Diet and Primary Prevention of Stroke

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Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases (2018) 28, 309e334

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Diet and primary prevention of stroke: Systematic review and

dietary recommendations by the ad hoc Working Group of the
Italian Society of Human Nutrition
L. Iacoviello a,b,*, M. Bonaccio a, G. Cairella c, M.V. Catani d, S. Costanzo a, L. D’Elia f,
R. Giacco e, D. Rendina f, P. Sabino f, I. Savini d, P. Strazzullo f,** on behalf of Working
Group for Nutrition and Stroke
Department of Epidemiology and Prevention, IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed, 86077, Pozzilli, IS, Italy
Department of Medicine and Surgery, Research Center in Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (EPIMED), University of Insubria, 21100, Varese, Italy
Servizio Igiene Alimenti e Nutrizione, ASL Rome B, Italy
Department of Experimental Medicine & Surgery, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, 00133, Rome, Italy
Institute of Food Science, National Research Council, 83100, Avellino, Italy
Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University of Naples Medical School, 80131, Naples, Italy

Received 14 June 2017; received in revised form 28 December 2017; accepted 29 December 2017
Handling Editor: Dr. A. Siani
Available online 17 January 2018

KEYWORDS Abstract Background and aims: To systematically review the latest evidence on established and
Diet; emerging nutrition-related risk factors for incidence of and mortality from total, ischemic and
Dietary haemorrhagic strokes.
recommendations; The present review was conducted in the framework of the work carried out through 2015 and
Nutrition; 2016 for the preparation of the Italian Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Stroke, 8th
Stroke; Edition, by ISO-SPREAD (Italian Stroke Organization and the Stroke Prevention and Educational
Systematic review Awareness Diffusion).
Methods and results: Systematic review of articles focused on primary prevention of stroke pub-
lished between January 2013 to May 2016 through an extensive search of the literature using MED-
LINE/PUBMED, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library. Articles were ranked according to the SIGN
methodology while the GRADE system was used to establish the strength of recommendations.
As a result of our literature search, we examined 87 meta-analyses overall (mainly of prospec-
tive studies), a few isolated more recent prospective studies not included in the meta-analyses,
and a smaller number of available randomized controlled trials and caseecontrol studies. Based
on the analysis of the above articles, 36 Syntheses of the available evidence and 36 Recommenda-
tions were eventually prepared.
The present document was developed by organizing the available evidence into three individual
areas (nutrients, food groups and dietary patterns) to provide a systematic and user-friendly over-
view of the available evidence on the relationship between nutrition and primary prevention of
stroke. Yet analysis of foods and food patterns allowed translating the information about nutrients
in a tool more amenable to use in daily life also in the light of the argument that people eat foods
rather than nutrients.
Conclusions: The present literature review and dietary recommendations provide healthcare pro-
fessionals and all interested readers with a useful overview for the reduction of the risk of total,
ischemic and haemorrhagic stroke through dietary modifications.

* Corresponding author. Department of Epidemiology and Prevention, IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed, 86077, Pozzilli, IS, Italy.
** Corresponding author. Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University of Naples Medical School, 80131, Naples, Italy.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L. Iacoviello), [email protected] (P. Strazzullo).
0939-4753/ª 2018 The Italian Society of Diabetology, the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, and the Department of Clinical
Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
310 L. Iacoviello et al.

ª 2018 The Italian Society of Diabetology, the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the
Italian Society of Human Nutrition, and the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico
II University. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND li-
cense (

Introduction consumption of adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables,

legumes, non-refined cereals, fish and lower intake of
Of the 17.5 million deaths attributable to cardiovascular animal foods e represent an optimal tool for stroke
disease, an estimated 6.7 million are due to stroke, which prevention, at least in part because of their favorable ac-
is among the top causes of death and disability worldwide tion on major risk factors for stroke (i.e. high blood pres-
[1,2]. sure, high serum cholesterol and hyperglycemia) [12,13].
In Europe, stroke by itself ranks as the second single Yet the influence of diet and of specific nutrients in the
most common cause of death accounting for almost 1.1 primary prevention of stroke needs to be further explored,
million deaths each year [3]. especially for hemorrhagic stroke for which the evidence is
Considerable differences in stroke incidence were found scarce and inconclusive.
across European countries with lower rates of total stroke The present document systematically reviews the latest
observed in southern and higher rates in eastern European evidence on established and emerging nutrition-related
countries, especially in women [4] and death rates from risk factors for stroke morbidity and mortality, with the
stroke being much higher in Central and Eastern Europe purpose of providing healthcare professionals and in-
than in Northern, Southern and Western Europe [3]. dividuals with evidence-based recommendations for the
Stroke is estimated to cost the EU economy over V38 reduction of the risk of total, ischemic and hemorrhagic
billion a year, around one-fifth of the overall cost of CVD. strokes through dietary modifications. It stems from the
Of the total cost of stroke in the EU, around 50% is due to work carried out through 2015 and 2016 for the prepara-
direct health care costs, 22% to productivity losses and 29% tion of the Italian Guidelines for the Prevention and
to the informal care of people with stroke [3]. Treatment of Stroke, 8th Edition, by ISO-SPREAD (Italian
Despite the noticeable advancements in the treatment Stroke Organization and the Stroke Prevention and Educa-
of patients with acute ischemic stroke, primary prevention tional Awareness Diffusion).
remains the best approach for reducing the burden of
stroke especially in light of the fact that 77% of strokes are Methods
first events [5].
Modifiable risk factors such as suboptimal systolic As a contribution to the Guideline preparation, on
blood pressure (>115 mmHg), excess salt intake, low fruit December 2014, the Italian Society of Human Nutrition
and vegetable consumption and physical inactivity have (SINU) was requested to appoint an ad hoc Working Group
been identified as major contributory factors leading to an (WG) for Nutrition and Stroke* (see appendix 1). The
increase in stroke risk [6,7]. Group identified the nutritional risk factors for stroke
A landmark caseecontrol study involving 22 countries and defined nutritional strategies for stroke prevention,
worldwide found that ten modifiable risk factors explained nutritional care of the patient in the acute phase and nutri-
up to 90% of the risk of stroke thus highlighting the need tional care of the patient in the rehabilitation phase of stroke
for targeted preventive strategies to substantially reduce as the issues to be dealt with by the WG. For each of these
the burden of stroke [8]. issues the WG has delivered its conclusions to ISO-SPREAD
The tremendous impact of dietary habits as well as of in the form of specific Syntheses and Recommendations,
single nutrients on the development of cardiovascular which have been incorporated and make integral part of
disease is well established; it has been estimated that a the ISO-SPREAD Guidelines [14].
healthy dietary pattern based on the Dietary Guidelines for The present article is an extensive report of the work
Americans may help to reduce by 30% the risk of coronary carried out by the Nutrition and Stroke WG concerning the
heart disease [9]. In the landmark PREDIMED trial, a issue of Nutrition and Stroke Prevention and provides
Mediterranean-type of diet supplemented with extra the rationale and the scientific bases of the nutritional
virgin olive oil or nuts was associated with a 29%% recommendations for the prevention of stroke as delivered
(HR:0.71; 95% CI 0.56e0.90) reduction in the rate of car- in the ISO-SPREAD Guidelines.
diovascular events and 39% (HR:0.61; 95% CI 0.44e0.86) In the first place, the Group defined the work meth-
lower rate of stroke compared with the low fat control diet odology and the distribution of the different tasks among
in multivariate analysis [10]. its components. In accordance with the choice collec-
The cardiovascular advantages deriving from adoption tively made by the larger ISO-SPREAD Group, the WG on
of a Mediterranean-like healthy diet were observed also Nutrition and Stroke has adopted the SIGN methodology
for secondary CVD prevention [11]. [15] in keeping with the previous editions of the guide-
To date, a persuasive body of evidence suggests that lines. This methodology is based on the formulation of a
healthy dietary patterns e typically encouraging the comprehensive judgment of the evidence available for

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Diet and primary prevention of stroke 311

Table 1 Example of the search strategy model adopted for sodium.

((“sodium, dietary” [MeSH Terms] OR (“sodium” [All Fields] AND “dietary” [All Fields]) OR “dietary sodium” [All Fields] OR (“dietary” [All
Fields] AND “sodium” [All Fields]) OR “dietary sodium” [All Fields] OR “sodium chloride, dietary” [MeSH Terms] OR (“sodium” [All Fields]
AND “chloride” [All Fields] AND “dietary” [All Fields]) OR “dietary sodium chloride” [All Fields] OR (“dietary” [All Fields] AND “sodium” [All
Fields])) OR ((“sodium, dietary” [MeSH Terms] OR (“sodium” [All Fields] AND “dietary” [All Fields]) OR “dietary sodium” [All Fields] OR
“sodium” [All Fields] OR “sodium” [MeSH Terms]) AND intake [All Fields]) OR (“sodium chloride, dietary” [MeSH Terms] OR (“sodium” [All
Fields] AND “chloride” [All Fields] AND “dietary” [All Fields]) OR “dietary sodium chloride” [All Fields] OR (“dietary” [All Fields] AND “salt”
[All Fields]) OR “dietary salt” [All Fields]) OR ((“sodium chloride” [MeSH Terms] OR (“sodium” [All Fields] AND “chloride” [All Fields]) OR
“sodium chloride” [All Fields] OR “salt” [All Fields]) AND intake [All Fields])) AND (“stroke” [MeSH Terms] OR “stroke” [All Fields]).

any given topic, i.e. on an objective appraisal of the compiled by collecting all the information included in the
quality and relevance of the studies available and not just studies check lists, thus coming to a global assessment of
of the statistical significance of their respective results. the scientific reliability and relevance of the studies
Following the new recent policy of SIGN, the ABCD available, the consistency of their results, the probability
method, used in the previous editions of the ISO-SPREAD of publication bias, the apparent or possible benefits and
guidelines to indicate the strength of the recommenda- harms of the intervention(s) proposed as well as the
tions, was replaced by a simplified version of the GRADE degree of feasibility and the predicted impact of the
system leading to the formulation of strong or weak rec- intervention on the population. Eventually, the considered
ommendations in favor or against a given intervention: judgment forms were used to prepare a SYNTHESIS of the
the decision was made on the basis of the quality, con- relevant information on each selected topic and to deliver
sistency and scientific value of the evidence available as one or more specific RECOMMENDATIONS (see Table 3).
well as of the assessment of the balance between the In summary, the process flow chart was made of the
demonstrated advantages and possible adverse effects of following steps:
a given factor [16]. The SIGN classification of the evidence
and the GRADE assessment of the strength of recom- 1. Identification of the topics relevant to the formulation
mendations are provided in Table 2. of the nutritional guidelines for stroke prevention;
The SIGN methodology was also adopted for the critical 2. Definition and implementation of the evidence search
evaluation of the individual studies available on each topic, strategy;
a Study checklist being compiled by a member of the WP to 3. Evaluation of the relevant articles and preparation of
assess the internal and external validity of each of the the respective check lists;
available studies and to formulate a final global evaluation 4. Preparation of the Considered judgment forms;
of its scientific value. Different checklists were used 5. Preparation of the SYNTHESES of the available evidence
according to the type of study, whether systematic review/ and of the respective RECOMMENDATIONS;
meta-analysis, randomized controlled trial, prospective 6. Decision about level of evidence for each synthesis and
observational investigation, or caseecontrol study [15]. strength of the individual recommendations.
For each topic, a final “Considered judgment form” was

Table 2 Revised grading system for recommendations in evidence based guidelines.

Levels of evidence
 1 þ þ High quality meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a very low risk of bias.
 1 þ Well conducted meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a low risk of bias.
 1  Meta-analyses, systematic reviews or RCTs, or RCTs with a high risk of bias.
 2 þ þ High quality systematic reviews of caseecontrol or cohort studies or high quality caseecontrol or cohort studies with a very low
risk of confounding, bias, or chance and a high probability that the relationship is causal.
 2 þ Well conducted caseecontrol or cohort studies with a low risk of confounding, bias, or chance and a moderate probability that the
relationship is causal.
 2  Case-control or cohort studies with a high risk of confounding, bias, or chance and a significant risk that the relationship is not
 3 Non-analytic studies, e.g. case reports, case series.
 4 Expert opinion.
Grades of recommendationa
Undesirable consequences clearly outweigh desirable consequences Strong recommendation against
Undesirable consequences probably outweigh desirable consequences Conditional recommendation against
Balance between desirable and undesirable consequences is Recommendation for research and possibly
closely balanced or uncertain. conditional recommendation for
use restricted to trials
Desirable consequences probably outweigh undesirable consequences Conditional recommendation for
Desirable consequences clearly outweigh undesirable consequences Strong recommendation for
From ref. [16].

