Rapid Increase in Plasma Growth Hormone After Low-Intensity Resistace Exercise With Vascular Occlusion
Rapid Increase in Plasma Growth Hormone After Low-Intensity Resistace Exercise With Vascular Occlusion
Rapid Increase in Plasma Growth Hormone After Low-Intensity Resistace Exercise With Vascular Occlusion
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6 authors, including:
Yudai Takarada
Waseda University
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61–65, 2000.—Hormonal and inflammatory responses to
low-intensity resistance exercise with vascular occlusion were and are regarded as important in promoting muscular
studied. Subjects (n 5 6) performed bilateral leg extension hypertrophy. Kraemer et al. (11–13) have shown that
Table 1. Intensity and repetitions for each set of exercise with occlusion
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Mean
Intensity, %1 RM 33.2 6 1.6 28.2 6 2.1 20.9 6 0.7 18.0 6 1.9 15.5 6 2.0 23.2 6 5.2
Repetitions 20.0 6 1.8 12.2 6 1.7 11.3 6 1.5 15.2 6 1.4 13.2 6 1.1 14.4 6 1.6
Values are means 6 SE; n 5 6 subjects. In control experiment, each subject performed exercise without occlusion at the same intensity and
repetitions for each set. 1 RM, 1 repetition maximum.
sion (Fig. 2, B and C). Therefore, even though the concentration suggests finer microdamage occurring
present exercise with occlusion may cause microdam- within vascular walls and/or muscle tissue.
age in vascular walls and/or muscular tissues, this The peak concentration of La after the exercise with
damage would be less serious than that caused by occlusion was twice as large as that after the exercise
strenuous resistance exercise. without occlusion. This elevation of La concentration
Electrical activity of muscle. EMG analyses were was presumably caused by both local hypoxia, which
made on vastus lateralis to obtain insight into the makes metabolism more anaerobic, and the suppres-
activation level of the muscle during the exercise with sion of La clearance within the muscle subjected to the
occlusion. Figure 3 compares the relative iEMG per one exercise. Because samples were taken from blood circu-
action of lifting movement (concentric action) during lating in the whole body, the local concentration of La
the exercise with occlusion and that during the exercise within the muscle should be much higher than mea-
without occlusion. The relative iEMG during the exer- sured. Such an acidic intramuscular environment has
cise with occlusion was ,1.8 times as large as that been shown to stimulate sympathetic nerve activity
during the exercise without occlusion (P , 0.01), even through chemoreceptive reflex mediated by intramuscu-
though both the force generated and the mechanical lar metaboreceptors and group III and IV afferent
work produced were to be the same between these two fibers (29). The same chemoreception pathway has
kinds of exercise. This elevated activation level of the recently been shown to play an important role in the
muscle at a low level of force generation may be related regulation of hypophyseal secretion of GH (7). Similar
to a hypoxic intramuscular environment, in which mechanisms may operate in the present exercise with
motor units of more glycolytic fibers are to be activated occlusion, because changes in NE and GH concentra-
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