(submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree
Submitted to the
Aditya Sirmour
Master of Technology
Agricultural Engineering
JULY, 2016
ii Maximum force required to cut the soil 43 To check for bending 44 Kinematics of rotary blade 45 Conditions for cutting the soil 47
3.3.3 Specific work method 48
3.4 Description of machine components 50
3.4.1 Power unit 50
3.4.2 Transmission 51
3.4.3 Floating mechanism 51
3.4.4 Rotary blade 51
3.4.5 Handle 53
3.4.6 Mud Flap 53
3.4.7 Throttle lever 54
3.4.8 Assembling of power weeder 54
3.4.9 Width of operation control arrangement 54
3.5 Experimental detail 57
3.5.1 Testing and Performance evaluation 58 Mechanical weeding – power weeder 58 Mechanical weeding – manually operated 58
3.5.2 Operational parameter 59 Plant population 59 Weed population 59 Bulk density 59 Moisture content of soil 60 Effective working depth 60 Effective working width 60
3.5.3 Machine performance and evaluation 60 Weeding efficiency 61 Plant damaged 61 Effective field capacity 61 Theoretical Field capacity 62 Field efficiency 62 Fuel consumption 62
3.6 Ergonomics evaluation of developed machine 64
3.6.1 Subjects 64
3.6.2 Field layout experiment 65
3.6.3 Physiological response 66 Oxygen consumption rate 66 Assessment of postural discomfort 67 Overall discomfort rating 67 Body part discomfort score 68 Acceptable work load 68 Pulse rate 68 Blood pressure 69
iii Work rest cycle 70
3.6.4 Instrument used 70 Body fat analyzer 70 Digital blood pressure monitor 70
3.7 Operation cost 71
3.7.1 Fixed cost 71 Depreciation 71 Interest 71 Taxes and insurance 72 Housing 72
3.7.2 Variable cost 72 Repair and maintainance 72 Fuel cost 72 Lubricants 72 Wages of operator 73
3.7.3 Total cost of weeding per hour 73
4.1 Operational parameter 74
4.1.1 Moisture content of soil 74
4.1.2 Bulk density of soil sample 75
4.2 Field performance test of power weeder 75
4.2.1 Operation speed 75
4.2.2 Fuel consumption 76
4.2.3 Actual working depth 78
4.2.4 Actual working width 79
4.2.5 Power requirement 78
4.2.6 Actual field capacity 80
4.2.7 Field efficiency 82
4.2.8 Weeding efficiency 83
4.2.9 Plant damaged 85
4.3 Ergonomics evaluation of developed machine 86
4.3.1 Anthropometric parameters of agriculture worker 86
4.3.2 Heart rate 87
4.3.3 Oxygen consumption rate 90
4.3.4 Energy cost of operation 90
4.3.5 Acceptable work load 90
4.3.6 Overall discomfort rating 91
4.3.7 Body part discomfort 91
4.3.8 Work rest cycle 92
Appendix - A 107
Appendix - B 116
Appendix - C 117
% Percentage
C Degree Celsium
Rs Indian Rupees
a.i. Active ingredient
Cc Cubic centimetre
Db Dry basis
Fed Feddan (Egyptian unit for area )
Fig. Figure
H Hour
Ha Hectare
ha/h Hectare per hour
ha/day Hectare per day
Hp Horse Power
Kg Kilogram
kg/h Kilogram per hour
kg/ha Kilogram per hectare
Km Kilometer
km/h Kilometer per hour
kN Kilo Newton
L Litre
l/h Litre per hour
Mm Millimeter
m2 Meter square
MJ/ha Mega Joule per hectare
m/sec Meter per second
N Namibian Dollar
No. Number
US$ US Dollars
T Ton
q/ha Quintal per hectare
AICRP All India Co-ordinated Research Project
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
developed weeder should have the following features: 2.0 hp, 2-stroke petrol
engine. It is compact light low weight equipment, self propelled with durable
floating system. It is centrally driven with worm gear box for transmission. The
working width of the developed machine could be adjusted between 140 mm to
250 mm. It is equipped with rotating blades with 176 rpm and is centrally driven.
Due to compactness and low weight it is easily maneuverable. Different types of
blades were designed (4 blade, 6 blade and 8 blade). The power transmission from
the engine to the blade was done by means of a flexible shaft. The shaft
dimensions were designed for the adequate strength by using standard formulae for
torque and power transmission.
The developed power weeder was tested in the line sown paddy crop at
different conditions and ergonomically evaluated. Highest working speed of
operation was found as 0.69 m/sec by using 4 blades in power weeder followed by
0.61 m/sec on using of 6 blades at 15 DAS. The lowest fuel consumption was
found in using of four blade in power weeder as 0.55 l/h while the maximum fuel
consumption was found on using of 8 blades as 0.71 l/h. The maximum field
capacity was found with 4 blade (0.054 ha/h) followed by 6 blade (0.048 ha/h) at
15 DAS. The weeding efficiency was observed as 88.62 % under single row active
power weeder with using of 6 blade in a flange followed by 4 blade 82.92% at 35
DAS and 82.10% for ambika paddy weeder.
The cardiac cost involved in the operation of power paddy weeder was
found out and the mean working heart rate value of the subject was 108 beats min-
1. The energy expended during operation of a power paddy weeder was 19.50 kJ
min-1. The oxygen uptake in terms of VO2 max was 46% which was above the
acceptable limit of 35% of VO2 max. Mean overall discomfort rating on a 10 point
visual analogue discomfort scale ( 0- no discomfort, 10- extreme discomfort ) was
3.0 and scaled as "light discomfort". More tillers have been produced after using
this equipment and soil aeration and root growth was improved. It is comfortable
to operate this machine. If only one worker is engaged for the weeding operation
with this equipment, 7 min rest could be provided after operating the equipment
continuously for the 30 min period.
batu ,ao bldh otu cgqr gh gYdk gSA ikuh esa rSjus ds fy, blds fups ds fgLls esa QyksV yxkbZ
xbZ gSA fodlhr e khu dh dke pkSMkbZ 140 feeh ls 250 feeh lek;ksftr fd;k x;k gSA ;g 170
vkjih,e ds lkFk ?kw kZZu CYksM ds lkFk lqLkfTTkr gS vkSj dsUnz lapkfyr gSA CysM ds fy, batu ls
“kfDr LFkkarfjr ,d yfpys “kkIV ds ek/;e ls gksrk gSA “kkIV ds vkdkj ds fy, ekud lq= dk
mi;ksx djds iz;kZIr “kfDRk esa fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA CysM ds fofHkUUk izdkj ds fMtkbu fd;s x;s Fks&
4 CysM] 6 CysM] 8 CysM]A
fodlhr “kfDRk ohMj dks vyx&vyx ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ykbu cks;k /kku ds Qly esa ifj{k k fd;k x;kA
ftlds vuqlkj mldh vf/kdre xfr 2-4 fdeh izfr ?k Vk vkSj vkSlr ba/ku [kir 0-55 yhVj izfr
?k Vk Kkr dh xbZA bldh vkSlr dk;Z {kerk 0-05 gsDVs;j izfr ?k Vk vkSj [kjirokj fu;a= k n{krk
lcls vf/kd 6 CysM 88-62 izfr kr Kkr dh xbZA bl e khu dks ,d O;fDr fcuk fdlh FkdkoV ds
25 ehuV paykrk gSA
Weed control is one of the most difficult tasks in agriculture that accounts
for a considerable share of the cost involved in agriculture production. Farmers
generally expressed their concern for the effective weed control measures to arrest
the growth and propagation of weeds. In Indian agriculture, it’s a very difficult task
to weed out unwanted plants manually as well as using bullock operated
equipments which may further lead to damage of main crops. More than 33 percent
of the cost incurred in cultivation is diverted to weeding operations there by
reducing the profit share of farmers. A weed is essentially any plant which grows
where it is unwanted. A weed can be thought of as any plant growing in the wrong
place at the wrong time and doing more harm than good (Parish, 1990). It is a plant
that competes with crops for water, nutrients and light. This can reduce crop
production. Some weeds have beneficial uses but not usually when they are
growing among crops. Weeds decrease the value of land, particularly perennial
weeds which tend to accumulate on long fallows; increase cost of cleaning and
drying crops. Weeds waste excessive proportions of farmers’ time, thereby acting
as a brake on development (Lavabre, 1991).