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312 L. Iacoviello et al.

Table 3 Syntheses and recommendations for micronutrients, macronutrients, food groups and dietary patterns.

Dietary Synthesis Potential mechanisms Recommendation Level of Strength of

component evidence recommendation
Dietary calcium Higher dairy calcium intake Possible beneficial effects
An adequate dietary 2þþ Strong
is associated with lower of low-fat dairy products
calcium intake is recommendation in
stroke risk. Higher total on blood pressure and recommended according to favor
calcium intake is beneficial in systemic inflammation, age. This may be attained in
populations with a relatively particularly in overweight
the context of a balanced
low average calcium intake. individuals diet through lower fat milk
and dairy products,
vegetables, legumes and
calcium-rich drinking
Calcium Calcium supplements may Extreme caution should be 1þ Strong
supplement increase the risk of used in the prescription of recommendation
myocardial infarction and calcium supplements, against
stroke. unless needed to correct
proven deficits.
Magnesium Inverse association between Beneficial effects on blood An adequate dietary 2þþ Strong
dietary magnesium intake pressure, insulin resistance, magnesium intake is recommendation in
and ischemic stroke risk. and blood lipids. recommended according to favor
Potassium Evidence of an inverse Blood pressure lowering Dietary potassium intake 2þþ Strong
association between effect. should be increased recommendation in
potassium intake and risk of possibly to 100 mmol favor
stroke. The association is (3.9 g)/day.
likely to be more favorable
for ischemic rather than for
hemorrhagic stroke.
Sodium There is solid evidence on the Strong relationship Sodium (salt) intake should 2þþ Strong
association of higher salt between salt intake and be reduced to or below 2 g/ recommendation
intake and risk of stroke. blood pressure. day (5 g of salt). against
Vitamins and antioxidants
Folates Adequate dietary folate The beneficial effect is Regular consumption of 2þþ Strong
intake has been associated likely to be independent high folate-containing recommendation in
with lower risk of stroke, in from homocysteine. foods should be promoted. favor
particular of the ischemic
Vitamin B6, The association between 2þ Strong
Vitamin B12 dietary or plasma levels of recommendation
Vitamin B6/Vitamin B12 with against
stroke risk is uncertain.
Vitamin A, No association between vit. A The use of antioxidant 2þ Strong
Vitamin E intake and stroke risk. Both vitamin supplements for recommendation
higher dietary and the prevention of stroke is against
supplemented vitamin E not indicated.
intakes are associated with
increased risk of
hemorrhagic stroke.
Vitamin C Both higher dietary and Prevention of endothelial An adequate dietary intake 2þ Strong
blood levels of vitamin C dysfunction, anti- of vitamin C is recommendation in
have been associated with inflammatory and anti- recommended. favor
reduced risk of stroke. hypertensive role.
Folates, Vitamin No support for the use of Vitamin B6/Vitamin 1þ Strong
B6, Vitamin B12 vitamin supplements in the B12/folate supplements are recommendation
supplements prevention of stroke. not beneficial for the against
prevention of stroke.
Vitamin D Low blood levels of vitamin D Favorable role on blood Vitamin D deficiency, as 2þþ Strong
are associated with increased pressure, insulin indicated by a plasma recommendation in
stroke incidence. sensitivity, renin- concentration of 25- favor
angiotensin system, hydroxycholecalciferol
endothelial function, below 50 nmoL/L (20 ng/
proliferation of vascular mL) must be corrected
smooth muscle cells, appropriately.
regulation of parathyroid
hormone levels.

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Diet and primary prevention of stroke 313

Table 3 (continued )
Dietary Synthesis Potential mechanisms Recommendation Level of Strength of
component evidence recommendation
Dietary fiber Dietary fiber intake is Reduction of blood Dietary fiber intake should 2þþ Strong
associated with reduced risk pressure levels, be increased to 25 g/day by recommendation in
of stroke: effect more improvement of insulin consumption of adequate favor
pronounced for ischemic resistance, lipid profile amounts of plant foods.
stroke and for women. fibrinolysis, inflammation
and endothelial function.
Carbohydrate, GI A high dietary GL is Vascular injury induced by A low-glycemic load diet is 2þþ See related food (i.e.
and GL associated with the risk of a chronic increase in blood recommended. Cereals or Sweetened
stroke while total CHO intake glucose and postprandial beverages)
and GI are not. insulinemia, which act
through both oxidative
stress and a sub-clinical
systemic inflammation
with production of
oxidized lipoproteins and
Dietary MUFA No relationship between The intake of MUFA-rich 2þþ See related food
dietary MUFA and risk of foods should be (vegetable sources:
stroke. encouraged. i.e. olive oil, nuts;
animal sources: i.e.
lard, meat)
Dietary SFA No association was found The intake of SFA-rich 2þþ See related food (i.e.
between dietary SFAs intake foods should be limited butter, dairy products,
and stroke. Reduction or according to specific meat, seasoned
substitution of SFAs with guideline cheese).
PUFAs or MUFAs is not recommendations.
associated with stroke risk.
Dietary TFA No association between TFA The intake of foods rich in 2þ See related food (i.e.
intake and risk of stroke. TFA should be limited margarine, butter).
according to specific
Dietary PUFAs No association between The intake of foods rich in 2þþ See related food (i.e.
omega-3 long chain fatty PUFA should be vegetable oils, nuts,
acids or a-linolenic acid with encouraged according to fish).
either ischemic or specific guideline
hemorrhagic stroke. recommendations.
PUFA Evidence from intervention Use of fat supplementation 1þ Strong
supplements studies of primary and should be avoided. recommendation
secondary prevention of against
stroke failed to find any
association between omega-
3 fatty acid supplementation
and either ischemic or
hemorrhagic stroke.
Protein No sufficient evidence in It is suggested to refer to 2þþ See related food
support of any association guideline specific (animal sources: i.e.
between dietary protein recommendations on foods meat, fish, eggs,
intake and stroke. containing either vegetable seasoned cheese;
or animal proteins. vegetable sources: i.e.
legumes, nuts)
Food groups
Vegetables sources
Fruits and Solid evidence of a dose- Reduction of blood Fruit and vegetable intake 2þþ Strong
vegetables dependent inverse pressure and improvement should be increased to 5 recommendation in
association between higher of microvascular function. servings a day to ensure favor
fruit and vegetables intake adequate intakes of dietary
and reduced risk of total, fibers, minerals (potassium,
ischemic and hemorrhagic magnesium), vitamins (e.g.
stroke. folic acid) and other
(continued on next page)

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314 L. Iacoviello et al.

Table 3 (continued )
Dietary Synthesis Potential mechanisms Recommendation Level of Strength of
component evidence recommendation
Legumes No association between Dietary intake of legumes is 2þþ
legumes intake and stroke recommended in line with
risk. beneficial effects
documented for
cardiovascular health.
Nuts Evidence of beneficial effect Improvement of markers of Regular nut intake should 1- Strong
of nut intake against stroke oxidation, inflammation be encouraged (20e30 g/ recommendation in
risk. and endothelial function. die) In the framework of a favor
well-balanced diet in view
of their well-documented
cardiovascular health
Whole-grain Limited evidence for a Improvement of blood Dietary intake of whole- 2þ
Cereals reduced risk of stroke at pressure, body weight, grain cereals should be
higher intakes. insulin eresistance, lipid recommended in line with
profile and subclinical documented
inflammation. cardiovascular advantages.
Olive oil Evidence of a reduced risk of Combined effect of Extra virgin olive oil 1þ Strong
stroke for higher intakes of polyphenols, tocopherols (EVOO) is indicated as main recommendation in
extra virgin olive oil. and monounsaturated fatty dietary fat source. favor
Chocolate Moderate intake of dark Increased high-density Regular and moderate 2þþ Strong
chocolate is associated with lipoprotein (HDL), consumption of dark recommendation in
reduced risk of total stroke. decreased low-density chocolate should be favor
lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation, encouraged, also in light of
improved endothelial its documented
function and reduced blood cardiovascular health
pressure. advantages.
Animal sources
Fish Reduced risk of total and PUFA, vitamin D and B, Fat or semi-fat fish intake is 2þþ Strong
ischemic stroke with higher potassium, calcium and recommended at least recommendation in
fish consumption. No magnesium contained in twice a week also in light of favor
consistent association with fish may have favorable its largely documented
hemorrhagic stroke. vascular effects. cardiovascular health
Meat and High intake of meat and Likely linked to the Dietary intake of meat 2þþ Strong
processed processed meat is associated unfavorable effects of SFA should be limited to 1e2 recommendation
meat with a higher risk of total and content, high heme, lipid times a week; however, against
ischemic stroke. peroxidation, and high salt consumption of processed
content of processed meat meat should be only
on blood pressure. occasional.
Milk and dairy Lower risk of ischemic and Possibly mediated by high Regular consumption of 2þþ Strong
products hemorrhagic stroke observed content of calcium, low fat milk and dairy recommendation in
with regular moderate magnesium, potassium and products is recommended. favor
consumption of low-fat milk bioactive peptides.
and dairy products.
Eggs No association with either No recommendation can be 2þþ
ischemic or hemorrhagic provided.
stroke was documented.
Coffee Regular coffee intake is Polyphenols, chlorogenic Moderate coffee 2þþ Strong
associated with lower risk of acid, caffeine, niacine and consumption is recommendation in
total and ischemic stroke. lignans. recommended. favor
Tea Higher tea consumption is Favorable health effects of Moderate consumption of 2þþ Strong
associated with reduced risk antioxidants, catechins e tea (and particularly green recommendation in
of total, ischemic and theanine. tea) is recommended. favor
hemorrhagic strokes.
Sweetened Consumption of sweetened Unfavorable effect on LDL- The consumption of 2þþ Strong
beverages beverages is associated with cholesterol, VLDL, blood sweetened beverages recommendation
Increased risk of total and glucose and insulin. should be discouraged. against
ischemic stroke

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Diet and primary prevention of stroke 315

Table 3 (continued )
Dietary Synthesis Potential mechanisms Recommendation Level of Strength of
component evidence recommendation
Alcohol Evidence of a J-shaped Moderate consumption is Alcohol intake should be 2þþ Strong
relationship between associated with Improved limited to 1 drink per day recommendation in
ethanol intake and stroke lipid profile, reduction in for women and to 2 drinks favor of moderate and
risk. Alcohol abuse is platelet aggregation, per day for men. regular intake. Strong
associated with increased beneficial effects on recommendation
risk of total, ischemic and inflammation, anti- against alcohol intake
hemorrhagic stroke. atherogenic and anti- above moderate
thrombotic effects and amounts.
regulation of endothelial
function and blood
Dietary patterns
Mediterranean- A Mediterranean dietary Possibly related to anti-
A Mediterranean-type of 1þ Strong
type pattern is associated with inflammatory, antioxidant,
diet, rich in fruits, nuts, recommendation in
lower morbidity and vegetables, non-refined
anti-atherogenic and anti- favor
mortality from stroke. grains, fish, extra virgin
thrombotic action of main
components of the olive oil as main fat source,
Mediterranean diet.
moderate intakes of low-
fat milk and dairy products
but low in meat and
processed meat, and
moderate intake of alcohol
during main meals, is
highly recommended.
DASH diet A DASH dietary pattern is Possibly related to large A DASH dietary pattern can 2þþ Strong
associated with reduced risk amount of plant foods and be recommended. recommendation in
of stroke. dairy products and to low favor
salt intake.
Other healthy Favorable association Possibly related to large Other healthy dietary 2þþ
dietary between stroke risk and amounts of vegetable patterns, mainly based on
patterns other healthy dietary dietary sources. large amounts of plant
patterns. foods, are acceptable.
Western dietary No consistent evidence A Western dietary pattern 2þþ Strong
patterns available on the association should be discouraged recommendation
between Western-type diets because of its well- against
and risk of stroke. documented adverse
effects on CVD health and
risk factors.

