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Drill String Inspection


Drill String Inspection Standard (NS-2)

This standard has a long history within the Oil & Gas Industry and it has been developed over the last
12 years.

Originally this standard was an Exxon specification utilised in the USA and it was then issued to Shell
Expro by Exxon, as part of a Quality Improvement Project (QIP) on reduction in Drill String Failures.

O.C.T.G. Procter was part of the QIP Team and was involved in developing the standard then known
as 8002-001.

In 1999 O.C.T.G. Procter was handed ownership of 8002-001 for further development and wider use
of it in the Industry. The first revision of NS-2 was released in November.

It is now used by a number of operators worldwide and has been instrumental, where adopted, as the
principal inspection document used for the purpose of reducing drill string failures.

NS-2 covers many areas of drill string inspection not currently covered by other inspection standards
such as:

ο High torque connections

ο Specialised drilling equipment
ο Automated thread inspection
ο Receipt inspection for new drill pipe
ο Fishing and milling tools
ο Specific inspection frequency guidelines
ο Internal plastic coating on drill pipe
ο Chrome alloy hardbanding

NS-2 is very much a live document and is regularly updated. The most recent supplements to NS-2

ο Double Shouldered Connections

ο Fishing & Milling Equipment
ο Integral Joint Tubing Inspection Requirements (for TTRD operations)

NS-2 is one of a range of NS Publications aimed at providing instruction and increasing knowledge
and awareness within the industry. Other publications, which may be used in conjunction with NS-2
as part of a quality programme include:

NS-1 Quality and Inspection Requirements for New and Refurbished Drilling &
Completion Equipment
NS-5 Drill String Failure Prevention Rig Team Handbook
NS-14 Drill String Design Manual
NS-19 The Rig Team Tool Joint and Connection Handbook
NS-21 Drill String Knowledge Handbook
NS-23 Drill String Procurement & Inspection Training Course Manual

Copyright Notice

© O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited, 2000

No part of this document shall be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing
by electronic means) without the prior written permission of O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited,
except as permitted by the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.
Technical Review and Updates

This standard is very much a live document and its success will depend on regular updates and
technical reviews by O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited and a Technical Review Committee
comprised of representatives from operators, drilling contractors, equipment supply companies
and inspection companies. Suggestions for changes and additions should be forwarded in the first
instance to O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited (see Appendix 1 for contact details).

Disclaimer of Liability

O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited has made every effort to ensure the reliability of the data
presented in this standard. However, O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited makes no representation
or warranty (whether expressed or implied) and shall have no liability whatsoever for the accuracy or
completeness of the material contained in this standard (or any part thereof).

Principal Author/s

The main author for Rev 1 of 8002-001 and this latest edition (NS-2) is Kevin Fearnley Drillstring
Specialist, O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited.

Technical Review of NS-2 has been performed by Peter Clarke (Drillstring Focal Point) UESC/8 Shell
U.K. Exploration and Production.

The revision of dimensional tables for drill pipe tool joints and BHA components has been performed
by Ray Procter, Specialist Drilling Engineer and Steve Minnoch, Snr. Drillstring Quality Engineer.

Companies / or persons listed as part of the Technical Review Committee

Peter Clark Shell U.K. Exploration and Production

Ato Aidoo Talisman Energy (UK) Limited
Mick Buyers BP Amoco
Jim Chalmers Offshore Rentals
Jim Miller Smith
Francios Kessler Grant Prideco
Mike McCrae Pathfinder
Gary Noble Premier Oilfield Rentals
Gary Mosson KCA Drilling
Geoff Shepard Global Marine (USA)
Hienz Hentschel
Dag Patterson
Bob Baxter Drilltech Services
Tuboscope Vetco
Simon Haugh
Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Table of Contents

SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................1

1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Objective.....................................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Priority ........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Inspection Standard Revisions.......................................................................................... 1
1.3 Qualification of Inspection Personnel .............................................................................. 1
1.3.1 Written Procedure.......................................................................................................................1
1.3.2 Training Program........................................................................................................................2
1.3.3 Qualification ...............................................................................................................................2
1.3.4 Certification ................................................................................................................................2
1.3.5 Responsibility .............................................................................................................................3
1.4 Inspection and Repair Equipment.................................................................................... 3
1.5 Inspection Scheduling ........................................................................................................ 3
1.6 Material Identification and Colour Code......................................................................... 3
1.6.1 Identification Number.................................................................................................................3
1.6.2 Defect Markings and Colour Coding .........................................................................................4
1.6.3 Separation of Pipe.......................................................................................................................4
1.7 Reporting Inspection Results ............................................................................................ 7
1.8 Audit of Inspection Company and Personnel.................................................................. 7
1.9 Material Handling.............................................................................................................. 8
1.9.1 Protection of Threads and Sealing Surfaces ...............................................................................8
1.9.2 Cleaning......................................................................................................................................8
1.9.3 Damage.......................................................................................................................................8
1.9.4 Handling .....................................................................................................................................8
1.9.5 Stacking ......................................................................................................................................9
1.9.6 Observation.................................................................................................................................9
1.10 Reference Publications ...................................................................................................... 9


2.1 Visual Inspection .............................................................................................................. 11
2.1.1 Provisions For Use ...................................................................................................................11
2.1.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................11
2.1.3 Personnel Vision.......................................................................................................................11
2.1.4 Illumination ..............................................................................................................................11
2.1.5 Optical Borescopes ...................................................................................................................11
2.2 Cleaning and Surface Preparation ................................................................................. 12
2.2.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................12
2.2.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................12
2.2.3 Cleaning Material .....................................................................................................................12
2.2.4 Surface Preparation...................................................................................................................13
2.3 Wet-Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection (Drill Pipe Tube Bodies, Tool Joint
OD, and Connections)...................................................................................................... 14
2.3.1 Provisions For Use ...................................................................................................................14
2.3.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................14
2.3.3 Magnetic Particle Requirements...............................................................................................14
2.3.4 Ultraviolet (UV) Lamp .............................................................................................................14

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

2.3.5 Longitudinal Field Magnetism .................................................................................................15

2.3.6 Electromagnetic Yoke Magnetisation ......................................................................................17
2.3.7 Magnetic Field Orientation and Strength .................................................................................18
2.3.8 Magnetisation Process ..............................................................................................................18
2.3.9 Environment .............................................................................................................................18
2.3.10 Application of Particles ............................................................................................................18
2.4 Dry Magnetic-Particle Inspection (Tube Bodies, Slip/Upset Areas) ........................... 18
2.4.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................18
2.4.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................19
2.4.3 Magnetic Particles ....................................................................................................................19
2.4.4 Longitudinal Field Magnetisation ............................................................................................19
2.4.5 Electromagnetic Yoke Magnetisation ......................................................................................19
2.4.6 Environment .............................................................................................................................20
2.4.7 Application of Particles ............................................................................................................20
2.5 Liquid-Penetrant Inspection (Connections) .................................................................. 20
2.5.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................20
2.5.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................20
2.5.3 Liquid Penetrant and Developer Materials...............................................................................20
2.5.4 Ultraviolet (UV) Lamp .............................................................................................................21
2.5.5 Environment .............................................................................................................................21
2.5.6 Penetrant Test Standard ............................................................................................................21
2.6 Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Measurements (Tube Bodies)............................................ 21
2.6.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................21
2.6.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................21
2.6.3 Ultrasonic Pulser/Receiver Unit and Transducer .....................................................................22
2.6.4 Couplant ...................................................................................................................................22
2.6.5 Calibration Procedure ...............................................................................................................23
2.7 Electromagnetic Drill-Pipe Body Inspection ................................................................. 23
2.7.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................23
2.7.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................23
2.7.3 Electromagnetic Inspection Unit ..............................................................................................23
2.7.4 Calibration Procedure ...............................................................................................................24
2.8 Ultrasonic Drill-Pipe Slip/Upset Area Inspection ......................................................... 24
2.8.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................24
2.8.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................24
2.8.3 Ultrasonic Pulser/Receiver Unit and Transducer .....................................................................24
2.8.4 Couplant ...................................................................................................................................25
2.8.5 Calibration Procedure ...............................................................................................................25
2.9 Dimensional Measurements (Tube Bodies, Connections) ............................................ 25
2.9.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................25
2.9.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................25
2.9.3 Calibration ................................................................................................................................26
2.9.4 Dimensional Measurement Recording .....................................................................................26
2.10 Portable Hardness Testing (Tube Bodies, Connections) .............................................. 26
2.10.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................26
2.10.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................26
2.10.3 Portable Hardness Testing Unit................................................................................................26
2.10.4 Testing Procedure .....................................................................................................................27
2.11 Hydrostatic Pressure Testing .......................................................................................... 27
2.11.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................27
2.11.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................27
2.11.3 Pressure Gauges and Recording Devices .................................................................................27
2.11.4 Test Pressures and Hold Times ................................................................................................28
2.11.5 Reporting ..................................................................................................................................28

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

2.12 ATI (ACFM) Inspection - Connections.......................................................................... 28

2.12.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................28
2.12.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................28
2.12.3 Mains powered instrument/Laptop PC controller and probes ..................................................29
2.12.4 Calibration Standards ...............................................................................................................29
2.12.5 Application ...............................................................................................................................29
2.13 Wet Magnetic Particle Inspection (Drill Pipe Slip and Upset Areas) ......................... 29
2.13.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................29
2.13.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................29
2.13.3 Magnetic Particle Requirements...............................................................................................29
2.13.4 Electromagnetic Yoke Magnetisation ......................................................................................30
2.13.4 Application of White Contrast Paint ........................................................................................30
2.13.5 Application of Particles ............................................................................................................30
2.14 Repair ............................................................................................................................... 30
2.14.1 Provisions for Use ....................................................................................................................30
2.14.2 Equipment.................................................................................................................................31
2.14.3 Connection and Tool-Joint Repair............................................................................................31
2.14.4 Pipe Body Repair......................................................................................................................33
2.14.5 Pipe Straightening ....................................................................................................................33
2.14.6 Hardbanding .............................................................................................................................33
2.14.7 Machine Shop Connection Repair............................................................................................35
2.14.8 Tool Joint Build-Up..................................................................................................................36
2.14.9 Re-Tool Jointing .......................................................................................................................37

SECTION 3. EVALUATION OF IMPERFECTIONS.......................................................38

3.1 Drill Pipe Connection, Tool-Joint, Body -Acceptance/Rejection/Classification Criteria
............................................................................................................................... 38
3.2 Heavyweight Drill-Pipe Connection, Tool Joint, Body - Acceptance/Rejection/
Classification Criteria ...................................................................................................... 42
3.3 Drill Collar Connection, Body - Acceptance/Rejection/Classification Criteria ......... 46
3.4 Bottom Hole Assembly (Subs, Stabilisers, Mud Motors, MWD, etc.) Connection,
Body - Acceptance/Rejection/Classification Criteria.................................................... 48

SECTION 4. INSPECTION AND REPAIR PROCEDURES............................................92

4.1 Objective ........................................................................................................................... 92
4.2 Inspection and Repair Preparation ................................................................................ 92
4.2.1 Equipment Set Up.....................................................................................................................92
4.2.2 Material Identification ..............................................................................................................92
4.3 Drill Pipe ........................................................................................................................... 92
4.3.1 Inspection Coverage (Tool Joint and Connection) ...................................................................92
4.3.2 Visual and Dimensional Inspection of the Hydril Wedge Thread Connection ........................94
4.3.3 Visual and Dimensional Inspection of the DSTJ Connection ..................................................95
4.3.4 Visual and Dimensional Inspection of the Grant Prideco HT (High Torque) Connection ......96
4.3.5 Inspection Coverage (Slip and Upset Area) .............................................................................98
4.3.6 Inspection Coverage (Pipe Body).............................................................................................99
4.3.7 Prove-up .................................................................................................................................100
4.4 Heavyweight Drill Pipe .................................................................................................. 100
4.4.1 Inspection Coverage (Tool Joint and Connection) .................................................................100
4.4.2 Inspection Coverage (Slip and Upset Area) ...........................................................................102

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

4.4.3 Inspection Coverage (Pipe Body)...........................................................................................102

4.5 Drill Collars .................................................................................................................... 103
4.5.1 Inspection Coverage (Connections)........................................................................................103
4.5.2 Inspection Coverage (Elevator and Slip Recess)....................................................................104
4.6 Drill Collars (Non ferromagnetic) ................................................................................ 105
4.6.1 Inspection Coverage (Connections)........................................................................................105
4.6.2 Inspection Coverage (Elevator and Slip Recess)....................................................................106
4.7 Bottom Hole Assembly (Subs, Stabilisers, Jars, Reamers, Mud Motors, MWD, etc.)
............................................................................................................................. 106
4.7.1 Inspection Coverage (Connections)........................................................................................106
4.7.2 Inspection Coverage (Body)...................................................................................................107
4.8 Minimum Supplementary Inspection Requirements for Bottom Hole Assembly
Components .................................................................................................................... 108
4.9 Other Inspections and Testing (Optional) ................................................................... 108
4.9.1 ATI (ACFM) Inspection (Optional) .......................................................................................108
4.10 Post-Inspection and Field Repair ................................................................................. 111
4.10.1 Protection of Connections ......................................................................................................111
4.10.2 Defect Markings and Colour code..........................................................................................111
4.10.3 Reporting Inspection and Repair Results ...............................................................................111
4.11 Summary......................................................................................................................... 112


5.1 Objective ......................................................................................................................... 116
5.2 Documentation Review .................................................................................................. 116
5.3 Electromagnetic Inspection ........................................................................................... 116
5.4 Ultrasonic Shearwave Inspection of Friction Weld .................................................... 117
5.5 Profile and Length Verification of MIU ....................................................................... 119
5.6 Dimensional Verification of Threaded Connections ................................................... 120
5.7 Visual Evaluation of Hardbanding............................................................................... 120
5.8 Wet Magnetic Particle Inspection of Upsets................................................................ 120
5.9 Recording of all Drill Pipe Identification Numbers .................................................... 121
5.10 Wet Magnetic Particle Inspection of Connections ...................................................... 122
5.11 Visual Thread Inspection .............................................................................................. 122
5.12 Hardness Testing of Tool Joints ................................................................................... 122
5.13 Evaluation of Pipe Body Straightness .......................................................................... 122
5.14 Destructive Testing ........................................................................................................ 123

SECTION 6. LIMITED SERVICE....................................................................................124

6.1 Objective ......................................................................................................................... 124
6.2 Stress Relief Features..................................................................................................... 124
6.2.1 Background.............................................................................................................................124

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

6.2.2 Failures from Fatigue and the cost of a Failure ......................................................................125

6.2.3 Further Considerations ...........................................................................................................126
6.2.4 Use of the Modified Stress Relief Groove..............................................................................126
6.3 Bending Strength Ratio (SRG) ..................................................................................... 126
6.3.1 Background.............................................................................................................................126
6.3.2 BSR Range for this Standard..................................................................................................126
6.3.3 Use of BHA equipment outside this Range............................................................................127
6.4 Drill Collar OD for use with Elevators ........................................................................ 127
6.4.1 Background.............................................................................................................................127
6.4.2 Considerations for Use ...........................................................................................................127
6.5 Minimum Internal Upset (MIU) ................................................................................... 128
6.5.1 Background.............................................................................................................................128
6.5.2 Consideration for Use.............................................................................................................128
6.6 Internal Plastic Coating................................................................................................. 129
6.6.1 Background.............................................................................................................................129
6.6.2 Considerations for Use ...........................................................................................................129
6.7 Build - Up (Weld Repair) on Tool Joints ..................................................................... 129
6.7.1 Background.............................................................................................................................129
6.7.2 Considerations for Use ...........................................................................................................130
6.8 Wear Indicator Gap Ring – (Hydril Wedge Thread) ................................................. 130
6.8.1 Background.............................................................................................................................130
6.8.2 Consideration for Use.............................................................................................................130
6.9 Surface Treatment – (Chromium Manganese Alloy Steel) ........................................ 130
6.9.1 Background.............................................................................................................................130
6.9.2 Considerations for Use ...........................................................................................................131
6.10 Tungsten Carbide Hardbanding................................................................................... 131
6.10.1 Background.............................................................................................................................131
6.10.2 Considerations for Use ...........................................................................................................131
6.11 Material Certification, Inspection Reports, Repair Reports...................................... 132
6.11.1 Material Certification..............................................................................................................132
6.11.2 Inspection and Repair Reports................................................................................................132

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

List of Tables

Table 1. Bottomhole Assembly Colour Code Classification Chart.................................................... 5

Table 2. Drill Pipe Colour Code Classification Chart........................................................................ 6

Table 3. Electromagnetic Yoke Performance Requirements ........................................................... 17

Table 4. Liquid-Penetrant Inspection Dwell Time Requirements ................................................... 21

Table 5. Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Instrument Performance Requirements .................................. 22

Table 6. Used Tool Joint Dimensional Acceptance Criteria............................................................ 52

Table 6a. Dimensional Requirements for Maximum Counterbore Diameter Hydril WT ................. 66

Table 6b. Dimensional Requirements for DSTJ Pin and Box Lengths.............................................. 67

Table 6c. Grant Prideco Hi Torque Field Inspection Dimensions, Pin and Box .............................. 68

Table 7. Used Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Classification Chart ......................................................... 69

Table 8. Used Heavyweight Drillpipe and Connection Dimensional Acceptance Criteria ............. 70

Table 9. Used BHA Connection Dimensional Acceptance Criteria ................................................ 72

Table 10. Dimensional Criteria for Measurements of Drill Collar OD, and Elevator and Slip
Groove Recess.................................................................................................................... 83

Table 11. Minimum Supplementary Inspection Requirements for Specialised Bottomhole

Assembly Components ...................................................................................................... 84

Table 12. Stabiliser Dimensional Acceptance Criteria *1,2 ................................................................ 89

Table 13. Minimum Length for Drillstring Subs ............................................................................... 90

Table 14. Float Valve Recess in Bit Subs .......................................................................................... 91

Table 15. Summary of Drillstring Inspections ................................................................................. 113

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

List of Figures

Figure 1. Markings for bottomhole-assembly classification.............................................................. 5

Figure 2. Markings for drill-pipe classification ................................................................................. 6

Figure 3. DC coil magnetisation requirements: field strength in air versus pipe diameter............. 16

Figure 4. DC coil magnetisation requirements: amp-turns versus pipe diameter for various
coil sizes ........................................................................................................................... 16

Figure 5. API Type Bench Mark...................................................................................................... 32

Figure 6. Gauge Point Pitch Diameter ............................................................................................. 32

Figure 7. Crack located in the hardbanding at the centre wear section ........................................... 35

Figure 8. Box connection showing the Grant Prideco type bench mark ......................................... 35

Figure 9. Spalling problem shown on Chrome Alloy Hardbanding ................................................ 41

Figure 10. Locations for Tool Joint Measurements ........................................................................... 51

Figure 11. Locations for BHA Connection Measurements ............................................................... 71

Figure 12. Field Go/No Go Gauge, Pin ............................................................................................. 97

Figure 13. Field Go/No Go Gauge, Box ............................................................................................ 98

Figure 14. Shearwave Ultrasonic Inspection ................................................................................... 118

Figure 15. MIU Profile Verification................................................................................................. 119

Figure 16. Elephant Hide seen under Blacklight Inspection............................................................ 121

Figure 17. Maximum Stress at Root of Last Engaged Thread for the Pin of an NC50
Axisymmetric Model...................................................................................................... 125

Figure 18. Drill Collar Elevator Shoulder........................................................................................ 127

Figure 19. Internal Upset Profile / Typical Washout Location ....................................................... 128

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

List of Appendices

Appendix 1. Drillstring Inspection Focal Point Support ........................................................... A1-1

Appendix 2. Drillstring Inspection Diagrams ........................................................................... A2-1

Inspection Diagram 1 : Drill Pipe......................................................................... A2-2

Inspection Diagram 2 : Heavyweight Drill Pipe................................................... A2-3
Inspection Diagram 3 : Drill Collar ...................................................................... A2-4
Inspection Diagram 4 : Drill Stem Subs ............................................................... A2-5
Inspection Diagram 5 : Stabilisers........................................................................ A2-6

Appendix 3. Drillstring Inspection Frequency Guidelines........................................................ A3-1

Appendix 4. Drillstring Failure Statistics.................................................................................. A4-1

Appendix 5. Thread Compound Friction Correction Factors.................................................... A5-1

Appendix 6. What to do if a Drillstring Failure Occurs ............................................................ A6-1

Appendix 7. Datasheets for Drillpipe and Drillstring Components .......................................... A7-1

Appendix 8. Drill Pipe Coating Visual Condition Report and Photographs............................. A8-1

Appendix 9. Pictures of ATI Equipment................................................................................... A9-1

Appendix 10. Glossary ................................................................................................................ A10-1




¹SPE 23841 “What difference does internal taper length make on drill pipe fatigue life” G.E.
Wilson, Prideco Inc, and J.S. Shepard, Global Marine Drilling Co.

November 1999 Page x

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0


1.1 Scope

1.1.1 Objective

This Standard covers the inspection and repair of drillstring components that may be used
by a North Sea Operator. For purposes of this Standard, the drillstring is assumed to extend
from the drill bit connection up to but not including the top drive or kelly. The objective
of this document is to specify inspection and repair requirements and procedures for the
detection, correction and classification of discontinuities and irregularities in drillstring
components by inspection companies (referred to as ‘Company’) as defined in API Bulletin
5TI, API Specification 7, and API Recommended Practice 7G, latest edition.

Specifying the correct inspection procedure and the way in which it shall be conducted, is
necessary to prevent equipment failures within the drillstring by identifying problems that
limit its serviceability.

1.1.2 Priority

This Standard is to be the controlling document in all cases of conflict or dispute between
this Standard and other referenced specifications, standards, or Inspection Company
standard operating practices. New and refurbished drillstring components shall be
fabricated and inspected in accordance with NS-1 “Standard Quality and Inspection

1.2 Inspection Standard Revisions

All revisions to this Inspection Standard and/or any phase of the inspection which is not in
compliance with this Standard must be approved by the Drillstring Inspection Standard Focal
Point. Approval to deviate from this Standard shall be given in writing and shall be received
by the Inspection Company or rental company prior to commencing inspection operations or
using any procedures not covered by this Standard.

1.3 Qualification of Inspection Personnel

1.3.1 Written Procedure

All inspection companies performing inspection to this Standard shall have a formal
written procedure for training and qualifying its inspection personnel.

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

1.3.2 Training Program

Each inspector shall have completed sufficient formal training, practice, and must be able
to demonstrate knowledge and competence.

1.3.3 Qualification

Qualification of inspection personnel shall be the responsibility of the Inspection Company.

The minimum level of qualification acceptable for performing inspection to this Standard
is at least:

Magnetic Particle Inspection: ASNT Level II (MPI) and 2 years experience in

inspection of drillstring equipment e.g. drill collars,
heavyweight drill pipe.

Liquid Penetrant Inspection: ASNT Level II (DPI) and 2 years experience in inspection
of drillstring equipment e.g. drill collars, heavyweight
drill pipe.

Electromagnetic Inspection: ASNT Level II (MPI) and 3 years experience in inspection

of drill pipe.

Ultrasonic Inspection: ASNT Level II (UT) and 3 years experience in inspection

of drill pipe.

ATI (ACFM) Inspection : ASNT Level II (MPI). The operator of the equipment
must be familiar with the operation of the equipment and
the Company Procedure for operation. The Inspection
Supervisor has access to the ATI system operating
parameters and will specify, on the system, the operators
with approval to use the equipment.

The inspector performing the MPI, DPI, EMI, UT or ATI inspections shall be able to
provide evidence of training to include:

• Equipment set up and operating procedures

• Calibration of equipment and maintenance (general)
• Report preparation

This training shall be in the form of a written and practical examination.

Note: At present no industry qualification level exists for Electromagnetic Inspection.

1.3.4 Certification

All personnel performing inspections covered by this Standard shall be certified as being
competent for the particular phase or type of inspection they perform. Qualifications and
certification records shall include but are not limited to the following:

• Name of certified individual

• Discipline, level, date of certification, and date of expiration

November 1999 Page 2

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

• Educational background and experience

• Date, duration and location of training courses
• Examination scores
• Statement of satisfactory completion of courses
• Other qualifications if used in lieu of examinations
• Signatures of course examiner and designated Company representative

All personnel who are certified by the Company shall have a certification card at the
worksite. The information on the card shall include but are not limited to the following:

• Company Identification
• Certified individual’s name
• Passport sized photograph of the certified individual
• Discipline, level, date of certification, and date of expiration
• Signature of responsible officer of the Company

1.3.5 Responsibility

An Inspection Company employee that is on location shall be designated as responsible for

all inspection operations being performed. This person shall sign the Inspection Company
report described in Section 1.7.

1.4 Inspection and Repair Equipment

All equipment used in any phase of any inspection performed to this standard shall be in
good working condition, calibrated and serialised with a unique identification number. Upon
request, Inspection Company personnel shall verify that all inspection and repair equipment
and procedures are in compliance with this Standard.

1.5 Inspection Scheduling

The time required for each type of inspection or testing process must not be impacted by
production schedules, delivery requirements, or by pressure from other inspection processes or

1.6 Material Identification and Colour Code

1.6.1 Identification Number

Each component to be inspected shall be assigned a permanent identification number.

The identification number shall be unique to the individual piece and shall be applied
by die stamping in positions mutually acceptable by the owner of the material and the
Customer or his Representative. The die stamping shall not be placed in areas where
fatigue cracking may occur (e.g., pin stress relief groove, drill collar elevator recess).
Other forms of permanent identification such as electronic tagging also may be used, but
require approval by the Customer if not used in conjunction with die stamping.

November 1999 Page 3

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Note: Stress Relief Features should be smooth and free from any stress raisers such
as die stamping as this will minimise the benefits of the relief feature. Certain rig
crews have found this a convenient area to place die stamps for the components serial

1.6.2 Defect Markings and Colour Coding

All material inspected shall be identified by the Inspection Company work order number
and classification colour codes after completion of the inspection or repair unless specified
otherwise. Drill collars and other bottomhole assembly tools shall be classified in
accordance with Table 1 and Figure 1. Drill pipe shall be classified in accordance with
Table 2 and Figure 2. The classification colour code shall consist of paint bands, at
least one inch wide, which encircle the outside diameter of each inspected connection or
inspected area (e.g., stabiliser blades, shock sub mandrels, etc.). In addition, drill pipe shall
be punch marked on the pin end tool joint backside taper indicating the pipe classification
(e.g., one for Premium, two for Class 2, etc.) and inspection date (month, year). If the pipe
is rejected, the following additional marking shall be applied (as illustrated in Figure 1):

• Circle defect with red paint.

• Print the type of defect in white paint next to defective area.

If the bottomhole assembly tool connection is classified to limited service, the following
additional markings shall be made:

• Print the type of imperfection in white paint next to the connection shoulder.
• Replace the yellow band with a red band if the connection condition is not acceptable
to the Customer or his Representative for service.

1.6.3 Separation of Pipe

Rejected pipe shall be separated from accepted pipe.

November 1999 Page 4

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

able 1
Bottomhole Assembly
Colour Code Classification Chart

Colour Code Classification Remarks

White Acceptable Complies with this Standard
Green Inspection Repairs are required that may be conducted by
Repairable the Inspection Company
Company.. Once repaired, the
green band shall be replaced with a white band.
Yellow Limited Service, Imperfections exist that exceed
Questionable recommendations (e.g., relief features, bending
strength ratio). The customer or his
representative shall be informed and if not
acceptable for service, the yellow band shall be
replaced with a red band.
Red Reject Does not comply with this standard.


Pin OK Box Cracked

White Band Red Band

Figure 1
Markings for bottomhole-assembly classification

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Figure 2
Markings for drill-pipe classification

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

1.7 Reporting Inspection Results

A written inspection report shall be submitted by the Inspection Company upon completion of
the work specified on the work order. The written inspection report shall be completed on a
Company inspection form which, as a minimum, shall contain the following:

a. Classification. The final classification of all pieces inspected, including any repair

b. Markings. The type, colour, and location of the classification identification markings which
have been applied to each piece.

c. Identification. The pipe OD, ID, grade, weight, length, thread type, thread relief features,
MIU length, tool type (e.g., drill collar, drill pipe, stabiliser, shock sub, etc.), manufacturer
(when possible), identification number, and other significant physical dimensions.

d Defects. The location and severity of all defects. Identify defects using terms described in
API Bulletin 5TI, API Specification 7, and API Recommended Practice 7G.

e. Personnel. The name, job classification(s), and certification of all Inspection Company
personnel performing inspections at the work location.

f. Responsibility. The signature of the designated Inspection Company representative who is

responsible for the service provided.

g. Work Order. The customer purchase order number, AFE number, work order number, or
shop job number(s).

h. Equipment. The unit and serial numbers of all inspection equipment used.

i. Location. The name of the drilling rig and well site or pipe yard location where the
inspection work was performed.

j. Date. The date of inspection work.

k. Standards. The types of calibration standards and methods used (e.g., Inspection Company
standard operating procedure).

l. Logs. The location of the original inspection logs, tapes, or records.

m. Thread Compound. Details of the thread compound used to protect the threads on
completion of the inspection.

1.8 Audit of Inspection Company and Personnel

An audit of an Inspection Company, its personnel and/or its equipment, may be performed by
the Customer or his nominated representative. This audit may occur before, during, or after
any inspection operation.

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

1.9 Material Handling

1.9.1 Protection of Threads and Sealing Surfaces

The threads and sealing surfaces on all materials being inspected shall be protected
whenever possible. This protection is to be in place whenever the threads or sealing
surfaces could be damaged and at all times when threads or sealing surfaces are not
themselves being inspected. Immediately after the inspection of the threads and sealing
surfaces, these surfaces will be cleaned of all foreign particles and clean thread compound
evenly applied to the entire threaded region. Clean, dry thread protectors shall be
reinstalled in a secure manner as soon as possible after inspection operations are completed.
The thread protectors shall not have rust on surfaces that directly contact the threads.
Damaged thread protectors shall not be placed back on drill pipe or bottomhole assembly

Note: It is advised to ensure that the Inspection Company apply the same make-up thread
compound on completion of inspection, to that which is to be used offshore. This will
minimise the risk of contaminating the make-up compound with a storage compound
sometimes used by inspection and rental companies, which can affect the friction factor
and make-up figures for the connection. This concern has been highlighted when
investigating the cause of thread galling on some operations.

In all cases it is good practice for the rig crew to remove all thread compound on
material returned from onshore to allow a good visual inspection of the connections for
any obvious damage and to then apply the required make-up compound.

The Shell thread compound “Malleus STC2” is widely used in North Sea operations.
This is based on “Malleus TC2” (also used widely on North Sea Rigs) with extra anti-
corrosion additives making it suitable both as a make-up and a storage compound
whereas the “Malleus TC2” is only a make-up compound.

Some commonly used make-up compounds and their friction correction factors can be
found in Appendix 5.

1.9.2 Cleaning

All materials used to clean and/or prepare threads or sealing surfaces for inspection shall
be in compliance with Section 2.2.3.