Weeding is an important but equally labour intensive agricultural unit
operation. Today the agricultural sector requires non-chemical weed control that
ensures food safety. Consumers demand high quality food products and pay special
attention to food safety. Through the technical development of mechanisms for
physical weed control, it might be possible to control weeds in a way that meets
consumer and environmental demands.
In Chhattisgarh, rice occupies average of 3.6 million ha with the
productivity of the state ranging between 1.2 to 1.6 t/ha depending upon the
rainfall. The state is comprised with three agro-ecological zones i.e. Chhattisgarh
plain, bastar plateau and northern hill region of surguja. These zones have huge
variations in terms of soil topography, rainfall intensity and distribution, irrigation
and adoption of agricultural production system and thus vary in the productivity of
rice in these regions. In view of topographical structure prevailed in this part of the
country, 20-30% of the rice is grown in low lying areas (Kanhar soil).
The rice is cultivated in different field situations from upland to extreme
lowland. The area under upper midland is about 25 per cent of total rice area. The
weed in upland rice comes up more easily and vigorously than in low land rice.
The weed control in these conditions is complicated. Rainfed upland rice is grown
in an area of 7.1 million hectare in India. A major portion of it 85 percent is an
eastern states like Assam, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, eastern UP ,West Bengal
and Orissa. The remaining 15 percent is distributed in other states.
The crop weed competition is greater in direct seeded line sowing of rice
because the crop and weed seeds germinate simultaneously and they start
competing with each other for air, water, sunlight and nutrients. In this method of
cultivation, it becomes difficult to keep the surface submerged throughout the crop
growth period and hence it becomes favours for germination and growth of weeds.
In Chhattisgarh, women labours played a significant role in the rice
cultivation (Marothia and Sharma 1985). They use a variety of hand tools and
implements to perform various tasks in crop production process. The time has
come when the tractor is also being operated by Indian women. Weeding is one of
the most important field operations and consumes 15 per cent of total energy spent
in crop production.
With the advent of mechanization and the adoption of high yielding
varieties interest in mechanical weeders is seen among the farmers. Mechanical
weed control reduces the drudgery involved in uprooting of the weeds. Moreover
mechanical weeders besides killing the weeds loosen the soil between rows thus
increasing air and water intake capacity. But this method of weed control has
received much less scientific attention compared to the other methods. As a result
traditional tools, implements and methods are still used by majority of the farmers
for weed control.
The first distinction to define a mechanical weeder can be about the power
source, so we may have manually or engine powered weeders. This feature has
different implications:
1. It can influence the operational speed, i.e. an engine powered is usually
much faster than a manual one. The speed has and indirect effect over the
pulverization of the soil. Engine powered implements pulverize it more than
the manual ones. Though, pulverization of the soil is not the main function,
because a weeder works at a shallow depth.
2. The engine-powered implements have a strong, direct impact over
operational drudgery, saving its operator (or more than one) from an
otherwise very tiring process, necessary when manual tools are involved.
Even if not faster than the manual counterpart, saving on human labours is
one of the critical features in adopting a powered machine.
3. It increases the relative importance of skills and competences in using the
weeder. Power weeders are one step towards the standardization of
practices, e.g. it has a fixed max rotational speed, fixed direction of
movement, and it goes from one side of the field to another. Conversely,
manual weeders still rely heavily on the characteristics of the operator(s),
which cannot obviously be standardized. It is affecting speed, direction of
movement, and the movement needed to operate a weeder, e.g. back and
forth or constant push.
Present Study
In Chhattisgarh, rice is grown by different methods, broadcasting, biasi,
drilled or line sowing, lehi and transplanting depending upon the type of soil,
topography of land, availability of water and labours. In order to increase the
productivity of direct seeded rice in state, effort have been made through line
sowing systems of cultivation, which not only maintain plant population but also
offers additive advantages, such as intercultural operations, proper weed control
and basal application of fertilizers.
The weed control operations are mainly done by three methods such as
biasi operation, hand weeding and using of herbicides. In biasi operation, weeds
are removed by using an indigenous plough after 35-40 DAS. By hand weeding,
weeds are removed by hand which is more effective but it is expensive, labour
intensive as well as time consuming. Nowadays herbicide usage is increasing. In
view point of labour shortage circumstances; it is preferred as a quick and effective
weed control method without damaging the rice plants. But, it has adverse effects
on human health and environment.
In order to assess the possibility of mechanization of the weeding
operation, the power operated single row active weeder are proposed to be
designed and developed considering the optimum shape, size and location of
cutting blades, evaluation of its performance with other weeding methods in field
conditions, optimisation of dimensions of machine for better performance. The
main objective is to design and fabrication of a power weeder, while minimum
damages done to rice plants, cost effectiveness, easy manuvelling, low weight and
fabrication by using freely available components and easy maintenance are main
features of this design. Here comes the relevance of mechanised weeding, which is
not a huge time consuming and significantly improves weeding efficiency as well
as the quality of weeding.
The objective of the present study as:
1. To design and develop the single row active power weeder for rice.
2. To evaluate performance of developed machine.
3. Ergonomical evaluation of the developed machine.
This chapter deals with the previous research work carried out by different
researchers. The review of research information related to the present study has been
arranged under the headings.
Weeds are nothing but those unwanted plants which are grow with the crop
and they compete with the growing crop for light, nutrients and water. For the
controlling of weed it is essential to know about the weeds for the experimental
study to fulfil the purpose of design and development of women friendly weeder.
1. Retain moisture by
a. killing weeds
b. loose mulching on surface
c. Retaining rainfall
2. Develop plant food
3. Aerate the soil to allow oxygen to penetrate soil.
4. Promote activity of microorganism.
Agrawal and Singh (1968) listed the common weeds of agricultural land
with their scientific and common names.
1. Upland weeds
2. Aquatic weed
a) Annual weeds
b) Biennial weeds
c) Perennial weeds
Devnani (1988) and Singh et al., (1996) reported that the aim of inter
cultivation is to provide best opportunity for the crop to established and grow
vigorously, up to the time of harvest. The purpose of inter cultivation is to control
the weed growth, improve the soil conditions by reducing evaporation from the
soil surface, improve infiltration of rain or surface water, and to maintain ridges or
beds on which the crop is grown. The control of weed is major objective as they
compete with the crop for light, nutrient and water. Most of the work on weeding
therefore emphasizes the need for timeliness of weeding operation. This underlines
the need for farmers to have operation control over power and machinery. Since
timeliness in weeding is virtually impossible to achieve if one is to rely on the
traditional manually operated hand tools such as hand hoe, khurpi or khurpa and
family labours.
Huh et al., (1995) revealed that dominant weed species in dry seeded rice,
in decending order of importance were linderia procumbens, cyperus difformis,
cardemine, flexuosa, cyperus serotinus. The most dominant weeds present until the
late stage of growth were cyperus difformis, Bidens frondosa and Digetaria ciliaris.
1. Grasses.
2. Sedges.
3. Broad leaf weeds.
Further it gives the common species in above groups are:
Grasses: In grasses, Jungle rice or owned barnyard grass Echinochlora colona (L.)
link; Common barnyard grass or small barnyard grass E.crus-galli (L.) Beauv;
Goose grass Eleusine indica (L.) Gaerth; Bermuda grass cynodon dactylon(L.)Pers;
Large crab grass Digitaria sang wina(L.);Crow foot grass Dactyloctenium
aegyptium (L.) Wild; Yellow foxtail Setaria glauca Intermedia Roem and schult.
Sedges: Purple nut sedge Cyperus rotundus L; Rice sedge cyperus iria L.
Broad leaf weeds: Bristly starbur Acanthopermum hispidum DC; Spiny pig weed
Amaranthus spinosus L; Goat weed Ageratum conyzoides L; Dog weed cleome
viscosa L; white cock‟s comb Celosia argentea L; Euphorbia hirta L; Gripe weed
Timeliness in weeding
Duff and Oricno (1971) reported that the timing rather than the frequency
of weeding was a major determinant of effective weed control for rice.
Recommendations have been made for the first weeding to be done 2-3 weeks after
sowing , followed by a second weeding three weeks later and if necessary a third
Igbeka (1984) indicated that the timing rather than the frequency of
weeding was a major determinant of effective weed control for rice.
Grist (1976) has reported that the weeds affect the microclimate around the
plants harbour diseases and pests, increases the cost of production, plug irrigation
and drainage canals and lower the quantity and quality of crop and showed that the
competition of one grass plant (Echinocloa crusgalli) per square foot reduced yield
of rice by 25 percent.
