Affidavit : Sl. No Name Age Relationshii To The Deceased 1 2 3 4 5 6
Affidavit : Sl. No Name Age Relationshii To The Deceased 1 2 3 4 5 6
Affidavit : Sl. No Name Age Relationshii To The Deceased 1 2 3 4 5 6
WE,(1)_____________________________________Son of ___________________________
aged_______years residing at________________________________________________________
____________________ 2).__________________________________________________________son
of _______________________________aged________ years, residing at ____________________
_____________________________________do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :
He/She is survived by the following legal heirs who alone are entitled to claim the
THAT we are not related in any manner whatsoever to the deceased or any of
the above mentioned persons nor have any claim or interest of whatsoever nature in the
estate of the deceased.
THAT we are making this declaration sincerely and conscientiously believing the
same to be true and with full knowledge that it is on the strength of this declaration that
the Indian Overseas Bank __________________ Branch has agreed at our request, to
deliver the assets to the above mentioned persons without insisting on production by
them of a grant of legal representation to the estate of the deceased from a competent
Date : 2.
Place : (Affirmants)