At The Education Show: Improving School Behaviour
At The Education Show: Improving School Behaviour
At The Education Show: Improving School Behaviour
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Registered Charity 291295
Improving School Behaviour
Chris Watkins Chair NAPCE London
Head of Group, Institute of Education University of London
What do we know about improving school levels can produce moderate effects3 Indeed, outcomes from
such interventions are shown to be far more closely related
behaviour?1 to factors such as the staff culture, organisational boundaries
There are three major impediments which can stand in the and interpersonal dynamics than is normally recognised in
way of improving behaviour in a particular school: the literature on behavioural interventions4
1. the way in which difficulty is explained and described
2. the attempt to employ “one-size-fits-all” solutions What needs improving?
3. the focus and style of intervention The patterns of difficulty are unique to each school and
Studies of sustained improvement suggest that classroom. However, a couple of broad trends are worth
1. we need to paint ourselves back into the picture when reflecting on. In a range of studies, teachers in secondary,
explaining difficulty middle, primary and nursery schools in the West Midlands,
2. we need diagnostic thinking about the patterns in England and Wales generally, and as far afield as St. Helena
school Singapore and South Australia identify the most frequently
3. we need to develop proactive improvement which occurring troublesome behaviour, the most difficult to deal
relates to the classroom and the school as a social and with, and the behaviour of the most difficult classes as
learning community. ‘talking out of turn’. This is not the picture of violence and
“The behaviour of pupils in a school is influenced by almost assault beloved by the more sensationalist sections of the
every aspect of the way it is run and how it relates to the media. It is useful to consider what purpose is served by
community it serves”2. This broad starting point has the amplifying a problem. Sometimes those who do it cry
positive effect of bringing the school back into the picture “something has to be done!”, and their cries may promote a
from which it so often leaves itself out. distorted picture. Action based on such a picture can bring
about a deteriorating rather than improving situation. In
To put the school into the picture, it is useful to identify
many staff-rooms there are voices which seem to amplify
three levels, at each of which behaviour is patterned in a
difficulties, and it is sometimes difficult to know how to
range of ways:
respond. One approach is to seek clear evidence to place
a. the organisation level
alongside their view, so that whatever action follows is
b. the classroom level
based on fact, not just feeling.
c. the individual level
Improving the explanations
Organisation Schools vary in the styles of ‘explanation’ they use for
difficult behaviour. They may emphasise various versions
Classroom of:
“they’re that sort of person”
“they’re not very bright”
Individual “it’s just a tiny minority”
“it’s their age”
Each level needs different ideas for understanding and “this is a difficult neighbourhood”
intervening. The distinction is useful, for example on When such explanations are over-used, the school
occasions when someone suggests that the whole inadvertently contributes to its own disempowerment. A
organisation needs to change for an individual pattern that is study of six Scottish secondary schools5 suggested that
not widespread - the proposed solution is not well matched schools vary in the extent to which key respondents believe
to the problem! These three levels are reflected in research the problem of disruptive behaviour to be within the power
on effective interventions3. of schools to resolve, and that there is a strong suggestion of
Improving school behaviour requires development work at a trend towards higher rates of suspension amongst those
all three of the levels: organisation, classroom, individual. who tend to have less confidence in their own power to
Popular discipline programs which focus on one aspect tackle the problem.
(usually teacher behaviour) show almost no positive Improvement is difficult to achieve in a climate of blame.
evidence of effect on student behaviour, but work at all The language used to discuss the contribution of teachers
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and school will be crucial - it needs to be highly • when teachers shared information about a particular
professional in order not to appear to simply blame. student, it was usually for the purpose of finding ways to
Blaming teachers is just as unproductive as blaming pupils. help the student learn more effectively [in isolated
Managing the improvement process may include managing settings sharing information about students usually took
the language used. Most teachers can see the disadvantages the form of swapping stories about a child’s errant
of the external and internal ‘explanations’ above. An behaviour or sympathising with one another]
explicit agreement can be made to avoid their over-use. • when they have a particular difficult problem with a
Teachers do accept school-based strategies as the responses student, teachers in collaborative schools seek help more
most likely to succeed in reducing disruptive behaviour, widely, seek to identify causes and then to solve
particularly in-service training in class management skills, problems; teachers in isolated schools problems
greater pastoral care input and better liaison with outside invariably meant behaviour problems, and punishment
agencies4. was seen as the solution9
How would you rate your school?