Moorthy and Manna (1989) Weeds compete severely with upland rice for
light, nutrients, moisture and space. The yield losses are colossal ranging from 50-
97 per cent.
Tiwary and Singh (1989) recorded an increase in rice yield of 26.5 and 33.9
percent with the removal of grassy and broad leaf weeds.
Moorthy (1996) reported that the percent yield losses due to weed
competition for the first one month, two month and entire crop season were 23.7,
35.4 and 40.8 respectively.
Chauhan et al., (2014) has reported that, in Asian countries, weedy rice, the
unwanted plants of Oryza sativa competing with cultivated rice and these plants
produce stained grains reduce rice yield from 16% to 74%.
Agrawal and Singh (1968) study the important methods of weed control.
Biswas (1984) gave the detailed account of various important weed control
methods. The study describe the of methods weed control.
Singh and Reddy (1981) reported that the pre emergence of butaclor
produced the grain yield equal to that of two hand weddings, which was maximum
among all the other weed control treatments tested.
Fagade (1980) reported that the cost of herbicide application for weed
control was half than that of hand weeding.
Singh et al., (1982) found that the highest net return was obtained with two
weedings at 15 and 30 DAS of rice. When herbicide application was combined
with one hand weeding, the highest net return was obtained with thiobencarb at 2
kg a.i./ha followed by butachlor at 2 kg a.i./ha and thiobencarb at 1.5 kg a.i./ha
each combined with one hand weeding at 45 DAS.
Biswas (1984) though the advanced countries have mostly switched over to
chemical control. The use of chemicals in for weed control has been quite low in
India. However, a large number of herbicides are now available to control different
types of weeds in rice crop. The reasons for limited use herbicides in India have
been high cost herbicides, lack of knowledge on the available herbicides and their
most of actions. Effective chemical control weed required different herbicides and
management practices in various systems of rice cultivation. The work done on
some of the important herbicides are presented herewith.
Hand weeding is very popular in rice and vegetable crops. In this method
the weeds are uprooted by the hands.
Datta et al., (1974) reported that the weeding is traditionally carried out
with indigenous hand tools. These involve considerable time and labours.
Patel and Pandey (1983) reported that the hand weeding treatment was
superior to chemical method of weed control in direct seeded up land rice.
Venugopal et al., (1983) observed that weed competition was more under
broadcast situation. Hand weeding gave the highest weed control efficiency
(89.74%) and higher grain yield (63.55 qt/ha) compared to the herbicidal
Ghosh and Singh (1985) found that the hand weeding twice, one at 15 days
and other at 30 days gave the highest weed control efficiency and the maximum
grain yield.
Biswas (1984) reported that the control of weeds is oldest far method of
weed control though it received less scientific attention us compared to the other
methods of weed control. The mechanical weed control methods are extensively
used and shall be used in many developing countries including India because
agricultural labours in these countries are cheap and easily available. Mechanical
methods of weed control are simple and easily understood by farmers. The tools
and implements for mechanical weed control are mostly manual and animal
operated. Mechanical control of weeds involves use of weeders operated by human
labours, animal drawn or tractor drawn weeders, self propelled weeders or power
Hand tools
Datta et al (1974) reported that the weeding is traditionally carried out with
indigenous hand tools. These involve considerable time and labours.
A mechanical device to remove the weeds from an agricultural land is
known as weeder. A weeder may be manual or animal drawn and tractor mounted
or power operated.
Considering the importance of the problem of weeding, the
Regional Network for Agricultural Machinery (RNAM) of ECAP initiated a sub
network activity on testing, evaluation and adoption of weeders during 1978. In the
first workshop of RNAM in 1979. The available weeder in the participating
countries namely India, Indonesia, Peoples Republic of Korea, Philippines,
Shrilanka and Thailand were selected for testing and evaluation.
Types of weeders:
1. Manual weeders
a) Small tools or aids
b) Chopping hoes
c) Pull type hoes
d) Push type weeder
e) Push – pull weeder
Manual weeders
These are various types of weeders which can be used for mechanical
weeding in line sown rice. Manual and bullock mechanical weeder are friendly to
environment, reduced time requirements, reduces human effort, manipulate the
crop root zone reducing plant mortality, enhance root and shoot growth. The time
saved by use of mechanical weeders may be utilized in better care and
management of crop gaining higher yield. The mechanical weeders are also
reported to be economical than chemicals and other methods Bhardwaj (2004).
Khan and Diesto (1987) reported that development of push type cono
weeder which uproots and buries weeds in a single pass without requiring a back
forth movement, specially suitable for rice. Manual weeding of rice in one hectare
requires on an average of 120 man hrs. The cono weeder is about twice as for as to
operate as that conventional rotary weeder.
Mishra and Vishwakarma (1992) have reported that the human labour
output was increased by 8-10 times in weeding with developed Ambika paddy
weeder. The weeder cuts the weed into small segments and incorporates those into
the mud and facilitates recycle of the plant nutrients in the soil and improve the soil
Moorthy and Das (1992) conducted field trials in sandy loam soil and
evaluated effectiveness of 2 types of manually operated implement (the rice wheel
hoe and the finger weeder), used either once at 15 days after sowing or twice (15
and 30 days after sowing) and compared with hand weeding once at 15 days and
twice at 15 and 30 days for weed control in rice. The rice wheel hoe used twice
resulted in the 80% weed control and gave rice grain yield 1.65 t/ha and straw
yields 3.54 t/ha. The finger weeder used twice resulted in the weed control 86.7%
and grain yields 2.18 t/ha and the rice wheel hoe used twice resulted in straw yields
4.68 t/ha. All weed control treatments increased percentage weed control, grain
yields and straw yields from un-weeded control values of 0, 0.18-0.64 t/h and 0.47-
1.63 t/h, respectively to 26.7-86.7, 0.5-2.18 t/h and 2.03-4.68 t/h, respectively. The
rice wheel hoe used twice resulted in the greatest benefit-cost ratio.
Sharma and Gogai (1996) observed that manually operated weeder used
twice at 20 and 30 days after emergence controlled the weeds effectively and
recorded low weeds.
simple, effective and the result is immediately observed. Tests result shows a
weeding index (e) of 74.53%, efficiency of cutting blades 88% and field capacity
of 0.02 ha/h. Small scale farmers can take advantage of the improved weeder to
control weeds on their farms.
Kumar et al. (2013) reported that, two types of manual weeder (cono-
weeder and Mandava weeder) for shallow water conditions was selected and
evaluated for different age group of workers (25 to 30, 30 to 35, and 35 to 40
years) at different day timings (T1 = 8.00 to 11.00 AM, T2 = 12.00 to 2.00 PM,
and T3 = 4.00 to 6.00 PM). The weeding operations by different age group of
workers at different working hours showed that the heart rates corresponding to
cono-weeder and Mandava weeder was 154.54 beats/min and 140.17 beats/min,
respectively. Oxygen consumption rate was 1.76 l/min and 1.47 l/min respectively.
Working during 12:00 to 2:00 PM with both weeders developed maximum heart
rate and oxygen consumption rate as compared to 8:00 to 11:00 AM and 4:00 to
6:00 PM. The study also reveals that, agricultural workers of 25 to 30 years age
group developed maximum working heart rate and oxygen consumption rate
during weeding operations, which were higher than the age groups of 30 to 35
years and 35 to 40 years.
preference with weed management practices. The ring hoe had the highest rank
with 97 % farmer‟s preference in the fields of non-ponded water and relatively.
Biswas et al., (1999) reported that the animal drawn weeder works
between crop row spacing, the weeds left over along rows may be removed
manually. The straight blades in traditional hoes tend to remove weeds up to the
working width of the blades. However, due to clogging of the straight edges, the
output is adversely affected. So there is need to study and use improved blades.
Power weeders:
Power weeeders are self propelled walking type machines used for
weeding specially in lowland rice.
Zachariah (1967) has reported that tractive tillers are comparatively light
in weight. They usually fitted with 4 to 7 hp air cooled petrol or kerosene engine is
suitable for both wet and dry land farming.
Yatsuk, et al., (1982) has reported about use of miniature rototillers for
soil working. Rototillers with small cutting width can also be used for light
cultivation and weeding the space between the rows of some crops. Manual weeder
with a flexible drive shaft and a portable engine earned on the shoulders is one of
the types of miniature rototillers. The depth of soil working is regulated by the
forward speed of the tiller : the lower the speed, the reater the depth of soil
working. Miniature tillers are widely used in England, Japan and Italy. Pandey
(1983) defined the mini power tiller as the smallest types of power tiller fitted with
2 to 4 hp petrol/ kerosene or diesel air cooled engine. It weighs from 60 to 100kg.
