Design of Biofilter Odor
Design of Biofilter Odor
Design of Biofilter Odor
Accepted: 2018.05.15
Volume 19, Issue 4, July 2018, pages 7–15 Published: 2018.07.01
Control of odor removal and air pollution in wastewater treatment plants has become critical because of the nega-
tive impacts of invasive pollutants that are no longer limited to the working environment of sewage treatment
plants, but extend to nearby residential areas when appropriate weather conditions are present. Residents of the city
of Al-Nasiriyah in Iraq suffer from the the foul odors from the Jazeera Wastewater Treatment Plant in the city of
Al-Nasiriyah, located in the province of Dhi Qar in southern Iraq. Therefore, efforts must be intensified to reduce
the risks they pose to the ecosystem and the serious damage to human health. In this study, a biofilter system was
designed to remove the odors emitted (hydrogen sulfide and ammonia gas) from the conventional activated sludge
Al-Nasiriyah- Jazeera wastewater treatment plant. The biofilter odor removal system is designed for inlet screw
pumping station, screening station, aerated grit chamber and parshall flume inlet. The result of the design of the
biofilters, which meets the environmental requirements of Iraq according to the law of environmental protection
No. 27 of 2009 and its instructions No. 3 of 2011 was the inlet screw pumping station (volume of buildings to be
treated – 400 m3, number of changes per hour >5 n/h, design flow rate to be captured and treated – 2000 m3/h, H2S
removal efficiency >98%, volume of substrate media – 24 m3, height of surface media – 1.4 m, and overall dimen-
sion (length – 8.9 m, height – 2.27 m, width – 2.13 m)), as well as the preliminary treatments screening station,
aerated grit chamber and parshall flume inlet (volume of buildings to be treated (each biofilter) – 400 m3, number
of changes per hour – 12 n/h, design flow rate to be captured and treated (each biofilter) – 5000 m3/h, H2S removal
efficiency >98%, volume of substrate media – 60 m3, height of surface media – 1.4 m, and overall dimension
(length 10.6 m, height 2.27 m, width m 2.13 m)).
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(4), 2018
Due to its low solubility in the wastewater, it is In this study, the SERECO S.r.l. technology was
released to the atmosphere in such areas as wet used in the design of the odor removal system.
wells, head works, grit chambers and primary The removal of these odors is based on the
clarifiers. There are typically other “organic” elimination of emitted gases using specialized
odorous compounds, such as mercaptans and technological systems that absorb these gases and
amines, present in these areas, but H2S is the most prevent them from spreading in the surrounding
prevalent compound (Ben Jaber et al., 2016). environment of the wastewater treatment plants,
Solids handling facilities are another signifi- especially taking into account the fact that the
cant problem area connected with odor. In bio- sites of these plants are sometimes within the resi-
solids dewatering and treatment processes, the dential neighborhoods imposed by the design de-
biosolids commonly undergo extreme turbulence, terminants of sewage networks. Where the smells
pH adjustment and/or thermal treatment. Depend- emitted from the sewage treatment plant are
ing on the nature of the biosolids stream and the concentrated in the inlet of a screw pumping sta-
treatment used, the odor compounds released tion, screening station, aerated grit chamber and
can consist of any combination of the following parshall flume inlet, the preferred technical and
compounds in a wide range of concentrations: environmental solution is to cover these systems
ammonia (NH3), amines, hydrogen sulfide, or- technically using a GRP cover with the air with-
ganic sulfides and mercaptans. Additionally, the drawn through effective biological filters (Estrada
anaerobic digestion of sludge creates the anaero- et al., 2011). The aim of this study is to describe
bic conditions under which sulfate-reducing bac- the selection and design of the air treatment units
teria thrive, causing the formation of hydrogen for odor removal from selected areas of the Al-
sulfide that is vented with the digester “biogas” Nasiriyah wastewater treatment plant (NWWTP).