Patterns of Behaviour at the
low high
School Level
4. Schools which promote pupil autonomy have better
Learning from school differences and their relations to
patterns of behaviour, it becomes possible to ask:
Research on 52 secondary schools in Australia10 suggested
How does your school behave? four “disciplinary climates” of schools:
The whole school picture creates an important context for • controlled: (low misbehaviour, severe punishment)
interventions at the classroom level. Improvement process • conflictual: (high misbehaviour, severe punishment)
needs to reflect the particular school’s starting point: it is not • libertarian: (high misbehaviour, light punishment)
a case of “one size fits all” • autonomous: (low misbehaviour, light punishment)
One starting point is that of school self-evaluation on The last-mentioned focus on engendering self-discipline,
dimensions which have some research backing. This leads and active involvement in the learning process
to useful discuss between colleagues and the identification How would you rate your school?
of areas for improvement low high
1. Proactive schools have better behaviour.
There is little relationship between a school's discipline Policy?
policy and the perceived level of student misbehaviour6. When a school makes a policy, it makes an image of itself
Reactive schools can experience things going down hill, and its vision of the future. A great many school policies of
especially with the “tariff” version of “school policy”. the tariff type are not helpful.
Ofsted have noted: “In some cases an increase in numbers of A proactive policy is a set of principles which guide action
exclusions can be attributed to the application of new and provides a stimulus to learn. It sets out to appreciate
stratified codes of conduct in which exclusion is a ‘fixed what is currently helpful and anticipates future difficulty. It
penalty’ on a sliding scale: whereas in the past, for example, outlines how to improve: school facilities, learning about
incidents of fighting were dealt with by pastoral staff as behaviour, classrooms and their management, and engaging
arbitrators and conciliators, many recently adopted pupils’ views. It promotes the handling of difficulties close
behaviour codes stipulate temporary exclusion as the to where they occur, e.g. in the classroom, and uses
punishment for fighting”7 teamwork to address difficulty
How proactive is your school? It is common to talk of “whole school approaches”, although
low high such terms are often poorly analysed. At best they
emphasise the need for connected strategies, but at worst
they confuse “consistency” with uniformity. We must not
2. Schools with a strong sense of community have better
regard the school as a machine!
Schools that form tight communities “attend to the needs of Referral?
students for affiliation and … provide a rich spectrum of Roles and responsibilities may warrant review11 especially if
adult roles. Adults engage students personally and challenge some roles are over-used for ‘referral’. This can become
them to engage in the life of the school”8. self-perpetuating, as in some pastoral care systems.
School communities have three core features: Secondary schools with low levels of disruptive behaviour
- a shared value system, have pastoral care systems with the following
- a common agenda of activities, and characteristics:12
- collegial relations among adults coupled with a - principal aim of pastoral care is to enhance
‘diffuse’ teacher role (which brings them into frequent educational progress
contact with other staff and with students in settings - class teachers are not encouraged to pass problems to
other than the classroom). senior staff
How would you rate your school? - pastoral care is based on tutors, from whom advice
low high about pupils was sought
- pastoral care for teachers is in evidence
- the climate promotes discussion of disruptive
3. Schools with teacher collaboration have better behaviour
behaviour without recrimination
In collaborative settings:
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The amount which teachers used internal referral relates to returns to near-baseline levels after the intervention ends19.
their beliefs about difficult behaviour in classrooms13. The The following questions start to attempt a diagnosis through
staff who most used internal referral for others to take action a consideration of the extent of difficulty and the range of
were those who believed that they had little role in reducing foci for intervention.
difficulties, and that the causes lie solely outside the school . Is there a general disaffection in this classroom?