We built up an archive, made up initially of all the As a result of this collaborative work, 36 SYNTHESES
relevant references retrieved for the previous editions of and 36 RECOMMENDATIONS were eventually prepared:
the ISO-SPREAD guidelines (the last one in 2012) and we their formulation is the result of the examination of 87
integrated it with all the relevant articles gathered through meta-analyses overall (including mainly prospective and
an extensive search of the literature using MEDLINE/ to a much smaller extent caseecontrol studies and ran-
PUBMED, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library through domized controlled trials), of a few isolated more recent
November 2015. Additional information was retrieved prospective studies not included in the meta-analyses, and
through a manual search of references from recent reviews of a smaller number of available randomized controlled
and relevant published original studies. The search of the trials and caseecontrol studies.
databases was updated on May 30, 2016 to identify any Each synthesis or recommendation was initially
new studies. prepared by 2e3 members of the WG and was then brought
The key words used for our literature exploration were to the collective evaluation and judgment of the whole
(in alphabetical order): alcohol, antioxidants, calcium, group. The group has held three ad hoc meetings at
carbohydrates, cereals, cerebrovascular disease, coffee, approximately three month intervals during 2015 for
chocolate, dairy products, DASH diet, diet, dietary patterns, methodological confrontation and discussion of progress
egg, fat, fatty acids, fiber, fish, folate, fruit, magnesium, results. Eventually, all the syntheses and recommendations
meat, Mediterranean diet, milk, minerals, nutrition, nuts, received the group general approval.
olive oil, potassium, proteins, sodium, stroke, stroke The present document was developed by organizing the
prevention, sweetened beverages, tea, vegetables, vege- available evidence into three individual areas (nutrients,
tarian diet, vitamins (an example of the search strategy is food groups and dietary patterns) to guarantee an accurate
provided in Table 1). scientific overview able to provide health researchers with

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316 L. Iacoviello et al.

consistent knowledge on the existing relationship be- Although results from RCTs are lacking, the bulk of
tween nutrition and primary prevention of stroke. Yet evidence derived from experimental, clinical and epide-
analysis of foods and food patterns allows translating the miological studies and in particular the documented effect
information about nutrients in something more amenable of excess salt intake reduction on blood pressure in both
to use in daily life also in the light of the argument that hypertensive and normotensive individuals, strongly sug-
people eat foods rather than nutrients. gest the need to reduce sodium chloride intake based on
WHO recommendation [33]. In accordance with WHO
Micronutrients recommendation, the 2014 revision of the Italian Refer-
ence Dietary Intakes (LARN) recommends 5 g of salt (2 g of
Sodium chloride (salt) sodium) as the SDT (standard dietary target) for the
population: this choice is mainly motivated by the results
While a clinically relevant food deficit of sodium (and of randomized controlled trials indicating a linear decrease
chlorine) is extremely unlikely in healthy individuals, in blood pressure upon reduction of dietary sodium intake
excess in sodium chloride intake is extremely common to values below 2 g/day [34,35].
and is a recognized causative factor of hypertension and of
cardiovascular diseases [17e19]. Several meta-analyses of Potassium
randomized controlled trials support the blood pressure
lowering effect of reduction in sodium chloride intake An inverse relationship between dietary potassium (K)
[20,21] and therefore it is realistic to expect that reduced intake and blood pressure has been reported both within
salt intake favorably affects stroke risk. and across populations [36e39]. Because hypertension is
The biological plausibility of the association between the leading cause of cerebrovascular disease [40], it is
sodium chloride intake and stroke risk is based on studies realistic to expect that higher K intake may affect stroke
in genetic models of hypertensive rat consistently showing risk. Indeed, many milestone studies in animal models
that elevated sodium chloride intake induced the devel- suggested that a high K intake reduces vascular damage and
opment of vascular damage and led to an elevated inci- counteract the increase in stroke rates caused by a high Na
dence of stroke [21]. Moreover, both in vitro and clinical regimen [41e45], even independently from the effect on BP.
studies indicated that a higher plasma sodium concen- An original observational investigation carried out in
tration and/or an elevated sodium chloride intake nega- the eighties and including 859 men and women showed
tively affect endothelial function [22,23], oxidative stress that stroke mortality was significantly lower among par-
[24], platelet aggregation [25], arterial stiffness [26,27], ticipants in the upper tertile of habitual dietary K intake
left ventricular mass and function [28,29]. after a 12-year follow-up observation [46]. Since then, a
After the meta-analysis by Strazzullo et al., in 2009, two number of prospective studies have explored the possible
further meta-analyses have been published until 2015 association between dietary K intake and incidence of
[30]. The meta-analysis by Aburto et al. included nine cerebrovascular events. A remarkable number of cohort
studies with 14 comparisons and 72,878 individuals from studies and five systematic reviews and meta-analyses of
general population samples [20]. Higher compared these studies carried out on samples of adult general
with lower salt intake was associated with a 24% (95% CI population have consistently shown an inverse significant
8%e43%; I2 Z 49%) higher rate of stroke. association between habitual K intake and risk of stroke
The meta-analysis by Graudal et al. in addition to general [39,47e50]. In a comprehensive analysis, including 14
population samples also included studies in high cardio- cohorts from 12 prospective studies, based on 333,250
vascular risk individuals or patients with clinical cardio- people and more than 10,600 stroke events an average
vascular disorders [31]. The comparison of high (estimate of weighted difference of 1500 mg per day in K intake was
>215 mmoL/day) vs usual sodium intake (115e215 mmoL/ associated with a 20% lower risk of stroke (RR:0.80; 95% CI:
day) with 7 studies and 186,091 individuals yielded a 21% 0.72e0.90; I2 Z 47%) [49]. This inverse association was
higher rate of stroke in the first group (95% CI 4%e41%), also detected in two doseeresponse analyses showing that
whereas the comparison of low (<115 mmoL/day) sodium an increase of 1000 mg per day in dietary K intake was
vs usual sodium again with 7 studies 56,582 subjects did linearly associated with 10% (RR Z 0.90, 95% CI 0.84e0.96;
not show a significant difference. This study however has I2 Z 47%) [49] and 11% lower risk of stroke (RR Z 0.89, 95%
been criticized because of inadequate assessment of salt CI, 0.83e0.97; I2 Z 50.8%) [48]. The analysis of stroke sub-
intake and of high risk of reverse causality due to the in- types, although including fewer cohorts, confirmed a sig-
clusion of cohorts of seriously ill patients under intensive nificant inverse association with ischemic (RR: 0.89; 95%
medical treatment [32]. CI Z 0.81e0.97) but not with hemorrhagic stroke (intra-
cerebral hemorrhage: RR: 0.95, 95% CI Z 0.83e1.09; sub-
Summary of evidence arachnoid hemorrhage: RR: 1.08, 95% CI Z 0.92e1.27) [48].
The vast majority of the available evidence indicates that More recently, such results have been confirmed in the
elevated salt intake is associated with higher stroke risk, framework of the Women Health Initiative [51] and by the
mainly but not exclusively, in force of its blood pressure further meta-analysis by Vinceti and co-workers, which
raising effect. Few data are available to conclusively has shown in addition that, even for the risk of hemor-
discriminate between ischemic and hemorrhagic subtypes. rhagic stroke, the inverse relationship with potassium

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Diet and primary prevention of stroke 317

intake is statistically significant provided data unadjusted apparent only in Asian populations, which had in general a
for blood pressure are used in the calculation [52]. This relatively low calcium intake (RR for an increase of 300 mg/
approach appears to be sound as the rate of hemorrhagic d in calcium intake: 0.78, 95% C.I. 0.71e0.87): there was
stroke is strongly dependent on blood pressure with however some evidence of possible publication bias [54].
consequent risk of over adjustment if adjustment for blood In another meta-analysis of 10 prospective studies
pressure is made. with 371,495 participants and 10,408 strokes, Tian and
colleagues did not detect an association between calcium
Potassium supplementation intake and risk of total stroke (RR: 0.96; 95% CI 0.89e1.04;
Few studies provided data on the relationship between I2 Z 66.3%) or of any stroke subtype. However, in a sepa-
supplemental K and stroke risk. In a large cohort of men, K rate analysis of seven studies with follow-up longer than
supplementation was associated with reduced risk of total 14 years, high calcium intake was indeed associated with
stroke [50], whereas, in a previous analysis, a similarly reduced stroke rate (RR: 0.67; 95% CI 0.51e0.88; I2 Z 0.0%)
favorable effect was detected mainly among hypertensive [55].
male participants [51]. A similar trend not achieving Finally, in a very recent meta-analysis including 20
statistical significance was further observed in a recent cohort studies, doseeresponse meta-regression analysis
analysis of the Nurses’ Health Study database with regard did not find statistically significant linear or nonlinear
to ischemic stroke [53]. relationships between levels of dietary or total calcium
intake and the risk of total stroke or stroke mortality [56].
Summary of evidence
A large body of evidence supports a favorable effect of Dairy vs. non-dairy calcium intake
dietary K intake on stroke risk, also in part independently Analyzing the relationship between dairy and non-dairy
of its well-recognized beneficial effect on BP, although few calcium intake and stroke, Larson and colleagues reported
data are available to conclusively discriminate between that the RR of stroke for a 300-mg/day increase in calcium
ischemic and hemorrhagic subtypes or in favor of K intake was 0.78 (95% CI 0.62e0.99) for dairy calcium and
supplementation. 0.98 (95% CI 0.73e1.30) for non-dairy calcium [54]. The
The 2014 Revision of the Italian Dietary Reference In- addition of another study providing results for only dairy
takes (LARN) set a value of 3900 mg a day as a potassium calcium intake did not change the results (RR: 0.73; 95% CI
adequate intake for the adult population, in accordance 0.59e0.91) [57]. In their updated meta-analysis, also Tian
with other similar documents released by European and and colleagues found that high dairy calcium intake was
American authorities, also based on the potassium content associated with a 24% reduction in the risk of total stroke
of 4200 mg/day of the DASH diet which was shown to be (RR: 0.76; 95% CI 0.66e0.86; I2 Z 0.0%), while non-dairy
effective in lowering blood pressure in a controlled dietary calcium intake had no effect (RR:0.99; 95% CI 0.84e1.16;
intervention trial [34]. I2 Z 33.3%) [55].

Calcium Calcium supplements

While the meta-analyses of prospective studies indicate the
The relationship between calcium intake and stroke has absence of any significant correlation between calcium
been explored by many prospective studies. The majority supplemental intake and stroke [54,55], a meta-analysis of
of them addressed calcium intake from food as a whole or nine intervention trials comparing administration of cal-
by comparison of dairy versus non-dairy calcium intake. A cium with or without vitamin D vs. placebo (28,072 partic-
few other studies focused on the association between ipants, 676 incident myocardial infarctions and 764 incident
supplemental calcium intake and stroke. strokes, mean follow-up 5.7 years) showed that the sup-
plementation of calcium or calcium and vitamin D increased
Total dietary calcium intake and stroke the risk of stroke (RR:1.15, 95%CI Z 1.00e1.32; I2 Z 0.0%),
In their meta-analysis of 11 observational prospective myocardial infarction (RR:1.24, 95% CI Z 1.04e1.45;
studies with 436,150 participants and 9095 strokes, Larson I2 Z 0.0%) and the composite of myocardial infarction and
and colleagues assessed the doseeresponse relationship stroke (RR:1.15, 95% CI Z 1.03e1.27; I2 Z 0.0%) [58].
between total dietary calcium intake and risk of stroke [54].
Because of the significant heterogeneity observed among Summary of evidence
all studies (I2 Z 70.3%), the authors stratified the analysis In conclusion, while the evidence of a protective effect of
by population average calcium intake (<700 mg/day vs. calcium from dairy products on the risk of stroke is consis-
>700 mg/day). Dietary calcium intake was inversely asso- tent, evidence of the impact of total calcium intake was
ciated with risk of stroke in populations with an average detected only in populations with a lower than average
calcium intake <700 mg/day (RR for a 300-mg/d increase in calcium intake and in studies with a longer follow-up. On the
calcium intake: 0.82; 95% CI 0.76e0.88; I2 Z 0.0%). On the other hand, the combined evidence of prospective observa-
contrary, it was weakly positively associated with stroke tional studies and randomized controlled intervention trials
risk in populations with a calcium intake >700 mg/day (RR: indicates that calcium supplements may increase the risk of
1.03; 95% CI 1.01e1.06; I2 Z 0.0%). An inverse association myocardial infarction and stroke. With respect to possible
between calcium intake and risk of stroke was actually mechanisms of the effects of calcium and dairy intake on

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318 L. Iacoviello et al.

