DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W2
DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W2
DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W2
Learning Competencies EN6LC-IIIa-2.2 Note significant details EN6RC-IIIa-3.2.8 Distinguish text type EN6SS-IIIa-4 Use a particular kind of EN6WC-IIIa- Plan a EN6A-IIIa-17 Show tactfulness when
in the story according to purpose and language sentence for a specific purpose and audience composition using an outline/other communicating with others
EN6OL-IIIa-1.27 Provide evidences features through enumeration -asking permission graphic organizers
using opinion
II. CONTENT Noting significant details in the story Distinguishing text type according to Relaying Commands and Request Using Organizing Ideas Using Graphic Aids Show tactfulness when communicating
and express opinions using evidences. purpose and language features through Indirect Discourse with others.
“The Boastful Shrimp” enumeration
“The Fox in the Well”
B. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher shows a spoon Recall an instance in your life when you Use flash cards/show me boards. Write R if Show a video clip about the children Show a picture of a true friend.
lesson -It is used for eating. Aside from it is did a certain thing without thinking of the the statement states request and C if it shows from the different parts of the world.
used as eating utensil, it can be used in consequences. Command. Let them share opinion. -Do you have a friend?
several ways. Give some of its uses. 1. Listen attentively.
Examples: ice cream scooper, taking in What do you think will happen if you did a 2. Please keep your things in order. -Compare the Filipino Children with the -What do you like most about your friend?
medicines, can opener, as a pestle etc. certain thing without thinking of the 3. Avoid making too much noise. Children of the world.
consequences? 4. Stop going around please. -What do you dislike about him/ her?
5. Observe silence. -The teacher presents a semantic web.
Have the pupils relate their experiences. What word can you associate with the If you want to say an honest mistake of
word CHILDREN? your friend how do you do it?
Enhance vocabulary words through body -Play a game: Simon says. (Teacher uses Original File Submitted and
language. command or request. Formatted by DepEd Club Member -
visit depedclub.com for more
C. leap
1. rebozos a. a pendant braid
2. kimono of hair at the head
3. queue b. an Eskimo
4. igloo house
5. fleet c. boat house
6. hut d. cottage
e. a Japanese
lose robe
fastened with a
f. a long scarf of
silk worn wrapped
about the head
and shoulder and
sometimes over
C. Presenting examples/instances B. Do you have a pet? Share a heroic -Have you seen a fox? Ask the pupils to read and analyze the comic A. Motive Questions: A. Motive Question:
of the new lesson deed it has done for you or for others. (Yes/ Not yet strip. 1. How do children from around the Why do we need to be tactful all the time?
Unlocking of Difficulties: Synonym hunt world differ from each other?
through multiple choice. Encircle the 2. How do children differ in complexion.
letter of the correct answer -What are the qualities of the fox in some Mother: “Lock your room before leaving, 3. How do you compare the clothing’s
1. The sharp protrusion of a shrimp is common stories? Jim”. of the children from around the world?
used to fight against its enemies. (Often times fox is wise and bad) 4. Can you make distinctions as the
a. a part of the body that is pointed Jim: “Yes, Mother”. types of houses in which children from
b. a part of the body that is hidden. -Let us find out if the fox is still the fox we around the world lives?
c. a part of the that is plain. have known before. Rina: Mother told Jim to lock his door before 5. What do they have in common?
d. a part of the body that is dull. leaving.
2. Nothing can pierce an iron shield Ms.Aguila: “Please polish the floor, Mang
even an iron sword. Ambo.”
a. to rip of c. to crush
b. to spin d. to go through Mang Ambo: “Yes Maám”.
3. The beautiful white pearl is Ricky: Ms. Aguila requested Mang Ambo to
glistening under the rays of the sun. polish the floor.
a. shine c. flash
b. bright d. all the above
coals over which he was roasted. well so the goat did the same without
“What a fine, fat shrimp!” giving a second thought. In the end the
explained the persons around the goat left at the well all by himself. Types of en
“It’s the best shrimp I’ve ever -What does the author want us to feel?
tasted!” said the person who picked up fl
the barbeque stick and cut up the -What do you think is the purpose of the
shrimp, after putting a little portion in his author in writing the story?
mouth. The boastful, young shrimp got
Forms of
E. Discussing new concepts and Group Work What is a Fable? Present a Bubble Talk. Use your own graphic organizer, and Group Work:
practicing new skills #2 Each group will have the review of the Teacher calls on three pupils to act out the supply the missing details asked by Each group will share an instance in their
selection listened to. (The Fable is a short fictional story that is dialogue and complete the indirect command each sub topic. life when they experienced the
A graphic organizer is used in characterized by animals and it always or request. A. SHELTER tactlessness of a certain person.
presenting and developing the skill. The gives us a lesson in life.) A. B. CLOTHES How they reacted on it.
teacher asks each group on action Grandfather: “Obey your parents, Jojo”. C. COLOR OF THE SKIN
taken by the boastful shrimp and later -What is the purpose of a fable? D. COUNTRY ORIGIN
asks for inferences on alternative Jojo: “Yes Lolo”. .
actions. (The purpose of a fable is to entertain and Children Around
-What did we do to be able to give to inform.) Shiella: Obey your parents, Jojo.
the world
alternative actions to the action taken
by the character in the story they read. -What makes it unique? B.