1.9.3 Damage

All damage done to threads and sealing surfaces during an inspection shall be the
responsibility of the Inspection Company. Metal thread protectors must not be hammered
and plastic protectors must not be punctured. Only chain wrenches, strap wrenches, or
specific thread protector tools shall be used on the thread protectors.

1.9.4 Handling

All loading, unloading, bundling and stacking of drillstring components shall be performed
so that none of the components involved are damaged by any of the above.

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Particular attention must be given to prevent dropping and banging so that no materials are
dented, bent, or damaged in any way.

1.9.5 Stacking

Pipe shall not be stacked directly on the ground and shall have wooden strips placed
between layers so that weight does not rest directly on the threaded ends. Use at least three
spacing strips for API Range 3 pipe and two spacing strips for API Range 2 pipe along its
length. All rack inspections must be completed on only a single layer of pipe.

1.9.6 Observation

The customer or his representative shall have the authority to require that corrective
measures be taken immediately to prevent damage to the pipe.

1.10 Reference Publications

The following applicable specifications and related materials are used as reference documents in
the Standard. (The most recent documents are noted as current publication for this Standard):

a. API Bulletin 5TI, Bulletin on Non destructive Testing Terminology, Tenth Edition, October,

b. API Specification 7, Specification for Rotary Drilling Equipment, Thirty-Ninth Edition,

December 1997. (Effective date, June 1, 1998).

c. API Recommended Practice 7G, Recommended Practice for Drill Stem Design and
Operating Limits, Sixteenth Edition, August 1, 1998. (ISO 10407)

d. API Recommended Practice 5A5, Recommended Practice for Field Inspection of New
Casing, Tubing, and Plain-End Drill Pipe, Sixth Edition, December 1997 (Effective date
March 1998).

e. API Specification 5D, Specification for Drill Pipe, Third Edition, August 1, 1992.

f. API Specification 7K, Specification for Drilling Equipment, 2nd Edition, February, 1996
(Errata 20/4/98)

g. ASTM E 10-98, E 18-98a, E 110-82 (1997), and E 140-97, Test Methods for Hardness

h. ASTM Standards E 165-95, E 1316-99, and E 433-71(1997), Practice for Liquid Penetrant

i. ASTM Standards E 709-95 and E 1316-99, Practice for Magnetic Particle Examination.

j. ASTM Standards E 213-98, E 797-95, E 114-95, and E 1316-99, Practice for Ultrasonic

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

k. ASTM E 570-97 and E 1316-99, Practice for Electromagnetic Inspection.

l. Standard Quality and Inspection Requirements (NS-1) - Section 3 (Drilling Equipment).

m. Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products BS 7079
Part A1: 1989 (ISO 8501-1:1998).

n. The ATI Thread Inspection System (Technical Software Consultants) Document : TSC/

o. O.C.T.G. Procter Drillstring Failure Prevention Supervisors Course Manual.

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0



2.1 Visual Inspection

2.1.1 Provisions For Use

Inspections shall be performed in accordance with this Standard.

2.1.2 Equipment

The equipment required consists of the following:

1) Illuminating lamps
2) Ultraviolet lamps
3) Optical borescopes
4) Magnifying mirror

2.1.3 Personnel Vision

All personnel engaged in performing visual inspections shall have:

1) Natural or corrected visual acuity for reading J-2 letters on a Jaeger’s standard test
chart at a distance of not less than 12 inches

2) The ability to distinguish and differentiate contrast among colours used in the
inspection methods performed. Visual acuity and colour perception shall be determined
and documented by an annual eye examination administered by a qualified general

2.1.4 Illumination

Adequate lighting must be provided as follows:

a. Direct daylight conditions are acceptable.

b. Facility lighting that exceeds 50 foot-candles (lumens) on the pipe surface.

c. Ultraviolet lights shall be capable of providing a minimum of 800 microwatts/cm2

intensity of 365 nanometer wavelength at a distance of 12 inches or at the working
distance of the light source, whichever is greater.

2.1.5 Optical Borescopes

Optical borescopes used to inspect the inside surface of the pipe are required to have an
illuminated mirror and are required to be adequately insulated to prevent electrical shock.

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Operators of these instruments must be able to read the date on a U.K. 10p coin placed two
to three feet into the pipe. Similarly, if borescopes using fibre optics for illumination and
viewing are used, they must be capable of the same resolution.

2.2 Cleaning and Surface Preparation

2.2.1 Provisions for Use

Cleaning and surface preparation shall be performed in accordance with this Standard.

2.2.2 Equipment

The equipment required consists of the following:

1) Cleaning solutions
2) Manual and power brushes
3) High pressure steam or water blast units
4) Clean cloths
5) Mechanical files and/or metal-polishing abrasives

2.2.3 Cleaning Material All materials used to clean and/or prepare drill pipe and bottomhole assemblies for
inspection or repair shall not be harmful to the pieces being inspected or persons
conducting the work. Acceptable cleaning solutions include solvents, steam, and
hot water and detergent. The thread roots shall be cleaned using wire brushes and bristle brushes (natural
or synthetic) to ensure an adequate inspection, especially in the area of the
last engaged thread. Soft composition fibre wheels may be used for difficult-to-
clean areas (e.g., thread roots and bore-back relief areas), but medium or hard
composition fibre wheels or methods that remove more than 0.001 inch of material
from the surface are not acceptable. No sandblasting of threads allowed. Solvents and solutions used to clean surfaces prior to inspection or used as a carrier
for wet-fluorescent magnetic particles shall be clean and free from suspended
dirt, rust, metallic particles and fibres, and shall also be residue free. Low
viscosity, low odour kerosene hydrocarbons and mineral spirits such as Varsol®
are recommended. Diesel, gasoline or other solvents used as motor vehicle fuels
are not acceptable for use. Acceptable solvents shall conform with the following:

Viscosity, maximum (kinematic at 38°C) 3cST

Flash Point, minimum (Tag, closed cup) 57°C (135°F)
Initial Boiling Point, minimum 200°C (390°F)
End Point, maximum 260°C (500°F)
Colour (Saybolt) +25

Low sulphur available (copper strip test, ASTM D 130-88)

November 1999 Page 12

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 Solvents and solutions shall not be recycled for repeated use, unless reconditioned
to new product specifications. In environmentally sensitive areas, some cleaning solutions (e.g., solvents) may not
be permitted to fall onto the ground. In these cases, the use of absorbent materials
and drip pans or environmentally-acceptable cleaning solutions is required.

2.2.4 Surface Preparation Wet Fluorescent or Liquid Penetrant (Connections) - All connections to be

inspected by wet fluorescent or liquid penetrant methods shall be cleaned to a
shiny metal surface and free from any traces of grease or thread dope. Wet Fluorescent (Slip & Upset Area) - All upset and slip areas to be inspected by
wet fluorescent methods shall be cleaned to a surface condition equal to or greater
than C st 2 as detailed in BS 7079: Part A1: 1989. Ultrasonic Inspection (Slip & Upset Area) - All upset and slip areas to be inspected
by ultrasonic methods shall be cleaned to a surface condition equal to or greater
than C st 2 as detailed in BS 7079: Part A1: 1989. Electromagnetic Inspection (Tube Body) - All tube bodies to be inspected by

electromagnetic methods shall be free from scale, loose rust, heavy deposits of
drilling mud, grease, oil, or any other material which would adversely affect the
sensitivity of the inspection. Visual Inspection (Tube Bore) - All tube bores to be visually inspected, e.g. drill
pipe for plastic coating evaluation and drill collars (non-ferromagnetic) for stress-
corrosion or sulphide-stress cracks, shall be free from heavy deposits of drilling
mud or any other material which would adversely affect a visual examination. Wet Fluorescent (Tong & Hardband Areas, Elevator & Slip Recesses) - All tong,
hardband areas, elevator and slip recesses shall be free from scale, loose rust,
heavy deposits of drilling mud, grease, oil or any other material which would
adversely affect the sensitivity of the inspection. Field Hardness Measurements (Tube Body, Tool Joints) - When preparing surfaces
for field hardness measurements, the surface on which the impression is to be
made shall be mechanically filed, ground, machined, or polished with abrasive
materials so that the impression is made on uniform base material. The surface
finish for hardness testing shall be 32 micro-inch CLA or better. Care should be
taken to avoid overheating or cold working the surface. ATI (ACFM) Inspection (Connections) - The ATI system does not require extensive
cleaning. It is not necessary to degrease the component. The probe sensors fit into
the thread root and threads must be clear of hardened grout or other hard residues.
The threads should be clear of mechanical damage and significant galling. If the
threads have been steam cleaned then excess water should be wiped out with an
absorbent cloth.

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

2.3 Wet-Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection (Drill Pipe Tube Bodies, Tool
Joint OD, and Connections)

2.3.1 Provisions For Use

Wet-fluorescent magnetic particle inspection shall be performed in accordance with this


2.3.2 Equipment

The equipment required consists of the following:

1) Wet-fluorescent magnetic particles and suspension medium

2) Magnetic particle settling centrifuge
3) Ultraviolet lamp
4) Ultraviolet intensity meter
5) Magnetisation source
6) Magnetic field indicator
7) Tarpaulin
8) Magnifying mirror

2.3.3 Magnetic Particle Requirements The fluorescent magnetic particles used are to be Magnaflux® 14A or its
performance equivalent. The concentration of magnetic particles in the suspension
medium is to be within the range of 0.2 - 0.5 percent by volume based on a 100
ml sampling. A test of particle concentration shall be performed using a settling
centrifuge at the beginning of the inspection day, once every 4 hours, whenever a
new batch is prepared, and upon finishing the inspection work for the day. Solvent-based suspension mediums used shall be ISOPAR M or a Low Odour

Paraffin Solvent (LOPS) and shall comply with Section 2.2.3 for cleaning

2.3.4 Ultraviolet (UV) Lamp

The ultraviolet lamp (blacklight) that is used for wet-fluorescent magnetic particle
inspections shall be well maintained and checked to verify that it is functioning adequately
each time it is turned on and at least once every 8 hours. A minimum 100-watt mercury
vapour bulb is required for illumination and a five-minute bulb warm-up time shall be
allowed prior to use. The ultraviolet lamp shall produce a minimum 800 microwatts/cm2
intensity of 365 nanometers wavelength at a distance of 12 inches or at the working
distance of the light source, whichever is greater.

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2.3.5 Longitudinal Field Magnetism A DC coil shall be used for longitudinal field magnetisation of the OD and ID
surfaces. The coils may be energised by either full-wave or half-wave rectified
current. Capacitive Discharge (CD) units are not acceptable power supplies for
coils. The magnetic requirements for DC coils are specified in either amp-turns or
magnetic field produced in air (gauss).

For the following equations, the symbols are defined as:

Dc = Mean (average) coil diameter (inch)

Dp = Pipe OD (inch)
N = Number of coil turns
I = Current applied to coil (amps)
B = Magnetic field (gauss)

These equations are shown graphically in Figures 3 and 4. When the end area of
the tubular is to be inspected with a DC coil and the pipe is under 8 inches OD,
the required amp-turns must be equal to:

NI = (440 + 65 Dp) Dc

or the magnetic field measured in air at the centre of the coil must be equal to:

B = 200 + 30 (Dp)

If the pipe OD is over 8 inches, then the required amp-turns must be equal to:

NI = 960 (Dc)

or the magnetic field measured in air at the centre of the coil must be equal to:

B = 440

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0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Pipe Diameter (Inches OD)

Figure 3
DC coil magnetisation requirements: field strength in air versus pipe diameter

Dc = 15
15,000 14,400

Dc = 12
10,000 Dc = 10
Dc = 8
5,000 7700

Dc - Mean coil diameter (in)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Pipe Diameter (Inches OD)

Figure 4
DC coil magnetisation requirements: amp-turns versus pipe diameter for various coil sizes

November 1999 Page 16

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 The coil shall be placed directly over the midpoint of the area to be inspected,
and in such a manner as to reinforce (not oppose) any existing longitudinal
magnetic field. The current should be applied and remain flowing while the coil
is withdrawn. The coil shall be electrically insulated from the component being
inspected. All coils shall be identified with a serial number and the number of amp-turns
produced by the system. Alternatively, the coils may identify the number of turns
and the power supply can be equipped with an ammeter which is calibrated every
four months. An AC coil shall not be used for residual field inspection and may be used for
demagnetisation only. An AC or DC yoke may be used for longitudinal magnetisation. However it

must only be used for OD surface inspection using an active field. The electro-
magnetic yoke requirements are given in Table 3.

able 3
Electromagnetic Y
oke Performance Requirements
Magnet Pipe Wall
Wall Thickness (inches) Lifting Force
Force (lb)

DC Yoke
Y Under 3/8 65
DC Yoke
Y Between 3/8 and ½ 110
AC Yoke
Y All (only surface defects) 10

*An optional tangential field requirement of 30 gauss or greater can also be applied on
any AC or DC magnet employed to magnetise pipes of all wall thicknesses.

2.3.6 Electromagnetic Yoke Magnetisation Electromagnetic yokes shall only be used for OD surface active field inspections
and are an acceptable alternative to DC coil magnetisation for this specific
application. The magnetic particles must be applied while magnetism is being
directly applied through the part. The performance requirements of an electromagnetic yoke whether AC or DC

shall be defined by the lifting force at the pole spacing that is to be used for
inspection. These requirements are listed in Table 3. AC yokes are suitable only
for outside surface inspections. The performance of an electromagnetic yoke may be alternatively tested by

measuring the tangential field using a Hall element meter with the probe placed
directly on the pipe surface midway between the poles of the yoke.

The minimum field required is 30 gauss.

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2.3.7 Magnetic Field Orientation and Strength

The magnetic field orientation and strength for all surfaces to be inspected by the magnetic
particle method shall be verified using a strip type penetrameter (e.g., Burmah Castrol®
Strips or equivalent). The penetrameter should be placed at the area to be inspected (e.g.,
the last engaged threads) and lie in the direction of the expected defects. The magnetic
field direction and strength is adequate for inspection only if all the indications on the
penetrameter are clearly visible.

2.3.8 Magnetisation Process

The elapsed time between magnetisation and the subsequent evaluation, classification,
and disposition of a single component shall not exceed four hours, unless its magnetised
condition is clearly marked. This requirement is intended to prevent confusion about
which parts have been magnetised (field remains indefinitely). After magnetisation and
prior to inspection, the material is not to be subjected to mechanical shock.

2.3.9 Environment

Magnetic-particle inspections shall not be conducted in the rain, or when the inspection
surface is damp with moisture (water wetted) or when other conditions prohibit the
cleanliness, application of magnetic particles, or inspection operations.

2.3.10 Application of Particles

Wet fluorescent magnetic particle solution is to be liberally applied on all surfaces to

be inspected. Preferably, this application should be done with the DC coil on (active
inspection) but may be completed after magnetisation as well (residual inspection) as
long as the field strength and direction is confirmed in each connection or item to be
inspected. When using electromagnetic yokes, the magnetic particle solution must be
applied while magnetism is being directly applied through the part (active inspection).
Additional particle solution may be applied as necessary while rolling the pipe from side
to side in order to inspect all areas.

Note: The longitudinal magnetic field from an EMI four station unit is not an acceptable
method for magnetising connections for magnetic particle inspection.

2.4 Dry Magnetic-Particle Inspection (Tube Bodies, Slip/Upset Areas)

2.4.1 Provisions for Use

Dry magnetic-particle inspection is only to be used to assist prove-up of indications from

Electro-Magnetic Inspection of the tube body or Ultrasonic Inspection of tube upsets. It
shall be performed in accordance with this Standard.

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2.4.2 Equipment

The equipment required consists of the following:

1) Dry magnetic particles and powder bulb

2) Magnetisation source

2.4.3 Magnetic Particles The dry magnetic powder shall be a mixture of particles of different sizes, with at
least 75 percent by weight being finer than 120 ASTM sieve size, and a minimum
of 15 percent by weight being finer than 325 ASTM sieve size. The colour of magnetic particles shall be selected so as to provide reasonable

contrast with the material being inspected. The magnetic properties of the particles shall have a high permeability, low
retentivity, low coercive force, and good mobility. The following powders have
been found to be acceptable dry magnetic particles:

• Pyron; grey
• Magnaflux® #8A; red
• AWS-86; red, grey, and white
• Circle Chemical #63; red
• Circle Chemical #72; green
• Atomet
• Quebec Metal Powders
• Econospec; red
• Hoeganaes; red, grey, yellow, blue
• Metal Works - 96; grey, red
• Parker Research; red, blue
• Uresco
• Ancolor; yellow

2.4.4 Longitudinal Field Magnetisation

A DC coil shall be used for longitudinal field magnetisation of the OD and ID surfaces.
The coils may be energised by either full-wave or half-wave rectified current. The
magnetic requirements for DC coils are specified in either amp-turns or magnetic fields
produced in air (gauss), (sec 2.3.5).

2.4.5 Electromagnetic Yoke Magnetisation

Electromagnetic yoke shall be used for OD surface active field inspections only. The
magnetic particles must be applied while magnetism is being directly applied through the

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2.4.6 Environment

Magnetic-particle inspections shall not be conducted in the rain, when the inspection
surface is damp with moisture (water wetted) or when other conditions prohibit the
cleanliness, application of magnetic particles, or inspection operations.

2.4.7 Application of Particles

Dry powder magnetic particles are to be lightly dusted or sprinkled onto the inspection
surface. They are not to be applied by pouring, throwing, or spreading with the fingers.
The preferred method is with a powder bulb with multiple holes in the end cap.

2.5 Liquid-Penetrant Inspection (Connections)

2.5.1 Provisions for Use

Liquid-penetrant inspection shall be used for surface flaw inspection only on non-
ferromagnetic materials, and shall be performed in accordance with this Standard.

2.5.2 Equipment

The equipment required consist of the following:

1) Liquid penetrant and developer solutions

2) Ultraviolet lamp
3) Ultraviolet intensity meter
4) Certified penetrant test standard
5) Tarpaulin
6) Magnifying mirror

2.5.3 Liquid Penetrant and Developer Materials All materials used to perform liquid-penetrant inspections shall not be harmful
to the pieces being inspected or persons conduction the work and comply with
Section 2.2.3 with respect to cleaning materials. Solvent-removable penetrants are the recommended penetrant materials for

inspections, although water-washable penetrants are acceptable (if environmental
considerations require their use) provided that all other requirements are met.
Fluorescent penetrants are preferred over visible penetrants. Penetrant colour shall be distinctly contrasting to the developer used in the

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2.5.4 Ultraviolet (UV) Lamp

The ultraviolet lamp (blacklight) used in fluorescent liquid-penetrant inspection

shall perform in accordance with Section 2.3.4 for wet-fluorescent-magnetic-particle

2.5.5 Environment

Liquid-penetrant inspections shall not be performed in the rain, when the inspection surface
is damp with moisture (water wetted) or when other conditions prohibit the cleanliness,
application of penetrant inspection materials, or inspection operations.

2.5.6 Penetrant Test Standard

The liquid penetrant materials and procedures shall be tested on a certified penetrant test
standard (e.g. quench-cracked 2024-T3 aluminium alloy plate) prior to application on the
parts to be inspected. The calibration test shall be conducted at the same conditions and
using the same procedures to be used during the liquid penetrant inspection.

The dwell time requirements listed below shall be used for penetrant application unless in
conflict with the manufacturer’s specific recommendations for product use.

able 4
Liquid-Penetrant Inspection Dwell T
ime Requirements
Time (minutes)
Dwell T
Surface Temperature
T Minimum Maximum
5°C (41°F) 30 50
15°C (59°F) 20 30
30°C (86°F) 15 25
40°C (104°F) 12 20
50°C (122°F) 10 15

2.6 Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Measurements (Tube Bodies)

2.6.1 Provisions for Use

Ultrasonic wall thickness measurements shall be performed in accordance with this


2.6.2 Equipment

The equipment required consists of the following:

1) Ultrasonic pulser/receiver unit and transducer

2) Calibration step block
3) Couplant

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2.6.3 Ultrasonic Pulser/Receiver Unit and Transducer The ultrasonic pulser/receiver unit and transducer shall be in good working
condition and well maintained. Worn transducers (e.g., curved wear surface),
damaged wires, or faulty electronics shall be repaired or replaced. The ultrasonic
system shall be of the pulse-echo type (i.e., dual element transducer) with a
digital display, as a minimum. The combination of pulser/receiver and transducer
shall have high defect resolution and sensitivity and a wide range of instrument
linearity. This combination shall have the ability to measure the wall thickness
and the remaining wall thickness under a corrosion pit accurately. The specific
performance criteria are listed in Table 5. The following ultrasonic unit and transducer combinations have been found

• Nortec 129D with EHR transducer

• Krautkramer-Branson DM-2 with FH-2 or X-723 transducer
• Krautkramer-Branson USL-38 with 5.0 mHz x 0.25 inch diameter transducer
• StressTel T-Mike 3000 with high-resolution (HR) transducer
• Nova 100-D with high frequency transducer

able 5
Ultrasonic Wall
Wall Thickness Instrument Performance
Instrument Capability Performance Required
1. Defect Sensitivity for 0.50- /32 inch diameter FBH or less
2. Resolution Depth from 0.075 inch to:
• 1/8 inch FBH • over 1.00 inch
• 5/64 inch FBH thickness
• 3/64 inch FBH • over 0.75 inch
• 1/16 inch Through Hole thickness
• over 0.50 inch
• over 1.00 inch
3. Minimum Thickness 0.050 inches or less
4. Maximum Thickness up to 2.00 inches
5. Nominal Wall
W 3.0 mils** error
Thickness Accuracy (1.5%) or less
6. Corrosion Pit 10.0 mils or less
Accuracy (6.7%)

Note: * FBH is a flat-bottomed hole.

** 1mil = 0.001 inch.
2.6.4 Couplant

The ultrasonic couplant used shall not be harmful to the pieces being inspected or the
persons conducting the work. The couplant shall adequately wet the surface to provide
continuously-stable and ultrasonically-efficient sound transmission, and shall be approved
by the equipment manufacturer. Aerated liquids (e.g., petroleum jelly) and low viscosity
liquids (e.g., water) shall not be used.

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2.6.5 Calibration Procedure

The following calibration technique shall be followed prior to taking measurements,

checked after every 25 readings, and at the end of each day. If the equipment is found out
of calibration, the parts inspected since the previous calibration shall be re-inspected.

a. Set the meter readout to match exactly the thickness of a standard that has been verified
by a micrometer. This standard should be within 0.050 inch of the nominal pipe wall
thickness being inspected. The standard material should have velocity and attenuation
properties similar to that of the pipe being inspected and should be approximately the
same temperature as the pipe. Grade E is a good choice for API tubulars, but other
materials such as AISI 1040 may be substituted provided their acoustic similarity has
been verified by testing.

b. Check the accuracy of the readout on a second standard thickness that is 80 percent
or less of the specified wall thickness of the pipe being inspected. The meter reading
should be within ±0.001 inch per 0.100 inch difference in wall thickness from that
determined in 2.6.5a.

c. The standards in 2.6.5a and 2.6.5b shall have the same first surface curvature as the
outside diameter of the pipe being measured when the pipe being tested is 3½ inch OD
or smaller. When the pipe being tested is larger than 3½ inch OD, either a curved or
flat standard may be used.

2.7 Electromagnetic Drill-Pipe Body Inspection

2.7.1 Provisions for Use

Electromagnetic drill pipe body inspections shall be performed in accordance with this

2.7.2 Equipment

The equipment required consists of the following:

1) Electromagnetic inspection unit

2) Drill-pipe body calibration standard
3) Mechanical pipe support apparatus

2.7.3 Electromagnetic Inspection Unit

The electromagnetic drill-pipe body inspection unit shall be equipped with a DC coil and
shall be designed to allow active longitudinal field inspection from upset to upset of the
drill pipe. The inspection unit shall be in good working condition and well maintained.
Worn or dirty equipment shall be cleaned, repaired or replaced. The system shall also
be electrically isolated from the pipe to prevent electrical shock. Serial identification
numbers shall identify the equipment.

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

2.7.4 Calibration Procedure Drill-pipe body standard shall be used to calibrate electromagnetic drill-pipe

inspection units. The pipe standard shall contain either a 1/16 inch diameter through
hole or a maximum 1/8 inch diameter, 20 percent depth externally-drilled hole.
The inspection unit shall be capable of detecting either hole once calibrated. The
inspection unit shall have repeatable signal amplitude of at least 80 percent of the
original signal amplitude for four orientations of the pipe when it is run through
the unit. The electronics should be adjusted to provide a signal-to-noise ratio of at
least 3-to-1. As an additional part of the calibration and periodic checkout, each sensor may
also be activated with a magnetic pulser to ensure proper electrical continuity to
the recording instruments. Once calibrated, no inspection equipment settings are
to be changed during the inspection operations. The strip chart recording tape shall have background lines. It is recommended
that a 10 mm or greater reference standard signal level is established. The pipe body inspection unit shall be calibrated at the beginning of each day,
after 2 hours of 25 joints of pipe inspected, and at the end of each day. The unit
shall also be recalibrated after any shutdowns in operation. If the system is out of
calibration, all pipe inspected since the previous calibration shall be re-inspected.

2.8 Ultrasonic Drill-Pipe Slip/Upset Area Inspection

2.8.1 Provisions for Use

Ultrasonic drill-pipe upset area inspections shall be performed in accordance with this

2.8.2 Equipment

The equipment required consists of the following:

1) Ultrasonic pulser/receiver unit and transducer(s)

2) Drill-pipe upset area calibration standard
3) Couplant

2.8.3 Ultrasonic Pulser/Receiver Unit and Transducer

The ultrasonic pulser/receiver unit and transducer shall be in good working condition
and well maintained. Worn transducers, damaged wires, or faulty electronics shall be
repaired or replaced. The ultrasonic system shall be of the pulse-echo type (i.e., single-
element shear wave transducer) with an A-scan display, audible and visual alarms, and strip
chart recorder. The combination of pulser/receiver and transducer shall have high defect
resolution and sensitivity and a wide range of instrument linearity. This combination shall
have the ability to identify fatigue cracks and corrosion pits accurately.

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2.8.4 Couplant

The ultrasonic couplant used shall not be harmful to the pieces being inspected or the
persons conducting the work. The couplant shall adequately wet the surface to provide
continuously-stable and ultrasonically-efficient sound transmission, and shall be approved
by the equipment manufacturer. Aerated liquids (e.g., petroleum jelly) shall not be used.
Low viscosity liquids (e.g., water) may be used for rotating systems or where a continuous
forced-flow supply is maintained.

2.8.5 Calibration Procedure Drill-pipe upset area standard shall be used to calibrate ultrasonic drill-pipe upset
area inspection units. The upset area standard shall contain both internal and
external (transverse) surface depth notches not exceeding 5 percent of the nominal
pipe body wall thickness. These notches shall be located on an area of wall
consistent with the area under inspection (e.g. nominal wall or upset section).
Notch width shall be limited to less than 0.040 inches, and notch length to less
than 0.50 inches. The inspection unit shall be capable of detecting either notch
once calibrated and have a repeatable signal amplitude of at least 80 percent of
the original signal amplitude for each of the transducers comprising the unit. The
electronics should be adjusted to provide a signal-to-noise ratio of at least 3-to-1.
Ultrasonic rotating systems shall be calibrated dynamically to simulate the actual
inspection mode during inspection. A distance amplitude correction curve shall be established for responses between
internal and external calibration notches for prove up only. The strip chart recording tape shall have background lines. It is recommended
that a 10 mm or greater reference standard signal level be established. The upset area inspection unit shall be calibrated at the beginning of each day,
after 2 hours or 25 joints of pipe inspected, and at the end of each day. The unit
shall also be recalibrated after any shutdowns in operation. If the system is out of
calibration, all pipe inspected since the previous calibration shall be re-inspected.

2.9 Dimensional Measurements (Tube Bodies, Connections)

2.9.1 Provisions for Use

Dimensional measurements shall be made in accordance with this Standard and the
recommended operating practice of the equipment manufacturer.

2.9.2 Equipment

The equipment required consists of the following:

1) 50-ft steel tape measure

2) 12 inch steel scale with 1/64 inch graduations

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3) Steel straight edge

4) Drill-pipe body OD gauge with setting standards
5) Adjustable OD and ID calipers
6) Drill-pipe internal upset (M.I.U.) caliper
7) Precision-ground and hardened thread profile gauges
8) Lead gauge and setting standards
9) Pit gauge with setting standard
10) Micrometer and/or caliper with setting standard

2.9.3 Calibration

All dimensional measurement equipment shall be in good working condition and well
maintained. Worn or dirty equipment shall be cleaned, repaired, or replaced. Precision
instruments such as lead gauges, pit gauges, micrometers and calipers shall be calibrated
with setting standards prior to use, after every 25 parts inspected, and upon completion
of the work for each day. If out of calibration, the parts inspected since the previous
calibration shall be re-inspected.

2.9.4 Dimensional Measurement Recording

All mechanical caliper and scale measurements shall be recorded to 1/64 inch (with the
exception of drill-pipe body OD gauge measurements, which shall be recorded to 1/32 inch).
Tape measurements shall be recorded to ¼ inch. All precision instrument measurements
shall be recorded to 0.001 inches.

2.10 Portable Hardness Testing (Tube Bodies, Connections)

2.10.1 Provisions for Use

Hardness testing shall be performed in accordance with this Standard.

2.10.2 Equipment

The equipment required consists of the following:

1) Portable hardness tester

2) Calibration reference standard
3) Mechanical files and/or metal-polishing abrasives

2.10.3 Portable Hardness Testing Unit

The JB-1®, Equotip®, and Telebrineller® hardness testing units are acceptable for field
use. All hardness testing equipment shall be certified to be in calibration. Worn or dirty
equipment shall be cleaned, repaired or replaced.

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2.10.4 Testing Procedure The surface preparation for hardness testing shall be adequate to ensure that
all hardness measurements are accurate and repeatable and comply with the
requirements of Section Surface finish shall be 32 micro-inch CLA or
better. Immediately before and after the hardness testing, the hardness testing equipment
shall be verified for accuracy by making hardness measurements on a calibration
piece of known hardness. If the hardness testing equipment is found to be out of
calibration, all pieces tested since the last calibration shall be re-evaluated. The
calibration piece of known hardness must be within 10 percent of the maximum
specified hardness of the material to be tested. The equipment used for hardness testing shall be repeatable on the calibration
piece within the requirements of the ASTM standard test method that applies.

2.11 Hydrostatic Pressure Testing

2.11.1 Provisions for Use

Hydrostatic pressure testing shall be performed in accordance with this Standard and the
recommended operating practice of the equipment manufacturer.

All equipment used to perform hydrostatic pressure testing shall be in good working order.
Worn equipment should be replaced or repaired.

This Standard has priority in accordance with Section 1.1.2.

2.11.2 Equipment

The equipment required consists of the following:

1) Hydrostatic pressure testing unit

2) Pressure gauges and recording devices
3) Mechanical end plugs

2.11.3 Pressure Gauges and Recording Devices

Pressure gauges and/or recording devices used to monitor hydrostatic test pressure shall
be accurate to within 2 percent of full scale and are to be marked with subdivisions of no
more than 5 percent of the desired test pressure. The instruments scale maximum shall
exceed the desired test pressure by at least 25 percent. The pressure gauges that are used
shall not be exposed to pressures in excess of the gauge manufacturer’s rated working
pressure. Periodic calibration (every 6 months or more frequently) is required. The gauge
or recording device shall have a tag attached to it that indicates when calibration was
last performed. It is recommended that both a pressure gauge and a pressure recording
instrument that produces a “hard” copy be used.