stroke risk, recent data from the ATTICA cross-sectional study factor for cardiovascular diseases) [65], as well as on vita-
of a sample of general population [59] and from a few mins counteracting oxidative stress and inflammation (both
randomized controlled trials in overweight individuals [60] involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases)
suggest that consumption of dairy products is inversely [66,67], namely vitamin A, C and E. Recently, besides its
associated with low-grade systemic inflammation. Moreover, effect on bone health, vitamin D is also emerging as a factor
a doseeresponse meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies involved in the modulation of a number of physiological
indicated an inverse relationship of low-fat dairy and milk processes such as the renin-angiotensin system activity,
consumption to the incidence of hypertension [61]. endothelial function, vascular smooth muscle proliferation,
insulin sensitivity, and systemic inflammation [68,69].
Folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12
Larson and colleagues in a meta-analysis of seven prospec-
tive studies recently explored the relationship between These three vitamins are strictly connected in the one-
magnesium intake and stroke with 241,378 participants and carbon metabolic pathway in which homocysteine is a
6477 events [62]. The authors found that total dietary crucial metabolite that can accumulate either as a result of
magnesium intake was inversely associated with the risk of genetic defects or of nutritional deficiencies [65].
stroke, specifically ischemic stroke. In particular, an incre- Several studies support the protective role of dietary
ment of 100 mg in magnesium dietary intake per day was folate against stroke, while data on vitamin B12 and B6
associated with an 8% reduction in the risk of total stroke remain less clear. However, meta-analyses or systematic
(RR: 0.92; 95% CI 0.88e0.97; I2 Z 0%). In a subsequent meta- reviews on these topics are missing. A cohort study (9764
analysis of 8 prospective studies with 304,551 participants healthy individuals, aged 25e74 y) showed reduced
and 8367 events (same as for Larsson meta-analysis plus ischemic stroke incidence (RR:0.79; 95% CI 0.63e0.99)
one new study), Nie and colleagues confirmed the signifi- among individuals in the highest quartile of folate intake
cant inverse association between magnesium intake and compared with those in the lowest quartile [70], a finding
risk of total stroke (RR: 0.89; 95% CI 0.82e0.97; I2 Z 0.0%) in accordance with results from an Asiatic population [71]
[63]. Subgroup analyses suggested a significant inverse in which low folate intake was associated with increased
association between magnesium intake and the risk of ischemic stroke risk (HR:1.61; 95% CI 1.04e2.48 and
ischemic stroke (RR: 0.88; 95% CI 0.80e0.98). A few subse- HR:1.82; 95% CI 1.20e2.76 for 1st and 2nd quartiles
quent population-based cohort studies confirmed that a compared with 3rd and 4th quartile combined). In contrast,
higher magnesium intake from food was associated with neither the cohort study of 83,272 US female nurses [72]
decreased risk of stroke. In particular, Sluijs et al. analyzing nor the investigation on subjects from the Northern Swe-
the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and den Health and Disease Cohort [73] found a relationship
Nutrition-Netherlands (EPIC-NL) study cohort confirmed between folate intake, folate plasma levels or vitamin B12
the association between high dietary magnesium intake and intake and stroke. In the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study
a reduced stroke risk [64]. As previously mentioned, the (23,119 men and 35,611 women, aged 40e79 y), no asso-
analysis of the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS) ciation was found between vitamin B12 intake and stroke
database performed by Adebamowo and coll. indicated that mortality; high dietary folate (>536 mg/d) and vitamin
a diet rich in magnesium, potassium, and calcium contrib- B6 (>1.33 mg/d) intakes showed a downward trend for
utes to reduced risk of stroke in men [50]. Again Adeba- mortality in women (HR: 0.83; 95% CI 0.61e1.12 for folate;
mowo and colleagues, analyzing the Nurses’ Health Study HR: 0.63; 95% CI 0.39e1.03 for vitamin B6) but not in men
(NHS) I and II databases and performing a subsequent meta- [74]. In a large cohort of US men (n Z 43,732), He and
analysis of prospective studies, found that a combined colleagues detected an inverse relationship between folate
mineral diet with high intake of magnesium and potassium or vitamin B12 intakes and risk of ischemic stroke (RR: 0.71;
was associated with reduced risk of stroke (combined RR 95% CI 0.52e0.96 for folate; RR: 0.73; 95% CI 0.53e0.99)
of total stroke Z 0.87 (95% CI 0.83e0.92) for a 100-mg/ [75]. Likewise, high dietary folate intake was linked to
d increase of magnesium intake and 0.91 (95% CI 0.88e0.94) decreased risk of cerebral infarction (RR:0.80; 95% CI
for a 1000-mg/d increase of potassium intake; with no 0.70e0.91) in Finnish male smokers (n Z 26,556), espe-
between-study heterogeneity) [53]. cially among those with a high vitamin B12 intake; never-
theless, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and methionine intakes
Summary of evidence alone were not associated with risk of stroke [76]. Despite
There is consistent evidence in favor of a protective effect the limited number of subjects (n Z 967), the study by
of a higher intake of magnesium toward the risk of stroke, Weikert et al. detected a significant association between
in particular of ischemic stroke. low vitamin B12 plasma levels and increased risk of cerebral
ischemia, whereas the intake of folate and vitamin B6 were
Vitamins and antioxidants not associated at all [77].

Literature data on stroke prevention are especially focused Folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 supplementation
on B vitamins, including folate, vitamin B6 and B12 (all Since 2012, nine meta-analyses of RCTs have been pub-
involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, a potential risk lished on the effect of vitamin B supplementation on the

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Diet and primary prevention of stroke 319

risk of stroke. The majority of them showed a borderline plasma vitamin C levels (29,648 participants and 989 stroke
reduction ranging between 9 and 6% of the risk of stroke cases) demonstrated that both dietary intake and plasma
after vitamin B supplementation [78e83]. levels of vitamin C were inversely related to the risk of
The meta-analysis by Zeng and co-workers studied the stroke, in a dose-dependent manner (RR:0.81; 95% CI
potential effect of folate supplementation on stroke risk by 0.74e0.90; I2 Z 0.0% for dietary vitamin C intake and
stratifying previous RCTs according to fortification status RR:0.62; 95% CI 0.49e0.79; I2 Z 27.6% for circulating
[84]. The final fourteen RCTs enrolled 39,420 patients (7 vitamin C high-versus-low categories) [89]. The RR for each
without folate fortification, 4 with folate fortification and 3 100 mg/day increment in dietary vitamin C was 0.83 (95% CI
with partial folate fortification). The RR for stroke was 0.88 0.75e0.93), and for each 20 nmoL/L increment in circulating
(95% CI 0.77e1.00; I2 Z 1%) in the subgroup without folate vitamin C was 0.81 (95% CI 0.75 to 0.88; I2 Z 0.0%).
fortification, 0.91 (95% CI 0.82, 1.01; I2 Z 47%) in the sub- In contrast, a meta-analysis of 15 randomized controlled
group with partial folate fortification and 0.94 (95% CI 0.58, trials (188,209 participants and 3749 stroke events)
1.54; I2 Z 61%) in the subgroup with folate fortification. concluded that antioxidant vitamin supplementation had
In the meta-analysis of Dong et al. a total of 17 trials no effects on the rate of cardiovascular events, including
(86,393 patients) comparing 7 treatment strategies with stroke (RR:0.99; 95% CI 0.93e1.05; I2 Z 0.0%) [90].
vitamin B (FA þ VB6 þ VB12, FA þ VB6, FA þ VB12, VB6 þ VB12, Two large studies failed to demonstrate any association
FA, VB6, niacin and placebo) were included [85]. Supple- between vitamin A or vitamin E intake and incidence of
mentation with B vitamins was associated with reduced risk stroke or stroke mortality [91,92]. However, high vitamin E
of stroke and cerebral hemorrhage (RR: 0.90; 95% CI intake was associated with increased risk of haemorrhagic
0.84e0.98; I2 Z 15.8% and 0.74; 95% CI 0.58e0.94; I2 Z 0.0%, stroke (HR: 2.94, 95% CI 1.13e7.62) [92].
respectively), but not of ischemic stroke (RR: 0.97; 95% CI
0.88e1.07; I2 Z 0.0%) in the standard meta-analysis. In the Summary of evidence
network meta-analysis, the risk of stroke was lower with A diet rich in vitamin C appears to be beneficial for the
folic acid plus vitamin B6 as compared with folic acid plus prevention of ischemic stroke whereas there is no apparent
vitamin B12 and was lower with folic acid plus vitamin B6 association between vitamin A or vitamin E intake and
plus vitamin B12 as compared with placebo or folic acid plus stroke rates. Both randomized controlled trials and meta-
vitamin B12. analyses thereof provide no support for the use of antiox-
Recently, in the meta-analysis by Li et al. of 30 RCTs idant vitamin supplements in the prevention of stroke.
involving 77,816 participants and 3164 stroke events folic
acid supplementation showed a relative risk for stroke of Vitamin D
0.90 (95% CI 0.84e0.96; I2 Z 27.4%) compared with con-
trols [86]. The effect of intervention was more pronounced A large body of evidence points to the renin-angiotensin
among participants with lower plasma folate levels at system activity, endothelial function, smooth muscle
baseline (RR: 0.79, 95% CI 0.69e0.89 vs. RR: 0.97, 95% proliferation, insulin sensitivity and systemic inflamma-
CI 0.86e1.08, for baseline folate <16 nmoL/L and tion as possible targets of the vitamin D biological system
16 nmoL/L, respectively, P Z 0.02 for interaction). for the prevention of cardiometabolic disorders, including
stroke [93].
Summary of evidence
So far, studies on the impact of dietary vitamins B6 and B12 Dietary vitamin D and vitamin D supplementation
on the risk of stroke are few and controversial. Conversely, The contribution of vitamin D intake from foods or sup-
there is evidence of a protective effect of regular con- plements to cardiovascular health is still controversial
sumption of high folate-containing foods although this (very likely because 80% of the vitamin requirement is
effect may be attributable, at least in part, to other bene- covered by sun exposure and because other confounding
ficial nutrients, namely vitamin C, phytochemicals, fiber factors exist), even though two cohort studies suggest a
also present in plant foods. Systematic supplementation of potential beneficial effect. In the Honolulu Heart Program,
folic acid, vitamin B6 or vitamin B12 (alone or in combi- it was shown that low dietary vitamin D intake was
nation) shows a slightly beneficial effect on primary associated with an increased risk of stroke and, in partic-
prevention of stroke, more so in subjects with lower levels ular, thromboembolic stroke in Japanese-American men
of folate. [94]. On the other hand, in a meta-analysis of 21 trials with
13,033 participants, evaluating the effect of vitamin D
Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E supplementation (in the form of cholecalciferol, calcitriol,
ergocalciferol or vitamin D analogs) on the risk of cardio-
Up to now, only few literature data on antioxidant vitamins vascular events, Ford et al. [95] did not detect any
and stroke are available. Reliable studies only concern association between vitamin D supplementation and risk
vitamin C and its potential mechanisms of action (preven- of stroke (RR: 1.07; 95% CI: 0.91e1.29).
tion of endothelial dysfunction, anti-inflammatory and anti-
hypertensive role) [87,88]. A meta-analysis including 11 Summary of evidence
prospective studies on vitamin C intake (217,454 partici- There is consistent evidence that low circulating levels of
pants and 3762 stroke events) and 6 prospective studies on vitamin D are associated with an increased risk of stroke,

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320 L. Iacoviello et al.

while still sparse are the data on the association between consumption of dietary fiber is dose-dependently associ-
dietary intake of vitamin D and stroke. There is no ated with a lower risk of stroke. The beneficial effect
convincing evidence however of a significant effect of seems to be greater for ischemic than for hemorrhagic
vitamin D supplementation on the rate of stroke. stroke. It also seems more pronounced for cereal and
vegetable fiber intake.
Dietary fiber

