extra Move Action. LOUD: Once per turn, you can make a huge amount of Noise; until the next turn of this +1 FREE SEARCH ACTION: You have 1 free Survivor, this Zone is considered having the extra Search Action. highest amount of Noise tokens on the entire map. If different Survivors has this ability, only +1 MAX RANGE: Your maximum range with the last one who used it applies the effects. Ranged weapons is increased by 1. LUCKY: You can re-roll all the dice of each +1 ZONE PER MOVE: You can move through 1 Action once; the new result takes the place of extra Zone each time you perform a Move the previous one. This ability stacks with the Action; stacks with other game effects effects of other abilities and Equipment that benefiting Move Actions. allows re-rolls. SEARCH FIGHT HAND TO HAND ZOMBICIDE • Normally, you can only search Zones inside a • Use an equipped Melee weapon to attack the Splitting Groups • If there is more than 1 route of the same length, or if different Zones contain the same building that have no Zombies in them. Zombies in your current Zone. TURN SUMMARY • Note: You can also search Cars and the Hold number of Noise tokens, the Zombies split I. PLAYERS' TURN Your Nose Skill allows you to search outside GET IN / OUT OF A CAR into groups of the same number and type to • 1st player plays all of their Survivors one after in a Zone where you killed a Zombie. • It costs an action to get in or out of a car in follow all possible routes. the other, then play proceeds clockwise. • To search, a player picks a card from the your Zone, or to switch seats in a car. • If necessary, add Zombies so that all groups • Each Survivor takes 3 Actions: Equipment deck. contain the same number and types. • A Survivor can perform only a single Search TAKE / ACTIVATE AN OBJECTIVE • Note: A lone Zombie can split into 2 Zombies. MOVE 1 ZONE (+1 Action per Zombie in Zone) Action per turn, even if it’s a free Action. • Takes an objective token or activate an • The Abomination never splits; the players SEARCH (1x per turn per Survivor; indoor only) • After searching, the Survivor can freely object in your Zone (as described in the decide which direction it goes. OPEN A DOOR (requires capable weapon) reorganize their inventory (but the Survivor Mission description). RANGED / MELEE COMBAT Runners REORGANIZE / TRADE INVENTORY cannot trade with other Survivors without MAKE SOME NOISE • Runners have 2 Actions: After the 1st Action, TAKE / ACTIVATE AN OBJECTIVE spending an Action). they immediately repeat phase 1 (Attack) or, if • Place 1 Noise token in your Zone. GET INTO / OUT OF A CAR • You may discard cards from your inventory to there is nobody to attack, phase 2 (Movement). MAKE A NOISE make room for new cards at any time. DO NOTHING DO NOTHING • End your turn, losing any remaining Actions. PHASE 3: SPAWN Searching Cars II. ZOMBIES' TURN • You can search inside a car in a street Zone • The Mission plans show Spawn Zones where with no Zombies (you do not need to get in it). II. ZOMBIES' TURN Zombies appear at the end of each turn. 1. ATTACK: Each Zombie steals a piece of • After all Survivors have been activated, • Choose a Spawn Zone and draw a card, then Equipment and deals a Wound for each Pimp Mobile perform the following phases in order: place the amount of Zombies shown on the Survivors in the Zone; Survivors share • You can search inside a pimp mobile only wounds as they prefer. once and it contains either Ma’s Shotgun or color corresponding to the Danger Level of the PHASE 1: ATTACKING most experienced Survivor still in the game 2. MOVE: Zombies that did not Attack move the Evil Twins. • Each Zombie in the Zone of a Survivor (Blue, Yellow, Orange or Red). toward visible Survivors (noisiest first); if • In Missions with many pimp mobiles, only steals a piece of Equipment the Survivor is • Note: If the Survivor with the highest Danger none, then toward the noisiest Zone. They the weapons that have not yet been taken carrying (if possible); the controlling player Level is eliminated, the Danger Level drops to always take the shortest way possible and can be inside them, and when there are no chooses which item to discard. that of the next most experienced Survivor. split if there is more than 1 route of the same more, no more can be found. • The Survivor then receives a Wounded card, • Repeat this operation for each Spawn Zone. length, or if different Zones are equally noisy Police Cars which is put in place of the lost Equipment. • Always begin with the same Spawn Zone, (add Zombies to make split groups even). • Can be searched more than once. Wounded Cards then continue clockwise. 