Md.Wali Ullah and Kofoed (1987) after testing found that both fuel
consumption rate (L/h) and fuel consumption per ha (L/ha) are direct functions of
the forward speed and depth of tillage.
Singh (1988) used a portable frame and engine of knap sack power
sprayer to transmit rotary motion to a serrated disc rotary blade. A flexible shaft
was used as means of power transmission. Also an electric motor of 0.5 hp was
used as prime mover for operating the same machine set. On testing the man-hour
requirement of knapsack sprayer engine and electric motor operated slasher came
57 and 50 respectively. But after some time of operation flexible shaft had broken
due to more jerks coming on it. He also developed a front mounted power tiller
attached cutter blade to accomplish cutting in small time period. Bearings inside a
hollow shaft were used to support a cutting blade rotating in horizontal plane and
power transmission was done using a bevel gear set and V-belt. On testing it was
found that only 16 man-hour are required to accomplish the cutting of one ha but
power of the engine was underutilized thus making wastage of energy.
speed and working depth were kept constant at 1.33 km/h and 100 mm
respectively. The performance criteria were specific energy requirement and
puddling index. The result revealed that the spiral edge tyne gave about 9.31
percent higher performance index than the straight edge tyne under wet land
Sahay et al., (1996) developed a rotary grass/bush cutter. The machine used
a 3 hp petrol start kerosene run engine and V-belt to drive a blade rotating in a
horizontal plane. The developed machine performed well in lawns and fields
having slopes upto 100 percent and grass/ bush thickness of 2 cm and height 1.5 m.
However bigger wheels were needed to support the chasis for coping up with the
undulations of more than 30 cm depth and hikes.
Viren M Victor and Ajay Verma (2003) designed and developed a power
operated rotary weeder for wetland rice cultivation and fabricated at the faculty of
agriculture engineering workshop, IGKVV, Raipur, India during 1999-2000 and
tested in the experiment field. A 0.5-hp petrol driven engine was used for power
weeder with a reduction gear box. The power transmission from engine to traction
wheel and to the cutting unit was provided by means of a belt, pulley and chain
sprocket. For cutting four L shaped standard blades were used on the hub, and and
in turn fitted on rotary shaft. With 200mm spacing, the field capacity the machine
varied between 0.04 to 0.06 ha/h with field efficiency of 71 per cent. The weeding
efficiency of the machine was 90.5 per cent. The machine was simple, easy to
fabricate by local artesian.
transmission unit, three sets of weeding blades main frame and ground wheel. The
length, width and height of weeder are 0.85, 0.32, 0.65m, respectively. The cutting
blade width is 0.24 m which rotates at 800 rpm. The field test was conducted in
moist soil condition, determined weeding efficiency as 95% with effective weeding
capacity of 0.053 ha/h and fuel consumption of 0.7l/h. The production cost of
weeder is US$ 285 in 2007.
main tillage components of rotary tillers. In designing the rotary tiller shaft, it was
revealed that in addition to the torsional moment, the flexural moment was also
effective on the system safety. It was also recognized that in designing a rotary
tiller, blades are most subjected to fracture by incoming stresses. The optimal value
of rotor diameter considering the values of maximum tangent force was about 39.4
Alizadeb (2011) studied field performance evaluation of four types of
mechanical weeders, single row conical weeder (W1), two rows conical weeder
(W2), rotary weeder (W3) and power weeder (W4) and was compared with hand
weeding (W5) in rice. The results revealed that among the mechanical weeders, the
highest weeding efficiency (84.33%) was obtained with W4 and the lowest value
(72.80%) was measured with W3. The average of damaged plants in mechanical
weeders was obtained as 3.83% compared to 0.13% in hand weeding. The weeding
cost was reduced by 15.70, 38.51, 22.32 and 48.70% for W1, W2, W3 and W4,
respectively as compared to W5.
Olaoye et al., (2011) studied on the motion of weeding disc at any point on
the surface of a rotary tiller. The weeder consists of 5 hp petrol engine, three
pneumatic ground wheel, tool assembly, frame and handle. The performance of the
weeder was investigated by considering the effects of four (4) weeding tools (Iron
rod tine, Cable tine, Line yard tine and Plastic strand tine) and three (3) levels of
weeding speeds (1804 rpm, 2435 rpm, 3506 rpm) on the weeding index, weeding
efficiency and field capacity. The study resulted that for the forward speeds of 0.4
m/s to 0.5 m/s and engine speeds of 1804 rpm to 2261 rpm the weeding efficiency
was 54.98% to 59.05% respectively.
effect of moisture content (10%, 13% and 16%) and the type of cutting blades (Flat
blade, spike tooth blade and curved blade) on the machine efficiency, quality
performance efficiency, percentage of uprooted weeds and percentage of partially
uprooted weeds. At 16% soil moisture content, the spike tooth blades gave the best
machine efficiency by 94%, quality performance efficiency by 84%, percentage of
uprooted weeds by 2.8% and least percentage of partially uprooted weeds by 1.8%.
Thorat, D. et al., (2013) was designed and developed for weeding of ridge
planted crops. The main working components of the weeder were cutting blades
and rotor shaft. Three types of blades (L-type, C-type and Flat-type) were selected
having length, width and thickness of 100 mm, 25 mm and 6 mm, respectively,
operating with a rotor shaft of 18 mm in diameter. C-type blades were most
suitable at gang speed of 200 rpm and 15.26±0.96% (d.b) soil moisture content
with weeding efficiency, plant damage, field capacity of 91.37%, 2.66%, and 0.086
ha.h-1, respectively. Time saving with ridge profile power weeder as compared to
manual weeding was 92.97 per cent.
six L shaped blades were provided on the hub which in turn was fitted on rotary
shaft. The weeding efficiency (91%), quality of work (14%), field efficiency (60%)
and operational cost was found to be 808.42.
Hegazy et al., (2014) developed a power weeder for maize crop with
modified vertical blades which were mounted on a circular rotating element on its
horizontal side; the motion was transferred to blades units by amended
transmission system. The effect of weeder forward speeds, depth of operation,
number of blades and soil moisture content on fuel consumption, plant damage,
weeding index, effective field capacity, field efficiency, energy required per unit
area and total cost were studied. Three levels of soil moisture content (7.73, 12.28
and 16.18%), two blades arrangements (two and four vertical blades for each unit),
three weeder forward speeds (1.8, 2.1 and 2.4 km/h) and two depths of operation
(from 0 to 20 and from 20 to 40 mm) was chosen. The results showed that, the
minimum value of fuel consumption was 0.546 l/h and recorded by using two
blades with 1.8 km/h weeder forward speed at depth of operation ranged from 0-20
mm and soil moisture content 16.18 %. The highest field efficiency was 89.88% by
using two blades with 1.8 km /h weeder forward speed at depth of operation ranged
from 0 to 20 mm and soil moisture content 16.18%. The minimum value of
effective field capacity was 0.198 fed/h by using four blades, weeder forward
speed 1.8 km/h, soil moisture content 7.73% and under depth of operation ranged
from 20-40 mm. The lower value of total cost was 55.09 L.E /fed and was obtained
by using two blades with 2.4 km/h weeder forward speed at depth of operation
ranged from 0-20 mm and soil moisture content 16.18 %.
Ergonomic considerations:
David M. Fothergill et al., (1992) the study was illustrated the effect of the
hand object interface on the ability of a person to exert forces in different postures.
Subjects performed one handed maximum pulling exertions on four different
handle, placed 1.0 m and 1.75 above the ground. The strength manual exertion was
significantly affected by handle type and handle placement. Analysis of variance
also indicated a significant interaction between handle type and handle position.