Dietary fiber has been reported to reduce the risk of Macronutrients

hypertension, the strongest risk factor for stroke [28],
to positively affect LDL-cholesterol, postprandial lipids Carbohydrates
levels and insulin sensitivity [96,97], fibrinolysis [98] and
inflammation [99]. Postprandial hyperglycemia is an independent risk factor
In the last few years three meta-analyses were published for stroke. Dietary carbohydrate (CHO) is the main factor
that evaluated the association of dietary fiber intake and able to influence the blood glucose response. The gly-
stroke risk. The meta-analysis by Chen and coworkers cemic index (GI) of a food, an index of CHO quality, is
included six prospective cohort studies for a total of 314,864 commonly used as marker of the postprandial blood
participants and 8920 stroke cases [100]. The analysis glucose response [103]. In addition, given that the
showed that the RR of stroke was 13% lower (RR: 0.87; 95% amount and the quality of carbohydrates in the diet is
CI 0.77e0.99; I2 Z 36.4%) in the highest vs lowest category extremely variable and thus may have a variable influ-
of dietary fiber intake. Subgroup analysis indicated that the ence on the postprandial glycemic response, the glyce-
RR for men and women were 0.95 (95% CI, 0.83e1.08) and mic load (GL) (calculated as the product of the GI of a
0.80 (95% CI, 0.66e0.96), respectively, and that the RR for food item and its available carbohydrate content) is
ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke were 0.83 (95% CI, widely used to assess the glycemic effect of CHO rich
0.72e0.96) and 0.86 (95% CI, 0.70e1.06), respectively, foods [104].
although the analysis on stroke subtypes was based on a
quite small number of studies. Doseeresponse analysis Carbohydrates, GI and GL
suggested a 12% reduction in stroke risk for each 10 g/day The possible associations between CHO intake/GI/GL and
increment in dietary fiber intake. stroke risk were evaluated in two meta-analyses. The first
The meta-analysis by Threapleton and coworkers one, including 6 prospective cohort studies, showed that a
including two additional studies to those evaluated by Chen high GL was associated with an increased risk of total
[100], with 2781 incident stroke events, showed that a 7 g/ stroke (RR: 1.19; 95% CI 1.00e1.43; I2 Z 0.0%) whereas a
day increase in total fiber intake was associated with 7% high GI was not associated with risk of stroke or stroke-
reduction in total stroke risk (RR: 0.93; 95% CI, 0.88e0.98; related death (RR: 1.09; 95% CI 0.94e1.26; I2 Z 0.0%)
I2 Z 59%) [101]. There was no statistical evidence of an [105]. Similar results were reported in the meta-analysis
association between higher (4 g/day) soluble fiber intake by Cai and coworkers that included seven prospective
and risk of stroke. The meta-analysis of Zhang and studies [106]. In this meta-analysis on 225,000 partici-
coworkers included 11 prospective cohort studies and pants free from diabetes, high CHO intake and high GI
325,627 participants [102]. The meta-analysis evaluated the were not associated with stroke (RR: 1.10; 95% CI
relation of dietary fiber intake, fiber source and type of fiber 0.99e1.21; I2 Z 23.0% and RR: 1.12; 95% CI 0.95e1.35;
with the risk of fatal and nonfatal stroke. It showed that the I2 Z 6.3%, respectively) while a high GL was associated
relative risk of stroke was lower by 17% (RR: 0.83; 95% CI with an increased risk of stroke, (RR: 1.19; 95% CI
0.74e0.93; I2 Z 38.7 %) in the highest vs lowest category of 1.05e1.36; I2 Z 5.0%). No information on the possible
dietary fiber. Moreover, a doseeresponse association be- association of high CHO intake/GI/GL with different sub-
tween dietary fiber intake and stroke risk was observed. In types of stroke was provided.
particular, there was a reduction of 10%, 16% and 23% for 5 g, The mechanism whereby a high GL would increase
10 g and 15 g increments in fiber intake, respectively. stroke risk may consist in the vascular injury induced
However, dietary fiber intake was not related to stroke by a chronic increase in blood glucose and postprandial
mortality. In subgroup analyses, greater dietary fiber intake insulinemia, both of which act through a higher
was inversely associated with the risk of ischemic stroke oxidative stress and sub-clinical systemic inflammation
(RR: 0.83; 95% CI 0.74e0.93; I2 Z 20.5%) while a trend of with production of oxidized lipoproteins and AGEs
protection for hemorrhagic stroke was observed (RR: 0.87; [107,108].
95% CI 0.72e1.05; I2 Z 0.0%). Both cereal and vegetable
fibers were associated with reduced stroke risk by 24% and Summary of evidence
14%, respectively, whereas no association was reported for The results of the two meta-analyses of prospective
fruit fiber and for soluble and insoluble fiber intake. cohort studies indicate that high dietary GL is directly
associated with the risk of stroke while CHO intake and
Summary of evidence GI are not. These findings support recommendations for
The results of the three available meta-analyses of decreasing daily consumption of high GI foods/diet to
prospective studies consistently indicate that the prevent stroke.

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Diet and primary prevention of stroke 321

Fatty acids Trans unsaturated fatty acids (TFA)

The meta-analysis by De Souza et al. also examined the
Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) possible association of TFA intake with cardiovascular
There is clinical and epidemiological evidence that dietary disease [114]. Only three studies with 1905 cases out of
MUFA may help lower blood pressure [109], reduce low- 190,284 participants analyzed the association between TFA
density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride [110], and intake and ischemic stroke, showing a non-significant RR
thus lower estimated cardiovascular risk. Over the past 20 of 1.07 (95% CI 0.88e1.28; I2 Z 67%) with a considerable
years, the analysis of cohort studies of MUFA intake in heterogeneity among studies.
relation to primary prevention of stroke has yielded
however inconsistent results, possibly due to the different Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)
dietary sources of MUFA. Much more explored was the association between stroke
One meta-analysis reviewing the literature until June and PUFA intake or PUFA blood levels with eight meta-
2014 (11 cohort studies on combined MUFA, olive oil, oleic analyses published in the last 5 years. Chowdhury et al.
acid, and MUFA:SFA ratio and 9 studies on MUFA intake analyzed 14 population based prospective studies of
only) indicated that top versus bottom third combined the relationship between long chain omega 3 fatty acids
MUFA, olive oil, oleic acid, and MUFA:SFA ratio was associ- (LCn-3FA) and the risk of cerebrovascular events, involving
ated with a reduced risk of stroke (RR:0.83, 95% CI 305,119 participants and 5374 strokes [117]. Ten studies
0.71e0.97; I2 Z 70%) [111]. Subgroup analysis showed that dealt with dietary PUFA intake and four with PUFA blood
actually olive oil intake was most likely crucial for this result, levels: in both cases no significant associations were
since higher intakes of olive oil were associated with detected (RR:0.90, 95% CI 0.80e1.01; I2 Z 18% and RR:1.04,
reduced risk of stroke (RR:0.60, 95% CI 0.47e0.77; I2 Z 0.0%). 95% CI 0.90e1.20; I2 Z 0.0%, respectively): this was true for
In contrast, the association between monounsaturated fatty both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke types.
acid intake of mixed animal and plant origin and stroke risk In the meta-analysis by Larsson et al. [118] including 8
did not attain statistical significance although exhibiting a prospective studies with 5238 stroke events among
trend for protection (RR: 0.85, 95% CI 0.72e1.01; I2 Z 65%). 242,076 participants, there was likewise no overall sig-
Consistently, a more recent meta-analysis of 10 pro- nificant association between intake of LCn-3FA and total
spective cohort studies, including 314,511 individuals and stroke risk although a trend for protection was observed
5827 strokes, provided evidence that high MUFA intake (RR: 0.90, 95% CI 0.81e1.01; I2 Z 13.9%).
was borderline associated with the overall risk of stroke The meta-analysis by Pan et al. focused on the plant-
(RR:0.86, 95% CI 0.74e1.00; I2 Z 48%) [112]. Subgroups derived omega-3FA a-linolenic acid (ALA; 18:3n23) [119].
analysis showed that higher dietary MUFA intake was The authors reviewed 5 prospective studies (100,915 par-
inversely associated with the risk of hemorrhagic (RR: ticipants, 3026 cases), that assessed either dietary ALA
0.68, 95% CI 0.49e0.96; I2 Z 0.0%) but not of ischemic intake or ALA biomarker concentrations. Neither dietary
stroke (RR: 0.92, 95% CI 0.79e1.08; I2 Z 41%). ALA (RR: 0.96, 95% CI 0.78e1.17; I2 Z 49.7%) nor ALA blood
levels (RR: 0.77, 95% CI 0.37e1.60; I2 Z 74.6%) were
Saturated fatty acids (SFA) associated with the risk of stroke.
A meta-analysis of eight prospective cohort studies, In a more recent cohort study, Mozaffarian et al.
including 179,436 subjects, did not show a significant reported that total plasma phospholipids LCn-3FA were
association between SFA intake and risk of stroke (RR: inversely related to ischemic stroke risk with a 37% lower
0.81, 95% CI 0.62e1.05; I2 Z 61%) [113]. risk in the highest versus the lowest quintile but without
Another meta-analysis of 13 observational studies [114] significant relationship with hemorrhagic stroke [120].
also showed that SFA intake was not associated with A number of trials were performed to test whether LCn-
ischemic stroke (RR: 1.02, 95% CI 0.90e1.15; I2 Z 59%). 3FA supplementation would reduce the incidence of car-
A very recent meta-analysis including two more studies, diovascular accidents. In particular, five meta-analyses
for a total of 476,569 individuals and 11,074 strokes, have reviewed randomized controlled trials of the effect
concluded that apparently higher SFA intake was associ- of PUFA supplements on the risk of stroke. In the meta-
ated with reduced risk of overall and fatal stroke (RR:0.89, analysis by Kotwal et al. [121], including 7 studies having
95% CI 0.82e0.96; I2 Z 37.4% and RR: 0.75; 95% CI. stroke as an outcome with 46,750 participants and 1369
0.59e0.94; I2 Z 0.0%, respectively) [115] but in subgroup events, no association was detected between u-3 FA sup-
analysis the association was present only for East-Asians plementation and the rate of cerebrovascular events
(I2 Z 42.4%), for a SFA amount <25 g/day (I2 Z 45.3%), overall (RR: 1.03, 95% CI 0.92e1.16; I2 Z 9.3%). Likewise,
for men (I2 Z 0.0%) and for a BMI<24 (kg/m2; I2 Z 34.1%). in their meta-analysis of 7 randomized, double-blind,
Only one meta-analysis examined randomized placebo-controlled trials, Kwak and coworkers detected
controlled trials of at least 6 months duration reducing or no effect of EPA and DHA supplements on the incidence of
substituting saturated fat with other types of fat [116]. The stroke or transient ischemic attacks among patients with
overall assessment of ten such trials, involving 25,063 previous evidence of existing CVD (RR:1.13, 95% CI
subjects randomized to reduced/modified diet and 34,790 0.77e1.66; I2 Z 31.1%) [122].
subjects to usual diet, showed a RR for any type of stroke of Similar results were provided by the meta-analysis of
0.99 (95% CI 0.89e1.11; I2 Z 0.0%). RCTs of EPA and DHA supplementation performed by Rizos

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322 L. Iacoviello et al.