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2.11.4 Test Pressures and Hold Times

Hydrostatic test pressures and the required hold times shall be specified by the work
order. The hold time shall be no less than 5 seconds after a steady pressure is obtained.
The test pressure shall be equal to 80% of the burst rating of the uniform wall reduction
classification of the pipe if not specified. If a timer control is used, it shall be verified
with a stop watch each inspection shift. Any discernible drop in the test pressure or visible
leak in the test piece during the hold period shall be cause for rejection of the test piece.
However, if it is determined that the source of the pressure reduction is associated with the
test equipment, the test piece shall be re-tested after corrective measures have been taken.

2.11.5 Reporting

The hydrostatic test report shall state the results of each piece tested. The mechanism used
to seal each end of the pipe to be tested and thereby contain the hydrostatic pressure shall
be described in detail in the test report. This description shall also state whether the end
plug tested the sealing integrity of the end connections or only the pipe body.

2.12 ATI (ACFM) Inspection - Connections

2.12.1 Provisions for Use

ATI inspection shall be performed in accordance with this Standard.

This inspection is an optional requirement and should be considered for critical wells or
equipment where the risk associated with a failure is high and/or fatigue is a concern.

ATI is an electromagnetic thread inspection system produced by Technical Software

Consultants Limited (TSC). It has been developed under a joint industry project with
the following sponsor companies, Shell U.K. Exploration and Production, BP, and British

ATI uses ACFM inspection technique and has been developed for the detection and
sizing of surface breaking cracks in threads with the minimum of operator interpretation.
ATI records all the inspection data which is stored and available for replay and audit,
irrespective of whether a defect is found or not.

2.12.2 Equipment

The equipment required consists of the following:

1) Mains powered instrument

2) Laptop PC controller
3) Range of probes for pin, box, and SRG
4) Calibration Standards

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2.12.3 Mains powered instrument/Laptop PC controller and probes

The mains powered instrument/laptop PC controller and probes shall be in good working
condition and well maintained. Worn probes, damaged wires, or faulty electronics shall
be repaired or replaced.

2.12.4 Calibration Standards

The calibration standard shall be a connection of similar size, material and geometry as the
connections for inspection with a test defect with dimensions as follows:

Defect Length: 12.7mm

Defect Width: 0.25mm
Defect Depth: 1mm

All dimension tolerances ± 10%

2.12.5 Application

ATI can be applied to most downhole component threads including Non-Magnetic

materials. Probes are currently available for the following thread ranges.

NC: (Numbered Connection) 38, 40, 44, 46, 50

FH: (Full Hole) 5½ & 65/8
Reg: (Regular) 65/8 & 75/8
HT: (High Torque) 40

2.13 Wet Magnetic Particle Inspection (Drill Pipe Slip, Upset Areas and BHA High
Stress Areas)

2.13.1 Provisions for Use

Wet magnetic particle inspection shall be performed in accordance with this standard.

2.13.2 Equipment

1) Black Magnetic Ink

2) White Contrast Paint
3) AC Yoke

2.13.3 Magnetic Particle Requirements

The black magnetic ink used for this inspection shall be in a spray form and will come pre-
mixed by the supplier in its suspension medium.

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2.13.4 Electromagnetic Yoke Magnetisation Electromagnetic yokes (AC) shall be used for this specific application. The
magnetic particles must be applied while magnetism is being directly applied
through the part. The performance requirements of an electromagnetic yoke (AC) must be defined

by the lifting force at the pole spacing that is to be used for inspection. These
requirements are listed in Table 3. The performance of an electromagnetic yoke may be alternatively tested by

measuring the tangential field using a Hall element meter with the probe placed
directly on the pipe surface midway between the poles of the yoke.

The minimum field required is 30 gauss. The magnetic field orientation and strength for all surfaces to be inspected by the
magnetic particle method shall be verified using a strip type penetrameter (e.g.
Burmah Castrol® Strips or equivalent). The penetrameter should be placed at the
area to be inspected and lie in the direction of the expected defects. The magnetic
field direction and strength is adequate for inspection only if all the indications on
the penetrameter are clearly visible.

2.13.4 Application of White Contrast Paint

White Contrast Paint shall be applied to all surfaces to be inspected to give contrast to
the black magnetic ink once it is applied. The contrast paint may be applied by spray or

2.13.5 Application of Particles

The black magnetic ink solution shall be sprayed on a white contrast paint whilst
electromagnetic yoke is active.

2.14 Repair

2.14.1 Provisions for Use

The definition of repair for this section is defined as:

• Inspection Repairs

a. Connection Shoulders (Refacing Tools)

b. Connection Threads (Mechanical Files)
c. Pipe Body (Straightener, Grinding Tools or Files)

• Machine Shop/Fabrication Repairs

a. Connection (Machine Lathe)

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

b. Tool Joint (Hardbanding, Re-tool jointing)

c. Pipe Body (Plastic Coating)

Repairs shall be performed in accordance with this Standard and the recommended
operation practice of the equipment manufacturer.

Note: Rig site repair of fabrication welds (e.g., stabiliser blades, reamer mounts,
etc.) or welding on drillstring components (e.g., connection strapping to prevent
connection backoff) is not allowed. These materials are normally high-strength, heat
treated steels and require controlled welding and heat treatment to ensure correct
material properties and to prevent heat cracking.

2.14.2 Equipment

The equipment required for inspection repairs consists of the following:

1) Portable refacing and bevelling units

2) Portable grinding units
3) Pipe straightening units
4) Mechanical files and/or metal polishing abrasives

2.14.3 Connection and Tool-Joint Repair Shoulder surface damage such as nicks, cuts, gouges, fins, pitting and galled areas
shall be repaired (when possible) by refacing. Worn bevels on the seal face shall
also be repaired. API Connection shoulders shall not be resurfaced more than 1/16 inch cumulatively,
nor shall more than 1/32 inch be removed per repair. If present, bench marks on
the box counterbore and on the pin neck shall be used to determine the limits for
refacing. Figure 5 shows the API type bench marks. Correct alignment of the
refacing tool to the seal surface must be assured and checked frequently.

Field refacing of the seal shoulder is not permitted on the Grant Prideco
HT and NKK DSTJ connections. Connections requiring refacing shall be
identified with a green paint band around the tool joint OD and sent to be
refaced in a NKK or Grant Prideco licensed machine shop.

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Bench Marks PIN


Figure 5
API Type Bench Mark

Note: The size of a connection is expressed in pitch diameter (PD). By convention, a connection’s
PD is given at the “gauge point” located 0.625 inches from the pin or box shoulder. Gauge point
pitch diameter is the distance across the connection at this point, measured to imaginary lines that
bisect the thread halfway between crest and root. See Figure 6. The significance of PD is that
for a pin and box to mate properly, their PD’s must be equal. If the pin is bigger than box, thread
interference will prevent full shoulder engagement on makeup. Makeup energy will be wasted in
useless (and potentially harmful) thread deformation. The pin and box elastic preload necessary to
hold the shoulders together under downhole side loads will not be fully developed. Refacing creates
these problems by increasing pitch diameter on pins and/or reducing box PD. Thus, if taken too far,
refacing can cause the very leaks it was intended to prevent.



Figure 6
Gauge Point Pitch Diameter Minor thread damage such as galling may be repaired with mechanical files.
Grinders or abrasive wheels shall not be used since they can remove excessive
material which may result in thread washout. There are no provisions for repair
of connections with fatigue cracks.

November 1999 Page 32

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 All refaced shoulder surfaces shall be re-inspected and a coating of copper sulphate
applied to protect against galling during the break-in period.

Note: Copper sulphate is adequate when minor refacing is being done on

small quantities or in remote locations where machine shop facilities are not
available. If a large part of the drill pipe string is having refacing performed
by the Inspection Company and therefore there will be a significant number
of connections being made up that have had both seal faces refaced, serious
consideration should be given to having these seal faces treated with a more
suitable anti-gall treatment such as phosphating.

2.14.4 Pipe Body Repair

Pipe body damage resulting from service, e.g nicks, cuts, gouges, that may compromise
the service life of the drill-pipe, shall be removed (whenever possible) by grinding tools or
files. Ground areas shall be blended smoothly into the surrounding surface and checked to
verify the remaining wall thickness is within the tolerances set out in this Standard. There
are no provisions for repair of pipe bodies with fatigue cracks.

2.14.5 Pipe Straightening

Bent drill-pipe and heavyweight with more than ½ inch total run-out, shall be straightened
prior to inspection and repair. Pipe shall be straightened preferably by the cross-roll
straightener method except for corkscrew bends for which the spin-pull straightener
method may be used.

2.14.6 Hardbanding

Application or repair of hardbanding on tool joints is acceptable when performed in a

machine shop environment using the correct equipment, documented welding procedures
and certified and qualified personnel. All replacement hardbanding shall comply with
the relevant sections of NS-SQAIR for drill pipe (AA., heavy weight drill
pipe (AA. and (AA., and drill collars

For drill pipe the accepted hardbanding is a wear-resistant alloy overlay, applied flush and
smooth. Proud application is also acceptable but should not be used if casing wear is a
serious concern.

There are a whole range of available hardbanding alloys with excellent wear-resistance.
On the basis of conclusive test results from test programmes conducted by a joint
industry research initiative DEA 42 (Casing Wear Technology Project) and documented
field experiences the preferred alloy overlays are Arnco 200XT, Armacor M, and

For heavyweight drill pipe either a chrome alloy or a tungsten carbide hardbanding is
accepted. This is due to the fact that heavyweight drill pipe is mainly used in open hole.

The only accepted tungsten carbide hardbanding is Smooth X, machined or ground flush

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and smooth, which may also be referenced as “Super Smooth X”. The other “fake” type
Super-Smooth X should be avoided as this is tungsten carbide with a mild steel overlay,
which once the mild steel is worn away it will leave exposed, coarse, tungsten carbide.

Tungsten carbide is acceptable on drill collars in both flush and proud applications but
should be ground smooth.

Note: O.C.T.G. Proctor Autopsy Failure Investigation No.88 highlighted the potential
problem with application of a chrome alloy on heavyweight drill pipe on the centre wear

A brief summary from the investigation report is given below.

Failed Component : 3½ inch Heavyweight Drill Pipe with WT38 Connections

Failure Type : Weld Failure

Root Cause :

• Brittle crack induced by the hardbanding process

• Inadequate QA/QC procedures

Learning Points:

• Acceptance criteria for cracks on new hardbanding should be in strict accordance with
• Centre wear pads should not be recessed for flush application of hardbanding
• Avoid application of Armacor M or Arnco 200XT to the centre wear pad section on
HWDP (flush or proud application)
• Improper post weld cool down can result in the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) becoming
hard, brittle, and less ductile


The observed microstructures and average hardness values of the hardbanded weld region
and drill pipe parent materials were consistent with the reported material grades specified
by the company applying the hardband.

Brittle cracks originated at the external surface of the hardbanded weld region on this joint
of 3½ inch HWDP. It appeared that cracking, possibly either pre-existing or more likely
induced by the hardbanding process, was present within the heat affected zone adjacent to
the hardbanding. The cracks had then joined to form a single through thickness crack.

The failed joint of heavyweight drillpipe had only four rotating hours in this well prior to
the crack being observed by the rig crew on POOH. This could indicate that the crack may
have been detectable by the company applying the hardband during their NDT inspection
of the finished hardbanding.

The Armacor M hardbanding was applied flush to the centre wear section. To facilitate a
flush application a recess must be machined into the centre wear section. It is now evident
from this investigation and from other failures that have occurred since mid-1997 that
recessing the centre section of HWDP and applying a chrome alloy hardband, which will
always have a tendency to crack, can lead to premature failure.

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Improper post weld cool down of the hardband could have played a part in the HAZ
becoming hard, brittle, and less ductile, therefore allowing the crack to propagate from the
hardband through the HAZ and into the parent material.

Figure 7
Crack located in the hardbanding at the centre wear section

2.14.7 Machine Shop Connection Repair Drill Pipe Connections - Repaired drill pipe connections shall meet the dimensional
requirements of NS-1 (AA. / API Spec 7, and manufacturers
specification for proprietary connections such as HT, DSTJ and WT. Bench
marks used as an accurate reference for shoulder refacing shall be applied on
the box counterbore and pin neck in accordance with API RP 7G, Section 13.3,
as a minimum, for API connections. The preferred form of the benchmark is an
indicator which provides a 360º reference around the connection. This type of
bench mark is superior to the API one, in that it reveals not only the extent of
refacing but also how perpendicular the refaced seal is to the pipe’s axis.

1 1
Figure 8
Pin and Box connection showing the Grant Prideco type bench mark Drill Collar, Heavyweight and BHA Connections - Repaired drill collar,
heavyweight and BHA connections shall meet the dimensional requirements of
NS-1 (AA. / API Spec 7), (AA / API Spec 7) and
(AA. / API Spec 7). Bench marks shall be used as an accurate
reference for refacing. These shall be applied on the box counterbore. With the
exception of connections smaller than NC35 all pins and boxes shall be provided
with connection stress-relief features to the dimensions given in Table 9 of this
Standard. The thread roots as well as the relief features shall be cold worked
after machining and gauging. Cold worked connections shall be stamped ‘CW’
to indicate cold working after gauging. The upper shoulder of the elevator recess
shall also be cold worked after final machining.

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Note: Cold rolling BHA thread roots and stress relief surfaces increases fatigue
life by placing a residual compressive stress at the point of greatest (tensile)
stress concentration.

A substantial decrease in BHA connection fatigue failures has been seen in

the North Sea over the last four years. This has been largely attributed to
implementing the use of BHA connections with relief features. The pin stress
relief groove width requirement for this Standard has always been 1 inch ±
/32 and this has been successful in reducing failures. It is for this reason
that this Standard has maintained the requirement of 1 inch ± 1/32 as per API
Spec 7 “Specification for Rotary Drill Stem Elements” and not API RP 7G
“Recommended Practice for Drill Stem Design and Operating Limits” which
allows a modified stress relief groove of ¾ to 1¼ inch on rental tools and other
short term usage tools.

The only acceptance for using the modified stress relief groove is detailed in
Section 6.2, “Limited Service”. Procedure / Qualification Process for Cold Rolling - The machine shop performing
the cold rolling operation must have a procedure in place for this process. As a
minimum it should define the pressures required, wheel size, etc. A qualification
test must also be documented that has demonstrated the effectiveness of their
process. This would normally require sectioning of a connection that has been
cold rolled by the documented operating procedure and macro’s taken to determine
the compressive layer achieved. Repair Facility - Only API licensed repair and manufacturing facilities shall be
used for repair of connections under this Standard. Surface Treatment (Anti-gall) - For standard steel equipment, the finished threads
and shoulders shall be copper plated or phosphated using a zinc or maganese
phosphate process, Molecote or similar type sprays are not acceptable.

For non-magnetic equipment, the finished threads and shoulders shall be lightly
blasted with a soft, rounded blast media such as glass beads or sugar sand.

Note : Newly machined rotary shoulder connections gall easily. If they are
protected for several make-ups, the surfaces become work hardened and are
harder to gall. Also, the surfaces of new connections are slick, making it
difficult for thread compounds to adhere to them. The forces of makeup can
squeeze the lubricants out causing metal-to-metal contact. Galling often result
because of this metal to metal contact.

2.14.8 Tool Joint Build-Up

This is not an acceptable method of repair on worn tool joints and re-tool jointing should
be performed in its place.

Tool Joints that have been identified as being built-up prior to use on a North Sea well
shall be classified as limited service. Considerations for their use can be found in Section
6.6 of this Standard.

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Note: O.C.T.G. Procter Autopsy Failure Investigation No.85 highlighted the potential
problem with using built-up tool joints. A brief summary from the investigation report
is given below.

Failed Component : NC 50 Pin Connection on 5 inch Drill Pipe

Failure Type : Weld Related Failure

Root Cause :

• Brittle Material
• Improper procedures and QA/QC

Learning Points :

• Care should be taken when using drill pipe with built-up (weld repair) tool joints
• Ensure rental strings have a known history and full material certification
• Implement Shell Inspection Standard 8002-001 (Replaced by this Standard, NS-2)


• Build-up altered tool joint metallurgy making it brittle

• Toughness of material reduced (only 9 joules charpy)
• No abnormal loading experienced during the drilling operation

2.14.9 Re-Tool Jointing

Re-tool jointing of drill pipe shall be performed in accordance with the relevant sections
of NS-1 for drill pipe (AA.

Note: The heat generated from build-up, hardbanding and re-tool jointing operations
will damage the internal plastic coating when present in the tool joint upset area. The
pipe should therefore be recoated.

Re-tool jointing has other advantages over build up of tool joints. Re-tool jointing gives
the drill pipe a new tool joint and the fatigue life of the tool joint is back to zero. If
both pin and box tool joints are being replaced then the pipe ends should be switched,
allowing a new slip area to be used.

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3.1 Drill Pipe Connection, Tool-Joint, Body -Acceptance/Rejection/Classification


The following imperfections are cause for rejection, unless repaired within the described
provisions of this Standard. Colour coding shall be applied in accordance with Section 1.6.
Refer to Figure 10 for details of location of Tool Joint measurements. Supplementary drawings
and dimensional requirements for Hydril Wedge Thread, DSTJ, and Hi-Torque connections are
shown in Tables 6a, 6b and 6c respectively.

a. Fatigue Cracks - Fatigue cracks, whether on the outside or inside surface, are cause for
rejection. There are no provisions for repair. Grinding down of shallow cracks shall not
be permitted.

b. Heat Stress Cracks - Heat stress cracks located on the outside surface are cause for rejection.
There are no provisions for repair. Grinding down of shallow cracks shall not be permitted.
These heat stress cracks are normally associated with heat checking on the tool joint OD.

Note: Heat checking produces fine longitudinal cracks that can occur when the box is
rotated while it’s pressed hard against the formation wall. Due to their orientation they
can be stress concentrators and act as starting points for longitudinal box cracks. The
mere presence of heat checking is evidence that the tool joint box has been subjected to
severe side loads.

c. Stress-Corrosion of Sulphide-Stress Cracks - Stress-corrosion of sulphide-stress cracks

which can occur on both inside and outside surfaces, are cause for rejection.

d. Split or Swollen Boxes - Split boxes are cause for rejection. Outside diameter swell of
the box more than 1/32 inch over nominal (for that piece) or of the counterbore diameter
(excluding any inside bevel) over manufacturing tolerances is cause for rejection. Table
6 of this Standard summarises acceptable dimensions for drill pipe tool joints. Excessive
taper “rock” as indicated by placing a straight edge across the crests of the threads, is also
sufficient cause for rejection.

Note: For box OD swell on the Hydril WT, the dimensions for rejection are detailed in
Table 6a.

e. Stretched Threads - Stretched threads on pin connections that exceed 0.006 inch in a 2.0
inch gauge length are cause for rejection.

f. Outside Diameter Wear - Outside diameters on drill-pipe tool joints are classified based on
matching 80 percent or greater of the torsional strength of the drill pipe body. Table 6 of
this Standard summarises acceptable outside diameter dimensions for drill pipe tool joints.

For Hydril WT connections the bevel diameter provides an indicator of tool joint OD wear.
The tool joint retains full rated tension and torque strength with OD wear down to the bevel
diameter. Tool joints worn down to the bevel diameter shall be rejected.

Note: API sets tool joint torsional strength at the arbitrary value of about 80 percent of
tube torsional strength. Therefore standard sized tool joints are weaker in torsion than

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

the tubes to which they are welded to. This torsional strength ratio (TSR) of 0.80 is
the basis for establishing the standard tool joint ID’s and OD’s for new, Premium Class
and Class 2 drill pipe. However, from the performance standpoint, tool joint torsional
strength should be considered separately from that of the tube. Many tool joints with
TSR’s as low as 0.60 are used successfully in low torsion drilling of vertical holes, and
long reach applications today may demand tool joint torsional capacities well above
API’s arbitrary 0.8 TSR standard. Torsional strength of a given tool joint is independent
of tube grade. It depends solely on the tool joint’s ID and OD.

It is recognized that some drillpipe/tool joint combinations used within North Sea
operations fall outside the required dimensions specified in Table 6. An example of this
is 3½ inch drill pipe, 13.30 lb/ft, S-135 with NC38 tool joints. API RP7G requires a new
tool joint dimension of 5 inches which is downgraded to Class 2 at 413/16 inches OD. Due
to required clearance on tool joint OD many rental companies and drilling contractors
purchase this 3½ drill pipe with 4¾ inch tool joints.

g. Bevel and Seal Face Wear - Wear that results in changes in bevel diameter, shoulder width,
or seal width, that are outside the acceptable dimensions in Table 6 of this Standard are
cause for rejection.

Note: The most important consideration is that bevels and seal faces properly match the
drillstring they are used on.

h. Galled, Pitted, Seal Face - Any galling or pitting of the seal surface that exceeds 1/32 inch in
depth or occupy 25% of the seal width at any given location of the circumference is cause
for rejection. Shoulders that are not flat around their circumference and across their width
are also cause for rejection. Minor damage (refacing) may be repaired in accordance with
Section 2.14, with the exception of both Grant Prideco HT and NKK DSTJ connections
which require machine shop repair.

Note: The Hydril WT connection creates a seal in the tapered thread of the small step
rather than on an external shoulder.

i. Galled, Pitted, Thread Surface - Any galling of the threads which can not be repaired
by a hand file is cause for rejection. After any thread repair the thread profile shall be
checked with a field profile gauge. The gauge shall conform to the thread profile so that
no light is visible. Visible gaps estimated to be no greater than 1/16 inch on no more than
three thread crests are acceptable. Pin lead measurements shall be required on connections
where visible gaps are evident on the thread flanks. Two thread profile checks 90 degrees
apart shall be made on each connection. Stretch that exceeds 0.006 inch over the 2 inch
length is cause for rejection.

Note: Thread profile checks are not required on the Hydril WT connection.

Thread roots (and the thread flanks on the Hydril WT tapered small step) shall be free from
pits that appear to exceed 1/16 inch in depth or 1/8 inch in diameter or that occupy more than
1½ inches in length along any thread helix.

The pin flat areas on both the Grant Prideco HT and the NKK DSTJ connection should be
free from pitting that exceeds 1/32 inch in depth or any damage that would inhibit make-up.
The box counterbore should also be free from any damage that would inhibit make-up.

November 1999 Page 39

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

For the Hydril WT connection any galling that wipes out threads or that cannot be dressed
in accordance with Section will prevent proper thread engagement and is cause for
rejection. Any damage to the threaded areas that raises metal above the original surface
will interfere with full engagement of pin and box and must be removed by dressing in
accordance with or the connection shall be rejected. Burrs, raised corners, or other
damage projecting outward from the thread surface shall be dressed in accordance with until the surface is even.

j. Excessively Refaced Shoulders - Shoulders that have been refaced more than 1/16 inch
cumulatively are cause for rejection. If existing benchmarks indicate that the shoulders
have been refaced beyond the maximum, the connection shall be rejected.

k. Tool-Joint Tong Space Reduction - Tool-joint tong space reduction on drill pipe is cause for
rejection if the measurement is equal to or less than given in Table 6 of this Standard.

Note: Tong space measurement does not include the hardband area.

l. Hardbanding – For drill pipe the accepted hardbanding is a wear-resistant alloy overlay,
applied flush and smooth. Proud application is also acceptable. It should not be used if
casing wear is a serious concern.

Due to the high residual stresses in these hard coatings, cracks often occur transverse to the
weld bead after welding. These cracks may run straight across the weld bead or at an angle
of between 30° and 45°. This is acceptable as long as the cracks are less than (1/16 inch)
width with a minimum spacing of (½ inch). Unacceptable transverse cracks shall be cause
for rejection of the tool joint.

Cracks branching off these transverse cracks are not uncommon. Occasionally these
“branch-off cracks” will interconnect with two transverse cracks, this is acceptable as
long as the cracks are less than 1/16 inch width. A continuous “branch-off” crack that
interconnects three or more transverse cracks (i.e. a semi-circumferential crack) is not
acceptable and shall be cause for rejection.

Circumferential running cracks are unacceptable as they can result in premature fatigue
failure. This type of cracking shall be cause for rejection.

All hardbanding shall comply with the following smoothness criteria:

The entire surface area of hardbanding shall be ground or machined concentric with and
normal to the principle tool joint axis to produce a surface finish of less than or equal to
125µ inch CLA (Calculated Linear Average) and shall be verified with a surface roughness

Unless casing wear is a serious concern then chrome alloy hardbanding maybe acceptable
in the “as welded” condition.

The complete hardbanding surfaces shall be even (i.e. constant diameter) and smooth.
Overlaps, ridges, protrusions or undulations are not permitted. The only exception are the
small “depressions” between the individual welded bands, these are acceptable as long as
they are no more than 3.2mm (1/8 inch) wide or 1.6mm (1/16 inch) deep.

The leading edge intersection between the hardbanding of the tool joint OD and the start of
the taper shall be smooth and rounded off.

November 1999 Page 40

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Any tool joints that have evidence of the hardbanding breaking away from the tool joint
(spalling) shall be rejected.

Figure 9
Spalling problem shown on Chrome Alloy Hardbanding

m. Straightness - Bent drill pipe measured with a straight edge or taut string that deviate from
straight or with a chord height more than ½ inch shall be repaired in accordance with
Section 2.14.

n. Tube Body - API drill pipe shall be classified in accordance with Table 7 of this Standard.
Grinding in the slip area shall be kept to a minimum whenever possible. There are no
provisions for repair of pipe bodies with fatigue cracks.

o. Internal Plastic Coating (Tube Body) - The pipe coating is cause for rejection if it is not
intact and free from cuts, blisters, peeling and uncovered areas on 90 percent of the total
internal upset transition area (MIU). Pipe not meeting this criteria should be classified as
“limited service”, consideration for its use can be found in Section 6.6.

To assist in the evaluation of the internal plastic coating, condition codes have been added
to this Standard and can be found in Appendix 8, along with photographs.

Condition codes are as follows:

Condition A- Light erosion and wear, no chipping pin end, no coating loss, new coating

Condition B- Minor wire line and erosion with few chips in pin or box end, unbroken
blisters, exposed primer

Condition C- Small hard flakes and ruptured blisters, heavy wire line wear and erosion

Condition D- Severe flaking, blisters, loose or no coating

Condition E- Less than 90% of the total internal upset transition area (MIU) is intact and
free from cuts, blisters, or peeling

The above are generalised categories of coating condition in increasing severity ranking.
Regardless of the overall condition rating, the most critical area of plastic coating is at the
internal upsets runout due to the increased chances of fatigue there. This is because of the
high stresses already present which could become more severe with corrosion deterioration
reducing the wall thickness and increasing stress concentration by the “notch” effect.
To maintain maximum drillstring life, pipe should be re-plastic coated upon exceeding
Condition E, or before if it is deemed necessary.

August 2000
November 1999 Page 41
Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

p. Stress Reduction Groove – (Hydril Wedge Thread) – Any Hydril WT connections that do
not have the stress reduction groove machined in the thread roots on the tapered large step
shall be rejected.

q. Wear Indicator Gap Ring – (Hydril Wedge Thread) – Any Hydril WT connections that
do not have the wear indicator gap ring machined onto the pin external shoulder shall
be identified as limited service. Consideration for use under limited service is defined in
Section 6.8.

r. Pin Connection Internal Diameter – The ID of the pin connection shall not exceed the
dimensions specified in Table 6.

s. Box Counterbore Diameter – (API Connections) The box counterbore diameter shall not
exceed the dimensions specified in Table 6; (Hydril Wedge Thread). The diameter shall not
exceed the dimensions given in Table 6a.

t. Box Counterbore Depth – (API Connections) The box counterbore depth, which should
include any ID bevel shall not be less than 9/16 inch. This is 5/8 inch minimum specified in
API Spec 7, minus 1/16 inch allowance for refacing.

u. Pin Neck Width – (API Connections) The pin neck width shall not exceed 9/16 inch. This is
½ inch maximum as specified in API Spec 7, plus 1/16 inch allowance for refacing.

v. Shoulder Flatness – The pin and box connection shoulder shall be rejected if any visible
gaps are evident between a straightedge and the shoulder surface.

w. Torque Shoulders – (Grant Prideco HT and NKK DSTJ) The pin nose (torque stop shoulder)
is not a seal but a mechanical stop. The pin nose shall be free from any raised metal or
other imperfections that could prevent proper make-up or cause galling. Pin nose damage
can be repaired with a hand file. Light corrosion and indentation without protrusions are

The box torque stop shoulder is not a seal but a mechanical stop. The shoulder shall be free
from any raised metal or other imperfections that could prevent proper make up or cause
galling. Light corrosion and indentation without protrusions are acceptable.

x. MIU (Minimum Internal Upset) – Any internal upset length that is less than 2 inches shall
be cause for rejection.

Any internal upset length between 2 to 3 inches shall be identified as limited service and
their acceptance for use is described in Section 6.5.

3.2 Heavyweight Drill-Pipe Connection, Tool Joint, Body - Acceptance/Rejection/

Classification Criteria

The following conditions are cause for rejection or for classification to limited service, unless
repaired within the described provisions of this Standard. Colour coding shall be applied in
accordance with Section 1.6.

a. Fatigue Cracks - Fatigue cracks whether on the outside or inside surface, are cause for
rejection. There are no provisions for repair. Grinding down of shallow cracks shall not
be permitted.

November 1999 Page 42

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

b. Heat Stress Cracks - Heat stress cracks located on the outside surface are cause for rejection.
There are no provisions for repair. Grinding down of shallow cracks shall not be permitted.
These heat stress cracks are normally associated with heat checking on the tool joint OD.

Note: Heat checking produces fine longitudinal cracks that can occur when the box is
rotated while it’s pressed hard against the formation wall. Due to their orientation they
can be stress concentrators and act as starting points for longitudinal box cracks. The
mere presence of heat checking is evidence that the tool joint box has been subjected to
severe side loads.

c. Stress-Corrosion or Sulphide-Stress Cracks - Stress-corrosion or sulphide-stress cracks

which can occur on both the inside and outside surfaces, are cause for rejection.

d. Split or Swollen Boxes - Split boxes are cause for rejection. Outside diameter swell of
the box more than 1/32 inch over nominal (for that piece) or of the counterbore diameter
(excluding any inside bevel) over manufacturing tolerances is cause for rejection. Table 8
of this Standard summarises acceptable dimensions for heavyweight tool joints. Excessive
taper “rock,” as indicated by placing a straight edge across the crests of the threads, is also
sufficient cause for rejection.

Note: For box OD swell on the Hydril WT, the dimensions for rejection are detailed in
Table 6a.

e. Stretched Threads - Stretched threads on pin connections that exceed 0.006 inch in a 2.0
inch gauge length are cause for rejection.

f. Outside Diameter Wear - Outside diameter wear on heavyweight tool joints are cause for
rejection if they do not meet the requirements of Table 8 of this Standard. Outside Diameter
measurements are also detailed for centre wear pads as a guideline but should not be cause
for rejection if they do not meet the specified dimensions.