formed from the digestion of sludge. There are
many different technologies that can be applied
to control the odors from wastewater collection MATERIAL AND METHODS
and treatment systems. These technologies can be
split into two main groups: vapor-phase technolo-
Description Al-Nasiriyah Wastewater
gies, used to control odorous compounds in the
Treatment Plant (NWWTP)
air or gas; and liquid-phase technologies, used to
control odorous compounds in the liquid waste- The sewage treatment plant in the city of Al-
water itself. The vapor-phase technologies are Nasiriyah in the province of Dhi Qar is one of
typically used in point-source applications such the strategic projects of the giant infrastructure,
as wastewater treatment plants and pump sta- serving 300,000 people. The district of Nasiriyah
tions or for the treatment of biogas. On the other is located about 375 km to the southeast of the
hand, the liquid-phase technologies are typically city of Baghdad. It processes wastewater to mini-
used in the collection systems where control of mize its negative impact and dumps it into the Eu-
both odors and corrosion are concerns and/or phrates River. The area of wastewater treatment
where multiple point odor control is objective unit is (140×428) m. The location of the plant is
(Fletcher et al., 2014). within the limits of the city’s basic design and is
The objective of this study is to design the close to densely populated areas. The Wastewater
Odor Control System for the Jazeera wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) have the capacity of
treatment plant in Nasiriyah, Dhi Qar Governor- 60000 m3/day. They are of conventional activated
ate, in southern Iraq, according to the environ- sludge process type, as shown in Figures 1 and 2.
mental requirements under the Environment Pro- In this solution, the raw wastewater passes three
tection Law No. 27 of 2009 and the Instructions stages of treatment; primary treatment where
No. 3 of 2011. The Dhi Qar sewerage department suspended solids settled or retained, secondary
took the necessary measures to protect the popu- treatment where the biological process is tak-
lation and the environment from the negative ing place to transform dissolved and suspended
effects of sewage projects. The most important organics into simple compounds, then the third
negative effects of wastewater treatment plants stage where sludge stabilization takes place in di-
include the emission of gases such as hydrogen gestion systems. The Iraqi National Standards set
and ammonium gases that constitute aromatic and by the Regulation 25 of 1967 for the design and
undesirable odors in the environment and health. specifications of wastewater raw and treated sew-
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(4), 2018
Figure 1. General layout of Al-Nasiriyah WWTP (Water line: Screening- Aerated grit chamber and Parshall
flume inlet – Primary settling – Biological Treatment – Secondary Settling –Disinfection. Sludge line: Thicken-
ing – Blending – Anaerobic digestion – Drying beds)
age from a domestic wastewater treatment unit ants degradation or removal. Typically, the de-
also the capacity and technological parameters of signed air flow rate must guarantee 4–6 volume
this study are as follows (Table 1): exchanges per hour in covered sections were the
access for operators is restricted and 10–12 vol-
ume exchanges where the presence of operators
PROCESS SELECTION is required for routine operations (WEF., 2004).
Continuous air aspiration must guarantee the
In general, the odor control facilities at the required ventilation rates and maintain a nega-
WWTP consist of selected plant sections, aspi- tive differential pressure across openings in the
ration of exhausted air and treatment for odor- covered area. Other odor control strategies are
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(4), 2018
Table 1. Influent and effluent criteria of Al-Nasiriyah patterns, as well as the characteristics and strength
WWTP of odorous air.
Parameter Values Waste gases from industry have tradition-
Equivalent inhabitants 316083 inha. ally been treated using the physicochemical pro-
Design Flow rate: cesses (scrubbing, adsorption, condensation, and
Average 2897 m3/h oxidation). However, for municipal wastewater
Max 4708 m3/h
Min 1738 m3/h
treatment plants, the biological methods of odor
Characteristic of influent sewage: treatment are widely applied in Europe and are
TSS 400 mg/L increasing the USA, owing to their efficiency,
COD 460 mg/L cost-effectiveness, and environmental acceptabil-
BOD5 350 mg/L ity (Burgess et al., 2001).
TKN 40 mg/L The advantage of the biological treatments
NH3-N 20 mg/L over physicochemical techniques relies on reduc-
NO3-N < 1 mg/L tion of the operating costs. For example, yearly
TP 8 mg/L biofiltration operating costs are reported to be
pH 7 around one-tenth of those of an absorption pro-
BOD5 loading 24340 kg/d cess and one-fourth of those of a wet chemical
Treated effluent limits: scrubber (Gabriel and Deshusses, 2004). More-
TSS 30 mg/L over, adoption of biological treatments eliminates
COD 100 mg/L the need of purchasing dangerous chemicals and
BOD5 20 mg/L handling them in concentrated solutions.