-Presentation of each group
(It is characterized by animals having the Millie: “Rizza, Please help me finish my
attributes of humans.) homework”.
Rizza: “Sure”.
The teacher reads 10 statements and the
pupils will identify whether it is a fact or a Raffy:
bluff. (FACT OR BLUFF CARD) Millie Rizza finish project
Bluff 1. The animals can think.
Millie asked Rizza to help her finish her
Bluff 2. The goat is a friend to the fox. project.
- The maid the children stay in Explain why they chose the said
room. organizer.
1. Rico ordered Eric to water the plants.
2. Liza asked Annie to check the papers for
3. Mr. Mirasol told Jose to submit his project
early tomorrow.
4. The maid requested the children to stay in
their room.
G. Finding practical applications of A. FIND THE GEMS: ACT ME OUT: A. WORKING IN TANDEM: LET’S DO IT! Look for a tandem/ partner and think of a
concepts and skills in daily living -Read the story of the selection The Prepare an outline about how you want situation.
Story of the Tiny Frog. - Group the pupils into 3 to role play the Find a partner and create a usual scenario in to spend your Christmas using the Deliver a one minute dialogue using the
GROUP WORK: Group the pupils into selection below. class that shows the use of a command and clustering of ideas. tactful way of communicating with others.
four. -Group I to entertain request in direct and indirect discourse. Checking after immediate submission of The teacher checks the activity
-Group I is assigned to look for the Each tandem is expected to present their work. immediately using the RUBRIC.
Characters in the story. -Group II to persuade or convince. work in one minute.
-Group II is assigned to look for the -Group III to inform
Settings. The teacher checks the pupils work
-Group III is assigned to look for the A Raven and a Swan immediately. Using the Rubric for making a
Plot by sequencing the events in the e dialogue.
story in five sentences. A Raven, which you know is black as
- Group IV is assigned to look for the coal, was envious of the Swan, because
Theme of the Story. her feathers were as white as the purest
-Write each output in the Manila Paper snow. The foolish bird got the idea that if
and each groupo will assign a presentor he lived like the Swan, swimming and
in front of the class. diving all day long and eating the weeds
-The teacher gives the final correction/ and plants that grow in the water, his
clarification after each presentor. feathers would turn white like the Swan's.
The Story of The Tiny Frog So he left his home in the woods and
There once was a bunch of tiny frogs fields and flew down to live on the lakes
who got together to arrange a and in the marshes. But though he
competition to reach to the top of the washed and washed all day long, almost
highest tower in town. drowning himself at it, his feathers
As the date for the competition was remained as black as ever. And as the
announced, the news spread water weeds he ate did not agree with
everywhere and crowd in large him, he got thinner and thinner, and at
numbers gathered around the tower to last he died.
see this interesting competition and
cheer on the contestants. The crowd B. The teacher uses the Rubrics below
did not really believe any of these little for checking the role play.
frogs were going to make it to the top of
the tower. Yet they were curious… Role-Play Rubric BLM G–17 Name:
The competition began, the frogs
quickly started to ascend and the crowd Date: Activity:
cheered! Role
As a few moments passed, someone played:
from the crowd shouted, "Not a chance Assessment done by:
that they will succeed! The tower is too
high!" Criteria: Rating: Speech
Another spectator said, "Yes, they will was clear with appropriate volume and
never make it to the top. It's way too inflection. 5 4 3 2 1 Role was played in a
difficult!" convincing, consistent manner. 5 4 3 2 1
As the competition continued, some of Arguments and viewpoints expressed fit
the tiny frogs began collapsing. One by role played. 5 4 3 2 1 Costumes and
one… tired… exhausted… But the race props were effectively used. 5 4 3 2 1
continued… as those who still had the Role-play was well prepared and
fight left, passionately continued to organized. 5 4 3 2 1 Role-play captured
climb higher and higher… and maintained audience interest. 5 4 3 2
In the excitement and anxiety the crowd 1 Additional Criteria:
continued to yell, "It is too difficult. No
one will make it!"
More tiny frogs got tired and gave up.
They all continued to give up one by
one, until there was only ONE little frog
left in the competition who continued to
climb higher and higher and higher…
This one wouldn’t give up!
This one tiny frog who, after a big effort Comments:
was the only one who reached the top!
This little soul was the winner! He made
it! He got the glory!