For Hydril WT connections the bevel diameter provides an indicator of tool joint OD wear.
The tool joint retains full rated tension and torque strength with OD wear down to the bevel
diameter. Tool joints worn down to the bevel diameter shall be rejected.

g. Bevel and Seal Face Wear - Wear that results in changes in bevel diameter, or seal width are
cause for rejection if they do not meet the requirements of Table 8 of this Standard.

h. Galled, Pitted, Seal Face - Any galling or pitting of the seal surface that exceeds 1/32 inch in
depth or occupy 25% of the seal width at any given location of the circumference is cause
for rejection. Shoulders that are not flat around their circumference and across their width
also are cause for rejection. Minor damage (refacing) may be repaired in accordance with
Section 2.14, with the exception of both Grant Prideco HT and NKK DSTJ connections
which require machine shop repair.

Note: The Hydril WT connection creates a seal in the tapered thread of the small step
rather than on an external shoulder.

i. Galled, Pitted, Thread Surfaces - Any galling of the threads which can not be repaired
by a hand file is cause for rejection. After any thread repair the thread profile shall be
checked with a field profile gauge. The gauge shall conform to the thread profile so that
no light is visible. Visible gaps estimated to be no greater than 1/16 inch on no more than
three thread crests are acceptable. Pin lead measurements shall be required on connections

November 1999 Page 43

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

where visible gaps are evident on the thread flanks. Two thread profile checks 90 degrees
apart shall be made on each connection. Stretch that exceeds 0.006 inch over the 2 inch
length is cause for rejection.

Note: Thread profile checks are not required on the Hydril WT connection.

Thread roots (and the thread flanks on the Hydril WT tapered small step) shall be free from
pits that appear to exceed 1/16 inch in depth or 1/8 inch in diameter or that occupy more than
1½ inches in length along any thread helix.

The pin flat areas on both the Grant Prideco HT and the NKK DSTJ connection should be
free from pitting that exceeds 1/32 inch in depth or any damage that would inhibit make-up.
The box counterbore should also be free from any damage that would inhibit make-up.

For the Hydril WT connection any galling that wipes out threads or that cannot be dressed
in accordance with Section will prevent proper thread engagement and is cause for
rejection. Any damage to the threaded areas that raises metal above the original surface
will interfere with full engagement of pin and box and must be removed by dressing in
accordance with or the connection shall be rejected. Burrs, raised corners, or other
damage projecting outward from the thread surface shall be dressed in accordance with until the surface is even.

j. Excessively Refaced Shoulders - Shoulders that have been refaced more than 1/16 inch
cumulatively are cause for rejection. If existing benchmarks indicate that the shoulder has
been refaced beyond the maximum, the connection shall be rejected.

k. Tong Space Reduction - Tong space reduction on heavyweight tool joints is cause for
rejection if the measurement is equal to or less than given in Table 8 of this Standard.

Note: Tong space measurement does not include the hardband area.

l. Hardbanding – For heavyweight drill pipe the acceptable hardbanding is a wear resistant
alloy overlay, applied flush or proud or a tungsten carbide overlay, two or one layer type,
applied flush and ground or machined smooth.

All hardbanding shall comply with the following smoothness criteria:

The entire surface area of hardbanding shall be ground or machined concentric with and
normal to the principle tool joint axis to produce a surface finish of less than or equal to
125µ inch CLA (Calculated Linear Average) and shall be verified with a surface roughness

Unless casing wear is a serious concern then chrome alloy hardbanding maybe acceptable
in the “as welded” condition.

The complete hardbanding surfaces shall be even (i.e. constant diameter) and smooth.
Overlaps, ridges, protrusions or undulations are not permitted. The only exception are the
small “depressions” between the individual welded bands, these are acceptable as long as
they are no more than 3.2mm (1/8 inch) wide or 1.6mm (1/16 inch) deep.

The leading edge intersection between the hardbanding of the tool joint OD and the start of
the taper shall be smooth and rounded off.

November 1999 Page 44

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

• Chrome alloy overlay

Due to the high residual stresses in these hard coatings, cracks often occur transverse to the
weld bead after welding. These cracks may run straight across the weld bead or at an angle
of between 30° and 45°. This is acceptable as long as the cracks are less than (1/16 inch)
width with a minimum spacing of (½ inch). Unacceptable transverse cracks shall be cause
for rejection of the tool joint.

Cracks branching off these transverse cracks are not uncommon. Occasionally these
“branch-off cracks” will interconnect with two transverse cracks, this is acceptable as
long as the cracks are less than 1/16 inch width. A continuous “branch-off” crack that
interconnects three or more transverse cracks (i.e. a semi-circumferential crack) is not
acceptable and shall be cause for rejection.

Circumferential running cracks are unacceptable as they can result in premature fatigue
failure. This type of cracking shall be cause for rejection.

Any tool joints that have evidence of the hardbanding breaking away from the tool joint
(spalling) shall be rejected.

m. Straightness - Bent heavyweight drill pipe measured with a straight edge or taut string
that deviate from straight or with a chord height more than ½ inch shall be repaired in
accordance with Section 2.14.

n. Stress Relief Features – Any connection, NC38 and larger, which does not have the API
stress relief groove or the API box boreback shall be rejected. . Stress relief features
not meeting the acceptable dimensions and measurements summarised in Table 8 of this
Standard are cause for rejection.

Pitting deeper than 1/32 inch is cause for rejection. Die stamp marking on stress relief
surfaces are also cause for rejection

The pin stress relief groove shall have a surface finish of 32 micro-inch CLA or better and
the bore back 125 micro-inch or better.

Pin stress relief features (SRG) which have dimensions in accordance with the latest edition
of RP7G (16th Edition, August 1, 1998, Section 13.8 “Pin stress relief grooves for rental
tools and other short term usage tools”) may be identified for limited service and their
consideration for use is defined in Section 6.2.

o. Stress Reduction Groove – (Hydril Wedge Thread) – Any Hydril WT connections that do
not have the stress reduction groove machined in the thread roots on the tapered large step
shall be rejected.

p. Box Counterbore Diameter – (API Connections) The box counterbore diameter shall not
exceed the dimensions specified in Table 8.

q. Box Counterbore Depth – (API Connections) The box counterbore depth, which should
include any ID bevel shall not be less than 9/16 inch. This is 5/8 inch minimum specified in
API Spec 7, minus 1/16 inch allowance for refacing.

r. Pin Neck Width – (API Connections) The pin neck width shall not exceed 9/16 inch. This is
½ inch maximum as specified in API Spec 7, plus 1/16 inch allowance for refacing.

November 1999 Page 45

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

s. Shoulder Flatness – The pin and box connection shoulder shall be rejected if any visible
gaps are evident between a straightedge and the shoulder surface.

3.3 Drill Collar Connection, Body - Acceptance/Rejection/Classification Criteria

The following conditions are cause for rejection or for classification to limited service, unless
repaired within the described provisions of this Standard. Colour coding shall be applied in
accordance with Section 1.6.

a. Fatigue Cracks - Fatigue cracks whether on the outside or inside surface, are cause for
rejection. There are no provisions for repair. Grinding down of shallow fatigue cracks
shall not be permitted.

b. Heat Stress Cracks - Heat stress cracks located on the outside surface are cause for
rejection. There are no provisions for repair. Grinding down of shallow cracks shall not
be permitted.

c. Stress-Corrosion or Sulphide-Stress Cracks - Stress-corrosion or sulphide-stress cracks

which can occur on both the inside and the outside surfaces are cause for rejection.

d. Corrosion Pitting – (Chromium Manganese Alloy Steel) Corrosion Pitting located on the
inside surface of the pin connection with a depth greater than 1/16 inch shall be cause for

e. Surface Treatment – (Chromium Manganese Alloy Steel) This type of non-magnetic

equipment should have evidence of a layer of compressive stress in the internal bore or it
should be identified for limited service. The consideration for use is defined in the Section

f. Split or Swollen Boxes - Split boxes are cause for rejection. Outside diameter swell of
the box more than 1/32 inch over nominal (for that piece) or of the counterbore diameter
(excluding any inside bevel) over manufacturing tolerances is cause for rejection.

Note: For box OD swell on the Hydril WT, the dimensions for rejection are detailed in
Table 6a.

g. Stretched Threads - Stretched threads on pin connections that exceed 0.006 inch in a 2.0
inch gauge length are cause of rejection.

h. Bending Strength Ratio (BSR) – Drill Collar connection dimensions that result in BSR’s
outside the values stated below are cause for classification to limited service. Section 6.3
specifies the possible use of components downgraded to limited service.

Drill Collar OD BSR Range

Less than 6 inches 1.8 - 2.5
6-8 inches 2.25 - 2.75
8 inches and up 2.5 - 3.2

Table 9 of this Standard gives bending strength ratios for drill collar connections.

i. Bevel Wear - Wear that results in changes in bevel diameter are cause for rejection if they

November 1999 Page 46

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

do not meet the requirement of Table 9 of this Standard.

j. Galled, Pitted, Seal Face - Any galling or pitting of the seal surface that exceeds 1/32 inch in
depth or occupy 25% of the seal width at any given location of the circumference is cause
for rejection. Shoulders that are not flat around their circumference and across their width
also are cause for rejection. Minor damage (refacing) may be repaired in accordance with
Section 2.14, with the exception of both Grant Prideco HT and NKK DSTJ connections
which require machine shop repair.

Note: The Hydril WT connection creates a seal in the tapered thread of the small step
rather than on an external shoulder.

k. Galled, Pitted, Thread Surfaces - Any galling of the threads which can not be repaired
by a hand file is cause for rejection. After any thread repair the thread profile shall be
checked with a field profile gauge. The gauge shall conform to the thread profile so that
no light is visible. Visible gaps estimated to be no greater than 1/16 inch on no more than
three thread crests are acceptable. Pin lead measurements shall be required on connections
where visible gaps are evident on the thread flanks. Two thread profile checks 90 degrees
apart shall be made on each connection. Stretch that exceeds 0.006 inch over the 2 inch
length is cause for rejection.

Note: Thread profile checks are not required on the Hydril WT connection.

The pin flat areas on both the Grant Prideco HT and the NKK DSTJ connection should be
free from pitting that exceeds 1/32 inch in depth or any damage that would inhibit make-up.
The box counterbore should also be free from any damage that would inhibit make-up.

For the Hydril WT connection any galling that wipes out threads or that cannot be dressed
in accordance with will prevent proper thread engagement and is cause for rejection.
Any damage to the threaded areas that raises metal above the original surface will interfere
with full engagement of pin and box and must be removed by dressing in accordance
with or the connection should be rejected. Burrs, raised corners, or other damage
projecting outward from the thread surface should be dressed in accordance with
until the surface is even.

l. Tong Space Reduction - Tong space reduction on drill collars is cause for rejection if the
measurement is less than 10 inches. This measurement should not include the hardband

m. Straightness - Drill Collar bodies not visually straight are cause for rejection.

n. Stress Relief Features - Any connections NC38 and larger which do not have the API stress
relief groove or the API box boreback shall be rejected. . Stress relief features not meeting
the acceptable dimensions and measurements summarised in Table 9 of this Standard are
cause for rejection.

Pitting deeper than 1/32 inch is cause for rejection. Die stamp marking on stress relief
surfaces is also cause for rejection

The pin stress relief groove shall have a surface finish of 32 micro-inch CLA or better and
the bore back 125 micro-inch or better.

Pin stress relief features (SRG) which have dimensions in accordance with the latest edition

November 1999 Page 47

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

of RP7G (16th Edition, August 1, 1998, Section 13.8 “Pin stress relief grooves for rental
tools and other short term usage tools”) may be identified for limited service and their
consideration for use is defined in Section 6.2.

o. Stress Reduction Groove – (Hydril Wedge Thread) – Any Hydril WT connections that do
not have the stress reduction groove machined in the thread roots on the tapered large step
shall be rejected.

p. Box Counterbore Diameter – (API Connections) The box counterbore diameter shall not
exceed the dimensions specified in Table 9.

q. Box Counterbore Depth – (API Connections) The box counterbore depth, which should
include any ID bevel shall not be less than 9/16 inch. This is the 5/8 inch minimum specified
in API Spec 7, minus 1/16 inch allowance for refacing.

r. Pin Neck Width – (API Connections) The pin neck width shall not exceed 9/16 inch. This is
½ inch maximum as specified in API Spec 7, plus 1/16 inch allowance for refacing.

s. Shoulder Flatness – The pin and box connection shoulder shall be rejected if any visible
gaps are evident between a straightedge and the shoulder surface

t. Elevator and Slip Groove - Dimensions measured of the elevator and slip groove that do
not meet the requirements of Table 10 of this Standard are cause for rejection and are to
be classified as “limited service”. Use of equipment specified as “limited service” can be
found in Section 6.4.

3.4 Bottom Hole Assembly (Subs, Stabilisers, Mud Motors, MWD, etc.) Connection,
Body - Acceptance/Rejection/Classification Criteria

The following conditions are cause for rejection or for classification to limited service, unless
repaired within the described provisions of this Standard. Colour coding shall be applied in
accordance with Section 1.6.

Note: This section should be read in conjunction with the supplementary inspection
requirements for Specialised Bottomhole Assembly Components as detailed in Table 11 of
this Standard which specifies acceptance / rejection criteria.

a. Fatigue Cracks - Fatigue cracks whether on the outside or inside surface, are cause for
rejection. There are no provisions for repair. Grinding down of shallow fatigue cracks
shall not be permitted.

b. Heat Stress Cracks - Heat stress cracks located on the outside surface are cause for
rejection. There are no provisions for repair. Grinding down of shallow cracks shall not
be permitted.

c. Stress-Corrosion or Sulphide-Stress Cracks - Stress-corrosion or sulphide-stress cracks

which can occur on both the inside and the outside surfaces are cause for rejection.

d. Corrosion Pitting – (Chromium Manganese Alloy Steel) Corrosion Pitting located on the
inside surface of the pin connection with a depth greater than 1/16 inch shall be cause for

November 1999 Page 48

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0


e. Surface Treatment – (Chromium Manganese Alloy Steel) This type of non-magnetic

equipment should have evidence of a layer of compressive stress in the internal bore or it
should be identified for limited service. The consideration for use is defined in the Section

f. Split or Swollen Boxes - Split boxes are cause for rejection. Outside diameter swell of
the box more than 1/32 inch over nominal (for that piece) or of the counterbore diameter
(excluding any inside bevel) over manufacturing tolerances is cause for rejection. Table 11
of this Standard summarises acceptable dimensions for bottom hole assembly connections.
Excessive taper “rock,” as indicated by placing a straight edge across the crests of the
threads, is also sufficient cause for rejection.

g. Stretched Threads - Stretched threads on pin connections that exceed 0.006 inch in a 2.0
inch gauge length are cause of rejection.

h. Bending Strength Ratio (BSR) - BHA connection dimensions that result in BSR’s outside
the values stated below are cause for classification to limited service. Section 6 specifies
the possible use of components downgraded to limited service.

Tool OD BSR Range

Less than 6 inches 1.8 - 2.5
6-8 inches 2.25 - 2.75
8 inches and up 2.5 - 3.2

Table 9 of this Standard gives bending strength ratios for bottom hole assembly

i. Bevel Wear - Wear that results in changes in bevel diameter are cause for rejection if they
do not meet the requirement of Table 9 of this Standard.

j. Galled, Pitted, Seal Face - Any galling or pitting of the seal surface that exceeds 1/32 inch in
depth or occupy 25% of the seal width at any given location of the circumference is cause
for rejection. Shoulders that are not flat around their circumference and across their width
also are cause for rejection. Minor damage (refacing) may be repaired in accordance with
Section 2.14, with the exception of both Grant Prideco HT and NKK DSTJ connections
which require machine shop repair.

Note: The Hydril WT connection creates a seal in the tapered thread of the small step
rather than on an external shoulder.

k. Galled, Pitted, Thread Surfaces - Any galling of the threads which can not be repaired
by a hand file is cause for rejection. After any thread repair the thread profile shall be
checked with a field profile gauge. The gauge shall conform to the thread profile so that
no light is visible. Visible gaps estimated to be no greater than 1/16 inch on no more than
three thread crests are acceptable. Pin lead measurements shall be required on connections
where visible gaps are evident on the thread flanks. Two thread profile checks 90 degrees
apart shall be made on each connection. Stretch that exceeds 0.006 inch over the 2 inch
length is cause for rejection.

Note: Thread profile checks are not required on the Hydril WT connection.

November 1999 Page 49

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

l. Excessively Refaced Shoulders - Shoulders that have been refaced more than 1/16 inch
cumulatively are cause for rejection. If existing benchmarks indicate that the shoulder has
been refaced beyond the maximum, the connection shall be rejected.

m. Minimum Lengths for Drillstring Subs – The minimum lengths for Type A, B, and C subs
(as defined in API Spec 7) can be found in Table 13 of this Standard. Overall lengths for
used drillstring subs shall be measured from connection shoulder to shoulder.

n. Stress Relief Features - Stress relief features not meeting the acceptable dimensions and
measurements summarised in Table 9 of this Standard are cause for rejection. Pitting
deeper than 1/32 inch is cause for rejection. Die stamp marking on stress relief surfaces are
also cause for rejection.

The pin stress relief groove shall have a surface finish of 32 micro-inch CLA or better and
the bore back 125 micro-inch or better.

Pin stress relief features (SRG) which have dimensions in accordance with the latest edition
of RP7G (16th Edition, December 1998, Section 13.8 “Pin stress relief grooves for rental
tools and other short term usage tools”) may be identified for limited service and there
consideration for use is defined in Section 6.2.5.

o. Stress Reduction Groove – (Hydril Wedge Thread) – Any Hydril WT connections that do
not have the stress reduction groove machined in the thread roots on the tapered large step
shall be rejected.

p. Box Counterbore Diameter – (API Connections) The box counterbore diameter shall not
exceed the dimensions specified in Table 9.

q. Box Counterbore Depth – (API Connections) The box counterbore depth, which should
include any ID bevel shall not be less than 9/16 inch. This is 5/8 inch minimum specified in
API Spec 7, minus 1/16 inch allowance for refacing.

r. Pin Neck Width – (API Connections) The pin neck width shall not exceed 9/16 inch. This is
½ inch maximum as specified in API Spec 7, plus 1/16 inch allowance for refacing.

s. Shoulder Flatness – The pin and box connection shoulder shall be rejected if any visible
gaps are evident between a straightedge and the shoulder surface.

t. Stabiliser Blade Dimensions – Table12 of this Standard summarises acceptable outside

diameter measurements for new or rebuilt stabilisers.

November 1999 Page 50


D1 E
A. Pin Neck Width
B. Pin Inside Diameter

November 1999
C. Bevel Diameter
C D. Tong
ong Space
D1. Tong
ong Space with Hardband
Drillstring Inspection Standard

E. Bevel Width

A. Box Outside Diameter

Page 51
B. Seal Width

ong Space
C. Tong B
C1. Tong
ong Space with Hardband
D. Bevel Width
E. Shoulder Width
F. Counterbore Depth E

Figure 10
Locations for Tool Joint Measurements
NS-2 Rev 0
NS-2 Rev 0

8/ 5 6 2/ 1 5 8/ 1 7 66755 E
8/5 6 8/5 5 61/5 7 73607 X
8/5 6 61/11 5 23/31 7 37087 G
8/5 6 61/31 5 8/5 7 973001 S 56 TH
9 2/ 1 5 8/ 7 6 73607 X
9 2/ 1 5 8/ 7 6 37087 G
9 2/1 5 8/7 6 973001 S 65 TW
9 6 46/54 7 73607 X
9 6 46/54 7 37087 G
9 6 46/54 7 973001 S 66 TW
23/52 7 8/7 6 8/5 6 2/1 5 23/7 4/1 61/9 5 61/7 7 97.0 57834 08.0 38644 66755 E
23/52 7 8/7 6 8/5 6 8/5 5 23/9 46/12 61/5 5 23/91 7 18.0 68175 08.0 61265 73607 X
23/52 7 8/7 6 8/5 6 61/11 5 46/91 8/3 23/7 5 61/11 7 08.0 72126 18.0 40336 37087 G
23/52 7 8/7 6 8/5 6 61/11 5 23/11 61/7 23/1 5 61/31 7 08.0 69617 28.0 45927 62298 021G
23/52 7 8/7 6 8/5 6 61/31 5 8/3 46/13 23/72 4 23/92 7 18.0 71908 08.0 14308 973001 S HF "8/5 6 02.52 "8/5 6
8/5 6 23/71 5 61/3 7 19106 E

Page 52
8/5 6 23/12 5 8/3 7 34267 X
8/5 6 23/32 5 23/51 7 86248 G
8/5 6 8/7 5 23/91 7 543801 S 56 TH
9 2/ 1 5 8/ 7 6 34267 X
9 2/ 1 5 8/ 7 6 86248 G
9 2/1 5 8/7 6 543801 S 65 TW
9 6 46/54 7 34267 X
9 6 46/54 7 86248 G
9 6 46/54 7 543801 S 66 TW
Drillstring Inspection Standard

23/52 7 8/7 6 8/5 6 23/71 5 46/51 23/9 23/51 5 2/1 7 18.0 82984 28.0 45294 19106 E
23/52 7 8/7 6 8/5 6 23/12 5 46/91 46/32 23/7 5 23/12 7 18.0 46026 08.0 72906 34267 X
23/52 7 8/7 6 8/5 6 23/32 5 46/12 23/31 23/3 5 4/3 7 18.0 09486 18.0 10186 86248 G
23/52 7 8/7 6 8/5 6 23/32 5 8/3 23/51 23/92 4 8/7 7 18.0 57877 18.0 46877 60369 021G
23/52 7 8/7 6 8/5 6 8/7 5 23/31 23/71 23/32 4 8 08.0 19968 18.0 65878 543801 S
23/52 7 8/7 6 8/5 6 8/7 5 46/92 61/9 23/91 4 61/1 8 08.0 55829 08.0 93929 073611 V H F "8/5 6 07.72 "8/5 6
    [R% QL3  


November 1999
VHKFQL QL VQRLVQHPLG OO$  67 3' 67 -7 567
NS-2 Rev 0



Page 53
Drillstring Inspection Standard


November 1999



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NS-2 Rev 0



Page 54
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November 1999



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Page 55















Drillstring Inspection Standard









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November 1999



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November 1999



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November 1999



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November 1999



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November 1999



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November 1999



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Page 63
Drillstring Inspection Standard



November 1999



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Page 64

Drillstring Inspection Standard



November 1999



ssalC muimerP
NS-2 Rev 0

. r e d l u o h s p u - e k a m e h t m o r f s e h c ni 2 t s a el t a e r a s g n o t g n i r u s n e n o o c e d i r P t n a r G m o r f s n o i t a d n e m m o c e r e h t n o i t a r e d i s n o c
o t n i e k a t l l i w s i h T . s e l b a t e s e h t n i s t n i o j l o o t x o b n o m u m i n i m d e i f i c e p s e h t o t h c ni 1 g n i d d a o t n e v i g e b d l u o h s n o i t a r e d i s n o c t u b , s n o i t c e n n o c I P A n o d e s a b e r a s n o i t c e n n o c T H r o f s e c a p s g n o t m u m i n i m e h T *
. l i r d y H m o r f d e n i a t b o e r e w s n o i t c e n n o c T W r o f s e c a p s g n ot m u m i n i m e h T *
.ecaps gnot muminim rof snoisnemid sevig regnol on G7PR IPA fo noitidE ht61 ehT .noitidE ht51 G7PR IPA fo stnemeriuqer eht no desab neeb evah snoitcennoc IPA rof secaps gnot muminim ehT*
. n o i t a c i f i c e p s s i h t f o n o i t i d e t x e n e h t ni n o i t c e n n o c J T S D K K N
e h t e d u l c n i o t d n a a t a d e r o m n i a t b o o t s r e r u t c a f u n a m n o i t c e n n o c e h t h t i w g n i o g n o e r a s n o i s s u c s i D . s n o i t c e n n o c T W l i r d y H d n a T H o c e d i r P t n a r G r o f e l b a T s i h t ni d e d u l c n i n e e b s a h a t a d l a n o i s n e m i d d e t i m i L *
r e t e m a i d l e v e b e h t s i T W l i r d y H r of D O m u m i n i m e h T *
. g n i c a f er r o f h c n i 6 1 / 1 s u l p ) s e c n a r e l o t g n i d u l c n i ( s n o i s n e m i d s ' r e r u t c a f u n a m l a n i g i r o e ht m o rf d e t a l u c l a c s i r e t e m a i d l e v e b m u m i x a m e h T *
htgnert S lanoisroT = S T *


Page 65
Drillstring Inspection Standard


November 1999



ssalC muimerP
Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

able 6a
Dimensional Requirements for Maximum Counterbore Diameter
Hydril WT

edge Thread Maximum Counterbore Diameter
Connection D1 (inches) D2 (inches)
WT23 2.765 2.415
WT26 2.980 2.630
WT31 3.685 3.145
WT38 4.295 3.755
WT39 4.510 3.970
WT40 4.820 4.280
WT46 5.390 4.850
WT50 5.940 5.360
WT54 6.180 5.600
WT56 6.430 5.850
WT66 7.155 6.575

November 1999 Page 66

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Table 6b
Dimensional Requirements for DSTJ
Pin and Box Lengths
Connection Depth of Box Length of Pin

Min. Max. Min. Max.

DSTJ NC38 111.85 112.15 111.65 111.92
DSTJ NC40 124.85 125.15 124.65 124.92
DSTJ NC46 124.85 125.15 124.65 124.92
DSTJ NC50 124.85 125.15 124.65 124.92
DSTJ 5½FH 137.85 138.15 137.65 137.92
Connection Depth of Box Length of Pin

Min. Max. Min. Max.

DSTJ NC38 4.404 4.415 4.396 4.406
DSTJ NC40 4.915 4.927 4.907 4.918
DSTJ NC46 4.915 4.927 4.907 4.918
DSTJ NC50 4.915 4.927 4.907 4.918
DSTJ 5½FH 5.427 5.439 5.419 5.430

Lbc : Depth of Box

Lpn : Length of Pin

November 1999 Page 67



November 1999
1,3 ;2%
Connection Thread Form Gauge Point Pin Length Bevel Dia Pin Base Dia Nose Dia Box Bevel Dia Counterbore Dia
(in) (in) (in) (in) (in) Depth(in) (in) (in)
23/8 HTSLH90 90°V 084 2.000 4.438 3.000 2.638 2.232 4.448 3.000 2.766
27/8 HTPAC V 076S 2.000 4.830 3.063 2.437 1.983 4.840 3.063 2.570
HT26 V 038R 2.000 5.165 3.444 2.750 2.125 5.173 3.444 2.938
Drillstring Inspection Standard

HT38 V 038R 2.000 5.505 4.653 3.911 3.188 5.515 4.653 4.078
HT40 V 038R 2.000 6.276 4.875 4.156 3.322 6.286 4.875 4.344
HT50 V 038R 2.000 6.159 6.140 5.125 4.313 6.169 6.140 5.313
HT55 V 050 2.250 7.347 6.873 5.720 4.682 7.357 6.873 5.906
HT65 V 050 2.250 7.500 7.563 6.647 5.582 7.509 7.563 6.844

Page 68

    HVR1  DL'

NS-2 Rev 0
Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

November 1999 Page 69

NS-2 Rev 0

 #   $ & 

     & +     * ) ('       & %
   $ # "      !                  