TKN 7 mg/L Among other biochemical technologies, the
TP 2 mg/L biofilters offer simpler operations and mainte-
pH 7 nance, with very limited use of chemicals and
Wastewater Temperature: with the main operational cost related to the re-
Design 20°C
Min 15°C
placement of the biofilter media (once every 2–5
Max 35° years). Moreover, biofilters are particularly suited
for the odor removal in wastewater treatment
plants characterized by constant contaminant
related to the addition of oxidizing chemicals loads. For these reasons, the biofiltration technol-
to the influent wastewater or spraying on scum, ogy has been preferred for foul air treatment at
screened materials, etc. Moreover, masking or the Al-Nasiriyah – Al-Jazeera Wastewater Treat-
neutralization of volatile odor compound can be ment Plant (NWWTP).
performed by spraying suitable liquid mixtures
of fragrances and surfactants. However, the effi-
ciency of these techniques is somewhat uncertain BIOFILTER DESCRIPTION
and difficult to control.
A range of technologies is available to treat A biofilter is simply a bed of organic material
the odorous air aspired from confined sections at (media) with a suitable porosity, allowing for air
wastewater treatment plants and sludge handling passage, humidity trapping and biomass growth.
facilities. These can be classified according to the As the foul air passes upward through the media,
main process involved in the odor removal: the odor causing compounds are adsorbed onto
•• Biochemical: biofilters, bioscrubbers, activat- a film of water and microbes developed on the
ed sludge; organic material. These microbes then convert the
•• Chemical: scrubbers, thermal oxidation, cata- adsorbed compounds by oxidizing them to carbon
lytic oxidation, ozonation; dioxide, water and inorganic salts. The biofilter
•• Physical: condensation, adsorption (activated
is a self-regulating ecosystem, and is therefore
carbon), absorption (clean water scrubbers).
likely to function for long time, without exces-
The selection of a particular technology or sive control. It is very important, however, to en-
combination of technologies is dependent on fac- sure that the moisture levels are controlled in the
tors such as: site characteristics including opera- biofilter for it to function properly. The pH levels
tion and maintenance capabilities, treatment ob- are also self-regulating within the ecosystem, and
jectives, foul air flow rates, contaminant loading are assisted by proper choice of media. The effec-
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(4), 2018
tiveness of the biofilter is primarily a function of nozzles, solenoid valves, temperature and rela-
the amount of time the odorous air spends in the tive humidity sensor, as well as a control panel.
biofilter (contact time) and the moisture content The biofilter is completed by a centrifugal blower
of the filtering material. The biofiltration tech- for the aspiration of the foul air from the confined
nology has been developed for over 100 years sections of the plant and a system of steel pip-
and its many applications generally differ for the ing to connect the blower to the tank. During the
filtering media (soil, compost, wood chips and start-up, the biofilter can be inoculated with dedi-
various mixture) and for the biofilter construc- cated bacteria or with activated sludge. After the
tion (in-ground or in vessel above the ground, acclimation period, the biofilter reach high effi-
covered or open air). ciency in removing H2S (>98% at inlet maximum
A typical biofilter has the following basic concentration of 100 mg/l), NH3 (95% at inlet
constructed components: 1) the containment 2) maximum concentration of 30 mg/l), and reduc-
the biofilter media, 3) the humidifier and wetting ing smells. The acidification trend of the bed, due
systems, 4) biofilter air diffusion system and 5) to the air pollutant concentration, is soon elimi-
the air ducts and fans (Figure 3). nated by the action of the biofilter media, then the
The technical solution adopted for the Al-Na- check of the bed pH has to be rarely executed,
siriyah–Al-Jazeera Wastewater Treatment Plant with simple laboratory examinations or with field
(NWWTP) is a modular self-contained biofilter. instrumentations. The temperature and humidity
This system requires a smaller footprint than the sensor verify the right working of the system, by
open-bed designs and it is easy to install on a sim- regulating the opening time of the solenoid valve
ple concrete basement. depending on the humidification of the bed. Un-
The biofilter is completely pre-assembled in a der normal operating conditions, the expected du-
tank containing the full system, with the dimen- ration of the bed is more than 2 years.