Kumar and Divakar (1992) developed a weeder simulation test rig for
push- pull and pull type weeders to simulate the weeding conditions since control
of certain parameters viz soil moisture, weed population, depth of operation, force
applied on weder handle in the field is difficult when observations are made for
ergonomic studies with different subjects and weeders. In the test rig the pole shaft
actuations as affected by the by the weeder, the soil manipulating force
encountered, push-pull and reversible loading and quick return phenomenon are
simulated. Two subjects were tested using the test rig of 0-6 kg loading conditions
for four weeders and fatigue stree stabilization. During field operation of the
weeder the drudgery initiation was observed to be at shorter interval of 12 minute
for star, peg type weeders and fork hoe and 20 minute for hand hoe.
designers. Twenty nine body dimensions were measured for a sample of 134 farm
workers in the age group 18 to 50 years. Data has been analyzed statistically and
compared with those obtained for the farm workers of the other parts of the
country viz northern, southern, central and western. The stature to weight ratio was
found 3.02. Body dimensions were also compared with Americans, Germans and
Japanese and variation was found at 5 per cent level of significance.
Yadav and Tewari (1996) reported that anthropometric data and ergonomic
approach in design of frame equipment. An anthropometric survey of Indian farm
workers from eastern part of the country was conducted and these data would be
used for design of agriculture machinery to developed ergonomic consciousness
for the designers. Twenty nine body dimensions were measured for a sample of
134 farm workers in the age group of 18 to 50 years. Data has been analyzed
statistically and compared with those obtained for the farm workers of other part of
country viz northern, southern, central and western. The mean stature of Indian
workers was observed 162.1 cm while those for northern, southern, central and
western regions where 168.5, 160.79, 162.0 and 164.4 cm respectively. The stature
(cm) to weight (kg) ratio was found 3.02. The body dimensions were also
compared with Americans, Germans and Japanese and variation was found at 5 per
cent level of significant.
R. Remesan et.al, (2007) study revealed that both the weeders selected for
the study has its own strengths and limitations. Rotary weeder can be
recommended in the later stages of weed growth as the better weeding efficiency,
more turning of the soil and uprooting of weeds overrules the higher cost of
operation. Cono weeder performed the task with comparatively higher field
capacity, better performance index in the early stages of weed infestation. The field
performance analysis have shown that Weeding efficiency as 79 % and 72.5 %
respectively for Rotary weeder compared to Cono weeder with damage factor of
7.06% and 4.55% respectively. It was found that a male subject took an average of
48.78 and 41 h/ha respectively for weeding operation with rotary and cono
weeders; whereas the female subject took 80.65 and 76.33 h/ha respectively. The
study also emphasised the variation of energy expenditure and overall discomfort
associated with different weeding practices. Work Related Body Discomfort
(WRBD) of farmers, associated with traditional hand weeding could be reduced to
a considerable extent by switching over to these weeders. The energy cost analysis
shown that weeding with these two tools viz. Cono weeder and Rotary weeder falls
in “heavy” class of agricultural labour classification and hand weeding falls in
“moderate” class for male labourers where as for female labourers these three
weeding operations are in “moderate” class.
Bini sam (2016) was found out and the mean working heart rate of operator
was 110 beats min-1. The operation was graded as “Moderately Heavy”. The work
pulse of the power rice weeder is within the limit of continuous performance of 40
beats min-1. The oxygen uptake in terms of VO2 max was above the acceptable
limit of 35% of VO2 max indicating that the three row power rice weeder was
could not be operated continuously for 8 hours without frequent rest-pauses. It is
suggested that two operators may be engaged in shift for a day long work with
three row power rice weeder. The weeding index was found to be 88%. Area
covered by the three row power rice weeder was 40 cent/hour while planting 30 cm
rowpacing. Mean overall discomfort rating on a 10 point visual analogue
discomfort scale ( 0- no discomfort, 10- extreme discomfort ) was 4.0 and scaled as
"More than Light discomfort".
This chapter’s deals with the design and testing of the developed single row
power weeder for rice. The various factors involved in design were operation
safety, light weight of machine, overcomes man power scarcity, saves time and
cost, easiness in fabrication are taken into account for its design procedure. The
operation and adjustment were made simple so that a village artesian can fabricate,
repair the weeder and farmer can operate the weeder easily.
The materials and methods about the development and testing of power
weeder are discussed in this chapter.
Experimental Site
The study was conducted in Swami Vivekananda College of Agricultural
Engineering Technology and Research Station, Faculty of Agricultural
Engineering, IGKV, Raipur (C ) situated at 21⁰ 14’ 02” N latitude and 81⁰ 43’11”
E longitude. The operational field meant for the study was selected from the
demonstration / research field of the faculty.
Raipur has a tropical wet and dry climate, temperatures remain moderate
throughout the year, except from March to June, which can be extremely hot. The
temperature in April–May sometimes rises above 48 °C. These summer month also
have dry and hot winds. In summers, the temperature can also go up to 50 °C. The
city receives about 1,300 mm of rain, mostly in the monsoon season from late June
to early October. Winters last from November to January and are mild (Anon.,
Design consideration
A manually operated power weeder was designed for weeding of
mechanical and manual transplanting of rice. From the design point of view- power
source (engine), cutting blades shaft were the important components of single row
power weeder for rice. A weeder has been built with interdependent purposes in
mind; as to say, the script in it (Akrich, 1992) can have a plethora of different
purposes. Such purposes can be seen as mechanisms, which may generate some
others in a causal sequence, and/or being connected with others at the same logical
Power requirement
Soil resistance has a considerable effect upon the power requirement of
weeder. Also, width of cut and speed of operation influences power requirement of
weeder. For calculating power requirement of the weeder, maximum soil resistance
was taken as 0.5 kgf/cm2. The speed of operation of the weeder was considered as
0.7 ms-1 to 1.0 ms-1. Total width of coverage of cutting blades was in the range of
12 to 30 cm. The depth of operation was considered as 5 to 8 cm, transmission
efficiency is 82%.
SR = soil resistance, N/mm2
d = depth of cut, cm
w = effective width of cut, cm
v = speed of operation, ms-1
Hence, power requirement is estimated as
Pd = Power required to dig the soil:
η = Transmission efficiency.
Thus, a prime mover of 1.49 kW (2 hp) was required for this weeder.
For designing worm the lead angle (λ) can be calculated by using the equation:
Nw = speed of the worm, 6000 rpm
The centre distance between the two worm gears (x) is calculated by the
pitch diameter of worm gear in the following expression:
Dg =m x Tg = 65.62 mm (3.6)
x= = = 41.93 mm (3.8)
Dw= pitch circle diameter of the worm, mm
Dg= pitch circle diameter of worm gear, mm
Ln = 59.316 mm
Pa = axial pitch, 6.08 mm
The face length (Lw) of the worm or threaded portion is calculated as:
Lw = Pa
Lw = 39.64 mm
Tw = number of threads on worm, (if Vr is in between 12 to 36 then Tw=2,
R.S. Khurmi,2012)
The following table shows the various proportions for worms in term of the axial
pitch (Pa) in mm
Table 3.1 Proportion of worm
P = power, kW
T = torque transmitted by the shaft, Nm
N = revolutions per minute
Considering engine speed as 6000 rpm and engine power 1.49 kW we get torque as
= 2.371 Nm
= 2371.40 Nmm
For designing the rotor shaft, the maximum tangential force which can be
endured by the rotor should be considered. The maximum tangential force occurs
at the minimum of blades tangential speed is calculated by the following (Bernacki
et al., 1972)
= 55.10 kg
Ks = Maximum tangential force, kg,
Cs = Reliability factor (1.5 for non-rocky soils and 2 for rocky soils),
Nc = Power of engine, hp,
ηc = Traction efficiency for the forward rotation of rotor shaft as 0.9,
ηz = Coefficient of reservation of engine power (0.7-0.8),
u = Minimum tangential speed of blades
N = Revolution of rotor, rpm, and
R = Radius of rotor, cm.
After substituting values for revolution of rotor shaft (176 rpm) and its
radius as 16 cm in equation (3.14), tangential peripheral speed was obtained as
2.94 ms-1.Using the tangential peripheral speed and other parameters in equation
(1), the maximum tangential force was determined to be 55.10 kg.
The maximum moment on the rotor shaft (Ms) is calculated through the
Ms= Ks x R (3.15)
Ms =55.10 x 16
Ms =881.6 kg-cm
The yield stress of rotor made from rolled steel (AISI 302) was 520 MPa.
The allowable stress on the rotor (τall) was calculated by the following equation
(Mott, 1985):
By substituting above values in the following equation, rotor shaft diameter was
calculated as:
D =14.3 mm
In order take into account fluctuating load during the operation, diameter of
the rotor shaft was selected higher than the calculated value as 16 mm.