Naturally, everyone wanted to know
how this one tiny frog managed to pull it
off when every other contestant gave
up. Everybody wanted to know how this
tiny frog had found the strength to
reach this goal that everyone else
thought it was impossible. So, they
asked questions.
It turned out that the winner was deaf
H. Making generalizations and Ask: How do we get the significant Pupils will state the Fable’s concepts. Ask: What is Command? What is Request? Ask: What is the importance of Ask; How do we show tactfulness in
abstractions about the lesson details in the story read? -What is a direct discourse? organizing ideas through graphic communicating with others?
Concept Formation: -What is indirect discourse? organizer? Concept Formation:
Concept Formation: Noting the Fable is a fictional story that has a Concept Formation: The clustering 1. Be honest but always consider the
significant detail is reading between the purpose of entertaining and informing the Concept Formation: graphic organizer shows and separates feelings of others. There are many ways
lines to get the main idea of the story, readers. It is peopled by animals that are In the reported command, the verb “said” is the developed ideas from other ideas. in communicating without hurting the
how it started, developed and ended capable of talking and expressing feelings not used, instead, “told”. The word “to” is The use of the CGO provides the feelings of others.
with the help of the characters and as humans added before the verb. organization of ideas easy to
other elements of the story. understand, making learning more
-In reporting request, the verb “asked” or enjoyable
“requested” is used instead of “told”. The .
word “please” is dropped.
1. “Put down your bag,”
mother said to Leo.
I. Evaluating learning Number each statement according on The teacher will read the selections orally Read the short paragraph below. Follow what Use a graphic aid to organize the ideas Write T if it shows tactfulness for each
how the story happened. and the pupils will identify its purpose. you are asked to do. in the given paragraph. situation.
The old shrimp advised the 1. Ultra was lying down on the back porch
handsome shrimp not to show off too when suddenly his friend Kitten went to It was vacation time. Being the eldest, Provide a Title to the paragraph. 1. Kindly do your work on time
much. him and she invited him to visit their friend Lina was assigned by her mother to clean the pp.428-429 because it can help in our performance
When one day a fisherman was Sky at the pen. house. In order to finish early, she called her rating.
looking for a good catch. 2. The Frog went out for she hate himself brothers and sisters to help her. 1. The Filipino is a very respectful
The handsome Shrimp starts to for being useless. He couldn’t croak and person. He shows due respect to his 2. Work fast, you waste our time.
brag about his handsomeness and jump. After he fell into a deep well and Identify her statement if it is a command or parents, elders and to people in
athletic figure. was about to face his death, he was able request then transform each into a reported authority. He never misses saying the 3. We can finish the task on time
He was caught by fishing net of to bring his best and did even better. He form. word “po” and “opo”. This is a Filipino if we will help each other.
the fisherman. is certain that no one could help us except way 4. It is much better if we are a
The boastful shrimp was cooked our own self. 1. “Kevin, please dust the furniture”. Of showing respect, which we are very help than a burden to other,
and eaten at lunch. 3. The Free Bird cried, “My Darling sing 2. “Susie, arrange the books and proud of. He kisses the hands of
the song of the woodlands.” magazines”. parents and grandparents as a unique 5. Speak like no one is listening
The caged bird said, “Sit by my side; I’ll 3. “Husk the floor, Ruben.” way of showing respect to elders. He to you.
teach you the speech of the learned.” 4. “Help me put some plants inside, calls his older brother “Kuya and his
4. There was a turtle that couldn’t stop Roy”. older sister “ate”.
talking and the geese made a challenge 5. “Please be careful with the plates,
to bring her to the nice place if she could Susie”.
promise not to talk because she will be
carrying a stick on her mouth. The turtle
agreed and so they flew to the place.
They heard people saying something
about them and the turtle spoke. She fell
dead on the ground.
5. The monkey who was so wise ate all
the bananas and went down without
noticing the thorns planted by his friend
turtle. His selfishness ruined him.
J. Additional activities for Read a short story or dialogue. Write Read and tell what the person in each Write a paragraph from the given topics Cut out a comic strip and compose a
application or remediation the plot in 5 sentences. SWBS: Plot Chart AUTHOR: sentence said. and present it to the class using a comic balloon for each conversation.
TITLE: graphic organizer. Always use a tactful way of
-Be ready to share it in class. PURPOSE 1. Father said, “Avoid playing near the pool, A. Effect of Smoking on One’s Health communicating your thoughts and
_ John”. B. Students’ Addiction to Internet feelings.
S-Somebody 2. “Please help me with my toy, Sandy”, Sam Gaming
W- Wanted said. C. How Do You Celebrate Christmas?
B- But 3. “Pray before sleeping Ela”, aunt Norma
S- So said.
4. Estella said, “Please allow me to visit my
Read another fable and fill up the SWBS friend, Grandma.”
Chart meeting the details in the story. 5. “Proceed to my office” the Principal said.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation who
scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?