et al. and including 9 studies with 1490 stroke events fruits or vegetables were respectively associated with 32%
among 52,589 participants (RR: 1.05, 95% CI 0.93e1.18; lower (RR: 0.68; 95%CI 0.56e0.82) and 11% lower (RR:
I2 Z 14%) [123]. 0.89; 0.81e0.98) rates of stroke [127]. The findings were
Chowdhury et al. meta-analyzed 12 randomized consistent for ischemic (RR: 0.79; 0.74e0.85) and hemor-
controlled trials of u-3 FA supplementation with 62,040 rhagic stroke (RR: 0.78; 0.69e0.88). Data from the
participants and 1563 stroke events [117]. No significant Japanese prospective study by Okuda et al. revealed a
effect was observed overall (RR: 1.03, 95% CI 0.94e1.12; protection against stroke death of as much as 28% (HR:
I2 Z 3.5%), and so also for primary or secondary preven- 0.72; 95%CI 0.54e0.95) for the highest vs the lowest
tion trials as well as for ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. quartile of fruit intake whereas no such association was
found for vegetable consumption [128].
Summary of evidence In the HAPIEE cohort study the highest intake of fruit
In conclusion, based on a large number of prospective and vegetable (corresponding to a daily median intake of
observational studies and randomized controlled trials, 831 g) reduced stroke mortality by 48% (HR:0.52; 95% CI
there is no convincing evidence of an effect of different 0.28e0.98) [129].
types of fatty acid intake, either as dietary intake or plasma The possible protective effect of fruits and vegetables
level, on the risk of stroke. The apparent discrepancy be- has indeed a strong biological basis. Fruits and vegetables
tween these studies results and those of studies focusing are rich sources of potassium, magnesium, folate, fiber, and
on foods containing such fats (olive oil, nuts, fish, meat, antioxidant compounds (vitamin C, beta-carotene, and
milk and dairy products) may be at least partly explained flavonoids). Their effect can be mediated by reduction
by the fact that the protective or harmful effect of a given of blood pressure and improvement of micro vascular
food on human health is the result of a complex interac- function [130,131].
tion among its micro- and macro-nutrient constituents. Summary of evidence The large majority of the available
evidence is in favor of an inverse association between
fruits and vegetables consumption and the risk of stroke.
The meta-analysis by Zhang et al. combined the results
A meta-analysis by Afshin et al. of 6 prospective cohort
from seven prospective studies involving 254,489 partici-
studies including a total of 254,628 participants and about
pants [124]. The pooled RR for stroke for the highest
7000 stroke events was not able to detect an association
compared with the lowest dietary protein intake was 0.80
between legumes intake and risk of total stroke (RR: 0.98;
(95% CI 0.66e0.99; I2 Z 61.1%). The doseeresponse anal-
95% CI 0.84e1.14; I2 Z 32%) or stroke subtypes [132]. So
ysis indicated that a 20-g/d increment in dietary protein
also was a second meta-analysis of 8 prospective studies
intake was associated with a 26% lower risk of stroke.
with a total of 468,887 subjects and 10,493 stroke events
Upon stratification for type of protein, the RR for stroke for
by Shi and coworkers (SRR: 0.95; 95% CI 0.84e1.08;
animal protein was 0.71 (95% CI 0.50e0.99; I2 Z 69.4%).
I2 Z 43.2%) [133].
However, a recently updated meta-analysis of 12 pro-
Summary of evidence Based on the results of two meta-
spective studies with 528,982 participants showed no
analyses, no association is apparent between legumes
evidence of an association between total protein intake
consumption and risk of stroke. This finding is unexpected
and stroke risk (RR 0.98; 95% CI 0.89e1.07; I2 Z 66.5%),
considering that legumes are good sources of potassium,
whereas dietary vegetable protein intake was associated
magnesium, fiber and vegetable protein and that they have
with a slight but significantly lower rate (RR 0.90; 95% CI
been associated with documented benefits on several risk
0.82e0.99; I2 Z 0.0%) [125].
factors for stroke, i.e. hyperlipidemia [134], hyperglycemia
Blood pressure-lowering might be a possible explana-
[135] and high blood pressure [136], as well as on the risk
tion for the association between dietary vegetable protein
of coronary heart disease [132].
intake and the risk of stroke [126].
Summary of evidence
Overall 10 meta-analyses of mainly prospective observa-
There is still insufficient evidence in support of an asso-
tional studies and one randomized controlled trial have
ciation between dietary protein intake and stroke.
provided information about the relationship between nut
consumption and risk of stroke over the last three years.
Food groups The meta-analysis by Afshin et al. of three prospective
cohorts and one RCT for a total of 155,685 participants and
Vegetable sources 5544 events failed to detect an association between nut
intake and total stroke, although a trend toward protection
Fruits and vegetables emerged (RR: 0.89; 95% CI 0.74e1.05; I2 Z 72.7%), or
The evidence in favor of a direct association between fruits stroke subtypes [132]. In a meta-analysis of 8 prospective
and vegetables intake and the risk of stroke has been studies with a total of 468,887 subjects and 10,493 stroke
recently confirmed by a meta-analysis of 20 cohort studies events Shi et al. reported a favorable effect of higher nut
by Hu D et al. who found that 200 g higher daily intakes of intake (RR: 0.90, 95% CI 0.81e0.99; I2 Z 0.0%) [133].

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Diet and primary prevention of stroke 323

Gender was found to modify the effect of nut consumption refined cereal consumption and risk of fatal and non-fatal
on stroke risk, with greater health advantages for women stroke are not fully consistent.
(RR: 0.85, 95% CI 0.75e0.97; I2 Z 0.0%) in comparison with Whole-grain cereals Two meta-analyses evaluated the
men (RR:0.95, 95% CI 0.82e1.11; I2 Z 0.0%). relationship between whole grain cereal intake and risk
Luo et al. analyzed data from five studies and found a of fatal and non-fatal stroke. The meta-analysis by Mellen
protection from stroke associated with high nut intake and coworkers, including four prospective studies with
confined to women (RR: 0.87; 95% CI 0.77e0.98; I2 Z 0.0%) 208,143 participants, showed a trend of protection for
[137]. The meta-analysis by Zhou et al. using data from four stroke event rate associated with whole grain cereal intake
prospective studies including 182,730 participants and although results were not significant (OR Z 0.83, 95% CI
5669 stroke cases failed to find an association (RR: 0.90; 0.68e1.02; Q Z 0.04e8.17) [146]. The more recent meta-
95% CI 0.71e1.14; I2 Z 49.6%) [138]. Likewise, in the meta- analysis by Fang et al. included six prospective studies
analysis by Grosso et al. based on only two cohort studies of involving 247,487 participants and 1635 stroke events
nut intake and stroke mortality, higher nut consumption [147]. Pooled results showed a significant reduction of
was not significantly associated with the rate of stroke stroke risk by 14% (RR: 0.86; 95% CI 0.73e0.99;
death (RR:0.84; 95% CI 0.64e1.09; I2 Z 0.0%) [139]. I2 Z 0.0%) in the highest versus the lowest category of
On the other hand, Zhang et al. on the basis of six whole grain cereal intake.
studies including nine independent cohorts with 476,181 Refined cereals The only meta-analysis by Wu and
participants, estimated a reduction in the risk of stroke of coworkers available on this topic (8 prospective studies
as much as 10% (pooled RR: 0.90; 95% CI 0.83e0.98; with a total of 410,821 subjects and 8284 stroke events)
I2 Z 0.0%) comparing the highest with the lowest nut showed no association between refined cereal intake and
consumption [140]. In line with previous evidence, this risk of stroke (SRR:1.02; 95% CI 93e1.10; I2 Z 0.0%) [148].
meta-analysis suggested health advantages for women Summary of evidence The most recent meta-analysis of
(RR: 0.88; 95% CI 0.78e0.98; I2 Z 0.0%) but not for men the available prospective studies of whole grain cereal
(RR: 0.92; 95%CI 0.82e1.05; I2 Z 0.0%). In doseeresponse intake and risk of stroke provided evidence of an inverse
analysis overall an increment of 1 serving/day in nut association, whereas no association was shown for highly
consumption showed a trend for protection toward stroke refined cereal consumption. The protective effect of whole
risk (RR: 0.94; 95% CI 0.82e1.08). Still more recently, grain cereals towards stroke may be due to their provision
Mayhew et al. reported no associations of higher nut of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other phytochemical
consumption with ischemic (RR: 1.06; 95% CI 0.81e1.38; compounds, that are removed during the refining process,
I2 Z 64%), hemorrhagic (RR: 0.83; 95% CI 0.59e1.16) or with some of which having antioxidant properties that may
total stroke (RR: 1.05; 95% CI 0.69e1.61; I2 Z 77%) [141]. reduce chronic inflammation and blood pressure levels
The authors found however a marginally significant [149].
reduction of 17% in the total stroke death rate (RR: 0.83;
95% CI 0.69e1.00; I2 Z 0.0%). Olive oil
In the most recent doseeresponse meta-analysis of 14 Olive oil is a main component of the Mediterranean diet
cohort studies conducted by Shao et al. evidence for a and its effect on the risk of stroke has been reviewed by
nonlinear association between nut intake and stroke risk two recent meta-analyses, both dealing not only with
was observed with a RR of 0.86 (95% CI 0.79e0.94) for a stroke but also with ischemic heart disease [111,150]. The
12 g/day greater nut consumption [142]. two meta-analyses included the same two cohort studies
Finally, the PREDIMED randomized controlled trial and consistently reported that an increased consumption
showed that high cardiovascular risk individuals of olive oil was associated with a significant reduction in
consuming a Mediterranean diet with one serving per day the risk of stroke (respectively, RR: 0.76, 95% CI:
of mixed nuts (30 g) had a 46% reduced risk of stroke (HR: 0.67e0.86; I2 Z 0.0% for an increment of 25 g/day of olive
0.54, 95% CI 0.35e0.84) as compared to a control group oil consumption [150] and RR: 0.60; 95% CI: 0.47e0.77;
allocated to a lower fat control diet [10]. I2 Z 0.0% in the top compared with the bottom tertile of
Summary of evidence A reduction in stroke risk associated olive oil consumption [111]).
with greater consumption of nuts was documented in four The meta-analysis by Martínez-González et al. [150]
meta-analyses of prospective studies and by one RCT; also included the PREDIMED randomized controlled trial
two meta-analyses showed health advantages confined to [10] that clearly showed a reduction in the risk of stroke
women, whereas four meta-analyses did not reveal any after extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) supplementation. The
beneficial effect. Therefore, the evidence on the health protective effect of EVOO was attributed to a combined
advantages of nuts against morbidity and mortality from effect of polyphenols, tocopherols and monounsaturated
stroke remains somewhat unclear. fatty acids.
Summary of evidence Two meta-analyses and one RCT
Cereals support the protective effect of EVOO on the risk of stroke.
While a large body of evidence suggests that higher
whole-grain intake reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes Chocolate
[143], coronary heart diseases [144] and colon cancer According to a meta-analysis of five prospective studies
[145], data on the association between whole-grain and/or with 4260 stroke cases the risk of stroke is reduced by 19%

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324 L. Iacoviello et al.

(RR: 0.81; 95% CI 0.73e0.90 I2 Z 0.0%) for the highest vs. Guidelines for Americans recommended that consumption
the lowest category of chocolate consumption [151]. of red and processed meat should be moderated because
Late evidence from the EPIC-Norfolk cohort including of the epidemiological evidence that high consumption of
20,951 men and women confirmed a beneficial effect of meat is associated with increased risk of major chronic
chocolate on the risk of stroke (HR: 0.77; 95% CI 0.62e0.97) degenerative disorders [155]. The meta-analysis by Kaluza
for those in the top quintile of chocolate consumption et al. included six prospective studies with 329,495
(16e99 g/day) versus non-consumers of chocolate [152]. participants and 10,630 stroke events [156]. In pooled
Consistently, a meta-analysis of five studies including the analysis, each one serving per day of fresh red meat, pro-
aforementioned one, showed that higher compared to lower cessed meat, and total red meat was associated with 11%,
chocolate consumption was associated with lower stroke 13%, and 11% higher risk of total stroke, respectively (fresh
risk (RR: 0.79; 95% CI 0.70e0.87; I2 Z 0.0%) [152]. red meat: I2 Z 0%; processed meat: I2 Z 37.8%; and total
Chocolate is an important dietary source of flavonoid red meat: I2 Z 0%).
antioxidants and its intake resulted in increased high- Subsequently, Chen et al. published a further meta-
density lipoprotein (HDL), decreased low density lipopro- analysis of five prospective studies on 239,251 subjects
tein (LDL) oxidation, improved endothelial function and and 9593 stroke events [157]. In a comparison of the
reduced blood pressure [153]. highest against the lowest category of meat intake, the risk
Summary of evidence In conclusion, chocolate consump- of stroke increased by 15% for both red and processed meat
tion is likely to be beneficial for primary prevention of intake (I2 Z 0.0%), by 9% (I2 Z 0.0%) for red meat intake
stroke. and by 14% (I2 Z 23%)for processed meat intake alone. The
association was significant for ischemic stroke, but not for
Animal sources hemorrhagic stroke.
More recently Yang C et al. meta-analyzed seven pro-
Fish spective cohort studies, involving 2,079,236 subjects and
The meta-analysis by Xun et al. included 19 independent 21,730 strokes cases [158]. Total red meat consumption
cohorts from 16 prospective studies for a total of 402,127 was directly associated with total stroke (RR: 1.14, 95% CI
individuals and 10,568 incident stroke cases [154]. 1.05e1.24; I2 Z 0.0%), cerebral infarction (RR:1.13, 95% CI
Compared with those who ate fish never or less than once 1.0e1.28; I2 Z 19.8%), and ischemic stroke (RR:1.22, 95% CI
per month, HRs of incident total stroke were 0.97 (95% CI, 1.01e1.46; I2 Z 0.0%). A higher risk for total stroke was
0.87e1.08), 0.86 (0.80e0.93), 0.91 (0.85e0.98; I2 Z 20.1%) observed for total red meat consumption above 50 g/day,
and 0.87 (0.79e0.96) for fish consumption 1e3/month, 1/ fresh red meat above 70 g/day, and for any consumption of
week, 2e4/week, and >5/week, respectively (P for linear processed red meat.
trend Z 0.09). The association, consistent for fatal and A recent observational study in the ARIC population,
non-fatal stroke, was observed for ischemic stroke, but not not included in Yang’s meta-analysis, reached similar
for hemorrhagic stroke. conclusions [159].
Chowdhury et al. analyzed 21 prospective cohort Summary of evidence There is strong evidence that the
studies including 675,048 participants and 25,320 incident consumption of red and processed meat is associated with
cerebrovascular events [117]. The RR for stroke, for 2e4 an increased risk of ischemic stroke.
servings versus 1 serving a week, was 0.94 (95% CI: The increased risk of stroke associated with higher red
0.90e0.98; I2 Z 22%) and for 5 servings versus one meat consumption could be attributed to the combined
serving a week was 0.88 (0.81e0.96; I2 Z 20%). In the effect of the high content in saturated fatty acids and
doseeresponse analysis (18 studies), an increment of two cholesterol, to the iron mediated lipid peroxidation and to
servings a week of any type of fish was associated with a the high salt content of processed meat.
4% (95% CI 1%e7%) reduced risk of cerebrovascular disease.
In a subset of studies (62,799 participants) the corre- Milk and dairy products
sponding RR for white fish types was 1.03 (95% CI Two meta-analyses reported data on milk and dairy
0.90e1.19; I2 Z 0.0%) and for fatty fish types was 0.84 (95% products and stroke. Hu et al. analyzed 15 prospective
CI 0.72 to 0.98; I2 Z 10.1%). The protection was similar for cohort studies, with 28,138 stroke events among 764,635
ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. participants [160]. Total dairy (RR: 0.88; 95% CI 0.82e0.94;
The potential benefit of fish consumption could be I2 Z 61.8%), low fat dairy (RR: 0.91; 95% CI 0.85e0.97;
attributed to the combined and interactive effect of long I2 Z 41.6%), fermented milk (RR: 0.80; 95% CI 0.71e0.89;
chain omega 3 fatty acids and to a wide array of nutrients I2 Z 0.0%) and cheese (RR: 0.94; 95% CI 0.89e1.00;
that are abundant in fish (vitamins D and B complex, I2 Z 0.0%) were all associated with reduced risk of stroke,
essential amino acids and trace elements). while whole/high-fat dairy, non-fermented milk, butter
Summary of evidence Consumption of fish is consistently and cream were not.
associated with reduced risk of stroke. A non-linear relationship was found between milk
consumption and risk of stroke, with maximum benefit
Meat and processed meat (18% lower risk) at about 200 ml/day.
Meat consumption is a common source of protein, fat, Qin et al. reviewed 10 studies reporting stroke as
and energy for humans. However, the 2005 U.S. Dietary outcome and including 504,803 participants with 21,801

