Chapter - Iii: To Befree
Chapter - Iii: To Befree
Chapter - Iii: To Befree
Philosophical Foundations of an Ideal Society : In The Light of Modem Indian Thinkers
realised the truth o f Vedanta and said that the theories o f Advaita
Vedanta are not to be confined to the Sdstras only, but for the
fulfillment o f our needs. These can enrich our lives bv wav o f their
application in our daily life. If these principles are practiced and
implemented properly, they can give rise to peace and harmony in
society and can provide the younger generation with courage,
strength, vigour, self-confidence, and a broad outlook. Swami
Vivekananda has taken up some aspects o f Advaita Vedanta and has
given his own novel interpretation, keeping the spirit intact. His
thought is an attempt to bring into focus the much-needed concept of
harmony which is one o f the fundamental themes o f Vivekananda’s
Philosophical Foundations of an Ideal Society : In The Light of Modern Indian Thinkers
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Philosophical Foundations o f an Ideal Society : In The Light o f M odem Indian Thinkers
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Philosophical Fowidations of an Ideal Society: In The Light of Modem Indian Thinkers____________
Philosophical Foundations of an Ideal Society : In The Light of Modern Indian Thinkers ________
Philosophical Fouttdatiotts of an Ideal Society : InThe Light of Moderit Indian Thinkers
superstitions are afraid and weak and hence the\' cannot do any real
work. “It is fear that is the great cause of miser}' in the world. It is
fear that is the greatest o f all superstitions ......... It is fearlessness
that brings heaven even in a moment.” ’^ This fearlessness comes
..when one feels that one is united with the universe. This expression
o f oneness is called love and sympathy, which is the basis o f all
morality and ethics. Other persons and objects are considered to be
o ne’s own self. Each and every one in the world is a part of me, and
hence in hurting another I am hurting myself, and in loving another I
am loving myself. This knowledge folIow’s from the Mahdvafya,
"Tat Tvam asi \ I f some one considers all has his own self, looks
upon no one else as a stranger, there will be total harmony. For
Swami Vivekananda, the spiritual oneness o f mankind is the
foundation o f ethics. As stated by Swami Vivekananda, “The infinite
oneness o f the soul is the eternal sanction of all moralitw that vou => •• s'
and I are not only brothers ... ever)' literature voicing man’s
struggle tow ards freedom has preached that for you ..... but that you
and I are really one. This is the dictate o f Indian philosophy. This
oneness is the rationale o f all ethics and all spirituality'.” ’^ The core
o f Sw am iji’s message is Advaita Vedanta or religion that looks at
the entire hum anity as one and which preaches spiritual identit}' of
all created beings with God or soul.
but it serves the needs o f our day-to-day life too, which is also
Philosophical Foundations of an Ideal Society : In The Light of Modern Indian Thinkers____________
Since “He is the Ear o f the ear, the M ind o f the mind, the
Speech o f speech, the Breath o f the breath and the Eye o f the eye,
the w isem en, knowing Him, giving up the w rong notion o f self or
dispelling egoism, attain immortalit}’.”
not really freedom if others who are not different from him are also
not free. To V ivekananda freedom or em ancipation is to be achieved
in and through the freedom and em ancipation o f others, it is not a
selfish self-seeking endeavour or an act o f cowardice or escapism. It
is spiritual truth made living, made practical.
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Philosophical Foundations of an Ideal Society: In The Light of Modern Indian Thinkers
m agnanim ity o f his heart. But through the other aspect o f it which
was perhaps far more predominating he caught the vision o f Advaita
V edanta o f Sankara.
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Philosophical Foundations of an Ideal Society : In The Light of Modern Indian Thinkers _________
M an has lost peace for ever in this storm -loaded material life.
Apart from jealousy and bickerings in social life, there is the
constant rivalry between one capitalist and another. It is the
teaching o f A dvaita Vedanta that can curb the longings o f men for
more and more pleasure. Vedanta holds out a prom ise o f liberation.
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Philosophical Foundations of an Ideal Society : In The Light of Modem Indian TJtinkers
sym bol o f revolt against all injustice and oppression and privilege,
Philosophical Foundations of an Ideal Society: In The Light of Modem Indian Thinkers____________
Philosophical Foundations of an Ideal Society : In The Light of Modern Indian Thinkers
15. Isavasyopanisad, I.