Some staff make zero referrals: they are an important If Yes:
resource for improvement in any school. 1. Does the climate need improvement on any of its
Data and improvement? underlying dimensions, such as affiliation (pupils’ sense
of wanting to join in and be a part) or cohesiveness
Reviewing patterns of behaviour in a school is important to (pupils’ sense of wanting to work with each other)
identify those aspects which need attention. The collection 2. Is the curriculum offer appropriate for this class?
of information on the patterns at the organisational level can Do pupils feel they achieve something valuable, and that
be stimulated through existing means: the work is not too easy or too difficult
informal surveys on an occasional basis Does the curriculum include the personal-social, and
structured reviews on a whole-staff occasion learning about behaviour?
using a meeting to collect perspectives on the locations 3. Are the activities and activity structures clear and
and situations where difficult behaviour occurs and engaging?
where it does not Are pupils involved in the activities?
examining “referral” data, or other existing data which 4. Are the responsibilities in this classroom developed and
reflects the patterns of behaviour. shared ? Are pupils involved in planning?
5. Are classroom rules agreed, understood, accepted and
Patterns of Behaviour at the Classroom used?
Level Are pupils reviewing the success of this classroom?
The style of language for describing teachers’ contribution 6. Is the teacher’s role seen by pupils as a source of
in the complex situation of a classroom is crucial. support to learning?
“Classrooms are crowded and busy places in which groups
of students who vary in interests and abilities must be
organised and directed. Moreover these groups assemble If No:
regularly for long periods of time to accomplish a wide Is there a particular disaffection? If so, does it relate to:
variety of tasks. Many events occur simultaneously, teachers 1. a subgroup of pupils
must react often and immediately to circumstances, and the Analyse the role of this group within the class, and the
course of events is frequently unpredictable. Teaching in roles of key members within the group
such settings requires a highly developed ability to manage Consider a group intervention strategy, which might
events”.14 From this perspective, attention properly turns to focus on reducing negative dominance of some members
teachers’ extensive skills in managing classrooms. This fits in the group, increasing participation of the isolated
with long-standing findings that a reactive approach to members in the class, or more broadly learning about
classroom difficulties is ineffective: “The action teachers social skills such as working in groups
take in response to a ‘discipline problem’ has no consistent 2. a particular classroom context
relationship with their managerial success in the classroom. Analyse the physical social and psychological features of
Indeed some responses can lead to further disaffection15. this classroom
However, what teachers do before misbehaviour occurs is 3. particular activities
shown to be crucial in achieving success” 16. Teachers’ key Analyse the design and message of these activities
skills create and manage learning activities, through setting 4. particular sorts of teacher-pupil interactions
up the “activity system” of the classroom. “If an activity Examine teacher skills in handling conflict, avoiding
system is not established and running in a classroom, no escalations
amount of discipline will create order”14. The management
of the classroom environment links to how the goals, tasks, In any particular classroom difficulty, some of the above
social structure, timing and pacing, and resources of headings will “ring bells” more than others, and the next
activities are handled. step emerges of analysing the real difficulty rather than
A situational approach also handles carefully the issue of over-laying an inappropriate “solution”.
responsibility in classrooms. If teachers are pressured to
take increased responsibility for standards of attainment, the Building classroom community
impact is that teachers become much more controlling and This is the most long-lasting form of intervention. It goes
the development of learner autonomy is reduced, with beyond methods which seek compliance, and is built slowly
potentially negative effects on both behaviour and but surely by attending to:
achievement 17 - how pupils affiliate to the class
- challenging pupils to become engaged in the class,
- encouraging a wide variety of roles and contacts
Diagnosing Classroom Difficulty18 between all members of the class
Many “solutions” which are proposed for difficult behaviour Some of the class practices include:
in classrooms are not based on a diagnosis of the situation. - class meetings, class reviews and problem-solving, to
They are favourite solutions which may work but may not. address what would improve matters
Interventions which, for example, focus on “teacher
encouragement” shows that frequency of difficult behaviour
page 4
- teacher shift from “What will I do as a result of this What skills does the person apparently NOT demonstrate?
incident?” to “How are we all going to solve this and how may these be developed?
- acts (not actors) are unacceptable when they break a What view does the person have of their behaviour?
community agreement what does it mean to them?
- regularly asking “What sort of classroom do we want?” What view does the person have of themselves?
Teacher practices include emphasis on prosocial values, and may their behaviour enhance that view?
elicitation of student thinking and expression of ideas, What view do others have of the person?
encouragement of co-operation, warmth and supportiveness, how has this developed? is it self-fulfilling? can it
and reduced use of extrinsic control. Teacher support of change?
cooperative activities appears to be particularly important20 Who is most concerned by this behaviour?