sions compatible for shipment inside standard
containers. The filtering bed substrate is com-
posed of calibrate mixing of high quality wood RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
chips, characterized by high grade of porosity,
high retention of humidity. The biofilter coverage Odor generation and treatment and Design
ensure the optimal life conditions of the bacteria, Criteria
avoiding the direct exposition to the sun light that
would be responsible for the drying of the bed. Generally, the odorous compounds released
Moreover, the biofilter is equipped with an auto- from a wastewater treatment plant are not directly
matic humidification system composed of spray related to sanitary problems for plant operators
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(4), 2018
and people living/working in the neighbor area. rapidly disposed of). Ammonia and amines can be
However, the odor release from wastewater treat- released from the latter process and especially in
ment plant can cause significant public concern the case of alkaline sludge stabilization. The typi-
and control of odor has become a standard consid- cal H2S concentrations measured in the exhausted
eration in design and operation of wastewater and air are reported in the Table 2 (WERF 2003):
sludge treatment and disposal facilities. Odorous
compounds can be generated during the wastewa- Process design
ter collection and transport into the sewer as well
as during the various operations in the treatment The following stations have been identified as
plant. Within the wastewater treatment plant, the main potential sources of odor at the NWWTP:
following sections are generally agreed as being •• Preliminary treatments (inlet screw pumping
the main sources of odors release: station, screening station, aerated grit chamber
•• Preliminary treatments (including pumping and inlet parshall flume) (Figure 4).
station, influent channels and distributors,
On the basis of the geometry and the typical
screens, sand and oil/grit/grease removal
ordinary operation for the selected stations, the
units, equalization and pre-aeration systems).
presence of operators in the confined volume has
The odors released from preliminary treat- been excluded. This results in the minimization of
ments are mainly generated into the sewer and are
typically dominated by hydrogen sulfide (H2S),
with other organic sulfur compounds (mercap- Table 2. Typical H2S concentration measured in the
exhausted air
tans, dimethyl sulfide, etc.) also present at lower
concentrations. Odors with similar origin and Typical Range
Section Average
composition can be released from the large emit- (H2S ppm)
(H2S ppm)
ting surface of the primary settling tanks. Minor
Inlet screw pumping
on-site odor generation can be associated with the station
5÷150 32
collection/storage system for screened materi- Screening station 3÷20 9
als, grease and scum (especially in the summer Aerated grit tanks and
0.01÷4 -
periods, if this highly putrescible material is not parshall flume
Figure 4. Biofilter for inlet screw pumping station (25), screening station biofilter (27), aerated grit chamber and
parshall flume inlet biofilter (27).
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(4), 2018
the confined volumes and in the selection of the flexibility. On the basis of the above-mentioned
lower range of ventilation ratios, with consequent considerations, the installed odor treatment ca-
reduction of the capital and operational costs of pacity is presented in the Table 4:
the odor treatment units. The description and design of the adopted
Specific air flow rates for each covered section odor treatment units is included in Table 5 (WEF
have been designed assuming minimum 4 volume 2004, and Metcalf and Eddy 2003):
changes plus any forced air inlet (i.e. the air flow Typical elimination capacity is in the range
rate required for the operation of the sand and grit of 20–130 g/m3h for H2S and other odorants.
removal unit), according to the equation (1): Considering that the maximum H2S concentra-
tion of 100 ppm corresponds to about 136 mg/m3
Min air flow rate =
and considering the removal efficiency of at least
Total confined volume*Volume changes + (1)
98%, the minimum required elimination capacity
+ Inlet air flow rate
can be estimated as follows:
•• Required H2S elimination capacity (Bio-
The results of the calculations connected with
filter Dimensions-1(8.9×2.27×2.13) m) =
confined volumes and the required air flow rate
2000*136*98/24*1000*100 = 11.3 g/m3 h
are reported in the Table 3:
•• Required H2S elimination capacity (Bio-
The number and location of the biofilters to
filter Dimensions-2 (10.6×2.27×2.13)m) =
be installed at the NWWTP have been designed
5000×136×98/60×1000×100= 11.1 g/m3 h
to minimize the distance from the confined sec-
tions, with subsequent minimization of the air As results from the above-mentioned cal-
pumping head losses, and maximize the operation culation, the required elimination capacity for
Table 3. Results of the calculations connected with confined volumes and the required air flow rate
Total confined Design
Section volume Volume
required air flow rate (Nm3/h)
(m3) changes
Inlet screw pumping station 400 >5 2000
Screening station 400 12 4800
Aerated grit – oil-grease removal tank 800 12 9600
Parshall flume 400 12 4800
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(4), 2018
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(4), 2018
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