Page 70





Drillstring Inspection Standard



 [R% QL3 
 !   #

November 1999

A. Pin Inside Diameter

November 1999
B. Stress Relief Groove Width
C. Stress Relief Groove Diameter
D. Pin Length
Drillstring Inspection Standard

Page 71
A. Box Counterbore Diameter
B. Box Counterbore Depth
C. Bevel Diameter
D. Bore Back Cylindrical Diameter D
E. Outside Diameter
F. Bore Back Length

Figure 11
Locations for BHA Connection Measurements
NS-2 Rev 0
NS-2 Rev 0

    KWGL: *56 QL3
     UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
     UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%       
     [R% IR KWSH'      
      QL3 IR KWJQH/       
      HUREUHWQXR& [D0                

    KWGL: *56 QL3
     UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
     UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%       
        [R% IR KWSH'      
      QL3 IR KWJQH/     
   HUREUHWQXR& [D0               

Page 72
    KWGL: *56 QL3
      UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
        [R% IR KWSH'   
      QL3 IR KWJQH/ "-& + ($+ #' &(#'( $
(' #'-& '. 
   HUREUHWQXR& [D0       - & ( + &  ,  + ( *
) '
& &   $ &
( '   & &
   %   %  $  # "           
    KWGL: *56 QL3
      UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
Drillstring Inspection Standard

        [R% IR KWSH'       
      QL3 IR KWJQH/           
      HUREUHWQXR& [D0             

)mumixaM( )muminiM(        

)1 eton ees(       

November 1999
RSB 2.3 - 5.2 RSB 57.2 - 52.2
   egnaR retemaiD leveB egnaR .D. O elbatpeccA 
NS-2 Rev 0

    KWGL: *56 QL3
     UHWDPDL' *56 QL3       
    UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%       
      [R% IR KWSH'          
      QL3 IR KWJQH/              
    HUREUHWQXR& [D0                !
    KWGL: *56 QL3
      UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
     [R% IR KWSH'   
      QL3 IR KWJQH/           

  HUREUHWQXR& [D0                                



Page 73
    KWGL: *56 QL3
      UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
      UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%        
     [R% IR KWSH'       
      QL3 IR KWJQH/           
       HUREUHWQXR& [D0                  
    KWGL: *56 QL3
     UHWHPDL' *56 QL3     
Drillstring Inspection Standard

     UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%         

     [R% IR KWSH'          
      QL3 IR KWJQH/                      

    HUREUHWQXR& [D0                                  


  OT = R O )mumixaM( )muminiM( )mumixaM( )muminiM( )lanimoN(

November 1999

 &'# $ & "% $   # "!  noitcennoC
airetir C ecnatpeccA lanoisnemi D noitcennoC AHB desU 9 elbaT
NS-2 Rev 0

    KWGL: *56 QL3
      UHWHPDL' *56 QL3 

        [R% IR KWSH' 

 HUREUHWQXR& [D0       
    KWGL: *56 QL3
      UHWHPDL' *56 QL3  

        [R% IR KWSH'   

QL3 IR KWJQH/          
       HUREUHWQXR& [D0   

Page 74
    KWGL: *56 QL3
 UHWHPDL' *56 QL3         


[R% IR KWSH'              


    KWGL: *56 QL3
          UHWHPDL' *56 QL3        
Drillstring Inspection Standard

     UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%        

     [R% IR KWSH'     
      QL3 IR KWJQH/        
    HUREUHWQXR& [D0                



November 1999

  &    %' &    %$ #"" 
NS-2 Rev 0

    KWGL: *56 QL3
     UHWHPDL' *56 QL3          
          UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%                 
      [R% IR KWSH'             
      QL3 IR KWJQH/                 
    HUREUHWQXR& [D0                  *(5   
    KWGL: *56 QL3
      UHWHPDL' *56 QL3          
     UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%          
      [R% IR KWSH'        
      QL3 IR KWJQH/                  
   HUREUHWQXR& [D0                     +   

Page 75
    KWGL: *56 QL3
     UHWHPDL' *56 QL3        
     UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%            
        [R% IR KWSH'            
      QL3 IR KWJQH/              
    HUREUHWQXR& [D0                &1
    KWGL: *56 QL3         
          UHWHPDL' *56 QL3             
Drillstring Inspection Standard

         UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%                  
      [R% IR KWSH'             
      QL3 IR KWJQH/              
   HUREUHWQXR& [D0              +)   


November 1999
* &!+ ( '!& * ')!& ( '&!&
  $% "  $  # "  ! !   
NS-2 Rev 0


    KWGL: *56 QL3       
     UHWHPDL' *56 QL3             
      UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%            
        [R% IR KWSH'           
      QL3 IR KWJQH/               
   HUREUHWQXR& [D0               *(5   
    KWGL: *56 QL3        
      UHWHPDL' *56 QL3          
     UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%      
        [R% IR KWSH'       
      QL3 IR KWJQH/              
   HUREUHWQXR& [D0             +   

Page 76
    KWGL: *56 QL3        
     UHWHPDL' *56 QL3        
     UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%      
      [R% IR KWSH'            
      QL3 IR KWJQH/                
 HUREUHWQXR& [D0                 &1
    KWGL: *56 QL3     
        UHWHPDL' *56 QL3              
Drillstring Inspection Standard

        UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%             

      [R% IR KWSH'              
      QL3 IR KWJQH/            
  HUREUHWQXR& [D0               +)   


November 1999
! "    !   
%%  *+ (  *  ) (     ' & 
NS-2 Rev 0


      KWGL: *56 QL3



  [R% IR KWSH'







      KWGL: *56 QL3 


 UHWHPDL' *56 QL3  



   [R% IR KWSH'












Page 77
      KWGL: *56 QL3

     UHWHPDL' *56 QL3  


   [R% IR KWSH'   



    QL3 IR KWJQH/  



      KWGL: *56 QL3

    UHWHPDL' *56 QL3

Drillstring Inspection Standard



   [R% IR KWSH'


     QL3 IR KWJQH/







November 1999
$# "%! "!! $# "! 
   *    +# *     ) ( 
NS-2 Rev 0

      KWGL: *56 QL3
    UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
      UHWHPDL' NFDEHUR%           
       [R% IR KWSH'               
     QL3 IR KWJQH/                 
    HUREUHWQXR& [D0        
      KWGL: *56 QL3
      UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
      [R% IR KWSH'     
      QL3 IR KWJQH/         

Page 78
      KWGL: *56 QL3        
        UHWHPDL' *56 QL3  
       [R% IR KWSH'          
     QL3 IR KWJQH/     
   HUREUHWQXR& [D0         
      KWGL: *56 QL3
      UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
Drillstring Inspection Standard

      [R% IR KWSH'               
      QL3 IR KWJQH/                    
  HUREUHWQXR& [D0              


November 1999
* )+!( ' )(!( * )!( ' &!
  $% "  $  # "  ! !   
NS-2 Rev 0


 KWGL: *56 QL3
 UHWHPDL' *56 QL3     

   [R% IR KWSH'    
      QL3 IR KWJQH/ 


  HUREUHWQXR& [D0              
 KWGL: *56 QL3
 UHWHPDL' *56 QL3     

 QL3 IR KWJQH/     



Page 79
    KWGL: *56 QL3
     UHWHPDL' *56 QL3     

   [R% IR KWSH'  


    QL3 IR KWJQH/   
  HUREUHWQXR& [D0      

    KWGL: *56 QL3
Drillstring Inspection Standard


   [R% IR KWSH'
    QL3 IR KWJQH/ 





November 1999
! "    !   
%%  *+ (  *  ) (     ' & 
NS-2 Rev 0

 KWGL: *56 QL3




 KWGL: *56 QL3
[R% IR KWSH'  

     QL3 IR KWJQH/




Page 80
 KWGL: *56 QL3

   [R% IR KWSH'

     QL3 IR KWJQH/

   HUREUHWQXR& [D0      
 KWGL: *56 QL3
Drillstring Inspection Standard



      QL3 IR KWJQH/  





November 1999
$# "%! "!! $# "! 
   *    +# *     ) ( 
NS-2 Rev 0


 KWGL: *56 QL3

  [R% IR KWSH'
     QL3 IR KWJQH/       
 KWGL: *56 QL3
     [R% IR KWSH'


Page 81
 KWGL: *56 QL3
     QL3 IR KWJQH/
   HUREUHWQXR& [D0         
 KWGL: *56 QL3
Drillstring Inspection Standard


       [R% IR KWSH'




  HUREUHWQXR& [D0     

#  "

November 1999
( ')& % '&& ( '& % $#
""  !             
 %     +

  4   &3  &

  %&     0/.  

 &+ % '   &+ &    %   2
 2!    %    
1&    & 1 
 * 0/.  '

% +     +
 ++  &

 % &
  &    ' /. 
 %  %  #
/ % . %  '
+ &+  *  

     '   %   
     '   % * !
NS-2 Rev 0

  %& +& %

+  &       '  &  *
$1 % -   
 % +  
+ ",  %  
  %& +& %

+  &       '  &  *
) (       '   
     '     & 
%  $#  "!   

$1 KWGL: *56 QL3 6(721
$1 UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
      [R% IR KWSH'
      QL3 IR KWJQH/
    HUREUHWQXR& [D0                +6   
$1 KWGL: *56 QL3
$1 UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
     [R% IR KWSH'
      QL3 IR KWJQH/            
  HUREUHWQXR& [D0               &$3   

Page 82
$1 KWGL: *56 QL3
$1 UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
      [R% IR KWSH'
      QL3 IR KWJQH/           
   HUREUHWQXR& [D0              *(5   
$1 KWGL: *56 QL3
$1 UHWHPDL' *56 QL3
Drillstring Inspection Standard


     [R% IR KWSH'      
      QL3 IR KWJQH/       
  HUREUHWQXR& [D0                +2   
)mumixaM( )muminiM(        

)1 eton ees(       

November 1999
RSB 57.2 - 52.2 RSB 5.2 - 8.1
snoisnemiD rehtO egnaR retemaiD leveB egnaR .D. O elbatpeccA 
Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

able 10
Dimensional Criteria for Measurements of Drill Collar OD, and
Elevator and Slip Groove Recess

10 in. min 16 in. min 18 in. min


Elevator Gr Slip Groove
Recess Recess

1 inch

(All dimensions in inches)

Drill Collar OD Elevator Gr

oove Depth A Slip Gr
oove Depth B
5 7 3
4 to 4 /8 /32 /16
2 5 3
4 /4 to 5 /8 ¼ /16
53/4 to 65/8 5
/16 ¼
63/4 to 85/8 3
/8 ¼
3 7
8 /4 /16 ¼

Note: The outside corner of the elevator shoulder on all collars shall not be worn to more than 1/8
inch radius. The outside diameter of the drill collar
collar,, 1 inch from the elevator shoulder shall be
within +/- 1/16 inch of the specified OD (see section 6.4).

(All dimensions in inches)

November 1999 Page 83

11 elbaT
ylbmessA eloHmottoB desilaicepS rof stnemeriuqeR noitcepsnI yratnemelppuS muminiM

November 1999
Gauge (min)
Drillstring Inspection Standard

1. Stabiliser None Weld, Leading And Magnetic particle Nominal Box None Visual inspection of external
(Welded Trailing Radius inspection with +0, -1/32 18 inches body for mechanical damage
Blade) Areas Of Blades contrast paint, black (any cut, gouge or similar
magnetic ink, AC imperfection deeper than 10%
10 inches
Yoke, Bi- of the adjacent wall shall be
Directional rejected).

Visual Ends of blades to be tapered to

body and radiused

Page 84
Crack indications shall be
rejected, except for hairline
cracks in the hardfacing which
are acceptable if they do not
extend into the base material

2. Stabiliser None Leading and Trailing Magnetic particle Nominal Box None Visual inspection of external
(Integral Radius Areas of inspection with +0, -1/32 18 inches body for mechanical damage
Blade) Blades contrast paint, black (any cut, gouge or similar
magnetic ink, AC Pin imperfection deeper than 10%
Yoke, Bi-directional 10 inches of the adjacent wall shall be

Non-Magnetic Ends of blades must be tapered

Stabilisers shall to body and radiused
receive a liquid
penetrant inspection
NS-2 Rev 0

11 elbaT
ylbmessA eloHmottoB desilaicepS rof stnemeriuqeR noitcepsnI yratnemelppuS muminiM

November 1999
Gauge (min)
Drillstring Inspection Standard

3. Stabiliser Remove Sleeve Centre body Magnetic particle Nominal Box Visual inspection of external
(Mandrel, from body Connection inspection (wet +0, -1/32 18 inches body for mechanical damage
Sleeve fluorescent) with (any cut, gouge or similar
type) Sleeve Mandrel DC Coil (Measure imperfection deeper than 10%
from of the adjacent wall shall be
Visual middle rejected)

Page 85
8 inches

4. Hole Remove cutters Weld and Saddle Magnetic particle Cutter Area Box Check cutters Visual inspection of external
Openers area inspection with 18 inches for ease of body for mechanical damage
contrast paint, black movement (any cut, gouge or similar
Cutters, Pins, magnetic ink, AC Pin imperfection deeper than 10%
Bearing Yoke, Bi-directional 10 inches of the adjacent wall shall be
Blocks/Bushings, VISUAL rejected)
Pin Holes
Crack indications shall be
rejected, except for hairline
cracks in the hardfacing which
are acceptable if they do not
extend into the base material
NS-2 Rev 0
11 elbaT
ylbmessA eloHmottoB desilaicepS rof stnemeriuqeR noitcepsnI yratnemelppuS muminiM

November 1999
Gauge (min)
Drillstring Inspection Standard


5. Borrox Remove Rollers, Pins, Magnetic particle Roller Box Visual inspection of external
Roller Cutters/Block Bearing inspection with Area 18 inches body for mechanical damage
Reamers Blocks/Bushings, contrast paint, black (any cut, gouge or similar
Pin Holes and other magnetic ink, AC imperfection deeper than 10%
10 inches
high stress areas Yoke, Bi- of the adjacent wall shall be
Directional rejected)
Visual Crack indications shall be

Page 86
rejected, except for hairline
cracks in the hardfacing which
are acceptable if they do not
extend into the base material
No worn or damaged cutters,
Pins, Seals, Threads, Roller
Cones, Bearing, Welds
6. Under- Remove All internal Internal connections Cutter Box Visual inspection of external
Reamers Cutters/Block connections wet fluorescent MPI Area 18 inches body for mechanical damage
with DC Coil (any cut, gouge or similar
Cutters, Pins, Magnetic particle imperfection deeper than 10%
10 inches
Bearing inspection with of the adjacent wall shall be
Blocks/Bushings, contrast paint, black rejected)
Pin Holes magnetic ink, AC No worn or damaged cutters,
Cutter Recess Yoke, Bi- Pins, Seals, Threads, Roller
Directional Cones, Bearing, Welds
NS-2 Rev 0

11 elbaT
ylbmessA eloHmottoB desilaicepS rof stnemeriuqeR noitcepsnI yratnemelppuS muminiM

November 1999
Gauge (min)
Drillstring Inspection Standard


7. Drilling Fully Dis- All internal Magnetic particle As per Box Jar Company Visual inspection of external
Jars assemble in connections inspection (wet service 18 inches Procedure body for mechanical damage
accordance All body or housing fluorescent) with company (any cut, gouge or similar
with service penetrations, such as DC Coil manual imperfection deeper than 10%
10 inches
company ports, bellville of the adjacent wall shall be
manual washers, and similar Visual rejected)
Pitting, Erosion, gouges and
Magnetic Particle
Outside surface of the cuts to internal and external

Page 87
tool from shoulder to Inspection (wet),
chrome plated sealing areas, or
shoulder AC Yoke, Bi-
flaking spalled or peeling
Chrome plated areas chrome shall be cause for
All splines and “drive
bushings” and impact
Visual inspection of external body
8.MWD/ Fully dis- All internal Magnetic particle OD of None None for mechanical damage (any cut,
assemble in connections inspection (wet subs and gouge or similar imperfection
LWD Tools
accordance fluorescent) with stabiliser deeper than 10% of the adjacent
All body or housing
with service DC Coil blades wall shall be rejected)
company When the mid-body connection
manual Liquid penetrant forms a seal, all seal surfaces shall
inspection be free from raised metal or
protruding corrosion deposits,
Visual pitting or any other imperfection of
the seal surface that are estimated
to exceed 1/32 in depth or occupy
NS-2 Rev 0

more than 25% of the seal width at

any given location is cause for
11 elbaT
ylbmessA eloHmottoB desilaicepS rof stnemeriuqeR noitcepsnI yratnemelppuS muminiM

November 1999
Gauge (min)
Drillstring Inspection Standard

9. Drilling Full Dis- All internal Magnetic Particle Stabiliser None As per shop Visual inspection of external
Motor assembly in connections Inspection (wet Blade assembly body for mechanical damage
and accordance fluorescent) with manual (any cut, gouge or similar
Turbines with service DC Coil imperfection deeper than 10%
company of the adjacent wall shall be
manual ACFM (alternating rejected)
current field All motors to have rotor catcher
measurement) on all installed.
ACME Threads on

Page 88
motors ACME Thread Roots to be free
from corrosion pitting
exceeding 1/32 inch in depth.
When the mid-body connection
Visual forms a seal, all seal surfaces
shall be free from raised metal
or protruding corrosion
deposits, pitting or any other
imperfection of the seal surface
that are estimated to exceed 1/32
inch in depth or occupy more
than 25% of the seal width at
any given location is cause for
NS-2 Rev 0
Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

able 12
Stabiliser Dimensional Acceptance Criteria *1,2

Nominal OD New Actual OD OD T

26 26 +0,-1/16
17½ 1729/64 +0,- 1/32
16 1561/64 +0,- 1/32
12¼ 127/32 +0,- 1/32
8½ 831/64 +0,- 1/64
83/8 823/64 +0,- 1/64
6 563/64 +0,- 1/64
57/8 555/64 +0,- 1/64
5¾ 547/64 +0,- 1/64

Note : 1. Fishing neck length not to be less than 18 inches

2. TTong
ong space not to be less than 10 inches

(All dimensions in inches)

November 1999 Page 89

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

able 13
Minimum Length for Drillstring Subs

Length Marking

May also be manufactured as TYPE C
a double box or double pin TYPE B Swivel sub-left hand threads
May also be manufactured as top and bottom
a double box or double pin


A (box x box) 36 24 - -
B 48 36 24 18
C 8 7 - -

Overall length for used drillstring subs shall be measured from connection shoulder to shoulder

Length measurements for new drillstring subs should be in accordance with API Spec 7.

November 1999 Page 90

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Table 14
Float Valve Recess in Bit Subs







If R ≤ than the bore, then disregard

If the bore is larger than R-½ inch, then use 1/8 inch minimum
The ID of the drill collar or sub and ID of bit pin must be small enough to hold valve assembly
A=L (length of valve assembly) + length of tool joint pin + ¼ inch

Diameter of Diameter of Length of API Reg. Bit Box Other Popular Connections
Valve Float Valve
Assembly Recess Assembly
D R. +
/64 –0 L Size A. ± 1
/16 Size A. ± 1
(D. + /32)
21 11 7 3 1 1
1 /32 1 /16 5 /8 2 /8 9 /8 NC23 9 /8
29 15 1 7 3 1
1 /32 1 /16 6 /4 2 /8 10 2 /8 IF 9 /2
13 7 1 1 1 7 1
2 /32 2 /16 6 /2 3 /2 10 /2 2 /8 IF 10 /4
13 27 1
2 /16 2 /32 10 - - 3 /2 FH 14
1 5 1 1
3 /8 3 /32 10 - - 3 /2 IF 14 /4

/32 3 /2
85/16 41/2 1213/16 NC44 131/16
321/32 311/16 12 - - 4 IF 131/4
37/8 329/32 93/4 5 /2
143/4 41/2 IF 141/2
425/32 413/16 113/4 65/8 17 51/2 IF 17
- - - 75/8 171/4 51/2 FH 17
- - - 85/8 173/8 NC 61 171/4
5 /16
5 /32
145/8 85/8 201/4 65/8IF 197/8

November 1999 Page 91

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0


4.1 Objective

The objective of the inspection shall be to identify imperfections in drill pipe, heavyweight drill
pipe, drill collars, and other bottomhole assembly tools through non destructive inspections,
to repair imperfections in the field when possible, and to report the results to the customer.
Acceptance/rejection and classification shall be in accordance with SECTION 3 and Section

4.2 Inspection and Repair Preparation

4.2.1 Equipment Set Up

All equipment to be used in the inspection or repair shall be thoroughly checked to ensure
that it is operating correctly prior to initiation of the work. The pipe to be inspected
or repaired shall be separated and secured to ensure sufficient room for the work to be
conducted and to prevent incurring additional damage to the pipe in accordance with
Section 1.9.

4.2.2 Material Identification Each piece to be inspected or repaired shall be identified by a permanent

identification number unique to the individual piece in accordance with Section
1.6.1. Contractors, service tool companies, and rental tool companies must comply
before the inspection can be started. For drill pipe a check of 10 percent of the pipe taken at random shall be carried
out to identify manufacturer markings, tool joint weld date, internal upset profile
(M.I.U.), and to determine if the pipe has had previous inspections or repairs.

4.3 Drill Pipe

4.3.1 Inspection Coverage (Tool Joint and Connection) The following inspection shall be performed:

1) Wet-fluorescent magnetic particle inspection

2) Visual inspection
3) Dimensional measurements
4) ATI (optional for threads) The tool joint and connection shall be inspected on the inside and outside surfaces.
Special attention shall be given to the inspection of the last engaged threads and
sealing surfaces of the connections.

November 1999 Page 92

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 All areas to be inspected shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with Section
2.2.4. Each connection shall be magnetised using a DC coil in accordance with Section
2.3.5. The use of prior magnetisation in the connection is not acceptable. The
orientation and strength of the magnetic field shall be verified in the area being
inspected in accordance with Section 2.3.7. The inspector shall apply the fluorescent magnetic particle solutions liberally to all
surfaces to inspected in accordance with Section 2.3.10. The inspector shall then
darken the work space using a dark-coloured tarpaulin. The pipe shall be rolled
during inspection to ensure full circumferential inspection coverage, especially in
the area of the bottom of the connection where a particle concentration (puddle)
forms. A magnifying mirror must be used for internal box connection inspections.
The magnetic particle solution shall be tested as per Section 2.3.3. A soft wheel high-speed grinder may be used to differentiate fatigue cracks from
machining marks in thread roots. It is not permissible though, to remove fatigue
cracks, as stated in Section 3.1. The OD of the box tool joint shall be measured 2 inches from the shoulder and
be recorded on the inspection report. The pin ID shall be measured to check
compliance with Table 6. The box shoulder width, seal width, and the bevel diameter on both pin and box
connections shall be measured. The box connection shall be checked for box swell by placing a straightedge along
the longitudinal axis of the tool joint OD. If a visible gap is evident between the
straightedge and the tool joint, the OD next to the bevel shall be measured and
compared to the OD two inches from the bevel. If the OD measured at the bevel
is greater by 1/32 inch or more, the connection shall be rejected. The box counterbore depth and diameter shall also be measured. The pin neck width shall be measured from the pin shoulder to the intersection of
the flank of the first full depth thread with the pin neck. The pin thread profile shall be visually inspected for stretch using a thread
profile gauge. Pin stretch shall be checked in at least three positions around the
circumference near the last engaged threads. Suspect connections shall be verified
using a lead gauge in accordance with Section 2.9. The shoulder face of pin and box connections shall be checked for flatness around
their circumference and across their width. This shall be verified on the box by
placing a straightedge at least 180º along the plane of the shoulder. On the pin
this shall be performed by placing the straightedge across a chord of the shoulder
surface, and repeating at 60º increments. The box and pin shoulder face positions shall be measured from bench marks
in the box counterbore and at the base of the pin to identify whether excessive
refacing has occurred.

November 1999 Page 93

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 The threads and seal face of both pin and box connection shall be visually
inspected for galling and pitting. These areas may be field repaired in accordance
with Section 2.14. The pin and box tong space length shall be measured and recorded on the
inspection report. Hardbanding shall be visually and dimensionally checked to meet the requirements
of Section 3.1.

4.3.2 Visual and Dimensional Inspection of the Hydril Wedge Thread Connection

Unlike conventional shouldering tool joints, the Wedge Thread creates a seal in the tapered
thread of the small step rather than on the external shoulder. Because the threads create
the seal, damage to the pin external shoulder or box face does not require re-facing or
rejection of the joint. Typical running and handling damage to the Wedge Thread can be
field repaired. Damage to the pin face, pin external shoulder, box face, and box internal
shoulder can be hand dressed to remove any protrusions that would interfere with make-up
of the mating threads. Shoulders should not be re-faced.

Note : These procedures for field inspection must be read in conjunction with the
“Hydril Wedge Thread Field Handbook” Latest Edition. Thread Surface - Thread surfaces shall be adequately cleaned to allow for visual
inspection. Build up of rust or scale products will prevent proper make-up of pin
and box and should be removed with a wire brush.

The acceptance criteria for thread surfaces can be found in Section 3.1.

If any field repair is required it should be in accordance with Section Out of Roundness - Both pin and box connections should be visually examined to
detect any that are out-of-round. A connection that is exceedingly out-of-round
will not stab deep and will develop torque prematurely and is cause for rejection. Shoulder Gap - This connection is designed with a wear indicator gap between
the box face and the external shoulder of the pin. This gap eliminates the reaction
surface found in the torque shoulder of conventional tool joints. After extended
use, wear in the connection will permit additional travel of the pin into the box.
When the shoulder gap reaches 0.040 inch (1mm), the tool joint should be re-cut.
During rack inspection, if the box face or pin external shoulder show indications
of contact, the ends should be set aside for re-cut. Box OD Swell - Box connections should be examined for evidence of swelling.
If there is indication of box swelling, there are two location to be measured,
the counterbore diameter at the face of the box and the counterbore diameter
immediately behind the large step thread.

Dimensions for these measurements and a drawing indicating their location can be
found in Table 6a.

November 1999 Page 94

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 Bevel Diameter - Tool joints shall be visually and dimensionally checked for
evidence of OD wear that takes the OD down to the minimum specified bevel
diameter. These measurements can be found in Table 6. Field Repair - The thread surface can be dressed with a file or hand grinder and
then wiped clean. The thread flanks, roots, and crests should have a relatively
even surface. Magnetic Particle Inspection - The pin and box connections shall receive MPI as
detailed in and with following exception.

The OD on all box connections shall also be inspected for longitudinal cracks
with the aid of an AC yoke.

4.3.3 Visual and Dimensional Inspection of the DSTJ Connection

DSTJ is a modified API Rotary connection and is fully interchangeable with the same
API connection. The internal torque stop shoulder allows an increase in torsional yield
properties, consequently DSTJ connections with large ID and small OD combinations still
provide high torque capacity.

Note : These procedures for field inspection must be read in conjunction with the NKK
“Field inspection recommended procedure for DSTJ tool joint” latest edition. Seal Face (Primary Make-Up Shoulder) - Galling, pitting or any other damage to
the seal that exceeds 1/32 inch in depth or occupy greater than 25% of the seal width
at any given location of the circumference is cause for rejection.

Refacing of the seal shoulder is not permitted. Seal shoulders with damage within
the refacing limits shall be identified with a green band around the box OD to be
refaced in a NKK DSTJ licensed machine shop. Pin (P-TSS) and Box (B-TSS) Torque Stop Shoulder - The pin nose (torque stop
shoulder) is not a seal but a mechanical stop. The pin nose shall be visually
examined for raised metal or other imperfections that could prevent proper
make-up or cause galling. Pin nose damage can be repaired with a hand file. Light
corrosion and indentation without protrusions are acceptable.

The box torque stop shoulder is not a seal but a mechanical stop. The shoulder
shall be visually examined for raised metal or other imperfections that could
prevent proper make up or cause galling. Light corrosion and indentation without
protrusions are acceptable. Thread Surface - The thread surfaces shall be visually inspected for evidence of
galling or corrosion. Any galling of the threads which can not be repaired by a
hand file is cause for rejection. After any thread repair the thread profile shall be
checked with a field profile gauge.

The pin flat areas should be visually inspected for pitting that exceeds 1/32 inch in
depth or any damage that would inhibit make-up. The box counterbore should
also be free from any damage that would inhibit make-up.

November 1999 Page 95

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 Bevel - A visual check should be done on each connection to ensure a bevel of at
least 1/16 inch width is present around the full circumference of the connection. Profile Gauge - The threads of both pin and box connections shall be checked with
a hardened and ground profile gauge for evidence of thread damage and thread
stretch, in at least three positions around the circumference. Threads which have
stretch exceeding 0.006 inch in 2 inches shall be cause for rejection. Box OD Swell - The box shall be examined for evidence of swelling. A
straightedge shall be placed length ways along the longitudinal axis on the box
surface. If a gap exists between the straight edge and the box outside surface, the
outside surface shall be measured next to the bevel and compared to the OD two
inches from the bevel. If the OD measured at the bevel is greater by 1/32 inch, or
more, the connection shall be rejected Dimensional Measurements - Dimensional measurements shall be taken in

accordance with section 4.3.1. In addition, the following measurements shall be

a. Pin Length
The length of the pin should be measured using a depth micrometer and the
data recorded on the inspection sheet.

The pin length shall meet the required min. and max. values in Table 6b.

b. Box Length
The length of the box should be measured using depth micrometer and the data
recorded on an inspection sheet.

The box length shall meet the required min. and max. values in Table 6b.

4.3.4 Visual and Dimensional Inspection of the Grant Prideco HT (High Torque)

The HI torque (HT) connection incorporates a double shouldered design. A secondary

internal shoulder on the nose of the pin offers an additional friction surface and mechanical
stop. The primary external shoulder still serves as the connection’s sealing surface. The
HI Torque design has an extended pin base, pin nose, and box counterbore.

Note: These procedures for field inspection must be read in conjunction with the Grant
Prideco “Care and Handling Guidelines for HI Torque Tool Joints” Latest Edition. Seal Face (Primary Make-Up Shoulder) - The seal face on the primary make-up
shoulder shall be visually inspected for evidence of galling, corrosion or any other
damage that may limit the sealing capability of the connection in accordance with
Section 3. Pin Nose (Secondary Shoulder) - The pin nose (secondary shoulder) is not a seal
but a mechanical stop. The pin nose shall be visually inspected for any raised
metal or other imperfections that could prevent proper make-up or cause galling.
Pin nose damage can be repaired with a hand file.

November 1999 Page 96

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 Thread Surface - The thread surfaces shall be visually inspected for evidence of
galling or corrosion. Any galling of the threads which can not be repaired by a
hand file is cause for rejection. After any thread repair the thread profile shall be
checked with a field profile gauge.

The pin flat areas should be visually inspected for pitting that exceeds 1/32 inch in
depth or any damage that would inhibit make-up. The box counterbore should also
be free from any damage that would inhibit make-up. Bevel - A bevel of at least 1/16 inch width shall be present around the full
circumference of the connection. Profile Gauge - The threads of both pin and box connections shall be checked with
a hardened and ground profile gauge for evidence of thread damage and thread
stretch, in at least three positions around the circumference. Threads which have
stretch exceeding 0.006 inch in 2 inches shall be cause for rejection. Box OD Swell - The box shall be examined for evidence of swelling. A
straightedge shall be placed length ways along the longitudinal axis on the box
surface. If a gap exists between the straight edge and the box outside surface, the
outside surface shall be measured next to the bevel and compared to the OD two
inches from the bevel. If the OD measured at the bevel is greater by 1/32 inch, or
more, the connection shall be rejected. Dimensional Measurements - Dimensional measurements shall be taken in

accordance with section 4.3.1. In addition, the following measurements shall be

a. Pin Length
All pin lengths shall be checked with a field Go/No Go gauge for the correct
measurement between the primary shoulder and the secondary shoulder. If the pin
nose does not contact the gauge as shown below the length should be inspected with
measuring instruments that determine the actual distance between the shoulders.

Figure 12
Field Go/No Go Gauge, Pin

b. Box Length
The box depth on all connections shall be checked with a field Go/No Go gauge for
the correct measurement between the primary shoulder to the secondary shoulder.
If the primary shoulder does not contact the gauge when used as shown below the
length should be inspected with measuring instruments that determine the actual
distance between the shoulders.

November 1999 Page 97

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Figure 13
Field Go/No Go Gauge, Box

If the dimensions of either the pin or both box are outside the criteria given in
Table 6c, the connection shall be rejected.

4.3.5 Inspection Coverage (Slip and Upset Area) The following inspections shall be performed:

1) Wet magnetic particle inspection

2) Visual inspection
3) Dimensional measurement
4) Ultrasonic drill-pipe body inspection
5) Profile check on MIU length All areas to be inspected shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with Section
2.2. The outside surface of slip and upset areas shall be inspected by wet magnetic
particle inspection covering a distance extending at least 3 ft from the tool joint
18º (box) and 35º (pin) taper shoulders. This inspection shall be performed by
AC Yoke, with black magnetic ink and white contrast paint, in accordance with
Section 2.13. These inspections shall only be performed using the active mode of
magnetisation. OD gauging shall be performed at the slip and upset area to detect areas of
crushing, “string shot”, wear and necking. The profile and length of the internal upset shall be checked and recorded on the
inspection report. This is to be performed on a random 10% of the string to be
inspected. If the internal upset length is less than 3 inches then a further 10% shall
be checked. The ID surface must me clean for this inspection to ensure that the
MIU tracing tool runs smoothly over the profile and length of the internal upset. The outside surface of slip and upset areas shall be inspected by ultrasonic
inspection covering a distance extending at least 3 ft from the tool joint 18º (box)
and 35º (pin) taper shoulder. The drill pipe upset area inspection unit shall be
calibrated using a pipe standard containing internal and external surface reference
notches in accordance with Section 2.8. The transducer output from the inspection
unit shall be adjusted for equal signal detection amplitude during calibration. The
inspection unit shall be advanced into the upset area until it reaches the tool joint.

November 1999 Page 98

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

The sequence shall be repeated as necessary to ensure 100 percent coverage of the
drill pipe upset area is achieved. When using the hand type scan system the index
clamping ring and guide must be used. The inspector shall identify each pipe upset on the strip chart log by the permanent
identification (serial number) marking on the pipe. Any indications exceeding the
predetermined threshold on the strip chart log shall be “circled” and the nature
of each indication proved-up in accordance with Section 4.3.7, and the results
marked on the strip chart log. The imperfection shall be located on the pipe by
advancing the upset area inspection unit back and forth over the suspect area.