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Diet and primary prevention of stroke 325

stroke cases [161]. They showed that dairy consumption The association between coffee drinking and stroke has
was associated with a significant reduction of stroke rate been recently addressed by a meta-analysis of 10 pro-
(RR:0.87; 95%:CI 0.77e0.99; I2 Z 69.8%); in particular, the spective observational studies showing reductions in the
associations of low fat dairy and cheese were statistically risk of stroke of 11% (RR: 0.89; 95% CI, 0.84e0.94; I2 Z 0.0%)
significant whereas those of high fat dairy, yogurt and and 20% (RR: 0.80; 95% CI, 0.75e0.86; I2 Z 6.5%) for the
butter were not. consumption of respectively 1.5 cups and 3 cups of coffee a
Very recently, a further comprehensive systematic day [166]. At higher intakes (mean of 5.5 cups per day), no
review and doseeresponse meta-analysis of milk and protection was detected (RR: 0.95; 95% CI, 0.84e1.07;
other dairy products in relation to stroke risk has been I2 Z 54.5%) thus indicating a non-linear association.
published, including 18 studies with 762,414 individuals Data from a large cohort of over 80,000 Japanese sub-
and 29,943 stroke events [162]. A consumption of 200 g of jects, not included in the aforementioned meta-analyses,
milk daily was associated with a 7% lower risk of stroke showed that, as compared with seldom drinking coffee,
(RR: 0.93; 95% CI 0.88e0.98; n Z 14; I2 Z 86%). The the risk of total stroke was lowered by 11% (HR:0.89;
association was nonlinear, with the strongest beneficial 0.80e0.99), 20% (HR:0.80; 0.72e0.90) and 19% (HR:0.81;
effect at about 125 g/day (RR: 0.86; 95% CI 0.82e0.89; 0.72e0.91) for individuals drinking coffee 3e6 times/
n Z 13) but benefit remaining significant, although week, 1 cup per day or 2 cups of coffee per day, respec-
attenuated, up to 750 g/day. tively [167]. Risk of cerebral infarction was also reduced at
The association between cheese consumption and each category of intake (from 1 to 2 times/week to 2 cups
stroke risk was nonlinear and most pronounced at per day) whereas a trend for protection was detected for
25 g/day (RR: 0.91; 95% CI 0.86e0.96; I2 Z 31.2%). Notably, intracerebral hemorrhage (HR: 0.82; 0.66e1.02).
high-fat milk was associated with an increased stroke risk
(RR: 1.04; 95% CI 1.02e1.06; I2 Z 0.0%), while no associa- Summary of evidence
tions were found for yogurt, butter, or total dairy. Moderate coffee consumption is inversely associated with
Possible explanations for the protective effect of risk of stroke and is likely to be beneficial for primary
reduced fat milk is its content in calcium, magnesium, prevention. Such evidence is consistent with available data
potassium and bioactive compounds of milk, that have for CVD prevention.
also been associated with a reduced risk of both hyper-
tension and stroke. Tea
Summary of evidence A regular consumption of milk and
dairy products is associated with lower incidence of In a meta-analysis of 14 prospective studies, Shen et al.
stroke. The association is more consistent for products found that a 3 cups per day higher consumption of tea was
with low content in fat. associated with 13% (RR: 0.87; 95% CI 0.81e0.94;
I2 Z 53.8%) and 24% (RR: 0.76; 95% CI 0.69e0.84;
Eggs I2 Z 0.0%) decreased risk of total stroke and cerebral
Two meta-analyses explored the possible relationship of infarction, respectively, in a doseeresponse relationship,
egg consumption to stroke risk. While Shin et al. found no while associations with cerebral or subarachnoid hemor-
association (HR: 0.93; 95% CI 0.81e1.07; I2 Z 0.0%) [163], rhage were not statistically significant [168].
the meta-analysis by Rong et al. indicated that an increase Similar findings were obtained by the meta-analysis of
of one egg per day was inversely related to hemorrhagic 22 prospective studies by Zhang et al. who found that a
stroke (RR: 0.75; 95% CI 0.57e0.99; I2 Z 36.8%) [164]. No difference in tea intake of three cups per day was associ-
association was observed with ischemic stroke (RR: 0.91; ated with a reduced risk of total stroke of 18% (RR: 0.82;
95% CI 0.82e1.02; I2 Z 0.0%), while the combined relative 95% CI 0.73e0.92; I2 Z 77.6%), while incidence of cerebral
risk of stroke for an increment of one egg consumed per infarction or intracerebral hemorrhage were lowered by
day was 0.91 (95% CI 0.81e1.02; I2 Z 0.0%). 16% (RR, 0.84; 95% CI 0.72e0.98; I2 Z 78.7%) and 21% (RR:
Summary of evidence Egg consumption is poorly associ- 0.79; 95% CI 0.72e0.87; I2 Z 0.0%), respectively [169].
ated with stroke risk although a trend toward protection More recently, the meta-analysis of 9 studies including
against hemorrhagic stroke was suggested. 259,267 individuals by Pang et al. suggested that in-
dividuals consuming 1e3 cups/day of green tea had 36%
Beverages lower risk of stroke as compared to those with intake
<1 cup/day (OR Z 0.64, 95% CI 0.47e0.86; I2 Z 87%) [170].
Summary of evidence
In a meta-analysis of six prospective studies, Malerba et al. Regular consumption of tea, especially green tea, appears
failed to find any significant relationship between stroke to be beneficial for primary prevention of stroke.
death and consumption of coffee (RR: 0.95; 95 % CI
0.70e1.29; p for heterogeneity Z 0.009, for highest vs Sweetened beverages
lowest category of coffee intake) while an increment of 1
cup per day was marginally associated with a lower risk of In a doseeresponse meta-analysis of four prospective
stroke of 5% in men (RR: 0.95; 95% CI 0.89e1.00) [165]. studies Xi et al. found that the highest intake of sweetened

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326 L. Iacoviello et al.

beverages was marginally associated with an increased ischemic-stroke were 1.60 (95% CI 1.38e1.86) for men and
risk of total stroke (RR: 1.10, 95% CI 1.00e1.20; I2 Z 43.4%) 2.15 (95% CI 1.62e2.86) for women [176].
as compared with the lowest level [171]. The association Evidence of a non-linear relationship between alcohol
was stronger for Caucasian populations (RR: 1.17, 95% CI intake and ischemic stroke risk was shown by Zhang
1.06e1.28). No significant association was found in sepa- et al. (p < 0.001), confirming that low-alcohol intake
rate analyses on ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke. (<15 g/day) was associated with a reduced risk of
ischemic stroke (RR: 0.81; 95% CI 0.74e0.90; P-value for
Summary of evidence Q statistic Z 0.094), while no significant association was
The only meta-analysis available indicates an increased observed with an alcohol intake > 45 g/day [175].
risk of stroke associated with sweetened beverages intake.
Alcohol consumption and hemorrhagic stroke
In the meta-analysis by Patra et al. a direct association
The association of moderate alcohol consumption with was observed between alcohol consumption and risk of
reduced risk of cardiovascular disease has been consis- hemorrhagic stroke (morbidity/mortality), irrespective of sex
tently shown in many epidemiological studies and sup- [176]. While the association was linear for men, the curve for
ported by extensive work; on the other hand, abuse of women was J shaped since there was an apparently protec-
alcohol is unquestionably harmful [172,173]. Nevertheless, tive effect of moderate drinking with a nadir being reached
the specific relationship of alcohol consumption with at less than 1 drink per day (RR: 0.69; 95% CI 0.54e0.89).
stroke is controversial. In the doseeresponse meta-analysis by Zhang et al. a
A systematic review and meta-analysis published by nonlinear relationship between alcohol intake and
Ronksley et al., in 2011 assessed the effect of alcohol hemorrhagic stroke risk was found (P Z 0.008): while
consumption on multiple cardiovascular outcomes and low-to-moderate alcohol intake had no significant effect
concluded that light to moderate daily alcohol intake was on the risk of hemorrhagic stroke compared with not
associated with a reduced risk of multiple cardiovascular drinking alcohol, an alcohol intake of >45 g/day was
outcomes whereas consumption of larger amounts was associated with definitely increased risk [175].
associated with higher risks of stroke incidence and mor-
tality [174]. Specifically, those who consumed >60 g/day Summary of evidence
were at an increased risk of incident stroke compared with
abstainers (RR: 1.62; 95% CI 1.32e1.98). The available meta-analyses suggest a J-shaped relation-
Zhang et al. have showed evidence of a non-linear ship between alcohol consumption and ischemic stroke,
relationship between alcohol intake and total stroke risk in with lower risk for moderate alcohol consumers. In
an updated meta-analysis based on 20 cohorts from 15 contrast, heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of
prospective studies [175]. Low alcohol intake (<15 g/day), both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.
compared with no alcohol intake, was associated with a Numerous mechanisms have been proposed for the
reduced risk of total stroke (RR: 0.85; 95% CI 0.75e0.95; putative protective effect of alcohol towards vascular dis-
P-value for Q statistic Z 0.006), but the risk increased with ease, namely increased levels of high-density lipoprotein
alcohol intakes >30 g/day (RR: 1.20; 95% CI 1.01e1.43; cholesterol, decreased levels of low-density lipoprotein
P-value for Q statistic <0.001). Similar findings were cholesterol, reduction in platelet aggregation, beneficial
obtained by a doseeresponse meta-analysis suggesting a effects on inflammation [173,177]. Anti-atherogenic and
potential J-shaped correlation between alcohol intake and anti-thrombotic effects together with improvement of
risk of total stroke and stoke mortality (p for non-linearity endothelial function were nevertheless mainly ascribed to
<0.001, for both doseeresponse analyses). non-alcoholic components (polyphenols) of alcoholic
beverages [172,177,178]. The blood pressure modulating
Alcohol consumption and ischemic stroke effect of alcohol [177,178] could further explain the link
between alcohol and stroke.
Comparing to male lifetime abstainers, alcohol consump-
tion of less than 35 g/day was associated with a decreased Dietary patterns
RR of ischemic-stroke mortality. The risk curve had a nadir
(RR: 0.86; 95% CI 0.81e0.93) at 12 g/day [176]. For women, The relationship between different dietary patterns and
the lowest risk of ischemic-stroke mortality was detected risk of stroke has been extensively explored. The adher-
for those consuming less than 12 g/day while protective ence to a given dietary model is usually assessed by two
effects were apparent up to 44 g/day. Likewise, the risk for alternative approaches. The ‘a priori-defined’ approach is
ischemic-stroke morbidity for both sexes resulted in a based on predefined diet quality indices using current
J-shaped curve, a protective effect being apparent up to nutrition knowledge; the ‘a posteriori’ methodology relies
37 g/day among men and to 46 g/day for women. For on statistical techniques, and is known as “empirically or
heavy alcohol intake (12 drinks/day), the relative risks of data-driven defined dietary patterns” [179].