3. SPAWN: Activate Spawn Zones clockwise, • Draw cards until you find a weapon; discard • When you reorganize your inventory, you can • Each Fatty is accompanied by 2 Walkers when using Danger Level of the highest level player. the other cards. move Wounded cards like Equipment, but it spawns (but not when you add 1 to balance a • "Aaahh!" cards make a Walker appear as III. END OF TURN they cannot be discarded and thus reduce group of Zombies that splits). usual, interrupting your search. the amount of Equipment you can carry. • Abominations spawn alone, and there can be 1. REMOVE NOISE TOKENS OPEN A DOOR • A Survivor with 2 Wounded cards is only 1 in play at a time; if a 2nd is drawn, 2. PASS 1ST PLAYER TOKEN LEFT • Doors are usually locked and to open one you eliminated and their Equipment is discarded. replace it with a Fatty + 2 Walkers. I. PLAYERS' TURN need a Melee weapon equipped that has an • If multiple Survivors are in the same Zone, Extra Activation Card: No Zombies appear on • The 1st player activates their Survivors one "Open a door" symbol (no roll required). players share wounds any way they prefer. the designated Zone; instead, all Zombies of after the other, in any order. • Opening the 1st door of a building reveals all • All Zombies in the same Zone join in on the the shown type are immediately activated • Each Survivor can execute 3 Actions at the Zombies inside: Combat, even if all Survivors are killed (thus, (Zombie phases 1 and 2). Blue Danger Level; this is increased to • For each Zone of the building, draw a Zombies in that Zone won't move in Phase 2). • Note: No effect at the Blue Danger Level. 4 Actions when the Survivor reaches the Zombie card and place the shown number Yellow Danger Level. of Zombies in that Zone. PHASE 2: MOVEMENT Manhole Card: No Zombie appears on the • Some Survivors have a free Action at the Blue • Extra Activation / Manhole cards drawn • Zombies that did not attack during Phase 1 designated Zone; instead, place the specified Level, which does not count towards this total. function as usual. move 1 Zone toward either: number/type of Zombies in every Zone with a • Once all players have completed their turn, the 1. Survivors in their Line of Sight manhole on tiles with at least 1 Survivor. 1st Player Token is passed to the left. REORGANIZE / TRADE INVENTORY • If they see Survivors in different Zones, Running out of Zombie Miniatures • The possible Actions are: • For 1 Action, a Survivor can change the they move towards the noisiest group; if • If you draw a card and there are not enough weapons they are holding in their hands. equally noisy, the group splits. miniatures of the requested Zombie type, MOVE • You can simultaneously exchange any 2. The Zone with the most Noise Tokens place the remaining Zombies (if any), then all • The Survivor moves from 1 Zone to another. number of cards with 1 Survivor in the Zone. • If there are equally noisy Zones the same the Zombies of the requested type gain an • Survivors cannot move through external • This other Survivor may immediately distance away, the group splits. extra activation at once. building walls or closed doors. reorganize their own inventory for free. • If there are Zombies in the Zone your Survivor • Zombies always take the shortest route III. CLEANUP is attempting to leave, you must spend an extra SHOOT RANGED WEAPONS when moving, and split if there are multiple • Remove all Noise tokens. Action per Zombie present in the Zone (unless • Use an equipped Ranged weapon to shoot at routes of equal length. • Pass the 1st Player Token to the left. you have the Slippery Skill). a Zone within the weapon's range. • Note: Survivors count as Noise tokens. COMBAT Dual Firing Line of Sight on the Street • Roll the number of dice shown