4.3.6 Inspection Coverage (Pipe Body) The following inspections shall be performed:

1) Dimensional measurements
2) Ultrasonic wall thickness measurements
3) Visual inspections
4) Electromagnetic drill pipe body inspections Pipe body surface preparation for inspection shall be in accordance with Section
2.2.4. The OD of the drill pipe body shall be calipered with an OD gauge along its full
length to locate wear, crushing, “string shot” or other variations in diameter. The
pipe should be rolled to ensure full coverage of the pipe surface. Ultrasonic wall thickness measurements shall be taken at points of wear from OD
gauging and at the centre of the pipe. A minimum of 4 readings shall be taken at
the centre of the joint at 90 degrees apart. If low readings are recorded at the centre
of a joint then further readings shall also be taken at 1ft from both pin and box tool
joint upset tapers. The ultrasonic wall thickness unit shall be calibrated on a step
block of similar material and the measurement shall be made in accordance with
Section 2.6.5. The pipe shall be visually inspected on the outside surface for detrimental nicks,
cuts, gouges, and corrosion pitting. Imperfections shall be proved-up and repaired
in accordance with Section 4.3.7. The pipe straightness shall be checked in accordance with Section 2.14.5, and the
condition of the internal plastic coating evaluated. An inspection mirror or optical
instrument should be used to help evaluate the plastic coating condition in the
MIU area. A full length Electromagnetic Inspection shall be performed on the tube body.
Particular attention shall be given to the slip and upset areas for corrosion pitting
and fatigue cracks. The inspection unit shall be calibrated using a pipe standard
containing drilled holes in accordance with Section 2.7.4. The transducer outputs
from the inspection unit shall be adjusted for equal pen deflection on the strip
chart log during calibration. The use of magnetic pulsers are not acceptable for
calibration, but may be used to check transducer continuity. Once calibrated,

November 1999 Page 99

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

no adjustments shall be made to the inspection unit while inspecting pipe. The
inspection unit shall advance smoothly along the pipe under its own power and at
a relatively constant speed. At the ends, the inspection unit shall advance into and
out of the upset areas if EMI is not performed in conjunction with ultrasonic end
area inspection. The inspector shall identify each joint of drill pipe on the strip chart log by the
permanent identification (serial number) on the pipe. Any indications exceeding
the predetermined threshold on the strip chart log shall be “circled” and the nature
of each indication proved-up in accordance with Section 4.3.7, and the results
marked on the strip chart log. The imperfections shall be located on the pipe by
advancing the inspection unit back and forth over the suspect area.

4.3.7 Prove-up Prove-up of indications on the pipe body shall be conducted using either wet or
dry magnetic particles with a DC coil or electromagnetic yoke. Electromagnetic
yokes must only be used for outside surface active mode inspections. The depth of imperfections shall be measured using a pit gauge in accordance
with Section 2.9. Ultrasonic wall thickness measurements shall be taken around
the imperfection to determine the remaining wall thickness in accordance with
Section 2.6. If the imperfection is determined to be on the inside surface, a dry magnetic-

particle inspection in conjunction with an optical instrument shall be used to locate
its position and determine its nature (e.g., corrosion pit, fatigue crack, etc.) in
accordance with Sections 2.4 and 2.1.5, respectively. Ultrasonic wall thickness
measurements shall be in accordance with Section 2.6. Detrimental imperfections shall be removed (when possible) by filing and contour
grinding in accordance with Section 2.14.4. Repaired areas shall be re-inspected
by the method of inspection that located the imperfection to ensure complete
removal. It is not acceptable to remove fatigue cracks, as stated in Section 3.

4.4 Heavyweight Drill Pipe

4.4.1 Inspection Coverage (Tool Joint and Connection)

Note: For the Hydril Wedge Thread, Grant Prideco HT and the NKK DSTJ connection
the procedures outlined in Section 4.3 for drill pipe should be followed. The following inspection shall be performed:

1) Wet-fluorescent magnetic particle inspection

2) Visual inspection
3) Dimensional measurements
4) ATI (optional for threads)

November 1999 Page 100

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 The tool joint and connections shall be inspected on the inside and outside surfaces.
Special attention shall be given to the inspection of the last engaged threads and
sealing surfaces of the connection. All areas to be inspected shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with Section
2.2.4. Each connection shall be magnetised using a DC coil in accordance with Section
2.3.5. The use of prior magnetisation in the connection is not acceptable. The
orientation and strength of the magnetic field shall be verified in the area being
inspected in accordance with Section 2.3.7. The inspector shall apply the fluorescent magnetic particle solution liberally to
all surfaces to be inspected in accordance with Section 2.3.10. The inspector
shall then darken the work space using a dark-coloured tarpaulin. The pipe shall
be rolled during inspection to ensure full circumferential inspection coverage,
especially in the area of the bottom of the connection where a particle concentration
(puddle) forms. A magnifying mirror must be used for internal box connection
inspections. The magnetic particle solution shall be tested as per section 2.3.3. A soft wheel
high-speed grinder may be used to differentiate fatigue cracks from machining
marks in thread roots. It is not permissible though, to remove fatigue cracks, as
stated in Section 3.1. The OD of the box 2 inches from the shoulder, the centre wear pad OD and the pin
ID shall be measured to check compliance with Table 8. The bevel diameter on both pin and box connections shall be measured. The box connection shall be checked for box swell by placing a straightedge along
the longitudinal axis of the tool joint OD. If a visible gap is evident between the
straightedge and the tooljoint, the OD next to the bevel shall be measured and
compared to the OD two inches from the bevel. If the OD measurement at the
bevel is greater by 1/32 inch, the connection shall be rejected. The box counterbore depth and diameter shall also be measured. The pin neck width shall be measured from the pin shoulder to the intersection of
the flank of the first full depth thread with the pin neck. The pin thread profile shall be visually inspected for stretch using a thread
profile gauge. Pin stretch shall be checked in at least three positions around the
circumference near the last engaged threads. Suspect connections shall be verified
using a lead gauge in accordance with Section 2.9. The shoulder face of pin and box connection shall be checked for flatness around
their circumference and across their width. This shall be verified on the box by
placing a straightedge across a diameter of the tool joint face and rotating the
straightedge at least 180º along the plane of the shoulder. On the pin this shall
be performed by placing the straightedge across a chord of the shoulder face and
repeating at 60º increments.

November 1999 Page 101

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 The box and pin shoulder face positions shall be measured from bench marks in
the box counterbore and the base of the pin to identify whether excessive refacing
has occurred. The threads and seal face of both pin and box connections shall be visually
inspected for galling and pitting. These areas may be field repaired in accordance
with Section 2.14. Dimensional measurement shall be taken of the API stress relief groove pin and
bore back box. These measurements shall meet the requirements specified in
Table 8 of this Standard. The pin and box tong space length shall be measured and recorded on the
inspection report. Hardbanding shall be visual and dimensionally checked to meet the requirements
of Section 3.2. (l).

4.4.2 Inspection Coverage (Slip and Upset Area) The following inspections shall be performed:

1) Wet magnetic particle inspection

2) Visual inspection All areas to be inspected shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with Section
2.2. The outside surface of slip and upset areas shall be inspected by wet magnetic
particle inspection covering a distance extending at least 3ft from the tool joint
upset taper of pin and box. The centre wear pad upsets shall be inspected covering
a distance of 1ft from the centre pad upset taper in to the tube body. This
inspection is to be performed using electromagnetic yokes with black magnetic
ink and white contrast paint in accordance with Section 2.13. These inspections
shall only be performed using the active mode of magnetisation.

4.4.3 Inspection Coverage (Pipe Body) The following inspections shall be performed:

1) Visual inspection
2) Optical borescope (if required)
3) Tally The internal pipe body surface preparation for inspection shall be in accordance
with Section 2.2.4. A visual inspection shall be performed on the pin ID. Pitting that appears to
exceed 1/8 inch in depth or diameter is cause for rejection. Where plastic coating
is present a visual inspection shall be performed and the criteria set out in Section

November 1999 Page 102

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

3.1 shall be met. The use of an optical borescope may be required to assist in this
evaluation. The pipe length shall be recorded in accordance with Section 2.9.

4.5 Drill Collars

4.5.1 Inspection Coverage (Connections)

Note: For the Hydril Wedge Thread, Grant Prideco HT and the NKK DSTJ connection
the procedures outlined in Section 4.3 for drill pipe should be followed. The following inspection shall be performed:

1) Wet-fluorescent magnetic particle inspection

2) Visual inspection
3) Dimensional measurements
4) ATI (optional for threads) The connections shall be inspected on the inside and outside surfaces. Special
attention shall be given to the inspection of the last engaged threads and sealing
surfaces of the connection. All areas to be inspected shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with Section
2.2.4. Each connection shall be magnetised using a DC coil in accordance with Section
2.3.5. The use of prior magnetisation in the connection is not acceptable. The
orientation and strength of the magnetic field shall be verified in the area being
inspected in accordance with Section 2.3.7. The inspector shall apply the fluorescent magnetic particle solution liberally to
all surfaces to be inspected in accordance with Section 2.3.10. The inspector
shall then darken the work space using a dark coloured tarpaulin. The pipe shall
be rolled during inspection to ensure full circumferential inspection coverage,
especially in the area of the bottom of the connection where a particle concentration
(puddle) forms. A magnifying mirror must be used for internal box connection
inspections. The magnetic particle solution, shall be tested as per section 2.3.3. A soft wheel high-speed grinder may be used to differentiate fatigue cracks from
machining marks in thread roots. It is not permissible though, to remove fatigue
cracks, as stated in Section 3.1. The OD of the box tool joint shall be measured 2 inches from the shoulder and
recorded on the inspection report. The pin ID shall also be measured and recorded
on the inspection report. These measurements should result in a connection with a
BSR within the acceptance range as specified in Section 3.3 (h). The bevel diameter on both pin and box connections shall be measured.

November 1999 Page 103

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 The box connection shall be checked for box swell by placing a straightedge along
the longitudinal axis of the tool joint OD. If a visible gap is evident between the
straightedge and the tool joint, the OD next to the bevel shall be measured and
compared to the OD two inches from the bevel. If the OD measurement at the
bevel is greater than 1/32 inch, the connection shall be rejected. The box counterbore depth and diameter shall also be measured. The pin neck width shall be measured from the pin shoulder to the intersection of
the flank of the first full depth thread with the pin neck. The pin thread profile shall be visually inspected for stretch using a thread
profile gauge. Pin stretch shall be checked in at least three positions around the
circumference near the last engaged threads. Suspect connections shall be verified
using a lead gauge in accordance with Section 2.9. The shoulder face of pin and box connections shall be checked for flatness around
their circumference and across their width. This shall be verified on the box by
placing a straightedge across a diameter of the tool joint face and rotating the
straightedge at least 180º along the plane of the shoulder. On the pin this shall
be performed by placing the straightedge across a chord of the shoulder face, and
repeated at 60º increments. The box and pin shoulder face positions shall be measured from bench marks in
the box counterbore and the base of the pin to identify whether excessive refacing
has occurred. The threads and seal face of both pin and box connections shall be visually
inspected for galling and pitting. These areas may be field repaired in accordance
with Section 2.14. Dimensional measurement shall be taken of the API stress relief groove pin and
API bore back box. These measurements shall meet the requirements specified in
Table 9 of this Standard. The pin and box tong space length shall be measured and recorded on the
inspection report. Hardbanding (if present) shall be visually and dimensionally checked to meet the
requirements of Section 3.2. (l).

4.5.2 Inspection Coverage (Elevator and Slip Recess) The following inspections shall be performed:

1) Wet magnetic particle inspection

2) Visual inspection
3) Dimensional measurements All areas to be inspected shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with Section

November 1999 Page 104

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 The outside surface of the elevator and slip recess shall be inspected by wet
magnetic particle inspection. Special attention shall be given to inspection at
the base of the elevator shoulder for fatigue cracks. This inspection is to be
performed using electromagnetic yoke, black magnetic ink and white contrast
paint in accordance with Section 2.13. These inspections shall only be performed
using the active mode of magnetisation. Dimensional measurements shall be taken of the elevator and slip groove recess
depth, and the elevator shoulder O.D.

4.6 Drill Collars (Non ferromagnetic)

4.6.1 Inspection Coverage (Connections)

Note: For the Hydril Wedge Thread, Grant Prideco HT and the NKK DSTJ connection
the procedures outlined in Section 4.3 for drill pipe should be followed. The following inspection shall be performed:

1) Liquid penetrant inspection

2) Visual inspection
3) Dimensional measurements
4) ATI (optional for threads) The connections shall be inspected on the inside and outside surfaces. Special
attention shall be given to the inspection of the last engaged threads, seal surfaces
and the ID bore of pin and box connections for stress-corrosion or sulphide-stress
cracks. All areas to be inspected shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with Section
2.2.4. The quality of the penetrant material and procedures shall be tested on a penetrant
test block in accordance with Section 2.5.6. The liquid penetrant shall be applied
over the areas to be inspected, care shall be taken to ensure the penetrant does
not dry. If it begins to dry additional penetrant shall be applied. The dwell time
requirements listed in Table 4 shall be followed. The excess penetrant shall be firstly removed by wiping the surface with a dry, lint
free cloth. Solvent shall then be sprayed on a similar cloth and the cloth used to
remove the remaining surface penetrant and then wiped again with a dry, lint free
cloth. The developer shall be applied within five minutes after completion of the
penetrant removal. The developer shall be uniformly applied over the area to be
inspected. Developing time shall be approximately one-half the penetrant dwell
time, but not less that 10 minutes or more than 30 minutes. After inspection liquid penetrant material shall be removed and surfaces cleaned.

November 1999 Page 105

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 Visual and dimensional requirements are to be performed in accordance with

Section 4.5.

4.6.2 Inspection Coverage (Elevator and Slip Recess)

Inspection of the Elevator and Slip Recess areas of non ferromagnetic drill collars shall
include the areas defined in section 4.5.2 using Liquid penetrant inspection techniques in
place of Wet magnetic particle inspection. Procedures for its use shall be as per section

4.7 Bottom Hole Assembly (Subs, Stabilisers, Jars, Reamers, Mud Motors, MWD,

Note: These procedures should be performed in conjunction with the supplementary

inspection requirements for Specialised Bottomhole Assembly Components as detailed in
Table 11 of this Standard.

4.7.1 Inspection Coverage (Connections) The following inspection shall be performed:

1) Wet-fluorescent magnetic particle inspection

2) Visual inspection
3) Dimensional measurements
4) ATI (optional for threads) The connections shall be inspected on the inside and outside surfaces. Special
attention shall be given to the inspection of the last engaged threads and sealing
surfaces of the connection.

Note:Mid-body connections on Jars, Downhole Motors, etc. shall also be

inspected by wet-fluorescent magnetic particle inspection, or ATI (optional for
threads). All areas to be inspected shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with Section
2.2.4. Each connection shall be magnetised using a DC coil in accordance with Section
2.3.5. the use of prior magnetisation in the connection is not acceptable. The
orientation and strength of the magnetic field shall be verified in the area being
inspected in accordance with Section 2.3.7. The inspector shall apply the fluorescent magnetic particle solution liberally to
all surfaces to be inspected in accordance with Section 2.3.10. The inspector
shall then darken the work space using a dark coloured tarpaulin. The pipe
shall be rolled during the inspection to ensure full circumferential inspection
coverage, especially in the area of the bottom of the connection where a particle
concentration (puddle) forms. A magnifying mirror must be used for internal
box connection inspections. The magnetic particle solution shall be tested as per
section 2.3.3.

November 1999 Page 106

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 A soft wheel high-speed grinder may be used to differentiate fatigue cracks from
machining marks in thread roots. It is not permissible though, to remove fatigue
cracks, as stated in Section 3.1. The OD of the box tool joint shall be measured 2 inches from the shoulder and
recorded on the inspection report. The pin ID shall also be measured and recorded
on the inspection report. These measurements should result in a connection with a
BSR within the acceptance range as specified in Section 3.3 (l). The bevel diameter on both pin and box connections shall be measured. The box connection shall be checked for box swell by placing a straightedge along
the longitudinal axis of the tool joint OD. If a visible gap is evident between the
straightedge and the tool joint, the OD next to the bevel shall be measured and
compared to the OD two inches from the bevel. If the OD measurement at the
bevel is greater by 1/32 inch, the connection shall be rejected. The box counterbore depth and diameter shall also be measured. The pin thread profile shall be visually inspected for stretch using a thread
profile gauge. Pin stretch shall be checked in at least three positions around the
circumference near the last engaged threads. Suspect connections shall be verified
using a lead gauge in accordance with Section 2.9. The shoulder face of pin and box connection shall be checked for flatness around
their circumference and across their width. This shall be verified on the box by
placing a straightedge across a diameter of the tool joint face and rotating the
straightedge at least 180º along the plane of the shoulder. On the pin this shall
be performed by placing the straightedge across a chord of the shoulder face, and
repeating at 60º increments. The box and pin shoulder face positions shall be measured from bench marks in
the box counterbore and the base of the pin to identify whether excessive refacing
has occurred. The threads and seal face of both pin and box connections shall be visually
inspected for galling and pitting. These areas may be field repaired in accordance
with Section 2.14. Dimensional measurement shall be taken of the API stress relief groove pin and
API bore back box. These measurements shall meet the requirements specified in
Table 9 of this Standard. The pin and box tong space length and fishing neck length on stabilisers etc. shall
be measured and recorded on the inspection report.

4.7.2 Inspection Coverage (Body) The following inspection shall be performed:

1) Wet magnetic particle inspection

November 1999 Page 107

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0 All areas to be inspected shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with Section The outside surface joining the blades, mandrels, rollers and other high stress
areas shall be inspected by wet magnetic particle inspection. This inspection is to
be performed using electromagnetic yokes black magnetic ink and white contrast
paint in accordance with Section 2.12. These inspections shall only be performed
using the active mode of magnetisation. Dimensional measurements of stabiliser OD shall be performed.

Note: Non ferromagnetic stabilisers, subs, etc. shall be inspected in accordance with
Section 4.6.

4.8 Minimum Supplementary Inspection Requirements for Bottom Hole Assembly


The following items of equipment are covered as supplementary inspection requirements for
this Standard:

1) Stabiliser (Welded Blade)

2) Stabiliser (Integral Blade)
3) Stabiliser (Mandrel, Sleeve Type)
4) Hole Openers
5) Borrox Roller Reamers
6) Underreamers
7) Drilling Jars
8) MWD/LWD Tools
9) Drilling Motor and Turbines

Specific requirements for each tool are given in Table 11, and the procedures and standards to
be adopted shall be as stated in the other parts of this Section 4. Connections shall always be
treated as if they are drill collar connections.

4.9 Other Inspections and Testing (Optional)

Inspection and testing procedures such as hardness testing and hydrostatic pressure testing shall
be conducted in accordance with Sections 2.10 and 2.11, respectively. Other inspection and
testing procedures (e.g., non ferromagnetic drill collar “hot spot” detection) shall be conducted
in accordance with supplemental specifications or instructions provided separately by the

November 1999 Page 108

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

4.9.1 ATI (ACFM) Inspection (Optional)

This is an optional inspection requirement for drill pipe and BHA connections and should
be performed in conjunction with normal MPI, if there is a high risk/cost associated with
a down hole failure. It is the preferred method of thread inspection for Non-Magnetic and
highly stressed BHA items.

** An outline procedure is supplied here. This should be modified in line with Company
Procedures. Inspection Procedure

1. Clean all ends to be inspected. The thread surface should be rust free and
excess grease etc. should be removed. If the threads have been steam cleaned
then excess water should be wiped out with an absorbent cloth.

2. Visually check the condition of the threads. If there is severe galling or denting
of the threads do not attempt to inspect them with ATI. Sharp edges on the
thread may cause damage to the ATI probes.

3. Mark up all ends to be inspected clearly with an unambiguous identification

code. Usually the code is stamped on the pipe tool joint upset taper or the tool
joint OD, use this code if possible as any other marks will be lost when the
component goes down hole again. Record the identification code on the report

4. Connect ATI Instrument and rugged PC to 110V Power source using cables

5. Connect ATI RS232 comms. cable to rugged PC.

6. Connect Pin probe to ATI slot 1

7. Connect Box probe to slot 2

8. Turn on PC

9. Turn on ATI instrument

10. Run ATI Software

11. Log on

12. Press Inspection Button

13. Check probes connected list

14. Start shift

15. Press Inspect Button

November 1999 Page 109

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

16. Ops check Pin, Box and Manual probes (see additional notes on the ops check

17. Place the probe on the thread to be inspected.

18. Adjust to the approximate position to start the test.

19. Press the Inspect Button.

20. Press the New Button.

21. Enter ID of the thread to be inspected.

22. Check details of the thread to be inspected (pin box srg etc)

23. Press the Scan Button.

24. Position the probe so that the Scan LED lights

25. Mark the start position on the component under test adjacent to the probe
sensor centre line.

26. Press the probe start switch.

27. Move the probe so as to unscrew the probe. Ensure no lift off and scan at
uniform speed.

28. Scan until at least 400 degrees of rotation has been obtained (the probe LED’s
will indicate when the scan is complete).

29. Check for pass or fail at the PC screen. The reject threshold has been set
to a defect of 8mm long, 0.75mm deep. View the defects below rejection
threshold (show more). View the raw data to confirm result with manual
interpretation. Use the manual ACFM probe as necessary.

30. For Pin inspections the shoulder root needs to be inspected using the manual
probe. The thread run out close to the large diameter makeup shoulder needs
to be inspected with the manual probe. Any chips, marks or grinds on the flat
surface also needs to be inspected with the manual probe. The SRG probe
should be used to inspect the flat unthreaded surface. Two inspection passes
with the SRG probe are required to get full coverage of the flat unthreaded
area. The inspection ID should have a suffix S for the SRG scan close to the
make up shoulder, suffix T should be used for the scan close to the thread.

31. Re-inspect any ends that gave abnormal results.

32. Note on the report sheet the time and the status of the inspection.

33. Position the probe ready to inspect the next thread.

34. Repeat 20 to 33 for all threads to be inspected.

35. Ops check out for Pin, Box, SRG and manual probe.

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

36. Back up the data from the shift to floppy disk, leaving the shift data on the PC
hard drive.

37. Paint the ends that passed the inspection with a 1½ inch band of white paint.

38. Paint the ends that failed the inspection with a 1½ inch band of red paint Ops Check Procedure - Follow the procedure above from 17 to 29 for the pin
probe on sample B46 and the box probe on sample B45. The manual probe should
be ops checked on the Pin sample B46. The reported defect size should be 15±5
mm long and 2±0.5 deep for a single defect. No other defects should be seen. The
show more button should be pressed and still no more defects should be seen. If
any other signals are seen this may be due to electrical noise in the environment
and the ops check should be repeated. Any difference in sizing of the defects
should be investigated. Regular ops checks are required as any inspections
that are not bounded by successful ops checks are not valid inspections. It is
recommended that these checks are carried out every x hours, on y connections. Defect Prove-Up - If a defect is found by the ATI system the raw data should be
reviewed to confirm the ACFM defect signal characteristics. The defect should
be confirmed using the manual probe ACFM. The defective component should be
marked with a band of red paint and attention should be brought to the drilling
operator as to the presence of the defect.

In rare cases localised residual magnetism in the component under test may give
rise to signals in the raw data that may be incorrectly interpreted as defects by
the ATI system. If this problem is suspected then the component should be
demagnetised using an AC yoke and then the ATI inspection should be repeated.
The signals from residual magnetism are expected to be gentle slopes on the data
and not characteristic of signals caused by fatigue damage. The signal would
probably extend over several threads with similar amplitude. Any data obtained
exhibiting this sort of interpretation problem must be saved for analysis at TSC.
No previous incidences of this sort of data has yet been reported, despite extensive
pipe yard trials.

4.10 Post-Inspection and Field Repair

4.10.1 Protection of Connections

Upon completion of the inspection and any repair, the connections shall be protected with
a rust preventative oil or API thread compound in accordance with Section 1.9.1.

4.10.2 Defect Markings and Colour code

The pipe shall be colour coded and the defective pipe identified in accordance with Section

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Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

4.10.3 Reporting Inspection and Repair Results

The results shall be presented orally and in writing to the customer in accordance with
Section 1.7.

4.11 Summary

Table 15 provides a summary of drillstring inspections covered under this standard, detailing
both inspection methods and equipment required.

November 1999 Page 112

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Table 15
Summary of Drillstring Inspections

Drillstring Component Inspections Methods Required

Drill Collars and Heavy-Weight Drill Pipe

Connections, Tong Areas, 1. Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle

Slip and Elevator Recesses, 2. Visual
Centre Pads, Hardbanded Areas 3. Dimensional
4. ATI (ACFM) Optional
Drill Collars, Subs, Stabilisers etc.
(Non ferromagnetic)

Connections, Tong Areas, 1. Liquid Penetrant

Slip and Elevator Recesses, 2. Visual
Centre Pads, Hardbanded Areas 3. Dimensional
4. ATI (ACFM) Optional
Subs, Stabilisers, Reamers, Jars, etc.

Connections, Tong Areas, 1. Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle

Other High Stress Areas 2. Visual
3. Dimensional
4. ATI (ACFM) Optional
API Drill Pipe

Connections, Tool Joints, 1. Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle

Slip and Upset Areas 2. Visual
3. Dimensional
4. ATI (ACFM) Optional

Pipe Body, Slip and Upset Areas 1. OD Gauge

2. Ultrasonic Wall Thickness
3. Visual
4. Electromagnetic Drill-Pipe Body
5. Ultrasonic Drill-Pipe Upset Area
6. Prove-Up
Aluminium Drill Pipe

Connections, Tool Joints 1. Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle

2. Visual
3. Dimensional
4. ATI

Pipe Body, Slip and Upset Areas 1. Dimensional

2. Ultrasonic Wall Thickness
3. Visual
4. Prove-Up

November 1999 Page 113

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Table 15 (Continued)
Summary of Drillstring Inspections

Inspection Method Equipment Required

Visual 1. Illuminating Lamps
2. Optical Borescopes
3. Magnifying Mirror
Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle 1. Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particles and
Suspension Medium
2. Magnetic Particle Settling Centrifuge
3. Ultraviolet Lamp
4. Ultraviolet Intensity Meter
5. Magnetisation Source
6. Magnetic Field Indicator
7. Tarpaulin
8. Magnifying Mirror
Dry Magnetic Particle 1. Dry Magnetic Particles and Powder Bulb
2. Magnetisation Source
3. Magnetic Field Indicator
Liquid Penetrant 1. Liquid Penetrant and Developer Solutions
2. Ultraviolet Lamp
3. Ultraviolet Intensity Meter
4. Certified Penetrant Test Standard
5. Tarpaulin
6. Magnifying Mirror
Ultrasonic Wall Thickness 1. Ultrasonic Pulser/Receiver Unit and
2. Calibration Step Block
3. Couplant
Electromagnetic Drill-Pipe Body 1. Electromagnetic Inspection Unit
2. Drill-Pipe Body Calibration Standard
3. Mechanical Pipe Support Apparatus
Ultrasonic Drill-Pipe Upset Area Inspection 1. Ultrasonic Pulser/Receiver Unit and
2. Drill-Pipe Upset Area Calibrations
3. Couplant
ATI (ACFM) 1. Mains powered instrument
2. Laptop PC controller
3. Range of probes
4. Calibration Standards

November 1999 Page 114

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Table 15 (Continued)
Summary of Drillstring Inspections

Inspection Method Equipment Required

Dimensional 1. 50-Ft Steel Tape Measure
2. 12 inch Steel Scale with 1/64 inch
3. Steel StraightEdge
4. Drill-Pipe OD Gauge with Setting
5. Adjustable OD Gauge and ID Calipers
6. Drill-Pipe Internal (M.I.U.) Caliper
7. Precision-Ground and Hardened Thread
Profile Gauges
8. Lead Gauge and Setting Standard
9. Pit Gauge with Setting Standard
10 Micrometer and/or Caliper with Setting
Portable Hardness Testing 1. Portable Hardness Tester
2. Calibration Reference Standard
3. Mechanical Files and/or Metal-Polishing
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing 1. Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Unit
2. Pressure Gauges and Recording Devices
3. Mechanical End Plugs
Inspection Repair 1. Portable Refacing and Bevelling Units
2. Portable Grinding Units
3. Pipe Straightening Units
4. Mechanical Files and/or Metal Polishing

November 1999 Page 115

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0



5.1 Objective

The objective of this section is to cover the minimum inspection requirements if a percentage
receipt inspection is required on new drill pipe.

This section has been added as an optional requirement. However it is highly recommended
that this inspection is carried out. Past history within the North Sea has identified new drill pipe
strings which, when tested upon receipt, did not conform to the Manufacturing Specification
Design and Mechanical Properties to which they were ordered. Manufacturing defects have
also been located that should have been rejected at source.

Whenever possible, consideration should be given to third party inspection/surveillance during

the manufacturing process as this is the optimum time to highlight non-conformance to
specification, rather than after the material has arrived on location.

5.2 Documentation Review

A full review should be carried out on the manufacturing databook to verify conformance to
the Manufacturing Specification. Close attention should be paid to mechanical test results
conducted during manufacturing and test frequency.

For orders that have been manufactured in accordance with NS-SQAIR, guidelines are
given in the relevant Sub-Specs regarding manufacturer’s documentation requirements.

5.3 Electromagnetic Inspection

The pipe body shall be inspected by Electromagnetic Inspection (EMI) as described in Sections
2 and 3 of this Standard. Due to the problems normally associated with inspecting for
longitudinal mill defects on tool jointed pipe, it is recommended, when possible, to perform full
length ultrasonic inspection in place of EMI.

Any imperfection that produces a signal as great as the signal received from the reference
standard shall be considered a defect unless it can be removed by grinding. If removal of the
imperfection reduces the thickness remaining at the root of the imperfection to less than 87.5%
of the specified wall thickness the pipe shall be rejected. Any linear or non-linear imperfection
having a depth greater than 12.5% of the specified wall thickness measured from the surface of
the pipe shall be considered a defect.

All imperfections between 5% and 12.5% of the nominal pipe wall thickness shall be recorded
on the inspection report.

For drill pipe that has been manufactured to SR-2 (Supplementary Requirement of API 5D)
all defects found to be more than 5 % of the nominal wall but not more than 12.5% shall be
removed by grinding or the pipe shall be rejected.

November 1999 Page 116

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

In many cases the pipe manufacturer is requested to manufacture the tube bodies to 95%
remaining body wall (RBW) of nominal. When this is the case Full Length Ultrasonic
Inspection should be performed to verify conformance.

5.4 Ultrasonic Shearwave Inspection of Friction Weld

The friction weld shall be inspected by shearwave ultrasonic inspection. The ultrasonic
instrument shall be of the pulse echo type, such as Krautkramer USK 6, USK 7 or equivalent.

The probes used in conjunction with the Ultrasonic Flaw detector shall be :

0 degrees angle – Twin Crystal – 10mm diameter Crystal – 5MHZ frequency compression
38 degrees angle – Single Crystal – 10mm diameter Crystal – 4MHZ frequency shear wave.
45 degrees angle – Single Crystal – 10mm diameter Crystal – 4MHZ frequency shear wave.