Blades of the rotor are the components which directly interact with soil and
as such have major impact on the operation of the weeders. The material used for
manufacturing machines could be changed but this increases the associated costs
significantly. The way of reducing the power requirement and to improve the life
of machine is to improve geometry of blade. The interaction between soil and
machines takes place at the blades; thus by improving their geometry the power
required and the size of machine will reduce. The blade is designed & developed
using the popular blades designs used in market available weeders as base. The
finalized geometry not only reduces the power required but also decreases the cost
of manufacture. The weight of machine is also reduced as smaller power source
(engine) will be required to power the machine which will reduce the operating
cost of the machine. In rotary weeders, blades are attached to a flange mounted on
a rotating shaft usually by nuts & bolts. Commonly three types of blade geometries
are used as blades for weeders and tillers namely, L-shaped blades, C-shaped
blades and J-shaped blades. The C-shaped blades have greater curvature, so they
are recommended for penetration in hard field and better performance in heavy and
wet soils. The J-shaped blades are used for loosening, destroying the soil surface
compaction and giving better ventilation to the soil, generally used for tilling hard
and wet soils whereas L-shaped blades are the most common widely used for the
fields with crop residue, removing weeds (Bernacki et al., 1972 and Khodabakhshi
et al., 2013).
For cutter blade design, number of blade, cutting width and thickness were
important parameters. During cutting, blades would be subjected to shearing as
well as bending stresses. Total working width of the weeder was 300 mm having
rotor shaft of length of 250 mm. Total of 8 blades were provided with cutting
width of 40 mm. Therefore, four blades were provided on each flange and two
flanges were mounted on rotor shaft. The soil force acting on the blade (Ke) was
calculated by the following equation:
Ke= 55.1 kg
Ks = Maximum tangential force, kg,
Cp = Coefficient of tangential force as 0.8,
i = Number of flanges is 2,
Ze = Number of blades on each side of the flanges is 4 and
ne = Number of blades which act jointly on the soil by total number of
blades .
By solving eqn. 3, the soil force acting on the blade (Ke) was determined as
55.1 kg.
The dimensions of the blades are given in Fig. 1. The values of be, he, Ss, S
and S1 were equal to 0.2 cm, 2.0 cm, 4.0 cm, 8.0 cm and 1.0 cm respectively.
Considering the shape of the blades, the bending stress (σ zg), shear stress
(τskt), and equivalent stress (σzt) can be calculated by the following equations
(Bernacki et al., 1972):
σzg = bending stress, MPa,
τskt = shear stress, MPa, and
σzt = equivalent stress, MPa.
The bending stress, shear stress and equivalent stress were determined as
324.20 MPa, 216.25 MPa and 540.52 MPa, respectively.
Each blade must be capable to carry and throw the soil mass along the strip
and it is possible only when the blade has enough width. It was assumed that most
of the tilled soil mass is in the first half of the blade working depth and maximum
working depth should be assumed 6 cm for power weeder so that the minimum
blade width (W) can be determined using Eq. 3.18. The cutting angle (γ) is defined
as angle between the blade plane and tangent to circumference.
Hh=half of maximum working depth, m
α= angle of blade rotation from the horizontal, degree
β= angle of inclination of the blade from horizontal ,degree
γ= cutting angle, 23.8
H= maximum working depth
R= radius of rotor
L = 5.9 cm
v = forward speed, 0.65 m/sec
u= peripheral speed of rotor with radius R .
Maximum force required to cut the soil for each blade (P);
If we have maximum four blades but only one can cut and disturb the soil,
and 3 sets in the power rotor, so the maximum force required to cut the soil by
the weeder.
Ss is width of blade edge, 2 cm; and
E = 2.1 × 106 kg /cm2 for mild steel.
It is almost negligible and for safe design deflection should be < a/1200
(4.18 × 10-3 < 5 × 10-3), so, it is safe. The manufactured sets of blades are shown
in Fig. 3.6.
The equations given in (1) describe the absolute motion of the share to trace
the locus of A1' over time as sketched in fig.1. Let A1,0' denote the position of A1 as
it begins to cut through the soil. Denoting the depth of cut by a, the angle through
which AI rotates to get to A1,0' is given by ϕo which equals ωt0 such that from
equation, 1b),
The above expressions gives the necessary condition for cutting off a soil
slice. If the relative magnitudes of the peripheral velocity of the shares, V m and the
implement forward speed, V are such that dx/dt has the same direction as the
implement travel after penetrating the soil, then the share withdraws from the soil
without cutting off a soil slice. The different possible paths of a share through the
soil for various values of λ are illustrated in fig.2 which shows that cutting off a
soil slice is possible only when λ is greater than unity. Therefore, for any weeding
to occur with a rotary weeder, the ratio Rw / Vm must be greater than unity.
A= Ao + AB kg-m/dm3 (3.30)
Where: Ao and AB are the static specific work and dynamic specific work of rotary
tiller (kg-m/dm3), respectively, which can be calculated throw the following
equations (Bernacki et al, 1972):
AO = 0.1Co ko kg-m/dm3
Ab = 0.001au u2 kg-m/dm3
Ab = 0.001av v2 kg-m/dm3
C0 coefficient relative to the soil type,
ko specific strength of soil (50 kg-m/dm3) for very heavy soil
u is the tangential speed of the blades (m/s),
v is the forward speed (m/s), au and av are dynamical coefficients that are relative
together throw the following equation
av = au λ2 kg.s2/m4
Hendrick and Gill (1971) suggested the minimum value of 2.5 for λ.
Matyashin (1968) reported that at the forward rotation of the rotary weeder shaft,
the power consumption is decreased 10-15 %, in comparison with the shaft reverse
rotation. Hence, in this design the forward rotation was considered for the rotary
tiller shaft to reduce the power consumption and also utilization of the rotary
weeder thrust force at the forward rotation. In designing the rotary weeder, the hard
condition of the soil was considered. The values of Co, Ko and au in very heavy
soils are 2.25, 50 (kg/dm3), and 400 (kg.s2/m4), respectively (Bernacki et al, 1972).
= 11.25 kg-m/dm3
Ab = 0.001au u2 kg-m/dm3
= 0.576 kg-m/dm3
A = Ao + Ab kg-m/dm3
= 11.83 kg-m/dm3
In order to minimize the energy requirements for a given operation, the following
suggestions could be made:-
Power unit
and air cooled engine was used as a prime mover for the rice power weeder.
A light weight aluminium gear box connected vertical with the engine. The
power from the single central vertical rotor was transmitted to the rotor by means
of worm and worm gear arrangement. The rotary wheels were rotated by the power
transmission system of the engine. The bottom of the weeder is provided with the
float. The forward speed of the machine with a speed ratio of 34:1 from engine to
rotor shaft.
Floating mechanism
Rotary blades
In rotary weeders, blades are attached to a flange mounted on a rotating
shaft usually by nuts & bolts. Commonly three types of blade geometries are used
as blades for weeders and tillers namely, L-shaped blades, C-shaped blades and J-
shaped blades. The C-shaped blades have greater curvature, so they are
recommended for penetration in hard field and better performance in heavy and
wet soils. The J-shaped blades are used for loosening, destroying the soil surface
compaction and giving better ventilation to the soil, generally used for tilling hard
and wet soils whereas L-shaped blades are the most common widely used for the
fields with crop residue, removing weeds (Bernacki et al., 1972 and Khodabakhshi
et al., 2013).In this study, three units of rotary cutting blades were used for
weeding operation. Each unit consist of four “L” shaped blades connected in
orthogonally opposite direction on a rotary flange which is attached to the rotatory
shaft by means of sleeved hub and nut – bolt system. The rotary cutting blades
were made of MS flat 25×5 mm size, length of 11.3 cm. The MS flat are bending
from one end to form “L” shape to satisfy the cutting length of 4 cm and fixed to
rotary flange of 120 mm diameter by using nut and bolt of dia 10 mm. The cutting
blades were circular rotating in the horizontal plane. The blades were connected to
the rotating shaft with the help of nut, bolts and washer. Thus there was a provision
to change the type of blade whenever required.
4 blade
6 blade
8 blade
Mud flap
To avoid throwing of mud and stones towards operator and as a safety, a
mud flap is provided covering the upper and rear side of the blades of the rotary
cutting units. Upper side is made up of plastic sheet of length 490 mm and width
262 mm and the rear side is covered by rubber sheet of length 270 mm and width
190 mm. Both is connected and supported to the inner end of the handle by means
of 10 mm diameter, 20 mm length nut and bolt with the help of MS flat of size of
length 232 mm and width 20 mm.