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Diet and primary prevention of stroke 327

“A priori”edefined dietary indices that higher adherence to the DASH diet (expressed as 1 SD
increase in the score) was associated with lower risk of
Mediterranean diet fatal/non-fatal stroke (HR:0.90; 95%CI 0.82e0.99) [189]. No
The traditional Mediterranean diet (MD) is intended as the distinction between ischemic and hemorrhagic types was
one typically consumed in the early 1950s and 1960s by provided.
the populations bordering the Mediterranean Sea. It is More recently, Larsson et al. sought to test the associ-
essentially characterized by a wide consumption of fruits ation between the DASH diet and stroke incidence by
and vegetables, non-refined grains, nuts, legumes, fish, using data from two large prospective studies in Sweden
olive oil as main fat source, moderate wine consumption for a total sample of 74, 404 men and women (45e83 years
preferably during main meals and low intake of dairy of age) [190]. The modified DASH diet score was inversely
products and meat [180]. associated with the risk of ischemic stroke (RR: 0.86; 95%
A recent meta-analysis of 12 studies reported an inverse CI 0.78e0.94 for the highest versus the lowest quartile of
association between degree of adherence to a Mediterra- the score), and showed a trend toward protection against
nean dietary pattern and risk for stroke (RR: 0.71, 95% CI intracerebral hemorrhage (RR: 0.81; 95% CI 0.63e1.05)
0.57e0.89; I2 Z 69.1%) [181]. The analyses regarding sub- or subarachnoid hemorrhage. By using the DASH target
categories of stroke confirmed an inverse relationship with intakes for nine nutrients (total fat, saturated fat, protein,
ischemic stroke (RR: 0.52, 95% CI 0.28e0.96; I2 Z 86.8%) fiber, cholesterol, calcium, magnesium, potassium and
but no significant association with hemorrhagic stroke sodium), Chan et al. highlighted only a trend towards an
(RR: 0.97, 95% CI 0.57e1.67; I2 Z 50%). inverse association between the DASH diet and risk of
The meta-analysis by Kontiogianni et al. [179], updating stroke in men (HR:0.62; 95% CI 0.38e1.04) [183].
the previous one [181] by adding 2 cohort studies
[182,183] and the PREDIMED randomized three-arm Other a priori-defined dietary patterns
clinical trial [10], revealed that greater adherence to the The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a summary measure of
MD was associated with 32% lower risk of stroke events the degree to which an individual’s diet is aligned with
(RR:0.68, 95% CI 0.58e0.79; I2 Z 0.0%). Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005 [187]: in the
Cerebrovascular advantages from the MD were lately EPICOR study it was associated with lower risk of ischemic
established also in a US population setting on 20,197 stroke (HR: 0.54; 95% CI 0.31e0.94) [191].
subjects from the REGARDS study [184]. The authors The healthy Nordic food index includes foods that origi-
showed a 21% reduced risk of ischemic stroke for high vs nate in Scandinavia, are commonly consumed in Nordic
low adherence to the MD (HR: 0.79; 0.65e0.96). No as- countries, and are likely to have beneficial health effects.
sociation of adherence to MD with incident hemorrhagic This resulted in inclusion of six food groups: rye bread,
stroke was found. oatmeal, apples/pears, cabbages, root vegetables and fish/
A more recent meta-analysis of prospective studies and shellfish [192]. On the wake of previous documented
randomized control trials found that individuals in beneficial effects of the Nordic dietary pattern on short-term
the highest quantile of adherence to the MD had lower markers of CVD, Roswall et al. in the Swedish Women’s
incidence of stroke (RR: 0.76; 95% CI 0.60e0.96; I2 Z 52%) Lifestyle and Health cohort failed to find any association
as compared with those least adherent [185]. with risk the of stroke (HR:0.99; 95% CI 0.94e1.04) [192].
The Recommended Food Score (RFS) tries to define the
DASH diet overall diet quality by discriminating “healthy” from “less
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet healthy” foods based on dietary guidelines and present
was specifically developed to target lowering blood pres- knowledge [193]. In the Swedish Mammography Cohort, a
sure and CVD risk and was included as an example of higher RFS was associated with a 15% reduced risk of total
healthy eating pattern in the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for stroke (RR: 0.85; 95% CI 0.76e0.95) [193]. The risk of
Americans [186]. cerebral infarction was also reduced by 13% (RR: 0.87; 95%
Adherence to the DASH diet is appraised by the DASH CI 0.76e0.99) with a non-significant similarly downward
score that is based on eight criteria: high intake of fruits, trend for hemorrhagic stroke (RR: 0.77; 95% CI 0.58e1.01).
vegetables, nuts and legumes, whole grains, low-fat dairy
products and low intake of sodium, red and processed Empirically derived dietary patterns
meats and sweetened beverages [187]. As for the ‘a priori’ defined diets, the association of ‘a
A meta-analysis of observational prospective studies posteriori’-identified dietary patterns has been widely
that examined the DASH-style diet in relation to CVD assessed and has produced contrasting findings.
accrued evidence on the protective role of this dietary A recent meta-analysis by Zhang et al. including a total
pattern against stroke by showing that imitating a DASH- of 21 studies, in which dietary patterns were identified by
like diet can significantly reduce the risk of stroke by 19% factor analysis or principal component analysis, showed
(RR:0.81; 95%CI 0.72e0.92 for highest vs lowest concor- lower risk of stroke for the highest compared with the
dance ntiles; I2 Z 0.0%) [188]. lowest categories of the “healthy” dietary pattern, which
In a prospective cohort study conducted among 33,671 was characterized by high intakes of vegetables, fruits, fish,
healthy men and women aged 20e70 years recruited in low-fat milk, and whole grains (OR: 0.77; 95% CI
the Dutch segment of the EPIC study, Struijk et al. found 0.64e0.93; I2 Z 87%) [194].

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328 L. Iacoviello et al.

A meta-analysis by Rodriguez-Monforte et al. estimating discrimination between ischemic and hemorrhagic type of
the association between empirically derived dietary pat- stroke, actually mainly due to the relatively low incidence
terns and CVD, by using data from eight cohort studies, of the latter. In fact, very few studies reached significant
revealed a non-significant trend towards an inverse associ- results about the possible association between dietary
ation between prudent/healthy dietary patterns and risk of habits and risk of hemorrhagic stroke. Indeed, the different
stroke (RR: 0.86; 95% CI 0.74e1.01; I2 Z 59.5%) [195]. physiopathological background of the two types of stroke
would require a separate evaluation especially when
Western dietary patterns dealing with potential factors of risk/protection.
Two recent meta-analyses failed to find any significant Overall, we found a consistent body of evidence for
association between adherence to a Western-type diet some nutrients and food groups but not for others.
(rich in i.e. red and/or processed meats, refined grains, Examples are given by the convincing evidence of the
sweets) and risk of stroke [194,195]. protective role of adequate dietary calcium or nut intake
which translated in a strong recommendation in favor,
Summary of evidence whereas no such evidence was available in either direction
A persuasive body of evidence supports a favorable role of for egg consumption for which accordingly no recom-
dietary models characterized by a relatively high con- mendation was provided. In some cases, additional studies
sumption of plant foods (fruits, vegetables, unrefined are obviously needed in order to clarify their potential
cereals, legumes, nuts), use of extra virgin olive oil as main contribution to stroke prevention. As an example, little is
source of fat, moderate consumption of fish, milk and dairy known on the role of sweetened beverages or of some
products, and a lower consumption of meat (particularly of specific foods such as eggs in modulating the risk of stroke.
red and processed meats) along with regular consumption In addition, a major research need emerged from this
of low-to moderate amounts of red wine at the main meals. consensus is a better understanding of the possible role
of non-nutritional components carried by some foods,
Discussion including their content in pesticides, nitrites or heavy
metals, which may yield undesirable health outcomes on a
This document reviews the available evidence from both longer-term basis [197].
observational and interventional studies concerning the A last positive consideration is that the evidence
association between nutritional habits and risk of stroke available with regard to the influence of dietary patterns
and provides evidence-based recommendations for dietary appears to be in general more solid than the one available
modifications amenable to reduce stroke morbidity and for single nutrients or foods also thanks to the support
mortality rates. A major strength of the present document is provided by a few randomized controlled trials.
the performance of a systematic review of the available Yet, the SINU Nutrition and Stroke Working Group
literature and the adoption of a rigorous methodology for recommendations conform to the concept that people eat
the assessment of the value of the evidence provided by a complex and variable admixture of foods, not just nu-
each study and by the meta-analyses thereof, based on the trients, and that, as a consequence, dietary patterns pro-
widely recognized SIGN system. As pointed out [196], a vide a better picture of food and nutrient consumption and
properly conducted systematic review is an efficient way to may thus be more predictive of disease risk as compared
summarize the best available research evidence for a with intake of individual foods or nutrients. Addressing
focused research question. Overall, the available literature dietary patterns allows to account for the complexity of
provides convincing evidence that diet quality affects the overall diet and the potential interactions between nutri-
risk of stroke to a significant extent. This may be stated for ents and food groups [198,199], thus facilitating public
many selected nutrients and foods based on the results of guidance and minimizing industry manipulation [179].
good quality meta-analyses and of studies on animal
models which add biological plausibility to the epidemio- Contributorship statement
logical data mainly deriving from observational studies.
The main limitation is given by the substantial lack of LI, PS and MB contributed to the conception and design of
randomized controlled intervention trials specifically the work, and interpretation of data. LI, MB, GC, MVC, SC,
designed to test the effect of a given dietary modification RG, DR, PaSa, IS, PS contributed to the development of the
on stroke as the primary outcome. Unfortunately, ran- search strategy, the establishment of the inclusion and
domized controlled trials are expensive, may pose ethical exclusion criteria, data extraction criteria, and interpreta-
problems and are difficult to perform because of the need tion. LI, MB, SC, RG, DR, IS and PS were involved in the data
to monitor a large study population over a long follow-up collection and writing. LI, PS, MB, MVC, PaSa provided
period if the long-term effect of intervention on hard critical revision of the paper. LI, MB, GC, MVC, SC, RG, DR,
health outcomes is to be assessed. PaSa, IS, PS read and provided final approval of the version
Other limitations are given by the possibility of residual to be published. LI and PS are responsible for the overall
confounding affecting many observational studies and by content as guarantors and affirm that the manuscript is an
the limited amount of stroke-specific research studies. honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study
Moreover, a common limitation of the studies exploring being reported, and that no important aspects of the study
the role of diet in relation to stroke is the inadequate have been omitted.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Diet and primary prevention of stroke 329

Competing interests Paola Sabino - Department of Clinical Medicine and

Surgery, Federico II University of Naples Medical School,
None of the Authors had a personal or financial conflict of 80131 Naples, Italy.
interest. Antonino Salvia - Centre of Research on Nutrition and
Rehabilitation (CeSAR), IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation,
Rome, Italy.
Funding Isabella Savini - Department of Experimental Medicine &
Surgery, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, 00133 Rome, Italy.
This research received no specific grant from any funding Giancarlo Sandri - S.Eugenio University Hospital, Rome.
agency in the public, commercial or not for-profit sectors. Luca Scalfi - Department of Food Science, Federico II
University Medical School, Naples, Italy.
Umberto Scognamiglio - Centre of Research on Nutri-
tion and Rehabilitation (CeSAR), IRCCS Santa Lucia Foun-
dation, Rome, Italy.
The Authors wish to thank Dr. Augusto Di Castelnuovo
Pasquale Strazzullo (coordinator) - Department of
from the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention,
Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University of
IRCCS Neuromed, Pozzilli (IS), Italy, for his helpful advice
Naples Medical School, 80131 Naples, Italy.
on statistical methodology used in this manuscript.

Appendix 1
Members of the Working Group for Nutrition and
[1] World Health Organization. Global health estimates: deaths by
Stroke cause, age, sex and country, 2000-2012. Geneva: WHO; 2014.
Barbara Biffi - IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, [2] World health statistics 2014. Geneva: World Health Organiza-
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Maria Valeria Catani - Department of Experimental Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke 2011;42:517e84.
Medicine & Surgery, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, [6] [Accessed 20.
00133 Rome, Italy. [7] Palomeras Soler E, Casado Ruiz V. Epidemiology and risk factors
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School, 80131 Naples, Italy. uk.

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