The unit shall be capable of detecting an internal and external notch 5% of nominal wall in
depth, 0.040 inches (1mm) width max. and ½ inch (12.7 mm) length max.

The appropriate shearwave probe shall be placed on the reference block and maximising on
screen reflected signal from the internal notch (half skip) signal to 80% of full screen height
and mark on screen. Repeat process for external notch (full skip). Join both points by drawing
a line on screen, this gives the primary reference level.

The calibration standard shall have the same acoustic properties, and specified wall thickness
as the pipe to be inspected, and shall comply with the radius of curvature of the pipe to be

The OD surface for a distance of twelve inches from the tool joint taper shall be thoroughly
cleaned prior to inspection.

Calibration shall be performed:

• at start of inspection
• after each 25 lengths
• each time the instrument is turned on
• whenever rejectable readings are encountered
• whenever the instrument or transducer is dropped or otherwise subjected to shock
• whenever the transducer, coaxial cable, operator or material to be inspected is changed
• whenever the validity of the last calibration is questionable
• upon completion of the job

Sensitivity shall be increased a minimum of 10 decibels for scanning purposes.

The 38 degree shear wave probe shall be used for transverse scanning of the area under
examination, and the 45 degree shear wave probe shall be used for longitudinal scanning
of area under examination. Scanning speed shall not exceed 6 inches (150mm) per
second with a scanning overlap of 10% of probe crystal diameter. There shall be no
indications of planar defects.

November 1999 Page 117

Shearwave Ultrasonic Inspection
NS-2 Rev 0

Figure 14
nacS lanidutignoL
eborP º54
enoZ dleW nacS esrevsnarT

Page 118
eroB epiP
eborP º83
neercS rotceteD walF kcolB ecnerefeR
Drillstring Inspection Standard

S eroB lanretnI
pikS l luF 0

November 1999
leveL noitceteD walF
.feR dradnatS hctoN
pikS flaH ecafruS lanretxE
Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

.5.5 Profile and Length Verification of MIU

The pin and box internal upset taper length (MIU) shall be measured with a contour tracing tool
and a paper chart (see Figure 15).

The inner pipe surfaces should be visually examined to assure there is no material which would
interfere with the inspection. Two traces per end, each 180° apart, shall be performed.

With the aid of the comparison grid the marked profile shall be measured for the taper
length. The taper length (MIU) shall be the minimum length as specified in the manufacturing
specification, with a smooth transition area where the internal upset taper (MIU) blends with
the ID of the drill pipe bore.

Any taper length shorter than the manufacturing specification design or not showing a smooth
transition area shall be cause for rejection. A smooth transition should be defined as per API
5D, “the internal upset configuration on all upset products shall exhibit no sharp corners or
drastic changes of sections, and shall permit a 90 degree hook-type tool to be pulled through
without hangup”.

The tolerance for accuracy of reading the profile length should be ± ¼ inch.

Contour Tracing

Graph 1 inch increments



Internal Upset Internal - External Upset

Figure 15
MIU Profile Verification

November 1999 Page 119

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

5.6 Dimensional Verification of Threaded Connections

The pin and box threaded connections shall be dimensionally checked in accordance with API
Spec 7 and this Standard. For proprietary threads such as the Hydril WT, Grant Prideco HT and
the NKK DSTJ, the measurements supplied by the manufacture shall be used.

This shall include dimensions of the following as a minimum :

• Pin Length (Lpc)

• Box Depth (Lbc)
• Minimum Length of Box Threads (Lbt)
• Box Counterbore Width (QC)
• Box Counterbore Depth
• Bevel Diameter of Pin and Box
• Diameter of Flat on Pin (Dlf)

All the above measurements should be recorded on the inspection report.

5.7 Visual Evaluation of Hardbanding

Hardbanding should be visually examined to confirm that it meets the requirements of the
purchase specification, and the criteria laid out in this Standard for Section 3.

The length of the hardband area should be recorded on the inspection report.

5.8 Wet Magnetic Particle Inspection of Upsets

Both pin and box upset areas shall receive a wet magnetic particle inspection for transverse
and longitudinal defects. This shall be performed by AC Yoke, Black Magnetic Ink and White
Contrast Paint in accordance with Section 2.13.

The area to be inspected shall be clean and free from any mill coating.

Any imperfection shall be considered a defect unless it can be removed by grinding. If removal
of the imperfection reduces the thickness remaining at the root of the imperfection to less than
87.5% of the specified wall thickness, the pipe shall be rejected. Any linear or non-linear
imperfection having a depth greater than 12.5% of the specified wall thickness measured from
the surface of the pipe shall be considered a defect.

All imperfections between 5% and 12.5% of the nominal pipe wall thickness shall be recorded
on the inspection report.

For drill pipe that has been manufactured to SR-2 (Supplementary Requirement of API 5D)
all defects found to be more than 5 % of the nominal wall but not more than 12.5% shall be
removed by grinding or the pipe shall be rejected.

It is quite common to see small OD transverse indications at this inspection around the area of
the upset. These are normally referred to as “elephant hide” (See figure 16). Elephant hide
is a term given to the OD appearance of drill pipe and other products which have upset ends.

November 1999 Page 120

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Upsetting is an operation whereby the pipe ends are heated and then passed through a series of
dies and punches in a machine (an upsetter) in order to thicken the ends and thereby increase
the cross sectional area. This is necessary in drill pipe to maintain a proper strength level
after welding tool joints on the end of the pipe. The elephant hide is a wrinkled appearance
which occurs on the OD of the upset taper and the adjacent tube primarily. As the upsetting
occurs, material is gathered and pushed back. The material undergoes some folding and it is
not uncommon to have this wrinkled appearance. The severity of the appearance varies and
may be injurious or inconsequential. This may be determined by inspecting with wet magnetic
particle and an AC Yoke. Any areas holding powder should be probed to determine if it is a
rejectable defect and if so what the depth is. Depending on the depth of the indications, they
may be removed. The easiest to remove is on the taper of the external upset. If the indications
are on the OD of the tube adjacent to the taper, they may be removed if they do not exceed a
depth that would cause the pipe to be thin wall. It is likely that the indications are over the
fadeout of the internal upset and sufficient wall remains to accomplish this. A minimum OD
of 1/16 inch smaller than the minimum allowable API OD should be used as the cut-off point.
This will minimise the appearance effects and still provide a serviceable tube. The combination
of this OD and minimum wall tolerance should be the criteria. The area of removal should be
blended to give a smooth appearance.

It is recommended that these joints are rejected and put back to the manufacturer. If these
indications are ignored they will go into service and during a regular used inspection be rejected
as service induced defects by the Inspection Company. Worse still, the joints could fail in

Figure 16
Elephant Hide seen under Blacklight Inspection

5.9 Recording of all Drill Pipe Identification Numbers

All joint serial numbers shall be taken from the following locations and be recorded on the
inspection reports. This will allow full traceability to the manufacturing certification.

• Pin Tool Joint : Base of pin connection. Pin tool joint OD, Mill Slot

November 1999 Page 121

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

• Box Tool Joint : Box tool joint OD

• Pipe Body : Heat/Cast Numbers

5.10 Wet Magnetic Particle Inspection of Connections

Both pin and box tool joints and connections shall receive a wet fluorescent magnetic particle
inspection for longitudinal and transverse defects. This shall be performed in accordance with
Section 2.3 and of this Standard.

Any manufacturing flaws detected from this inspection shall be cause for reject.

5.11 Visual Thread Inspection

The pin and box connections shall be visually inspected for evidence of corrosion pitting or
galling (from the break-in process).

Any evidence of corrosion pitting, galling or any other form of mechanical damage shall be
cause for rejection.

5.12 Hardness Testing of Tool Joints

Hardness readings shall be taken with a King Brinell Hardness Tester or equivalent on the pin
and box tool joint OD surface.

The prepared surface for hardness measurements shall be mechanically filed, ground, or
polished with abrasive materials so that the impression is made on uniform base material. The
surface finish for hardness testing shall be 32 micro-inch CLA or better.

The hardness value shall be the average of two valid readings. Readings are valid when they
are within 2 BHN numbers of each other.

Minimum hardness value should be 285 BHN.

API gives no maximum hardness for tool joints but it is accepted in the industry that a 341 BHN
maximum should be used to ensure good material properties.

5.13 Evaluation of Pipe Body Straightness

All joints shall be visually checked for straightness against requirements of API 5D.

Pipe sizes 4½ inch and larger shall be checked for straightness by using a straight edge or
taut string (wire). Deviation from straight, or chord height, shall not exceed either of the

November 1999 Page 122

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

• 0.2 percent of the total length of the pipe measured from one end of the pipe to the other

• 0.125 inch of the 5 foot length at each end.

Measurement of the deviation shall not include the upset fade-away.

5.14 Destructive Testing

When required (due to the lack of tests during manufacture or low values on tests made)
destructive tests shall be performed on at least one joint of drill pipe. The following tests should
be performed as a minimum, as specified in the relevant NS-SQAIR.

Weld Line – for each tool joint (pin and box)

• Charpy V-Notch Impact Test
• Tensile Test (UTS, Yield)
• Elongation and Reduction in Area
• Hardness

Pipe Body
• Charpy V-Notch Impact Test
• Tensile Test (UTS,Yield)
• Elongation and Reduction in Area
• Chemical Analysis

Tool Joints – for each tool joint (pin and box)

• Charpy V-Notch Impact Test
• Tensile Test (UTS, Yield)
• Elongation and Reduction in Area
• Chemical Analysis
• Hardness Test

November 1999 Page 123

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0


6.1 Objective

The objective of this section is to classify components that have been identified as limited
service by this Standard. This will assist the user in determining the risk associated with use
of a particular component.

6.2 Stress Relief Features

6.2.1 Background

Stress relief features (when machined with the correct dimensions) remove unengaged
threads that act as stress concentrators for fatigue and reduce the effects of cyclic stresses.
For BHA components, due to their stiffness, these will be concentrated at the connections.
These cyclic stresses result from rotating the components in combination with bending
loads. It is at its highest when they are either bent (going around a dogleg) or buckled
(working in compression), or when vibration is present.

The pin stress relief groove (SRG) also provides large radii for smoother flow of stresses
around the machined corners. The bore back with its cylinder type design provides
increased flexibility for the high stressed area.

There is a reluctance with some supply companies (in particular with speciality BHA tools
such as MWD) to cut the full width of the pin SRG as it reduces the number of recuts for
that tool, therefore potentially shortening its service life. For this reason it has become
common practice with some companies to machine a shorter width of SRG, typically ¾

In the latest edition (Sixteenth Edition, August 1, 1998) of API RP 7G (used equipment)
there is allowance for deviating from the dimensions as specified in API Spec 7 thereby
allowing more recuts on rental tools and other short term usage tools. This deviation is for
stress relief grooves with dimensions from ¾ inch to 1¼ inch. API RP 7G also notes “that
the least stress is expected for a groove width of 1 inch. Consequently, in operations
where fatigue failures are a problem, a groove width of 1 inch is recommended”.

Figure 17 shows calculated relative stresses for an NC50 axisymmetric finite element
model with 6½ inch box OD and 3 inch pin ID. A pin with no stress relief groove is the
basis for comparison.

November 1999 Page 124

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Make-up only Make-up + T

Max Max
SRG Max Axial Max Axial
Maximum Stress at the root of the Last Engaged
Stress Stress
Thread of a NC50 connection
1 1/4 75 63 73 64
1 70 56 63 53
3/4 84 82 83 81
0 100 100 100 100 100

1 1/4" 1" 3/4" None 90

Equiv 75 70 84 100
Make-up Stress 80
Max Axial
63 56 82 100
Equiv 73 63 83 100
Make-up Stress 60
Max Axial
64 53 81 100
Max 1"
Load Case Equiv Max 1 1/4"
Stress Axial Max 1 1/4" 1"
Stress Equiv Max SRG
Stress Axial 3/4"
Make-up Only Width
Stress None
Data from API RP 7G Make-up + T

Figure 17
Maximum Stress at Root of Last Engaged Thread for the Pin of an NC50 Axisymmetric Model

6.2.2 Failures from Fatigue and the cost of a Failure

The majority of BHA failures are from fatigue.

Although the tighter tolerance of the original requirement of API Spec 7 therefore
decreases the number of recuts on certain tool components, the cost of one in-hole failure
is extremely high. The prevention of one failure resulting in the loss of a tool or hole
section would justify the effort to reduce stress levels in BHA connections by 20 to
30% (source Baker Hughes Intec FEA calculations performed for API and included in
API RP 7G 16th Edition valid from Dec 98). Recent failures due to stress corrosion
cracking (SCC) have been observed on pins of certain common types of Non-Mag material
where the SRG dimensions of ¾ inch to 1¼ inch were in practice. The increased stress
levels associated with the Modified SRG will increase susceptibility to this type of failure
mechanism. However, it should also be understood that the maximum stress level is at the
thread root, usually protected from the corrosive environment. Including a stress relief
feature groove (of whatever width) will aggravate the stress at the inner surface under the
groove, and may therefore increase the material’s susceptibility to this form of corrosion

November 1999 Page 125

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

6.2.3 Further Considerations

If there is a concern with recut life on a particular tool such as directional equipment,
consideration should be given to minimising the risk of the recuts being required, instead
of increasing the risk of a failure. A special effort should therefore be taken by directional
drillers and MWD engineers to ensure the appropriate make up torques, anti-gall treatment,
dope application and procedures are in place.

6.2.4 Use of the Modified Stress Relief Groove

If use of the Modified SRG is still to be considered for the well to be drilled, it should only
be under low fatigue conditions. This would be as follows:

• The component is in a tangent section (no inclination changes).

• Inclination is higher than 15 degrees.
• There are no vibration or stick slip conditions.
• The operation is not milling.
• Drilling is with a motor.
• Inspection frequency shall not exceed 150 hours

6.3 Bending Strength Ratio (BSR)

6.3.1 Background

The predominant consideration, especially in selecting larger BHA connections is Bending

Strength Ratio (BSR). BSR is a ratio of the relative stiffness of the box to the pin for a
given connection. If a connection has a pin and box that are out of balance, the stress level
is increased and fatigue accelerates in the weaker member.

The traditional target BSR is 2.5 and acceptable BSR ranges centre on this point. However,
BSR ranges are rough guidelines established by “experience” and should not be used as
strict operating limits such as drill pipe tube tensile capacity. Staying within recommended
BSR guidelines does not eliminate connection fatigue failures, nor does exceeding the
recommended ranges always lead to fatigue failures.

In theory, high BSR’s should cause accelerated pin failure and low BSR’s should cause
accelerated box failures. A balanced BSR should provide maximum connection life.

6.3.2 BSR Range for this Standard

For this Standard the range for use is as follows:

Drill Collar/BHA OD BSR Range

Less than 6 inches 1.8 - 2.5
6-8 inches 2.25 - 2.75
8 inches and up 2.5 - 3.2

November 1999 Page 126

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

6.3.3 Use of BHA equipment outside this Range

For this Standard BSR’s outside the range specified above are classified as limited service,
and their consideration for use should be as follows:

• There are no vibration or stick slip conditions.

• The operation is not milling.
• Experience in a similar well operation has not resulted in BHA connection fatigue
• Connection thread roots have been cold rolled.
• The pin stress relief groove is 1 inch ± 1/32.

6.4 Drill Collar OD for use with Elevators

6.4.1 Background

The tolerance specified on the collar OD, 1 inch from the elevator shoulder is to be within
±1/16 inch of the specified OD. The reason for this tight criterion is that, as the collar is
used, the OD will wear and this reduces the elevator contact. The elevator spreading load
is increased by angle and radius buildup on the collar and corresponding wear on the
elevator seat. As all drill collar elevators are intended for use with square shoulders, the
elevator capacity is drastically reduced by the spreading action. For example, with 1/16
inch wear on the collar OD, 1/32 inch radius worn on the corner, and a 5 degree angle on
the shoulder, the elevator capacity can be reduced by as much as 60 percent, depending on
collar size and elevator design.

New Elevator
Shoulder New Drill Collar OD

orn Drill Collar OD

Elevator Groove
Figure 18
Drill Collar Elevator Shoulder

6.4.2 Considerations for Use

Drill collars with worn OD’s at the elevator shoulder should only be handled with lift subs
to support the drill collar weight.

November 1999 Page 127

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

6.5 Minimum Internal Upset (MIU)

6.5.1 Background

Ninety-eight percent of drill pipe failures investigated by O.C.T.G. Procter in the North
Sea are from fatigue cracks at the internal upset, which is an area of high stress due to the
change in geometry providing a transition from the internal upset back to the drill pipe
tube ID. Reducing stress in this area is achieved by manufacturing the drill pipe with
longer internal upset tapers, which reduces the stress concentration.

MIU lengths of 3 inches (80mm) will comply with the latest edition of NS-SQAIR
although it is true to say that longer tapers are achievable and being produced by some
pipe manufacturers. 1“Physical testing and finite element analysis indicate that the longer
internal upsets that can be produced (6.75 inches with a radius of 15 inches) will double
the fatigue life compared to normal API upset tapers.” An increase of fatigue life may also
be expected from tapers longer than those presently in NS-SQAIR, although no evaluation
has yet been done to establish the percentage increase in fatigue life.

Internal Upset
Box Tool
T Joint

Figure 19
Internal Upset Profile / Typical Washout Location

Drill pipe failures in the internal upset area are not attributable purely to fatigue; corrosion
in this same area plays a big part. As corrosion starts in the internal upset, metal is
lost, reducing the wall thickness and therefore creating a bigger “notch effect”. Bending
stresses thus increase in this area, even with no increase in bending force. As stresses
increase, the products of corrosion (rust) that tend to build-up in this area are broken away,
exposing more base metal to the corrosion process. This is how corrosion and fatigue
work together to accelerate failure.

6.5.2 Consideration for Use

Drill pipe which has an MIU of between 2-3 inches should only be used under low fatigue
conditions, which would be as follows:

• The component is in a tangent section (no inclination changes).

• Inclination is higher than 15 degrees.
• There are no vibration or stick slip conditions.

November 1999 Page 128

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

• The operation is not milling.

• Drilling is with a motor.
• The pipe should also have internal plastic coating which meets the acceptance criteria
of this Standard.

6.6 Internal Plastic Coating

6.6.1 Background

Past field history has shown the effectiveness of internal plastic coating to prevent corrosion
and reduce the chances of fatigue failures at the internal upset. By design, the modern
coating systems typically provide flexibility to counteract the flexing a joint of pipe may
receive, abrasion resistance to reduce the abrasive wear of the drilling fluids, and chemical
resistance to protect against unexpected fluid and gas intrusion into the pipe bore.

The use of water based muds (e.g. high salt (KCL) polymer) can be very corrosive to
exposed areas of bare metal. Water based mud with high chloride content can be corrosive
due to high chlorides being a good conductor. The most common types of chlorides used
in drilling muds are, Sodium Chloride (Salt Water), Potassium Chloride, (Mud Additive)
and Calcium Chloride (Mud Additive). Because these chemicals are used extensively in
many drilling programs, minimisation of their use is not possible. Therefore, pH control
of water-based muds, or the use of oil-based mud are the two best ways for control of
corrosion by mud control. A pH level of 10.5 to 12.0 is considered best for control of
corrosion. However, it is reported that the water-based KCI polymer muds do not perform
so well at high levels of pH therefore minimising the possibility of corrosion control by
means of maintaining a high pH.

6.6.2 Considerations for Use

For plastic coatings that have been classified as “limited service” their consideration for
use should be under the following conditions:

• Mud is not water based

• DLS is no greater than 3ºdeg per 100/ft
• MIU lengths have been manufactured as 3 inches or longer

6.7 Build - Up (Weld Repair) on Tool Joints

6.7.1 Background

Failure history has highlighted concerns with the practice of building up tool joints once
they are worn below Premium OD.

The process of rebuilding tool joints involves the build-up of tool joint OD by welding,
then machining the tool joint back to original dimensions. Due to the process of pre-heat
and tempering operations the final product may have mechanical properties not suitable
for drilling operations.

November 1999 Page 129

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

6.7.2 Considerations for Use

The use of a drillstring, which is identified as having tool joint build-up performed, should
be under the following conditions:

• Build-up has been performed by a recognised repair facility (API Spec 7 Approved),
and has a “qualified” process in place.
• Drilling is not in H2S conditions
• DLS is not greater than 5ºdeg/100ft
• Hardness tests have been performed on the built-up tool joints in accordance with this
Standard. The tool joints should produce hardness values in a range of 285 BHN min
to 341 BHN max.

6.8 Wear Indicator Gap Ring – (Hydril Wedge Thread)

6.8.1 Background

The Hydril Wedge Thread (WT) once it is made-up has a gap at the pin and box faces.
Closure of this gap is an indication of the wear on the connections and requirement for
recut. However, it has been noted that determining closure of the gap when the drill pipe
is returned onshore for inspection is difficult. For this reason Hydril have modified the pin
connection with a “wear indicator gap ring”.

6.8.2 Consideration for Use

Use of drill pipe strings, which do not have this modification, may result in a high reject
rate offshore even though the string may have been through a full inspection onshore.
It is recommended that strings without this modification should not be used under the
following conditions:

• A gas tight seal is required

• A rental string is used and the user is responsible for the cost of recuts for gap

6.9 Surface Treatment – (Chromium Manganese Alloy Steel)

6.9.1 Background

Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) is a mechanical environmental failure mechanism

that mainly attacks stainless steel (nonmagnetic) drill string components. Low carbon
drill string materials, such as API drill pipe and drill collars, usually are not susceptible
to SCC in most drilling environments. SCC, like sulphide stress cracking (SSC) is a
complex mechanism. It is believed that galvanic corrosion cells between grain boundaries
promote rapid intergranular corrosion in parts that are experiencing simultaneous tensile
stress. High temperatures promote and accelerate the process. This combined stress and
corrosion can rapidly form and extend intergranular cracks in susceptible material and
thus the mechanism is given its name. Preventing SCC in drill strings is mainly a matter

November 1999 Page 130

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

of using stainless steels that are not susceptible to attack. Ferritic stainless steels are
generally much more resistant than austenitic stainless steels and other metallurgical and
environmental conditions also play a part.

Unfortunately the types of steels such as chromium nickel which is more resistant to SCC
is expensive and has a tendency to gall easily and is therefore not often used. Chromium
Manganese is still widely used in the industry and is very susceptible to SCC especially
when no surface treatment has been performed.

Surface treatment of the ID such as hammer peening or shot bead blasting produces a
compressive layer which gives better resistance to SCC.

6.9.2 Considerations for Use

Use of non-magnetic austentic stainless steel equipment, which does not show evidence of
a surface ID treatment should only be under the following conditions:

• Mud system is not salt saturated (high chloride, magnesium content)

• Pin Stress Relief Groove is not modified as per API RP7G, Sixteenth Edition,
August 1, 1998

6.10 Tungsten Carbide Hardbanding

6.10.1 Background

At present, many MWD and FWD tools are only available with abrasive tungsten carbide
hardbanding. Although these tools are intended for use in open hole, they inevitably must
be tripped in and out through casing. Moreover, when drilling out shoetracks or milling
windows in casing, these tools may be needed.

6.10.2 Considerations for Use

The end user must, therefore, be aware of the risk he runs in damaging his casing when
using such tools. While this will mostly be near the bottom of the cased section and
the string may be (partly) centralised, the high probability of wear in this area must be
considered when running liners and setting the length of liner lap.

Tungsten carbide hardbanding is also common on many other BHA components, including
drill collars and HWDP. Unless ground or worn smooth, such hardbanded equipment
should not be rotated inside casing.

November 1999 Page 131

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

6.11 Material Certification, Inspection Reports, Repair Reports

6.11.1 Material Certification

The Drilling Contractor along with any other service company, providing drillstring
equipment under this standard, shall be able to provide original material certification from
the manufacturer that details its mechanical and chemical properties.

The minimum mechanical and chemical properties specified in the latest edition of
NS-SQAIR shall be met.

When certification is not available, the user reserves the right to not use the item or
limit its service. As a minimum any items without the required certification will have
hardness testing performed. Hardness testing shall be performed in accordance with the
Section 2.10 “Portable Hardness Testing” of this standard and the test results shall meet
the following limits for acceptance.

Minimum Hardness : 285 Brinell

Maximum Hardness : 341 Brinell

Note: Drill pipe and heavy wall drill pipe tube bodies cannot be hardness tested to
determine grade. If documentation of heat treatment and grade is not provided, the pipe
shall not be accepted to this standard.

On non-magnetic components correlation between hardness and material strength is not


6.11.2 Inspection and Repair Reports

Inspection reports for all drillstring equipment shall be made available on request. Repair
reports shall cover any thread connection re-cuts, re-application of hardbanding or build-up
of tool joints.

All drillstring equipment supplied under this standard must have a valid inspection
certificate indicating inspection being carried out within a period of six months prior
to release to the clients operation, otherwise a re-inspection shall be performed. The
inspection conducted previously must comply fully with this standard, and this shall be
documented on the inspection reports.

November 1999 Page 132

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0



O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy can assist in the interpretation of this Inspection Standard and provide
advice on queries arising from this standard, and other issues regarding Drillstring Failure Prevention,
which may include, Procurement, Design, Rig Operations, etc.

Company: O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited,

Contact: Steve Minnoch (NS-2 Focal Point),
Phone: +44 (0) 1224 748600
Fax: +44 (0) 1224 746676
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Westhill Business Park,
Peregrine Road,
AB32 6JL

Controlled copies of this Standard may be purchased by contacting O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy on
the above details.

The Drillstring Inspection Standard support services can also cover the following services:

1. Help desk/information service to provide any clarification required on this standard. (This
may include, but is not limited to answering queries from : Operators, Drilling Contractors,
Inspection Companies, and any third party service/rental supply companies).

2. Audits of inspection companies to ensure conformance with this Inspection Standard.

3. Audit visits to lead drilling contractor and service/rental companies to ensure equipment is
being supplied to the requirements of this Inspection Standard. These visits may also extend
to machine and fabrication shops to ensure components are manufactured or refurbished in
accordance with NS-1 and API standards.

4. Keeping abreast of technological developments within the oilfield inspection field and making
further recommendations for continual improvement in this area.

5. Supply of a well specific drillstring inspection program using the computer program

6. Technical procurement standard for meeting the requirements of “NS-1”

Note: Services other than simple advice on interpretation of this standard (or “NS-1”) will normally
be made on the basis of a formal agreement with the party requesting the service, and will be
chargeable at standard rates published by O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited direct to the
requesting party.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0




The diagrams in this appendix are to give a quick overview on what inspections are required under this standard,
for the most common drillstring components.

Inspection Diagram 1: Drill Pipe

Inspection Diagram 2: Heavyweight Drill Pipe
Inspection Diagram 3: Drill Collar
Inspection Program 4: Drill Stem Subs
Inspection Program 5: Stabilisers

NS-2 Rev 0

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Drillstring Inspection Standard

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NS-2 Rev 0















Drillstring Inspection Standard

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Drillstring Inspection Standard


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NS-2 Rev 0

























Drillstring Inspection Standard


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NS-2 Rev 0

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Drillstring Inspection Standard

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0


1. Introduction

For the purpose of this document the drillstring is assumed to extend from the drill bit connection up
to but not including the top drive or kelly. These Guidelines presume that all inspections are
performed as described in the body of this document.

Analysis of autopsy data from Shell Expro’s drillstring failures from 1992 to 1998 indicates that the
majority of these failures are attributable to BHA connection fatigue, and that it is essential that the
drillstring, and especially the BHA components, are inspected at clearly defined intervals.

Drillpipe, BHA and Specialised Equipment

Failures 1992 - 1998
15 BHA
10 Specialised Equipment
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

The inspection interval, or frequency, is set at a predetermined level to ensure that cracks are detected
early enough to prevent component failure downhole. Inspection is optimised at the most cost
effective frequency to avoid unnecessary inspections and to achieve the maximum detection rate.

To minimise the possibility of drillstring failure, regular inspection and/or replacement of drillstring
components should be carried out within the 'Window of Detection by Inspection'.

This document will enable field implementation of the general Drillstring Inspection Frequency
Guidelines recommended by the Shell Expro drillstring failure prevention Quality Improvement
Project (QIP). Original Source WEIN/574.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

New Component Window of Detection by


Crack Minimum Crack Size Washout Twist-off

Initiated Detectable by
Inspection Methods
Pressure Gauge

In the past, drillstring inspections were set at arbitrary intervals based on rotating hours or footage
drilled. These inspections were performed on the basis of "experience" of an area or the use of a
particular type of component. Rarely were these inspection intervals any better than wild guesses; the
need for drillstring inspection depends on how severely (not how long) a component has been

These Drillstring Inspection Frequency Guidelines were developed from a detailed fatigue analysis
study of historical data from Shell Expro wells using the computer program WS-INSPECT:

WS-INSPECT assumes that each component in the drillstring already has a crack just small enough to
avoid having been detected at the last inspection. After the component goes into service, the program
keeps track of where it is in the drillstring and estimates how fast the hypothetical crack is growing.
When the program calculates that a component or group of components is approaching the end of its
reliability curve the user is alerted and an inspection can be scheduled for that component or group of

For critical wells (high build angles or rates), severe service wells or wells which fall outside these
guidelines, WS-INSPECT can provide a precise analysis of fatigue crack growth and produce a well
specific drillstring inspection program.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

2. Inspection Frequency - Bottomhole Assemblies

This is the area where historically the majority of drillstring failures investigated by O.C.T.G. Procter
Consultancy in the North Sea have occurred. Today, with the increasing use of top drives and the
need for extended reach wells, BHA components are being exposed to far greater levels of stress. It is
essential that these components are inspected on a regular basis to reflect the severity of their use. It
is also important to ensure that rental items are included in these inspections.

The BHA includes but is not limited to the following components:-

Heavyweight Drillpipe, Drillcollars, Drilling Jars/Accelerators, MWD tools, Turbines/Mud Motors,

Stabilisers, Substitutes, Reamers, Hole Openers, etc.

• All Wells: + Inspect prior to spud of the first well on contract

+ Inspect after every 150 to 250 rotating hours*

*Note: This is the Window of Detection - after a BHA component accumulates 150 rotating
hours the component should be inspected at the next operationally convenient time. 250 rotating
hours is the absolute maximum upper limit of the window and BHA components reaching this
limit shall be inspected prior to further use.

When severe service has been encountered BHA inspections should be performed as soon as practical
and certainly before the next well. Severe service is defined as:

• High Static Loads: Tension loads near pipe body yield strength (e.g. pulling on
stuck pipe) BHA seldom sees this - Drill Pipe does.

Compressive loads greater than the buckling limit (e.g.

dropped drillstring).

Rotating torque that exceeds connection make-up torque.

Unexpected doglegs (e.g, side tracks)

• High Dynamic Loads: Extensive jarring-over 12 hours.

Evidence of severe vibration (e.g., high torque fluctuations,

slip-stick, abnormal bit wear).

Unexpected failures of downhole tools (e.g. MWD tools

failing prematurely).

Fatigue failures occurring prematurely in BHA components.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

3.1. Inspection Frequency - Drill Pipe

• Vertical Wells: + Inspect prior to spud of the first well on contract

+ Inspect after every 35,000 ft M.D. of hole drilled (or each

half year if footage records are not kept).