Throttle lever
A hand operated throttle lever was provided for controlling the speed of the
machine and is attached to right hand side of the handle. Fig. 3.9 shows the
fabrication of power weeder in workshop, SVCAET & RS, FAE, Raipur.
Experimental detail
The field experiment was conducted at different field conditions in IGKV
research farm, Raipur. The selected plots were divided into four sub plots of 20
m x 20 m each, with a fairly regular, roughly rectangular or square shape. Three
subplots were weeded by using a different blade arrangement in developed
single row power weeder and one sub plot was weeded by ambika
paddyweeder. Relevant observations of each treatment regarding field
conditions of each were recorded before and after the weeding operation.
Power weeder with different numbers of blades and manual weeder (ambika
paddy weeder) are selected as treatments:
(T1) Power weeder- 4 blades, all are at 90 to each other
(T2) Power weeder-6 blades, all are at 60 to each other
(T3) Power weeder-8 blades, all are at 45 to each other
(T4) Ambika paddy weeder
Both independent and dependent variables used in the study were as shown in
Table 3.4.
Table 3.4 Variables taken for the study
Independent variables and their values
Soil moisture content 26.26 %, 25.27 %, 21.42 %
Blades arrangement for each unit Four, six and eight blades
Forward speed 1.5 to 2.6 km/hr.
Width of operation 14cm to 25 cm
Dependent Variables:
Fuel consumption Field efficiency
Plant damage Effective field capacity
Weeding Index Total cost
Field testing was done by following the testing criteria and aspects
mentioned by test codes. Testing of developed power weeder was tested as per IS:
1976:1976 test code and the following observations were recorded. Fig. 3.14
shows testing and performance evaluation of different treatments.
is operated between the line sown rows of rice by pushing and pulling action of
the weeder, weeds were cut and uprooted. Table.3.5 shows the specification
of Ambika weeder .
Operational parameters
Plant population
The total numbers of plants were counted in an area of one square meter by
a quadrate of 1m from randomly chosen places in each plot, before and after
Weed population
Weed population per square meter was recorded randomly from each plot
with help of 1m quadrate, after 15 DAS, 25 DAS and 35 DAS. All the weeds
present, in each plot were grouped under grasses, sedges and broad leaf weeds.
The bulk density of soil was determined by core cutter method. The core
sampler of the soil of known volume was collected and weighed. The soil bulk
density was determined as:
Bulk density = mass of soil / volume of soil
ρ = Bulk density, g/cm
W = Moisture content, (% db)
Ww = weight of moist soil, g
The depth of cut of the machine with different blades was measured in the
field by measuring the depth of soil layer tilled by the blade in a row. The depth of
the weeding was measured by measuring scale in different rows at different places.
Average of five observations was taken as depth of weeding and expressed in cm.
The width of cut of the machine with different blades was measured in the
field by observing the strip of soil and weeds cut in a row.
Weeding efficiency
W1 = Number of weeds counted per unit area before weeding operation
Plant damaged
It is the ratio of the number of plants damaged after operation in a row to
the number of plants present in that row before operation. It is expressed in
p = Number of plants in a 10 m row length of field before weeding.
q = Number of plants in a 10 m row length of field after weeding.
EFC = Effective field capacity, ha/h
A = Actual area covered, ha
Tp = Productive time, h
Ti = Non-productive time, h
Field efficiency
Field efficiency is the ratio of effective field capacity to the theoretical field
capacity, expressed as percentage. It includes the effect of time lost in the field and
of failure to utilize the full width of the machine.
ηe = Field efficiency, %
Fuel consumption
The fuel consumption has direct effect the economics of the power weeder.
It was measured by top fill method. The fuel tank was filled to full capacity before
the testing at levelled surface. After completion of test operation, amount of fuel
required to top fill again is the fuel consumption for the test duration. It was
expressed in litre per hour.
For ergonomic evaluation of weeders, four subjects were randomly
selected from 49 agricultural workers in and around IGKV, Raipur. The workers
were in the age group of 18-41 years. The entire sample of 49 subjects was
divided into three age groups of 18-25, 26-33 and 34- 41 years and subjects from
each age group were randomly selected for the study. Each subject was asked to
operate the weeders for 20 min in a rice field having a row-to-row spacing of
25cm at IGKV, Raipur. The physiological characteristics of selected subjects are
given in Table 3.6.
The ratio between height and weight of the subjects (H/W) could be
extensively used to define and classify physique of the subjects. The physical work
capacity is directly correlated with height and inversely with weight of the
subjects. Hence in this study, the subjects for the field investigation of performance
and ergonomic factors associated with weeding were selected on the basis of their
height to weight ratio.
Body mass index, also called BMI, is a calculation of a correlation between
a person’s height and weight that categorizes him or her as underweight, of normal
weight, overweight or obese, assuming a normal body composition. Underweight
is considered a BMI of 18.4 or lower. A BMI of normal weight is any number
between 18.5 and 24.9. The overweight range is between 25 and 29.9, with
anything above that being considered obese.
Regardless of activity level, a minimum level of energy is required to
sustain the body's everyday functions. Resting metabolism, the amount of calories
needed to supply the body with the minimum level of energy, differs between
individuals depending on variables such as age, weight, body composition and
energy expenditure.
Body age is based on resting metabolism. Body age is calculated by using
weight and body fat percentage to produce a guide to judge whether the body age
is above or below the average for actual age. Body age varies according to Body
composition and resting metabolism, even if height and weight is the same.
BPDS = S Xi x S (3.40)
BPDS = Body parts discomfort score
Xi = Number of body parts
S = Discomfort score (6 to 1)
Operational Cost
Cost of weeding operation performed for all treatments was worked out on
the basis of the prevailing input and fabrication price of the implements, machinery
and rental wages of operator and labours if required. The cost of operation of
power weeder is divided into two heads known as fixed cost and operation cost,
where fixed cost is independent of operational use while variable cost varies
proportionally with the amount of use.
The fixed cost includes depreciation, interest on the capital cost, shelter, insurance
and taxes. Operation cost includes, fuel, lubricants, repair and maintenances cost,
wages. Cost of weeding operation for power weeder was calculated in Rs./ha.
Operation cost of the power weeder was calculated and given in Appendix –C.
Fixed cost
It was a measure of the amount by which value of the machine decreased
with the passage of the time. According to the Kepner et al. (2005), the annual
depreciation was calculated as follows:
D = Depreciation per hour
C = Capital investments (Rs.)
S = Salvage value, 10% of capital investment (Rs.)
L = Life of machine in hours or years
Fuel cost
Fuel cost is calculated based on actual fuel consumption for the operation.
It can be determined depending upon the maintenance cost or depending
upon the oil price or oil consumption. Average lubrication cost is taken as 1.5% of
fuel cost in Rs. /h.
Wages of operator
Wages are calculated based on actual wages of workers per hour.
Total Cost/h = Fixed Cost per hour + variable Cost per hour
Fuel consum Fuel consumption ption
fuel consumption, l/h This chapter deals with performance of the designed and developed power
weeder for rice crop. The performance of the power weeder and corresponding
recommendations are also described in this chapter. Field performance test was carried out in
control condition as far as possible. The field performance results are shown and described in
this chapter. The method of weed management practice such as, mechanical weeder (Ambika
paddy weeder) is compared with power weeder for controlling weed. After satisfactory
running of the machine with the different blades, the performance was evaluated in line sown
rice field. The performance of the single row active power weeder and other different weed
management practices are expressed in terms of weeding efficiency, plant damaged, field
efficiency, fuel consumption, and cost of operation were calculated for 15, 25 and 35 days for
In single row active power weeder, the power transmission mechanism (worm and worm
gear arrangement), rotary cutting blades (“L” shaped), rotary shaft, handle, weeding width
adjustments and other accessories such as mud flap and throttle system for engine speed
control are the main developed parts of the available power weeder. The designed power
weeder worked satisfactorily.
The front mounted, two flanges having cutting blades fulfilled the weeding process
satisfactorily by cutting and uprooting weeds. The sharpened ends provided on the cutting
blades helped to cut the soil and provided a minimum tillage in between the crop rows.
Fuel consumption
Fuel consum Fuel consumption ption
Table.4.4 Effect of different blades of power weeder and ambika paddy weeder at different
stages of crop/weeds on the actual working depth of cut (cm).