on the • Use both weapons at the • Actors see in straight lines which are Equipped weapon you wish to attack with. same time for a single Action. parallel to the edges of the gameboard. • Each roll that equals or exceeds the accuracy • Note: Dual guns must both be • Actors cannot see diagonally. number of the weapon is a successful hit. aimed at the same Zone. • Their field of view covers as many Zones as • Each success inflicts the amount of damage a straight line can go through before specified by the damage value of the weapon reaching a wall or the edge of the board. to a single target. Noisy • Produces a Noise token when Targeting Priority Dual Firing used. • A shooter does not freely choose the targets • If you have 2 identical weapons with the Dual • Note: Dual weapons produce a they hit with successful rolls; hits are assigned symbol, you can use both weapons at the single Noise token per Action. in this order: same time for a single Action. • Note: Reloading dual Sawed-off Shotguns 1: Survivors in the Zone (except the shooter) Silent costs only a single Action as well. 2: Walkers • If dual firing Ranged weapons, they must be • Does not produce a Noise 3: Fatties or Abominations be aimed at the same Zone. token when used in Melee Combat. 4: Runners ZOMBIE HIT POINTS • Hits must be assigned to targets with the • Walkers: Killed with 1 damage Opens doors lowest degree of priority until all targets of • Runners: Killed with 1 damage that degree have been eliminated. • This weapon can be used to • When a Zone is chosen for Ranged Combat, • Fatty: Only killed with a 2+ damage weapon open doors (no roll required). ignore any Actors who are in the squares • Abomination: Only killed with a 3+ damage weapon. between the shooter and the target; • Note: Even if you obtain 6 successes with a Survivors may shoot through occupied Zones 1 damage weapon, a Fatty/Abomination will not without consequence to other Survivors or take any damage. MELEE Zombies (i.e. targeting priority only affects the • You can attack Zombies in your own Zone. target Zone, not the Zone you're firing from, SYMBOLOGY • Each die roll equal or higher than the unless you're firing with a range of 0 -- in which Range accuracy value on the weapon is a case targeting priority applies, so you'll hit successful hit. any Survivors in your Zone first). • Min and max number of Zones • Divide your hits as you wish amongst all the the weapon can reach. possible targets in the Zone (targeting IMPROVED WEAPONRY • "0" is Melee only. priority rules only apply to Ranged combat). • Specific Equipment cards can be combined from your inventory to build improved RANGED weaponry. • The range of a weapon is shown by the range • Combining costs no Action. Dice value on its card, representing the number of • When combined, the new Weapon takes a • Roll as many dice as this value Zones it can shoot across: single slot in your inventory. when an Action is spent to use • 1st Range Value: Shows a weapon's • When built, improved weapons can be freely this weapon. minimum range; the weapon may not be and immediately equipped. shot at Zones below the minimum (this is • Sniper Rifle: Combine a "rifle" and a usually 0, meaning you can shoot in your "scope" (place the scope under the rifle card); current Zone). this allows you to choose your targets when Accuracy firing with this rifle. • 2nd Range Value: Shows the maximum • Each roll that equals or range of the weapon; a weapon cannot fire exceeds this value is a • Molotov: Discard a "glass bottle" and a at Zones beyond the maximum range. success; anything less is a "gasoline" card and take a "Molotov" card; failure. discard the Molotov to terminate everything • You can only shoot targets in your line of sight. in the targeted Zone (even other Survivors Line of Sight Inside a Building and the Abomination). • An Actor sees in all Zones that share an Damage opening with the Zone the Actor is in. • Amount of Damage inflicted for • His field of view is limited to the distance of each success; a "2" value is 1 Zone. needed to eliminate Fatties, and • If there is an opening, the walls do not a "3" is needed to kill the block line of sight between 2 Zones. Abomination.