+ Inspect after drilling a single well with a measured depth

greater than 20,000 ft M.D.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

3.2. Inspection Frequency - Drill Pipe

• Directional Wells: + Inspect prior to spud of the first well on contract.

+ Inspect after every 30,000 ft M.D. of hole drilled (or each

half year if footage records are not kept).

+ After drilling a well greater than 13,500 ft M.D. remove and

inspect all drillpipe which has been rotated in or through the
uppermost build zone after reaching 13,500 ft M.D. (see
figure A3.1):

The above inspection frequency guidelines do not apply under the following circumstances and WS-
INSPECT should be used to develop a well-specific inspection frequency program when the well plan
or drilling operations exceed any one of the following:

Rate of Penetration + below 13,500 ft M.D averages less than 10 ft/hr.

Surface R.P.M. + below 13,500 ft M.D. averages more than 150 rpm.

Rate of Build + of uppermost build angle zone averages more than

3.0 degree/100ft

T.V.D. + Greater than 10,500 ft.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

3.3. Inspection Frequency - Drill Pipe

• Horizontal Wells: + Inspect prior to spud of the first well on contract.

+ Inspect after every 30,000 ft M.D. of hole drilled (or each

half year if footage records are not kept).

+ After drilling a well greater than 13,500 ft M.D. remove and

inspect all drillpipe which has been rotated in or through the
lowermost build zone after reaching 13,500 ft M.D. (see
figure A3.2).

The above inspection frequency guidelines do not apply under the following circumstances and WS-
INSPECT should be used to develop a well-specific inspection frequency program when the well plan
or drilling operations exceed any one of the following:

Rate of Penetration + below 13,500 ft M.D averages less than 20 ft/hr.

Surface R.P.M. + below 13,500 ft M.D. averages more than 60 rpm.

Rate of Build + of lowermost build angle zone averages more than

5.0 degree/100ft

NS-2 Rev 0

slleW detaiveD rof stnemeriuqeR noitcepsnI epiP llirD 1.3A giF

DM TF 005,31

dliuB fo dnE
TF001 / º3 nahT sseL setaR dliuB roF ENOZ DLIUB
tniop ffo kciK
Drillstring Inspection Standard

DT ot tf005,31 = htgneL B
DT ta noitcepsni rof enoZ B A
NS-2 Rev 0

slleW latnoziroH rof stnemeriuqeR noitcepsnI epiP llirD 2.3A giF

DM TF 005,31 DLIUB tniop ffo kciK tsomrewoL

TF 001 / º0.5 nahT sseL setaR dliuB roF
Drillstring Inspection Standard

DT ot tf005,31 = htgneL B
DT ta noitcepsni rof enoZ B A
Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0



Produced by O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy for Shell Expro


To assist in the awareness of Drillstring Failure Prevention, Shell Expro produce wallcharts to summarise
their failure statistics for the year.

A brief summary of some failures for the year are captured on the wallchart to convey important
learning points from the failure investigations. Full reports for each investigation listed on the wallchart
are available from O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0




When making up drillstring connections, the aim is to achieve the correct axial preload. In order to do
this, a certain make-up torque must be applied.

The extent to which torque is converted to axial preload will depend upon the friction between the
sliding surfaces in thread and shoulders and the extent to which it is converted into hydraulic pressure
trapped in the threads. Provided that the thread path is sealed at only one end, excess thread compound
(pipe dope) should be able to escape and prevent hydraulic buffer effect, which prevents proper

The surface finish of the threads, the thread compound applied, the presence of contaminants and the
operating temperature all affect the coefficient of friction in the connection.

In order to reduce the variables involved, pipe dope performance is compared with standard API
modified thread compound, by means of the ratio:


Where: Tmu1 = make-up torque to achieve correct axial stress with thread compound 1

Tmus = make up torque to achieve correct axial stress with API modified thread
compound under similar conditions

It will be seen that, to obtain the correct make-up torque for a connection using a given dope, the
make-up torque as determined using the Shell Drillstring Design Manual should be multiplied by the

The DEA-47 phase III tests showed that the standard API bolt test for determining friction factors was
a poor comparison tool. In that project, tests were performed on actual tool joints. The effect of copper
coating and phosphate anti-galling treatments were also observed. Typically, slightly lower FCF’s were
observed on copper-coated connections than phosphated.

The figures in the following tables were derived from data in the Shell Production Handbook and the
results of the DEA-47 tests. Not all manufacturers agree with the figures included : this is particularly
the case where their own tests have been limited to the API bolt test. These figures should be treated as
the best available guide, but are neither absolute nor definitive.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0


Thread Compound Correction

! " #   $
 %& '' "('
 )* '' ' "('

*   -

 / % 0
 % 1


  .. 1+
  ) + ,
  ) + 1

  ) - + 1
2' 3 4 5

4*  %& ''  0 1+
   %& '' # 3 " "'

0 $ 1
   %& '' # "' ' "' + 5+,,$ 1

* %& '' ' "('

*  + 

 6' % ,
' * 
   0 #('  7.$ +
! "
  , 0


Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0




When a drillstring failure does occur offshore it is important to recognise the failure mechanism as soon
as possible, to avoid any further failures. Some fundamental issues are highlighted on the following
pages to assist in identifying the failure mechanism. Also, a Drillstring Failure Autopsy Data Sheet
is included with a description of requirements, to capture essential information relating to the failure.
An electronic copy of the form is available on the O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited website (see
Appendix 1).

Another important issue to remember is that the failed piece must be preserved so that further analysis
may be done onshore to confirm the failure mechanism. Some simple Do’s and Don’ts are given

• Coat fracture surfaces that have been exposed to salt water with a water soluble oil such as WD-40
prior to packaging.

• Package the pieces to prevent mechanical and corrosion damage to fracture surfaces during

• Ship the pieces as soon after the failure as practical

• Put fracture surfaces together

• Touch or rub the fracture surfaces with fingers

• Remove fragments from fracture surfaces

• Clean the fracture surface with solvents, high pressure sprays or wire brushes

• Paint the fracture surface or adjacent area

• Cut off fracture surfaces with a torch without leaving at least 12 inches of metal from each side of
the fracture to the torch cut

Recognising the Failure Mechanism

If the rig crew or the offshore well engineers have attended either of the Drillstring Failure Prevention
Courses run by O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Limited then recognising the failure mechanism should
be that much easier.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

It is important to remember the “PRIDE” issues and use these to recognise the failure mechanism and
the preventative measures required.

P = Properties (How good is the pipe to begin with?)

R = Rig Operations (How carefully do we handle and use the pipe?)

I = Inspection (How good and how frequent is our inspection?)

D = Design (How conservative is our design?)

E = Environment (How hostile are the surroundings in which the pipe is working?)

An example may be that you have had a pin twist-off on a drill collar. The shape, appearance,
orientation and location of the fracture clearly indicate that fatigue was at fault. You would look at the
following :

Properties, are the material properties, i.e. toughness (charpy) within the acceptable ranges specified

Rig Operations, Can something with the drilling operation be adjusted, less WOB, vibration
monitoring? Could the rig team have detected the failure at the washout stage before it progressed to
a twist-off?

Inspection, how good was the inspection prior to using the equipment? If it was to API RP7G then this
was not adequate, this standard, NS-2, should be used. When was the last inspection, how many rotating
hours did it have on it? If it had more then 250 then this is more then recommended as a frequency
guideline as stated in Appendix 3 of this standard.

Design, can anything be done on modifying the connection, i.e. stress relief feature, BSR, thread form,
more stabilisers?

Environment, are there any issues on the chemical and mechanical environment. Is there hole
enlargement at the BHA, or high corrosion rate from the mud?

Sometimes if we are lucky only one area needs addressing, but in reality we normally bring the situation
under control by putting more then one aspect of our PRIDE in to place.

Another important issue to remember is that the failed piece must be preserved so that further analysis
may be done onshore to confirm the failure mechanism.

The Drillstring Failure Autopsy Data Sheet on page A6-5 provides a record of failure data that will be
invaluable for the prevention of other failures. This should be completed by the offshore engineer and
sent into the person responsible for investigating the failure along with photos and any other relevant
material, e.g. copy of ‘geolograph’ or data logger output for 24 hours prior to the failure.

The drillstring extends from the drill bit connection up to but not including the top drive or kelly. Failure
of drillstring integrity arises when there is a failure in the pressure containing conduit. This may show
up as a catastrophic separation of the drillstring (twist-off) or a leak in the drillstring (washout). Failure
costs include NPT and equipment lost in hole, but does not include deferred production revenues.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Completing the Drillstring Failure Autopsy Data Sheet

Rig/Platform: Insert rig or platform name.

Well: Insert full well number or name (include sidetrack number

if applicable).

Field Name: Insert field name, or ‘Exploration’ or ‘Appraisal’, as


Date of Failure: Insert date of drillstring failure occurrence.

Type of Failure: This should be classified as: Twistoff, Washout or Other.

Hole Size: Insert hole size in inches.

Depth of Failure: Insert the depth (ft MD) from below rig floor to the failure
point when it occurred.

Drilled Depth: Insert the depth (ft MD) from below rig floor to TD at time
of failure.

Mud Type: Insert type for hole section in which the failure occurred.

Last Casing Size: Insert the last casing size in inches.

Last Casing Depth: Insert the last casing depth (ft MD)

Deviation: Insert maximum deviation and dogleg severity (degrees/

100ft) in proximity of failure position

Supplied/Owned by: Insert the company who supplied/owned the failed


Serial No: Insert failed components unique serial number

Age of Component: Insert age of failed component if known

Rotating Hours This Well: Insert the component rotating hours for current well

Rotating Hours
Since Last Inspection: Insert the rotating hours since last inspection of failed
component (if known)

Date of Last Inspection: Insert date of last inspection for failed component

Inspection Company: Insert name of inspection company who performed last

inspection of failed component

Inspection Type: Insert the last type of inspection performed on failed component
e.g. Visual, Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), Ultrasonic

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Failed Component Description: Describe the failed component, e.g. 5 inch, Grade S, drill pipe,
19.50 lb/ft

Brief Description of Failure: Insert a brief description of the events that lead up to the
failure. In addition, give a brief description of the form of
the failure, e.g. NC50 pin connection washed out from 2.5”
transverse crack in last engaged thread root

Hole Condition: Insert any comments regarding tight or over gauge hole in the
current hole section which you feel may have had a significant
bearing on this failure

Component History: Insert any comments regarding any significant recent events
which you feel may have had a significant bearing on this
failure, e.g. extensive jarring, bit spudded into bottom, etc.

Drilling Parameters: Insert the drilling parameters that were being utilised at the
time of failure

Thread Type: Insert the thread type of the failed component, e.g. NC50

Box Bore Back: Is there a bore back in the box connection?

Pin Stress Relief Groove (BHA): For failed BHA’s components is there a pin stress relief groove
present? If so, report its width to the nearest 1/32 inch

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0


Rig/Platform: Well: Field Name:

Date of failure: Type of failure: (twistoff/washout/other) Hole size: (in)

Depth of failure: Drilled depth: (ft MD) Mud type:

Last casing size: Last casing depth: (ft MD) Deviation: (State max. dev. and DLS)

Supplied/owned by: Serial number:

Age of component: (if known) Rotating hours this well: Rotating hours since last inspection:

Date of last inspection: Inspection Company: Inspection Type:

Failed component description:

Brief description of failure: (drawing where appropriate showing lengths, OD, ID, tool joint type and size, etc.)

Hole condition: (comment on any tight or over gauge hole sections, or other condition that may have influenced
the failure)

Drilling Parameters: (at time of failure)

Rotary torque: (ft-lbs) Rotary speed: Weight on bit. (lbs)

Standpipe pressure: (psi) Pump strokes/minute: Gallons per minute:

Pickup weight: (lbs) Slackoff weight: (lbs) BHA weight: (lbs in mud)

Thread type: Boreback box (BHA) Pin stress relief groove (BHA)

Any further comments that may assist in the failure investigation:

------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------

Signature Name Date

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0




To assist end-users of drillstring components in specifying their detailed requirements, two data sheets
have been created : one for Drill Pipe (including Heavyweight Drill Pipe) and one for Drillstring Com-
ponents (other than Drill Pipe). The user should enter in the column headed ‘User’ his specific require-
ments. It is not expected that users enter data in every box, but it should be borne in mind that every
empty box represents an item or feature which is being left to the discretion of the supplier. The sup-
plier should enter information about the equipment he intends to supply, or is supplying in the column
headed ‘Supplier’.

When used at the proposal stage, the data sheets will allow a rapid and detailed comparison of how
closely a supplier’s equipment meets the end-user’s needs. The data sheets may be used when procur-
ing new or used equipment and may be used for contractual purposes. Their use will permit auditable
tracking of specified requirements and equipment supplied. Electronic copies (Excel Spreadsheets) are
available from the O.C.T.G. Procter website (see Appendix 1).

The data sheets were created in the wake of several events where inadequate definition of critical
requirements had led to expensive N.P.T. incidents offshore.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0



1.04New or Used?
1.05Purchase or Rental?
1.06Outside Diameter (nominal)
1.07Inside Diameter (nominal)
1.08Maximum Permissible Overall Diameter (user to specify max
1.09Length (shoulder to shoulder)
1.10Overall Length


2.02API Spec. Nos.
2.03Other Specs.

2.11North Sea Drillstring Inspection Standard (NS-2)
2.12North Sea Drillstring Inspection Standard (NS-2)
2.13API RP 7G
2.14Other Specs.


3.003Heat treatment
3.004Body O.D.
3.005Body I.D.
3.006Internal Upset Length
3.007External Upset Length
3.008Transition Length (MIU)+B76
3.009Internal upset profile (supplier to attach drawing or pantograp
3.010Nominal weight per foot
3.011Mean weight per foot (actual/estimated)
3.012Internal coating material
3.013Centre pad length
3.014Centre pad diameter (excluding hardbanding)
3.015Centre pad diameter (over hardbanding)
3.016Central bore misalignment

3.101Type or Size No.
3.103Minimum Yield Stress
3.104Ultimate Tensile Strength
3.105Welded Tool Joint/Integral/Other (Specify)
3.106If welded, method of welding
3.107Box: Outside Diameter (excluding hardbanding)
3.108Box: Outside Diameter (over hardbanding)
3.109Box: Inside Diameter
3.110Boreback dimensions If boreback is not provided, Supplier should enter “None”
3.111Pin: Outside Diameter (excluding hardbanding)
3.112Pin: Outside Diameter (over hardbanding)
3.113Pin: Inside Diameter
3.114Stress Relief Groove Width/Depth If SRG is not provided, Supplier should enter “None”
3.115Threads Cold-Rolled? Required Yes/No
3.116Thread anti-galling treatment (e.g. Phosphate dip).
3.117Other body connections. Supplier should furnish details of all other maj body
connections, supported by drawings or sketches, where appropriate.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0


3.202Welding/Application spec. or procedure
3.203Box No. of beads
3.204Box Total width of banding
3.205Box Application Flush/Raised
3.206Box Finish: Groundorwornsmooth/Highspotsremoved/Roug
3.207Shoulder No. of fingers
3.208Shoulder Width/Length of fingers
3.209Pin No. of beads
3.210Pin Total width of banding
3.211Pin Application Flush/Raised
3.212Pin Finish: Groundorwornsmooth/Highspotsremoved/Roug
3.213Centre upset Location on upset - Bottom/Centre/Top
3.214Centre upset No. of beads
3.215Centre upset Width of each band
3.216Centre upset Application Flush/Raised
3.217Centre Upset Finish Ground or worn smooth/High spots removed/Roug


4.00Detail here any special requirements.


5.00Supplier should detail here exactly what inspection ha
details of repairs undertaken.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0



1.03 OWNER
1.04 New or Used?
1.05 Purchase or Rental?
1.06 Outside Diameter (nominal)
1.07 Inside Diameter (nominal)
1.08 Maximum Permissible Overall Diameter (user to specify maximum allowable clearance diameter)
1.09 Length (shoulder to shoulder)
1.10 Overall Length



2.02 API Spec. Nos.
2.03 Other Specs


2.11 North Sea Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2
2.12 North Sea Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2
2.13 API RP 7G
2.14 Other Specs.


3.000 BODY
3.001 Material
3.002 Grade
3.003 Heat treatment
3.004 Body O.D.
3.005 Body I.D.
3.006 Internal Upset Length
3.007 External Upset Length
3.008 Transition Length
3.009 Nominal weight per foot
3.010 Mean weight per foot (actual/estimated)
3.011 Are body stress relief features provided?
3.012 Internal coating material
3.013 For non-magnetic materials: bore hammer-peened or equivalent.B44

3.101 Type or Size No.
3.102 Material
3.103 Minimum Yield Stress
3.104 Ultimate Tensile Strength
3.105 Welded Tool Joint/Integral/Other (specify)
3.106 “If welded, method of welding”
3.107 If integral: is elevator recess provided?
3.108 OD/length of elevator recess.
3.109 If integral: is slip recess provided?
3.110 OD/length of slip recess.
3.111 Box: Outside Diameter (excluding hardbanding)
3.112 Box: Inside Diameter
3.113 Boreback dimensions “If boreback is not provided, Supplier should enter “”None””.”
3.114 Pin: Outside Diameter (excluding hardbanding)
3.115 Pin: Inside Diameter
3.116 Stress Relief Groove Width/Depth “If SRG is not provided, Supplier should enter “”None””.”
3.117 Threads Cold-Rolled? Required Yes/No
3.118 Thread anti-galling treatment (e.g. Phosphate dip).
3.119 Other body connections. Supplier should furnish details of all other major body
“connections, supported by drawings or sketches, where appropriate.”

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0



3.201 Material
3.202 Welding/Application spec. or procedure
3.203 Box No. of beads
3.204 Box Total width of banding
3.205 Box Application Flush/Raised
3.206 Box Finish: Ground or worn smooth/High spots removed/Rough
3.207 Shoulder No. of fingers
3.208 Shoulder Width/Length of fingers
3.209 Pin No. of beads
3.210 Pin Total width of banding
3.211 Pin Application Flush/Raised
3.212 Pin Finish: Ground or worn smooth/High spots removed/Rough
3.213 Other Locations (specify)


4.00 Detail here any special requirements including cutting/milling/reaming/scraping assembly data.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0





To assist in the evaluation of the internal plastic coating, photographs in this Appendix show different
stages of coating deterioration, and a suggested report format.

List of Contents

Report Format


A. Light Erosion and Wear, No Chipping Pin End, No Coating Loss, New Coating

B. Minor Wire Line Wear and Erosion with Few Chips Pin and Box End, Unbroken Blisters,
Exposed Primer.

C. Small Hard Flakes and Ruptured Blisters, Heavy Wire Line and Erosion

D. Severe Flaking, Blisters, Loose or No Coating

E. Less than 90% of the total internal upset transition area (MIU) is intact and free from cuts,
blisters or peeling

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Date :....................



Drilling Contractor : Rig : Location :

Size : Weight : Grade :

Coating Type :
Qty Inspected :

Pipe Serial No. Pipe Body MIU Tool Joint

1 A B C
2 A C D

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Condition A
Light Erosion and Wear, No Chipping Pin End, No Coating Loss, New Coating

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Condition B
Minor Wire Line and Erosion with Few Chips in Pin or Box End, Unbroken Blisters,
Exposed Primer

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Condition C
Small Hard Flakes and Ruptured Blisters, Heavy Wire Line Wear and Erosion

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Condition D
Severe Flaking, Loose or no Coating

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Condition E
Less than 90% of the total internal upset transition area (MUI) is inact and free from cuts,
blisters, or peeling

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0




Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0


Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0



AC Alternating Current

AC Field The active magnetic field produced by the use of alternating current

ACFM Alternating Current Field Measurement

Ammeter A meter that measures the electrical current flowing in a circuit. Such
meters must be calibrated at a specific interval to ensure that they are
within a specified tolerance.

Ampere A unit of electrical current

Ampere-Turns The product of the number of turns in any coil and the peak current
flowing through the coil. Sometimes called the Magnetomotive Force

ASNT American Society of Non-Destructive Testing

Attenuation The removal of energy from a beam due to absorption or scattering by

the material. Occurs during gamma ray thickness measurements and
ultrasonic measurements.

A-Scan A method of data presentation utilising a horizontal base line that indi-
cates distance, or time, and a vertical deflection from the base line
which indicates amplitude.

ATI Automated thread inspection designed for use of ACFM.

Belled Box A tool joint box which has been subjected to a torque resulting in per-
manent enlargement of the box diameter. This effect normally occurs
adjacent to the box shoulder.

Bending Strength Ratio Ratio of box to pin modulus. Used as a measure of the degree of bal-
ance between mating pin and box rotary connection with respect to
their ability to resist any bending movement.

Bench Mark A bench mark applied on new or recut tool joints after facing to gauge
on both pin and box. This bench mark is normally in the form of a 3/16
diameter circle with a bar tangent to the circle parallel to the makeup
shoulder and is used to determine the amount of material which may be
removed from the tool joint makeup shoulder by refacing (see Refac-
ing). Variations on this type of bench mark are available from tool
joint manufacturers and machine shops.

BHN Brinell Hardness - a scale representing the surface hardness of a mat

rial, which may be translated to tensile strength.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Blacklight Colloquial expression which describes the ‘A’ region of ultraviolet

light. This band of ultraviolet light waves emanates from mercury arc
bulbs. (See ultraviolet light).

Boreback Proprietary trade name describing a method of machining the rear

section of a rotary box connection which reduces the high stresses
common in this area by removing any sharp changes in section.

Borescope A long optical instrument with an illuminating lamp for inspecting the
inside surface of pipe.

Buggy An inspection head that is driven along the pipe at constant speed by
motors. It contains a magnetising coil for longitudinal magnetisation
and a set of detectors which may be either induction coils or solid state

Burmah Castrol Strip A magnetic field detector consisting of a thin strip of highly perme-
able material with three controlled width slots encapsulated in a brass
shield used to verify the adequacy or direction, or both, of the magnet-
izing field.

Calibration The adjustment of an instrument before use to a pre-existing reference.

The reference is often traceable to organisations which establish stand-
ards. However, this term is not to be confused with standardisation.

Caliper Mechanical device for measuring diameters of tool joints, etc., gener-
ally to a precision of 1/64 inch.

CLA Calculated Linear Average - a measure of the roughness of a surface

Classification The action taken to categorise a length of drill pipe or related equip-
ment based on conformance with the inspection requirements.

Coating A material bonded to internal surface of the pipe to protect against cor-
rosion. In some applications, coatings improve flow efficiency.

Coil A number of turns of wire capable of carrying an electrical current.

Coil Method A method of magnetizing in which the object is encircled by a current

carrying coil.

Cold Rolling A method of improving connection life by pre-stressing the thread

roots and relief features by cold working. This will give the metal
surfaces a greater resistance to fatigue failure. After cold rolling, the
fibres in the thread roots remain in compression and can withstand
higher bending loads without cracking in fatigue.

Compression Wave An ultrasonic sound wave in which the particle motion in the specimen
is in the same direction as the flow of energy. Used to measure wall
thickness, remaining wall above inner surface pits, and distances from
the transducer to any mid-wall laminations.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Couplant A material, usually liquid, used between an ultrasonic transducer and

a test specimen to conduct ultrasonic energy between them.

Cross Roll Straightener A device for straightening pipe, preferred to a ‘gag’ straightener, in
which the pipe is rotated between rollers.

DC Field Either a residual or an active magnetic field produced through the use
of direct current.

Defect An imperfection having such size, shape, or other characteristics suf-

ficient to warrant rejection of a section of pipe based on the stipula-
tions of the applicable specification.

Detector Shoe A scanning shoe carrying one or more transducers. The shoe itself
is used to protect transducers from mechanical damage from the pipe

Developer Used in liquid penetrant inspection of non-ferromagnetic material to

accelerate bleedout and to enhance the contrast of indications.

Direct Current (DC) Electric Current flowing continually in one direction only through a

Discontinuity An irregularity such as lamination or pit. Also called a flaw or an

imperfection. Discontinuities are defects if they meet certain criteria
in the material specification.

Distance Amplitude
Correction (DAC) Curve A plot of the amplitude responses obtained from equal reflectors
located at different depths within a material.

DLS Dog leg severity, in degrees / 100ft.

DPI Dyepenetrantinspection.Amethodofnon-destructivetestingonnon-
magnetic equipment for the detection of surface breaking cracks.

Electromagnetic A general term including primarily the magnetic flux leakage inspec-
tion methods.

Inspection For the detection of flaws. EMI units are either the ‘buggy type’ or a
‘four function log unit’.

Electronic Tagging A electronic tag that comprises a silicon chip embedded with a unique
64 bit ID number and a wire coil attenna, encapsulated in epoxy resin.
When interrogated by a hand held reader, the tag takes power from
the radio signal, activates the chip and transmits back its own unique
identification number.

Evaluation The process of determining the severity of an imperfection which leads

to a judgement as to whether the material is accepted, rejected, or
downgraded under the appropriate specification.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Fatigue The tendency of metal to fail under conditions of repeated cyclic

stressing considerably below the ultimate tensile strength.

Fatigue Crack A two dimensional rupture of metal caused by local over stressing of
the material. Fatigue cracks may originate at material discontinuities
shows concentric (sea shell) markings with a nucleus as a centre.

Ferromagnetic Having the magnetic properties exhibited by certain iron oxides (fer-
rites). These materials exhibit strong attraction in a magnetic field.

Fluorescent Magnetic
Particle Inspection The examination technique in which the magnetic particles are sus-
pended in a liquid vehicle and are fluorescent under ultraviolet light

Flux Leakage The magnetic flux forced out into the surrounding air by a flaw or a
change in dimensions of a part. More accurately called magnetic flux

Galled The condition resulting form the freezing of two mating surfaces of
a metal not protected by a film of lubricant, followed by subsequent
tearing due to lateral displacement. Galling can also be created by
mechanical damage of one surface.

Gauss A unit of magnetic flux density equal to one line of magnetism per
square cm. 10,000 gauss = 1 Tesla.

Hardened and
Ground Gauges Thread form gauges useful in determining stretch of threads.

Hardness A measure of a material’s resistance to pressure, determined by press-

ing a hard steel ball or a diamond penetrator into a smooth metal sur-
face under controlled conditions. Results are expressed either in Brin-
nell or Rockwell hardness numbers.

Hardness Value The average of valid hardness readings taken in a test area.

Heat Affected Zone That portion of the base metal not melted during brazing, cutting, or
welding, but whose micro structure and physical properties are altered
by the heat.

Heat Checking A network of shallow crack like ruptures which result from repeated
surface friction heating and rapid quenching.

Imperfection A discontinuity or irregularity in the product. Sometimes called a


Inclusions Particles of non-metallic impurities, usually oxides, sulphides, sili-

cates, etc. which are trapped in steel during solidification.

Indication An observation resulting from non destructive inspection that requires

interpretation in order to determine its significance, e.g. a powder
build-up on the material, a movement from baseline of an Electromag-

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

netic or ultrasonic unit output.

Last Engaged Thread The last mating threads in drill pipe, drill collars, heavyweight, drill-
ing subs, etc., that are particularly susceptible to thread root cracking
under load.

Lead Gauge A mechanical device for measuring the distance between thread roots
in order to evaluate stretching.

Light Meter An electronic meter for measuring UV(A) light (blacklight). Used in
inspection facilities to check the ambient light levels prior to perform-
ing inspections.

Liquid Penetrant Inspection


Log A strip chart recording or read out of the signals, processed or unproc-
essed, from an EMI or UT inspection.

Longitudinal Magnetic
Field Magnetisation of a material in such a way that the magnetic flux runs
substantially parallel to the axis of the material.

Magnetic Field Strength The value of the flux density in air in the vicinity of magnetised parts
in coils, etc., measured with a field strength indicator.

MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection. A method of non-destructive testing on

non-magnetic equipment for the detection of surface breaking cracks.

Magnetic Particle Field

Indicator See Burmah Castrol Strip

Numbered Connection (NC) A particular thread form for drill pipes, drill collars, etc.

NS-1 Standard Quality and Inspection Requirements (New Equipment).

OD Gauge A mechanical gauge for the measurement of the outer diameter of a

pipe to an accuracy of 1/32.

Penetrant, Visible A liquid penetrant that is characterised by an intense colour, usually


Penetrant, Fluorescent A penetrant that emits visible radiation when excited by blacklight.

Penetrant, Solvent-Removable A liquid penetrant so formulated that most of the excess surface pen-
etrant can be removed by wiping with a lint free material, with the
remaining surface penetrant traces removable by further wiping with a
lint free material lightly moistened with solvent remover.

Penetrant, Water-Washable A liquid penetrant with a built in emulsifier.

Pit Gauge A plunger device for measuring the depths of pits to about 0.001

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Probe An electro-acoustic device used to transmit or receive ultrasonic

energy, or both. The device generally consists of a number plate,
connector, case, backing, piezoelectric element, wear face, lens, or

Pulse-Echo Method A method of inspection involving the transmission of pulses of ultra-

sound into a part, and the detection of echo pulses from back walls,
flaws, etc.

Quench Crack A fracture resulting from thermal stresses induced during rapid cool-
ing or quenching.

Refacing Repair of seal faces on rotary connections by removal of metal per-

formed by inspection companies at the inspection site with a portable
refacing tool. It is not good a practice to remove more than 1/32 inch
at any one reface or 1/16 inch cumulatively without the connection
being recut.

Reference Standard A section of material containing one or more reference discontinuities

used for standardising the inspection equipment.

Residual Magnetic Field The remaining magnetic flux retained by ferromagnetic parts after they
have been exposed to a magnetizing field.

Residual Method Magnetic flux leakage inspection utilising the residual magnetic induc-
tion in a part to create the leakage field.

Shoulder (seal face) Flat surface at the extremities of rotary pins and boxes lying at right
angles to the longitudinal axis of the connection. When pin and box
are fully engaged, the shoulders are forced together and provide a seal
which prevents leakage into or out of the connection.

Signal to Noise Ratio The ratio of values to signal (response containing relevant informa-
tion) to that of noise (response containing no-relevant information).
Slip Cut Transverse cut made in drill pipe by rotating it in the slips. Such cuts
may develop fatigue cracks.

Stretched Pin A pin which has been subjected to loading which has caused perma-
nent lengthening of thread, generally the result to excessive torque
rather than tensile load.

Sulphide Stress Cracking A form of environmentally induced cracking which can occur in steels
subjected to the combined effects of stress, a suitable micro structure,
and sulphides, especially hydrogen sulphide.

Transducer Generally, a device for converting one form of energy into another.
This includes ultrasonic probes, search coils, and other detectors.

Ultrasonic Inspection (UT) Non destructive method of inspecting materials using high frequency
sound waves.

Drillstring Inspection Standard NS-2 Rev 0

Ultrasonic Testing Non destructive method of inspecting materials using high frequency
sound waves.

Wet Method Magnetic particle method employing magnetic particles suspended in

a liquid bath.

Yoke A magnetic device that induces a magnetic field in an area of a com-

ponent that lies between its pole. Yokes may be permanent magnets,
or either alternating-current or direct-current electromagnetics.


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