Treatment Depth of cut, cm
At 15 DAS At 25 DAS At 35 DAS
4 blade 3.84 4.02 3.98
6 blade 4.72 4.72 4.74
8 blade 6.86 6.60 6.18
Ambika paddy weeder 2.8 2.4 1.9
SEm± 0.21 0.21 0.08
CD at 5% 0.65 NS 0.24
CV 10.54 9.23 4.21
Fuel consum Fuel consumption ption
Fuel consum Fuel consumption ption
Fig.4.5 Actual field capacity of power weeder with different blades and ambika paddy
Field efficiency
Fuel consum Fuel consumption ption
Field efficiency for different weeding operations for 15 DAS, 25 DAS and 35 DAS
are depicted in Table 4.7. It reveals that, for 35 DAS, the weeding efficiency was observed as
61.47% under single row active power weeder with using of 4 blade in a flange and at same
Fuel consum Fuel consumption ption
Table.4.7 Effect of different blades of power weeder and ambika paddy weeder at different
stages of crop/weeds on field efficiency
Treatment Field efficiency, %
Field efficiency, %
4 blade
6 blade
20 8 blade
At 15 DAS At 25 DAS At 35 DAS
Field efficiency, %
Fig 4.6 Field efficiency of power weeder with different blades and ambika paddy weeder
Fuel consum Fuel consumption ption
Weeding efficiency
Weeding efficiency for different weeding operations for 15 DAS, 25 DAS and 35
DAS are depicted in Table 4.8. It reveals that, for 35 DAS, the weeding efficiency was
observed as 88.62 % under single row active power weeder with using of 6 blade in a flange
and 82.10% for ambika paddy weeder.
The weeding efficiency for 25 DAS and 35 DAS was highest in power weeder with
using of 6 blades. In case of Ambika paddy weeder and power weeder, weeding operation
was done in between intra rows only and the weeds in inter rows were difficult to removed.
For 25 DAS, for a high intensity weeds, Ambika paddy weeder showed difficulty to remove
the fully matured weeds whereas the developed power weeder worked satisfactorily by
cutting and removing the weeds as a result rice power weeder showed higher result as
compared to the Ambika paddy weeder with 6 blades. In 35 DAS, the numbers of weeds were
less as compared to the number of weeds in 25 DAS. This may be due to the influence of first
weeding in 25 DAS.
Table.4.8 Effect of different blades of power weedcr and ambika paddy weeder at different
stages of crop/weeds on weeding efficiency (%)
Treatment Weeding efficiency, %
Plant Damaged
The plant damaged for different treatments are depicted in Table 4.9. It indicated that
the maximum plant damaged for 15 DAS was observed as 5.66% under treatment with 8
blades power weeder followed by 2.02% for treatment with 6 blades. Table 4.9 shows the
plant damaged for 25 DAS, again found highest with treatment under 8 blades among the
remaining 4 blades or 6 blades. The plant damaged shown by ambika paddy weeder at 15
DAS is 1.19% followed by 1.39% at 25 DAS and 1.43% at 35 DAS. In case of power weeder
and ambika paddy weeder, which is operated in intra rows, the rice plants which is grow out
of line were damaged. While during operation by power weeder with 8 blades, the soil over
topped on the crops and the number of plants buried in soil were large. This may be the
reason for the highest result of 6.48 % plant damaged.
Table.4.9 Effect of different blades of power weedcr and ambika paddy weeder at different
stages of crop/weeds on plant damaged (%)
Treatment Plant damage, %
79.19299 46.52341 44.34048
Fuel consum Fuel consumption ption
Heart rate,bpm
Weed control is one of the most difficult tasks in agriculture that accounts
for a considerable share of the cost involved in agriculture production. Farmers
generally expressed their concern for the effective weed control measures to arrest
the growth and propagation of weeds. Lack of man power has been identified as
one of the major problems for the sustainability of the rice industry. Hence
transplanters and seeders were well developed as a step for mechanization.
However, weeding method is still not well developed up to mechanization.
Mechanical weed control not only uproots the weeds between the crop rows
but also keeps the soil surface loose, ensuring better soil aeration and water intake
capacity. Weeding by mechanical devices reduces the cost of labour and also saves
Power weeders are one step towards the standardization of practices, e.g. it
has a fixed max rotational speed, fixed direction of movement, and it goes from
one side of the field to another. Conversely, manual weeders still rely heavily on
the characteristics of the operator(s), which cannot obviously be standardized. It is
affecting speed, direction of movement, and the movement needed to operate a
weeder, e.g. back and forth or constant push.
Looking to these problems and to give a new direction to the weeding
operation an attempt was made to design, develop and test single row power
weeder for rice.
Design and development of power weede would serve the purpose of
minimum damages done to rice plants, cost effectiveness, easy manuvelling, low
weight and fabrication by using freely available components and easy maintenance
are main features of this design. Here comes the relevance of mechanised weeding,
which is not a huge time consuming and significantly improves weeding efficiency
as well as the quality of weeding.
The developed power weeder was tested at different field conditions and on
the basis of those results obtained. Design parameters and their application in
developing power weeder for rice to be established. Hence, the study was
The testing was done in research field of SVCAET & RS, Faculty of
Agricultural Engineering, I.G.K.V., and Raipur and statically data was analyzed.
The testing was carried out to assess the technical and economic performance of
the developed power weeder. It was tested on the basis of field capacity, field
efficiency, weeding efficiency, performance index, energy consumption and cost
of operation. This study revealed the meaningful findings, which may be
developed further. Thus on the basis of the information observed during the study,
the following conclusions could be drawn.
1. The performance of rice weeder was found excellently on wet condition.
2. The working width of the developed machine should be adjustable between
140 mm to 250 mm.
3. Using four blades with forward speed 2.48 km/h and depth of operation
ranged from 3- 4.2 cm, with fuel consumption of 0.55 l/h, lower value of
plant damage and low power required from engine to operate the weeder.
4. The minimum value of effective field capacity was 33.33 h/ha and was
obtained by using eight blades, weeder forward speed 1.8 km/h, and
maximum depth of operation was found 6.2 cm but due to more depth of
cut, fuel consumption increases as 0.7 l/h.
5. The weeding efficiency found by using four blade, six blade and eight
blade as 82.92%, 88.62% and 87.75% respectively at 35 DAS.
6. The operating cost of the rotary rice weeder was Rs.980/ha compared to Rs.
2300/ha for manual weeding
7. The saving in cost of weeding was 60% and saving in time was 65%
compared to manual weeding.
8. The physiological cost was found out and the mean working heart rate of
operator was 109 beats min-1. The operation was graded as “moderately
9. The oxygen uptake in terms of VO2 max was above the acceptable limit of
35% of VO2 max indicating that the power rice weeder was could not be
operated continuously for 8 hours without frequent rest-pauses. It is
suggested that two operators may be engaged in shift for a day long work
with power rice weeder.
1. Weeder is to be designed which can perform more than one operation using
the same prime mover i.e. both for wet and dry land condition.
2. The developed power weeder needs further improvement in width
Agarwal, J.P. and Singh, O.P. 1968. All about weeds. Atual Publishing House,
Behera, B.K., Behera. D., Swain. S., Sahu, R.K. 1996. Performance evaluation of
manual weeders for rice crop in Orissa. Agricultural Mechanisation
in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 27(3):820-22.
Bhardwaj, K.C., Ganesan, S., Pandey, M.M., Singh, G. 2004. Equipment for
weeding and inter-cultivation. Directory of Agricultural Machinery
and Manufacturers. NATP. Prototype Manufacturing of Agricultural
Implements. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal.146-56.
Pannu, C.J.S., Dixit, A. Garg, I.L. and Dogra, B. 2002. Feasibility evaluation
of rotary power weeder on wider row crop like cotton, maize,
sunflower and soybean, Annual Report, Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana. 18-26.
Panwar, J.S. 1999. Design and development of small engine operated weeder
cum seeder. Presented in XXXIV. Annual Convention of ISAE, C.S.
Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar:16-18.
The initial cost of power weeder has been calculated by adding up the cost
of individual components involved in the fabrication at the prevalent market price.
These were then added to a reasonable percentage for fabrication cost and
marginal profit of manufacturer.
The cost of power weeder is divided under the two heads know as fixed
cost and variable cost.
Initial Cost of Machine
The initial cost of the power weeder was calculated on the basis of total
materials used in fabrication and the cost of fabrication.
Cost of power weeder/ Capital Cost = Rs 19000/-
Economic Analysis
Following assumption was made for economic analysis of power weeder:
1. Depreciation (D)